Which wire is best to use for wiring in the house: varieties and practical tips. Installation of electrical wiring in a wooden house - we do it ourselves, following the rules Installing electrical wiring in a wooden house

Which wire is best to use for wiring in the house: varieties and practical tips.  Installation of electrical wiring in a wooden house - we do it ourselves, following the rules Installing electrical wiring in a wooden house
Which wire is best to use for wiring in the house: varieties and practical tips. Installation of electrical wiring in a wooden house - we do it ourselves, following the rules Installing electrical wiring in a wooden house

In aspects of electrical installation wooden buildings- the most complex objects. We have prepared for you a set of rules for wiring in wooden house, where issues regarding the selection of materials and cable laying systems, as well as the installation of installation products, are discussed in detail.

1. Wiring in strict accordance with regulations

The organization of an electrical network in a wooden house is second in complexity only to buildings on permanent polystyrene foam formwork. Laying on combustible substrates is only permitted open method or with 100% localization of the conductor inside the protective shell.

This requirement is not so strict for frame internal partitions with non-flammable filler. In the most correct version, the passage of the cable through the frame posts is accompanied by the latter being sleeved; in practice, most often the conductor is completely encased in corrugation or a metal hose, ensuring replacement.

Open laying is also a good solution. A number of fittings and installation techniques are provided that make open wiring aesthetically acceptable and even add some color to the interior. Besides plastic cable channels it is possible to lay PV-1 wire wound on ceramic insulators and use non-recessed housing installation fittings. In cases hidden gasket use non-flammable cable brands: VVGng or KGng.

Due to the complexity of installation, cable routing along the walls should be kept to a minimum. But for this you will need to thoroughly think through the laying scheme. cable lines.

2. Wiring diagram for walls and ceiling

In the most acceptable version of the electrical network in the house, each electrical point connected in one straight line to the frame floor, ceiling or sub-ceiling, closed with a suspended or tension covering. All the main wiring is carried out along the technological cavity, hidden from view, although more often the lines simply stretch one at a time to the panel panel. Naturally, the bulk of sockets and switches should be placed on interior walls, and on fencing - only if necessary.

A reasonable solution would be to run the lighting wiring from the switches to the ceiling, and lead the wires for connecting the sockets down to the floor. Due to its low load on the line lighting network can be organized using junction boxes that are inaccessible for maintenance. It is enough to connect the power line from circuit breaker to such a box, and from it lower a switching wire to the key and a power thread to each lighting group.

Lines of sockets and groups general purpose allowed to be combined into so-called garlands. It is important that no more than two wires are fixed on each terminal clamp of the sockets. Otherwise, each outlet and group is connected in hidden distribution boxes, and lines with particularly high loads from household appliances and heaters follow to the group panel without breaking.

It is recommended to cover the cables that are collected on the wall near the panel panel with a decorative casing. When laying cables in groups, it is also recommended to separate the base with a non-flammable substrate, for example, a piece of drywall.

3. Localization of conductors and branches

For some reason the installation open wiring may not be acceptable. In this case, the task becomes much more complicated, despite the fact that the part of the wiring laid along the walls is only 15-20% of the total length of the lines.

The possibility of hidden installation should be included at the stage of preliminary assembly of the log house. According to the internal power supply plan, technological channels for the cable are made in the walls as they are laid. For this purpose, use either electric chisels or core drills. The approximate channel width is 30-50 mm.

In cross section frame system outlet holes are drilled into the floor or ceilings. Installation of electrical fittings is possible using the recessed method; for this, the channel is found with a feeler gauge and a 60-80 mm hole is drilled in the solid timber using a core drill. Installation boxes for sockets and switches should be made of steel, preferably with a fiberglass liner.

Pipe sections laid inside walls must be localized from environment. It is used for this smooth pipe: metal with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm or steel - from 1.2 mm. These values ​​are approximate, more exact calculation requires taking into account the load and voltage on the line, as well as the type and number of conductors inside the sheath.

For branching power lines hidden in cavities frame structures, it is recommended to use metal boxes. For indoor installation Protection against wood dust of a degree of at least 3 is desirable, moisture protection is not taken into account. The entry of cable line sheaths should be flared or equipped with a restrictive ring or nut that does not allow uncoupling.

