Calculator cubic capacity of timber for a bath. Approximate calculation of the cubic capacity of the timber per house. Intended use information

Calculator cubic capacity of timber for a bath.  Approximate calculation of the cubic capacity of the timber per house.  Intended use information
Calculator cubic capacity of timber for a bath. Approximate calculation of the cubic capacity of the timber per house. Intended use information

It does not matter whether you have found a decent construction company or decided to make a house out of timber with your own hands - at some stage you just need to calculate the amount of lumber required to build it. What do you need to know for this? Firstly, how much and what kind of timber is needed for the house. Secondly, how much is approximately in one cubic meter. And only then you can carry out a simple calculation of the cost of construction and even draw up an approximate estimate.

We calculate the amount (consumption) of material

Immediately make a reservation that all the following calculations are indicative. More precise volumes of material can be determined based on a specific project. The cubature of lumber on the walls of the timber can be calculated as follows:

  • calculate the perimeter of the house;
  • multiply it by the height of the floor;
  • the resulting value is multiplied by the thickness of the beam;
  • as a result, we have the number of cubes for the construction of one floor.

If, in addition to external walls, the presence of internal partitions (also from a bar) is also implied, then they are additionally taken into account. If desired, the material can be calculated not only by volume, but also in pieces, dividing the total volume by the piece.

Let's give a specific example: it is necessary to build a small one-story house 5 × 7 m with a simple attic and one partition. The height of the ceiling is 3 m. In this case, a beam with a cross section of, for example, 150 × 150 mm will be used, and the pediment will also be laid out of it.

Our calculations will look like this:

  • the perimeter of the house, taking into account the length of the partition: (5 + 7) × 2 + 5 = 33 m;
  • the volume of the walls of the first floor: 33 × 3 × 0.15 ≈ 15 cubic meters. m.;
  • we consider the cubic capacity of the beam for the pediment as approximately half of the material required for two walls 5 m long and 3 m high: 5 × 3 × 0.15 = 2.25 cubic meters. m.

In total, about 17.25 cubic meters will go to the walls. m, or, taking into account 20% of the stock, about 20 cubic meters. m. But it should be understood that we did not take into account, for example, floor beams made of glued laminated timber (regular or profiled), as well as other design features. Therefore, you can safely add 5 cubes. As a result of such approximate calculations, it turns out that the construction will take about 25 cubic meters. (But window and door openings, on the contrary, will reduce the need for lumber.)

How many timber in a cube

Simple calculations allow not only to calculate the cubic capacity per house, but also to determine almost the exact number of bars. This is easy to do: it is enough to know the required volume of lumber and the volume of a piece product in order to divide one value by another. Here is a table in which the most common cross-sectional dimensions for a material length of 6 meters.

Beam dimensions

Determining with them, you need to proceed from economic feasibility. It is mostly about the thickness of the walls and the heat-conducting characteristics of the material. Consider this in two variations: a summer (country) house and a building for permanent residence.

Thickness and width

The width of the beam should worry the developer only if permanent residence is planned, and even then not always - after all, any wooden wall can be insulated with effective thermal insulation, thereby avoiding losses for "street heating". For giving, it is quite possible to use a section of 100 × 100 mm. Using ordinary unplaned material, you still have to deal with issues with facade cladding and interior decoration, dealing, for the most part, with the problems of the aesthetics of the result. But for permanent residence it is better to use a profiled beam with a width of 150 mm or more. In this case, you still have to insulate the walls. As for the thickness, everything is simpler here: the number of beams needed to build walls just depends on it. But, meanwhile, this also affects the number of seams between the crowns. Summarizing the above:

  • the thickness and width of the timber for a country house practically does not matter (for seasonal living in the warm season);
  • for permanent residence, you can choose a large width, but you still have to insulate the walls. And you can save on cubic capacity by relying on high-quality insulation - it will turn out cheaper and more efficiently in terms of reducing heat losses.

So, in order to build a really warm house without insulation, the thickness of its walls for the Moscow region should be about half a meter. The same effect will be when using a beam of 150 × 150 and 10–15 cm of thermal insulation.

We draw your attention to the fact that not all lumber manufacturers and sellers are honest with their customers: you can often encounter an underestimation of the declared section. For example, a 150 × 200 beam actually has a section of 140 × 190 or even less. Be sure to check the actual parameters before buying! This will help you not to get into a mess, save money and nerves!


