Which crib is best for a child? A comfortable and safe place, or how to choose a crib for a newborn? Here are the main types

Which crib is best for a child?  A comfortable and safe place, or how to choose a crib for a newborn?  Here are the main types
Which crib is best for a child? A comfortable and safe place, or how to choose a crib for a newborn? Here are the main types

Newborns and children in the first year of life spend most of their time sleeping. Therefore, choosing the right crib is the key to a peaceful rest for your baby. If everything is a little simpler with a stroller: it is absolutely necessary, but parents have many questions about a sleeping place for a child. Indeed, today in children's goods stores there is a huge selection of various models of cribs for children: cradles, transformers, with a pendulum mechanism, with removable sides and even with silicone pads. What should you pay attention to when choosing in order to properly organize a comfortable sleeping place for your baby?

What should a crib be like for a newborn?

Despite the variety of models of cribs, parents should first of all take care of the safety of their baby. Therefore, the main characteristics of a sleeping place for a newborn should be as follows:

  • The crib should not have sharp corners, rough edges, or protrusions that could cause injury or scratches to the baby. If the model is equipped with latches or latches, parents should check that they close securely and the baby cannot pinch a finger;
  • The sides and bottom of the product should not be a solid surface. In this case, there will not be sufficient air ventilation to the mattress and the baby. The bottom and sides should be racked;
  • wooden cribs are coated with varnish or a special substance so that they do not dry out. Parents should clarify what composition the parts of the product are coated with, because the baby may chew on the sides. Iron cribs are painted: it should not contain toxic substances. Harmful components can negatively affect a child’s health, so adults must take this point into account when choosing a model;
  • pay attention to the distance between the bars: it should not be less than 5 cm, so that the baby’s hand or leg does not get caught, but no more than 8 cm, so that the child’s head does not get stuck between the bars;
  • the ability to adjust the bottom of the crib: while the baby cannot stand up, the bottom can be set higher. But when the baby learns to rise to his feet, the bottom should be moved down so that the child cannot fall out of the crib;
  • not necessary, but very convenient when the side of the crib is lowered or removed. In this case, you can move the baby's bed close to the parent's bed. This is convenient if the baby often wakes up at night and the presence of the mother has a calming effect on the newborn.

Many cribs have a rocking mechanism. Undoubtedly, this is convenient: the baby wakes up at night, you just need to pump him up a little, and he falls asleep again. But there is another side: the child gets used to rocking and can no longer fall asleep on his own. Parents must constantly pump it, this process often takes several hours. Mom does not have time to complete many tasks for which she simply does not have time. As your child gets older, it will be very difficult to wean him off motion sickness.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that motion sickness is not at all harmful to the baby, but it causes a lot of inconvenience to parents. Therefore, it is advisable not to accustom your baby to motion sickness from birth. The pediatrician is sure that it is better to actively spend time with the child, so that by the evening the tired baby can fall asleep on his own without any problems.

Of course, if parents decide to buy a crib for a newborn with a pendulum mechanism, there is nothing wrong with that. Each family decides what is convenient for their child. But experts are of the opinion that it is better not to accustom a baby to motion sickness in a crib.

Is it necessary to rock a baby to sleep: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Which one to buy: types of bedroom furniture for babies

Before buying a crib for a newborn, parents should decide on the model. Each type has its own design features, pros and cons. Let's look at the most popular types of cribs.

Cradle or cradle for a newborn

A crib of this model is an ideal option for a newborn baby. The baby is accustomed to feeling the warmth of the mother’s body from all sides even before birth. He feels completely safe when he is in a tight space where it is warm and cozy. The cradle creates a feeling of additional protection and comfort for the baby. Cradles are made from hypoallergenic materials so as not to harm the health of the child.

Bassinet beds are compact and lightweight, so they are easy to move around the room. The standard dimensions of a sleeping place for this model are 90–97 cm in length, 25–27 cm in height and 48–55 cm in width. The baby will be able to sleep in such a crib from birth to six months.

Some cradles are equipped with a rocking mechanism that is turned on and set for a certain time.

In modern models, the rocking process may be accompanied by music or other soothing sounds. There are cradles on wheels and with a pendulum mechanism. Many cribs already come with a mattress, canopy and bedding, as well as a mosquito net to protect your baby from insects.

Cradle for a baby: assembly and review of capabilities - video

Pendulum bed and rocking chair for baby

A rocking bed is a model that has been used by many generations of parents. The main feature of this model is the presence of arched runners, with the help of which the crib can be rocked from side to side.

Some types of rocking chairs have special drawers for storing children's things and bedding. These cribs are made of wood, so they are durable and can be passed on through generations.

  • The size of the bed for these two options is in most cases standard: length 125 cm and width 60–70 cm, depending on the model.
  • The pendulum bed resembles a rocking chair in appearance, but it has a different swing mechanism:
  • longitudinal: imitates the rocking of a baby in the mother’s arms. During longitudinal motion sickness, children calm down and fall asleep faster;

transverse: also a convenient mechanism for rocking a child. The crib is placed next to the parent's, and if the baby wakes up, the mother does not need to get up, just stretch out her hand and pump the baby up;

universal: some models of cribs provide the ability to rearrange the pendulum into a longitudinal or transverse position, depending on what is more convenient for parents and what the baby likes best.

