Calorie content of pork loin on the bone. Pork loin: product description, calorie content. Benefits of pork loin

Calorie content of pork loin on the bone.  Pork loin: product description, calorie content.  Benefits of pork loin
Calorie content of pork loin on the bone. Pork loin: product description, calorie content. Benefits of pork loin

In global meat production, pork occupies a leading position, as a result of which it can automatically be called the most consumed meat. Pigs have quite tender, aromatic and tasty meat.

Pork loin is the back part of the carcass, which consists of meat, a layer of fat, part of the spine and ribs. This part of the meat is usually classified as first grade. The loin is divided into: boneless loin, bone-in loin and cutlet part. The loin is great for chops, roasts, schnitzels, escalopes and kebabs.

The main advantage of pork loin is the combination of iron and complete protein, which are considered conductors of oxygen into the human body. In addition to iron, pork contains a lot of other minerals (zinc, selenium, molybdenum, tin, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus), which we need for the proper functioning of the whole body. In addition, it is enriched with vitamins (B-group, choline, PP).

The calorie content of the loin is 384 kcal. The composition included proteins - 13.7 g, fats - 36.5 g.

The maximum beneficial properties of meat can be preserved in a loin that has been cleaned of excess fat and cooked in one piece in the oven. The use of spices (garlic, cumin, hot pepper) will help with the digestion of meat.

Calorie content of raw smoked loin

Raw smoked loin is a real meat delicacy, which is prepared from pre-salted pork with a modest addition of lard (the back part of the carcass). It is customary to cook loin both with and without the skin, and in most cases the layer is 1-3 cm. This product is characterized by high nutritional value and delicious taste, as well as an impressive shelf life.

In addition to traditional sandwiches and slices, a lot of dishes are made from raw smoked loin. Hot snacks are made from it, added to salads and solyanka, and pancakes are stuffed with it. There are also more refined dishes, for example, loin with prunes and mushrooms, raw smoked loin, baked with apples - it would be very difficult to list everything.

The calorie content of raw smoked loin is 469 kcal. The composition also contains proteins - 10.5 g, fats - 47.4 g.

Raw smoked loin contains many vitamins, micro- and macroelements: riboflavin (B2), thiamine (B1), vitamins E and PP, as well as sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, calcium.

The quality of the loin can be assessed by its smell and appearance. The surface of the product should be free of any darkening or stains, hairs or bristles, mucus or mold deposits. When cut, the color at the surface should be monotonous, the fat should be white (without yellow tints). Odor should also be assessed. A high-quality raw smoked loin should have a delicious smell of smoked meat without all sorts of impurities.

Some people deny themselves pork dishes, believing that it is the fattest, and, therefore, the most harmful type of meat. It’s unlikely that you’ll find pig dishes on a diet menu. And in vain. After all, pork is an excellent source of energy, vitamins and microelements.

Pork carcass parts

It is customary to divide this meat into two kinds:

  • The first includes less fatty parts animal: l shoulder, loin (back), brisket, loin, ham.
  • The second type is defined as those pieces that contain layers of fat: neck, shank, drumstick.

The table below provides information on the calorie content of raw pork carcass parts.

The benefits of pork

Despite the fact that pork is considered a heavy and high-calorie product, one should not forget about its beneficial properties.

  • Pork contains all B vitamins. Thiamine (B1) converts proteins, fats and carbohydrates into the necessary energy. B2 is good for vision, and B6 and B12 protect against anemia.
  • This meat is recommended for nursing mothers, as it increases lactation.
  • Pork is believed to have a positive effect on male strength.
  • Arachidonic acid and selenium contained in meat fight the symptoms of depression and participate in cell renewal.
  • Pork has a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract.
  • Iron and zinc in pork are the main enemies cardiovascular diseases.
  • Potassium and phosphorus have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, which is why pork is recommended for older people suffering from osteoporosis.

Pork calories

However, it is also not recommended to indulge in this meat in large quantities. All because of the impressive fat content and high energy value.

How to enjoy pork without harming your figure?

  • Those who are concerned about their health and physical fitness should avoid both fried pork and fried pork cutlets.
  • Much Stewed, oven-baked or grilled meat is healthier. Moreover, you can reduce calories also by removing oil and fatty marinades and sauces from recipes. It's best to serve the pork with juicy fresh or tender steamed vegetables.
  • Boiled meat is considered the healthiest. Add vegetables and spices to the water and get a delicious lunch! And pork broth will serve as an ideal base for borscht or pickle soup.
  • A good option is pork and beef cutlets. The total calorie content of the dish is low, but try cooking them in the oven - and you are guaranteed a slim waist! Get rid of the breading, and instead of white bread and milk, add grated zucchini to the minced meat. In the same way, you can reduce the energy value of pork cutlets.

