Sewer well from tires in the country. Car tires - a septic tank in one day! Video: three-chamber septic tank from tires from trucks

Sewer well from tires in the country.  Car tires - a septic tank in one day!  Video: three-chamber septic tank from tires from trucks
Sewer well from tires in the country. Car tires - a septic tank in one day! Video: three-chamber septic tank from tires from trucks

To equip your home with all the benefits of civilization is the main task of a good owner. Fortunately, now there is every opportunity to bring electricity to a residential building and organize water supply. But centralized sewerage is not everywhere. If there is enough money, then you can purchase a ready-made factory septic tank or build it, for example, from concrete rings. In the case when things are not very good with finances, folk craftsmen help out, who came up with the idea of ​​making a septic tank from tires with their own hands. This is a very good idea, but only suitable for a house with a small number of residents.

What is the difference between a septic tank and a cesspool?

It may seem to people who are not particularly knowledgeable that a cesspool and a septic tank are different names for the same sewer structure. This is fundamentally wrong. A septic tank, unlike a cesspool, is a more modern and modernized type of sewerage.

It consists of two interconnected reservoirs. Waste water through the sewer pipe enters the first - accumulative. Primary cleaning takes place in it: large particles settle to the bottom and cleansing bacteria begin their processing. The second tank, which is usually somewhat smaller than the first, receives already partially treated effluents, where bacteria continue to work. Approximately 95% of the total volume that enters the septic tank is ultimately excreted as clean water.

Scheme of a standard two-chamber septic tank with a filtration well

If we compare all the characteristics of a cesspool and a septic tank, then the indisputable advantage of a septic sewer will become clear and obvious. It shows much more efficiency.

The advantages of a septic tank from car tires

  • Availability and abundance of material. Old tires can be accumulated on your own or asked for at the nearest tire shop. They will be willingly given away, because service station employees will have fewer problems with tire disposal.
  • Remarkable performance. If everything is correctly calculated and responsibly approached the construction of a home-made septic tank from tires, then it is possible to achieve even greater efficiency than some factory copies.
  • Low cost. The device of a sewer well from tires can be completely for nothing if the tires are assembled on their own, and hired workers are not involved in earthworks.
  • Ease of installation. To install many factory septic tanks, you have to use more than one extra pair of hands, and do-it-yourself sewerage from tires is so accessible in installation that you can do everything without anyone's help.

Disadvantages of a septic tank from tires

A septic tank from used tires does not have the longest service life

  • This sewer facility is not suitable for use in homes with more than 3 people.
  • In winter, the use of a septic tank from tires is difficult, because despite careful insulation, the tire material still freezes and the contents of such a well are not processed by bacteria.
  • No matter what size tires are installed, their contents will have to be pumped out at least once a quarter.
  • Twice a year, it is necessary to inspect the connections between the tires in order to identify leaks in time and seal the joints.
  • The service life of such a country septic tank made of tires, even with careful care and careful operation, is no more than 15 years.
  • If you do not install a ventilation pipe, an unpleasant smell may occasionally appear from under the lid of the septic tank.
  • It is not recommended to overhaul a septic tank made of old car tires with your own hands, therefore, if the tire material is corroded, it is necessary to redo it all over again.

If all the pros and cons are weighed and a decision is made in favor of the construction of a sewerage system from tires, you can get to work.

Location Requirements


So, what is required before you make a septic tank from tires. To begin with, it is necessary to bring communications to the location of the future septic tank. The sewer pipe must be insulated and protected with a box to protect it from freezing and damage. After that, we determine the depth and width of the pit.

The dimensions of the septic tank must correspond to the average daily volume of effluents multiplied by three. Based on this, we select the diameter and number of tires.

Putting one of the tires on the ground, you need to draw the boundaries of the pits under the septic tank. A gap between the outer side of the tire and the soil can be left for ease of insertion of tires and for additional insulation of the septic tank. Then we dig holes for the tanks and deepen the tires. The upper liquid level must always be below the soil level. This must be taken into account when laying tires.

