Dwarf coniferous trees. Low-growing conifers. Caring for coniferous plants

Dwarf coniferous trees. Low-growing conifers. Caring for coniferous plants

Since time immemorial, people have used coniferous plants to decorate the area around their home. And no wonder: coniferous trees and shrubs are very useful; they emit special substances into the atmosphere - phytoncides, which can kill pathogenic bacteria. Thus, coniferous plants make the surrounding air cleaner and fresher. In addition, this class of flora in itself and individually is very beautiful, and correctly selected and planted conifers can decorate even the most ugly and shapeless area. Therefore, be sure to plant conifers in your dacha, and which ones to choose coniferous plants for the garden , we will talk further.

So, let's start with Christmas trees. These beauties look wonderful both in winter and in summer; there are so many varieties of Christmas trees for the garden plot that your eyes run wild. There are even they do not grow higher than 1.5 m, which is naturally a huge plus. I wouldn’t really like to have a huge spruce tree on the plot, which takes up a lot of space, and even casts a shadow over the entire plot. It is for small gardens that special small-type Christmas trees have been bred.

This is Prickly Spruce Glauca Globosa - a fluffy, prickly ball of blue or gray color. It grows well in garden plots, is not picky in care, and besides, it is very slow growth makes it possible to grow this Christmas tree in the garden.

Another type of dwarf spruce is the Norway spruce Frohburg. This plant has a drooping crown of dark green color. Caring for it, like the previous spruce, is simple; it can be planted near an alpine hill or gazebo. Unusual view This spruce will undoubtedly enliven the landscape of your site.

Very beautiful low-growing variety creeping herringbone - Norway spruce Lombartsii. Such a dark green Christmas tree can decorate the slopes of an uneven area, enliven a rock garden, and become the main accent in decorating the shore of a country pond.

Cypress trees also fit perfectly into the garden landscape, especially in Japanese gardens. Of the low-growing cypress trees, I can recommend the following variety: Filifera Aurea. Very unusual plant the needles will become light green, even slightly yellow a bright spot against the backdrop of the monotonous greenery of the garden.

The low-growing Pendula Larch is beautiful in its drooping slenderness. This beauty must be planted near a garden pond so that the branches lightly touch water. The harmony of the ground part of the plant and the water surface is fascinating and thought-provoking.

We can talk endlessly about juniper; there are so many varietals of them that it is sometimes difficult to figure out which one is which. Therefore, I can say the following about junipers: low-growing junipers include Horizontal Juniper, Cossack Juniper, Coastal Juniper, Medium Juniper, and Scaly Juniper. They differ in color scheme and by the structure of the needles, but in any case, all these junipers can serve as a green hedge along the border of a plot or to decorate a certain place in the garden. Unpretentious in care, junipers will not cause you any problems in growing. Here, as they say, I planted it and forgot about it.

I think the low-growing coniferous plant, Balsam Fir Nana, is very beautiful. This prickly, but at the same time fluffy coniferous “ball” does not grow higher than 1.5 m in height, which makes Nana fir another option for a hedge. Beautiful needles with an unusual structure will definitely attract the attention of guests of your garden, and correct pruning This fir can give the overall picture a complete and original look.

Also, low-growing coniferous plants for planting in the garden include: Mountain Pine Allgau, Mountain Pine Fruhlingsgold, Mountain Pine Gnom, Mountain Pine Humpy, as well as Thuja occidentalis Danica Aurea, Thuja occidentalis Golden Tuffet, Thuja occidentalis Rheingold, Thuja occidentalis Tiny Tim .

Low-growing coniferous plants will add charm to your garden or summer cottage, and relaxing in the shade of a coniferous tree will be not only pleasant, but also healthy.

Nothing brightens up flower beds like miniature conifers. For small gardens, most of them are a real salvation, as they take up little space and are very decorative. Without them, now the design of flower beds, rockeries or any element landscape design looks incomplete and boring.

Juniper Compressa

  • Almost all species are evergreen, although the color can be different and decorative throughout the year.
  • Almost all of them are adapted to our cold climate, and even if they are not, they are easy to cover for the winter.
  • Caring for them is much easier, since there is no need to form a crown.
  • They are planted in areas of any size.

Dwarf types of coniferous plants for the garden

So, we have a choice of dwarf species of pine, spruce, juniper, fir, thuja, dwarf. Round, cone-shaped, creeping along the ground, from 50 cm to 1.5 m high, they look elegant and unusual all year round.