This model for newborns was invented in America, but today it is popular among young parents around the world. Child psychologists insist that a baby sleeps more peacefully when he feels his mother’s presence nearby. But not all parents are ready to practice co-sleeping, so this is a great option for them. The baby sleeps in his own bed, but his parents are always nearby. The mother does not need to get up several times a night to feed: she can simply move towards the baby, give the breast, and the baby falls asleep again. Some models have a mechanism with which the child's bed is fixed close to the adult's and cannot be moved from its place.

This model can also be used as a separate bed for a baby. The sidewall is easy to put in place so that the baby does not fall out during sleep. But the size of the sleeping place of this model is slightly smaller than a standard bed and is 90–100 cm long and 50–55 cm wide. Therefore, they are more suitable for children of the first year of life.

Review of an additional cot for a baby - video

Transformable bed for a child

Such models are very popular among parents. The fact is that they serve not only as a sleeping place, but also as a chest of drawers, a changing table, and can even increase in size. Therefore, a child older than three years can sleep in it. Many elements are simply removed as the baby grows older, when their use is no longer necessary. When the baby grows up, the chest of drawers and changing table can be removed and this option can be used until adolescence.

The dimensions of this model can be different, because it transforms as the baby grows. There are standard sizes: length 140 cm, width 70 cm. And some manufacturers produce transformers that are distinguished by large dimensions of the sleeping place: length 170 cm and width 75 cm.

Some models even have a built-in rocking mechanism so that parents can calm and put the baby to sleep.

Transformable bed review - video

Comparative characteristics of cribs of different models - table

Crib modelprosMinuses
  • An excellent option for a newborn: the baby is comfortable and cozy;
  • light and mobile;
  • automatic motion sickness mechanism;
  • The set includes bedding.
  • High price;
  • Can be used up to six months, and if the baby is large - up to four months.
Rocking chair
  • natural materials;
  • possibility of motion sickness of the baby;
  • average price category.
  • The baby may turn over the bed and fall as soon as he learns to stand up;
  • Not all models have locking wheels to prevent the child from rocking the cradle.
  • A variety of models, which are additionally equipped with drawers for linen;
  • pendulum mechanism of several types;
  • the possibility of motion sickness of the baby;
  • The pendulum can be fixed to prevent the crib from swinging.
  • High price of most models.
  • The baby feels that his mother is nearby and sleeps more peacefully;
  • It’s easy to feed your baby without getting out of bed;
  • Parents can monitor the baby and his breathing.
  • High price;
  • Can be used for up to a year, since the dimensions are much smaller than a standard sleeping place for a baby.
  • The bed can be used up to 9–11 years;
  • multifunctionality;
  • has a motion sickness mechanism (not all models).
  • High price;
  • The models are quite bulky.

When to buy: is a crib needed in the first year of a baby’s life?

Some parents, even before the baby is born, decide for themselves that they will practice co-sleeping with their baby. In this case, there is no question of buying a crib at all: adults begin to choose this necessary piece of furniture when they are going to teach the child to fall asleep on his own without his parents. But not all mothers and fathers are ready to sleep together and prefer that the baby have his own sleeping place. And some are quite sure that in the first year of life, when the baby is still very small, the crib can be replaced by other inventions.

Can a stroller become a crib for a baby?

Experts say that the stroller is not intended for a baby to be in it all the time. It is made of durable materials that allow air to pass through, but to a lesser extent than crib runners. The dimensions of the cradle in the stroller are much smaller, so the baby may feel cramped in it as they grow older.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is best for a child to buy a crib from the moment of birth so that the baby gets used to sleeping in it on his own. But if parents have financial difficulties, a stroller can cope with this role in the first three months of life. But once the baby reaches three months of age, purchasing a crib becomes mandatory.

Strollers are designed for walking outside, dust and other contaminants accumulate on them, so for the baby it is recommended to buy sleeping furniture equipped with a hard mattress and bedding made from natural materials.

Can a child sleep in a lounge chair or swing instead of a crib?

Doctors also do not recommend replacing the bed with a chaise longue or rocking swing. These inventions are designed for the convenience of parents: they can be moved from room to room while the mother is doing her business, or taken with her on a visit or to the hospital, so that the baby does not become capricious. Some mothers prefer to rock the baby on a swing, but as soon as the baby is deeply asleep, he needs to be transferred to the crib.

The chaise lounge and swing do not have a hard back, the baby can only lie in one position. If a child spends time in these devices for a short time, this will not bring health time and does not negatively affect the spine. But constantly staying and sleeping in a sun lounger in the future can cause serious problems with the baby’s spine.

Bouncer cradle for sleeping: is it possible or not?

