What hobby should a girl choose? What can you be passionate about? Different hobbies of people of different ages

What hobby should a girl choose?  What can you be passionate about?  Different hobbies of people of different ages
What hobby should a girl choose? What can you be passionate about? Different hobbies of people of different ages
You are very lucky if your significant other's hobby completely suits you and does not become a reason for constant disputes. This happens extremely rarely, because as they say: “Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus!” But, nevertheless, there are some hobbies that attract and warm up the interest of representatives of the opposite sex.

I suggest that you first get acquainted with women’s hobbies that look attractive, intriguing and even sexy in the eyes of men.

Women's hobbies that attract men

1. Driving

Even though men scold women behind the wheel, in fact, they have respect for ladies who know what an air damper is and what it is needed for. Such women look strong and independent, and for the stronger sex it is a real challenge to win such a woman.

2. Active recreation

Most men prefer active girls who can easily go on a picnic, live in tents, climb a rock, ride a bike, without thinking about how this will affect their manicure.

3. Travel

A girl who wants to see the world, is interested in other countries, places and cultures, travels a lot, is liked by men, because they can do this hobby together.

4. Reading

It's much more interesting to be with a girl who reads a lot. She looks intelligent, educated and well-rounded, always in the know latest events, and with such a girl there is always something to talk about. In addition, you can introduce her to her parents without hesitation.

5. Handicrafts

Creative hobbies are always popular with men. Any craft, even the most insignificant, seems to them the embodiment of unprecedented skill, which they themselves are not capable of.

6. Strip dance/ballet/gymnastics

A flexible girl, in excellent physical shape, with graceful control of her body, will always look feminine and attractive. One word “dancer” already arouses interest among representatives of the opposite faction.

7. Equestrianism

Men find horse riding very graceful and sexy. In their eyes, this is not just communication with animals, but also an extreme sport, which, without a doubt, commands respect.

8. Cooking

What man wouldn’t want to come home after a hard day at work and see on the table another culinary masterpiece that not only pleases the eye, but also the stomach. Men most likely perceive cooking not as a hobby, but as a taken-for-granted skill of every woman.

9. Drawing

The girl artist is always passionate and is not afraid of her seething emotions. She is extraordinary, bright, unusual and knows how to turn fantasies into reality.

Men's hobbies that are attractive to women

Just like women, men can be attractive with their complementary skills and abilities. They can do things that would make any woman feel weak in the knees. So, gentlemen, if you want female attention, here are some things you can do in free time to look attractive to women.

1. Photographer/artist

Guys who do art attract all girls without exception. They have not only an innate sense of beauty, but also the ability to transform everything around them.

2. Dancing

If a guy is the second coming of John Travolta in the 70s, no girl can resist him. Representatives of the fairer sex, like men, love their significant other to be able to move smoothly and sexually.

3. Reading

Girls love smart and well-read guys who can support any topic.

4. Daredevil

Desert motocross racing, skydiving and rock climbing are exciting hobbies that combine an element of danger with a tough “I'm not afraid” attitude. These adrenaline-pumping adventures require not only courage, but also a thorough understanding of technology, physics and the basics of survival. There is undoubtedly something attractive about men who take risks, walk on the razor's edge and live on the edge.

5. Landscaping/gardening/agriculture and plant growing

The tool belt, hammer and “I can do anything” have a direct link to the knights about whom women read fairy tales in childhood. A man who is willing to get his hands dirty or create something definitely looks attractive. Not only can it fix a broken pipe under the sink and clean out gutters to save money cash, he wants to take care of things and make them better with his brains and brawn.

6. Chef

The way to a woman's heart is also through her stomach. There's nothing sexier than a man cooking something edible in the kitchen.

7. Language learning

Girls love smart guys. Especially if they are spoken to in the international language of love.

8. Music

Musicians have always been attractive to girls, even if it's just a garage hobby. Vocalists, guitarists and drummers are especially popular. And after the release of the film “Twilight”, and the guys fingering the piano keys.

