What star lit up when Jesus was born. What the stars look like: Bethlehem, Christmas, sea, Star of David in the photo. Star of Bethlehem in Orthodoxy

What star lit up when Jesus was born.  What the stars look like: Bethlehem, Christmas, sea, Star of David in the photo.  Star of Bethlehem in Orthodoxy
What star lit up when Jesus was born. What the stars look like: Bethlehem, Christmas, sea, Star of David in the photo. Star of Bethlehem in Orthodoxy

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said, “Where is he who has been born King of the Jews?” For we saw His star in the east and came to worship Him. (Gospel of Matthew, 2:1-2)
What kind of star was this that announced the birth of the Son of God? Both biblical scholars and astronomers argued a lot about this. Perhaps it was a comet. The appearance of bright comets was always noted in ancient chronicles. But for the turn of the millennium there is no such evidence.
Perhaps it was a supernova explosion? But such cosmic events are extremely rare. During the turn of the millennium, only two such phenomena are known - in 134 BC and 185 AD.
Means, Star of Bethlehem- not a comet or a supernova explosion. What was it if she was seen on large space from Mesopotamia to Palestine?

Planetary convergence?

On December 17, 1603, the astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler observed in his Prague observatory the rapprochement (in astronomy they say a conjunction) of two planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in the sign of Pisces. For an observer from Earth, two or even three planets can converge at almost the same point, taking on the appearance of a single, larger and brighter star.
Kepler decided to find out whether the star of Bethlehem mentioned in the Gospel, associated with the birth of Jesus Christ, was such a conjunction of planets. As a result of complex mathematical calculations he was able to establish that in 7 BC three such conjunctions occurred in a row.
Kepler's data found unexpected confirmation. In 1923, the German scientist P. Schnabel, deciphering the archives of the ancient astrological school in Sippar (Babylonia), discovered on clay tablets a record that Jupiter and Saturn were close to each other in the sign of Pisces for five whole months. By modern calendar these months fall in 7 BC.
The computing capabilities of current astronomy make it possible to recreate a more specific picture of what happened. That year, the convergence of Jupiter and Saturn began at the end of February. Until mid-April, this connection was lost in the rays of the Sun, which was also in the sign of Pisces. On May 23, the first complete approach (conjunction) of these two planets occurred. In longitude they completely coincided, in latitude they diverged only 0.98 degrees. This conjunction was observed in the morning sky for two hours.
Probably, it was this astronomical phenomenon that was recorded by the observatory in Sippar. What interpretation could the ancients give to such a clearly visible conjunction of planets? Jupiter has always been considered a royal, happy planet. And Saturn, according to Hebrew tradition, was the protector and patron of Israel. Babylonian astrologers also believed that this planet patronized the peoples of Syria and Palestine. The large Jewish diaspora in Babylonia apparently interpreted this conjunction of planets as a sign of the emergence of a new Jewish king who would be a good defender of his people. King Herod, the protege of Rome, was hated.
In 1909, Mark Twain wrote: “I came into this world with a comet, and I will leave with it too when it comes next year.” He was born in 1835 and died in 1910, just as Halley's Comet flew past the Earth.
The Magi go west

Babylonian stargazers could already then calculate that the next conjunction of the two planets would occur on October 3. Around this time, probably, the Magi (wise men) went from Mesopotamia to the west, to Palestine, to find out who was now the king in Judea. In May-June, they would hardly have dared to make such a journey through the scorching heat of the Arabian Desert.
It took them no less than six weeks to travel to Jerusalem, and this was on the fastest camels. This means that the Magi could have arrived in the capital of Judea no earlier than mid-November. In Jerusalem they began to ask everyone about the new king of the Jews. Herod immediately became worried and called the wise men to him. They explained to him that Herod was, of course, the ruler, but the stars told them that a new king of the Jews had already been born, and they were following the star to bow to him. Herod asked the Magi to be sure to find the royal baby and inform him. Allegedly, he himself wants to go to where he ends up and bow. Herod's real intentions were, of course, quite different. He was an extremely cruel man. More recently, Herod executed his wife, her mother and three of his sons, deciding that they threatened his power.
Meanwhile, December 4 arrived, when the last conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn of that year occurred. Evangelist Matthew says that the “star” literally led the wise men from Jerusalem to the place where the Child was. The Magi walked about ten kilometers along the road to Hebron and in the small town of Bethlehem they found the Baby, bowed to him and brought gifts. And then they went home, without going further to Jerusalem.
Herod, however, nevertheless learned that the Magi had found the Baby somewhere in Bethlehem, and ordered the slaughter of all male infants under two years of age both in the city itself and in the surrounding area. This terrible order was carried out, but the Son of God was already far away. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, Mary’s husband, even earlier and ordered the whole family to immediately flee to Egypt.