Do-it-yourself digging a sewer pit from tires

The bottom of the first tank of the septic tank must be covered with rubble (approximately 30 cm) and lined with some material that does not let liquid into the ground. If funds allow, it can be concreted. In budget options, the most popular materials are roofing material or very dense polyethylene in several layers.

The device of a septic tank involves the discharge of settled water directly into the ground, therefore, at the bottom of the second well, for better drainage, you can drill a well for five meters and insert a perforated flexible plastic pipe there. It will need to be covered with rubble by about 10 cm so that the bottom does not silt up and the water passes without obstacles. Inside the tire tank, the pipe should rise one meter, and it is better to cover its top with a fine mesh. Around the pipe, the bottom must also be covered with rubble and sand. But with a good level of water absorption by the soil, in the last tank, only the use of a filter bottom will be sufficient.

Tire sewerage scheme

For structural strength, the edges of the tires are connected with wire or mounting “clamps”, and then treated with any available sealant.

The tires are cut off so that the liquid does not accumulate in them and are interconnected with clamps.

Now you need to make holes for the pipe in both tanks. The pipe should go into the first tank a little higher than it leaves it so that overflow occurs. We insert the pipe and fill the edges of the pit with rubble and sand. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the structure. The places where the sewer pit from the tires is connected to the pipes are well sealed.

We bring the sewer pipe to the car tires

The last step in creating a do-it-yourself septic tank from tires will be fixing a cover made of a material that is not subject to decay or damage. Hard plastic is best.

  • Sewerage in a private house made of tires is best located on the leeward side of the house. This simple technique will allow you to protect yourself from the "enjoyment" of unpleasant odors coming from under the sewer cover.
  • In order not to worry about overcrowding, it is better to initially install tires with the largest possible diameter and in the amount of 5-7 pieces. In this case, even with the permanent residence of three people in the house, the volume of the septic tank will be enough.
  • While digging holes for each of the tanks, it is necessary to periodically check the diameter with one tire so as not to gradually narrow.
  • When excavating, it is most convenient to use two different shovels with long handles. The bayonet is designed for loosening the earth, and the shovel is for picking up loosened soil from the pit.
  • To a septic tank from tires, you can bring not only sewer communications from the house, but also from a street washbasin or a summer shower.
  • The inner rim of the tires must be cut off so that unprocessed dirt and debris do not accumulate in the roundings.
  • For fastening tires, it is best to use plastic "clamps". They are not prone to moisture damage and are fairly easy to attach.
  • The ventilation pipe should rise slightly above the lid of the septic tank (at least 60 cm). The closer the tanks are to residential buildings, the higher the pipe should be.
  • For convenience, a viewing window can be made in the lid of the septic tank and covered with a piece of dense rubber. This will make it much easier to control the degree of filling of the containers.
  • To insulate the septic tank, before filling with sand or gravel, the tires can be wrapped with roofing material or dense polyethylene. The same technique is used if there is even the slightest risk of untreated wastewater entering the groundwater.
  • Experienced owners recommend planting some kind of moisture-loving tree near the tanks: weeping willow, alder or willow. The plant will absorb all the excess water.

Do-it-yourself tire septic tank video

In this section you can watch a video on the topic of our article.

Often, the owners of summer cottages resort to digging a standard cesspool to create their own sewage system. However, such an approach to the organization of domestic wastewater threatens an environmental disaster, at least for its own site and all its residents. Therefore, the notorious pit was replaced by a septic tank made of tires.

Such a structure is a two- or three-chamber tank designed to collect, settle and treat wastewater with the help of special bacteria. As a result, all the liquid that has been purified in such a facility, according to the norms of SNiP, is considered to be 97-98% purified. The walls of such a treatment plant are made exclusively from old car tires, as shown in the video below.

Important: we suggest not to confuse the standard pit for domestic drains, lined with car cameras. In this case, dirty water simply drains from the storage chamber into the ground, which does not guarantee high-quality wastewater treatment and is not a septic tank. Or a similar septic tank from tires can be made exclusively for gray wastewater (from a shower, bath, sink), but not from a toilet.