Before deciding on the choice of builders, monitor offers. To determine the most cost-effective option, ask various competing firms for their estimates for the selected standard or individual project, which includes all costs: both the cost of building materials and the payment for all types of construction work.

Normal companies offer such estimates for free. It is noteworthy that for different firms the final amounts for the same buildings can differ not only by 10-20%, but also several times. It is advisable to have on hand the most detailed list of works and materials to implement your idea - this is the only way you can avoid additional, unforeseen expenses along the way.

If desired, the estimate can be compiled independently: by calculating the consumption of materials, multiplying the results by average prices (in total, these will be the costs of building materials) and adding about 50–100% of this amount to pay for work. Such an approximate calculation can be used to analyze proposals from specialized companies.

An online lumber calculator for building a house and other structures will allow you to quickly calculate lumber, taking into account the size of the building. In accordance with the result obtained, the calculation of dowels, heat-insulating tape and the total cost of the material will be carried out.

When developing an online calculator, a formula was used that takes into account the parameters of the timber and the dimensions of the structure, including also the dimensions of the pediment and their number. This allows you to more accurately calculate the material for the construction of a structure of any complexity.

To perform the calculation, you must fill in the appropriate fields in the calculator form. First of all, data on the dimensions of the building are entered - the length and width, as well as the height of the walls.

If the building has a complex shape, then in the "Length of additional walls" field, you must enter the total length of all walls, excluding the building itself. For example, a standard residential building has a rectangular shape, but in the future a non-residential veranda, a barn and a storage room will be attached to the house. To fill in the field, it is necessary to measure the total length of all walls of additional extensions.

Preliminary calculations allow you to determine the transport and delivery of the material to the facility

If in the calculations it is necessary to take into account the material for the gables, then you will need to enter data on the quantity, as well as the width and height parameters. When measuring the latter, the maximum values ​​are taken.

Finally, data about the material is entered - its width and height. When filling in the appropriate fields, keep in mind that data on the parameters of the structure are entered in meters, and on the beam - in millimeters.

As a result, the online program will calculate the volume of building material needed, as well as its total weight, which will allow you to choose the appropriate transport if you plan to deliver the material to the site yourself. Additionally, the calculation results indicate the number of crowns, the length of the roll insulation and the number of dowels required to fix the beam.

How to calculate without a calculator

In addition to special calculators and programs, the calculation of a wooden beam for a house can be performed using simple mathematical formulas. Their knowledge will help when performing a preliminary calculation of the material at the facility when there is no Internet access.

Glued laminated timber is made from pre-prepared lamellas

As an example, let's write out the calculation of a beam with a size of 150 × 150 mm for building a house 6 × 8m with a wall height of 2.5 m. The calculation logic is as follows:

  • building perimeter: (6+8)*2=28 m;
  • building wall area: 28*2.5 = 70 m2;
  • required volume of material: 70 × 0.15 = 10.5 m3.

When performing manual calculations, it should be taken into account that 10% of the material is taken as a buffer. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from a shortage of materials during the construction process. If the calculations take into account savings on window and door openings, then this material can be taken as a buffer part without a surcharge of 10%.

What timber is used to build a house

For the construction of residential, non-residential and auxiliary structures, two types of timber are used: profiled and glued. Profiled timber is a modern material made, as a rule, from pine, spruce or larch wood. The beam canvas is made from a single log without the use of chemicals and adhesives.

The outer part of the profiled timber can be either flat or semicircular. The upper and lower parts are made according to the “thorn-groove” system, which ensures a more accurate fit of the canvas when assembling the frame of the structure.

Glued laminated timber is a building material made of various types of wood, which is produced by gluing wooden lamellas together. Mostly lamellas are made of spruce or pine, a little less often - from cedar pine or larch.

Profiled timber is made from a single log

If we compare both types of timber, then profiled timber has greater strength, due to which its cost increases. In addition, profiled timber is more demanding in the process of laying and further processing.

Glulam has a constant strength factor, humidity in the region of 10-20% and a standardized appearance. In fact, glued laminated timber is more versatile, but when choosing, it should be borne in mind that the quality of the product depends entirely on the adhesive compositions used.