When was Christ born?

We do not know exactly when or in what month Jesus was born. The celebration of the Nativity of Christ on December 25 was established only in 354. This was due to the fact that on that day, immediately after the winter solstice, a Roman holiday was celebrated - the Day of the Invincible Sun. And Christians, celebrating their holiday of Christmas, could not fear persecution.
However, apparently, Christ was born not in December, but earlier. Evangelist Luke reports that an angel of the Lord appeared to the Bethlehem shepherds, who were guarding their cattle in a field nearby at night, and announced that the Savior of the world had just been born. These shepherds were the first to come and worship the newborn. In those places, both then and now, cattle stop grazing and are kept in barns as early as early November, since frosts are common later.
Thus, if the Star of Bethlehem was truly a conjunction of two planets, Jesus Christ was born in 7 BC, most likely in September or October. And one last thing. King Herod died in 4 BC. This is an established fact. And in 7 BC he was still alive and could commit his atrocities.

According to the Gospel of Matthew, the Star of Bethlehem is a bright celestial body that showed the wise men the way to the house where the baby Jesus was born. A star lit up in the east when Jesus was born and led the wise men to Jerusalem, from where King Herod directed them to Bethlehem of Judea. “After listening to the king, they left. And behold, the star that they saw in the east walked before them, when at last it came and stood over the place where the Child was.”, says the Gospel of Matthew.

If we assume that the events described in the Gospel are true, the question arises of what the Star of Bethlehem represented. Obviously, only a truly unusual and bright celestial body could attract the attention of the Magi, however,

according to theologians, the star may not have been a real celestial object at all.

Thus, the interpreter of Holy Scripture Theophylact of Bulgaria wrote: “When you hear about a star, do not think that it was one of those visible to us: no, it was a divine and angelic power that appeared in the form of a star. Since the Magi were engaged in the science of the stars, the Lord led them with this familiar sign, just as Peter the fisherman, amazed by the multitude of fish, attracted them to Christ. And that the star had angelic power is evident from the fact that it shone brightly during the day, walked when the Magi walked, shone when they did not walk: especially from the fact that it walked from the north, where Persia is, to the south, where Jerusalem is: but the stars never go from north to south".

Conjunction of planets

In 1614, a German astronomer found that in 7 BC. There was a series of three conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn. The scientist suggested that planets approaching each other could be visible from Earth, and it was this phenomenon that became known as the “Star of Bethlehem.” However, modern calculations show: the distance between the planets was about two diameters of the Moon, which means that Jupiter and Saturn could hardly have made such an impression on the Magi.

In 3-2 BC. a series of seven connections occurred cosmic bodies, including three conjunctions of Jupiter and Regulus (the brightest star in Leo), as well as an unusually close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter on June 17, 2 BC. and in August 3 BC. However, these events are not very good candidates for the role of the Star of Bethlehem:

The conjunctions of the planets were visible in the west at sunset, which means they could not show the wise men the way to the south and lead them from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.


Halley's Comet was visible from Earth in 12 BC. for about 60 days and theoretically could have been a good candidate for the role of a star, but at that time astronomers already knew how to distinguish comets from other cosmic bodies and considered them a bad omen.

Nova or supernova

Another object similar to an exploding nova was observed by Korean and Chinese astronomers in 5 BC. This object was visible for 70 days and did not move - just like the Star of Bethlehem, which seemed to “hang” over the house of Mary and her baby.

In 2005 a hypothesis arose that

The Star of Bethlehem was a supernova that exploded near the Andromeda Galaxy, 2.52 million light years away from Earth.

