Online bathroom tile calculator. Calculation of tiles for the bathroom: methods of laying out and determining the amount of consumables. Correct calculation of tiles

Online bathroom tile calculator.  Calculation of tiles for the bathroom: methods of laying out and determining the amount of consumables.  Correct calculation of tiles
Online bathroom tile calculator. Calculation of tiles for the bathroom: methods of laying out and determining the amount of consumables. Correct calculation of tiles

In order to calculate the amount of tiles for the bathroom, you first need to decide on the following questions:

  • What type of installation will you use;
  • What color scheme do you plan to use;
  • Will it be necessary to adjust the drawing;
  • Will you lay only tiles on the walls or add decorative elements to the decoration?

Selecting the installation type


When working with flooring material usually used following types styling:

  1. standard - when the edges of the tiles are laid along the walls;
  2. diagonal – the edges are laid at an angle of 45 degrees;
  3. diagonal checkerboard - when laying ceramics of different colors, they alternate.


When laying wall ceramics, you can choose the following types of cladding:

  1. ordinary “straight” - when the elements are laid parallel to the floor;
  2. regular with borders (one wide or narrow and wide, alternating);
  3. diagonal;
  4. checkerboard (regular direction or diagonal).

The choice of laying type is important, because with a diagonal direction, material consumption increases, because you will have to do a lot of trimming of the corners of the tiles to fit from the center to the corners of the walls.

When fitting to a pattern, you will also have to do a lot of trimming of the edges.

And it is also necessary to take into account that it is better to make the joints of the first rows away from the walls so that possible unevenness of the wall is not noticeable.

General calculation rules

Exist general rules How to correctly calculate the amount of tiles, whether for the bathroom or for other rooms where you decide to lay tiles.

  • measure (in centimeters) the length and height of each wall on which you will lay tiles, and the length and width of the floor;
  • from the dimensions of the wall in which it is installed Entrance door(or which has a bathtub) subtract the dimensions of this door (bath);
  • decide on the size of the plates that you will lay (on the floor - 30x30, 33x33, 40x40 cm, etc.; facing - 20x30, 25x33 cm, etc.);
  • calculate the result in advance square meters, and to clarify, you will need to count the number of tiles individually.

Moreover, keep in mind that the required amount of building materials must be immediately increased by 10%, because such a reserve will be required for trimming at the edges of the walls, in case of careless damage to the tiles or cosmetic repairs some section of the wall (floor) in the future.

When calculating the number of tiles, it is better to immediately do without an online program, because no matter how perfect it is, it still allows for errors. For example, it does not take into account the width of the seams between the rows, and its postscript still recommends checking all the results manually.

Laying tiles on the floor: calculation example

In order to make a specific calculation required for laying on the floor, we take the following data as the initial data:

  1. Floor width – 150 cm
  2. Length – 170 cm
  3. Product size – 33x33 cm

Standard installation, tiles of the same color

  • To find out how many tiles you need, first divide the width of the floor (150 cm) by its side (33 cm), we get the result - 4.54 (the number of tiles in one row in width), round to the nearest whole - 5 pieces.
  • Now let’s calculate how many such rows are needed along the length of the bathroom: divide 170 cm by 33 cm, we get 5.15 rows, round up to 6.
  • Next, we multiply 5 tiles in one row by 6 rows, we get 30 pieces. We add 2-3 in reserve, and that means we will buy 33 ceramic tiles.

If the calculation of the number of tiles was carried out not by piece, but by floor area, then it would be allowed serious mistake. Floor area – 1.70m x 1.50m = 2.55 sq.m, divided by the area of ​​one tile 0.33m x 0.33m = 0.11 sq.m, we get 24 (rounded) pieces. That is, 6 tiles (plus extra) would not be enough for the floor. After all, the piece count actually took into account the cutting of the plates during laying.

Bathroom wall cladding

  • 270 cm (wall height) divided by 30 cm (tile height) = 9 elements in one row in height.
  • 150 cm (surface width) divided by 20 cm (product width) = 7.5 – round up = 8 pieces in width.
  • We multiply 9 by 8, we get - 72 units measuring 30x20 cm are needed for one wall 150 cm wide.
  • Using similar calculations for a wall 170 cm long, we get the result - 81 tiles.

