Which brick to choose for cladding a house. Tips: how to choose facing bricks for your home? Clinker brick - reliability and durability

Which brick to choose for cladding a house.  Tips: how to choose facing bricks for your home?  Clinker brick - reliability and durability
Which brick to choose for cladding a house. Tips: how to choose facing bricks for your home? Clinker brick - reliability and durability

An attractive and durable option for finishing the facade of a private house is the use of special facade bricks. It will cost expensive siding, thermal insulation boards or decorative plaster, but such brick gives the house a complete form.

It’s just that there is now such a variety of bricks on the building materials market that only a builder with 20 years of experience under his belt can figure out how to buy the “right” one. But everything is simpler, the main thing is to know how facade bricks are classified and what advantages and disadvantages each of its varieties has. And then choose the best one facing brick won't be difficult.

The facing brick has a precise geometric shape and a uniform color. For such material, it is the external attractive appearance that is important. And for this reason, it is produced using the hyperpressing method. This is when the mixture is pressed into a special form and under high pressure compresses to the stage of obtaining a smooth surface.

By GOST-ov's standards permissible deviations from the given dimensions of such a brick is no more 3 millimeters in width and 4 millimeters in length - manufacturers are required to comply with these standards. As for the performance characteristics, they are secondary. This brick has mediocre heat and sound insulation, but resistant to negative environmental influences.

Which is better: plaster or facing brick

Benefits of use decorative plaster:

  • relatively inexpensive material;
  • finishing is carried out quickly;
  • the walls may have defects before finishing (unevenness, small cracks from shrinkage);
  • there is plaster that additionally protects the facade from moisture and insects;
  • variety of designs.

U finishing bricks , when compared with decorative facade plaster, it has the following advantages:

  • durability;
  • maintains its original appearance throughout the entire period of operation;
  • mounted together with thermal insulation (if brick with a low moisture absorption coefficient is used);
  • there is a textured facade brick (with plaster - only simple textures);
  • brick finishing looks more “presentable”.

Note! Finishing bricks have a significant flaw- his high cost. Such material from foreign manufacturers can be costly and 100 rubles for one bar. And the decoration of the house in 80 – 120 m 2 it will cost them already 400 – 600 thousand rubles, which is unaffordable for many.

Classification of facing bricks

There are many varieties of facing bricks, but the most commonly used are the following:

Ceramic. Cheap And popular, is made from clay, like rough bricks for traditional masonry. For the facade, a hollow one is used, with holes piercing the entire plane along its length. Their diameter may vary, which affects consumption cement composition. There are also solid ones, but they cost several times more; at this cost, you can consider more reliable finishing options (the same clinker brick).

Important! This type of cladding is the most common, but to ensure that the façade does not lose its original appearance, it will have to be treated regularly primer compositions for protection against ultraviolet radiation and moisture.

Clinker. The design can be both smooth and textured. It is the most durable because it does not absorb moisture. But it is laid on a hard cement mortar, that is, with a minimum content of moisture and impurities (use a plasticizer). It is also made from clay, but of a special composition (with feldspars and mineral additives).

Hyper-pressed. In principle, any facade brick is made using the hyperpressing method - this is the only way to obtain an ideal geometric shape without any visual errors. But in the construction industry, the meaning of “hyper-pressed” brick has emerged - this is one that is made from high-grade cement with the addition of limestone and colored additives. It can also be textured, but the shape is already determined by the imprint.

The main advantage of hyperpressed brick is wide variety of shapes and colors(cement mixes easily with any dye). It is also often used for finishing window frames, doorways and everything where brick can be used non-standard forms. It has a significant drawback - the appearance of microcracks after 2 – 3 years after use. All this is explained by the high moisture absorption And low resistance to temperature changes environment.

Today the manufacturer offers facing blocks any color, texture, size. There is demand - there is supply

Facade bricks can be included in a separate category hand molding. Their composition is varied: with the addition of a limestone base, crushed stone, mineral components and additives, and even with a varnished front base. It's kind of stuff "premium class", costs fabulous money. It meets all the criteria of clinker brick, but with a unique texture (since hand molding is used). More often, such cladding is used for furnishing country cottages.

Conditional classification by purpose is also used. Everything is simple with this: there is a simple façade and heat resistant. The latter, as you might guess, is used for laying fireplaces, stoves, finishing and giving the structure an attractive appearance (the stove itself is made of simple heat-resistant bricks).

Ceramic brick. Hollow with holes - its most common type, as it is cheap

Prices for facing ceramic bricks

Facing ceramic brick

Pros and cons of types of facing bricks

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of facing bricks.

CeramicCheap, attractive design, simple masonry, vapor permeable (the house “breathes” and does not accumulate moisture inside)Relatively quickly loses its original appearance without maintenance, the hollow base and high consumption cement mortar, absorbs moisture
ClinkerVirtually no maintenance required (only removal of efflorescence), retains its original appearance for the entire period of operation (up to 100 years), sound and heat insulating, resistant to temperature changes and critically low temperaturesExpensive, does not allow moisture to pass through, so no additional system ventilation in the house is indispensable (if there is a water supply, the toilet and bath are also in the house)
Hyper-pressed (from cement mortar with limestone)Largest variety of designs and color solutions, the cheapestRequires personal care, often even painting; if not protected from moisture, it begins to crack over time

Clinker. The key difference is the smooth surface (as if covered with a layer of varnish) and the correct shape

Which facing brick is better

Every experienced builder will confidently answer that the best for facade finishing- This clinker brick. But main factor that stops homeowners from buying is price. Therefore, this option should be considered only if the owner is willing to spend about 500 thousand rubles for a durable finish.