Depending on the size of the building, the following options are used for its construction:

  • 100 × 100 mm - usually used for the construction of small summer cottages, baths and sheds;
  • 150 × 150 mm - used for the construction of capital one-story housing and insulated summer cottages;
  • 200 × 200 mm - used in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings and country cottages.

When calculating a timber for a house using an online calculator, you can also find out its total cost. To do this, just enter the price per cubic meter of the product. When calculating, it should be remembered that the data obtained are indicative values ​​that can already be contacted by the developer.

If you plan to purchase the material yourself, we also recommend that you calculate on paper using the formulas above.

The calculation of the timber for the house is necessary in order to determine the required amount of lumber for the construction of the truss system, the implementation of formwork and the overlapping of the floors of the construction site. Its correct calculation is especially important when building cottages from glued or sawn timber.

How to calculate the amount of timber per house?

In order to properly navigate the needs of lumber, it is necessary to make a building project indicating the exact dimensions on which the length of the beam depends. Regarding its thickness, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • for a private house or a bath, a beam with a section of 200x200 mm is suitable;
  • for seasonal construction, it is possible to use wood with parameters of 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm.

Based on the fact that the cost of wood building material is indicated in cubic meters, in order to calculate the exact number of logs per 1 cubic meter, it is necessary to make a simple calculation:

1m3/Z/W/L, where

  • Z is the width of the board;
  • W is the thickness of the board;
  • L is the length of the board.

The design of the house provides for the calculation of the required volume of ceiling and floor beams, the determination of lumber for the truss system, external walls, gables, internal partitions.

Often, ceiling and floor beams with a section of 100x150 mm are used in construction with a step of 0.7 to 1 meter. In order to determine their number, you must use the formula:

  • Ld is the length of the house;
  • Ls is the length of the applied step.

Taking into account the fact that lumber is sold by the supplier in cubic meters, the calculation of the cubature of a bar involves multiplying its cross-sectional area and linear length.

The calculation of the beam for external walls and load-bearing partitions provides for the determination of the area and thickness of the walls. Multiplying these parameters will give the total volume of timber required for the construction of these structural elements.

Calculator for calculating the cubature of timber

For an accurate calculation of the cubic capacity of lumber for a rafter system, the use of special arithmetic algorithms will be required. The beam calculation calculator will greatly simplify the task. The correct determination of the required building material guarantees the reliability of the construction of the structure of the building and saves financial costs.

The program will allow you to calculate the beam online by entering the initial data. By changing the given parameters, you can compare several projects and choose the most profitable one from a financial point of view. By processing the individual parameters of the house project, the calculator will make the most accurate calculation, eliminating the risk of overpaying for extra material. It is important to consider the possible percentage of rejects, which is about 5% of the total volume of lumber.

Lumber suppliers measure it in cubic meters (m 3) and the price, respectively, is indicated for 1 m 3. It will not be difficult to calculate the lumber in a cube (cubic capacity), find out the number of boards, knowing their dimensions, using this calculator.

Specify the dimensions of one board or beam in millimeters:

W- the width of the board or timber, is chosen by you based on the use of lumber. According to GOST 24454-80, the width of lumber can be from 75 to 275 mm. The optimal width value should be selected taking into account SP 64.13330.2011 (Updated edition of SNiP II-25-80).

H- the thickness of the board, an important parameter of the material section. Thickness, according to the above standard, can be from 16 to 250 mm. Take into account SP 64.13330.2011 "Wooden structures" to establish the value H.

Lumber is considered to be timber with a thickness and width of 100 mm or more, the ratio H/W at least 1/2.

L- the length of the board depends on the length of the original logs (i.e. if a workpiece 4000 mm long is sawn, then the board will be of the same size). Meaning L can vary from 1000 to 6000 mm.

E- quantity in cubic meters - this item must be selected if you want to know how many boards of a certain size will be obtained from a given number of cubic meters of wood.

Also indicate the cost of 1 meter of cubic lumber in your region.