9. Sports

Unlike guys who watch the game with their buddies while throwing popcorn at the screen, active men who go out on the field and give it their all look sexy and attractive. Playing sports shows dedication, not to mention dedication in a healthy way life.

10. Martial arts

Accuracy, strength, patience, desire to protect - for girls, such guys look like real masters of their craft.

11. Cycling

A guy doesn't have to own a motorcycle to be attractive to girls. Wind in your hair, beautiful physical training, travel, and also the opportunity to engage in this hobby with your significant other.

What hobby interests you the most?

There is an opinion that a hobby can to some extent tell about a person’s character. However, not all of us know what to get carried away with, as a result of which we spend our free time from work or study pointlessly. Instead, you can choose the most suitable hobby for yourself, which can help you forget about everyone for a while. pressing problems, and completely devote yourself to what you love. A hobby is a kind of relaxation.

A person may have one or several favorite activities. There are also people who have no hobbies at all. In most cases, they simply do not know what to get carried away with. Although there are many who do not want to waste their time on any activities. If you don’t know what you can get involved in, but want to acquire some kind of hobby, then this article is intended specifically for you. So, let's begin.

Playing sports is a great way to spend your free time

One of the most popular types of hobbies can be considered playing sports. It is interesting that such a hobby is suitable for people of different ages. Playing sports has many benefits. Fitness, or just a morning jog - all this will allow you not only to take your mind off all your problems, have fun and improve your health, but also get your body in order. Keep track of your physical fitness- this is a sign good manners and attention to one's own appearance and health. These days, many residents of megalopolises strive.

Cars are a hobby for real men

Do you want to know guys and men of different ages? Cars are a passion for many representatives of the stronger sex. They attract not only fast driving. Surely everyone has at least one friend who can sit in the garage for hours, disassemble and reassemble various car parts.

Many men literally freeze at the sight of luxury cars. Imagine: an incredibly beautiful Ferrari or a brutal Land Rover - what else is needed for real male happiness? In addition, recently representatives of the incomparable half of humanity have begun to actively get involved in cars and even motorcycles.

Billiards and bowling

Recently, billiards and bowling have become increasingly popular among a fairly wide range of people. This seemingly exclusively male entertainment may be of interest to many modern girls. How nice it is to get together with a group on a Friday evening, play a game of billiards or bowling, and have fun!

This is a great way to stay fit. Passion for such games does not require players to have great health or incredible physical strength. However, bowling and billiards contribute physical development the body: the reaction becomes faster, the eye is developed and, of course, such games allow you to train qualities that are necessary for any person, such as endurance and composure. Bowling and billiards give a good boost of energy and allow you to forget about everyday worries and problems for a while. If you don't know what to get into, try to master these games. Bowling or billiards will not let you get bored.

Cooking is an activity for people of all ages

What can you be interested in? Of course, cooking! Interestingly, cooking is not just an activity for women and girls. No one will argue that the best chefs in the world are men, so cooking is also suitable for the stronger half of humanity.

Cooking - quite interesting way leisure activities. Each of us wants to somehow please our loved ones and loved ones, but we don’t always know how to do this. Prepare some original and unusual dish- in this way you will not only please your family, but also pleasantly surprise them. Believe me, compliments and gratitude will not keep you waiting.

Computer games and the Internet

Probably everyone knows what teenagers are interested in. Computer games and the Internet are the most common way of spending leisure time among teenagers these days. It’s interesting that young people and even older people can indulge in computer games from time to time.

The Internet has conquered everyone: both the youngest and the elderly. Social networks these days are an indispensable way of communication, without which it is already difficult to imagine your life. Communicating using social networks is easy: you don’t need to leave your home, while using video calling you can chat with your interlocutor live. Of course, computer games and surfing websites can hardly be called a full-fledged hobby, but the average resident of Russia really spends a lot of time on all this.

Reading books

What can you enjoy in your free time besides bowling, computer books or cars? Reading books is another one great way leisure activities.