Taking into account the doorway

To calculate the amount of tiles required for cladding the wall in which the door is installed, it is necessary to subtract the amount that corresponds to the dimensions of the doorway from the number of elements for the opposite wall.

For example, divide 200 cm (the height of the doorway) by 30 cm (the height of the tiles), we get 6.7 - round down = 6 pieces in height; Divide 70 cm (the width of the opening) by 20 cm (the width of the product), we get 3.5 - round down = 3 pieces in width. We multiply 6 by 3, we get 18 pieces, which we subtract from (for example) 81, we get 63 pieces.

If you will completely cover the wall next to which the bathtub will be installed, then it is easy to calculate the number of tiles on it. If you do not plan to tile the space occupied by the bathroom, then the calculation for this wall is carried out similarly to the calculation for the wall with a door.

Calculating the amount of grout

After completion of the installation work, the joints are grouted. To do this, use grout that matches the color of the main color of the coating, or a contrasting one (white for black tiles, etc.).

To calculate the amount of grout for tiles, you need to know the volume of space to be filled. The seam width is recommended from 1.5 to 3 mm. To the joint depth, approximately equal to the thickness of the tile, you need to apply a coefficient of 1.5, which will take into account material shrinkage, humidity, etc.

To calculate the volume of grout, divide half the perimeter of 1 tile by its area and multiply by the thickness. Multiply the result by the width of the seam and by 1.5 (coefficient). The result will be the mass (in kg) of grout required for 1 sq.m of coverage. For example, with a joint width of 2-3 mm and a tile area of ​​0.04 sq.m, one kilogram of grout is enough for 3.5 sq.m.

Let's sum it up

As a conclusion, we can say that determining the area for laying tiles is not always effective and accurate, especially for small rooms. Apply in small spaces The calculation formula is also too complicated and impractical. It is better to make piece by piece calculations.

In the above examples, for simplicity of calculation and understanding of its very principle, the dimensions were taken as the initial data standard apartment and single-color ceramics without decoration or borders. These examples are quite enough to calculate according to the described rules required amount tiles at different colors, when installing curbs, etc.

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    Denis said:

    The commentators are amazing. You really had no idea how to count the number of pieces without this article? Unfortunately, the article did not touch on the topic: what size tile to choose, which wall to use as a base, so that you don’t have to cut pieces.

    Sergey said:

    Whoever wrote the article must be a genius. I couldn't even imagine that everything is so simple! I just got around to renovating my bathroom and thought I couldn’t handle it at all. Well, not my profile at all. It turned out that everything was just like that! Now I can check with people at hardware stores to see if they are trying to sell me a lot more tiles than I really need. This information really turned out to be very useful and timely.

    Konstantin said:

    For the most accurate calculation, so that there is no extra costs on the material, first decide on the choice of tiles. Knowing its size, it will be mathematically simple to calculate the exact number of tiles for a certain surface, which will save your waste. Also, don’t forget to take into account and discard when calculating tile joint. Since the tiles do not fit joint to joint, and when laid under the “crosses” there remains a gap of 2 to 5 mm.

    Plitkin said:

    The calculations for the bathroom in the comments are not entirely correct. Because modern tiles performed in the following sizes - for the floor 30x30, for walls 20x3 0, etc. Therefore, it should be calculated like this:
    Floor length 2.50m. - these are 8 rows of 30 cm. = 2.40 + 10 cm. pruning
    width 1m is 3 rows + 10cm. trimming, total: 8 x 3 = 24 pcs + trimming 8+4 = 12 divided by 2 (the middle will most likely have to be thrown out) = 6 pcs.
    30 pcs per floor + 4 pcs stock.
    Walls - width 2.5+2.5+1+1-0.75 (doors)=625 mm. – 32 rows of 20cm tiles.
    height 2.5 x 30 cm. = 8.5 rows
    32 x 8.5 = 272 pcs.

To get started with tile calculator, select the collection that we will calculate, and get to the start page. This is what it looks like, for example, for the Karaoke collection.

The entire calculation consists of 4 main steps.

