How to protect yourself from horseflies in the countryside. Blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes, gadflies, horseflies, ticks, fleas, lice, midges. Means of protection. What not to do

How to protect yourself from horseflies in the countryside.  Blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes, gadflies, horseflies, ticks, fleas, lice, midges.  Means of protection.  What not to do
How to protect yourself from horseflies in the countryside. Blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes, gadflies, horseflies, ticks, fleas, lice, midges. Means of protection. What not to do

On vacation, in addition to mosquitoes, the well-known horseflies and gadflies can cause great inconvenience. How to get rid of them!

Horseflies attract attention, first of all, as one of the components of midges, because pregnant females need to eat blood. Substances released during a bite cause a negative reaction in the body: allergies, inflammation, irritation.

According to the biological classification, horseflies are an insect from the order Diptera and the suborder Short-whiskered (lat. Tabanidae). This is a whole family, whose representatives throughout to the globe There are approximately 4400 species classified into 200 genera. More than 200 species of these insects live on the territory of Russia.

The most common are the bullflies - they are large in size - up to 2.5 cm in length, and make a loud buzzing sound in flight.
The horsefly, lacewing or moth, does not exceed 1.5 cm in length and is distinguished by its bright, almost contrasting colors.

The rainfly, which looks more ordinary, has the peculiarity that it is more active in cloudy weather, while other horseflies prefer sunny days.

There are not as many horseflies as there are mosquitoes, but each of their bites is painful and often causes an allergic reaction on the skin - the affected area can become very swollen because... along with saliva enter the wound toxic substances and anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting. Horsefly carriers pose a particular danger infectious diseases. Therefore, if you did not have time to protect yourself from horseflies and were attacked, and especially if you developed a fever, then you should seek help from a doctor.

Pied horsefly
It is difficult to avoid encountering horse flies when flying on vacation or at the dacha - the most dangerous are the females, who become the most aggressive during the period of bearing offspring. They are the ones who need your blood.
You can protect yourself from these insects simply by pre-treating your clothes. universal means from horseflies, gadflies and other midges - AEROSOLWITHOUT APPLICATION TO SKIN. If insects continue to attack, they will strengthen the protection of the product applied to the skin - AQUA AEROSOL FROM horseflies and mosquitoes. Well, if a horsefly has bitten, then you need to use after-bite products. It will help relieve pain and prevent swelling -

If bees appear in large numbers at the dacha, these are by no means safe guests. They not only cause discomfort, but can be deadly for people with sting allergies. No less aggressive are gadflies and horseflies, which sting incredibly painfully. If there are too many flying insects, then you don’t even have to try to solve the problem yourself. Only professionals can do this. In the article we will tell you how to get rid of bees/gadflies/horseflies in your country house forever, we will look at various methods.

It is important to establish where the aliens’ “residence” is located. As a rule, there are not many habitats.

  • If you notice a swarming ball on a tree, most likely it is an escaped swarm that is forming a new home for itself, like wild bees.

A bee swarm can form anywhere, not only in the country, but also in urban areas. Such “dwellings” should not be touched without a beekeeper; an attack by a large number of bees poses a real danger to any person.

  • The abode of uninvited guests can be the wall of the house or the roof. In this case, you will not have to open the wall, because the bees lay larvae by making deep tunnels in the masonry. Those who have ever tried to “wall up” these insects, after a while found themselves in even more difficult situation. The bees made their way inside the house and then became incredibly aggressive.
  • The “hive” in the chimney provokes the owners to light a fire to drive out the invaders. If you do this when there are honeycombs there, the sweet smoke will “invite to a feast” other bees from all over the area.

Tip #1. You should not take risks in such a situation without the help of professionals; the result may be unpredictable.

Methods of combating different types of winged insects, similarities and differences

When there are few insects, then before starting to fight them, it is necessary to establish their “identity”, since the methods of destroying some are completely unsuitable for eliminating others. For example, plant plants that repel bees on the site:

  • Lavender,
  • Melissa,
  • Mint,
  • Sagebrush.

Lavender is not only beautiful and fragrant, it repels bees.

Anyone who has used a similar design believes that there is no longer a better solution.