If clinker is not suitable, then you can consider using ceramic. This is a kind of “classic”; such bricks have been used in construction for more than a hundred years. It is the optimal combination in terms of quality/reliability/cost/durability, but there are not so many variations in its appearance.

More common is either red or one of its dark/light shades (towards brown or yellow). And a considerable amount of cement mortar is used to lay it (due to its hollow shape).

Clinker cladding. This house is over 30 years old. The blocks are just covered with mold, and in some places there are traces of efflorescence. All this can be eliminated with an acid solution.

Hyper-pressed based on cement composition- the brick that experienced builders not recommended use. He cheap, attractive, but after 5 years, even with regular treatment with soil and acid compositions, it begins to fade, crack and in literally crumble. It is much better to buy high-quality decorative plaster or siding for the same money - the appearance will be preserved for decades, and in terms of performance characteristics there will be a minimum of differences.

Hyperpressed brick. Since the material can be processed, such blocks are often made to imitate another material, for example, to look like stone. But according to many, this is an unreliable and short-lived option for finishing the facade

Prices for facing clinker bricks

Facing clinker brick

Video - Important points when choosing facing bricks

Review of popular manufacturers

There are a lot of manufacturers of facing bricks of any type in the Russian Federation. The most popular among them:

  • Ryazan Brick Factory.
  • Golitsynsky Brick Factory.
  • Slavic brick.
  • Staroskolsky conservatory.
  • MKZ (Moscow).
  • Don Dawns.

They mainly offer ceramic and hyper-pressed bricks - they are the most popular among consumers. Average cost - up to 15 rubles per block (hollow with through holes). In terms of performance characteristics, it is not inferior to foreign blocks (the same strength class is used - M150 or M200). But with what Russian manufacturers there are problems with the design - against the backdrop of products from the same Bauer their brick looks completely inconspicuous.

MKZ And Ryazansky factories also produce clinker bricks, and with different sizes block. Average cost - from 45 to 55 rubles per block. Nothing remarkable in terms of design, visually it looks like ceramic, but with a smooth surface without notches (in full compliance with GOST standards).

As for foreign manufacturers, products from the following manufacturers are in demand in the Russian Federation:

  • Terca (ceramic).
  • Lode Janka (also ceramic).
  • Regal Blend Muhl (clinker, including hand-molded).
  • Rauf.

Of course, imported building materials are many times more expensive. But in terms of quality, they are no different - they comply with ISO quality standards, which are almost similar to GOST. But in terms of design, imported products are the clear leader. Especially Dutch and German manufacturers (Daks Baksteen, Lode, Rauf). The price range of their bricks is wide. Minimum price – 45 rubles per block (ceramics), maximum – over 140 rubles per block (clinker, for example, Terca Safari full-bodied with hand molding).

How to choose the right façade brick - step-by-step instructions

Finishing should be done last, but the overall design is drawn up at the construction stage. This is where many people have a lot of problems. The easiest way to solve them is to contact professional designer. The main thing is to make the final choice regarding the shade (light, dark, textured). Next you will need:

Step 2. Decide on available finances. Naturally, it is better to buy clinker bricks. But ceramics will cost almost ten times cheaper.

Step 3. Check out the offers at your nearest hardware stores. Consider a design that matches the chosen tone (taking into account price category). From all of them, select brands that will be “potential” options for purchase.

Step 4. From the design options chosen, decide which brand of brick is more reliable and durable. They will help with this

The construction of a private house is accompanied by the desire to combine the comfort and practicality of housing with a presentable appearance. The facade of any building is its face, which is looked at every day by the owners of the house, their guests and random passers-by. Therefore, it is important to carefully approach the issue of finishing a building, because the wrong material can become unusable or lose its attractiveness in a short time. appearance.

A popular option for finishing material is facing brick, which is also called facing or facade. It is often preferred in the construction of facilities of any level - from residential buildings to large cultural complexes regional significance. There are many types of facing bricks on the building materials market, but which one should you choose? This is discussed in our article.

Facing brick vs ordinary brick, silicate brick vs ceramic

When choosing bricks for construction, the question often arises which of the presented types is better. But this formulation of the question is not entirely correct. There are many varieties of this building material, and each of them has individual qualities and purpose.

On a note!
In Russia, norms and technical rules for manufacturing ceramic bricks standardized by GOST 530-2012, which identifies separate categories of material depending on performance properties. The document also stipulates minimum requirements requirements for strength, appearance and quality characteristics of products.

For the construction of internal walls and partitions, as well as external walls The building uses ordinary brick. Such a product, in accordance with interstate and national standards, provides performance characteristics brickwork. At the same time, unlike facing brick, the issue of external attractiveness of the material fades into the background.

Ordinary brick is not used for cladding the facade of buildings or its elements, since cracks and chips are often found on its surface. For ordinary bricks, appearance is not important. And the requirements in GOST 530 2012 for appearance are much lower. Therefore, when constructing masonry from such a material, the surface needs to be subsequently treated with plaster or decorative mixtures. Similarly, facing brick, as a rule, is not used for the construction of structural elements: in any case, it is necessary to construct a frame, and only after that the external finishing is carried out.

