What are the disadvantages of drip irrigation. Automatic drip irrigation in the country - why you need it and how to do it. Everything you need to know about drip irrigation materials

What are the disadvantages of drip irrigation. Automatic drip irrigation in the country - why you need it and how to do it. Everything you need to know about drip irrigation materials

Benefits of drip irrigation in industrial vegetable growing became apparent in the 50s of the last century, when this system was first tested on a large scale by Israeli agronomists. Thanks to many years of measurements and observations, today we know that the increase in yield with drip irrigation compared to the same sprinkling is 50-80% for vegetables and 20-40% for horticultural crops and vineyards. Moreover, vegetables enter the fruiting phase 5-10 days earlier than usual.

I would like to emphasize that drip irrigation is the most rational and economical way of irrigation, also from the standpoint of preserving and maintaining soil fertility and the overall ecological state of the environment.

With a well-thought-out irrigation schedule using drip irrigation systems, there is no need to lay drainage on the site. Irrigation water does not infiltrate below the root layer, so surface water does not come into contact with subsoil (highly mineralized). This, in turn, minimizes the threat of waterlogging and salinization of the soil on the site.

The advantages of drip irrigation include the fact that it does not compact the surface layer of the soil at all and retains its loose structure. As a result, anaerobic conditions are not formed in the soil, which provoke the occurrence of various rots. Drip irrigation can be carried out even in areas with difficult terrain and located on slopes. In fact, under such conditions, this method of irrigation is the only possible one, in which there is no need to build special terraces or level the surface of the site.

Ultimately, drip irrigation makes it possible to obtain high yields of environmentally friendly vegetable products while saving almost all types of resources: water, fertilizers, electricity, labor, and, consequently, money.

Let's take a look at the full list of drip irrigation benefits:

  • water is delivered purposefully to the root layer of cultivated plants at such a rate that they absorb up to 95% of its volume.
  • watering can be carried out around the clock, regardless of external conditions, which allows you to water the plants at the optimal time and in the optimal amount.
  • fertilizers in liquid form can be delivered together with irrigation water directly to the roots of cultivated plants, as well as to coordinate their diet with specific needs for macro- and microelements in different phases of their development. At the same time, savings on fertilizers can be from 50% or more due to an increase in their overall availability to the root system of the plant.
  • plant roots develop more intensively due to a balanced water and nutrient regime, as well as due to good aeration of the surface layer of the soil.
  • when watering with a drip method, the entire aerial part of the plant remains dry, which makes it possible to very significantly reduce the risk of the spread of diseases and infections.
  • together with irrigation water, it is also possible to introduce complex action preparations to combat various types of pests - soil, sucking, leaf-eating and many diseases of vegetable crops. The preparations are completely absorbed by the plants, which ensures their prolonged effect (compared to their application by conventional spraying).
  • due to the local application of water and nutrients, drip irrigation prevents the growth of weeds and almost completely stops their development in the aisles.
  • all work on crop care and harvesting can be carried out at any time - before, after or even during the irrigation process.

The only, but very significant drawback of drip irrigation systems is their price. However, not everything is so hopeless here. For example, it won't cost you anything other than some labor and time. And in this article you will also find a description of a cheap one, which is based on the principle of the same drip irrigation. In a word, nothing is impossible if there is a desire and sufficient motivation.

The drip irrigation system appeared in the 19th century, but only in the 20th century it began to be actively introduced into horticulture and horticulture. It, of course, received the greatest distribution in large industries, where crops are grown on huge plantations, fields, in greenhouses, hotbeds. However, it is also used in small private gardens and orchards. Features of drip irrigation, its types, advantages and disadvantages will be described below in the article.

What is a drip irrigation system?

In a drip system, water is supplied to the plant through special pipes connected to the main source of water supply on the site. These pipes are laid between crops. They have built-in droppers, through which water enters directly under the root of each individual plant.

The drip irrigation system is not very complicated, some people even collect it themselves, carry it out. It consists of 7 main parts.

  1. Drip tapes are pipelines, which are, in fact, the basis of the entire structure.
  2. Controller - a mechanism that controls the time, quantity and volume of irrigation.
  3. Filters are necessary to purify water, but sometimes they are not installed.
  4. Valves for regulating water supply.
  5. Droppers.
  6. Fertilizer application unit - simplifies the application of top dressing.
  7. Water meter (to control the flow).

There are many different diameters of pipes, taps, types of droppers, etc. Depending on all these details, you can adjust the irrigation rate for individual crops - somewhere the water will flow in a larger volume, and somewhere in a smaller one. True, the more perfect the system, the more expensive it will cost, but those who have tried drip irrigation speak mostly positively about it - the cost fully pays for itself.

What types of drip irrigation are there?

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Drip irrigation system is automatic and non-automatic. The former can be programmed to regularly supply and turn off water at a certain time and in the right amount. In the second case, the gardener needs to turn on and off the water all the time and adjust the pressure so that the plants do not flood.

In addition to the type of drip systems, there are also two types of drip tapes (pipes through which water enters the droppers).