The results of the online lumber calculator

If you have specified a parameter N(i.e. how many pieces), the calculator will calculate how much wood needs to be sawn to obtain a given number of boards. A If the parameter was specified E(i.e. volume) it will be calculated how many pieces of boards can be obtained from such a volume of wood. It will also calculate how much volume one board or beam occupies (with parameters W, H, L chosen by you) and how many pieces of boards (beams) of this size are in one cubic meter. If you have quoted prices in the relevant paragraph, the total cost of lumber, their volume and quantity will be calculated. This information will be helpful in budgeting.

Upon careful inspection, a certain amount of lumber may be rejected due to defects. Therefore, so that at the final stage of construction it is not necessary to buy a piece of board in addition, it is necessary to make a small margin in excess of the calculated amount (approximately 10-20%).

The calculation technology will differ depending on the number of timber in the batch. For a small amount, it is very simple: if all the material has the same dimensions, you must first multiply the cross-sectional area (it will be equal to the width multiplied by the height of the section) of one bar multiplied by its length. Thus, you find the number of cubic meters of one unit of lumber, after which you multiply the resulting number by the total number of units - this will be the exact cubic capacity of the units of timber you purchased.

It is very difficult for a non-woodworking specialist to figure out how to calculate the cubic capacity of a beam or other wooden moldings. And this is important, since the sale of timber, boards, bars at sawmills and warehouse stores is carried out precisely in cubic meters, which is what many merchants use to earn money in their pocket.

There are at least two fairly simple calculation methods that any non-specialist can master and feel confident when buying lumber for the home.

Calculations for a small amount

As mentioned above, here you just need to multiply the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bone beam by its length. For example, 15 units of timber with a section of 150 x 150 mm and a length of 6 meters were purchased. We find the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beam - 0.15 x 0.15 \u003d 0.0225 square meters, after which we multiply this area by 6 and get 0.135 cubic meters. - that's how much one bar has. After that, we multiply the resulting number by 15 (the number of timber units) and get 2.025 - the total cubic capacity of the purchased timber.

In such a very simple and accessible way, you can count a small amount of timber and other lumber.

It is also necessary to remember that there are special tables - cubic meters, which will minimize the use of the calculator and greatly simplify the calculations:

- timber 0.10 x 0.10 x 6m - 0.060 cubic meters. - 16.67 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.10 x 0.15 x 6m - 0.090 cubic meters. - 11.11 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.15 x 0.15 x 6m - 0.135 cubic meters. - 07.41 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.10 x 0.20 x 6m - 0.120 cubic meters. - 08.33 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.15 x 0.20 x 6m - 0.180 cubic meters. - 05.56 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.20 x 0.20 x 6m - 0.240 cubic meters. - 04.17 pieces per cubic meter.

- timber 0.10 x 0.10 x 7m - 0.070 cubic meters. - 14.28 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.10 x 0.15 x 7m - 0.105 cubic meters. - 09.52 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.15 x 0.15 x 7m - 0.1575 cubic meters. - 06.35 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.10 x 0.20 x 7m - 0.140 cubic meters. - 07.14 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.15 x 0.20 x 7m - 0.210 cubic meters. - 04.76 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.20 x 0.20 x 7m - 0.280 cubic meters. - 03.57 pieces per cubic meter.

There are times when you need to buy a large amount of timber for your home, while it can be of different lengths and cross-sectional sizes.

To measure and calculate each beam with such volumes is not an occupation for one day.

There is a calculation methodology for such cases, but first we need to understand the concepts of a cubic meter of dense wood and a folding one that exist in forest commodity science.

cubic meter of solid wood

A cubic meter of solid wood is the volume of clean wood obtained by measuring a single bar, excluding voids between the bar and other lumber.

Folding cubic meter

A folding cubic meter is the overall dimensions of a stack of timber, including voids between the timber.

To find the number of storage cubic meters, we stack the timber in a stack as tightly as possible, while the length of the stack should not be more than the length of the main amount of lumber. Docking of short bars is allowed.

Upon completion, we measure the overall length, height and width of the resulting one or more stacks. When multiplying them, we get the folding cubic capacity of your timber, from which, by means of a special conversion factor, we obtain the cubic capacity of dense wood, for which you pay money.

The value of the conversion factor for lumber is regulated by a number of state standards (GOST 6564-84, GOST 6782.1-75, GOST 6782.2-75, GOST 13-24-86) and ranges from 0.74 to 0.82 for a bar - depending on the moisture content of the bar and the breed from which it is made.