4. Protective devices

Electrical installation in a wooden house can be complicated by the design features of group and distribution boards. The difference is observed both in the method of mounting the housings and in the selection of protective equipment.

The electrical panel housing must be installed on a non-combustible base. Therefore, under the central panels with ASU, it is recommended to cover the surface with tin, and when installing group panels, use linings made of textolite or fiberglass.

It is convenient to connect group panels with the ceiling and floor using a cable channel, in which usually 3-4 lines are laid for each room. It is not recommended to place shields close to the ceiling or floor.

Circuit breakers are selected according to the permissible continuous current for the cable on the outgoing line; the choice is always made towards a lower rating. Equipment that does not have internal short circuit protection, as well as lines with a fixed line maximum load (ovens, air conditioners) are connected through a circuit breaker with a nominal power consumption and a low response delay during overload (characteristics B and A).

In wooden houses, it is customary to lay wiring according to a three-wire circuit, where protective conductor not associated with null. For this reason, the installation of differential electric shock protection may be accompanied by false positives. But the diffavtomat fire-fighting type, which monitors insulation leaks will be very useful.

5. Installation of installation products and fittings

At the final stage, the finishing electrical installation is carried out. This is most easily done using non-recessed fittings. It's easy enough to screw onto wooden wall a pair of self-tapping screws, having previously inserted the wires into the housing and connected them.

Much more time and effort is spent on installing hidden (recessed) fittings. To tightly fit the frames, a flat surface is required, so the logs are pre-ground with a plane. Next, a hole is made connecting the surface with the hidden channel. It is used as a centering tool when drilling an installation niche with a hole saw.

It is characteristic that installation boxes can be embedded in the same way as in stone walls— by landing on alabaster. Otherwise, the area must be localized and associated with cable channel non-flammable rigid sleeve.

Nowadays, wooden houses are already the norm. Everyone wants to live in an environmentally friendly way clean house, but at the same time modern man does not want to give up the conveniences of modernity. We are talking about lighting, the use of household appliances, computers, etc. All this will become possible only if we install it inside the house electric wires, install switches and sockets, distribution panels. When we're talking about about a wooden house that is easily flammable and burns, they are moving forward for installation of wiring special requirements, compliance with which is the key to the safety of all residents. Let’s figure out how to properly install electrical wiring in a wooden house and what must be taken into account. The material will help you evaluate your strengths and decide whether it is possible to do all the work yourself or whether you will have to call a professional for help.

No. 1. Requirements for wiring in a wooden house

Wood is one of those types of materials that ignite easily and burn well. can easily catch fire from a normal short circuit in electrical circuit, so the process is to minimize the likelihood of a short circuit occurring, and if it does occur, to minimize the consequences. The following requirements are put forward for wiring in a wooden house::

No. 2. Hidden wiring in a wooden house

Electrical wiring in wooden buildings can be done in two ways:

A house made of rounded logs is one of the safest from an environmental point of view, and allows you to create a unique microclimate in the premises that prevents the development of various types of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. But, as you know, wood is a flammable material, when working with which it is necessary to use additional measures precautions. This statement is especially true if it is necessary to install wiring in a house built from rounded logs. How to do this correctly?

Basic rules for installing hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house

The safest and most appropriate A way to create an electrical network in a house is to install hidden wiring. This option involves preserving the external aesthetics and interior design of the house. All wiring is placed in metal pipes. This allows you to compactly place the cable directly in the walls and floor of the house and, at the same time, helps reduce the risk of fires. The main thing that a home owner must remember is that electricity must be taken very seriously, and the connection network diagram must be designed to the smallest detail. So, the first rule is that installation of hidden wiring in houses made of rounded logs is carried out exclusively in metal pipes.

In order for the house to look more aesthetically pleasing, the wiring should be laid exclusively in the floors of the house until the moment when the ceilings, walls and floors in the house are equipped. It is extremely difficult (almost impossible) to rebuild a house made of rounded logs, so everything technological processes, which are associated with the installation of wiring, must be completed before the construction of the building enters the final stage. In order to make branches from the general network to individual switches or sockets in the premises, vertical holes (so-called technological holes) are made in the walls of the house. From all of the above, the second follows important rule creating an electrical wiring line in a house made of rounded logs: installation of metal pipes with an electrical cable must be carried out before filing the walls and ceiling. Technological openings in the walls (their location) must be thought out in advance.