A high-quality and reliable septic tank made of tires during its construction requires compliance with certain principles. This will ensure not only the efficient operation of the wheeled treatment plant, but will also prevent environmental troubles that may arise as a result of ignoring these requirements. More details on the video below.

So, a septic tank from tires can be made under the following conditions:

  • If the groundwater level on the site is below the mark of 2 meters. In this case, the plastic wheels from the car are not threatened with shifts, erosion and deformation as a result of heaving of the soil.
  • It is desirable that in the area where it is supposed to make a septic tank from a tire, there should be sandy soil. This will ensure better and faster drainage of treated water.
  • It is important to dig a hole under the tire septic tank below the freezing level of the soil. Even if it is a small tank for drainage of gray domestic water.
  • It is worth remembering that a septic tank made of tires must be correctly located relative to all buildings on the site and water intake sources. So, from the house you need to make a septic tank from a tire at a distance of at least 5 meters. And from a well or well - at a distance of 20 or more meters. At the same time, it is advisable to make a septic tank with your own hands at the lowest point of your site. Thus, the risk of groundwater pollution is reduced to a minimum.

The advantage of a cleaning system made from car wheels

If you decide to make a septic tank out of a tire for a car with your own hands, then in some cases this design has advantages, as well as disadvantages. The main advantages of the treatment plant are:

  • The minimum level of costs for arranging a sewerage system with your own hands;
  • Simplification of work, which allows you to mount cameras alone;
  • The average service life, which comes down to 10-15 years, which, in principle, will suit summer residents and owners of a non-capital house / cottage.

The disadvantages of a wastewater treatment plant made of tires include:

  • The susceptibility of rubber to aggressive environments. Over time, the tires of the wheels will simply be “eaten” by sewage;
  • Possible depressurization of tanks due to heaving and mobility of the soil (subject to errors during the installation of the septic tank of the tire);
  • Excluding the possibility of repairing a septic tank with your own hands due to its uselessness. If such a wastewater treatment system is damaged, you will simply have to make a new septic tank in another place, since even dismantling this will not make sense;
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the septic tank from the tire. But here the situation can be corrected with the help of a fan pipe.

Important: the fan pipe should be placed with your own hands above the level of buildings so that the smell is carried away with wind currents, bypassing the buildings, as shown in the video.

Construction of a septic tank from car tires

To do do-it-yourself work on arranging the sewerage of a private house or cottage, you need to stock up on car tires. It is desirable that they be large enough (from trucks). This will allow you to create a treatment system of the desired volume. To obtain a septic tank from a tire of the required size, it is correct to use 5-7 tires of large diameter and 5-7 tires of a smaller diameter for each of the following two chambers.

So, we will do the work as follows:

  • First of all, it is worth marking on the ground. To do this, it is enough to lay out three tires side by side and outline the corners of the future pit. They dig a hole with their own hands to a depth corresponding to the height of the number of tires and add 30-50 cm to the depth, and 30 cm to the width on each side.
  • After the pit is ready, it is advisable to carefully level the bottom and fill it with sand about 30 cm thick around its entire perimeter. After that, the sand is well rammed.
  • Tires are mounted on top of each other, connecting them with wire through perforated holes. Subsequently, all holes and joints between the tires will need to be smeared with liquid sealant. This will ensure reliable sealing of the treatment plant.

Important: before laying car tires for a septic tank, the tires must be cut from the inside. Their inward-curved edges are removed, which can accumulate the remains of feces and other debris in their nooks and crannies.

  • At the stage of installation of the septic tank chambers for a country house, it is necessary to form holes for the installation of overflow pipes and for a sewer intake pipe. Here the joints are also treated with sealant.