Despite the erroneous opinion that books have faded into the background these days, quite a large number of people of different ages are interested in reading. This is perhaps the best way to broaden your horizons, replenish lexicon and pass the time.

Each of us goes through a stage of special fascination with books. Some people read fiction in childhood; for some, acquaintance with it occurs in adolescence. Others even get acquainted with literature already in retirement, when they have a lot of time at their disposal and a desire arises to learn something new and interesting. People of all ages can enjoy reading books, and for some, literature is more than just a hobby.

stamp collecting

The question “What do you do in your free time?” is not always answered. many can answer. However, there are those who will instantly answer this simple question. Stamp collecting is one of the most popular hobbies in absolutely all countries. Passion for stamps is more typical for older people, but among young people there are many who are interested in philately.

Stamps are not easy beautiful pictures small sizes, as some may think. They may have great value or none at all. It all depends on whether they were used, whether they were stuck to the envelope, and how many similar stamps were issued. The condition of stamps also plays a significant role in determining value. The most expensive stamps are those that were issued in small quantities and with typographical errors.

Most of those who are interested in philately collect stamps from their country and study their history. Of considerable interest to them are presidential or special stamps dedicated to some important holidays. No less common among philatelists are stamps with images of plants, animals, Vehicle, as well as objects of painting. If you don't know what to get interested in, try starting to collect stamps. This is truly something that may even generate income in the foreseeable future.

Knitting and needlework

If you want to know what girls are interested in, be sure to read about needlework. Of all its diversity, the following types can be distinguished:

  • knitting;
  • beading;
  • handmade jewelry;
  • macrame;
  • sewing.

Since out of all of the above, knitting is the most popular, it is recommended to focus on this particular female hobby.

This is the most popular type of hobby for many women. It is known that our grandmothers were engaged in knitting. How good it is to be able to knit these days! After all, this seemingly unnecessary hobby finds its application. Knitted items are a kind of exclusive, and such a hobby will allow every girl to become a kind of home fashion designer. Among other things, this activity is an excellent stress reliever.

Whatever hobby you choose for yourself, be sure to remember that it should be truly interesting to you. Under no circumstances should you do something you don't like. The main goal of a hobby is to help you take your mind off stress and everyday worries, so the activity you choose should be a joy for you.

Some people collect stamps, others read books, and others knit to order, and only you don’t know what to do? Solve the problem with our tips!


With such passion you can not only get a lot of emotions, but also see the world. Traveling with “savages” will interest extreme sports enthusiasts and save on housing costs. For admirers beach holiday It’s worth contacting a reliable travel agency, and fans of excursions to historical places would do well to work out a route in advance.

Yoga classes

Now there are many different types yoga - guru, hatha, mantra, bikram. Followers claim that yoga is beneficial for the whole body - it helps control weight, improves body flexibility, and leads to a healthy state nervous system and develops the ability to regulate psychological state.

Water aerobics

One of the most active and useful hobbies. By doing physical exercise in water, you can lose weight, strengthen all muscle groups, improve overall health and always be in a great mood.

Girls' hobbies that generate profitable income

Making dolls

Handmade dolls will be of interest not only to children, but also to collectors. They are not cheap, so this hobby can bring you good money. To create dolls, you need to buy blanks, various pieces of fabric and threads of different colors. And then turn on your imagination and create masterpieces.

Breeding purebred animals

Selling animals with good pedigree can be very profitable. Consider the costs of production - housing for animals, food, toilet, transportation to exhibitions and markets. Plus, it's hard work. You shouldn't do her hobby solely for the sake of money.

Embroidery, knitting, sewing

Many women are seriously passionate about needlework, but not many make a business out of it. But in vain! Place an ad in the press, post a photo in in social networks, use word of mouth - good master there will be no end to customers. You will be able to sheathe the whole family yourself without spending money on market consumer goods.

Soap making

Nowadays, many people refuse harmful household chemicals in favor of natural and natural products. Delicate block with extracts of various medicinal herbs and aromatic essential oils are very easy to make, and those who want to purchase homemade soap there are quite a few.