Development of a location plan

It is also necessary to remember that it will be very difficult to make any adjustments to the location of hidden wiring in a house made of rounded logs. Accordingly, you need to think in advance about the location of the electrical household appliances, appliances and all other devices that will use electricity. Once the location plan has been thought out, you can begin to create vertical technological holes in the house. Give any generally accepted scheme for hidden wiring in residential premises wooden house will be incorrect, because each home owner will create a power supply system based on their own preferences and needs. The third rule for installing hidden wiring in a house: first develop a layout diagram of household appliances, and only then create a power supply line in the house.

In order to facilitate further technological work, drilling all those technological channels and holes that will help create wiring in a house made of rounded logs should be made either in the workshop where the main blocks of the house are assembled, cut, or already at the stage of assembling the house where it will be located. Therefore, the fourth rule says: the entire wiring system must be thought out at the stage design work, and not when the project has already begun to be implemented. Remodeling a house, even at the stage of cutting it and laying it out, will be very expensive.

Installation of sockets and switches

In addition to all of the above, you need to know in advance the model and type of sockets and switches that will be installed in a house made of rounded logs. The fact is that technological holes for future sockets and switches are cut in advance. It turns out that the owner of the house can provide himself with a fairly large volume extra work, which is absolutely unnecessary when it begins to further expand the holes for sockets and switches of a type not previously specified. It would be good if they were larger in size than the pre-made holes. But it is possible that they will be smaller. Therefore, there is a fifth rule for creating high-quality and safe wiring in log house- select sockets and switches in advance, and only then cut out technological holes for them in the walls of the house.

All of the above rules are mandatory. Compliance with them allows you to create truly convenient and safe electrical wiring in your home. And do this with minimal costs time, effort and Money the owner of a house made of rounded logs (as well as the owner of any other wooden house).

The main mistakes made when creating a hidden wiring system

Based on the rules that exist for creating hidden electrical wiring in houses made of rounded logs, there are two main requirements for this technological process:

  • or metal boxes or pipes
  • or in non-combustible plaster, which must surround the electrical cable on all sides with a layer whose thickness must be at least 10mm

These are rules that must be followed strictly. But some masters try to modify them, which ultimately leads to rather sad consequences. The main mistakes that can lead to a house fire, or simply failure of the electrical wiring, are:

  • attempts to lay hidden wiring directly under the baseboards
  • install under the front side of doors and windows
  • lay the cable in a corrugation

The main problem It may be that rodents are very fond of the braided electrical cable. The insulation can be eaten by pests and a short circuit will only be a matter of time. The tree, among other things, is subject to seasonal changes in its structure. It swells in winter and autumn, shrinking into summer period time. These changes in the structure of the rounded log (like any other tree) can lead to stress in the electric cable, its rupture. Accordingly, malfunctions in the operation of electrical appliances and short circuits, the results of which can be very disastrous, will become more than just an unpleasant chance.

Location of wiring in the corrugation

Placing the wiring in a corrugation is also not the best the right option. The fact is that corrugation is not entirely safe material from the point of view of compliance with the rules of modern fire safety. The seal in modern corrugation and metal sleeves is created using a special cotton thread, which perfectly supports combustion. Accordingly, the corrugation and metal sleeve are absolutely not suitable for serving insulating material for hidden wiring in any wooden house.

In order to provide truly high-quality protection for the power supply networks at home, it is necessary to pay attention to Special attention those automatic systems who will monitor the safety of wiring in the house. Electrical wiring must be constantly monitored by these systems. Especially if the house is made of flammable materials. In addition to the fact that the house has a main panel to protect against damage to the wiring, on each floor of the house, if it is not one-story, it is necessary to place a small panel that duplicates the functions of the main one in relation to a specific floor. The electrical wiring will be reliably protected by this system duplication.

In order to make really high-quality wiring in your house from rounded logs, you should listen to the advice that was voiced in this article. Line installation electrical wiring in the building is not the one technical work, which can not be taken too seriously.

Installing electrical wiring in a wooden house is a more important undertaking than laying conductive routes in a brick or concrete structure. This is due to the specifics of the material: wood burns, even if it is impregnated with a composition that prevents ignition from an accidental coal.

The importance of correct installation

Temperature electric arc, which occurs when there is a short circuit in the conductors through which current runs with a voltage of standard 220 V, can reach 5000 °C (!). No fire-prevention impregnation helps against the temperature that melts steel.

