What is the meaning of the expression "good should be with fists." Is it good to have fists

What is the meaning of the expression
What is the meaning of the expression "good should be with fists." Is it good to have fists

Yesterday, in my old notebook with poems, I found a poem by my favorite actor and poet Mikhail Ivanovich Nozhkin about the concept of good.

“Since the universe suddenly began to spin,
Good and evil fight day and night.
Since then, our concern has not changed -
Well, how good, well, how to help good?

Evil, we know, has heavy fists
And nerves like steel rope, strong.
And everyone is evil - as a rule, bad ones,
And good people are usually timid.

And evil is damned, tenacious,
An envious, treacherous, vile enemy.
Everything aims in the back of the bright, but the best,
Pushes us into ignorance and darkness.

Yes, a dirty paw digs in our souls,
Our good hopes steal.
And without goodness, the planet will stop,
And without goodness, the sun will not rise!

The multi-ton gait shakes the planet -
Evil walks in its duplicity.
Crawls around the world in the fifth column,
Circling above us like a black crow.

But the good ones are usually fearless.
It's high time we stood shoulder to shoulder!
It's time to go ahead, friends, in a hand-to-hand attack
To the darkness under the bright banner of goodness!

Mankind has tested for centuries:
Fighting against the dark force is not easy.
And good - it should be with fists,
Good people, clench your fists!
And good - it must certainly be with fists.
Good people, clench your fists!”

In the everyday sense, this term and the concept of "good" refers to everything that receives a positive assessment from people, or is associated with happiness, joy, love of certain people, that is, becomes close to the concept of "good".
Good, as an intention, can only be realized free will. Luck, a winning combination of circumstances are not good. Unlike evil, good is not expressed by a simple will to good, since such a will can be selfish, and therefore neutral in relation to morality. True goodness must be selfless.
But there is one common phrase or saying regarding kindness: "Goodness must be with fists." The phrase is attributed to the poet M. Svetlov, who told it to several poets with a request to write a poem beginning with this line. Most famous poem wrote Stanislav Kunyaev:

Good must be with fists.
Good must be harsh
to fly wool in tufts
from everyone who climbs for good.
Kindness is not pity or weakness.
Good crush the castles of shackles.
Good is not slush and not holiness,
no absolution.
Being kind is not always convenient
to accept not only the conclusion
that is fractional, fractional, good-good
knew how to work a machine gun,
what is the meaning of history in the end
in good action alone -
gently kneel
good not surrendered good!

So, is the proverb right: "Good must be done with fists"? I think it's hard to give a definitive answer. In my opinion, there are a lot of examples proving that goodness always lies on one side of the scale, and these "fists" on the other.

Unfortunately, in our modern world, very cruel, it does not happen that good begets only good. You can quote the proverb: "They do not seek good from good."
I don't know whether goodness should or should not have fists. But of one thing I am sure: good must remain good. Otherwise, if there is too much violence in good, it will turn into evil with with clean hands. And, in my opinion, dirty good and evil with clean hands are absolutely the same concepts.
On the other hand, I think that good should still be able to stand up for itself. If good is defenseless against evil, then evil will simply destroy, destroy the world, and there will be no good left. It's like a lack of immunity in a person: any disease easily kills him. Good must actively fight evil. So, are the poets Mikhail Nozhkin and Stanislav Kunyaev right after all?

The poem "Kindness must be with fists ..." (1959) by the Soviet poet Stanislav Yuryevich Kunyaev:

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As the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko writes in his anthology "Strophes of the Century" ("Note from the Compiler", 1995), the theme "Good must be done with fists" "gave us, students (of the Literary Institute. - Comp.), Svetlov to exercise." As the critic Lev Anninsky testifies, “as soon as this phrase escaped from Mikhail Svetlov, two of his young brothers wrote poems hyped from this phrase” (“Nut Kernel”, 1965). Stanislav Kunyaev himself recalled this as follows: “Svetlov said something like that good should be able to defend itself. "Here's a theme for you, write each poem." And I wrote, Yevtushenko wrote, someone else wrote. It turned out that mine turned out to be the best” (from an interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta on November 30, 1995).
Thus, Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov (1903-1964) can also be considered a co-author of this line. Apparently, therefore, Yevgeny Yevtushenko prefaced his poem "Anger" (1955) with an epigraph-statement of Svetlovsky's authorship: "M. Svetlov "- the line" Good should be with fists.