Article writing

Do you feel you have journalistic talent? Do you like to write poetry? Try your hand at copywriting or poetry. To do this, you need a computer, a stable connection to the network, and the ability to put individual letters and words into beautiful sentences and interesting texts.

Online Store

Organization joint purchases– a great way not only to save money, but also to replenish your budget. The intermediary between the supplier and the buyer is entitled to about 20%. At large quantities customers get a good amount of money. If you have a commercial spirit, organizational skills and free time, then this hobby is ideal for you.

Homemade hobbies for girls

Decorating clothes

It is this type of art that will show your individuality. With the help of beads, embroidery, appliques, multi-colored threads and stones, even the most ordinary clothes can be turned into a masterpiece! Just imagine what a stir a T-shirt with a hand-made drawing, inscription or portrait will cause! You will establish yourself as creative person and diversify your own wardrobe.


Carving is the name given to dishes carved from fruits or vegetables. This movement appeared recently, but has already won the hearts of many magicians. Thread with a regular knife turns watermelons, pumpkins and cucumbers into beautiful bouquets, but to master such a hobby, you need desire and time.


Decoupage is decoration using appliqués. First, a drawing is pasted onto the surface of any object, then it is opened with varnish. The work is painstaking and requires perseverance, but the results are worth it. Almost everything can be decoupaged - tables, cabinets, chairs, dishes, doors, shelves, shoes, etc.


What would you like to do in your spare time? Breathe life into old photos! Collect a collage of old photographs, paste them into a new album made with your own hands, create several postcards or compositions. Once you start, your imagination will give you a lot of new ideas.

Hobbies for girls on maternity leave

Candle hand made

You probably have a lot of jars of baby puree left over. So why not use them as a candle base? In addition to the container, you need wax or paraffin, wick, dyes, essential oils and all kinds of decor. With minimal effort, you will create beautiful candles.


Do you love the Internet, love communicating online and sharing your thoughts with others? It's time to start your blog! This is one of the most accessible hobbies. If you don’t mind spending time chatting on the Internet, try this direction.


Do you like to decorate interiors, create sets of furniture and decorative elements? Try yourself in design! To get started, fill out own house, and when there is no more room for experiments, proceed to the houses and apartments of your friends. Perhaps over time you will become a pro and even be able to make money from your hobby.


This interesting word hides the creation of postcards. Stock up on paper, cardboard, paints, as well as decor (beads, sequins, lace, buttons), come up with interesting inscriptions and wishes. Design postcards in different styles and give them to your friends.

Hobbies - hobbies for teenage girls


Without having any special talent, but having certain abilities, you can succeed in drawing. Start with something simple - painting souvenirs. Having filled your hand, move on to the canvas. You may not become a famous artist, but you will be able to realize yourself.


What girl doesn’t dream of being slim, graceful, and flexible? Especially in adolescence, when the reflection in the mirror seems simply terrible. Sign up for dancing! Latin will form a sense of rhythm, Spanish flamenco will make your posture straight, the waltz will give you femininity, and sports dancing will make your body chiseled.

Photo hunt

A very cool hobby, which in the future can become a job. Beautiful artistic photographs are always in demand, so arm yourself with high-quality equipment and go in search of subjects. You can use a regular digital camera and shoot landscapes, animals and loved ones.

What hobbies are best for a girl to include on her resume?

Many job seekers are simply baffled by this resume item. If there are no hobbies, a person feels awkward. If there are several hobbies, he cannot decide which one will work to his advantage.

Remember a few rules:

  • Indicate only those hobbies that are related to your future profession. The sales manager should mention his love for books on psychology interpersonal relationships, a designer - about creating comics or tailoring, a teacher - about regularly watching popular science films and learning foreign languages;
  • Avoid common phrases - this will make you stand out among applicants;
  • Present your hobby with humor, but don’t overdo it;
  • Don’t write a lot – 1-2 hobbies are enough.

You can often hear the question from others: “What are your hobbies?” What to answer if family and work take up most of your time? To avoid being in an awkward position, it is enough to have at least a small hobby.