  • Annual tapes (vegetable) serve 1 year. They serve well and are ideal for small private households, where the site layout changes from year to year. Due to the constant change in layout, it is impossible to install a permanent drip system, which is why annuals are used.
  • Perennial systems can last 20-50 years. They are usually installed in greenhouses, greenhouses, vineyards, orchards, where the layout has not changed for many years. The system is removed for the winter, and the next season it is disassembled again so that it does not freeze in winter, mechanical damage does not appear, etc.

Benefits of drip irrigation

Drip irrigation during its existence has become very popular not only in large complexes, but also in small gardens, private plots. Such excitement can only be explained by the abundance of positive qualities.

  • Innovative drip systems are mostly automated. The gardener can set the time at which the water should turn on, turn off when it should be more or less.
  • Saving time for the gardener - no longer need to waste time and effort every day on watering all the beds.
  • The drip irrigation system can include the supply of liquid fertilizers. And this allows you to significantly simplify not only watering, but also feeding plants.
  • Water saving. Since water flows directly under the root, there is a significant resource saving.
  • It can be used on different soils, landscapes, in any climate and for any garden and horticultural crops.
  • During the transportation of liquid through pipes, it warms up a little.
  • The development of fungus and some diseases associated with drought is prevented, since the ground under the plant will always be wet.
  • The leaves will not receive thermal and chemical burns, since watering is carried out directly under the root.

In addition to the listed advantages, there is one more important thing - the ability to make and assemble the structure on your own, if the gardener has all the necessary parts that you don’t even have to buy (pipes, droppers and even valves can be made or taken from other mechanisms). By doing such a system on your own, the gardener saves a lot of money.

Fittings and drip tapes can be subjected to mechanical damage

  1. The cost of a good drip irrigation design can be quite high.
  2. Dropper tubes can become clogged, as a result of which water will either not flow at all, or not in the amount that the gardener needs.
  3. Fittings and drip tapes can be subjected to mechanical damage.
  4. The root system can develop very densely due to the fact that moisture is concentrated in one place.

VIDEO - Installation of drip irrigation from "A" to "Z" in 15 minutes!

Any irrigation system should provide you with some benefit and provide the optimal amount of water for the plants.

We will try to tell you about the advantages of a do-it-yourself drip irrigation system and its disadvantages. We will talk about watering vegetables, how potatoes, grapes, cucumbers are irrigated, we will try to help make a system without the help of specialists, and with our own hands, we will explain what the scheme is for, we will provide photo and video materials. You can also find tips on how to choose a filter, what hoses are needed, what equipment to use and what technology, how the amount of water is calculated and what the Rosinka system is.

If you have questions, then remember that video tutorials can help solve them.

Ensuring a Good Harvest

Modern technologies have helped to make an automatic irrigation system that makes life much easier for a person. It works and waters certain areas only at a specified frequency. This saves not only your time, but also saves your garden or vegetable garden. The most important advantage of such systems is the optionality of your presence, because you can simply set the program (very convenient for watering grapes, cucumbers and tomatoes).

Do-it-yourself - in which watering is carried out in small portions to the root zone of the plant and is regulated by dispensers, with the help of which they make the calculation.

Simply put, it is a method of irrigation, in which water with additional minerals enters directly into the soil.

This method of irrigation has less expensive equipment (hoses and pipes are used in much smaller quantities).

From the very beginning of its development, it was used exclusively in the greenhouse. But, thanks to its merits, it has become widespread in agriculture for irrigating potatoes, cucumbers, grapes, corn and other crops growing in the fields.

Watering a potato field

Advantages and disadvantages


Compared to other systems, it has a number of advantages.


In addition to all the above advantages, which will certainly become decisive in choosing this particular system, we must talk about some of the disadvantages:

Structure and its application

What does the system consist of?

To build it yourself, you will need to know all its main components (equipment). It seems that it is simply impossible to create such a system with your own hands, but after you learn about its main details, you will understand how easy it is. If you encounter problems, you can turn to the video on the Internet for help. In any case, to create a system with your own hands, you can buy all the necessary elements (equipment), including:

  • dropper (droppers);
  • tap;
  • nipple (used for transition);
  • plug;
  • corners;
  • filter;
  • injector;
  • hose(s);
  • a tube;
  • pipes.

Equipment can be purchased individually or as a complete set. These details (equipment) are basic. You may also see additional corners or distributors. Pipes should be selected with different diameters to regulate the water pressure, the filter should be purchased with a special protective coating, the connecting tube should be wrapped with insulating material to prevent leaks. It is also worth noting that the tube is a mandatory part of the design, like a filter, pipes, droppers and an injector.

Where is drip irrigation used?

After you have already learned about all the advantages and disadvantages of the system, as well as the main details, it is worth considering where it is applied.

in the greenhouse

Naturally, the first, it is in the greenhouse, as well as in the open field, has the same advantages of use. In a greenhouse it is very convenient to use all this equipment, a filter and others.

They do not cling, do not take up much space. Irrigation technology allows you to make complex irrigation in the greenhouse, as well as calculate the required amount of water. In a greenhouse, you can use a system for irrigating grapes (since the roots of grapes require constant moisture and fertilizer).