Despite finding traces supernova or determine exact time Its explosion in another galaxy is extremely difficult; scientists managed to find the remains of a supernova in the Andromeda galaxy.

Heliacal sunrise

One theory says that the expression “in the east” used in the Gospel can be interpreted not simply as an indication of the direction of the world, but, although a little-known, but quite specific astronomical term - heliacal sunrise. This expression means the first morning rise of a star or planet after a period of invisibility. Before heliacal rising, the star remains in the daytime sky for some time and is invisible, after which at a certain moment it rises on the eastern side of the sky against the background of the morning dawn.

However, other translators of the ancient text claim that the Gospel does not contain specific astronomical vocabulary and with the expression “in the east” the author only wanted to indicate the direction of the world.

Occultation of Jupiter

Astronomer Michael Molnar asserts, that the star in the East was the events that happened on March 20 and April 17, 6 BC - the occultation of Jupiter by the Moon. An occultation is an astronomical phenomenon in which one celestial object passes in front of another, obscuring part of it.

Scientists believe that

The occultation of Jupiter by the Moon could not be visible from Earth with the naked eye, which means it would hardly be mistaken for a bright star.

On the other hand, when the Magi came to King Herod, who directed them from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the king was surprised by this visit. This means that he did not see the “guiding star” of the Magi - but they, being educated people and knowledgeable in astronomy, could well have noticed the covering.

Despite a considerable number of theories that could explain the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem in the sky, none of them is generally accepted as correct.

People can relate to celestial phenomena in different ways, but among them there is one that has a special mystical meaning for the population of most countries. It is considered the Star of Bethlehem - not only a gift from the cosmos, but also one of the most important Christian symbols existence of God.

What is the Star of Bethlehem?

The symbol of religious worship, according to biblical texts, was noticed by the wise men in the east and prompted them to set out on a journey. The star of Bethlehem is a sign of the birth of Christ, thanks to which everyone learned that the king of the Jews was born. The Magi came to Jerusalem, but did not find the baby there. The signs directed them further - in Bethlehem of Judea, the guiding star stopped over Mary and allowed them to present gifts to Jesus. For this she ended up in many biographies of saints, fiction, was embodied in paintings and icons.

Star of Bethlehem in Orthodoxy

The star came to Russian Orthodoxy from Byzantium as a symbol of the Mother of God and her son Christ. This religion recognizes the eight-pointed sign of God, emitting light Star of Bethlehem. It has permeated religion since ancient times in several directions:

  1. The star was installed on the domes of the first Orthodox churches.
  2. It can be seen on almost any icon of the Mother of God.
  3. IN Tsarist Russia The highest state award was the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called in the form of an eight-pointed star.
  4. The symbol of Bethlehem decorates church dishes.

Star of Bethlehem - esoterics

This esoteric sign expresses true man. It is believed that everyone's life is influenced by the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem. The seven generations living before a person have a strong influence on his life. His thoughts for the same reason will affect those who will live after him. The star is the personification of continuity and mutual responsibility of generations. The star of Bethlehem confirmed the peculiarity of Jesus, his difference from ordinary people. 14 generations passed between the birth of the Jewish king David and the son of God.

What does the Star of Bethlehem look like?

Scientists have their own idea about appearance cult symbol. By the lighthouse that showed the Magi the way to the baby Jesus, they mean the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn or Halley's comet. They are not trying to refute what is stated in the Holy Scriptures - they just want to find a reasonable explanation for it. They do not have an answer to the question of why the Star of Bethlehem is eight-pointed, because they believe that from Earth the Magi could see a series of several cosmic bodies observed in 12 BC. for two months.

The theory that the Star of Bethlehem symbolizes a real celestial phenomenon was first proposed by Professor David Hughes from the University of Sheffield in the 1970s. He concluded that:

  1. The “Three Kings” who came to congratulate their parents on the appearance of Jesus were astrologers who studied cosmic events.
  2. The Bible's indication that the birth was preceded by an event confirms that they noticed an unusual movement of the celestial bodies.
  3. The Magi worshiped a “parade of planets” - Jupiter not only connected with Saturn, they lined up with the Earth.

Where is the Star of Bethlehem located?