Step one: determine the purpose of the tiles and the dimensions of the walls for calculation

In the vertical column we set the height of the ceiling and walls. In our example, we will make a calculation for a bathroom with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, two walls 2.5 m long and two walls 1.7 m wide. We do not subtract the dimensions of the doors for now - this can be done later.

It is convenient that the dimensions can be entered in two ways: manually, or by moving the ruler slider to the desired indicator.

Here you can set the width of the seam between the tiles, because this indicator also affects the calculation. You can also choose a layout option - our tiles will be laid horizontally or diagonally. We chose a narrow seam, 1.5 cm, and a horizontal layout.

Are you sure all required fields are filled in? Great, you can move on to the next step.

By the way, if you need to calculate tiles for a smaller number of walls, for example, for two, then you can remove unnecessary walls. To do this, place the cursor on the value of the unnecessary wall, and select the “remove wall” button. It is located in the right corner, under the rulers. If we suddenly change our minds and decide to add a wall to our calculation, we will click the blue “Add wall” button on the left.

Step two: laying out the tiles

On the left side tile calculator we see the range of the collection: basic tiles and decors. On the right side, which is wider and larger than the left, our walls will be displayed, according to the previously specified parameters.

We will “cover” the walls one by one, selecting them from the list below: wall No. 1, wall No. 2, and so on.

For cladding the first wall, choose beige tiles, which we want to arrange in horizontal rows. To do this, drag the desired tile using the left mouse button to our wall.

Please note that in order for the tile to fill a certain space, we need to bring it to the “Arrange in rows” item. If we simply drag the tile onto the wall, it will fall as a single element. This is convenient for decorations, but not suitable for large areas.

The arrangement of our tiles can be horizontal or vertical. If we want to add a contrast stripe, we select again desired color from the left side, and lay out desired area, using the “Arrange tiles in rows” item.

When the entire wall is laid out, you can place decors. To do this, select a separate decorative element and move it to the place we need. We selected a whole strip of decors, again using the “Arrange tiles in rows” option.

Did you place the element incorrectly? No problem. Let's use an eraser. It is located under the lower left corner of the wall. We grab it with the mouse, drag it to the place where the mistake was made - and the unsuccessful element is already removed.

Here is one of the walls we made:

When the result tile layouts on one wall will satisfy us, let's move on to the next.

If we want to repeat the layout of one wall for another, then we can use the “Arrange similar to the wall...” command and select a wall from the menu.

Having worked on all the walls, we move on to the next step.

Step three: save (subtract doors, bathtub, etc.)

Now you need to select areas free of tiles. This needs to be done on a specific wall, from those that we have already “covered” by selecting them from the list.

First, the door. Her exact dimensions can be set manually, or by moving the sliders on the rulers. The selected area will be reflected on our wall.

Secondly, you can set an arbitrary area. For example, we decided not to tile the space behind the bathroom. Then choose the right wall and mark on it the area that we will free from the tiles. Arbitrary areas can be added or removed in the calculator according to our wishes. It is very comfortable.

Have you noted everything? Then we move on to the fourth step.

Step Four: Final Calculation

At the output we get the full tile layout according to our design aspirations, the dimensions of our space, and the random areas chosen.

The name of the tile, price, footage, stock (if it is needed, it is not included in the decor, for example), and the total amount are indicated. The stock can be reduced, increased or completely removed.

Below the calculation we can see our layout of tiles on the walls, the way we intended it.

The finished calculation can be sent to your e-mail, saved in bookmarks, or you can place an order directly from here using the appropriate button.

One of the most significant repair issues is the correct calculation of the material, especially if we're talking about on how to calculate the number of tiles. And if it is easy to purchase other finishing materials, then in the case of tiles this may not be possible.

It’s worth saying right away that correct calculation of tiles is an opportunity to protect yourself not only from buying excess material, but also from a more serious problem associated with a lack of tiles. The problem is that modern production tiles are a rather complex and, so to speak, fickle process, so tiles from the same collection in different batches have significant differences in color scheme, ornament geometry and others technical parameters. You don’t need to be an expert to understand how this will affect the design of the entire interior.

It is also worth noting that incorrect calculations often result from a lack of experience in taking measurements and calculating the area of ​​a room; this issue must be taken no less seriously.