In field

Such a system is used for irrigating fields and watering them. It is quite popular because of its compactness, efficiency and resistance to temperatures. For fields, this is the most optimal and convenient option, difficulties arise when it is necessary to carry out a preliminary calculation of the required water. To do this, a plot sizing scheme must be created.

In the garden

The most common use is in the garden. It is worth noting that drip irrigation of vegetables has a very productive effect on their productivity. Among all plants it is necessary to allocate: potato, tomato, cucumbers; among the berries are watermelon and grapes.

The tomato is much juicier and has a more attractive shade. This is not due to the fact that it was grown with the help of chemicals, on the contrary, due to their absence and proper care, it develops much better. The same effect is produced on cucumbers and corn. The yield of these crops is doubled, as is the quality of the products. Irrigation of potatoes is convenient because of the characteristics of its growth and the difficulty in caring for it. Thanks to this system, potatoes can consume enough nutrients.

As for the berries, the watermelon is much sweeter and larger, and grows a little faster.

The grape irrigation system is especially popular. Grape leaves need special care, as they are prone to infection with fungal diseases. The root system of grapes, in turn, requires a large amount of water. Growing grapes in a greenhouse is possible only under the condition of irrigation.

How to choose a system?

You don't need to think too much about how to choose the right one. To select the system, how to choose the right equipment, filter, sets of nozzles and more - you can watch the video on the Internet. You must create a scheme of your site, for the optimal choice of irrigation system. The system you choose will depend on the requirements and desired features of the equipment. To see the presence of all the details and the clarity of additional ones, you are provided with an irrigation system diagram.

The most common system is "Rosinka".

The universal and low-cost method of watering is increasing the number of its supporters every day. Today we will talk about how to make drip irrigation with your own hands and how to use this irrigation technique correctly.

Much is said about the benefits of drip soil moisture. This irrigation device is efficient and convenient in greenhouses and outdoors. This type of irrigation increases the useful water consumption by almost one hundred percent. For which crops can spot irrigation be used? Full soil moisture is favorable for tomatoes, and other vegetables, they will delight with flowering and fresh herbs.

Facts for those who doubt whether a point irrigation method is needed for a vegetable garden:

  • the commodity output of tomatoes, cabbage, bell peppers, carrots and other vegetables increases by almost ninety percent;
  • water consumption for irrigation is reduced by half, you can clearly adjust how much you need to water;
  • plantings in the garden get sick less;
  • fertilizers go directly to the roots of plants, which increases their effectiveness several times.

Note! Drip irrigation saves a lot of water. It will be indispensable in areas with low pressure in the water supply. The system can even work by gravity, for this you will need to install a storage tank (barrel) on the site and throw hoses from it to the beds.

In this material, we will try to figure out how to make a drip irrigation system, how to assemble it with your own hands and how to choose components of suitable quality for irrigation from manufacturers. We will find out how much water which plants need, which one is needed, whether a filter is needed and what pressure must be maintained in the pipes. In conclusion, we will tell you how to use spot irrigation and how to properly care for the structure.

Pictured is an example of a system:

Effective types of watering in the garden

In the list of the most popular ways of watering plants, sprinkling occupies the first place. Such systems do not require special investments and are very easy to use. They consist of a hose and a sprayer (sprinkler). In addition to the manual method of watering, there are devices for automatic sprinkling. There are types of sprinklers that rotate around an axis and thus cover a large irrigation radius. They are also called sprinklers.

Note! A pump for pumping water into the garden irrigation system is installed at a well or well. There are units that are connected directly to the water tap and create increased pressure, pumping out its contents.

To moisten the soil at the roots of trees, a subsoil irrigation system is more effective. Point drip moisture directly to the root system will favorably affect the plants in the greenhouse. Such irrigation can also be automated.

We have listed the main types of field irrigation, but modern manufacturers offer all new complexes using the latest automation systems. They use sensors that measure soil moisture and precipitation, and programmable timers.

It is quite possible to make a watering mechanism with your own hands. On sale there are various types of hoses and all components of automated systems.

Pros and cons of drip irrigation in a greenhouse

Every plant care system has its advantages and disadvantages. Drip irrigation is no exception.

pros Minuses
Cut water use in half compared to sprinkler irrigation. The drip irrigation technique was first invented and tested in Israel, where water is of great value.The droppers of the system are constantly clogged. To fix this problem, you need to use filtering.
Another advantage is significant. Spot watering is especially useful for tomatoes and cucumbers.
With the help of such irrigation, it is possible to deliver nutrients and fertilizers directly to the roots of plants. In addition, pest control products can be applied using this method, they will be unusually effective.Thin drip lines are often damaged by rodents or pets.
Drip irrigation prevents the formation of a hard crust on the soil surface. Loose soil allows oxygen to pass through, which is necessary for the roots of plants.
Watering can be carried out even on hot sunny days, without fear that drops of water will lead to burns on the leaves.The service life of the spot irrigation kit is no more than two years. Then you have to buy a new one.
With spot irrigation, it is possible to regulate the temperature and water the plants with warm water, avoiding shock.
The system can work even in the absence of pressure in the water supply.Installing the system requires financial investments, as well as its timely updating.
Drip irrigation saves a lot of time and effort.