Black spruce Nana

They also differ in the height and shape of the crown, the length and color of the needles. Varieties with golden, yellow, blue, and silver-gray needles have been developed. And how many shades of green they produce on the site!

IN modern selection The following classification of trees and shrubs is practiced:

  1. Dwarf - annual growth 8-15 cm;
  2. Miniature - growth 3-8 cm per year;
  3. Microscopic - growth of no more than 3 cm per year.

The largest number of varieties of ornamental plants were produced by pine and spruce. For example, the Winter Gold pine changes the color of its foliage - it is green in summer and turns golden in winter.

common spruce

Spruce Glauca (blue) Conica

  • Spruce Glauca (gray) Conica - regular cone-shaped crown, dense bright green needles.
  • Maxwelli - cushion-shaped, rounded crown, no more than 1.5 m high, dark green prickly needles with a yellowish tint.
  • Nidiformis - the shape of its crown resembles a nest, the needles are a beautiful rich green color.
  • Little Gem - flat-rounded crown with a nesting depression, fluffy and thick needles with very thin needles.
  • Reflexa is a creeping bush.
  • Repens is a creeping species, no more than 50 cm high, the color of the needles is from yellow-green to dark green.
  • Pygmaea - its height does not exceed 100 cm, the needles are green.
  • Glauca Globosa - rounded crown, blue needles.
  • Moll - wide conical crown with beautiful blue and white needles.


Juniper horizontalis Glauca

  • Common juniper Compressa – columnar shape, gray-green needles.
  • Glauca is a creeping species with a blue hue.
  • Juniper scaly Meyeri is an upright bush with blue foliage with a steel tint.


Thuja Little Gem

  • Nana is a compact bush with bluish-green needles.
  • Compressa - columnar-shaped crown.
  • Mountain pine Mops - round crown.
  • Brevifolia – compact bush barrel-shaped with dark green needles.
  • Winter Gold is a spherical bush whose needles change color. In summer it is green in color, and in winter it is golden.
  • Shrub pine Gnom is a spherical bush with dark green foliage.

Cedar dwarf

  • Glauca is a multi-stemmed compact bush with bluish foliage.

Thuja occidentalis

  • Ellwangeriana Aurea - bright golden needles with a copper tint.
  • Rosenthali is a columnar-shaped bush.


  • Balsam fir Hudsoniana – no more than 30 cm high.
  • - up to half a meter high with amazingly beautiful cones.

Canadian hemlock

  • Pendula - with a spreading crown of a weeping shape.

When choosing seedlings, check the names of suitable coniferous trees for the garden, their varieties and find out how much they will grow on your site.

Where to plant

The advantage of small species of shrubs is that they do not need to be cut; they look beautiful almost anywhere against the background of low flowers or in a composition with taller shrubs.

They look especially impressive in a combination of greenery and stones. A small conifer planted in the center of the flowerbed will give it additional charm. And creeping species will cover not-so-beautiful areas of land.

If you plan to create a decorative composition from several types, consider how they will look in 5-10-15 years. Holes for planting must be dug “for growth” so that after a few years the plants do not interfere with each other.

Mountain pine Sherwood Compact

Consider the vertical profile of the composition in advance, because they will all stretch out differently.

Do not plant dwarf conifers in the shade of deciduous trees. Falling leaves create a favorable background for the proliferation of pests.

Caring for dwarfs

Most evergreens are drought sensitive. They are watered not only at the roots, but it is advisable to give them a shower along the needles, the so-called sprinkling.

They need soil that is not too fertile, but they require more light.

To prevent young shoots from getting a spring burn, it is worth wrapping the crown at the end of winter decorative fir trees and pine trees (especially green ones) with burlap, and in April remove it, and gradually.

In conifers root system located very close to the surface. Therefore, to avoid damaging the sensitive roots, it is good to lay a tiled path along the planting.

Juniper horizontal Wiltoni

Coniferous trees for the garden are also good because you don’t have to remove fallen leaves. And the use of creeping varieties when decorating flower beds can replace mulching.

It is no longer uncommon to find dwarf coniferous trees and shrubs in summer cottages. For a better understanding of the topic, let us explain that dwarf forms include plants whose height in adulthood is less than 3.6 m, or they grow in height so slowly that they reach maturity after more than a dozen years. Let’s talk about these “little ones”.