Unfortunately, there is no single and unchangeable calculation formula tiles does not exist, since in each individual case everything depends on several factors: the size and features of the room layout, the dimensions of the tiles and the layout option. But, in general, the calculation schemes will be similar, and you can understand them at simple example. IN in this case The average dimensions of the room and material are taken as a basis. The dimensions of the bathroom are 1.73 × 1.73 m, with a ceiling height of 2.6 m. There are no boxes or niches in the bathroom, and the only opening is the doorway.

The tiles are laid out vertically in a standard way: dark bottom, border and light top with several decors. Dimensions of floor tiles – 0.335×0.335 m; wall – 0.3×0.2 m; frieze dimensions – 0.08×0.2 m

There are two ways to calculate floor tiles. Some craftsmen determine the required amount of tiles by area.

Bathroom floor tiles

To do this, you need to know the total square footage of the room, which is calculated using standard geometric formulas, in this case for a square: 1.73 × 1.73 = 3.46 m2, the number is rounded to big side and get an area of ​​3.5 m2. Next you need to find out the area of ​​one floor tiles: 0.335×0.335=0.112 m2.

Now determine how many whole tiles will be needed to pave the entire area: 3.5/0.112=31.2 pcs. The quantity is rounded to 32 and 10% is added for defects and trimming, in the case of a diagonal layout - 15%. The total is 35 or 37 tiles, respectively.

The second method is considered more accurate; the tiles are calculated individually. Calculate how many tiles will fit along one side of the floor (width): 1.73/0.335=5.2, rounded to 6. Now calculate the number of tiles that will fit along the adjacent wall (floor length): 1.73/0.335=5, 2 are also rounded to 6, in this case the result is similar. From the calculations it is clear that 5 whole tiles and trim will be laid along each wall.

Now they will find out how much material is needed: 6×6=36 pieces. Considering the fact that when rounding the number increased by almost one, an adjustment for damage and defects is introduced only in the case of a diagonal layout - 5%.

Wall tiles

In order to calculate the required number of tiles for the walls, you need to know the perimeter of the bathroom: (1.73 + 1.73)2 = 6.92 m, rounded to 7 m. Now, knowing the length of one tile, calculate how many pieces will be laid in one row around the perimeter of the room 7/0.2 = 35 pcs.
The layout of the tiles in this case implies a dark bottom; it is usually raised to a height of about 1 m. But since there is no need for trimming here, the height can vary depending on the dimensions of the selected tile: 1/0.3 = 33, there will be three rows the best option.

Define total dark tiles in three rows: 35×3=105, add 3 pieces per battle, for a total of 108 dark tiles.
Dark and light tiles are usually separated by a border. The length of the frieze in this case is similar to the length of the tile - 0.2 m, but it is laid only in one row, that is, to lay out the border around the perimeter you will need 35 elements.

Now you need to calculate the number of rows of light tiles and their total quantity. It is known that the height of the room is 2.6 m, the height of the dark layer is 0.9 m, and the height of the border is 00.8 m. It turns out 2.6 - 0.9 - 00.8 = 1.62 m - the height of the light layer. The resulting number is divided by the height of the tile and the number of rows is 1.62/0.3 = 5.4, that is, 5 rows of whole tiles and trimming under the ceiling.

Find out the total number of light tiles 35 × 5.4 = 189. In this case, the number need not be rounded to 6, since in the last row it takes less than half of one tile to cut. 4 spare tiles are also added to the total.
The layout of the tiles assumes the presence of decors in a light area, a total of 3 pieces on three walls and 2 elements on the wall with the doorway. Total: (3×3)+2=11 elements. This number must be subtracted from total number light tiles 193-11=182.

Dark bottom, light top - classic

When calculating wall tiles Do not forget about the presence of a doorway, its height is 2 m, width is 0.7 m. A certain number of tiles can be safely subtracted from the total number and save a little.
First, they find out how many whole tiles will fit at the height of the opening in one row: 2/0.3 = 6.6, here they round down to the smaller one - 6 pieces. Now count the number of tiles per door width: 0.7/0.2 = 3.5, also round down to the bottom - 3 tiles.