The bouncer cradle appeared relatively recently on the children's goods market, but has already earned popularity among parents. This invention is comfortable: it can be moved from room to room, because the weight of the cradle is not too large. The bouncer has the ability to adjust the back: it lowers so that the baby can lie horizontally, and rises when the baby plays.

The bouncer cradle is equipped with an orthopedic mattress, so the baby can sleep in it if the backrest is completely folded out. In the first three months of the baby, parents can use the cradle to sleep the baby. But once the child learns to roll over or stand up, he may fall out of the bouncer, so it is not safe. These models have a special belt that can be used to secure the baby, but it will be uncomfortable and hot for the baby to sleep in this state.

How to choose a quality crib for a newborn

Making the right choice: buying a crib for a baby - video

The birth of a child is one of the most important events in the life of every family. Even before the baby’s first appearance in the house, future parents should take care of creating comfortable living conditions for the child and, first of all, purchase a cozy bed for the newborn.

How to choose the right bed for a newborn

In the first months of life, a baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day, so for the harmonious development of a little person, it is important to properly organize the sleeping area. The furniture industry offers a huge selection of cribs for infants; the key criterion is the safety of the sleeping bed.

Experts recommend purchasing a crib at least two weeks before the birth of your long-awaited baby. The main reason for the presence of a specific smell in new furniture. To get rid of the smell, unpack the products and leave them in a ventilated room for at least 14 days.

A children's bed for a newborn must be made of natural certified materials, the design must not contain sharp corners. When choosing a bed, you need to pay attention to the quality and features of the component parts of the product - frame, sides, crib base and mattress.

Bed frames for babies - types, what to look for

Today you can find single and double cribs on sale. A sleeping bed for twins can be one large common space for two children or two separate sleeping areas using delimiters.

Frame material is one of the key criteria for choosing furniture for newborns. The best solution, of course, is a crib for a newborn baby with a wooden frame. Wooden furniture will harmoniously fit into any interior. Wood is a natural material with natural elasticity and the ability to “breathe”. Frames made from species such as alder, oak, and beech are characterized by good technical performance. Budget options for wooden beds include products made from pine, but it should be remembered that this material is the softest type of wood and is less resistant to mechanical damage.

Often, children's furniture manufacturers coat wooden frames with special varnishes and other paint and varnish compounds. When choosing a wooden crib, be sure to ask the seller for a hygienic certificate for the materials.

Cribs made from MDF boards are also popular among consumers. A product made from fiberboards is much cheaper than natural wood, but is characterized by high strength and reliability. Another advantage of an MDF frame is the absence of harmful resins in the material.

Before choosing a crib for a newborn, carefully inspect the frame of the product. The body of the children's bed should not have defects (irregularities and cracks).

The most affordable model is a crib for an infant with a frame made of chipboard. But, despite the attractive price, it is better to refuse to purchase such furniture. Often, products made from chipboard emit formaldehyde, a harmful substance that can harm a child’s health.

Along with wooden and chipboard frames, furniture manufacturers offer bed models with metal and plastic frames. Metal beds have a long service life; more than one generation of children can sleep in such a bed. The disadvantages of a stock with a metal body include the considerable cost of the product.

In addition to the material used, bed frames for newborns vary in design and shape. The furniture market offers both traditional rectangular models and non-standard beds for newborns in the shape of an oval or circle. The crib can be supported by legs, curved runners or wheels.

Sides - how they are designed, what they are like

A baby crib must have sides. The fencing of the berth can be solid or slatted. The slatted sides are a frame on which the transverse crossbars are attached. Designs with slats are the most popular because they not only protect the little person from falling, but also allow the baby to explore the surrounding space and provide natural air circulation. When choosing a crib with sides made of slats, it is important to adhere to the basic rule - the distance between the rods should not exceed 5-6 cm. The distance from the edge of the side to the sleeping area of ​​the cot should be at least 45 centimeters.

The transverse elements of the fence can be flat slats or rounded rods, must be securely fastened to the side frame, or be able to move up and down. The best option is stationary rounded rods.

The sides of the sleeping place for infants are made of solid wood, plastic and metal. To additionally protect the child from bruises and prevent the child’s legs and arms from getting caught between the slats, special soft pads are used on the sides. They can be made of fabric, plastic or silicone. Protective fabric elements are flat pads that are attached to the sides of the bed with ribbons. Silicone pads are placed on the edges of the sides, serve to protect the structural elements of the bed during the period when the baby begins to chew everything around, and protects the child’s gums from injury.

In some models, one of the sides is removable. The removable wall allows you to move the baby's sleeping place close to the parent's bed, making it easier for mommy to feed at night. When the baby grows up, the removable side will allow the child to climb in and out of the crib independently.

Baby sleeping places - types of crib bases

A comfortable and high-quality sleeping place will help ensure a restful sleep for your baby.

One of the parents’ tasks is to choose the right size and location of the bed. The children's bed should be located away from direct sunlight and drafts, away from heating appliances. The position of the baby's sleeping area in the room should provide unobstructed access to the child at any time of the day.