Pork loin is the neck and back portion of a domestic pig carcass. Includes neck, rib rack and fillet. This part of the pork carcass is distinguished by moderately elastic, juicy, homogeneous meat, dark red in color and surrounded by a thin layer of fat.

Calorie content

100 grams of pork loin contains about 172 kcal.


The chemical composition of pork loin is characterized by a high content of fats, proteins, vitamins (B1, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9) and minerals (fluorine, chromium, copper, iodine, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium ).

How to cook and serve

Like any other meat, pork loin is eaten only in cooked form. In the vast majority of cases, culinary processing involves heat exposure at a temperature not lower than 75 degrees Celsius. Due to the fairly dense structure of the pulp, pork loin is fried or baked after removing the fatty tissue. This part of the pork carcass is best suited for making cutlets, schnitzels, chops, kebabs and azu. Served with a side dish of potatoes, cabbage or legumes. At the same time, pork loin goes well not only with vegetables, but also with mushrooms.

How to choose

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a pork loin. The main one is the color of the meat, which should not be too dark or light. Too dark a color indicates that the meat was taken from an older animal; when cooked, it will be tough and have an almost neutral taste.


Fresh pork loin should be stored in the refrigerator, eating the meat within 5-7 days. It is not recommended to use sealed containers for storage. To preserve meat for a longer period (up to a year), it can be frozen at a certain temperature (not higher than minus 18 degrees Celsius).

Beneficial features

The loin, compared to other parts of the pork carcass, contains an increased amount of biologically active substances, the concentration of which remains at a fairly high level even after prolonged heat treatment. This determines the presence of a number of beneficial properties in this food product. In particular, its regular use reduces nervous excitability, stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis, metabolism, formation of bone and muscle tissue, and also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract.

Restrictions on use

Individual intolerance, tendency to an allergic reaction, the need for mandatory heat treatment at a temperature of at least 75 degrees Celsius, diseases of the cardiovascular system (consume in limited quantities).

Loin is the back part of a pork carcass, which is classified as first-class meat. It includes meat, ribs, part of the spine and a layer of fat. The loin is divided into: bone-in loin, carbonade (boneless loin) and cutlet part.


Brisket is especially rich in iron. Pork is a source of many minerals necessary for humans: tin, molybdenum, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, etc. It also contains vitamins (group B, PP) and choline.

Beneficial features

Eating brisket helps strengthen the immune system, accelerate the process of cell renewal, and strengthen muscle and bone tissue. Pork is recommended for athletes and people who undergo heavy physical activity. Korean is a natural antidepressant and helps in the fight against depression. It contains a healthy combination of protein and iron, which serves as a conductor of oxygen in the human body.


Brisket is a fatty meat, frequent consumption of which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. Pork meat can be contaminated with Trichinella. If insufficient heat treatment is used, consumption of this product can lead to infection with deadly diseases.

Pork loin- the back part of a pork carcass with bone, or a dish prepared from the back part of pork. This product is quite popular not only in the post-Soviet space, but also in Europe. Appreciated by gourmets and lovers of delicious food. You can cook in different ways - it all depends on the person’s imagination and preferences.

There are over 300 different pork loin recipes. Moreover, this ingredient is used to prepare salads, soups and other dishes. A loin baked in the oven or fried in a frying pan is very popular. Pork loin has a mild, delicate taste. You can buy it at a butcher shop, market or store. The cost of pork loin is more than affordable.

A professional chef or an amateur cook will definitely find use for this unique dish in the kitchen. Interestingly, pork loin has been known in cooking for more than 3,000 years. Even in Ancient Greece, rich townspeople regularly ate it. It is worth noting that pork goes well with dry wine.

Benefits of pork loin

1. Perfectly absorbed by the body. Contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins.
2. Strengthens the immune system. Recommended for use by athletes and people who experience heavy physical activity.
3. Relieves depression. A true natural antidepressant.
4. Accelerates the process of cell renewal in the body.
5. Strengthens muscle and bone tissue.

Harm and contraindications

1. Strictly not recommended for obesity. This is due to the fact that the product contains a large number of calories.
2. Frequent consumption of more than 200-300 grams per day is contraindicated.
3. Increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.