It is known that the height of the dark layer is 3 rows, 3×3 = 9 dark-colored tiles. The frieze has the same length as the tile, so 3 elements can fit into the width of the doorway.
Now calculate the number of rows of solid light tiles (2-0.9-0.08)/0.3=3.4, that is, 3 rows of light tiles. Determine the number of light tiles that can be subtracted: 3×3=9 pcs.
The quantity is determined in the same way extra tiles for window openings, as well as for areas that will not be tiled, for example, behind the bathroom.

Final result

  • Floor tiles required - 36 pcs.;
  • Dark tiles – 94 pieces + 3 spares;
  • Light tiles – 169 pieces + 4 pieces. spare;
  • Friezes – 32 pieces + 1 piece. in reserve;
  • Decors – 11 pcs. + 1 spare.

Advice! Among the more modern and convenient calculation methods, software is now especially popular. Online services allow the user not only to calculate the amount of tiles and consumables, but also to create a 3D visualization of the bathtub with the future layout. The only problem is that some manufacturers and collections may not be in the program database.

Programs for calculating bathroom tiles

Calculation of consumables

In addition to the tiles, you will also need consumables: glue, grout and installation crosses. The latter are sold in packs of 50 pieces, this quantity is quite enough. As for glue and grout, it is rarely possible to calculate them perfectly accurately, but it is also easier to purchase additional material than tiles.

Tile adhesive consumption

Average material consumption using the example of Ceresit glue

The consumption of tile adhesive largely depends on the evenness of the walls, which in practice usually have to be leveled, and from this the thickness of the adhesive layer varies greatly. Also, the amount of glue is influenced by the laying technology, brand and composition, manufacturer, laying technique, type of tile and even temperature conditions.

Tile is the most common finishing material, which is used for cladding not only internal but also external surfaces. He can withstand temperature changes and doesn't care high level humidity, but most importantly - ease of maintenance. Choosing this material for an apartment or house, the first thing you think about is: how to calculate how many tiles are needed in each specific case?

As a rule, most people initially purchase depending on the cost approximate quantity required material(tiles, wallpaper, etc.). However, approximate calculations lead to unreasonably inflated costs. The excess will simply gather dust in some corner, without bringing any benefit. In this article, we will try to do without this and make a more accurate calculation based on what exactly the tiles will be spent on.

Necessity of calculation

If you need to carry out repairs in your apartment or private property, you need to calculate everything correctly so that there is no excess. Some people believe that extra material is not a hindrance, but in reality everything is not so simple. During renovations, most people spend a considerable amount financial resources, and excess tiles lead to unjustified costs. After all, hardly anyone wants to overpay for floor tiles?! In addition, its remains are usually not needed by anyone.

Often, having made an approximate calculation of the amount of material, you can find that there is simply not enough of it. All you have to do is go to the store and buy the rest you need. However, it's not that simple. The fact is that each batch produced has differences in shades. For this reason, in many stores, samples from the same collection have different prices. As a result of all this, you can see areas with different tones on the floor or walls, which somewhat spoils the overall impression.

In order to prevent the destruction of harmony in the design of the room, it is better to immediately make the most accurate calculation of the tiles. When choosing tiles for the floor or walls for your room, you should know its pros and cons, so as not to be disappointed later. You may need to give preference to a different finishing material, who knows?!

Advantages of tiles

The popularity of tiles is difficult to underestimate or overestimate due to the obvious advantages of the material:

  • tolerates moisture;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • immune to the effects of aggressive environments;
  • easy to clean;
  • it can be used in low or high temperature environments;
  • Relevant for a heated floor system in a bathroom or kitchen.

The tiles are available on the market in a wide variety of shapes and shades. Thanks to this, the material deservedly enjoys fame among professional designers. With it you can create original interiors, since the tile itself is already a good decor. In our modern times Every year, interior decoration is becoming more and more popular. At the same time, partial finishing is carried out not only in bathrooms and kitchens, as we are already accustomed to seeing. Living rooms also look good with elements of such decor.

Disadvantages of finishing decor

To solve the question of how to calculate how many tiles are needed for different surfaces, the shortcomings of the material should also be known in person. Compared to the advantages, there are not many of them. And one of them is high degree rigidity. On the one hand, this is even an advantage, but on the other hand, dishes that fall on the tiled floor will inevitably break. Also, due to this quality, serious difficulties arise when cutting tiles. Particularly for materials with a glazed surface.