Standard sizes of cribs for newborns are 60x120 and 70x140 centimeters. A sleeping place with parameters 120x60 will serve a child for one to two years; this is the best option for small rooms. Children can sleep in cribs measuring 140x70 from birth to school age.

The base of the bed for newborns can be solid or slatted. A solid base is a solid flat bottom made of MDF sheet, plywood or solidly laid wooden boards. Experts recommend that future parents choose a crib for a newborn with a slatted base. The slatted bottom is a frame on which rows of bent-glued wooden planks are fixed. The base of the lamellas will contribute to the correct distribution of the weight load on the baby’s spine, thereby forming a healthy posture from the first days of the child’s life. The distance between the slats allows air to circulate freely, which has a beneficial effect on the condition and service life of the mattress.

When choosing a slatted “mattress”, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the shape of the lamellas - the best option is slats with rounded edges;
  • width of slats – preference should be given to bases with wide slats;
  • distance between the slats - a base with a large distance between the slats will not provide reliable support for the mattress; densely located elements will lead to the loss of orthopedic qualities and will impede the movement of air flows.

Mattresses for newborn babies

Standard cribs do not include mattresses. The choice of quality bedding falls on the shoulders of future parents. There are many types of mattresses for children on the sleep accessories market:

  • springless;
  • with independent spring block;
  • spring mattresses Bonnell.

For a newborn baby, a springless mattress is the best choice. The basis of a mattress without springs is a block of filler, dressed in a special cover. The following materials are used as fillers:

  • natural and artificial latex;
  • coconut coir;
  • seaweed;
  • camel's wool;
  • polyurethane foam and other synthetic fillers.

The skeleton of a newborn baby is not fully formed, so the baby’s sleeping place should be hard. The ideal solution would be to buy a mattress with coconut filling.

In addition to filling the mattress, other aspects should be taken into account when choosing a product:

  • the thickness of the product is the optimal parameter for a child under one year old from 5 to 6 cm;
  • mattress size – must correspond to the size of the sleeping place;
  • high quality case.

Types and features of crib models for newborns

The types of beds for babies presented on the modern furniture market are striking in their diversity. The model range consists of traditional products, beds with extended functionality and transformable beds.

Classic bed for newborns

A classic crib for newborns is a rectangular sleeping place, fenced on four sides with rods or mesh. As a rule, standard furniture models have the function of adjusting the height of the sides and bottom. A classic crib can be used from the first days of a baby’s life until 3-5 years.

Bassinet for babies

The cradle bed can be used from the first days of a little person’s life to 6-8 months of age. When falling asleep in a confined space, the child feels completely safe. The cradle-bed is a traditional cradle mounted on a special stand or stationary belts.

The advantages of a cradle bed include:

  • motion sickness system;
  • compact dimensions;
  • mobility;
  • light weight.

Children's rocking bed

Externally, the rocking bed is practically no different from the standard model. A special feature of the bed is the presence of a pendulum mechanism, which creates rocking movements when the legs are in a stationary position. The pendulum is a special suspension on belts. If desired, the action of the pendulum mechanism can be blocked.

Several types of pendulums are used in the design of beds for babies:

  • transverse;
  • longitudinal;
  • combined (perform both longitudinal and transverse vibrations).

Transformable bed for newborns

A transforming bed can be used as a sleeping place from the first days of life until adolescence. The design of the bedding, in addition to the bed, includes other components, by removing and installing which you can modify the functional purpose, increasing the service life of the furniture.

There are two main types of convertible cribs for babies:

  • transformable bed for growth;
  • round transformable bed.

The transformable bed for growth is equipped with sliding mechanisms that allow you to increase the size of the bed. A round bed can be transformed into a spacious playpen, a cozy sofa, a furniture set of a table and 2 chairs, and so on.

The baby cot is characterized by ergonomic shapes and small dimensions. The bed is placed next to the parent's sleeping area with the open side, the child feels safe next to the mother, and each of them has a separate sleeping area.

Additional equipment for cots for newborns

The cribs can be equipped with other pieces of furniture necessary to care for the baby. The furniture set may include:

  • changing table;
  • linen boxes;
  • dresser;
  • If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us by email: ls@site
    P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.

The first place in arranging a room for a child is choosing a bed. For the sleeping area, specialized furniture is purchased, which undergoes strict certification.

The surface of the model must be smooth, without protrusions, crevices, cracks or burrs.

Children's models differ in design features and material used in production. The rating of companies producing products for preschoolers and older children is published on the Internet.

For the sleeping area, specialized furniture is purchased, which undergoes strict certification.

Sleeping furniture for a child has a number of differences:

  • made primarily from natural materials;
  • its dimensions correspond to the age category;
  • designs are equipped with additional safety elements.

Children's models differ in design features and materials used in production.

Standard children's beds must comply with SanPiN and other regulatory documents, which indicate the necessary safety parameters regarding the use of material, paints, varnish and fasteners.

When organizing a sleeping place, parents should check the crib for stability and reliability of assembly.

The surface of the model must be smooth, without protrusions, crevices, cracks or burrs. Beds with roll-out parts and ladders must be checked for safety.

