What will be the consequences of cervical erosion if it is not treated? What will be the consequences if you do not close the IP on time?

What will be the consequences of cervical erosion if it is not treated?  What will be the consequences if you do not close the IP on time?
What will be the consequences of cervical erosion if it is not treated? What will be the consequences if you do not close the IP on time?

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When a person registers with the tax authority for the reason that he has registered an individual entrepreneurship, he has the right to have this status at any time. What could happen in this case if the individual entrepreneur ceases to engage in his own activities, as well as pay taxes and submit reports?

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 430 of the Tax Code, every individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay an insurance premium, despite the fact that the person has ceased to conduct his business. In addition to contributions, individual entrepreneurs are required to submit declarations with reports to the tax authority.

If an individual entrepreneur, before acquiring status, did not choose a special program, then he automatically goes to those individual entrepreneurs who carry out their activities and pay fees on general terms. This means that all reports must be submitted every quarter, and all amounts will include value added tax in their value.

If an individual entrepreneur did not carry out his activities during the quarter, he is in any case obliged to submit a tax return with a zero report. Such documentation is drawn up in form 3-NDFL. If this does not happen, then the tax authority has the right to collect from the taxpayer the insurance premium in the largest amount.

Typically, the amount of insurance premium payments depends directly on the income of the individual entrepreneur. If the income does not exceed three hundred thousand rubles, then usually such tax is paid in a standard amount that does not change. If the amount is greater, then one percent of the amount that exceeds three hundred thousand rubles is added to the payment of the standard insurance premium. As for social insurance contributions, the individual entrepreneur has the right to independently decide whether to pay them or not. This is described in paragraph 6 of Art. 430 NK.

To make the picture clearer, a comparison can be made. In 2018, the standard insurance premium amount is 32,385 rubles. And the maximum size is 212,360 rubles.

If a taxpayer with individual entrepreneur status does not provide the necessary reports for the entire 2018 year, then the tax office has the right to issue him an invoice in the amount of the maximum insurance premium. At the same time, penalties may be added to this amount. According to the letter of the Federal Tax Service dated December 6, 2017 No. ЗН-3-22/7995@, clause 3 of Art. 75 Tax Code, penalties begin to accrue from the day when the insurance payment should have been made, but this payment was not made. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 119 of the Tax Code, if an individual entrepreneur submits a declaration with a zero report, then he will only face a fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

If there is no activity, then it is best from an individual entrepreneur. Until sole proprietor status occurs, all contributions will be assessed and collected from the taxpayer. Based on the letter of the Federal Tax Service dated February 26, 2018 No. ГД-4-11/3724, if the individual entrepreneur status was completed within a year, then it is worth calculating the amount of the standard contribution in proportion to all months during which the individual entrepreneur was valid.

Complaints of cough, especially in acute respiratory infections of the respiratory tract, are among the most common in these diseases. Patients need to know why these symptoms occur and how to cope with them, since the absence of treatment can cause serious complications.

Coughing is a reflex reaction of the body, which is a sharp forced exhalation of air from the respiratory tract as a result of their irritation by various substances.

Corresponding receptors are present on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, throat, and organs of the bronchopulmonary system. Their reaction leads to the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

The abdominal muscles and diaphragm also participate in the formation of this reflex. They ensure the passage of air masses in the opposite direction.

Thus, the occurrence of a symptom is primarily a protective reaction of the body, since it ensures the elimination of those substances and microorganisms that can cause pathological conditions in humans.

Complications and consequences if the cough is not treated

Cough can be a symptom of a large number of diseases of both the respiratory tract and other organs and systems. In some cases this does not pose a danger to patients and in order to get rid of the pathological condition, the resources of the body itself are sufficient.

This happens quite often, but not always. There are situations when lack of treatment and ignoring doctors’ recommendations can lead to serious complications and consequences.

In adults

In adults, there are more causes of cough. In addition to infectious diseases, this symptom is provoked by various allergies, pathologies of the digestive system and the cardiovascular system. This is reflected in the nature of possible complications if the cough is not treated. They may be as follows:

As you can see, the consequences, if the cough is not treated, can be threatening. That's why Do not neglect visiting a doctor, especially when the pathology is characterized by a protracted course.

In children

In children, complications are more common with an unproductive process. Infectious agents affect the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, from where they penetrate into the lower parts of the air tract. Thus, young patients develop laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and, in especially severe cases, pneumonia.

With these pathologies, damage to the mucous membrane of organs occurs; patients develop a paroxysmal cough (often at night), which is often debilitating. Patients may have chest pain, vomiting, and become lethargic and asthenic.

Bronchitis can be obstructive, that is, it can occur with attacks of suffocation. This also occurs with laryngitis as a result of swelling of the vocal cords. As for, the disease itself is quite serious and requires treatment in a hospital setting.

In young children, coughing is often caused by foreign bodies in the airways, which also requires rapid hospitalization and removal of the foreign object. As for allergies, the complications are the same as in adults - Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

In pregnant women

It is important to note that this group of patients requires special attention. This is due to the fact that a very small number of drugs are allowed to be used during pregnancy.