In addition, enameled and polished tiles are quite slippery. Fortunately for most renovation enthusiasts, these existing shortcomings are not so serious, so now you can safely move on to direct study calculating the required number of tiles.

Features of calculation of facing material

How to calculate the number of tiles? any universal option or there is no special formula for this. Some may immediately object that it is enough to know the area of ​​the room. In reality, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is important to take into account the condition of the floor, what the final version will be, and the dimensions of one tile sample. It is also important to consider whether the pattern will be created, the method of laying the tiles and what kind of surface: floor, walls, backsplash (usually in the kitchen) or bathroom (in whole or in part).

Let's try to understand this difficult issue. By making the calculation using the methods described below, you can determine the net amount of tiles. However, during the work it will need to be trimmed, and therefore it is worth adding another 10-15% to the result obtained. This is an error that is inevitable - the material will break when cutting and the like.

Number of tiles per floor

How to calculate the number of tiles for the floor? The dimensions of the room and the tile itself should be taken as a basis. In this case you can use different ways. For example, let’s take the average dimensions of a room, which is typical for most residential buildings: length - 3 meters and width 2 meters. For calculation, it is better to reduce all known ones to one form: length - 300 cm, width - 200 cm, tile dimensions - 20 x 15 cm.

To begin with, you can determine the area of ​​the floor in the room and one tile. It's not that difficult - the length is multiplied by the width (the answer is 60,000 cm 2 and 300 cm 2, respectively). Now you need to divide both values ​​among themselves, the result will be the amount of material. That is, Q=60000/300=200 (pieces). If the answer is fractional, it must be rounded up, for example, 63.35 = 64.

You can divide the length of the floor by the same parameter of the tile (the answer is 15 cm). The same thing with the width - 200 divided by 15 and we get 13.33. All that remains is to multiply the obtained values ​​among themselves and calculate Q = 13.33 * 15 = 199.95, but taking into account rounding - 200 pieces. Taking into account the error - 220-230 pieces, no less.

Calculation of tiles on the wall

How to calculate tiles for a wall? Here everything is somewhat more complicated. If tiles of the same color are laid on several walls (or on all 4, as when tiling a bathroom), then the calculation can be carried out as with the floor option. First, the number of tiles is determined in relation to one wall, and then to the other, and so on. At the end, the results obtained are summarized, not forgetting to add 10-15%. Only when taking measurements of the walls, it is worth excluding the area of ​​the interior passage, as well as all other places where there will be no tiles.

It’s another matter if you need to lay out some kind of pattern or ornament from the tiles, as you like. Here it’s worth learning a little about the specialty of a designer, armed with a pencil and a piece of paper on which to draw up rough drawing, on which the entire pattern and location of each tile will be clearly visible.

To begin with, it is worth carrying out a standard calculation of wall tiles with a pattern for one of the walls. That is, measure its height and divide by the length of the tile. For example, the height of the room is 250 cm, and the length of the tile is 30 cm. As a result of division, we get the answer - 8.3, which we round up to 9. That is how many horizontal rows there will be.

Next, we take into account the length of the wall (or width), for example, 300 cm (200 cm). Suppose we put square tiles and therefore its other parameter is also 30 cm. Now we calculate the number of vertical rows and as a result of the calculation we have - 10 (20). Now we multiply these two values: 9*10 (20) = 90 (180).

Now is the time to refer to our drawing and count how many tiles are of a distinctive color. Then this number is subtracted from the total calculated quantity.

How many tiles are needed for a bathroom?

In fact, determining the amount of tiles for a bathroom is practically no different from the examples given above. Here it is also necessary to measure the height and length (width) of the walls. Usually such premises in many residential buildings are made regular square or rectangular shape. In this case, if it is a square, it is enough to measure the parameters of one of the walls, and then multiply by 4 during the calculation. For a rectangular room, you already need to measure two walls, and again need to multiply by 2.