The construction principle is as follows:

  1. A horizontal crossbar is placed on two pairs of crossed and secured stakes. Their size coincides as much as possible with the size of an adult cow.
  2. The frame is covered with a dark-colored fabric (this is important!).
  3. Holes are made at the corners, to which plastic bags are tied so that there are no gaps. The trap is ready!

It works like this:

  • A gadfly (or horsefly) flies up to the “cow” from below, trying to fit its “belly”.
  • In search of prey, it rises up (required).
  • Not finding the victim, it heads towards the light, which penetrates through a plastic bag. And he falls into a trap from which he can no longer get out; it’s dark below.

In the evening, you need to remove the bag with the “prey” and replace it with an empty one. It is good to place such “traps” for gadflies and horse flies in recreation areas and near playgrounds.

Comparative analysis of sprayed products, their benefits and harms

Many summer residents prefer modern repellents– repellents for flying insects. Those that protect against mosquitoes help against gadflies and horse flies. Read also the article: → "". Summer residents often praise such drugs.

Name Features of application Flaws
"Super (Gardex)" The aerosol is designed to kill mosquitoes, but it affects horse flies and gadflies that do not approach the treated surface. It lasts up to 8 hours on the skin and 5 days on clothes. Do not use for children, pregnant women and people who are allergic to at least one component of the product.
"Off extreme" Against mosquitoes and horseflies. The drug applied to clothing or mosquito nets protects for up to 30 days. Spray onto the skin carefully, after a preliminary test.
"Carnation" The spray is intended for application to open areas skin. Contains clove oil. Avoid contact with eyes and nose.
"Moskidosis" Release options: spray or cream. It not only repels stinging insects, but has soothing and healing properties, that is, it alleviates the condition after a bite. The product is produced for adults and separately for children. The first cannot be used by children, and the second can only be used from three years old.
"Mosquitoll Super Active Protection" Spray on clothes and around at a distance of 10 -15 cm, that is, around yourself. Cases of allergies have been reported during use.

Contraindicated for children and pregnant women.

“Off” helps not only against mosquitoes, but also against gadflies and horse flies. Doesn't work on bees!

Folk recipes for fighting bees and other stinging insects

If you decide to kill bees yourself, you need to carefully prepare and protect yourself. Choose thick clothes with long sleeves, gloves, preferably leather, and a hat with a mosquito net.

To work you will need:

  • Smoker, a special fumigation device that reduces the activity of bees, they become sleepy.

  • Insect repellent– any aerosol – insecticide. A drug intended to combat flies, gadflies, horse flies, bees, wasps.

It is better to carry out the work in the evening, when the bees return to the hive.

  • First, the bee colony is fumigated with smoke using a smoker.
  • Then it is treated with an aerosol.
  • When the bees are no longer moving, the nest is transferred to a bag made of thick fabric, carefully tied and taken away to a distance of at least seven kilometers.

Using insecticidal lamps, all the pros and cons:

Brand name + manufacturer Method of action Flaws Price
Insect exterminator EGO-03 60W (Poland) Action area up to

250 m2. Thanks to this, one device protects the entire house.

Powered by electricity, so it can only be used in the garden where there is 4500 rub.
Insecticidal lamp Camry CR 7932 (Poland) Used in closed spaces on an area of ​​up to 20 m2. Can work around the clock. Relatively short range of action. 1800 rub.
Mosquito expeller Manufacturer: iSANGEMAMA – (China) An environmentally friendly device that runs on solar batteries destroys insects with ultrasonic radiation within a radius of 300 m. It is easily inserted into the ground using a probe. Designed for use in the garden. Recharging and strength depend on the weather. If it is cloudy for a long time, the batteries will be discharged. 1500 rub.

Use of personal protective equipment

In addition to sprayed repellents, there are other devices on sale that protect against insect bites. Lately, individual gadgets, such as bracelets, are increasingly being used. Their use is relevant for children, allergy sufferers, and those who have sensitive skin and are unable to apply aerosols and creams.

The following brands have received positive reviews:

Name Peculiarities Flaws
Bugs Lock Strip synthetic material, using an aromatic substance that is environmentally friendly. It lasts 240 hours, then you need to replace it with another one.
"Protect" It is a silicone strip impregnated with citronella oil.

The material retains the odor for up to 6 weeks.

Safe for children.