World famous symbol ancient legend, kept in the Holy Land. The Star of Bethlehem is located in. In the center of the church there is a grotto built around an old well and called the Cave of the Nativity. According to believers, a celestial body fell to its bottom, which can still be seen today if you peer long into the depths of the well hole. The church building was built by monks of the Franciscan mendicant order in 1717. The cave is decorated with a silver star with 14 rays.

Star of Bethlehem - can Orthodox Christians wear it?

During a tourist visit to Jerusalem, you can purchase the Star of Bethlehem on a chain or thread, which is pre-blessed. This accessory is massively brought as a gift to friends and acquaintances, without thinking about whether it is possible to wear the Star of Bethlehem around the neck. The opinions of the clergy are divided: some of them even believe that the star was lit by Satan to lead Herod to Jesus. Most priests express their opinion based on the form of decoration:

  1. The 8-pointed star is a symbol of Islam, which shows the owner's attachment to another religion.
  2. The 5-pointed pendant represents Satanism, which is recognized as a sinful cult.
  3. The 6-pointed “Star of David” can be combined with a cross and even worn over clothing. Considering that it is now considered a sign of Judaism, initially the symbol of the Star of Bethlehem signaled that its owner belonged to Christianity.

Is one of them. Each of the symbols characterizes Orthodoxy in a certain way. Probably everyone has thought at least once about what an eight-pointed star means in religion and more. After all, it was found in the culture of many peoples in different eras. Surely its meaning is diverse. To understand all this, you need to trace its appearance in the history of mankind and in the symbolism of Orthodox Christianity.

Star with eight rays

In Christianity, this is the Star of Bethlehem or the symbol of Poe Holy Scripture it lit up in the sky when the Messiah was born. Its eight rays were brighter than other stars. Seeing them, the ancient sages (magi) remembered the prophecies and realized that the long-awaited Savior had been born. They hastened to the east to worship the Son of God. The star of Bethlehem showed the elders the way, moving ahead until it stopped over the place where Jesus was born.

In the Cave of the Nativity there is the Star of Bethlehem. How many rays there are on it is known for certain. The place where Jesus was born is indicated by a silver star with fourteen rays. This number is not random. It symbolizes the stops on Jesus' Way of the Cross in Jerusalem.

Star of Bethlehem. History of origin

Today at Orthodox churches There is an eight-pointed star, the meaning of which can be understood by referring to the history of its appearance.

But initially the Star of Bethlehem had five rays, according to the number of wounds of Jesus Christ. It also symbolized health: the number of fingers, sensory organs. But its main meaning was human nature Christ.

During the Renaissance, the star was associated with the occult. And inverted, it became a symbol of Satan. But Christians considered this option a sign of the rebirth of Christ. And even canonized by the church, Constantine had a seal with an inverted five-pointed star. It was he who made Christianity the state religion.

For Russia, the symbol in the form of a star with five rays is historically alien. It is more commonly associated with Judaism and Freemasonry. Although during the years of Soviet power it was the star with five rays that was chosen as the state symbol.

Eight-pointed star in Orthodoxy. Prerequisites for the appearance

The five-pointed Star of Bethlehem was replaced by a six-pointed one around the fifteenth century. In general, this symbol arose at the beginning of the Neolithic period. It meant the six cardinal directions. Everyone knows that there are four of them, but, for example, the inhabitants of Ancient India, seeing a symbol with so many rays, understood its meaning as “six sides of the horizon.”

Then, in some period, in Russia there was a seven-pointed star of Bethlehem. Once upon a time, magicians wore the same symbol as a distinctive sign, but with a planet indicated next to each ray.

The meaning of an eight-pointed star in Rus'

And finally, an eight-pointed star appeared - a symbol known in Rus' since ancient times. Long before the twentieth century, the inhabitants Ancient Rus', back in pagan times, it meant the presence of the main deity. The image of such a star was placed on military banners, clothing and on various items life and worship.

In Orthodox Rus', the eight-pointed star was no less important. After all, it lit up in the sky at the moment of the Birth of our Savior and led the Magi to the place where Jesus was born.