Sometimes it is difficult to calculate how many tiles are needed for a bathroom. The fact is that the interior of some rooms is complicated by niches and protruding elements. Then you will have to separately measure each surface on which the tile will lie.

The obtained values ​​should be written down, but for greater convenience it is better to plan the room. At the same time, indicate the location of plumbing fixtures, furniture and other elements. This will allow you to more accurately determine how much material is needed and minimize excess.

Usually during the calculation it is necessary to exclude some areas. For the bathroom this is the doorway. There is also no need to lay tiles under the bathtub, since this part of the walls will not be visible. Especially when installing a screen, which will allow you to save a little on material. Therefore, measuring the height of the surfaces to which the bathroom adjoins should start from its sides.

Counting tiles for backsplash

How to calculate tiles for a backsplash? Typically the dimensions of this area, minus wall cabinets and the allowance for the table top is 55-75 cm, which corresponds to the standard. However, in some cases, this working area of ​​the kitchen may have different dimensions.

To determine how many tiles will be used for the apron, you must first find out whether it will be made for the entire length of the wall or not.

If the furniture is already present, then you need to measure the necessary parameters:

  • the height of the bottom row of cabinets with table top and legs (if any);
  • height of the top row of cabinets;
  • If you have a pencil case, you will also need its height.

In addition, it is also worth taking into account the height of the hood, which is usually 72 cm from the countertop, and its allowance, which is another 10 cm. It is also necessary to retreat from the apron by 3-5 cm in order to hide its edge behind the set.

If there is no furniture yet (if major renovation or for a number of other reasons), you should mark two boundaries on the wall below and above. The first is a line of floor cabinets, and the second is the bottom edge of wall furniture. Lines must be drawn evenly using a level to the required length. This will allow you to more clearly and accurately solve the question of how to calculate how many tiles you need.

In any case, you will end up with a rectangular section, the length and height of which must be measured to calculate the area of ​​the apron. If the plot is corner, then calculations are carried out from each of the walls, and then the two results are summed up. You also need to calculate the area of ​​the tile.

Now all that remains is to divide the calculated value of the apron by the area of ​​one tile, thus determining their total number. Just don’t forget about the 10% reserve. A fractional number rounded up.

Diamond laying

This method of laying tiles on the floor or walls looks more prestigious and harmonious. How to calculate is already known - determine the area of ​​surfaces (walls, floors) and tiles. Then divide the received data among themselves. For example, the floor area was determined to be 7.5 m2, and the tiles - 0.09 m2. Then the result will be: Q=7.5/0.09=83.33, taking into account rounding we get 84 pieces.

The tiles need to be laid from the center of the surface to the periphery; the size and shape of the tiles should also be taken into account. In addition, you will need to trim the edges, which increases material consumption. For this reason, the reserve will already be 15-20%. That is, in the end we have 97-100 tiles.


As you can see, calculate the required amount facing material not as difficult as many people think. And to facilitate the whole process or when you are too lazy to carry out all the calculations yourself, there is a convenient option - an online calculator. All you need to do is enter the required data. Therefore, measurements will still have to be taken.

You can also contact a specialist who will calculate everything on the spot within half an hour. But at the same time you will have to part with some money, and also listen professional opinion that it is also better to entrust installation to specialists. Perhaps even from the company where he works.

But if only a person experienced in this matter can really handle laying tiles, then each of us can solve the question of how to calculate how many tiles are needed. After all, we all went to school, at least most of us.

Renovating a bathroom, or any room, is always a troublesome, costly, and labor-intensive task. To do this you need to prepare a large number of all kinds of tools, materials, select them in accordance with certain requirements. In addition, you need to take into account the design of the apartment so that the space being arranged does not fall out of the overall plan, unless, of course, this was not planned initially.

In order to carry out Finishing work it is necessary to calculate the exact amount of materials required. Moreover, you should buy the entire quota of products and even with a reserve, since another batch of products will most likely differ in tone or texture, which is very ugly.

Tile is chosen for decoration in the bathroom. She has various forms, sizes, colors, suitable for laying floors and walls. The number of products that will be needed will depend on these parameters. So, how to calculate how many tiles you need?

Tile selection

Before calculating the required number of products, it is necessary to determine their characteristics. The bathroom is different from the rest of the room increased level humidity, which makes the requirements for finishing materials quite high.