When organizing a sleeping place, parents should check the crib for stability and reliability of assembly. The reliability of fasteners is also important.

Models for children under 3-5 years old must be equipped with restrictive elements - sides and metal barriers.

Models for children under 3-5 years old must be equipped with restrictive elements - sides and metal barriers. This applies to both single-tier and two-tier structures.

Beds with roll-out parts and ladders must be checked for safety.

Children's models can be cheap or expensive, but they must meet safety criteria in any case. This is true for both the baby and the schoolchild.

Safety concerns both single-tier and two-tier structures.

Types of beds for children

Furniture for children today is very diverse. Among the popular models, several types of beds stand out:

  • typical (traditional);
  • modular;
  • roll-out;
  • thematic.

Children's models can be cheap or expensive, but they must meet safety criteria in any case.

At the same time, children's models within each type can have one or two, and sometimes even three tiers.

Advantages and disadvantages of beds for children

For sleeping places, choose designs that are as safe as possible. Furniture made of natural wood, with sides (for kids) and a durable frame - certainly has all the advantages. In addition, it is often practical - for example, it is equipped with lower drawers and a table. The slats at the bottom of the bed create natural ventilation.

Bedroom furniture for children should be lower than for adults.

If you have two children, then an attic bunk bed will become not only a place of relaxation, but also a play area.

The child is still small and cannot control his movements in his sleep - it is easy for him to fall out of the crib.

Children's beds also have their disadvantages if they are made from low-quality materials. It is recommended to avoid plastic and other artificial derivatives in the design.

Prefer a design with slats over a crib with a plywood or wooden bottom.

How to choose the right beds for children?

In order for children's furniture to serve the entire period declared by the manufacturer, you need to be guided by a number of criteria:

  • choose a bed according to the child’s age;
  • When purchasing, request a certificate of product conformity;
  • Check that all assembly parts are present.

It is advisable to buy children's beds from solid wood.

It is advisable to buy children's beds from solid wood. In this case, the coating - paint, varnish - must be non-toxic. This will protect your baby from harmful fumes from furniture finishing.

Also calculate how commensurate the crib is with the area of ​​the room.

Prefer a design with slats over a crib with a plywood or wooden bottom. This will prevent the model from absorbing moisture and promote free air circulation.

In order for children's furniture to serve the entire period stated by the manufacturer, you need to be guided by a number of criteria.

Bedroom furniture for children should be lower than for adults. The child is still small and cannot control his movements in his sleep - it is easy for him to fall out of the crib. If it is equipped with sides with alternating slats or rods, then they are located at an average distance from each other so that the baby does not get his leg, arm or head stuck between them.

For a younger child, a classic or themed one is suitable, for an older child - from a standard model to a folding sofa.

Also calculate how commensurate the crib is with the area of ​​the room. It is important to take into account the environment in the room, but here you can always improve the situation - choose calm colors of curtains and wallpaper; complement the interior with interesting decor, etc.

Children's beds also have their disadvantages if they are made from low-quality materials.

Furniture with streamlined shapes and without protruding fittings is suitable for a baby, since he is very mobile, but does not yet know how to control his body.

Boys and girls over 4 years old can already choose a themed bed.

To organize a sleeping place, you can purchase complex furniture, which includes a bed, a wardrobe (chest of drawers), a table and a chair.

For sleeping places, choose designs that are as safe as possible.

If the age difference is more than 5 years, then if the room has sufficient space, it is wiser to purchase different beds.

Boys and girls over 4 years old can already choose a themed bed. Initial hobbies will show which model the child will prefer. Boys tend to love technology, so bedroom furniture in the shape of a racing car or airplane will appeal to them. Girls love everything fairy-tale - you can arrange for your little “princess” a matching crib with a canopy or an imitation carriage.

Initial hobbies will show which model the child will prefer.

You can paint the classic model yourself - cartoon characters, flowers, abstractions of geometric shapes painted in bright colors will cheer up the kids.

Children's models within each type can have one or two, and sometimes three tiers.

A bunk bed is ideal for two children - its design serves as a sleeping place, a “training camp”, and an area for interesting games.

Girls love everything fairy-tale - you can arrange for your little “princess” a matching crib with a canopy or an imitation carriage.

If the age difference is more than 5 years, then if the room has sufficient space, it is wiser to purchase different beds. For a younger child, a classic or themed one is suitable, for an older child - from a standard model to a folding sofa.

Furniture for children today is very diverse.

Boys tend to love technology, so bedroom furniture in the shape of a racing car or airplane will appeal to them.

VIDEO: Children's beds for children

50 photo ideas for children's bed design

Preparing to become a mother and father, future parents first of all set up a children's corner in the room, where the main attribute is a crib. This process should be taken very seriously, given the volume and ergonomics of the bedroom. The better and more comfortable the crib, the calmer it will be for both the baby and the parents. Do not forget that adequate sleep is the key to health and well-being. The best and highest quality beds meet a number of requirements, which, of course, should be adhered to.