Drip irrigation: what does the system consist of?

All elements of the spot irrigation system can be bought separately and assembled with your own hands:

  1. Droppers or drip tapes- perform a gradual supply of moisture to the roots of plants. Droppers can be non-separable or collapsible (the latter are convenient for cleaning). In some versions, they have an adjustment that allows you to control the intensity of watering.
  2. Supply hose- supplies water to the systems.
  3. Taps to switch- connect and disconnect water in different directions of the system.
  4. Masterblock- a device with a set of filters and a pressure regulator.

Important! Before purchasing materials for drip irrigation, it is necessary to make careful calculations, and even better, draw a diagram of the entire system. So you can save a lot on materials.

How to choose the right tape for drip irrigation

There are three main types of drip tapes:

  • ribbon labyrinth;
  • emitter type tape;
  • slotted tape.

Let's take a look at each of these types:

Types of tapes for watering Description


Labyrinth channels are formed on the tape material. They slow down the flow of water. Labyrinth channels are very fragile and easily damaged during installation. In addition, it is important to know how to properly lay such watering hoses.

In this version, the labyrinth partitions are located not along the entire length of the hose, but in places where there are exits cut by the laser. Installation of such a system is much easier. It should be noted that a slotted system requires good filtration. Such a device can be inexpensively mounted with your own hands.


This tape irrigation uses individual drippers built into the hose. They practically do not clog during operation due to the self-cleaning process. This quality directly affects the price of the product. Their production is costly. An example of such a material is Tuboflex tapes.

It is not easy to answer the question of which drip tape is better. The opinions of users in the reviews are different. The choice in most cases depends on the financial capabilities of the summer resident. And yet, many consider emitter hoses to be the best, despite their decent cost.

Note! A little about the characteristics of the water supply channel. Tapes are produced in two standard diameters - 16 and 22 mm. The most commonly used hose with a diameter of 16 millimeters. Its maximum working length is two hundred and fifty meters. When calculating the length of the drip tape, it should be noted that twenty-two mm hoses cannot be more than four hundred and fifty meters long.

The strength of the tape depends on the thickness of the material. It happens from 0.125 mm to 0.4 mm.

Advice! If you plan to use the tape for one season, purchase material with the maximum wall thickness.

The distance between the emitters is also an important factor when choosing. For different types of landings, the correct number of outlets should be selected. Carrots, onion sets, and other densely planted crops need ribbons with closely spaced emitters. Tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants planted with a large distance will arrange a tape with a distance between holes of 30 centimeters or more. How to lay the tapes and what distance between the tapes must be observed in the following video:

Note! The pitch of the holes from 10 to 20 centimeters is used for watering sandy soils and, if necessary, wetting the plantings with a solid line. Thirty-centimeter distances are suitable for planting potatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers. Forty centimeters or more - for melons.

How to choose the moisture consumption of the emitter:

How to mount pieces of tape together? How to connect a water control and supply system to it? Fittings are required for this purpose. They are selected according to the diameter of the tape.

And lastly, how much does the tape cost? Its price starts from three rubles per meter and can reach ten to fifteen rubles. Tapes are sold in rolls per footage.

What are Drip Start Connectors and How to Use Them

The start connector is also called a fitting. It serves to connect the parts of the irrigation system into one. You can buy connectors with a crane, swivel, branched. All these details are necessary for installation.

Advice! Before purchasing fittings, draw up a connection diagram for all parts of the drip irrigation structure. Mark the places where the starting crane, splitter and other elements should be located.

Fitting connection options:

Fitting options Description

Threaded connectors are designed to connect to standard water pipes with a ¾ or ½ thread.

Designed to connect the system with PVC pipes or soft hose. Especially in demand by summer residents, as they are used as a temporary connection

Connector for connecting PVC pipes of the same diameter

with seal
Suitable for connection through a hole drilled in the pipe wall. Equipped with a sealing rubber ring.

All fittings listed are suitable for the system Tuboflex and other kits for spot irrigation.

An important element of the system: drippers for irrigation

The main thing in spot watering is a dropper, which directly supplies moisture to the roots of plants. This element of the system is mounted in a tape or hose.

Important! Do-it-yourself installation of droppers implies that each of them will be directed directly to the roots of flowers and vegetables.

Any dropper becomes clogged over time, the smallest particles of soil fall into the hole. If the device can be disassembled, do periodic cleaning. If not, you can try to blow the system with an air pump.

Types of droppers in greenhouses:

Types of droppers Description
AdjustableThey have a removable cap for cleaning, regulate the flow of liquid from drops to jets.
UnregulatedA drip irrigation system of this type does not make it possible to increase or decrease the flow of liquid at will. The intensity of irrigation depends only on the pressure in the pipes. For uniform watering it is necessary to use compensators.
CompensatedThe complex arrangement of such droppers with silicone membranes makes it possible to consume a strictly defined amount of moisture, regardless of the pressure in the water supply.
UncompensatedThey are based on the usual labyrinth, which reduces the speed of the passage of the water flow.

All of these devices can be used for drip irrigation, greenhouse crops and outdoor planting.

