What are the majors in college? What is the difference between a profession and a specialty? Professional areas: technology, aesthetics, information

What are the majors in college?  What is the difference between a profession and a specialty?  Professional areas: technology, aesthetics, information
What are the majors in college? What is the difference between a profession and a specialty? Professional areas: technology, aesthetics, information

Sooner or later, every high school student has a question about what to do next with his life. And receiving specialized education is directly related to this issue. Many people are beginning to wonder: “What kind of education is vocational school?” Let's figure it out.

When did these educational institutions appear?

Advantages of vocational schools

The main advantage of vocational schools is their narrow specialization. And this means that they will not pour mountains of information into the young man, which will not be useful to him in his chosen profession. If you happened to study at a university, you yourself can estimate how much of the material you learned there remained unclaimed, or even completely disappeared from memory as unnecessary. Of course, you can’t carry knowledge on your back, but the time spent won’t come back.

In addition, the structure of the vocational school itself is aimed at ensuring that after graduation the student is assigned to work. There is currently no such practice in universities.

What are the specialties in vocational schools?

What is needed for admission

To enter the city vocational school after finishing 9th grade, you will need to pass entrance exams. In addition, you will need the following package of documents:

  1. Application addressed to the school director.
  2. Certificate of education.
  3. 6 photos 3x4 cm.
  4. Medical certificate.
  5. Certificate of vaccinations received.
  6. Certificate of residence.
  7. A copy of your birth certificate (or passport).
  8. A copy of the identification number.

How to get the most out of your training

Even the best teacher in the world cannot teach a student anything unless the student wants to learn. Therefore, first of all, you need to start with your attitude towards getting an education.

Don't let others discourage you. And remember the purpose of admission - to acquire practical skills that will help you support yourself. Consider the learning period as an investment in the future. Time is one of the most valuable resources that we all have. Don't waste it carelessly.

How to achieve this? Just try to listen carefully. Try to be truly interested in your chosen profession. In the end, this is exactly what you decided to do with your life, at least for the next few years. Why deliberately turn these years into hard labor, if it is quite possible to get real pleasure from an interesting business?

What are the prospects after graduating from vocational school?

A vocational school diploma will give you the opportunity to immediately get a job in your specialty. The school director is often responsible for ensuring the availability of job vacancies. You will have certain options already when you pass the mandatory

In addition, such education (vocational school) gives you the opportunity to continue your studies if you wish. And if you enroll in the same specialty, then most likely you will be provided with some benefits. This may be immediate enrollment in the second or third year of a university, or the opportunity to enroll without entrance exams.

Modern terminology

Vocational school - what kind of education is this? In fact, this question has already become archaic. Because we no longer have official vocational schools. Today there are PU - vocational schools and PL - vocational lyceums. However, it will not be long before such a familiar abbreviation - vocational school - disappears from our public consciousness.

If we compare the total number of former vocational schools and the total number of current PU and PL, it turns out that there are fewer of the latter. However, the number of professions offered for mastering has increased significantly.

Many children can't wait to finish ninth grade. They want to quickly leave the walls of the school and go to a higher educational institution.

Therefore, there often comes a time when families ask themselves: where can they go after 9th grade? After all, this is a very responsible and important step in the life of every person.

Do I need to leave school after ninth grade?

Not so much children, but parents worry and doubt whether it is necessary for a child to change his life at such a young age? First, they will miss the school prom, which will never happen again. Secondly, the question becomes acute: where can I go after 9th grade?

To begin with, do not panic, but carefully weigh the pros and cons. At this age, the child becomes a teenager, and it is difficult to convince him. Therefore, if a student is categorically determined to leave school, do not interfere with him, but support him. Think together about where you can go after 9th grade to make it interesting for your child to study.

The main thing, remember, nothing bad happened. Many children leave school after 9th grade and find themselves faster than their peers. Even if your child makes a mistake in choosing a specialty, he will always be able to complete his studies.


Studying outside of school after 9th grade has many advantages. For example, it is easier for an applicant to enroll on a budget. After all, it is after the 9th grade that higher educational institutions offer much more budget places than after the 11th grade.

A child who enters a college, college or technical school after the 9th grade masters not only school material, but also receives a specialty in which after the third year he can already work.

There is another significant plus: if a child graduates from a technical school, he enters the institute immediately for the third year. That is, he receives higher education faster than his peers who completed 11 grades.


There are also disadvantages. Children leave their parents earlier and live independent, not always correct lives. Children are often spoiled by the hostel, where there is minimal control, especially regarding studies. Parents cannot always control their child, so systematic absenteeism and bad marks may begin, and this, as we know, threatens expulsion.