Bed sizes are most often standard 120×60 or 140×70; mattresses and bed linen are easily matched to them. A sign of quality is the strong connections of the elements.
Bed material:
The best and safest cribs are made exclusively from natural materials: most often from solid beech, since it is very strong and durable, or from pine - environmental friendliness of coatings and materials, in these cases, are ensured. Also, there are products made of metal and plastic and chipboard, but such unnatural materials should be avoided. Check the surface of the product carefully, it should be smooth.
Regardless of the chosen design of a children's bed, be it a pendulum, a transformer, a regular one, with a drawer, a chest of drawers, a changing chest of drawers, etc., you need to pay attention to the quality of the rods and the distance between the slats (usually from 6-8 cm, no more). Also pay attention to the presence of wheels, since mobile beds are more practical. If the selected crib is equipped with a pendulum mechanism, check that it is quiet and smooth. The bottom should not be monolithic, but slatted, since a monolithic bottom impedes air circulation and can cause fungi to appear in the mattress.

We present the ten best beds for newborns, their detailed descriptions, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

Top – 10 best bed models of 2020

The universal crib is made of solid birch using the most modern and safe technologies; the wood itself is treated with non-toxic varnish. The rocking bed is equipped with a transverse swing pendulum mechanism. The weight of the cot is 36 kg.


  • Volume drawer;
  • Wide selection of colors;
  • Wooden frame;
  • Drop-down side panel;
  • Two-level box;
  • Affordable price;
  • Silent pendulum;
  • Quick assembly;
  • Bottom height adjustment.


  • Without wheels;
  • Instructions.

A crib for newborns, made in a classic style, the wooden frame is made of natural and environmentally friendly material - solid birch. And protective silicone pads provide double safety. This model is equipped with a very convenient mechanism: with the help of an “auto-wall”, one side of the crib is lowered without much effort. Package weight 17.7 kg.


  • High quality;
  • Pleasant appearance;
  • Affordable price;
  • Wooden frame;
  • Bottom height adjustment;
  • Swing runners;
  • Easy assembly;
  • Plastic linings;
  • Special mechanism;
  • Protective silicone pads;
  • On wheels.


  • Average design reliability;
  • Available in one color;
  • No storage box.

A classic bed for newborns, which has the most necessary functions, goes well with any kind of accessories and fits into any interior. The product is made of birch wood and is particularly durable and environmentally friendly. The crib mechanism allows you to adjust the height level by lowering the front wall. Weight 18.8 kg.


  • Great price;
  • On wheels;
  • Simplicity;
  • Practicality;
  • Bottom height adjustment;
  • Wide selection of colors;
  • Swing runners;
  • Silicone protective pads;
  • Two height positions.


  • No storage box;
  • The rocking mechanism can only be used after removing the wheels.

A stylish and cozy transforming bed is made of solid New Zealand pine, and transforms into 3 unique designs: oval, round and side-by-side, with 6-in-1 options, also a playpen, 2 mini-chairs and a sofa bed. The most voluminous bed size among oval and round beds (120x90 centimeters). Weight 20 kg.


  • Six stages of transformation;
  • Long term of use;
  • 3 levels of mattress base;
  • Bottom height adjustment;
  • Removable front wall;
  • Wooden frame;
  • On wheels.


  • No storage box;
  • Price.

The design of a classic, simple crib made of beech wood, the natural color of which has a beneficial effect and evokes a feeling of comfort, and the product is coated with non-toxic varnishes and paints, is considered an excellent budget option. A rocking bed is very convenient for newborns; later, it will be possible to bring the crib into a stationary state by installing and locking the wheels. Weight 18.7 kg.


  • Value for money;
  • 3 bottom levels;
  • Mechanism: rocking wheel;
  • Removable front wall (2 positions);
  • Availability of protective pads;
  • High quality mechanism;
  • Treatment with environmentally friendly varnish;
  • No sharp corners;
  • The front wall is released;
  • Decent selection of colors;
  • Excellent wear resistance;
  • High quality materials.


  • There is no drawer designed to store children's supplies.

6. Island of comfort Alice-zhuzha (transformer)

A very original product, which is additionally decorated with an ornament made in the shape of a funny ladybug. The crib has a transverse pendulum, and if necessary, it can be converted into a free-standing chest of drawers and a crib. The design really turned out to be very attractive and very functional. The transverse pendulum mechanism helps the baby quickly calm down and stop crying. There is also a removable changing chest, the area of ​​which is sufficient for changing a child. Things that need to be kept at hand at all times can be folded either into an open compartment or put away in drawers. The sleeping area can be increased from 60x120 cm to 60x170 cm. The design of the bed itself, as well as its ergonomics, has been carefully thought out.

The side panel can be lowered, so it is very comfortable to lay the newborn down. The height of the mattress pad is adjustable in two positions. The design also has a drawer located under the berth, and there are silicone linings on the sides, which will not only protect the child from accidental impacts, but will also help him well during the teething period. Products are made from natural materials that do not release toxic or harmful substances into the environment. At the same time, the entire structure does not take up too much free space, which allows it to be placed even in the parents’ bedroom or in a compact children’s room.