Basic principles for selecting droppers:

  • they should be easy to clean from clogging. Removable caps are very convenient, they allow you to quickly and easily return the dropper to operation;
  • bandwidth is important. The bigger it is, the better. In this case, for cleaning, it is enough to increase the fluid flow;
  • the use of high-quality polymers that do not react with chemical fertilizers.

You can make an external dripper for irrigation with your own hands. Many gardeners use medical devices for these purposes; you can make a simple device from a plastic bottle. The price of a homemade device will be several times less, especially if you use improvised materials. In the following video story, an example of how to make a drip irrigation system for cucumbers:

Automatic types of drip irrigation, where they can be purchased

Automatic self-watering system greatly facilitates the work of the gardener. Modern manufacturers offer the best systems with timers, sensors and programmable control. The price of the machine starts from two and a half thousand rubles. Where can I buy ready-made kits for greenhouses? They are offered by numerous online vendors. There are systems for several greenhouses or irrigation of large areas. In this case, it is better to entrust the installation of a watering complex to professionals.

What is included in the irrigation complex and how the system works:

Complex component Description

You can use water from a barrel or a plastic tank. In such a container should be located. Plants in a greenhouse need warm water.

A device that includes watering at the right time of the day and regulates its intensity. This device effectively controls the flow of water.

Sensor system
Devices control water heating, soil moisture and temperature conditions.

Pipe and drip system
Directly carry out the supply of water to the plants.

What is the best automatic watering? For greenhouses made of polycarbonate or other materials, there are several options for automatic irrigation:

  1. Drip point- protects plantings from the first frosts, optimally consumes moisture.
  2. Sprinkling- water is supplied from above with the help of special sprayers. This option is not bad for a greenhouse, but don't expect water savings in this case.
  3. Inground- requires large expenses for arrangement, since it is necessary to bury perforated pipes in the soil. Used in large greenhouses.

Which system to choose? In each case, the approach is purely individual. Ground irrigation is considered to be more efficient than spot irrigation, but it is costly; sprinkling reduces costs to a minimum, but is inferior in efficiency.

You can assemble automatic systems with your own hands; for this, all the elements necessary for installation are on sale. You can stop at ready-made options from manufacturers, for example, or.

Advice! To decide on the most suitable automatic watering system for you, do not be lazy, study the reviews that buyers post online. As a rule, it is in them that all the advantages and disadvantages of devices are objectively evaluated.

Drip irrigation system for the Zhuk greenhouse: features and cost

The kit for the automatic watering system "Beetle" is connected to a tank with water. If necessary, you can take water not from a barrel, but directly from a water pipe. Installation of the device is extremely simple. To automate irrigation, you can provide an installation with a timer, it is sold separately.

Non-toxic materials are used for the manufacture of system elements. You can buy such a set at a price of 1600 rubles. The timer will cost two and a half thousand. The device is designed for watering six dozen plants on two.

Set of automatic drip irrigation "Aquadusia"

The Aquadusia system can be used not only in greenhouses, but also in the open field. It is available in two versions: full automatic and semi-automatic. Currently, semi-automatic kits marked 60 and 50 are out of production and what is sold is the remnants of batches. Modern models "Aquadusi", Start and water tap, can work both without automation and with it. The difference between the Start model and Water Tap is that the first uses warm water from a barrel, and the second uses cold water from the plumbing system. Greenhouse plants need warm water. Cold, you can water flowers and vegetables planted in open ground.

An automatic irrigation kit allows you to leave the site unattended for a week. This is very convenient for summer residents visiting country estates on weekends.

Note! Aquadusia uses a battery-powered pump to pump water. For this reason, it is not necessary to lift the liquid container onto a high stand to provide pressure.

In set "Start" there is a float. If you install it on the water pipe going to the barrel, after filling the liquid supply will be stopped. The principle is the same as in the toilet cistern.

But Water Tap will only work if the pressure is at least 0.3 atmospheres, and this does not always work, especially during the season.

Drip irrigation kits in the greenhouse: reviews of popular models

Olga, 38 years old, Tver:“I tried the kit last year. Used it complete with a barrel of a thousand liters. Mostly satisfied. The only problem is that it often gets clogged, but my husband read that you need to use filters. That's right, we collect water in the tank from the well. This year we are buying filters and a timer.”

Sergey, 64 years old, Novogorod: I had to replace all the taps, flowed on the first day. After changing the fittings everything worked just fine. Installing the "Beetle" is as easy as shelling pears, it is worth cleaning up for the winter, this is also not difficult. Generally satisfied."

Eugene, 47 years old, Bryansk: They installed the system for my grandmother in the village, the years are not the same to stand with a watering can every morning. The excitement has no end. And the yield has increased, and there is no need to constantly scoop from the barrel and fill it again. Everything works automatically.”

Ekaterina, 39 years old, Rostov:“We went broke on this device, one might say, forcedly. They planted a garden, and then had to leave for ten days on family business. The summer was very hot. The husband installed the system and turned it on, but there was not much hope. Upon returning home, a real surprise awaited us. Not a single plant died, despite the heat! Very happy with the purchase!"