In the presence of an unproductive, debilitating cough, there is a risk of increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, which can increase the tone of the uterine muscles.

This threatens the fetus with a lack of oxygen and nutrients. There is also a risk of placental abruption and premature birth.

The general condition of the expectant mother may worsen. The patient may experience excessive fatigue, and sleep disturbances are sometimes diagnosed as a result of severe coughing.

This symptom can lead to vomiting. The latter can be frequent and abundant, which will provoke dehydration of the woman’s body. This condition requires hospitalization because it poses a danger to the patient and the fetus.


In the article we looked at what will happen if a cough is not treated. This is extremely necessary, since in some cases the consequences can be fatal, that is, they can lead to death.

For this reason, it is important to start treatment on time, contact a specialist who can correctly determine the cause of cough and prescribe effective treatment, and also recommend effective preventive measures.

If cervical erosion is not treated, then the long-term existence of this mucosal defect can provoke a number of complications that can be considered consequences. Complications are associated with infection of the erosion, chronic and long-term inflammatory process on its surface, as well as the formation of precancerous conditions.

The main consequence of the lack of treatment for cervical erosion is the addition of a bacterial, fungal or viral infection to the surface of the existing mucosal defect. That is, various microbes appear on the surface of the erosion, causing an inflammatory process. Almost always, these microbes are representatives of the normal microflora of the vagina, so it is impossible to get rid of them, and thereby prevent secondary infection of the erosive defect.

Prolonged inflammation leads to the fact that the external tissues gradually die off, and the process spreads deeper. As a result, inflammation affects the deep structures of the cervix, causing the formation of atypical cells in them. Then, in place of the tissues changed by inflammation, abnormal structures are formed, which are identified during cytology or colposcopy, and are called dysplasia. In fact, dysplasia refers to precancerous conditions of the cervix. However, cervical cancer is formed from dysplasia only in 1.5 - 2.3% of cases. Thus, cervical dysplasia of varying severity is a consequence of long-term and untreated erosion.

The inflammatory process from the surface of the erosion can spread not only in depth, but also in width. In this case, inflammation covers all areas of the cervical epithelium surrounding the erosion, as a result of which the pathological process can move into the cervical canal or uterine cavity. If the inflammation spreads to the cervical canal, then the woman develops cervicitis. Penetration of inflammation into the uterine cavity causes endometritis. Both cervicitis and endometritis can be causes of infertility, miscarriage, etc.

In addition, the long-term existence of erosion can lead to the fact that it will be constantly exposed to injury. Injury can be caused by the penis, intrauterine device, contraceptive caps, etc. Any strong mechanical trauma to erosion will provoke a violation of the integrity of the underlying tissues with the development of mild bleeding. This will manifest itself in the form of periodic bleeding from the genital tract that occurs after sex. Tissues whose integrity has been damaged by mechanical trauma will gradually grow together, but the original structure will not be restored. Scars will form in place of the fused tissues. As a result, the cervix will change its normal properties, shape and structure.

Such a scarred cervix will dilate poorly during childbirth, as a result of which women will have to give birth only by cesarean section. In addition, the deformed structure of the cervix may not allow sperm to pass through, as a result of which the woman will face the problem of infertility.

Thus, the consequences of cervical erosion that has not been treated can be very painful and dangerous not only for health and reproduction, but also for life.

In the current time of crisis, cases of late loan payments by citizens have become more frequent. Many people borrow money and in 2016 find themselves unable to repay the borrowed amount and the interest on it. A significant portion of citizens do not fully understand what will happen if they do not pay the loan at all or after some time. The information in this article will help the reader learn about these consequences and read recent reviews from people who have gone through such a situation.

Main scenario in case of systematic non-payments

When a person enters into an agreement with a bank or other financial institution, he agrees to repay the amount borrowed and interest according to the terms of the agreement. That is, you cannot simply stop paying money: if a person stops making monthly payments, consequences arise that are described in the agreement, in the section on the responsibility of the parties.

Relations with collectors

Recently, companies that engage in debt collection have become a household name in Russian society. According to the law, representatives of these enterprises do not have the right to confiscate anything from the defaulter; their impact is severe psychological pressure. However, they often go too far: there are cases where collectors have been sued for hooliganism, extortion or causing damage.

It is necessary to make it clear what debt collectors can and cannot do. All their threats are empty, aimed at gullible citizens. And such people do occur, since legal literacy in Russian society is still lame.

How do collection agencies gain the “right” to demand a refund? The bank simply sells them information about the debt. For this, the company’s employees zealously try to force the person to pay the debt and expenses for their activities (roughly speaking, to make money off the debtor).

Collectors use various psychological techniques: most often these are constant calls to the debtor’s phone. There may be several dozen calls a day from real people or a robot that simply demands payment of a debt.

Some employees remain polite, some stoop to indirect threats of physical violence, through which they hint to a person about possible problems. But these are just empty words, they have no right to do anything. But it can have an effect on people who are too impressionable and timid, that’s why they say it.