What attracts dwarf conifers

Breeders from different countries put a lot of effort into bringing out as many as possible coniferous species. Their efforts were not in vain, and now there is an impressive variety of ornamental coniferous plants, among which you can find varieties with regular geometric shapes and bizarre growth anomalies, with needles not only of green shades, but also with yellow, golden, bluish and silver. Such an interesting direction as the selection and breeding of dwarf coniferous species, characterized by miniature sizes and slow growth rates, has not gone unnoticed.

Dwarf variations were found in a large number of coniferous plant species: spruce, pine, juniper, yew, etc. The unusual miniature size generates interest in such plants, because we are all more accustomed to seeing coniferous giants tens of meters high. What is also admirable about dwarf conifers is that in other respects, except for size, they exactly copy their full-sized relatives. Another advantage of conifers is due to their compactness - much less space is required for planting them. For this reason, some gardeners even collect different types of conifers in their dwarf varieties.

Dwarf conifers appeared in our gardens relatively recently, but quickly fell in love with many gardeners. At the same time, there were certain mistakes in their breeding, associated with a misunderstanding of what place they should be given in the garden. The reason was that the concept of “dwarf conifers” united different species that differed greatly in growth rates, which is why it often turned out that one dwarf species grew by 2-3 cm during the year, and another by a couple of tens of centimeters. Naturally, due to such a difference in growth, the initially planned plantings eventually lost their intended outlines, and the need for new transplants and redevelopments arose.

Unfortunately, the trend of inaccurate use of concepts continues to this day, both in the literature and among sellers.

The classification of dwarf varieties according to their growth patterns, which is so important for a harmonious landscape design, has already been created, but not everyone uses it yet.

Dutch gardeners who dealt with the problem of classifying dwarf conifers proposed divide them into:

  • full-grown, which can grow more than 30 cm per year, and at 10 years of age reach a height of 3 m;
  • medium-sized and semi-dwarf with an average annual growth of 15-30 cm;
  • dwarfs (dwarf), characterized by an average annual growth of 8-15 cm;
  • mini-dwarfs with an increase of approx. 3-8 cm per year;
  • microdwarfs with an annual growth rate of no more than 3 cm.

General recommendation: first find out everything about the dwarf, then buy and plant. The main sources of information for you will be a sales consultant, the Internet, and advice from friends who have experience with dwarf conifers. If the necessary information from these sources is insufficient, then you can only rely on visual inspection plants and label research. By eye, you can try to determine the growth rate of the past and current year in the guide, or in the side shoots.. A good label indicates the genus, species, variety, plants - it certainly should be in Latin. Ideally, the nursery in which the plant was grown is also indicated.

To choose the right dwarf coniferous tree for your garden, it is recommended to determine which category from the classification described above the seedling you like belongs to. Knowing what crown shape is typical for this species, it will be easier to estimate the parameters of the tree in a few years and, taking this into account, choose it appropriate place in the landscape of your garden.

Dwarf conifers: planting and landscape design issues

Compose harmonious composition from dwarf coniferous plants is not so simple: you have to take into account not only aesthetic and spatial requirements, but also find the right place for each tree, taking into account its potential size and growth rate. Therefore, it is precisely what the seedling will become in a few years that you need to focus on. Using information about the average annual growth of dwarf conifers planted on the site, you have to calculate what diameter the seedling will be after 5, 10 or even 15 years, how much it will increase in height and width.

A particularly careful approach is required when planting mini- and micro-dwarfs. Their modest size allow you to include them in the composition of a rock garden, rocky garden or slide. In general, dwarf conifers always look harmonious against a rocky background; miniature green spaces greatly enliven the harsh rocky landscape. A group of dwarf conifers greatly benefits from an aesthetic aspect if the ground under them is mulched pine bark.

Descriptions of some popular coniferous dwarfs

Below we will describe several popular dwarf forms of coniferous plants that can wonderfully decorate your garden.

Mountain pine is the record holder for the number of dwarf forms, the most famous varieties are “Gnom”, “Mops”, “Winter Gold”, there are many varieties with a dense crown in the shape of a ball and unique micro-dwarfs - “Frodo”, “Kaktus”, “Mini Mini”. Almost all soils are suitable for pine and its dwarf forms.

Balsam fir "Hudsonia" - also very interesting dwarf plant, no more than 30 cm high and a crown up to 60 cm in diameter. It grows very slowly and has a pleasant aroma. Ideal solution for small gardens.

Lawson's cypress "Minima Aurea" is a very pretty dwarf conifer with bright yellow needles, shaped like a pyramid. It is easy to grow, you just need to protect it from the winds.

Juniper scaly "Meyeri" is another dwarf juniper with dimensions of 90 cm x 60 cm.