Despite this, wiring in a log house made of rounded logs or frame country house often done carelessly, if not carelessly.

This is usually motivated by a reluctance to tinker a lot with the dacha, where they live for two to three months a year. But you should understand: poorly made internal wiring of a wooden house can leave you without this very house.

Please note that “poor quality” primarily means “not according to the rules provided for a wooden house.” The usual practice of installing a household electrical network in an apartment or brick house not suitable for wood due to the flammability of the building material.

What the regulations say

The rules for the construction of electrical installations - PUE - give an unambiguous answer to this question. Hidden wiring in the voids of partitions made of flammable materials is permissible only in metal pipes that have the property of localization.

SNiP gives a more vague formulation, so it is recommended to be guided by the PUE. By flammable material we mean wood, even if it has fire-resistant impregnation.

Under metal pipe- steel or copper pipe of square or round profile, having a regulated wall thickness of at least 2.8 mm for any cable with a conductor cross-section of up to 4 mm.

For cables with a cross section of 6-10 mm, the pipe wall thickness should be 3.2 mm.

In this case, it is forbidden to tightly “clog” the pipe with cables - the cable should occupy no more than 40% of the clearance.

To insert a cable from a power line into a wooden house, only a thick-walled steel sleeve is used.

This requirement is due to the following situation. If a short circuit occurs due to a cable breakdown, only a thick-walled pipe can withstand the flash until it self-extinguishes or the circuit breaker is triggered.

The use of metal hoses or other “armor” made of corrugated metal or plastic for hidden wiring in a wooden house is unacceptable for the following reasons:

The main “unofficial” rule for high-quality wiring in log wooden houses is the prevalence of safety over external beauty.

Laying in pipes

Laying wiring in steel or copper pipes, observing the requirements specified above, is possible only at the stage of building a house from scratch.

For example, when installing electrical wiring in a house made of laminated veneer lumber, the installation of a system of such pipes, junction boxes and sockets (also metal) is carried out at the stage of installing the frame.

The rules for hidden wiring of power cables in a wooden house do not allow laying the cable in metal or plastic corrugation in sawn grooves. inside the walls of a wooden house in thick-walled pipes acceptable, but difficult due to the need to bend pipes and make complex connections using couplings, fittings or welding.

There are a number of requirements that must be observed when installing hidden wiring in a wooden house.

Inner surface steel pipes should be painted or galvanized to avoid corrosion, copper - painted to protect against oxides.

The use of metal hose/steel corrugation on bends and transitions makes the entire structure meaningless - transitions are provided threaded connections or butt-to-butt welding.

Horizontally, electrical wiring pipes in a wooden house are laid under small angle to allow condensation to escape, a hole is made at the lowest point for liquid drainage (not inside the wall). The entire system is provided with a grounding connection that is separate from the grounding provided by the wiring.

In wooden houses, only metal sockets are used for sockets and switches. The connections between the junction box and the pipes entering it must be sealed.

To avoid damage to the cable sheath by a sharp edge when exiting the pipe, the edge must be rolled or provided with a protective plastic plug.

Open wiring - installation features

If a wooden house has already been built, but there is a need to replace the wiring in it, then this can be done without sawing the grooves in wooden partitions, which are often not very thick and durable themselves.

Let us remind you that aluminum wire, the most popular among electricians of past years, is categorically unacceptable in a wooden house due to its tendency to fracture and fire hazard.

Open wiring in a wooden house is quite possible. Here are some options.

You can run the cable directly along the wall of the house, enclosing it in standard plastic corrugation or metal flexible armor.

The open method allows this wiring method, since the source of fire in the event of a short circuit will be immediately visible. There will be no fire inside the wall.

Wall mounting is carried out with ordinary corrugation clips.

Wiring in standard cable channels is the same method as for an apartment, only between the cable channel and wooden wall a non-flammable lining made of asbestos or, for example, felt should be provided. A variation of such wiring is wiring disguised as a baseboard.

A fresh look at old methods. The wiring is mounted on the wall of a wooden house using ceramic or plastic (non-flammable) insulators, maintaining a clearance of at least 10 mm from the wall.

A special, antique, twisted wire is used power wire and sockets of the same style.

It is also possible open installation metal pipe systems.