When producing facing bricks, chips longer than 1.5 cm and cracks are not allowed. In addition, such products may have a color tint or undergo additional texture processing. Therefore, they have a wide range of applications: cladding buildings, construction of fences, fireplaces, individual buildings. Therefore, the cost of facing bricks depends on the color and other appearance parameters.

Performance characteristics of bricks

Despite the large differences in terms of aesthetic appeal, facing bricks and ordinary bricks have common performance characteristics.

  • Strength . It lies in the ability of the product to withstand external loads without subsequent destruction. The strength indicator is expressed in the numerical part of the brick brand: for example, a product of the M100 brand can withstand a load of 100 kg per 1 cm 2.
  • Moisture absorption . It is expressed in the difference in the mass of dry and wet bricks, which is important to ensure the strength of the structure. For example, for use in environments with aggressive weather conditions, face clinker bricks are used, the moisture absorption rate of which should not exceed 6%. For other products, moisture absorption above 6% is allowed: for facing - 8–10%, for ordinary - 12–14%, for interior work- 16%. The water absorption level of ceramic bricks can range from 6–14%. The indicator is determined when the products are saturated in water at a temperature of 15–25 ° C at atmospheric pressure or under vacuum, as well as in boiling water according to GOST 7025-91. Ceramic and silicate bricks and stones. Methods for determining water absorption, density and frost resistance control.”
  • Emptiness. Taking into account this indicator, all products are divided into hollow and solid, depending on the presence of internal voids. Each type has different operational properties and range of applications. Hollow facing brick is lighter, retains heat better, but is less durable. Therefore, it is used for cladding to protect the building from cold and wind. For the construction of external walls, solid ordinary brick is used, which is highly durable but less heat-intensive. When producing solid facing bricks, more raw materials are consumed, so its price is much higher.
  • Frost resistance. This indicator is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the brick during freezing and thawing. If the frost resistance of facing bricks is low, its price per m2 will be lower, but after several cycles of temperature changes it will begin to collapse, peel off or lose color. The frost resistance indicator is directly related to the product’s ability to absorb water.

On a note!
Frost resistance in technical documentation is indicated by the letter F and a numerical indicator. It indicates the number of freezing and thawing cycles that the product can withstand. For Russian-made facing bricks, the indicator must be at least F50, but by agreement with the customer it can be reduced to F35.

  • Fire resistance. This indicator affects the temperature the facing brick can withstand. This characteristic especially important when decorating fireplaces and chimneys. Silicate facing brick (sand-lime) can withstand temperatures of 300–600°C, for red ceramic products (made from clay) this figure is higher - 800–1200°C, for refractory bricks (fireclay and quartz) - 1300°C, for industrial refractory (lime-magnesium and carbon graphite-coke) - 2000°C.

Types of facing bricks

In turn, facing bricks are divided into types depending on the raw materials and production technology. The set of operational characteristics of each option is different; this must be taken into account when deciding which facing brick to choose for specific tasks. Typically, facing bricks are made in three sizes (formats):

  • Euro (0.7 NF) - 250×85×65 mm;
  • single facing brick (1NF) - 250×120×65 mm;
  • one-and-a-half, or thickened, facing brick (1.4 NF) - 250 × 120 × 88 mm;

For finishing work, ceramic and sand-lime brick.

Facing ceramic brick

It is made from clay purified from salts and impurities by shaping, drying and subsequent firing. The last stage of the production of ceramic facing bricks affects the quality of the product: when overburned, it acquires a black tint, and when underburned, on the contrary, it becomes light; in both cases, the strength properties are reduced.

Ceramic facing bricks are superior to others in their performance characteristics. Weighing 1.7–3.1 kg, depending on which size of facing brick is chosen, it can withstand 100 freezing cycles and provide 8–9% water absorption. The disadvantage is the price of facing bricks, which is higher than other varieties.

Sand-lime brick

Such products are made from a mixture quartz sand and lime by autoclave synthesis, so they are not processed by firing. The main advantage of silicate facing bricks is their low price. At the same time, its service life, frost resistance and water absorption are significantly lower than that of ceramic. In addition, there is no way to give the brick a smooth shape or turn on decorative elements. Therefore, it cannot be considered the best facing brick for building a house.

Due to the production technology without firing, sand-lime brick cannot withstand prolonged exposure to moisture and high temperatures. Therefore, popularity among the population is due only to the cost of silicate facing bricks.

Alternatives in façade finishing: does the stingy pay twice?

If we compare which facing brick is better, ceramic products win in terms of performance and aesthetic characteristics. Despite the fact that the cost per square meter of such facing bricks is higher than silicate bricks, in terms of the “price/quality/durability” ratio it is the best option(see Table 1).

Table 1. Characteristics of ceramic bricks

There are also alternative materials for facade finishing on the construction market, which are also popular among the population. To understand what to give preference to and not overpay in the future for unforeseen repairs, let’s compare each material to brick.

Hinged ventilated facade

Represents metal carcass, on which the facing element is fixed: panels, siding, artificial stone. To retain heat, a layer of insulation is laid between the wall of the house and the cladding. This material is highly durable, can be installed in any weather, and broken elements can be replaced.

Despite the difference in price, the service life of facing bricks for facades is longer (over 100 years versus 30). In addition, the brick finish is not subject to deformation and does not require additional processing or application of protective agents.