Quite shaggy, but immediately attracts the eye. Cool blue color.

Sometimes brownish spots appear on adult specimens, which are recommended to be cut off.

Canadian spruce "Konika" - quite large for dwarf form plant (120 cm x 60 cm). One of the most popular varieties of coniferous plants. It is distinguished by a strict conical shape, which does not lose over time. The needles on new shoots are a pleasant bright green shade.

Pseudotsuga Menzies "Fletchery" is not the smallest dwarf coniferous plant (90cm x 150cm).

The needles of the needles are colored blue-green, the bark is furrowed, and the top is flat.

Canadian hemlock "Pendula" is a winter-hardy dwarf conifer; the term "Pendula" in the name indicates that it belongs to the weeping forms, therefore it looks especially impressive when its branches hang from the wall.

Thuja occidentalis "Hurt's Midget" - but this is a very miniature plant (30 cm x 30 cm). It grows in the shape of a dense ball with soft needles. Perfect for a small garden plot and will feel good in not very dense shade.

Thuja occidentalis "Rheingold" is another variety of thuja, but larger (90 cm x 90 cm). The plant looks as if its branches were combed upward, thanks to which the spherical shape was transformed into a conical one. This material will tell you about preparing conifers for winter.

The rich golden color of the needles begins to cast bronze in the fall.

Coniferous plants are rapidly filling our garden plots, decorating the corners of gardens of any landscape style. The importance of conifers in garden design it is difficult to overestimate: they create the basis of large and small compositions, decorate or completely cover nondescript fragments of the garden and architectural buildings, create evergreen color arrays or act as soloists against the background of the lawn. In combination with stones, conifers are recreated in miniature cozy corners nature, delight the eye all year round and add warmth to the palette of the garden canvas. In the snowy season, they complement the graphics of bare deciduous and perennial plants, maintain the “shape” of the garden. Many conifers change needle color throughout the season, adding unexpected pops of color.

Today's gardener is already quite competent in the assortment of conifers presented on Russian market. The experiments with heat-loving “tails” from the Dutch mix, with plants without the name “from grandma” are behind us. The time has come for a conscious and purposeful selection of suitable and original candidates for our garden plots. The market supply is quite large, and I want to select conifers that would stand out from others with some bright distinctive property, unusual shape, silhouette, unexpected growth pattern or eye-catching color of the needles. I dare to say that there are a great many such plants, since many years of work by breeders and dendrologists have given the world a wide range of coniferous plants to suit all tastes. A considerable part of this huge list is suitable for our harsh climate. I propose to take a walk through the virtual “arboretum” and consider the “very best” conifers that are commercially available and suitable for growing in Russian conditions. Let's start with plants that stand out for their shape, and primarily for their exceptional size - giants and dwarfs...

Miniature conifers are gaining increasing popularity among amateur gardeners. They perfectly complement stone compositions, decorate small gardens and do not grow much over time. The latter quality is especially valuable because dozens of plants can be planted in a small area and their development can be observed for many years.

Miniature, or dwarf, are considered conifers that do not exceed 1-1.5 m in maturity. Advantages The beauty of miniature conifers is undeniable: they do not require pruning or shearing, and independently acquire and maintain a compact, dense shape. They do not require additional care, do not require fertilizers and are unpretentious to soils and growing conditions. Since “miniatures” spend most of their lives wintering under thick snow, there are no problems associated with preparing for winter and spring burns sun rays. Wintering under snow gives a chance to grow miniature varieties even of conifers, the original species of which are not winter-hardy in our climate. This applies, for example, to varieties cypress trees - Lawson, stupid .

The origin of dwarf varieties is different: most are obtained from cuttings taken from “witches’ brooms”, some are found in nurseries among the mass of seedlings. Breeders collect cones from “witches’ brooms” and make crops in which unique miniatures appear. Sometimes artificial influence on genetic material is used.

Of course, numerous attractive anomalies have been discovered directly in nature. Some finds have spread throughout the world and have already become classics - for example, popular varieties mountain pine - ‘Pug’, ‘Gnome’, ‘Humpy’, ‘Ophir’ . It is surprising that the number of varieties of mountain pine is measured in thousands of names, and this list is updated annually through the efforts of amateur enthusiasts! Many of them are as similar as two peas in a pod, but some stand out as something special. For example, variety ‘ Fructata’ densely strewn with small cones, variety 'Lilliput' has completely short needles, variety ‘Ungrowth’ forms a flat cake, grade 'Jacobsen' resembles a bonsai variety 'White Bud' - with bright white buds.