  • In order for the first two tanks of the septic tank from the tire to be completely sealed, it is necessary to provide a monolithic bottom. To do this, you can use either a clay pad (well-compacted clay) or a cement mortar. If a concrete screed is used, it is better to reinforce it with a metal mesh, and pour the mortar itself so that the lower part of the first tire is slightly recessed into the cement. The same is done with the installation of a clay bottom. The bottom of the third chamber must be covered with a layer of fine gravel 20-30 cm thick. This will ensure reliable filtration of clarified drains.
  • Now we are backfilling the septic tank of the tire. Ideally, if clay or a mixture of sand and cement in a ratio of 1: 3 is used for this. Such loose materials will ensure the solidity of the structure under the influence of soil shifts. The sprinkling around the septic tank from the tire is well rammed to the very top.

Important: it is better to sprinkle the third - drainage chamber with the soil that was taken out of the pit. But at the same time it needs to be well compacted. And in order to improve the drainage of water from the third chamber in its lower tire, perforation can be made at the installation stage, and the joints themselves cannot be sealed.

  • Lastly, the septic tank is covered with a dense, but not heavy, shield. It can be wood, plastic hatches, etc.
  • The first two chambers of the treatment plant are equipped with a ventilation system.

Important: if you want to speed up the process of cleaning domestic sewage in a private sewer and improve the quality of treated water, you can resort to the help of bacteria. In this case, the tire septic tank will be called biological.

A few mistakes that owners make when building a septic tank from car tires

When arranging a private sewage system with your own hands from old tires, unforgivable mistakes are often made that lead to the inefficiency of the treatment system. One of the frequent is the installation of a perforated pipe in the third chamber in a small well. It is believed that a pipe protruding upwards 40-60 cm above the bottom of the drainage chamber will speed up and deepen the drainage of treated water. In this case, the bottom is not compacted with sand.

Such installation of a tire septic tank is unacceptable according to the reviews of professionals. Firstly, wastewater does not pass additional filtration through a layer of sand, which can have a detrimental effect on the groundwater of the site. And, secondly, even the existing drainage layer of the soil deteriorates even more as a result of a violation of its structure through drilling a well.

Are you going to conduct sewerage in a private house, but have a very limited budget? This is not a reason to deprive yourself of conveniences, is it? Or have you decided to build a septic tank from tires using improvised materials for this purpose? But you doubt yourself and don't know where to start?

We will help you understand this issue in detail - the article discusses the running options for a local treatment plant, for which you can use used car rubber. This material is easy to find in motor transport enterprises, where it is simply written off as unnecessary, or to look for ads from individuals.

The article also provides detailed instructions for the manufacture of a home-made septic tank, starting with calculations and ending with the laying of a sewer pipeline. All actions are accompanied by step-by-step photographs.

To help the novice master, video recommendations have been selected on the arrangement of this type of septic tank with useful tips on making tight connections between pipeline sections from the masters.

How much can you save on a septic tank if you use old tires? One medium-sized concrete ring costs 4,500 rubles. they need at least three. The cost of a worn tire does not exceed 2,000 rubles, and a minimum of three or four is required.

For a hermetic connection of the elements, there are special sealing rubber bands inserted into the inside of the sewer pipe. Information about is discussed in our other article.

For the assembly and construction of sewer pipelines of any degree of complexity, an extensive range of shaped parts is produced. Polymeric products are intended for the construction of lines from similar pipes

A suitable diameter of sewer pipes for laying to an autonomous septic tank is 110 mm. This is a full-fledged sewer that will last a long time.

It is better not to save on pipes and put them with the expectation of a possible increase in the load on the system, otherwise they may need to be replaced in the future. The approximate cost of materials can be found here.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

A video with practical experience in building a septic tank from tires:


Do you have a septic tank made from old tires on your property? Please tell us how difficult it was for you to build it and what nuances you had to face. Or did you notice an inconsistency in the instructions given in the article? Please write to us about it in the comments.

And at the same time, without having a central sewage system, the owners of houses are faced with a very urgent issue - arranging a septic tank with their own hands.

There are many options for septic tanks - from expensive custom-made to various home-made ones. One of the most popular is septic tank made from old car tires. It does not require special financial and time costs for its construction, it is easy to install and use.