Egor, 52 years old, Smolensk:“I noticed that with the installation of the system, the tomatoes began to hurt less. If you have not yet decided which set is best for the greenhouse, take this one. Installed it in just an hour, no difficulties arose.

Ksenia, 33 years old, Tver:“Immediately after installing the Water Strider, I was worried that very little water was leaving. Usually you stand with a hose all morning, and there is little sense, but then some drops. Out of curiosity, she dug up the ground at the roots of the peppers. Surprisingly, the earth is moist, and it does not dry out, as it usually happens under the sun during the day. The result was calculated by the end of the season. On all crops, the yield increased by 30-40 percent.”


Stanislav, 61 years old, Ulyanovsk:“Age does not allow you to take care of the garden the way you used to. Irrigation unit was bought by my son. They put him on the beds in two hours. It's good that the hoses are flexible, you can decompose as needed. Now there are no problems with the strait. We're just harvesting."

Kristina, 28 years old, Maikop:“I have two greenhouses for early cucumbers and greens. Installed Gardena complete with cubic barrel. The water is heated by a heating element, watering goes directly under the roots. The vegetables are doing very well and I am now planting a second batch in late summer. I get another crop, everything turns green, even when the temperature outside is close to zero.”

How to make your own drip irrigation system for a greenhouse

A device for spot irrigation can be made independently. It's not as difficult as it seems. A homemade kit will cost much less than the factory version.

A few important tips on the configuration and use of equipment:

  1. The tank for the irrigation system must be made of plastic. Metal barrels quickly rust, the smallest particles of rust instantly clog droppers.
  2. The barrel should be filled with cleaned and. So you save yourself from the need for frequent cleaning of the micro-irrigation system.
  3. At least once every ten days, check the functioning of the system and the cleanliness of the filters.
  4. Dissolve fertilizers thoroughly before pouring them into a container of water. After adding chemicals, the barrel and tapes must be rinsed.
  5. Disassemble the capillary irrigation kit for the winter.

How to make a device yourself? To work, you will need a drip tape, a tank, a water pipe, fittings for connecting parts, a mortise faucet,.

In the photo, a scheme for organizing self-watering:

Before installation, you need to decide where the water tank will stand. This is an important issue, as the location of the tank affects the pressure in the belts. The higher the barrel stands, the faster its contents are consumed. Do not get carried away with high stands: on hot days, the water will leave too quickly, besides, a high stand will require additional hassle to install.

The tap for connection must not be cut into the bottom of the barrel, but at a height of five to ten centimeters from the bottom. All the sediment will accumulate there and will not get into the drip irrigation.

Advice! Medical droppers can be used as nozzles for subsurface irrigation of tomatoes and other garden crops. The diameter of their tubes is only one and a half - two millimeters.

It remains to install a pipe for the main fluid supply and plug it at the ends.

Idea! If you still have questions about how to make the device yourself, try out a mini-model that can be used in a greenhouse for seedlings.

If done correctly, watering will work without your participation.

Drip irrigation installation scheme in a greenhouse: what is important to remember

To irrigate plants in a greenhouse, the simplest system with one main channel and droppers connected to it is sufficient. The barrel for watering can be located in the greenhouse itself or outside. The first option is convenient because on cool days the barrel cools less. In the second, free access will be provided to the container, which will facilitate its timely cleaning and filling. So think carefully about how to install the tank. To estimate the minimum volume of the tank, multiply the area of ​​the greenhouse by 20 (the required amount of water per square meter). For example, for a greenhouse with an area of ​​30 square meters, you will need to install a container with a volume of at least 600 liters.

Advice! Use plastic pipes to organize the main channel.

The distance between droppers in the diagram should be at least thirty centimeters. Drip irrigation continues 2-3 hours a day. This is the time required to fully provide moisture to the roots of plants. If you leave watering for a longer time, the roots may rot.

Advice! The length of drip lines should not exceed one meter.

To understand how to organize drip irrigation, develop a detailed drawing. Indicate on it all the places of connections, turns and fasteners.

Video example of how to properly do drip irrigation in a greenhouse:

Requirements for the main pipe for drip irrigation

HDPE pipes with a diameter of 32 or 16 mm are used as the main line. You can also make a line from PVC pipes or metal-plastic pipes. How to choose something most suitable? It is difficult to say which pipe is better, they are all strong enough, durable and great for irrigation. And yes, they are almost the same price.

When deciding which diameter to choose, consider the size of the area to be irrigated. In a greenhouse, it makes sense to make the main supply from polypropylene pipes of a smaller diameter.

Practice tip! To easily insert pipe fittings, use a screwdriver and a wood drill for drilling. They do a great job with polyethylene pipes.

Before inserting the drip hose, rubber seals must be inserted into the drilled holes. Without them, a oozing hose will lose a lot of valuable moisture.

How to make a main pipeline with your own hands in this video story:

Venturi injector or plant nutrition unit

Timely application of fertilizers is a condition for good yields. Scientifically, the process of applying fertilizers during irrigation is called fertigation, and the source from which the dissolved chemicals come to the roots of plants is a fertigation unit or a feeding unit.

For fertilization, you can choose intermittent or constant mode. The simplest calculation is a concentration of three to ten kilograms per hectare.