To improve the quality of life, psychologists advise inactive individuals to find interesting hobbies. An activity that brings pleasure and gives you the opportunity to relax your soul. However, what are some people interested in? There are a great variety of different activities. To find your hobby, sometimes it is enough to rely on intuition.

How to deal with boredom?

We all experience extreme negative emotions in moments when life goes on as usual, but we have absolutely nothing to do. If a person is looking for an answer to the question of what he can be passionate about, it means that something is definitely missing in his life. In this case, you should definitely experience something new, previously unknown, and experience vivid experiences.

To understand what you can be passionate about, how to find an interesting activity, just take a sheet of paper, arm yourself with a pencil and describe own interests. Perhaps there is an urgent need to meet the opposite sex or communicate with new people. Communication with new people always brings a significant amount of variety to a boring environment.

If the question is: “What are you interested in?” - puts you in a real dead end, you can seriously take up your own development. Good start will be reading a popular book, studying scientific literature. To give impetus to self-development, it is worth attending training courses that will allow you to acquire the ability to engage in useful and exciting activities.

What do successful people do? First of all, such individuals seriously focus on what they love and simply try to enjoy life. A feeling of joy from elementary things allows you to overcome boredom, like little children, from whom you should take an example.


Most often, the question: “What are your hobbies?” - you can hear the answer regarding playing sports. In fact, sports are one of the most popular hobbies among people of all ages.

Morning jogging, fitness classes, individual or team games in themselves are an excellent distraction from everyday worries and problems. In addition, sport strengthens the body and spirit.


What are girls interested in? First of all, various types of needlework. From the general variety of interesting activities for the fair sex Special attention It is worth paying attention to the following:

  • knitting;
  • making beaded jewelry;
  • creation of handmade jewelry;
  • sewing;
  • macrame.

It is the above hobbies that most often become an object of interest for women. However, many of these activities can arouse considerable interest among creatively inclined men.


The first thing that comes to mind when you try to answer the question of what guys are interested in is cars. Technology is a part of most men's lives. Surely every representative of the stronger sex has at least one friend who simply won’t leave the garage.

The heart of a real man can freeze at the sight of a luxurious sports car or a brutal SUV. What could be more attractive in terms of a hobby for a representative of the stronger sex?


Today, not only women, but also men are interested in preparing all kinds of dishes. It is probably difficult to argue that the best chefs are the latter. Therefore, cooking can become an excellent hobby for people of any gender and age.

To have fun and keep yourself busy in your spare time, sometimes it’s enough just to cook something unusual, original dish. This way you can please yourself and pleasantly surprise others.


If you were asked: “What are your hobbies?” what to answer? this question? One of the best ways leisure activities other than cars, computer games, playing sports, other things, is reading books.

Contrary to popular belief, which says that books are gradually fading into the background, such an activity remains a real hobby for a huge audience. Perhaps the study of literature is the most effective way to expand your horizons, self-improvement and vocabulary.


Here are just a few examples of activities that can turn into a hobby. the main task each of us - to independently decide on the type of activity that suits our liking the most. Ultimately, you can choose one of the above options or come up with your own original activity.

In the good old days, a well-bred girl had to possess several mandatory skills. As a rule, this was the ability to sing, play the musical instruments, dance, do handicrafts, understand literature, music, painting, and simply have a broad outlook. Otherwise, the young girl would be considered poorly educated, and it would not be easy for her to get married.

Several centuries have passed and it seems that the situation has changed. In fact, no... Any man wants to see a set of certain qualities in his chosen one. Of course, there are no such strict and specific requirements as in bygone times, and men can even say that they don’t need anything from the girl they love! What lies behind this “nothing”? Nothing includes at least the ability to lead household and the ability to take care of yourself and look good. Any woman will say that this is a lot! But this is really “nothing” for men, i.e. they will take it for granted and are unlikely to appreciate it much.