Profitability - does not require the purchase of expensive materials. You can do all the work yourself;
Environmental friendliness - high-quality wastewater filtration;
Long service life - tires do not break, do not crack, do not corrode. 20 years of operation of the system is provided;

The design of such a treatment system allows wastewater to seep through natural gravel filters, and already cleaned seep into the ground. In the cleaning process, subject to a special temperature regime, bacteria that feed on organic substances and release gases into the environment take an obligatory part.

In order for all processes in the septic tank from tires to occur in normal mode, special attention should be paid to the insulation of the sewer pit. Styrofoam, wood shavings and just earth poured over the septic tank cover in winter can serve as insulation.

Do-it-yourself scheme of a septic tank from tires

1. The right choice of location. When choosing a place for a sewage pit, one should take into account some features of the terrain, so as not to get to the source of groundwater, also observe one more condition - all sources of drinking water (wells, columns) must be at least 25 m from the sewer pit.

2. Earthmoving. In order to guess the size of the pit under the septic tank, it is necessary to put a car tire in the right place, circle its contour. Note that a slightly larger hole should be dug, somewhere 5-7 cm. This is done so that the car tire easily and accurately lies on its workplace. If a hole is dug much larger, then the tires will move apart and interfere with the proper cleaning of sewage. When constructing this septic tank, there is no need to resort to the services of earthmoving equipment - every man armed with the right tool can handle this work. When choosing a tool for work, give preference to a shovel with a short handle, the handle will not catch on the sides of the pit and the digging process will go faster and more productively. As an assistant to a shovel, pick up a crowbar - it will be indispensable if the soil turns out to be stony.

3. Laying tires in a pit. After digging a hole about 150 cm deep, use sand and gravel to make a drainage cushion at the bottom of the sewage pit, which will become muddy over time and will act as a natural natural filter. After that, you can start laying car tires. 6-7 tires can lie in such a hole. Before laying, cut off the middle of the tire a little and thereby increase the volume of the sewer pit. After laying 5 tires, cut a round hole in the 5 tire and insert a sewer into it, put another tire on top - with uncut inner edges. Be sure to fill the space between the soil and the septic tank with rubble, which, in turn, will further improve the filtration of drains.

4. septic tank cover. The sewer system is ready - it's time to think about a hatch that will not only protect against excessive moisture in the form of rain entering the cleaning system, but also prevent small pets and small children from getting inside the septic tank. Pick up the hatch cover heavier so that an adult trained person can move it.

However, in order not to crush tires under its weight, bury boulders around the entire perimeter of the sewage pit, or make them out of cement.

With long-term operation of the septic tank, its bottom is heavily silted. This interferes with filtration, the pit becomes clogged and, if you do not take care of pumping out the sewage in time, the sewage will flow in the opposite direction, that is, from the sink or toilet bowl. The services of a vacuum cleaner will help to avoid such an unfortunate prospect.

Related video: Tire septic tank for a residential building, part 1

This design of the septic tank is able to "serve" the needs of a family of two, so if your family consists of more residents, pay attention to a slightly improved design. The structure consists of several pits dug at a distance of at least 1 m from one another. These pits are connected to each other by pipes, and each subsequent pipe is connected to the system at a lower distance than the previous one. Thanks to such a system, sewage is distributed according to consistency.

Related video: Do-it-yourself tire septic tank, part 2

So, the heaviest ones settle in the first pit, while the subsequent pits act as purification facilities. By the way, leave the pumping hatch only at the first sewage pit. The rest will cope with the load thanks to your properly installed drainage system.

Cons of a cleaning system made from car tires
The service life of the structure does not exceed 20 years;
It is not always possible to comply with sanitary standards when installing this septic tank;
A flood can lead to an ecological catastrophe in the form of a spill of sewage and their entry into groundwater;
Poor sealing of a septic tank can lead to environmental pollution.

After weighing all the pros and cons and deciding to install this particular septic tank on your site, give yourself ... three days to install it! It is this time that the construction of this structure will take.