Another important disadvantage is when children make the wrong choice of specialty. As a result, their performance decreases, interest in the educational process disappears, and then further problems may begin. To prevent this from happening, carefully consider and explore the options where you can go after 9th grade.

Choice of profession

It’s good if the student has long made his choice and knows what he wants from life. What if he has no idea where to go to study after 9th grade and what profession is acceptable for him? Then parents have to help their student decide.

In fact, the list of professions that you can study for after 9th grade is quite large. Therefore, not only children, but also parents are lost in choice. Before choosing a specific specialty, institution or profession, you need to understand the interests of the student. After all, both a person’s academic performance and future depend on it.

Every ninth grader has different abilities. One student is good at studying the humanities, the other is good at studying science. It’s the same in the profession. Some like medicine, others like driving, others like everything related to manicure, etc.

Since a profession is a person’s future, its choice must be approached thoroughly. The choice of both a specialty and an educational institution depends on the character of the child.

Parents should remember that enrolling after 9th grade is an important step. Therefore, you cannot impose your opinion on a student. After all, in the future he will reproach you for not giving him the right to choose for himself. If you show your child a list of professions, educational institutions, and ask about his hobbies, he will understand what he needs. Don't put pressure on your teenager, and he will make the right choice.

Choosing an educational institution

This is a difficult task. Especially for those who cannot decide where to go to study after 9th grade. There are many colleges, colleges and technical schools suitable for schoolchildren. All you have to do is choose according to your interests and abilities.

However, there are other points. If the child does not enroll on a budget basis, he will have to pay. It remains to be seen whether parents will be able to provide financial support to their student.

Educational institutions after 9th grade are famous for their large number of budget places and little competition. If a child has at least a little knowledge, then it’s not so difficult for him to do it. Especially if, before entering, you take courses at this institution and prepare for exams.

Technical school, college or school

If you have chosen an educational institution, after 9th grade you take exams and enter. Since many people cannot decide, we can give some advice. As a rule, those applicants who want to get a practical specialty go to school. It can be useful in production or a factory. The school provides knowledge, but the requirements are not entirely complicated. Although they may be expelled for absenteeism and poor performance.

There is an opinion that people go to college to study a fashionable or prestigious profession. This may be related to aviation, programming, medicine, etc. In colleges, the requirements are higher than in college. Therefore, they can safely be equated to a technical school, which provides a technical specialty that is more in demand.

Based on the above, you can visit all the educational institutions you like. After 9th grade, you can safely apply to several educational institutions. If you don't get into one, then you'll probably be lucky in the other.

Specialties for boys

There are many wonderful and in-demand professions for guys that are valued and paid quite well. However, now the conversation is not about salary, but about the interests of the young man. A lot of guys want to be officers. For this, you can suggest the Suvorov School, where there is very good military training, excellent discipline and improved academic performance. Many parents sleep soundly knowing that their son is under excellent care.

Aviation College is a great opportunity to prove yourself. There is also excellent discipline, physical training and rigor here. These two institutions turn young men into real men.

After 9th grade, schools provide the opportunity to obtain a diploma as an electrician, car mechanic, tractor driver, plumber and many other similar specialists. But the technical school teaches more serious specialties. These are drivers of different categories, builders, estimators, etc. Technical schools after 9th grade help prepare for university.

There are a lot of different specialties for boys that open the way to the future. However, look not only at interests, but also at the prestige of the profession. After all, a person’s salary depends on this.

After 9th grade, colleges, like technical schools, will help a student master a certain specialty, go to university and work at the same time. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to let your child go to school. After all, you do everything for his own good.

Specialties for girls

After 9th grade, schools offer applicants the following specialties:

  • Seamstress.
  • Hairdresser.
  • Salesman.
  • Cashier.
  • Cook.
  • Confectioner.
  • Visagiste.
  • Teacher.
  • Preschool teacher.
  • Nurse.
  • Midwife.

Most often, girls who want to get an initial pedagogical or medical education enter college after the 9th grade. However, after this it is advisable to go to university. After all, it’s difficult to build a good career after college.

After 9th grade, girls enter technical schools who want to become an economist, programmer, administrator, tour guide, salesperson, accountant, and so on. In fact, the list of specialties is very large. All that remains is to choose a profession that interests you and study for it.

Professional areas: nature, communication, man himself

To ensure that the child does not initially make a mistake with the choice, you need to conduct small tests. Only then will you understand which area your son or daughter’s soul lies in. It is best for the student to talk to a psychologist.

There are the first 3 main professional areas:

1. Nature – these are professions that are directly related to animals, plants, forestry, etc. If a child empathizes, loves to observe nature, appreciates it, watches films on this topic, then the following professions are perfect for him:

  • Agronomist.
  • Zoologist.
  • Biologist.
  • Geologist.
  • Botanist.
  • Vet.
  • Vegetable grower.
  • Beekeeper.
  • Gardener.
  • Ecologist.
  • Florist.