Limited validity period.
"Maxi" The advantage of the bracelet is that it is made of food-grade silicone and is harmless for adults and children. Safe for allergy sufferers too. According to user reviews, it is noticed that it works well on the side on which hand it is worn. For more reliable protection, it is better to wear two bracelets.

If you don't know that it is an insect repeller, the bracelet can be mistaken for a youth accessory.

These devices are good because they protect everywhere in the house, in the garden, and in the forest. Negative side– limited action; as soon as the flavor wears off, it becomes useless. Unless children can use it as decoration. Resourceful summer residents have established " independent production» bracelets. To do this, just take a thin strip of fabric, treat it with fragrant oil, which insects do not like, and tie it on your hand. Or better yet, on both, and also on the ankles and others open spaces on the body. Woolen, velvet, fleece fabrics and natural fur retain the aroma longer than others.

Tip #2.When using a scented product, it is important to remember that aromatic oils act on insects differently, for example, chamomile and geranium oils repel horse flies and gadflies, but attract bees. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a protective agent.

Personal protection includes devices that can be put in your pocket and insects will not come close. These are portable repellers that emit ultrasonic vibrations that are not perceptible to humans, but are unbearable for bees, gadflies, and horse flies; they do not come close. On sale are:

  1. “ZF-800E” – in the form of a keychain.
  2. “Komarin – keychain” with a built-in flashlight.
  3. “Freetime”, like a bracelet.
  1. Equip the house mosquito nets on windows and doors.
  2. Provide similar protection in recreation areas - gazebos, pavilions.
  3. Use purchased funds personal protection in the form of pocket repellers, bracelets, portable fumigators.
  4. Plant plants that repel bees.
  5. Use powerful ultrasonic radiation devices.

If all of the above does not help, you need to call a beekeeper and eliminate the source of the threat.

Category: “Questions and answers”

Question No. 1. How long does it take to get rid of bees?

When it comes to “alien aliens”, they will most likely appear again and again. But if it was possible to eliminate the local source, then this can and should be done - at once.

Question No. 2. How to make a bee trap?

  1. Cut a plastic bottle so that a funnel is formed from the top.
  2. Pour sweet water into the lower part.
  3. Grease the walls free of liquid from the inside, sunflower oil will do.
  4. Place the cut off top of the bottle in the prepared container, neck down, without a cork.

Insects are attracted by the sweet smell, they fly into the trap, and cannot get out because they stick to the oil walls. As they become filled with living creatures, the traps must be changed.

Question No. 3. How to treat bee stings?

To relieve discomfort, use aromatic oils that disinfect the bite site and treat itching:

  1. Lavender,
  2. Chamomile,
  3. Geranium,
  4. tea tree,
  5. Lemon,
  6. Ylang-ylang.
  7. peppermint,
  8. Patchouli,
  9. Bergamot,
  10. Eucalyptus,
  11. lemon verbena,
  12. Basilica,
  13. Thyme (thyme)
  14. Onion,
  15. Melissa,
  16. Clary sage.

Serious mistakes gardeners make when fighting bees in the country

Mistake #1. Sometimes summer residents themselves provoke bees, leaving unwitting “baits” unattended.

You should not store sugar, honey, or jam open in the summer. Sweets, even in wrappers, attract bees with their smell.

Mistake #2. Using repellents with substances that repel other insects but attract bees .

For example, mosquitoes, gadflies, and horseflies do not like lemon and orange oil. But this smell attracts bees. That's why choosing protective agent It must be remembered that fragrances affect different types insects are not the same.

Mistake #3. Eliminating a bee nest without proper preparation.

“Bees” are not such cute, touching creatures as some summer residents think (usually those who have never encountered bees!). A disturbed bee swarm is a serious threat to the health and even the lives of others. If it is not possible to invite a beekeeper, then liquidation must be approached responsibly.

  1. Use protective equipment.
  2. Isolate all family members (with their valuable advice) and pets.
  3. During the liquidation process, follow the sequence of actions:
  • Fumigation,
  • Treatment with insecticides,
  • Insulate the nest (in a thick bag).

If it is not possible to move the nest several kilometers, it must be burned along with the bag. For those who feel sorry for bees, I would like to remind you of those people who died from bee stings.