Eight-pointed star in iconography

Today this sign is present in all Orthodox churches, symbolizing Russia. A star with eight rays can be found on all Russian icons Mother of God, patroness of our Fatherland. Here in Russia they say about this symbol: the star of the Virgin Mary, Russian, and also the star of Bethlehem.

As mentioned above, the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary depict an eight-pointed star, the meaning of which is very important in Orthodoxy. This is understandable only from one fact that the symbol is located on the shoulders and head of the Virgin Mary. On the icon " Burning bush"And the image of the Mother of God is inscribed in the octogram (this is also the name of the symbol with two squares superimposed on each other, forming an eight-pointed symbol). The star is closely connected with the Mother of God, her secret.

If we recall the meaning of the symbol with eight rays, then according to tradition it was understood as eternity, unshakable stability and transcendence of this world. Also, the octogram is a sign of Paradise, Heavenly Jerusalem and the final Transfiguration.

The meaning of the star among different peoples

An eight-pointed star is a symbol of balance, order, and creation when inscribed in a circle. This is how in ancient times they designated the calendar and the seasons (everything material changes, but the main thing remains unchanged).

The eight-pointed star is found in the cult of Latvians and Udmurts. In the form of a double cross or with forked ends, it can be seen in folk ornaments among the Finns and Karelians, as well as among northern peoples (for example, Finno-Ugric). Here it means guidance and rebirth, and is a symbol of light and glory.

In addition, a star with eight rays can be found in Karelia, Likhoslavl and its region (whose residents are also Karelians), Colombia, and Peru. The flags of Great Britain and the Philippines also display octal symbols.

The eight-pointed star, the meaning of which among the Egyptians was the identity of the divine sign, is also found among the Sumerians. In their language, this symbol was used to denote a word that translates as “god, star, sky.”

It is believed that the eight-pointed sign symbolizes seven periods in the history of mankind, and the eighth ray symbolizes the life of the next century. That is, the time when the kingdom of God will come.

Star in Christian traditions

The eight-pointed one has always been the main one on the tops of holiday trees. It also served as decoration in houses and on the street. During Soviet times, the star was replaced with a five-pointed one.

Children were given the eight-pointed star of Bethlehem for prosperity and happiness.

As church tradition says, one of the apostles was the first to bring the news of Christian faith. Apparently, this is why in tsarist Russia the highest award, shaped like an eight-pointed star, was called the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Today it also has a high status, restored by presidential decree in 1998.

The Star of Bethlehem, no matter how many rays it has, is of great importance in the history of Christianity. The Magi, led by her, found out where the Savior was and told the world about his Birth. Today, this symbol, as always, is a guide for believers, reminding that the material and spiritual are interconnected. But if one passes without a trace, then the other is eternal and imperishable. As we strive to live in the kingdom of God, we must remember that in this world everyone can become a guiding star for someone by doing good deeds and thereby drawing closer to the Lord. Maybe this is the true meaning of the symbol with eight rays. Peace and harmony to you!

A star with eight points. This one shone in the sky when Jesus was born. The baby was born in Bethlehem. Therefore, the luminary that announced this was called Bethlehem. Seeing the new star, three wise men from distant lands realized that the savior of mankind had come to Earth, as the prophecy said.

There is also a scientific point of view on the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. Some astrologers believe that the biblical plot is based on the so-called parade of planets. Earth, Saturn and Jupiter stood in one line. In scientific circles they note that the simple appearance of a new star in the sky could attract the attention of only astronomers. The luminary could not be viewed from all points. For the sages of Babylon to see the sign, it had to be much more noticeable than a standard star. This is exactly the effect, astronomers notice, that results from the superposition of two bright planets on top of each other.

What does the Star of Bethlehem mean?? The Star of Bethlehem is made of silver and painted on the floor of the cave where Jesus was born. The celestial body became a harbinger of his birth. A new star shone in the sky, and this was a symbol from the legends that said that the king of Israel would come and conquer the whole world.

Having seen the changes in the sky, the Magi - sages in a modern way - rushed to the place where the luminary was lit. Since then, the Star of Bethlehem has been a sign of God and a symbol of the Nativity of Christ.