  • For production, only the most natural substances are used that have not been treated with chemicals;
  • There is a removable chest of drawers, several spacious drawers;
  • The height of the berth is adjustable if necessary;
  • Available in several color options;
  • There are silicone pads on the sides;
  • Throughout its service life, the crib retains its attractive appearance.


  • Quite expensive;
  • Not found in all children's furniture stores.

A practical and comfortable crib for newborns is equipped with a pendulum longitudinal swing mechanism with a convenient lock. The bed is made of solid birch, sliced ​​veneer of valuable species; The drawer and base parts are made of natural wood, lined with high-density fiberboard and decorative paper. And for finishing they use safe water-based dyes, as well as safe polyurethane enamels and varnishes.

The bed of the product is orthopedic and is height adjustable in 2 positions. Raising and locking the side rail is possible with one hand. This model has an additional option - automatic rocking of the crib using the control panel (additional fee), this function is absolutely safe and highly effective. Weight 42 kg.


  • Pendulum mechanism;
  • Stylish design;
  • Excellent wear resistance;
  • Possibility of remote control;
  • Decent selection of colors;
  • Wooden frame;
  • Safe and natural materials;
  • Availability of protective silicone pads;
  • Bottom height adjustment;
  • Dropping anterior wall.


  • Price.

4. Gandylyan Betty (11 in 1)

The multifunctional, ultra-modern transforming bed is made of solid beech, the most durable and resistant material.

The practicality of the crib lies in the possibility of use in 11 different positions: a cradle with a pendulum mechanism (sizes 650×650 and 900×650), a bed with an open side with a pendulum mechanism, a playpen, in the future a teenage bed, a teenage sofa bed, as well as two armchairs and a table. This model has 4 standard mattress installation levels. The transforming bed is equipped with a pendulum type of longitudinal swing mechanism, and eight wheels with locks provide ease of movement. The weight of the model without packaging is 32 kg.


  • Baby changing table;
  • Decent selection of colors;
  • On wheels;
  • Excellent wear resistance;
  • Safe distance between slats;
  • Reliable and durable mechanism;
  • High-quality wooden frame;
  • Removable front wall;
  • Pendulum mechanism;
  • Four levels of mattress installation;
  • Affordable price.


  • Uneven color;
  • The sheathing drilling is uneven.

3. Incanto Mimi 7 in 1

The top three of our review of the best cribs for newborns opens with one of the most popular models among users, which is rightfully considered by parents to be quite a worthy choice, since they usually buy it for more than one year. The product is made in a round shape, the legs are on wheels, the product is made on the basis of light but very durable wood, so a young mother, even alone, can rearrange the children's room at least every day. This design is considered to be the safest, since it has sharp corners inside, which minimizes the likelihood of injury even if the baby twists and fiddles around a lot in his sleep. This form significantly contributes to the rapid development of the child, because in it he receives a 360-degree view.

The design is a transformer, so after a certain time it can be converted into a crib-playpen, and later turned into a full-fledged children's set, including a table and two chairs. The crib is made on the basis of MDF panels and combined birch, treated with two layers of paint made exclusively from natural ingredients, as well as hypoallergenic varnish. It provides natural ventilation. The height of the berth here is adjustable in three positions at once.


  • Turns into a full-fledged crib or a furniture set for a child;
  • Made from natural materials;
  • Very durable design;
  • Long service life;
  • Moves easily on wheels.


  • The wheels do not have locks, so the baby can roll the bed with jerks.

The crib for newborns, equipped with a pendulum mechanism, from the luxury Papolini line is distinguished by high quality and stylish design. The product, which has a smooth surface, is made of solid beech, and silicone linings ensure the comfort of the baby's stay in it. All corners are rounded, which is an indicator of safety.

The bed is made in 6 colors. Thanks to its parameters, it can be used not only for newborns, but also for older children, up to 4 years old. Convenience is provided by the built-in linen storage box. Weight 25 kg.


  • A drawer designed for storing children's accessories;
  • Removable wall;
  • The best value for money;
  • Safe distance between slats;
  • Price;
  • Excellent wear resistance;
  • Sturdy construction;
  • Stylish design;
  • Four height positions;
  • Natural material.


  • Not very strong rods.

1. Sleep and Smile, Premium 8 in 1 model

At first, the newborn spends much more time asleep than awake (). During this period, all the new information that the baby has received is analyzed and assimilated. That is why it is so important to create conditions for a newborn to have a restful, restful sleep. To do this, first of all, the child will need a cozy crib where it would be comfortable to sleep. Despite the fact that there is a huge amount of information about them today, many young mothers continue to be interested in questions: how to choose the right crib for a newborn baby, whether it needs wheels, whether it will need a built-in drawer, and others. Let's deal with them.

Choosing the right crib!

Safety requirements for a crib for a newborn.