2. Communication – these are those professions that are associated with collective or interpersonal communication. If a student loves to communicate, treats people well, likes to share experiences with others, creates a fun and cozy atmosphere in the team, then the following professions are suitable for the child:

  • Administrator.
  • Bartender.
  • Waiter.
  • Manager.
  • Policeman.
  • Teacher.
  • Educator.
  • Hairdresser.
  • Guide.
  • Lawyer.

3. The person himself - these are professions that help a person work on himself, take care of his appearance, gait, plasticity, etc. Such people can work:

  • Actor.
  • Model.
  • A fashion model.
  • An athlete.
  • Vocalist.
  • Cyclist.

Professional areas: technology, aesthetics, information

There are other specialties that children like. Choose professions after 9th grade carefully and thoughtfully. To do this, talk to the student to understand his interest in professional fields. We invite you to consider 3 more options.

1. Technique. These are professions related to technical devices (creation, assembly, adjustment or repair). A student who wants to connect his life with technology can go to the following specialties:

  • Car mechanic.
  • Driver.
  • Gas cutter.
  • Welder.
  • Pilot.
  • Driver.
  • Radio mechanic.
  • Steelworker.
  • Tractor driver.
  • Miner.
  • Electrician.
  • A carpenter.
  • Baker.
  • Confectioner.

2. Aesthetics are creative professions. They are related to art, writing, modeling. You can go to the following specialties:

  • Architect.
  • Designer.
  • Journalist.
  • Writer.
  • Art critic.
  • Composer.
  • Musician.
  • Hairdresser.
  • Seamstress.
  • Director.
  • Jeweler.
  • Artist.
  • Photographer.
  • Producer.
  • Visagiste.
  • Cosmetologist.

3. Information. These are the professions where exact science is needed. Here you need to work with numbers, calculations or formulas. If a student likes exact science, then you can go to the following specialties:

  • Auditor.
  • Accountant.
  • Sound engineer.
  • Estimator.
  • Engineer.
  • Cashier.
  • Programmer.
  • Financier.
  • Economist.

Determine your professional field and help your child make the right choice. After all, this is a very important step in the life of a schoolchild, which partially determines the future of your children.

Experts say that after the 9th grade, it is easier for a student to get comfortable both in school and in a team. Therefore, parents should not worry. The list of professions after 9th grade is very large, and you can easily choose what your child needs.

If a student chooses to become a mechanic, mason, welder or hairdresser, he must understand that this is a very responsible job. After all, one wrong step can lead to serious problems.

The work of a loader is not so much responsible as it is hard. The child must understand what to prepare for. Entering a medical college after 9th grade will only help you become a nurse. There is no question of a doctor. But after college, you can go to university to get a higher medical education and become a doctor. This is not only a prestigious job, but also highly paid.


As it turned out, admission after 9th grade is not difficult. It is important that more budget places are provided. Therefore, even schoolchildren with little knowledge have a good chance of entering a school, college or technical school. However, if a child has a very poor certificate, then based on his scores he may not qualify for free education.

First, find out from the student what he wants from life. Then find out an important parameter that he can do. Much depends on the abilities, talents and inclinations of the child.

Pay attention to the capabilities of the student and your family. Will you be able to support your son or daughter financially? After all, state employees also have some financial expenses. Plus, pay attention to the child’s psychological and physical health.

And the very last question you can ask yourself: does society need what a son or daughter will do? This could be a doctor, teacher, manager, programmer and other popular professions. After 9th grade, you can apply if you can answer the above questions.

Standing on the threshold of high school, the student, and his parents, begin to think about their future profession. One of the options for obtaining education is to study at vocational school . This institution provides primary vocational education and graduates specialists with a fairly high level of knowledge.

Advantages of a vocational school (vocational school)

The main advantage of such schools is their narrow specialization. Here they do not pour mountains of unnecessary information into students. The entire structure of training is built on ensuring that students receive only specialized knowledge that they can then use. Those who graduated from a university and got a job in their specialty were fully convinced how much of the material they learned was simply not useful at work. System Vocational school is aimed at ensuring that after graduation, the student is assigned to a workplace. Not every university can boast of such practice. Also, the advantage of most schools for many applicants is that there are no entrance exams.

What specialty can you get at a vocational school?