How to dose chemicals for drip irrigation? For this purpose, you will need a fertilizer tank and a Venturi dispenser.

Dissolved chemicals are placed in a separate container. They enter the drip irrigation system in parallel with the main moisture, mixing with it. At first glance, the installation is very primitive. But how to choose the right proportion for mixing and maintain the required concentration?

The principle of operation of the Venturi injector lies in the specifics of the movement of fluid with a pressure drop. Water passing through the dispenser forms a vacuum that carries the chemical solution with it. Thus, two liquids are mixed in the main main channel and evenly flow to the roots of plants. The injector can be connected to a 1" or 2" pipe. You can buy Venturi at any gardening store.

The dispenser device in the diagram:

Note! The dispenser is made of chemically resistant materials.

Another option to maintain the necessary concentration of chemicals is the use of a dosatron. This is a more advanced and accurate control system. It is not difficult to mount it with your own hands directly into the drip irrigation system. A turbine is located inside the device, which is driven by the pressure of the liquid in the pipeline. Adjustment of the dosatron is carried out only when it is installed. Further, the device does not need your attention. There are many videos on the net on how to properly use and install the dispenser.

The main characteristics of the fertigation process:

  • top dressing should be started no earlier than half an hour after the start of irrigation;
  • feeding time - 30 minutes plus another half hour for washing with clean water;
  • the amount of chemicals to be applied - one kilogram per thousand liters of liquid, no more;
  • when applying chemicals, care must be taken, personal protective equipment is needed.

Using filters for drip irrigation

Without a filter, a home-made or factory drip plant will clog up literally in a matter of days, and if the quality of water for irrigation leaves much to be desired, then in a matter of hours.

What to consider when choosing a filter:

  • what degree of water purification is required;
  • device throughput level;
  • possible pressure losses in the system due to the use of a filter;
  • dimensions of connections for connecting a filtering device.

How to choose a filter for a drip irrigation system:

Filter types Peculiarities

A simple device that can be used if the site receives water from the central water supply. This device has a minimum price and small size.

Fits . For filtering disc cartridges made of plastic are used. A rather large device, it costs more than a mesh one, but it has numerous positive reviews from users.

An expensive device with a cyclone self-cleaning system. Suitable for large greenhouses.

In principle, the filtration system can be made by hand. A simple garden water filter from a well is made with gravel, sand filler. Such a system is usually placed at the outlet of the water from the well, and a second fine filter is already installed in the barrel.

It is installed indoors, therefore, it will be necessary to conduct a drip irrigation mounting line from the tank to the irrigation system through the house or.

Not everyone is ready for such expenses. You can make auto watering with your own hands. To do this, the water tank is placed at an elevation sufficient to create the necessary pressure in the line.

Everything you need to know about drip irrigation materials

We have already talked about how to plan an irrigation system in a greenhouse. The water tank should be made of plastic and placed on a high stand. In this case, the water will flow by gravity and you can do without a pump.

Advice! How to make a reliable stand for the tank with your own hands? For this purpose, it is better to use a columnar base or screw piles. Such a solid foundation will not allow a heavy barrel to tip over. Four screw piles are screwed to the required depth, connected with a grillage, on which, in turn, a container platform is mounted. In this version, even if you use a two thousand liter tank for water, you can be sure of its stable position.

From the barrel there is a main pipe that supplies liquid to the droppers. For this element of the system, you need to buy plastic pipes. If the system provides for pumping water with a pump, it is installed at the very beginning of the line. A feeding unit with an injector is also connected to the same line. For chemicals, a second container is installed next to the main tank. All this equipment is placed on a common platform. You can assemble the components separately, but it is easier to buy ready-made kits that include injectors, nozzles, drippers and valves for the greenhouse.

If drip tapes are used for irrigation, they are connected to the mains using tees. You don't need any special tools for this job. Plastic fittings are easy to insert by hand.

Advice! For irrigation of plants under covering material, it is better to use a drip tape.

A drip irrigation system can also be made from improvised materials. What you need for this: plastic bottles. One container is used for one or two plants. Holes are made in plastic using a thin awl. The bottle is buried next to the plant. Moisture gradually comes from plastic bottles to the roots. In the photo, a diagram of how to equip watering through bottles:

The disadvantage of such a device is that you will have to constantly fill the containers, and this is a rather laborious task. With a barrel and drippers, you need to spend more time on installation, but the labor costs will quickly pay off with a complete lack of watering hassle.

The nuances of drip irrigation

In order for the irrigation system to function properly, simple rules should be observed:

  • Water for irrigation should be as free of impurities as possible. You can use water from a well, natural reservoir or water supply. If the intake comes from a lake or well, set the pump to a medium depth, do not raise turbidity and silt from the bottom. Keep in mind that fry, eggs, larvae and algae live in natural reservoirs, so no matter how clean the moisture seems, it must be carefully filtered out. The installation of several filters is justified - at the inlet and outlet of water into the storage tank.
  • After assembling the irrigation device in the greenhouse, it is necessary to carry out a trial run and check the operation of the automation. Before starting, check the tightness of all connections, to do this, blow the hoses and nozzles with a pump.
  • After start-up, determine the optimal operating time for the system. The most optimal mode of operation is evening. During a sunny day, the water in the storage tank will warm up, watering will be carried out with warm moisture, the plants will appreciate it.
  • Once every seven to ten days, carry out a preventive cleaning of the system by pressurizing the air pump.