It is usually depicted as octagonal. There is no division in meaning for men and women. Products in the shape of a luminary for both sexes are a recognition of their faith in Jesus and faith in the salvation of humanity, for which God sent his son to Earth.

However, most Christians try not to wear images of the star on their bodies. They refer to the 20th exodus of the Bible. The 4th verse from it reads: “You shall not make for yourself an idol or any image of anything that is in Heaven above; you shall not worship them, for I am your God, a jealous God.”

There is a group of scientists who are inclined to believe that the biblical symbol was a comet. Astronomers from China described a bright comet that appeared in the sky in the 5th year BC. This is exactly the time of biblical events.

Since the image of the Star of Bethlehem is associated with the birth of Jesus Christ, the eight-pointed symbol is used in the design of religious holidays. Decoration Star of Bethlehem put, for example, on the tops of Christmas trees. In Russia they changed the tradition and use a five-pointed star. It took root in Soviet times, when religion and everything connected with it were not recognized. After the collapse of the USSR, the tradition was to post on New Year's trees the eight-pointed luminaries are returning. So, on the main Christmas tree of the country in the Kremlin it shines.

In Russia, the “Golden” award has even been approved. The distinction is awarded by the Academy of Literature. The biblical symbol is imprinted on the medal, made of gold. Another image on the award is an angel. One of the first to receive the “Golden” award was Alexey, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

The honorary award is not given to everyone. But, get yours gold star many can, because there are Star of Bethlehem jewelry. Typically, it is offered by Orthodox stores or departments in regular salons dedicated to religious symbols. You can easily find a star with eight points next to crosses and pendants in the form of icons. Precious pieces cost on average 2 thousand rubles if made of silver and 3-4 thousand if made of gold.

Jewelry manufacturers are also working on the Stars of Bethlehem. The Lilith online store offers an eight-pointed sign for 280 rubles. In the line “material” it is indicated – “jewelry alloy”. What exactly it includes is not specified. Judging by the cost, the symbol is clearly not from noble metals. Nevertheless, Star of Bethlehem price has more spiritual than material. According to statistics, jewelry in the form of a biblical symbol is purchased by believers. For them, the history of the sign is more important than the materials from which it is made.

often designed not as a separate decoration, but as part of it. Thus, the biblical luminary is depicted in the central part of the crosses. This makes the products more complex, massive, and impressive. On the “Fair of Masters” portal, for example, they offer guests the “Star of Bethlehem” cross with lapis lazuli.

The Sofia online store sells necklaces where it is present Star of Bethlehem pendant. The image of the luminary made of 925 sterling silver is attached to a precious chain along with a jewelry angel, a bible, several icons and a cross. The decoration weighs about 8 grams and costs 6 thousand rubles.

The eight-pointed sign is present on almost all icons of the Mother of God. The Mother of God is considered the patroness of Rus'. In this regard, the Star of Bethlehem is usually called Russian.

Thousands of kilometers from Russia, in the cave of the Nativity of Christ, there is a well. According to legend, the Star of Bethlehem fell into it, notifying the world of the appearance of the savior of mankind. Believers claim that when you look deep into the well, you can see the flickering of the heavenly body lying at the bottom. The outer part of the well is decorated with silver. A star with eight points is made of precious metal around the hole. A temple was built above the cave itself. Millions of pilgrims strive to visit it every year.

Religious works are named after the famous star. public organizations. In Russia there is a children's Orthodox camp “Star of Bethlehem”. Living in the camp, children not only relax, but also learn the basics of Christianity and become acquainted with the history of this religion.

Even one plant is named after the star. In the West, it accompanies Christmas celebrations. The scientific name of the flower is Poinsettia, but the representative of the flora is popularly called the Bethlehem luminary. The young leaves of the plant are purple, so at the ends of each shoot there is a bright clot. The leaves are arranged in such a way that they form a star, often with eight points. Poinsettia is unpretentious and is considered a home and decorative flower.

Another plant, Poultry Plant, also received the name of the biblical symbol. Its leaves have eight ends and resemble the Star of Bethlehem.

Dozens of artistic paintings are dedicated to the Star of Bethlehem, although not to a plant. One of the most famous is the painting by Frederic Leighton. Piece of art That’s what it’s called: “Star of Bethlehem.”