Full list of specialties specific Vocational school You can study on their websites or by visiting the institution in person. But most schools can graduate professionals in the following specialties:

  • Car mechanic- checks the technical condition of various vehicles, determines the need for repairs and carries out these repairs.
  • Engineer- specialist in structural design in various fields.
  • Blacksmith- master of metal processing, artistic forging and stamping.
  • Painter- master of painting rooms.
  • Mechanic- a worker specializing in the repair and maintenance of mechanisms.
  • Metallurgist- worker in the ore production sector.
  • Locksmith- specialist in manual metal processing.
  • Seamstress- specialist in cutting and tailoring.

As can be seen from the list of main specialties, many of them can be called prestigious.

List of documents for admission

To enter a vocational school , the following documents are required:

  1. School Certificate.
  2. Medical certificate and certificate of vaccinations.
  3. Photo 3x4 cm - 6 pieces.
  4. certificate of residence.
  5. Passport and its copies.
  6. Identification code and its copies.
  7. Birth certificate and its copies.
  8. Application for admission addressed to the director of the school.

How to usefully spend time at a school desk?

Despite the reputation of vocational schools, which is widespread in our country, from it you can become a highly qualified specialist. First of all, everything depends on the student himself and the purpose for which he came to the educational institution. If your goal is to get an education, which can then be successfully applied, then self-discipline yourself, immerse yourself in learning, make it clear to the teacher that you are interested in the knowledge he gives. Don't let the people and atmosphere around you discourage you. Remember that the skills you acquire, provided that you master them well, will help you get a well-paid job and provide for yourself. Learning now is a big investment in the future. Make it as profitable as possible.

06/21/2018 · Comments: 0 ·

What is the difference between a profession and a specialty?

If you do not fully understand the difference between professions and specialties of secondary vocational education, then you have come to the right page. Let's tell it in simple words.

For decades, our country has had a vocational education system that included three levels:

  1. Primary vocational education (schools and vocational lyceums)
  2. Secondary vocational education (technical schools and colleges)
  3. Higher professional education (institutes, universities, academies)

Everything was simple and clear. You choose the desired level of education and submit documents to the appropriate educational institution.

The Federal Law “On Education”, which came into force in 2013, excluded such a level as primary vocational education. The NGO level has disappeared. Schools were transformed into technical schools.

There was confusion. When applying to a technical school or college, people do not always understand what level of education they are offered to receive there.

Now in colleges and technical schools you can get education at two levels:

  1. Skilled worker. A student studying at this level receives profession. This is exactly the level of education that was previously provided in schools. A working profession and nothing more. It will not be possible to occupy even minor leadership positions with such an education.
  2. Mid-level specialist. After graduating from a technical school or college, such a student will receive speciality. This is the level of education that was previously called secondary specialized or technical school.

When you are applying to a college or technical school and are unsure about the level of education offered to you in the program of study, simply ask:

Is this a profession or specialty?

If you get the answer that this is a profession, then this is the school level. If this is a specialty, then this is a higher level of education, which is preferable.

Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

The most popular specialties in higher education are on everyone's lips. What areas of study in colleges, technical schools and schools are in demand? At first glance, it seems that professions that everyone knows about even without studying classifier reference books are of interest. But college applicants want to become not only doctors, teachers or lawyers.

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, those entering secondary specialized educational institutions often give preference to “non-obvious” options, including an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, an oil and gas production operator, a molder of reinforced concrete products and structures, and even a train builder.

What to choose from

Institutions of secondary vocational education offer a wide variety of specialties:

  • “information security”;
  • “prosthetic, orthopedic and rehabilitation equipment”;
  • "circus art";
  • "oil and gas processing".

And that's not all. The list of specialties changes periodically, expands with new professions and includes quite rare ones that cannot be found in universities. Even capricious creative types have a wide choice.

Levels of training in colleges, technical schools and schools

There are two types of secondary vocational education programs being implemented in Russia - basic and advanced levels. In the diplomas of graduates who have completed advanced level programs, next to the name of the qualification a note “with in-depth training” is made.

Exceptions are colleges of creative orientation. For example, choreographic or ballet schools accept children aged 10-11 years who have completed primary school. Future ballet dancers, professional dancers, and teachers study for 7 years and 10 months.


In secondary schools, as well as in senior years of universities, within the framework of mastering the main specialty, a narrow profile is possible - for example, there is modeling and design of garments and more narrowly focused modeling and design of garments made of fur. While a university student is mentally trying on an office worker’s suit, his peers who have graduated from college are sewing beautiful fur coats with their own hands.

Skillful fingers

In colleges, technical schools and schools you can acquire not only a narrow specialization, but also, conversely, a universal profession. Thus, an auto mechanic will be able to repair cars, fuel equipment, or become a driver. College graduates are familiar with computers and understand document management - to perform all these common job duties, it is not at all necessary to graduate from a university, but self-education is not enough either.

School graduates who face particularly difficult studies at universities (future doctors, architects and others) would do well to first graduate from the relevant schools and technical schools.