That's all the principles of operation of the drip irrigation complex.


The lush vegetation of the flower beds and the greenery of the lawn require attention and care. Therefore, constant watering pretty soon ceases to bring joy, but turns into a boring routine. Will a do-it-yourself irrigation system work and which option to choose from a variety?

Of all irrigation systems, drip irrigation is considered the best option. It is used for plants in the greenhouse, and for beds, flower beds and plantations, as well as for trees and shrubs. If it is not possible to use a sprinkler, drip irrigation can also be used for lawns. In order to establish drip irrigation on the site with your own hands, you will need:

  • long hose;
  • main pipe;
  • cranes;
  • fitting;
  • droppers;
  • timer;
  • punch;
  • water container;
  • submersible pump.

Drip irrigation system: pros and cons

The system must operate at such a speed that the water that has fallen on the soil surface has time to be absorbed in a certain period of time.

One drop point of the soil in 2 hours is impregnated 10-15 cm deep and at the same radius.

The advantages include the fact that with drip irrigation, the distortion of the irrigation sector is excluded, while sprinkler installations depend on the speed and direction of the wind. With drip irrigation, irrigation of a particular plant and its root area is provided. Water ingress into neighboring landscape zones is excluded, while this often happens with sprinkler installations. Watering when using drip plants is distributed evenly throughout the site, and a crust does not form on the soil surface, which prevents plant roots from receiving oxygen.

The installation of a drip system is very simple and does not require excavation, taking very little time. In addition to personal time, water is also saved, moreover, with this method, it is possible to feed plants with mineral fertilizers. Drip irrigation is possible in the sun itself, since there is no chance of damage to the leaves by sunburn due to water getting on them. Ideally, this type of irrigation is suitable for greenhouses.

This is a way out for those who can only come to the dacha on weekends: most plants will not withstand such a break in watering.

An undeniable advantage for everyone is the low cost of a complete set of equipment. A do-it-yourself irrigation system is a great opportunity to get a well-groomed green area at virtually no cost.

But the drip system has 2 noticeable minuses, which in some cases completely cover all the pluses. As they wear out, all parts have to be replaced with new ones, and the service life of the entire system as a whole does not exceed 2 years. In addition, both the dripper and the hoses can easily destroy or severely injure pets or rodents.

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The procedure for installing a drip irrigation system

The correct arrangement of an irrigation system depends mainly on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site on which it will be installed. But this does not affect the order of the stages for assembling equipment.

The installation of an irrigation system begins with the installation of a water tank. For this, they use any barrel that is suitable in size or purchase a special plastic tank in the store.

A submersible pump is installed in the tank. Before you buy it, you should pay attention to the technical capabilities of the model. The power of the pump should be enough to irrigate the entire area that is planned.

A main pipe is connected to the pump. Well suited pipe 16 mm diameter. You can take the pipe out of the tank in 2 ways: if the pump power allows, then through the tank lid, and if not, then through the hole in the bottom, which will have to be specially made. A fitting with a sealant is pre-inserted into this hole, everything is fixed with sealants.

After that, the system is diluted into 3 or 4 droppers using fittings. Plugs are installed at the end of each hose or pipe and droppers are laid to the end of the lawn. The main pipe and droppers are connected by starting taps.

If you need a special layer for watering individual bushes or flower beds, droppers are carried out near the root system, along the landing.

Holes for droppers in the main pipe are made using a punch. There are ready-made options for droppers that are already labeled depending on how much water they dispense per hour. If drippers are installed under flower bushes, holes are made for each plant. If additional tubes are used, then their ends are equipped with droppers and stuck near the root system.

After that, you need to set a timer that will regulate the operation of the pump. He himself must turn on the electricity at a given moment and start the pump, and then turn it off so that the entire system functions only for a given period of time. Such timers are mechanical and electronic, powered by autonomous power sources.

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Proper operation and maintenance of the system

For the accurate and proper functioning of the system, it is required to test it and correct the shortcomings, if any. For this, the plugs at the ends of the droppers are removed and water is released. If the system is tight and functioning well, clean water will flow from all hoses. To prevent blockages in hoses and pipes, this check should be done at least once a year.

A visual inspection also helps to eliminate, and in some cases prevent blockages and breakdowns, in time. Having turned on the irrigation systems and all the devices, they go around all the droppers in turn, carefully examining them. Particular attention should be paid to wet spots near the holes. They should, depending on the adjustment of the irrigation system, have a diameter of 10 to 40 cm and at the same time be the same in size and increase proportionally. The dropper must be cleaned or replaced if there is no stain near it or it is smaller than the others. Puddles of water are much more evidence of broken tightness than others.

Checking the system and its accessories can be carried out in parts, for this, the start valves are opened on all hoses in turn. If the watering of the site has stopped, it is most likely a clogged dropper.