Wet plaster

Among the advantages of this material are the ability to choose the color you like, ease of application and versatility for buildings of any complexity. In addition, the cost of facing bricks per m2 is higher than wet plaster and insulation for a similar volume of work. But the service life of such finishing material is about 30 years, which in comparison with brick facade very little.

If the technology for applying wet plaster is violated or not treated in a timely manner with protective agents against aggressive weather conditions, moisture and fungal infections, the material may become deformed. After this, you will have to apply a new layer to the entire facade, since partial renovation color difference will be visible.

Clinker brick

It is made from special types of clay, which ensures high performance characteristics. The addition of minerals from the silicate group to the mixture is responsible for the spectacular appearance and strength of the products. The production of such facing bricks is practically no different from its ceramic counterpart.

Advantages of clinker bricks:

  • resistance to aggressive weather conditions;
  • long service life;
  • does not require cleaning or special care;
  • high water resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Disadvantages include differences in the color of bricks even from the same batch, as well as high thermal conductivity, which creates the need to additionally use insulation. But the high price of clinker facing bricks in comparison with its ceramic counterpart makes it not the most attractive option for use in facade finishing.

A natural stone

The material has an impressive appearance, high strength and service life. The building materials market offers a wide variety of natural stones for cladding. It is often used for finishing individual elements surfaces, for example, simultaneously with white facing brick or plaster.

By operational properties Natural stone is comparable to ceramic brick, but its price is much higher and the material itself is heavier. Therefore, the main argument in choosing between these two materials is the low price of facing bricks.

Attempts to save money on building decoration may result in even greater costs associated with constant repairs and restoration of the appearance of the facade. In addition, not every material can boast of high performance characteristics. For many, it still remains an attractive option a natural stone, but its high cost and heavy weight often stop buyers.

How to choose facing bricks for your home?

The best facing brick is the one that will last a long time and provide comfortable conditions for living and will be inexpensive. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the product, taking into account weather conditions and terrain features. In case of high seismological activity, it is better to choose a durable brick, and for areas with sudden temperature changes, it is better to choose a product with high frost resistance.

To save on facade finishing, it makes sense to purchase facing bricks from the manufacturer through official distributors, the price of which will almost always be lower than that of dubious intermediaries. In addition, this way you will receive an additional guarantee that they will not try to sell you “fake rejection”, “substandard”, or products that obviously do not comply with GOSTs.

Failure to comply with production technology at least at one stage becomes the reason for the product’s non-compliance with GOST requirements. On the scale of an entire batch, such a mistake will cause great losses. Therefore, reputable manufacturers who care about their reputation exercise strict control over production process at all stages. National and interstate standards contain quite stringent requirements; accordingly, products manufactured in accordance with GOST standards are preferable to those manufactured in accordance with specifications and sometimes in fact are “rough” material.

Each batch of bricks must have a passport, which contains information about the product’s compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents. However, it is known that construction markets, in “garage cooperatives” and roadside warehouses, small sellers often present false passports and sanitary and hygienic certificates, written out, as they say, “on the knee”, where, among other things, instead of the word “facing” the word “facade” may appear, for example. .

Although brick is not subject to mandatory certification, self-respecting manufacturers undergo it on a voluntary basis, so inquire about the availability of certificates of conformity.

Many people are interested in the question of what color of facing brick to choose for finishing a house. More recently, yellow facing bricks were popular, the cost of which is higher than products of other colors. But times change, and what was once fashionable is becoming a thing of the past. Therefore, in order for the facade to always have a presentable appearance, preference should be given to classic version- red facing brick and its shades. This color will never go out of style and will look like new.

So, the external decoration of the facade is one of most important tasks when building a house. It's not even about aesthetic beauty and the ability to stand out from the crowd. Correctly selected facing material will provide a comfortable environment in the house, and also protect the walls from the negative effects of weather conditions. Therefore, even at the design stage, you should decide on the finishing material. And it is important not to make a mistake, so that an attempt to save does not turn into even greater expenses.

Where can I buy facing bricks from the manufacturer?

About where to buy facing bricks good quality, we talked with Igor Kabanov, general director BRAER company:

“We are often asked which facing brick is best to buy. It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, since many factors must be taken into account: construction climatology data, terrain features, characteristics of the facility under construction and the buyer’s budget. We recommend, first of all, to take care of the quality of building materials and not strive for false economy, making a choice in favor of openly budget options finishing.

The BRAER company produces facing bricks according to individual technology production. This approach allows you to preserve the rich and durable color for a long time, as well as ensure excellent geometry of the finished products. We carry out strict product control at every stage of production, so the release of a defective batch is excluded. In addition, we use modern technology Applying texture to the front surface of the brick allows our clients to create an individual façade style.

Editorial opinion

Building a house is an expensive business, and it is not always possible to find the necessary budget for the purchase of expensive materials. Therefore, when finishing a facade, it is recommended to determine its cost not only per square meter, but also per year of operation. To do this, you will need to divide the cost per square meter of material, taking into account logistics and construction work, by the number of years of the declared service life. In this case, comparison of profitability indicators, or cost of ownership, for various products and materials will be more correct and will allow you to make an informed choice.

The walls of any building need protection from bad weather, the harmful effects of heat and frost, and mechanical influences. The role of such protection is performed by external cladding. And since in our country it is most often made of brick, a legitimate question arises: what facing brick is best to use for this?