Mountain pines with the prefixes “ mugus" And " pumilio" A clarification is necessary here: these names are not varieties of mountain pine, they are two common natural forms that occur naturally when planted. “Mugus” is a large, prostrate shrub with long needles, growing up to five meters in cultivation, “pumilio” is a dense low shrub with short needles, not exceeding 1 m in height. In nature, both forms appear simultaneously, but depending on the growing conditions, one is fixed or another form, sometimes both at the same time. In nurseries, young mountain pine seedlings are conventionally divided into these two categories, grown and sold under the appropriate names.

I will list some miniature conifers. All varieties are good without exception mountain pine, Scots pine, Scots spruce. Among the pine varieties, the bluish ball is interesting 'Bennett Compact' , a variety with a dense dark green crown ‘ Globosa Viridis' , dense balls 'Jeremy', 'Sandringham' , bonsai sculpture ‘Laponum Kvenangen’ . Norway spruce: classic ‘Little Gem’, ‘Pygmaea’, ‘Minima’, ‘Ohlendorffii’ , short-needle variety ‘Zajecice’ , a variety with miniature cones 'Pusch' . Take a closer look at dwarf fir varieties. Korean fir is especially attractive Oberon', 'Pinocchio', 'Silberkugel', 'Blauer Eskimo', 'Kristalkugel' , 'Tundra' , balsam fir‘Nana’, fir monochrome'Piggelmee'. All of these plants prefer full sun or light partial shade; in such conditions they retain their compact shape and bright needles.

Miniature conifers for a shady garden

But what should you do if the area is shady? What miniature conifers can grow in the shade of trees and tolerate a lack of sun? For places like this perfect choice cypress and hemlock trees, their compact varieties, will become. The range of mini-conifers for shade is quite large, but is still poorly represented on the Russian market, but among them there are many beautiful and exquisite plants. Among the undisputed favorites for a shady garden are varieties obtuse cypress(Chamaecyparis obtusa). Many gardeners have been burned by failure with the popularly marketed “bear cub” variety ‘Nana Gracilis’ , have sworn off dealing with cypress trees of this species, but there are more than 150 miniature varieties of obtuse cypress! This happened against the backdrop of a lack of information and lack of experience in growing in the middle zone.

Now we can formulate simple requirements for successful cultivation. Obtuse cypress varieties are planted in the shade, and in such a way as to avoid direct sun in the middle of the day and in early spring, during snow melting. Obtuse cypress varieties can tolerate even dense shade. The soil for them should not contain clay and should consist of two-thirds sand and one-third mixture garden soil and high-moor (red) peat. It is precisely this poor soil that ensures a smooth transition in spring to the growing season without damage to the crown. During the dry months, cypress trees need regular spraying and watering.

Canadian hemlock will like similar conditions, but the soil for it is prepared richer, with a higher content of humus and leaf humus. Magnificent and filigree miniature hemlocks: varieties ‘Minuta’, ‘Essex’, ‘Microphylla’, ‘Horsford’, ‘Von Helm’, ‘Popeleski Dwarf’ and many others.

Often choosing trees and shrubs for your garden or summer cottage, people prefer coniferous plants. This is understandable, because most conifers retain their decorative properties all year round. In addition, they are different types and shapes, for example, you can combine low-growing coniferous plants for the garden with tall ones, which allows you to diversify your landscape design.

General information

Coniferous plants in garden design can look great both in single and group compositions. In addition, needles are often used to create evergreen sculptures and hedges.

Among the advantages of such plantings are:

  • Looks perfect at any time of the year;
  • Do not shed leaves that need to be removed;
  • Doesn't cause much trouble to care for.

However, before you decide to plant a particular coniferous plant, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and find out what height it can reach. This will allow you to avoid some problems associated with tree growth or growth in the future. Thus, garden design with coniferous plants will look harmonious even after many years.

Common types of conifers

For decoration of garden and summer cottages As a rule, several types of coniferous trees are used:

  • Pine;
  • Yew,
  • Fir;
  • Cypress;
  • Cedar.

In addition, garden conifers also include some shrubs, among which there are low-growing and even creeping plants that look great on. Below we will familiarize ourselves with the features of all of the above types of crops.


Yew trees include not only trees, but also shrubs. However, the main representative of this group is yew - evergreen tree, which can be monoecious or dioecious. The leaves of yew representatives are double-rowed or asymmetrically located relative to each other.