Advantages and disadvantages of open installation

All these wiring methods for a wooden house have their advantages and disadvantages. Installing wiring on a wooden wall of a house in a corrugated pipe is the easiest way; there are no problems with wiring in the junction box.

The downside is that this method is unaesthetic, as well as the need to remove the entire corrugated pipe in order to gain access to one cable.

In this regard, the cable channel is preferable, fortunately, now on the market you can find the color of the box “like wood”, and choose an individual shade to match the color of your internal coating.

The cable channel is convenient for installation - it is easy to open and close, and is relatively safe for a wooden house, since it itself is made of non-flammable plastic.

If desired, you can hide the wires by selecting the “bottom” wiring in the cable channel, disguised as a baseboard.

Please note that it is unacceptable to embed wires under a real baseboard!

Lighting or connecting sockets with a load of no more than 16 A can be done using “antique” wiring.

For this purpose, specially stylized wires, insulators between the wall and the wire, sockets, and the like are produced. But keep in mind that for a powerful load like welding machine It is necessary to provide a socket to which a suitable cable with a cross-section of at least 2.5 mm is connected.

General installation rules

Open wiring in a wooden house must be carried out in compliance with the following standards:

  • the point of entry of the cable from the power line into the wall, as well as the point of passage of the cable through the internal ceilings only in thick-walled metal sleeves;
  • the distance from the cable to the wall when installed in an open way is not less than 10 mm;
  • Grounding must be installed;
  • Only a cable with a non-flammable sheath is used;
  • socket boxes and distribution boxes in a wooden house only metal;
  • connecting wires to each other only in mounting boxes, and only using spring/screw terminals or soldered twist, which is closed with a cambric or cap;
  • Unsoldered twisting is unacceptable.

It is imperative to install an RCD for protection against leakage currents, as well as separate circuit breakers for short circuit protection for each group of consumers.

Cable selection

An important stage of wiring work is the selection of the main cable. Choosing the right cable for wiring means solving the main problem regarding the safety of a wooden house.

According to modern requirements, for pulling from the power line to the house, the so-called SIP cable is used - self-supporting insulated wire.

It uses aluminum conductors with a cross-section of at least 16 mm, and also contains a steel reinforcing cable (for rigidity).

The sheath of this cable is designed to withstand the elements external factors for at least 25 years.

But the SIP cable can only be laid up to the wall of a wooden house. On outside walls through special insulators, or better yet hermetically sealed clamps, it is connected to a copper cable, for example VVGng (ng - non-flammable).

The VVGng cross section is selected as standard - 1.5 mm on the lighting line, 2.5 mm on household appliances, 4 mm - for powerful consumers such as an electric stove, electric heating line or welding machine.

Direct twisting of aluminum SIP conductors with copper conductors internal wiring prohibited.

Only copper is used for wiring inside a wooden house. When choosing a brand of wire, use either the already mentioned VVGng, VVGng(P) marked “GOST”.

These types of single-core copper cables equipped with double non-combustible insulation, while having sufficient flexibility for convenient internal wiring.

You can use a German NYM cable - it is equipped with triple non-flammable insulation.

Switchboard design

General switchboard for wiring in a wooden house it must have a metal casing.

Inside the switchboard there is an input circuit breaker, an electric meter, and one or more RCDs (depending on the number of groups of internal consumers). There are also circuit breakers responsible for individual groups - the same number as the RCD.

It is the automation that is responsible for protecting the wiring from short circuits and current leakage, which can lead to electric shock. There are rules for calculating selection protective devices according to characteristics, and it is better to leave this choice to a professional.

But it is worth knowing that in most cases the rules are as follows. Power consumption should not exceed 5.5 kW, the general input circuit breaker is single-phase, 25 A, type C.

The machines are installed according to separate consumer groups (selected according to the wire cross-section). A 16A circuit breaker must be installed on a cable with a cross-section of 1.5 mm (lighting). For a 2.5 mm cable - 20A.

To select RCDs, there are separate rules. The main one is that the current limit for an RCD should be an order of magnitude less than for a machine.

That is, a 16 A machine is equipped with a 20 A RCD, and so on. Three-phase input for wiring in a wooden house is used very rarely.