Regardless of what the house itself is built from, it can be faced with brick. The masonry construction technology will differ slightly depending on the material of the main walls, but this does not affect the choice of brick.

Differences between ordinary and facing bricks

Made from the same raw material, facing and ordinary building brick have many differences.

  • Structure - unlike solid ordinary artificial stone, the front one is made hollow, with several cavities. They make it lighter, simplifying transportation and the work of builders, and also increase thermal insulation properties cladding.
  • Frost resistance and moisture resistance of facing bricks are higher. This is important because he has to withstand constant negative impact external environment.
  • Appearance. The color, shape, and surface texture of the facing brick can be any. This allows you to implement any exterior solutions, harmoniously fitting the building into the surrounding landscape.
  • The price of such bricks is higher. The cost of cladding work will also be higher compared to conventional masonry, since it requires care, accuracy and creative approach. But if they are made with high quality, then the owner of the house will not have to worry about repairs or reconstruction of the facade for decades.

For reference. It is worth noting that silicate building brick, unlike ceramic brick, has a smooth and even surface, so houses built entirely from it do not need additional decorative finishing.
If the external walls are two- or three-layer structures with thermal insulation layers made of foam plastic or mineral wool, then there is no need for additional insulation facades.

Comparative analysis of silicate and ceramic facing bricks

The main requirements for external finishing materials are high performance characteristics and attractive design. Let's see which brick has these parameters better.

Performance characteristics

Let's compare the parameters on which the durability of a brick façade and its thermal insulation properties depend.

  • Water absorption. For silicate stone it is higher than for ceramic stone and reaches 13-15%. Products made from baked clay are more resistant to moisture, and some types, for example, have very low water absorption (only 2-3%).

  • Frost resistance. For the climate of most of our country, this is one of the main indicators. It directly depends on water absorption, as it shows how many freezing and thawing cycles a moisture-saturated material can withstand without losing strength. And the more moisture it contains, the greater the load it experiences. Sand-lime brick has a frost resistance of 25-35 cycles, while ceramic brick has a frost resistance of at least 50.

For reference. The most frost-resistant is clinker brick, for which this indicator is equal to 100 cycles.

  • Thermal insulation properties also directly depend on the water absorption of the material. The presence of moisture in it sharply reduces the ability of the brick to retain heat, and in our climate, where rain and sleet are common occurrences, this should not be neglected.
    It is precisely because of the high water absorption that sand-lime bricks real conditions operation loses its thermal insulation properties very sharply. The same cannot be said about ceramics: it has fairly stable thermal conductivity.

Note. dries much faster than silicate, which has a positive effect not only on its strength and thermal insulation characteristics, but also does not allow mold and fungi to develop on the surface.

  • Wear resistance and strength. And again, clay artificial stone comes out on top, characterized by better resistance to aggressive external influences and mechanical damage. Try to split both materials with your own hands, and you will see for yourself. Of course, provided that the brick chosen is of high quality.
  • Weight. The cladding creates a significant load on the foundation. It can be reduced by reducing the density of the facing brick. This is achieved by increasing its emptiness. For sand-lime brick this figure is 15-30%, and for ceramic brick – 40-55%. Accordingly, the cost of constructing a foundation for cladding facades will be lower.

  • Soundproofing. It should be recognized that due to the greater density of silicate stone, it does a better job of insulating airborne noise entering the room from the street. However, the noise absorption of ceramics is not much lower.
  • Fire resistance. Perhaps this is not the most basic parameter by which to evaluate the merits of a facing material, and, nevertheless, in the event of a fire, sand-lime brick will begin to collapse within 2 hours, and ceramic brick will resist fire for 4-6 hours.

  • Environmental friendliness. If the production follows the instructions and requirements for the composition of raw materials, then neither red nor white brick contains substances harmful to health. Both of them are made from natural materials: the first from clay, and the second from sand and lime.
  • Vapor permeability. This indicator is often called breathability, and clay products have better breathability. Insufficient vapor permeability of sand-lime brick requires a device air gap between load-bearing wall and cladding, and for this it is necessary to make a wider foundation.

There is no need to clarify that all of the above points speak in favor of traditional ceramic bricks. Although the significantly lower cost of silicate may be decisive for many.

Design possibilities

We all want to live not only in a warm and kind place, but also in beautiful house. And everyone has their own ideas about beauty. Therefore, you have to pay attention to the external data of the facing material.

When choosing which brick is best to clad a house, you need to correlate external finishing with its architectural style, with the landscape that surrounds it. Although you can do the opposite: change the appearance of your home beyond recognition. The range of brick products will easily allow you to do this.

In this regard, it is difficult to compare ceramic and sand-lime bricks. Both can have a variety of shades, smooth or textured surface, imitate natural stone and so on. And yet, ceramic products look more natural and natural.

The sizes of these and other materials make it easy to combine them in masonry, creating quite original and interesting solutions.


Huge range of facing bricks modern market makes you rack your brain over which one to choose. But, if you clearly define the requirements that you place on the appearance and quality characteristics of facades, the task becomes easier.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic. She will help you make the right choice.