When purchasing tiles, you should take into account their properties, which they should have especially for flooring:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to household chemicals;
  • resistance to agents with an abrasive component.

First step

Before you start calculating the number of tiles for the bathroom, it is best to carefully measure the room, recording the data obtained. A regular tape measure or rangefinder, which are available in every store, will help with this.

The measurement takes place in two planes: the height and width of the walls. If they have correct form, then it is enough to take 2-3 measurements. In the case where there are protrusions or depressions, then they should be measured separately.

In addition, you need to know the exact proportions of the door and if there are window openings. This will allow you to more accurately calculate the required material. Experts even recommend drawing up a plan of the room, which indicates the position of the plumbing, the total area, the parameters of the wall and floor. As a result, this approach will give a more complete picture of what is happening and help make accurate calculations.

Worth remembering! If the walls in the bathroom seem smooth, then this is not always true. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out several control measurements to avoid errors in calculations.

We determine the amount of material. Method No. 1

The first indicators are achieved by multiplying the length by the width and taken from the floor area. By analogy, the area of ​​one tile product is calculated, and the data obtained is rounded up.

Having received two approximate numbers, divide the floor area by the area of ​​the ceramics, and the resulting value is rounded to a larger integer. Thus, we have a certain number to which we need to add 5%, i.e. multiply by 1.05, and round the resulting result up.

For clarity, we need to calculate using an example where we take average statistical data. The initial ceiling is 2.70 m, the walls are 1.9 and 2.0 m, the door width is 0.7 m. If the conventional dimensions of the floor tiles are 35 by 35 cm, then the calculation will be as follows:

  • 1.9*2.0=3.8 m2;
  • 0.35*0.35=0.1225 m2;
  • 3.8 m2/0.1225 m2=31 pcs.;
  • 31*1.05= 32.55, which means you need about 33 tiles.

Method No. 2

The number of ceramic products that will be laid on the floor is calculated based on the length and width. To do this, you need to divide each of these floor parameters by a similar tile value. The resulting data is multiplied, after which we round it up and add 5% again. Here is an approximate calculation:

  1. 1.9/0.35=5.42 pcs.;
  2. 2.0/0.35=5.71 pcs.;
  3. 5.42*5.71=30.96 pcs.;
  4. 31*1.05=32.55, i.e. You need about 33 tiles.

Bathroom tile layout plan

Need to know! Typically, managers in specialized stores prefer to use the first method of determining the exact amount of material.

We determine the number of products per wall. Method No. 1

Under cladding wall surface we need a certain number of tiles. To do this, we calculate the perimeter of the entire room. We add the length of each wall separately, then add the length and width together and multiply it all by 2. (1.9+2.0)*2=7.6 m.

Then we subtract the width of the doorway from the perimeter, and divide the resulting whole by the length of the frieze. (7.6-0.7)/0.2= 34.5 pcs. Here we take as a basis standard size tiles are 200x400 mm, and frieze dimensions are 200x80 mm. After which the value is multiplied by 5%, where the result is 36 tiles.

Method No. 2

The following method allows you to find out the exact number of products required per square meter. meter. This technique is proven and suitable for installation on any surface. various sizes. First you need to calculate total area bathroom, adding the length of each wall, then multiplying the resulting value by the height of the bathroom.

Let's look at an example, let's say the height is 2, length is 3, width is 2.5. Then 3+3+2.5+2.5=11m. The next step is to multiply the perimeter by the height: 11 × 2 = 22 square meters. meters - area. From it we subtract the space occupied by the door and window openings, naturally, if they are available.

Let's say we get the number 20 square meters. meters. Then we find the total area of ​​one ceramic product. Conventionally, 0.4 × 0.2 m, we get 0.08 sq. meters. Now all that remains is to simply calculate the values. For this purpose 20 sq. m./0.08 sq. m = 250 pcs., while adding approximately 5-10% as a supply of tiles.

It is by using the above methods that you can quite accurately calculate the required amount of tiles that will be required for a wall or floor.

However, there are other methods that are somewhat less known than in the examples shown. Thus, all that remains is to use the acquired knowledge and carry out all the calculations yourself.