Do-it-yourself electrical wiring in a wooden house is installed to ensure full functionality of the system. Installation of wiring in wooden structures should ensure the safety of the structure from fire. Installing electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands is quite acceptable, but you should carefully familiarize yourself with the standards and regulations this process. Every owner of a wooden building wants to create and provide comfortable and favorable conditions for household accommodation.

Modern installation of electrical wiring in a wooden house can be divided into the following main stages:

  1. Development project documentation with an appendix on calculating the power required for electrical equipment;
  2. Security necessary materials for installation (cables, sockets, electrical devices, sockets, lamps, distribution board, etc.);
  3. Inserting automatic machines, an electric meter and a distribution panel into the house;
  4. Laying and distributing cables and wires to electricity localization points;
  5. Installation additional devices(sockets, switches, lamps, etc.);
  6. Providing grounding and protective shutdown;
  7. System connection;
  8. Startup and testing of wiring.

Wiring in houses wooden structure must prevent any fire. Cable wires and other elements must have the following characteristics:

  • cable wires must be treated and insulated with fire-resistant materials;
  • for external installation, aluminum or thermal pipes are used;
  • cables with copper conductors and the required cross-section to withstand the power load are used;
  • grooves (grooves) for laying cables are treated with fire-resistant substances (fucam, frizol).

Details of the development of an electrical installation diagram in a wooden house

A detailed calculation of the power of electrical equipment is the key to a well-designed project. Such a project is based on the following points:

  • drawing up a drawing of a house indicating the points of lighting devices, sockets and electrical equipment (electric stoves, ventilation systems etc.);
  • location of electrical equipment locations, determined taking into account power consumption;
  • creating blocks to provide lighting. In small houses, one block is enough;
  • creation of a separate block to control street lighting. Street lighting it is recommended to mount it on a separate machine, as this ensures the possibility of de-energizing the house during the absence of the owners of the house;
  • Appliances ( electric boilers, water heaters, electric stoves), requiring high power electricity are connected through a special machine. When installing these devices, it is necessary to provide for the use of special cables that are laid separately;
  • To calculate the power, you need to write down all the devices used, after which you select the machines to turn off.

Additional materials used for electrical installation work

Electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands should ensure a continuous process; you need to stock up on tools and equipment. For this work, pliers, screwdrivers, a hammer, a chisel, a screwdriver, and a knife for electrical work are used.

There are two types: metal and plastic. For wooden buildings Experts recommend installing metal shields inside the house. Most often, the shield is located the following types cables:

  • to provide current to lighting devices;
  • for sockets;
  • for electric stoves;
  • for meters that monitor electricity consumption;
  • for RCD.

Electrical supply stores sell switchboards to accommodate 12 pieces of electrical equipment. For houses standard dimensions With the usual arrangement of electrical wiring elements, panels with 9 places are used.

In addition, to install electrical wiring you must prepare:

  • electrical wires of a certain cross-section. In wooden houses, a three-core VVG cable with a cross-section of 2.5 millimeters is used;
  • sockets, switches, the number of these devices is calculated according to the diagram. Basically, when choosing, they pay attention to quality and combination with the colors of the interior. Sockets and switches equipped with brass and bronze contacts are used;
  • cables and skirting boards with grooves;
  • distribution boxes, insulating clamps and tape;
  • electric meter, today there are two types of meters: one-tariff and two-tariff. At current electricity prices, it is more rational to use two-tariff meter, since he keeps records at a tariff depending on the time of day;
  • self-tapping screws, aluminum tape, fasteners - clips, clothespins, clamps.

The above list should be collected before initial stage workflow.

Specifics of selection of cables and electrical appliances

The main specificity of the choice of cables is the cross-section of the wires and their power. First you need to clearly define the groups of electrical equipment and the voltage of electricity required for full operation of the system.

To install electrics in wooden houses, marked VVG copper cables are used. Cables of this type are more affordable. NYM brand cable is more expensive, but has a number of advantages - reliable insulation, ease of use and safety. Aluminum cables can also be used, but they are not as reliable, since their structure is more fragile and prone to bending.

A three-core cable with a grounding effect is supplied to the sockets. When using electrical household appliances, grounding is mandatory.

According to the Electrical Installation Rules, during installation lighting fixtures Grounding is a mandatory attribute.

Electrical wiring in a wooden house is carried out according to two types:

  • external, characterized by installation through the use of cable channels;
  • hidden laying of wires is carried out in cases where plastering of the wall surface is envisaged.