A beautiful and durable house is the dream of any owner. Nowadays, any residential property can be made attractive in appearance thanks to its cladding. Brick is a reliable facing material. Gone are the days when people covered the facades of their houses with white or red brick. Now there are several types of this material, varied in color scheme. On the one hand, this is good, since you can select products of the desired shade and texture and clad your house with them, but on the other hand, an inexperienced owner can get confused in the variety of materials offered by the market.

A house built from unsightly material can easily be given a beautiful look with the help of facing bricks.

Although there are technical specifications for each type of brick, which describe its characteristics in detail, not every person who wants to buy facing material will study these documents for a long time and painstakingly. What are the pros and cons of types of bricks and how to choose the right one? best material to line a house with it?

Types of bricks

There are several types of bricks for cladding: ceramic, hyperpressed and clinker.

Types of ceramic facing bricks: A – light seven-slit; B – nine-slit light; B – ordinary semi-dry pressing; G – light seven-slit option; D – light nine-slit block; E – red seven-slit.

Ceramics are the most common type of cladding. This is a classic brick made from clay by firing it. But now we have learned to produce the facing material of the most different shades. Colored products can be surface- or volume-colored.

To obtain volumetric coloring, red-burning clay is used, which gives the product a red tint, and white-burning clay, from which bricks of white, yellow and peach color. To obtain facing material of other shades, when mixing the raw material at the first stage of product production, add coloring compounds with special pigments. Surface painting is the treatment of finished products with various dyes, then the bricks are coated with metal polymers.

In addition to Russian and Ukrainian ceramic materials, Korean facing brick is very popular. The raw material for it is refractory shale clay, mined in quarries in South Korea. The clay does not contain chalk or salt, it is highly plastic. Korean material is considered to be very high-quality facade ceramics.

Shell rock or crushed limestone is the basis of hyper-pressed facing bricks.

Hyperpressed facing bricks are made from crushed limestone or shell rock. They are bound with a 12% solution of Portland cement and water, and dyes are added to obtain color shades. It is produced not by firing the material, but by hyperpressing the raw material under high pressure.

It is obtained from a special type of plastic clay, which is first pressed and then fired at high temperatures before baking. Already during the firing process, the products acquire different color shades, but often dyes, mainly natural ones, are added to the mass.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having decided to clad the house with ceramic bricks, the owner will do the right thing, because ceramics has a number of excellent qualities. This brick is very durable in its structure and tolerates mechanical stress well. It is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and even the color of the southern facades lined with it does not fade in the sun. The facing brick has good frost resistance and can withstand low temperatures. Manufacturers produce ceramic products with wavy and even shapes, with a smooth and rough surface, which allows you to transform ordinary house into a work of art. Another advantage of facing brick is low water absorption, thanks to it, moisture is not absorbed into the product, and water vapor freely leaves the room to the outside, that is, the walls of the building can “breathe” and do not become damp.

To prevent water from freezing on the facade in winter, you need to cover it with water repellents. But do not choose among them those that form a vapor-proof film on the surface of the cladding. It will block steam from reaching the surface, and as the temperature drops, the water underneath will begin to condense into liquid form. When the temperature drops below zero, the water will freeze, expand and destroy the lining. It turns out that ceramic bricks have only one drawback, the effect of which can be prevented in a timely manner by purchasing the right water repellent agent.

Hyper-pressed materials

The advantages of hyper-pressed products are obvious: excellent frost resistance and moisture resistance. They are strong and durable to use. The advantage of such materials is their low cost compared to ceramics, since their production is low-cost. There are many different colors of this material, and thanks to various molds, hyperpressed bricks are produced hollow and solid, as well as chipped and shaped.

Hyperpressed brick has excellent frost resistance and moisture resistance.

Along with the advantages, this product also has disadvantages. Thus, facing hyperpressed brick has a very smooth surface, which makes it difficult to adhere the solution to the product itself. Therefore, it is recommended to buy material that has at least small recesses or holes in the beds, which will improve the adhesion of the products to the solution. The mortar grows well on “young” bricks made less than a month ago.

Due to the relaxation of material stresses that arise in it even during the pressing of products, cracks may form on the front side of the bricks over time. And with the “rock” texture, which imitates natural stone, which is obtained as a result of splitting a solid brick, the surface is completely covered with small microcracks. To front layer did not collapse even more, such cladding, like ceramic cladding, should be treated with water repellents. And then the house, which is lined with hyper-pressed brick, will delight the owners with a beautiful view for a long time.

Clinker cladding

Scheme of insulation and clinker wall cladding

The facing has excellent sound and heat insulation. Good frost resistance ensures a long service life of the material. Like ceramic bricks, clinker bricks are waterproof and have the ability to transmit water vapor. A house lined with such bricks is very durable, because this material is exposed to high temperatures when fired. Its remarkable quality is its high resistance to mechanical damage and precipitation. It is worthwhile to clad the facades of houses with clinker because of its rich color range.

Clinker facing bricks have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Due to the low moisture absorption of the material, the water of the mortar is slowly absorbed into the bricks, and when laying each row of finishing, time must be allowed for it to set. Therefore, it is better to clad the house by fastening the clinker masonry with special rigid mortars produced in Germany. They flow little into the voids of the beds, but over time the clinker masonry acquires the required strength. Another disadvantage of the material is the high cost, 2 times the price ceramic products. Thus, facing clinker is the most expensive brick.

Selection of material for cladding

If the owner has figured out which brick is best for cladding the facades, he still faces the task of how to purchase a quality product. What should you pay attention to when purchasing a brick lot?