Regardless of the type in the crib for a newborn:

  1. There should be no protrusions or sharp corners so that the baby does not hit them, as well as unreliable latches that could cause a finger to be pinched.
  2. Contrary to the opinion that the crib should be exclusively wooden, pediatricians now suggest considering metal models as an alternative. After all, most wooden cribs are varnished to prevent parts from drying out and breaking. If you still decide to buy a wooden product, then you should check with the seller what kind of varnish or paint it is coated with, and even better, that there are special linings made of non-toxic materials on the surfaces that the baby can gnaw upon the appearance of teeth.
  3. The bottom and side surfaces should not be solid to ensure good air ventilation in the crib itself and under the mattress.
  4. The bars on the sides should not be too dense so that the child’s leg or hand does not get stuck between them. Also, they should not be too sparse so that the baby does not try to stick his head through them. The optimal width between them is considered to be 7-8 centimeters.
  5. Another requirement is the presence of a removable wall. We can’t call it mandatory, but such a detail can make a mother’s life much easier at night if the crib with the front wall removed is moved close to the adult.
  6. Also an additional, but not mandatory requirement is the presence of two levels of the bottom of the crib. Then you can easily place the newborn on a higher bed, and when the child grows up and begins to try to get out of the crib, then the level of the bed can be lowered.

If you're on the fence about which crib to choose for your newborn, the following overview of different crib models may be helpful. Choosing the right model will mainly come down to what features you would like to see in it.

Such cradles seem to have been specially invented to ensure that a tiny and defenseless baby is surrounded by the maximum amount of warmth and comfort. They are most often made from hypoallergenic, breathable materials (for example, willow vine). They are small in size, and the newborn's space is very limited (like in the mother's belly), which creates a feeling of additional security. In addition, they can be easily moved wherever needed, since many models are not only lightweight in themselves, but also equipped with wheels. Well-known manufacturers complete their cribs with a mattress, a canopy (optionally a mosquito net), bed linen and funny toys. Some of these cribs are even equipped with a rocking system to music.

An option for such a crib for a newborn can be a special cradle that is attached to a regular wooden or metal crib with the ability to rock the baby. It is convenient to take it out, for example, to go outside.

Their main disadvantage is that, despite their high cost, these models will not last longer than 6 months, since the child will simply outgrow them.

Classic model. Wooden crib

These are the most common models, designed for both newborns and children up to three years old. If it was not varnished, but was simply well sanded, then it would be difficult to find a more environmentally friendly option. Equipped with wheels, cribs can be easily moved around the room to the desired location. Cribs on runners with loose latches allow you to rock the baby to sleep before bed, and with fixed ones, you can install the crib firmly on the floor.

Wooden crib

Typically, such models have a double bottom level and a standard size of 120 by 60 cm. Many of them are complemented by drawers, which, of course, makes it more convenient to store all sorts of children's little things at hand in a small room, but they also make the crib heavier and make it almost impossible to moving around the room.

Rocking beds and pendulums

Rocking chairs are a traditional model; arched runners allow you to rock them from side to side. Minus: when the baby grows up, he, leaning on the side bars, may fall out of the bed. The storage box below is low-functional: when rocked, objects in it will roll and create noise.

Rocking bed

Pendulums can be longitudinal or transverse. They have a bulkier design that can break or squeak. But the model with a pendulum has strong advantages: rocking in them is considered less harmful than in a rocking chair, and the presence of a locking mechanism will prevent the baby from swinging on his own.

This model is suitable for practical parents who will be able to rationally use not only their own finances, but also the space in the room. They are called transformers because in most cases they are equipped with additional removable pieces of furniture such as a changing table, chest of drawers or cabinets, various shelves and drawers for linen or toys. In addition, some models can be extended, turning from a crib for a newborn into a good bed for a schoolchild. And if you remove all the partitions and shelves, they can easily serve as a small sofa.

Among the main disadvantages is that after a couple of years, this color and the crib itself may simply get boring for the child or significantly worsen its appearance due to the artistic or handicraft abilities of the growing child.

Transformable crib: advantages and disadvantages –

These models are extremely elegant - smooth, rounded shapes look very stylish. In addition, the absolute absence of sharp corners increases the safety of the product, and the baby inside is very comfortable. And such a crib takes up less space than a rectangular one.

But this is not all the advantages of such structures. They are also very deft at transforming. A round transformable crib can become a cradle, a round playpen, a small or large (if you move the walls apart) oval crib, a sofa, armchairs with a table. Thanks to its variety, it will never get boring.

Add-on cot

You can sleep next to your baby without worrying that dad will crush him if you buy an add-on crib for newborns. However, a baby will be able to sleep in it until he is three years old. The side wall of this bed folds back, and the mother can feed or calm the baby without getting out of bed. From a psychological point of view, such closeness is useful and convenient for both the baby and the mother.

Add-on cot

We read in detail about add-on cribs, selection rules, and popular models.

Metal cribs

The shape resembles traditional wooden models, but can be additionally equipped with a cradle. The child does not come into direct contact with metal parts, since all parts are covered with fabric protection. Sometimes such cribs can be folded out to create a sleeping area for a preschooler. The bottom of many models has two levels, and the crib can be used as a playpen.

metal crib

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