For a girl to be appreciated, she needs to be able to do something, she must have some kind of talent that would make her different from others and for which a man would value her. It could be the same ability to sing or dance, embroider or knit, whatever! If he has nothing to praise and highlight you for, it will bring him frustration, even if he himself is poorly aware of it.

So, there must be talent. It’s good for those who, since childhood, loved and knew how to sing or draw pictures and did this professionally. But what can you come up with if there are no such initial talents? You need to listen carefully to yourself and understand what there is that you would like to do, but what you didn’t get around to, didn’t have the opportunity, or simply didn’t allow modesty? This could be some kind of desire from childhood or something that suddenly appeared recently. This could be yoga classes, learning foreign languages, or even horse racing!

At all times, talent and skill in cooking were certainly highly valued. Nothing has changed over the centuries, a girl passionate about cooking, who loves and knows how to cook is the most desirable companion of any prince. For those who do not know how to cook, or, on the contrary, those who love it passionately, there are cooking courses. Here you can either learn everything from scratch, or master some savory recipes from the chefs of the best restaurants in the city. On the Internet you can find large wonderful collections of the most variety of recipes appetizers, main courses, desserts, drinks. Such recipes are often accompanied good advice and master classes from good craftswomen. Be sure to show off your culinary skills; your man will absolutely appreciate this skill!

Yoga classes have become very popular recently. Fortunately, they are widely and everywhere represented. You can get carried away by the teachings of yoga and delve into the distant wilds, even find a teacher and one day visit India for this purpose. But even if you don’t feel capable of doing this, you can, for your own pleasure, simply attend classes a couple of times a week, relax and unwind. But you have... a hobby! An interesting activity, and so mysterious and, as a rule, incomprehensible to men. Such a hobby will instantly make you a woman of mystery in his eyes. In general, it’s good if your man understands nothing at all about your hobby. Let you have your own niche that separates you from the man, because you already have a lot in common and completely merging into one whole is not good.

For many, courses in a foreign language are suitable. Just remember, the most effective thing is English lessons with a native speaker. This is true for any other foreign language. It’s even better to plunge into the language environment. There are special language tours in which you will receive training foreign language, completely immersed in the language environment. If it’s international English, well, good, that’s really useful knowledge! If it is some kind of French or Italian, you will look like the language you are learning - a mysterious woman with French charm or a passionate Italian. In any case, your man will see you as a smart and educated girl. This flatters himself, first of all...

Nowadays there are unimaginably many opportunities, many courses that will teach you something new and interesting in a little time and money. The main thing is not to be afraid to start something, not to be shy, not to tell yourself “I don’t know how.” We can do everything and we can do everything, we just need to start. You should not stop in your development, then you will be successful and be of interest not only to yourself.

Discussion of the article “What should a girl do?”


In my opinion, that's the main thing in a girl. that he immediately looks serious, modest and feminine. We're girls. Look at Evgenia Simonova - this is my ideal of femininity and prettyness.
I play the piano. I write books. I sew beautiful and normal dresses of good length for myself. I am most close to modest girls. a little withdrawn.

18.08.2016 (13:17)


And I'm a musician. Yes. I'm a pianist. I wanted to be an actress like on Wed. But recently I changed my mind. I wanted to be a director. To bring back Soviet films, to make films based on my plays, to receive (not a secret) an Oscar, and for people to believe in my films. the directors I would teach would do everything like me. Then the world would be a much kinder place.

10.08.2016 (16:49)


09.08.2014 (21:24)


It’s normal, so you dance, but I somehow don’t want to be “fragile” and “sexy”, in any case, dancing is not my thing. Yoga, batik, swimming and the like, but cooking, dancing, singing, embroidering, putting on makeup and extending meter-long nails is disgusting for me. Not a single girl owes anyone anything, and I won’t sing or dance, it’s disgusting to me, I feel like some kind of nurse, ugh, posturing.

13.04.2013 (21:03)


I have been dancing for 5 years, my whole body is toned. And now I want to try my hand at manicure

13.04.2013 (20:50)


I think every girl should be able to dance. Because a girl should be fragile, tender and sexy