  1. What size brick is best for facing works? A product with dimensions of 250x120x65 mm is considered standard. It is universal, as it is suitable for decorating facades and for constructing main walls. 250x60x65 mm are the dimensions of a narrow brick, which costs less than a standard one and is used only for cladding. Thin brick has dimensions of 250x22x65 mm. This material is more like tile. If you choose such products, remember that they are lined perfectly smooth surfaces. Cladding with thin brick will be identical in appearance to coverings made of bricks of other sizes, but it is better to finish the corners of the house with standard or narrow products, since the thickness of any brick is noticeable at the ends.
  2. What color are ceramic or clinker bricks? If the brick is a pale pink natural color, the conditions of its production were violated, i.e. it is not fired. Such a product will stain your hands, absorb water strongly, and make a dull sound when struck. This material can be used to decorate the house only inside. If the surface of the brick is glassy and cracked, it is burnt and is not suitable for finishing. Choose a high-quality red brick; it will produce a clear sound when struck.

When choosing a facing brick, you should pay attention to the chips; they should be without any inclusions, just a uniform color.

Even during short-term use, chips and efflorescence may appear on the cladding. The first ones occur if the brick mass contains lime. When purchasing, you should make sure that there are no white spots on the chip of the product and that it is uniform. This material should not be chosen for cladding facades. Efflorescence - stains white on the surface of the brick are its defects and indicate an excess of salts in its mass. If you choose a material with the presence of efflorescence on some bricks, then the houses that are lined with them will look sloppy.

How to determine the thermal properties of a product? There are 5 groups of bricks depending on their thermal conductivity: the efficiency of products can be high, increased, normal, conditional and ordinary. It is not difficult to determine it by eye: the more cavities in a brick, the warmer it is; a solid material is less thermally efficient.
How to determine the strength of a material? This can be done by hitting the brick with a hammer or by looking at its markings. A low-quality M25 product will break into rubble at the first impact. Medium-strength brick M50 will shatter into several pieces after 2-3 blows, and high-strength brick M150-M300 will spark from impacts and only small pieces will break off from its edges.

The frost resistance of bricks ranges from 6 to 14%. It is indicated in the marking by the letter F. The larger the number behind it (from 35 to 100), the greater the frost resistance.
The last piece of advice for those interested: you need to buy material, calculating its quantity in advance and purchasing a little more than required. After all, when purchasing additional items, it may turn out that different batches of goods differ in shades of colors. Now every owner will choose the right facing brick and beautifully decorate the house with it to the delight of himself and those around him.

A building material such as facing brick is a universal one. It is endowed with strength, moisture resistance and durability.

The main characteristics that you should pay attention to are its frost resistance, water absorption and geometry. We give preference to the brick whose characteristics have the best performance.

Features of facing brick

Unlike the usual one, the finishing one has its significant advantages. Its smooth surface and artistic features allow you to give brick houses beautiful appearance. What is facing brick? This is a building material that has the following characteristics, namely:

  • absence of all kinds of flaws on the surface, including shells, cracks, etc.;
  • precise geometry of corners and edges;
  • texture and color variety within even one type.

For example, the color of ceramic bricks, depending on the color of the clay, can be orange, yellow, or brown, but by adding dye to the initial raw material, you can ensure that the product acquires the desired shade.

Brick for cladding a house must protect the structure from natural factors that negatively affect it, these are:

  • temperature changes;
  • wind;
  • precipitation, etc.

If you clad a building with a good quality product, it will look simply amazing. The angles of this building material are:

  • straight and even;
  • beveled;
  • rounded.

Products also differ in structure. There is a solid material and a hollow one, more often called effective slotted material.

Types of facing bricks

Before choosing a facing brick, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its varieties. All this diversity has its advantages and a specific purpose. They are classified by:

  • production method - handmade and using equipment;
  • technologies - hollow and solid;
  • colors;
  • surface features, etc.

The surface of finishing bricks can be different: smooth, matte, or to suit all kinds of textures - wood or stone. Thanks to special technologies, the entire mixture or a specific side is painted.

The process in which only the front part is painted is called engobing. The front side of glazed bricks is covered with a special glaze, thanks to which ready product glitters. This type of brick is used for interior decoration, for example, with its help, designers create mosaics and panels.

Today, the most popular product is a combination product. It combines the features of several types of material. For example, a brick for interior decoration may have a chocolate color with an oak texture. Interest in this finishing material called:

  • originality;
  • sophistication;
  • the possibility of creating individual decoration.

The main thing is that the brick for interior decoration is used carefully and correctly. Its features are:

  • fortress;
  • durability;
  • resistance to fire and all kinds of aggressive conditions.

Many types of facing bricks do a good job of keeping buildings cool in the summer months and warm in the winter. They are distinguished by their increased aesthetic properties and abrasion resistance.

Brick for interior decoration is used to decorate:

  • canteens;
  • bathrooms;
  • bedrooms;
  • kitchen rooms;
  • offices;
  • hallways

Stoves and fireplaces lined with it look very elegant. For finishing houses there are different kinds these building materials:

  • silicate;
  • ceramic;
  • hyper-pressed;
  • clinker.

Which brick is better for cladding a house can only be determined by becoming familiar with their characteristics. The point is that they different composition raw materials, manufacturing technology and cost.