Most city dwellers are accustomed to comfortable living conditions, certainly with all amenities. Therefore, going on vacation to a dacha outside the metropolis, they want to take water procedures and use the sewer. But the laying of engineering communications refers to expensive work. There is a cheaper option for building a toilet on the site - this is a street structure when a septic tank is created from tires.

How to make a septic tank from tires

If sewerage is made from tires with your own hands, first of all, they draw up a plan and diagram of its device. Then prepare the required materials and tools.

At 50 centimeters from the foundation of the building, they dig a hole one and a half meters deep and consider the features of the occurrence of groundwater. If there are no problems with this issue, proceed to the construction of a drainage well.

To equip a septic tank from tires, tires from both cars and trucks, as well as from special equipment, are suitable. Thus, it is not required to look for products of a certain size, any will do (see photo).

The only requirement for how to make a septic tank from tires is that all tires used must be of the same thickness and size. They are laid out in the form of a barrel (read also: ""). The septic tank must be located no closer than 5 meters from the deep foundation and from water wells, inspection or drainage wells at a distance of 25-30 meters.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from wheels

In order for the sewerage from tires to function without problems with your own hands, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists and do the work in stages without fuss and haste.

When the sewerage from the wheels is equipped, it is necessary to dig a narrow hole having a depth of 1.5-2 meters, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the given size of the tires.

In advance, you need to prepare a trench tool - 2 shovels with long handles:

  • one of them should have a handle of two meters or more with a cruciform handle. It will be required for loosening the earth;
  • the second will serve as a scoop. For this, a shovel on a long handle with a significant bend angle is suitable. In order for this type of trench tool to effectively perform the function assigned to it, its edges must have small sides and then the earth will not wake up much.
When they create a septic tank from the wheels with their own hands, they put the first of the car tires on the ground and outline its contour, which should exceed the diameter of the product itself by 5-8 centimeters. First, a bayonet shovel is used and the soil is removed until it is convenient to do it with it.

When a shovel with a conventional handle is not enough for work, they take a tool with an elongated handle. They loosen the earth and take it out. To check the correct size of the pit, use the tire. If the hole is dug to the required depth, a drainage hole is drilled in its center. To perform this work, use a garden drill. When all waterproof layers are perforated in the soil, it is possible to speed up the drainage of the septic tank.

If a sewerage from tires is being equipped, the pit for it should have a depth of at least 2 meters (usually this will require 5-7 wheels), but the well itself must be made deep - at least 5 meters.

Then a pipe is lowered into the well for drainage. To do this, it will be easiest to use two polypropylene sewer pipes, the total length of which should be at least 4 meters. They are placed above the bottom of the pit at the level of one meter. This allows you to prevent clogging of the pipe when equipping a septic tank from car tires.

As a result, water will penetrate into the pipe through the side holes, drop sharply to a depth of 4 meters and drain into the ground sands there. Experts advise protecting the end of the drainage pipe with a polypropylene fine mesh to prevent it from clogging in case of sewer overflow.

You need to know how to make sewerage from tires correctly, otherwise the system will operate inefficiently. Large crushed stone with a fraction of at least 10 centimeters should be poured at the bottom of the sewer pit and prepared wheels should be laid one on top of the other. It is necessary to cut off the inner rim on one side of the tire with an electric jigsaw - as a result, water will not linger in the recess.

In order to cut a hole for the gutter in the tire, an electric jigsaw is initially used, and then it is finished with a hacksaw, since the metal cord is difficult to cut.

After completing the laying of tires, the gaps around them in the pit fall asleep and the septic tank is covered. To do this, specially prepare a cover made of plastic or other durable material. In order to give an aesthetic appearance, they pour a mound and turn it, for example, into a flower garden.

Before making a septic tank out of tires, it is necessary to leave a hole in the lid for it to control the filling. To prevent extraneous drainage of groundwater between the tires and the ground, you can place a plastic film or lay a ring of roofing felt. Natural drainage can be created by planting several trees near the septic tank.