Wires are laid inside walls using pipes or metal sleeves to provide insulation and protection from mechanical damage to integrity.

Electrical appliances (sockets and switches) used in wooden houses must meet the following parameters:

  • must match the current voltage;
  • by type of installation - internal or external.

The number of sockets and switches is determined using the drawn up project. At the discretion of the owner, it is allowed to install joint switches, for example, in the bathroom and toilet, corridor and pantry.

Installation process of the introductory machine

For the right choice input cable, it is necessary to calculate the entire power consumption in the house. At repair work, if you decide to increase the ratings of the switches, do not forget about replacing the input cable. It is necessary to select the input cable for the total power of the devices in the house, because an incorrect cross-section will not provide sufficient functionality of the electrical wiring.

When choosing a machine, you should proceed with special care: if the machine is worn out, then short circuits and overvoltages often occur. If the house uses three-phase network, then ensure that a three-pole circuit breaker is used. Accordingly, with a single-phase electricity network, a single-pole or two-pole switch with a zero phase input is used.

For a single-phase network, the machines must have the following properties:

  • it is necessary to calculate the optimal voltage in the circuit breaker. Single phase electrical network assumes the use of switches with a 25-amp current;
  • in wooden houses, category C switches are often used, which have a certain current ratio;
  • The switch at the input is mounted after installing the electric meter; it is needed to ensure correct calculation for consumed electricity;
  • automatic machines, RCD, electric meter - all these devices are elements of the distribution panel. The shield consists of a housing, and installation necessary elements occurs through the use of a DIN rail.

To correctly calculate voltage network power indicators, specially developed formulas are used.

Cable wiring, installation of sockets and switches

In accordance with the diagram. To do this, routes are determined in kind, that is, on the surface of the wall of the house, after which distribution boxes are installed and installation points for sockets, lamps and switches are marked. The cables used must have the appropriate cross-section to ensure full use of the system.

When laying cable wires in metal boxes or pipes need finishing internal space walls At hidden wiring application corrugated pipes prohibited as it may cause a fire.

Laying cable wires in a pipe includes the following steps:

  • preparation of channels (grooves). External distribution boxes are installed at the junction points of the wires to ensure open access;
  • When laying cables between rooms, holes are made in the walls using metal sleeves with plugs. Metal sleeves suppress the fire, ensuring the circuit is closed.

At external laying cable wire into pipes, the wires should not fit tightly to the surface of the pipes. They should be filled halfway. Electricians recommend using copper pipes because such products have greater flexibility, which is important during installation. Cut wires must be processed and stripped. The pipes are installed on the wall surface using clamps.

Grounding and RCD

Installation of grounding in wooden houses is mandatory in accordance with all requirements and standards for the operation of household electrical appliances.

When grounding, perform the following actions:

  1. Dig a hole (40 centimeters) in the shape of an equilateral triangle with sides 1 meter long;
  2. Metal products or corners are dug into the corners of the recess, then they are fastened to each other using a welding machine;
  3. A grounding conductor is passed through the pin hole, and then secured with a nut;
  4. All grounding elements of the cables are connected to a bus bar, which has greenish colored wires.

Installing an RCD in a private house plays the role of protection against damage electric shock in cases of leakage.

Starting and checking the electrical wiring

When all electrical appliances are connected and the installation is complete, it is necessary to measure the resistance of the electrical wiring in the wooden house. This process is necessary to ensure that the insulation is not damaged.

Resistance measurements are carried out regularly, approximately once every three years. Resistance measurements will help identify deficiencies and help preserve the structure from short circuits leading to fire.

After completing the installation of electrical wiring, it is necessary to independently inspect the entire complex of installation work. Electricians measure the insulation resistance and grounding conductor.

After the work, specialists issue a protocol that confirms the functionality of the entire system. This document must be presented when sealing electric meter. Most often, for clarity and to facilitate repairs, a diagram indicating the location of the main circuit breakers is pasted onto the electrical panel.


Do-it-yourself electrical wiring in a wooden house must be done taking into account all the rules. Carefully executed wiring installation quality materials will provide long term services. In order to competently complete the entire volume electrical installation work, read the diagram and correctly calculate the amount of materials and cable footage.

If you are not sure that you can handle the work yourself, invite specialists, because your safety and the safety of your property depend on proper installation and connection of the electrical network in your home.