Brick sizes

The dimensions of the brick are very important when finishing works. This primarily applies to cases when it is necessary to implement a certain architectural idea that requires the use of different textures and colors. If the size of the facing brick is different, then the completed work will not look very nice. If there are uniform values, you can combine different textures and colors in the decoration.

Today there are possible values modern material. Linear dimensions divide products into three types:

  • single;
  • one and a half;
  • double.

Gradually, this series is replenished with a fourth type - Eurobrick, which is slightly smaller in width than a single brick.

As a rule, the size of facing bricks is standard. The length and width of all products are 250x120 mm. The only difference is their thickness, which is:

  • standard single facing brick is 65;
  • one and a half - 88 mm;
  • double - 138 mm.

The weight of the brick depends on:

  • material used;
  • appointments;
  • forms;
  • size.

Sand-lime brick

Sand-lime facade brick consists of:

  • purified quartz sand;
  • moisture;
  • lime

The last two components make up approximately 10% of the total mass. In order for the product to be of high quality, there is a main condition, namely, the solution must be prepared from components purified from:

  • manganese;
  • clay;
  • organic impurities.

The lime, which must not be burnt, should not contain a large number of calcium oxide. The process of producing silicate products is carried out under high pressure. Its characteristics are as follows:

  • high moisture absorption coefficient;
  • poor frost resistance;
  • significant weight.

The thermal conductivity of brick is average. It is noted that under unfavorable operating conditions it quickly becomes unusable. Its weight varies depending on the type used. The one and a half facing weighs from 3.7 to 4.2 kg, the double type - from 5 to 5.8 kg.

Ceramic products

To obtain ceramic bricks, the solution is prepared from clay. High Quality without sulfates and marl. After molding the product, it is left to dry, and then the mixture is sent for firing. If during the production process there is underburning or overburning, this will negatively affect the quality.

When over-burned, it will take on a black tint, and when under-burned, it will look light. He considers it good if the surface is semi-matte. Choosing ceramic material, you need to know that its structure at the fracture is porous and makes a ringing sound when struck. A one-and-a-half ceramic facing can weigh from 1.32 to 1.6 kg, and a double one can weigh 2.7-3.2 kg.

Hyper-pressed brick

The solution for obtaining this type of product includes all kinds of screenings:

  • dolomite;
  • shell rock;
  • marble;
  • calcareous rocks.

The solution is made with the mandatory addition of high quality Portland cement, which is a binding component. Then the solution is brought to the state of a mixture, which is pressed and steamed. As a result of the fact that there is little water in the raw material, there are no cavities in the product even after firing. These types can be used to cover the walls of buildings. They have a smooth surface or what is called “ragged stone.”

Hyperpressed products are similar in properties to natural stone, and therefore they are quite massive. Before use, you need to find out how much one product weighs for the facade of the house. Weight of facing:

  • standard single - 4.2 kg;
  • half block - 2 kg;
  • shortened “stone-like” - 4 kg.

Clinker models

When making clinker face bricks, special clay is used. Firing is carried out at high temperatures, giving the final product different shades.

Characteristics of clinker material:

  • increased strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • heat resistance;
  • ease of care.

If you choose a solid clinker facade material, you must take into account that sufficient strength and density increase its weight. Strength is determined by weight. Certain dimensions must correspond to the specific weight of the brick. This type of building material is available in various configurations and colors.

It must be borne in mind that, regardless of the manufacturing technology, all facing bricks and their types: clinker, ceramic and others are mainly produced hollow. Thanks to this, they become lighter, less thermally conductive and inexpensive.

Solid material is produced in the form of a parallelepiped, and can also have a non-standard configuration, which is called shaped or figured. For facing bricks, the dimensions and geometry can be completely different. The most popular are:

  • semicircular;
  • trapezoidal;
  • twisted;
  • wedge-shaped.

Judging by customer reviews, the highest rating belongs to the clinker building product.

Varieties depending on color

Facade facing bricks are produced various colors. The most common:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • white.

Red brick owes its color to the iron contained in the clay. As a result of firing at high temperatures, this universal building material becomes:

  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • durable.

Mostly clinker and ceramic bricks have this color.

To make white building products, lime and sand are used. This brick for interior decoration has excellent aesthetic qualities and indicators:

  • high strength;
  • frost and water resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

For interior wall decoration you can use decorative types, which copy natural stone. For these cases choose silicate species various colors. The facade of a house, finished with a special type of building material, the texture of which resembles crushed stone, takes on a delightful appearance.

For those who love colored walls, manufacturers are ready to offer smooth facing hollow bricks, painted in different colors. The pigment used in silicate products is very durable. Therefore, facing bricks are not afraid of the sun's rays.

Solid and hollow types

Single solid face brick is used for cladding the walls of buildings, plinths, and fences. Thermal characteristics buildings will improve significantly if construction works made using a hollow building product.

Facing hollow single brick is endowed with thermal insulation qualities and good technical properties. Facing hollow single material, having perfect lines and internal cavities, will lighten the weight of the structure.

If further exploitation material is associated with high load, it is necessary to use a solid one. It will give the structure greater reliability and safety. A solid body has no voids or cracks. This material is characterized by strength, the indicators of which may vary.

The walls of buildings lined with single cladding products will make the building warmer and more beautiful. Decorating buildings like this construction products emphasizes the style features of the house and gives it architectural expressiveness.