Their features include strong branching and an extensive root system. Plants “love” rich soils, and are also demanding of air humidity. There are about twenty species of yew, which primarily grow in the Northern Hemisphere.

Yew trees grow well in well-drained soils and do not tolerate waterlogging and increased acidity soil.

It must be said that these plants are shade-loving, and they can survive in such heavily shaded places where other coniferous crops cannot survive.


There are 12 species of plants of this species. They grow in warmer zones of the Northern Hemisphere, however, among them there are also frost-resistant crops. As a rule, cypress trees are evergreen trees, however, some shrubs also belong to this group.

It should be noted that all cypress trees are spectacular ornamental plants, which are an excellent decoration for personal plots.

You can grow them in two ways:

  • From seeds;
  • By cuttings.

When planting cypress trees, you must be guided by the following rule - plants with yellow needles should be located on sunny areas, and from green to shaded ones.


Pine trees include plants that primarily grow in Asia and Europe. Typically this is very tall trees with a spreading wide crown.

All species of these trees have needles collected in small bunches, however, the number of needles and their structure vary different varieties may differ significantly. The needles usually last for several years and then fall off.

Growing and caring for coniferous plants in the garden, which are classified as pine, is not particularly difficult. The most important thing is to plant and care for it correctly the first year. These trees can withstand severe frosts and heat, however, they are light-loving.


Fir trees are fast-growing coniferous crops with a pyramidal crown. It is advisable to plant them in sheltered and shaded areas. On clay soils for them it is necessary to provide drainage in the form of gravel or crushed stone.

It must be said that fir varieties of coniferous plants for the garden are very demanding in terms of soil saturation with water and its fertility. As for care, plants require only sanitary spring pruning. In addition, young crops need to loosen the soil.

In the first year after planting, it is better to cover the plant with spruce branches for the winter. No further action is required, since the crop is frost-resistant.


Cedar can be called a special gift of nature. The fact is that this evergreen tree has not only an attractive appearance, but also healing properties.

The trees reach a height of 40 meters, and the diameter of the trunk can be 1.5 meters. The needles are collected in small bunches of five pieces each. Mature tree bears fruit once every one to two years.

It should be noted that cedar grows slowly, but its age can reach 550 years.

There are two ways to grow trees with your own hands:

  • From seeds (pine nuts) is a rather complex and painstaking process that does not always give a positive result.
  • Planting seedlings is the simplest and most effective option. Seedlings can be purchased at a nursery; as a rule, the price for them is not high. Even more cheap option– dig up seedlings in the forest.

Cedar does not like to grow alone, so it is advisable to plant the tree in a company of 2-3 plants of the same species.

In the photo - dwarf pines in landscape design

Low growing coniferous plants in the garden

There is an opinion that the best option For the garden, low-growing coniferous plants are used, as they allow you to fully admire the beauty of the crown. Frost-resistant varieties are especially in demand among short plants.

This group includes:

  • Dwarf pines;
  • Yews;
  • A low-growing type of spruce (reaching no more than two meters in height);
  • Arborvitae and junipers.

It should be noted that low-growing species have insignificant annual growth - no more than 15 centimeters. Moreover, they may differ in crown shape, color, needle structure, etc.

Low-growing coniferous crops cannot be planted under tall ones. deciduous trees, since the leaves will fall on the needles, which will negatively affect the development of the plant.

Landing Features

Despite the fact that some types of conifers need special conditions landings exist general rules for all their types. In particular, important point is the planting date; for coniferous plants it is the end of April - the beginning of May.

As mentioned above, the easiest way to grow crops is from seedlings. The only thing you need to pay attention to is their quality, which is indicated by the following points:

Brief instructions for planting needles are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to dig a hole with a volume slightly larger than the earthen ball of the seedling.
  • Then you need to fill the hole with a mound 2/3 of its depth.
  • After this, you should place the seedling on the mound and carefully distribute the roots around it.
  • Next, you need to bury the roots. In this case, the seedling must be periodically shaken and the ground lightly trampled.
  • After planting, the plant must be watered.
  • Then you need to sprinkle dry soil around the seedling.
  • At the end of the work, the soil should be mulched and sprinkled with peat around the plant.

Here, perhaps, are all the main points of planting coniferous crops.


There are many types of coniferous plants that can be planted in the garden. Among them there are both very tall trees and very small bushes. This allows you to select for garden landscape evergreen crops corresponding to any design ideas. From the video in this article you can see some additional information on this topic.