The meaning of the expression: good can be good when it is able to defend itself, resist evil and finally defeat it.
Good - of course, it must protect itself, but the whole question is what is considered good, because everyone has their own truth, their own "good". And if everyone will defend it with their fists, or with something even harder ...? It must be bad for everyone then!? On the other hand: you can't let all sorts of "types" do whatever they want, and just give them a moral: "it's not good to do that." Religious postulates of "non-resistance to evil", or "turn the other cheek" are also not for me, because I think that if you turn the other cheek in our time, they will simply kill you. From this follows the conclusion: Good should be without fists, but with a good legal basis!!!
As for the various power structures and special. divisions, then I have a definite answer here;
In the fight against evil, "Good must necessarily be not only with fists, but also with something more substantial !! But this is probably a topic for another conversation.

good must be with fists
The first line of the poem "Kindness must be with fists ..." (1959) by the Soviet poet Stanislav Yuryevich Kunyaev (b. 1932):
good must be with fists
Good must be harsh.

As the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko writes in his anthology "Strophes of the Century" ("Note from the Compiler", 1995), the theme "Good must be done with fists" "gave us, students (of the Literary Institute. - Comp.), Svetlov to exercise." As the critic Lev Anninsky testifies, “as soon as this phrase escaped from Mikhail Svetlov, two of his young brothers wrote poems hyped from this phrase” (“Nut Kernel”, 1965). Stanislav Kunyaev himself recalled this as follows: “Svetlov said something like that good should be able to defend itself. (...) "Here's a theme for you, write each poem." And I wrote, Yevtushenko wrote, someone else wrote. It turned out that mine turned out to be the best” (from an interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta on November 30, 1995).
Thus, Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov (1903-1964) can also be considered a co-author of this line. Apparently, therefore, Evgeny Yevtushenko prefaced his poem “Anger” (1955) with an epigraph-statement of Svetlovsky’s authorship: “M. Svetlov "- the line" Good should be with fists.
The meaning of the expression: good can be good when it is able to defend itself, resist evil and defeat it.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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What is the meaning of the expression "good should be with fists"? When you hear this statement for the first time, you involuntarily think, what kind of good is this and why does it need fists? Someone will present a muscular kid protecting his property from the encroachments of envious people, others will simply shrug their shoulders: this is folk wisdom that came to us from the depths of centuries. Let's see what the essence of the phrase "good must be with fists" is and how it appeared.

An exercise in eloquence for beginner poets

According to the memoirs, the saying about goodness, able to stand up for itself, was proposed by Mikhail Svetlov to students of the Literary Institute as an exercise for the development figurative thinking. It happened way back in 1959. Twenty-seven-year-old Stanislav Kunyaev coped with the task better than others. And so the famous lines were born.

It is likely that the young poet did not invest any global meaning in his creation, the meaning of the expression "good should be with fists" was outlined as a literary hyperbole. However, the first stanza turned out to be so sonorous and capacious that it quickly scattered among the people.

As you know, in the sixties of the last century, people's interest in literature and poetry was very high. In concert halls and in private apartments, author's readings were arranged, performances of bard song performers were organized.

It is possible that the poem read with pathos at one of the poetic evenings made an impression on the intelligentsia, the meaning of the expression "kindness should be done with fists" became an occasion for discussion. Over time, the phrase acquired recognition, began to be perceived as a proverb. Such a situation is far from uncommon in Russian literature; it is enough to recall A. Griboedov's play "Woe from Wit", which is parsed into quotes literally line by line.

Does goodness need fists?

What is good? This concept combines positive traits personalities: high morality, sympathy, compassion for others. A good-natured person is called a person who treats the problems of other people with understanding, tries to help everyone as far as possible, and often to the detriment of himself. It is difficult to imagine such a good-natured man with fists. If aggression comes from him, then what kind of mercy can we talk about?

But there is another point of view, just arising from the sound of a well-known poetic stanza. If you think about it, the meaning of the expression “good should be with fists” implies that a person should be able to stand up not so much for himself, but for his right to do good deeds. To fight off spiteful critics who say: “don’t go, don’t do it, but why do you need it, nothing will work out anyway”, fists will be very useful for good. But I really want people to have to use this and any other weapon as little as possible.