Other agencies allow themselves to commit minor hooliganism: they puncture the tires on the defaulter’s car, leave inscriptions on the body or glass, fill the lock of the house with glue, etc.

Important! There are a lot of ways of pressure, and all of them are illegal.

The only thing to do in such cases is to complain. The sale of debt by a bank to a third-party company is itself illegitimate. Of course, this is beneficial for the bank: it receives monetary compensation by transferring the right to demand money from the debtor to a third party, but this is precisely what it does not have the right to do.

The defaulter can safely file a claim in court:

  • on recognizing the fact of transferring a bank debt to a collection agency as illegal;
  • about unlawful disclosure of bank secrets and disclosure of personal data of the debtor to a third party.

When talking to a debt collector, you just need to offer to file a lawsuit to repay the debt. They know that they simply do not have the right to do this, because it cools their heads and shows collectors the debtor’s legal literacy.

It must be remembered that collection agency employees only have the right to speak and nothing more. All their threats have no legal basis. It is recommended that telephone conversations be recorded; the recording should contain any direct or indirect threats and information about the agency. Then you need to go to the police and file a report. If you do not involve a lawyer, it is unlikely that you will be able to punish the debt collectors, but if the goal is for them to simply fall behind, then this step is quite enough. Very soon the employees of such a company will stop bothering the defaulter.

Bank's appeal to court

Banking organizations understand that debt collectors are a fragile and illegal business, so they usually prefer another option: if informing the debtor and trying to encourage him to repay the debt does not lead to results, the bank simply collects documents and files a claim in court for the return of funds, including a fine.

These processes last for several months, and a person will have to prepare well. Usually people don't pay their debt because they have nothing to pay. That is, when a citizen experiences financial difficulties, he is simply unable to service his financial debts.

In court, the debtor needs to prove with documents that he has financial problems, and he does not pay because he cannot. The court does not have the right to cancel the debt, but it can defer payments, reduce the loan rate or waive fines.

If, even after a court decision, the debtor does not return the money borrowed, bailiffs begin to deal with the matter: by law, they have the right to collect the debt and can seize the money and material assets available in the apartment in payment of the debt, oblige the debtor to pay a monthly part of the salary (no more half the amount).

Important! Naturally, the bailiffs cannot take away the only housing and things for personal use.
Speaking of criminal liability, it is possible only in relation to persons who owe more than 1,500,000 rubles.

And lastly: debtors (especially if a case has been initiated) may be restricted from traveling abroad. Debt is also a black mark on a person’s credit history, which casts doubt on the ability to obtain a loan in the near future.

Of course, it is recommended to evaluate your capabilities before the loan itself, but different situations happen in life, so it is recommended to be aware of your rights. This information will help Russians act wisely in the event of debts to banks.

In medicine, cough is considered as a protective reaction to various irritants or as a consequence of a certain disease. We will tell you what the consequences are if the cough is not treated in a timely manner.

Cough, like its “colleague” runny nose, does not belong to the category of independent diseases, they are rather complications or symptoms. Different diseases cause different types of cough. This is a pattern that we will try to understand and thereby understand what it carries complications:

  • With the flu, a constant cough occurs literally from the first days of illness, and most often it is dry, followed by transformation into a wet one. The formation of sputum with purulent content, as well as accompanying pain in the thoracic region, is possible.
  • With respiratory syncytial viral infections, a low chest cough appears, also starting from the first days of the disease.
  • A loud and painful cough accompanies acute and chronic tracheitis, sometimes with purulent discharge.
  • The main symptom of the well-known bronchitis is also a cough. Its characteristic features are considered sonorousness, tearing coming from the depths, and scanty sputum production. At the initial stage, the sputum has a watery consistency, which gradually changes to a dense and more mucous consistency.
  • Pneumonia is accompanied by a severe and painful cough. The patient feels acute pain both from the affected lung and in the back, in the area of ​​the scapula. It is often dry, but after a certain period of time it becomes wet, and the active release of exudate begins, which has a rusty tint.

Some people experience coughing during the winter. This is the time of awakening of chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis and rhinitis. Patients cough in such situations due to the development of an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa, congestion of the nasal passages, and a characteristic tickling or scratching sensation in the larynx. How can it be replaced, there are many reasons for the occurrence of this symptom, and all of them require treatment.

Consequences of late treatment

Not everyone likes getting sick or being treated, especially young people. Unfortunately, many people tend to believe that the disease will go away on its own and there is no need to treat it. Let's imagine a situation: there is a disease, accompanying symptoms occur, but no treatment is used. Then we can expect the development of events according to at least 4 main scenarios in the form of certain pathologies:

With incorrect or incorrect treatment, another pathology develops, called “pulmonary heart”. The patient experiences systematic shortness of breath, headaches (due to lack of oxygen supply), and heart pain that cannot be eliminated by taking medications. All this generally leads to the development of the myocardium, and then to a heart attack.

Do you still have the desire to let everything take its course? If not, then think about timely response and choosing the right therapy.