The summer season is the time to relax in nature! Cottage, vegetable garden, fishing, going to the forest to pick mushrooms, picnic by the river and much more. etc. But gadflies and horseflies can prevent you from enjoying such a pleasant pastime. These flying insects can not only annoy you with their intrusiveness, but also bite painfully. Compared to them, midges and mosquitoes are “flowers.” In addition, gadflies and horseflies cause great harm to livestock and farming, reducing milk yield and weight gain.

horsefly in the photo

How to protect yourself from the attacks of these huge flies? Let’s say right away that different means can come to your aid. We will tell you about the most effective and popular ones now.


To protect themselves from various vermin (midges, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, etc.), people actively use chemicals. Naturally, there are also drugs that help repel gadflies and horse flies.

Most often in the fight against these insects they use:

  • Organophosphorus preparations(dichlorvos, karbofos, tetraphos). Their active substances penetrate the body of insects, where they are converted into dangerous toxins that have a nerve-paralytic effect.
  • Pyrethroids(bioallethrin, fenvalerate). They can destroy insects even at the egg-laying and larval stages. They are often used to treat pastures, plots, vegetation along water bodies, etc., to prevent.
  • Chlorine-containing preparations(lindane, chlorvinphos, methoxychlor). They are used to treat affected areas of animals for disinfection purposes. They are highly bactericidal. Apply using a spray bottle.

What chemical contact agents can come to the rescue when it is necessary to protect livestock? This:

  1. antifly;
  2. hypodectin;
  3. chlorophos;
  4. biofly pur-on;
  5. sanofit;
  6. butox, etc.

They must be used according to the instructions. Moreover, some drugs should be administered in the form of injections, while others need to be treated with the skin of animals.

In its turn, good protection aerosols and creams based on the substance DEET provide protection against gadflies and horseflies. The main thing is that its content in the preparation is at least 20%. Otherwise, the remedy will be ineffective.

As for specific repellents that we can recommend, they are:

  1. Repels gadflies and horse flies within 2-3 hours after treatment. Can be used no more than twice a day. , ticks and midges.
  2. Aerosol and spray Argus. Duration of action is about 4 hours. It can be used on exposed areas of the body and clothing. The cost is more than acceptable - about 100 rubles.
  3. Repellents OFF. You can buy not only on the Internet and specialized outlets, but also in almost any store household chemicals. A very popular line of effective products against blood-sucking insects. To repel horseflies, horseflies and ticks, OFF Extreme aerosol is often used. Price – from 250 rubles. The duration of action is quite decent. If you have treated the skin, then protection is provided for 4 hours; if you have treated clothes, then about a month.

A number of other products from other brands are also capable of repelling horseflies and gadflies. These are Fumitox, Moskitol, Reftamide, DEET, etc. So you can use them too. But in any case, carefully read the instructions and information on the drug packaging, because many of them cannot be used by pregnant women and children.

Folk remedies for gadflies and horseflies

People have been suffering from horseflies and gadflies for hundreds, or even thousands of years. At the same time, there were no chemicals, repellers and traps against these dangerous insects did not have. A person had to invent and try in action various measures protection to keep yourself and your livestock safe. Some of them turned out to be very effective.

What folk methods of dealing with these bloodsuckers can help? Well, there are several of them:

  1. Tar. Its smell repels a variety of insects. You can buy it in pharmacies or specialty stores. To protect against horse flies and gadflies, an oil or water solution is used. As a rule, it is simply sprayed on livestock. Some people do it differently and wash the animals. tar soap. However, this method also has disadvantages. Firstly, due to the use of tar, the taste of milk deteriorates (if used on cows). Secondly, this substance is difficult to wash off from skin and clothing. Third, after processing protective effect lasts no more than four hours. Moreover, this is subject to complete absence of contact with water.
  2. Soap and vegetable oil. A solution is made from these components. Optimal proportions: dissolve 1 bar of laundry soap in a liter of water and add 150 ml vegetable oil. The resulting mixture should be sprayed on the bodies of the cows. As a result, oil protective film will reduce the spread of odor, which attracts horse flies. In turn, the aroma of laundry soap will repel insects so that they do not bite you or animals.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment . This product is suitable for protecting humans from. It should be applied to exposed areas of the body. For example, hands. Insects are afraid of the smell of Vishnevsky ointment, as it contains birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. In addition, this remedy helps with severe symptoms. It is enough to smear it on the affected area and secure the area with a gauze bandage. Such a compress will help draw out pyogenic masses, clean wounds and prevent the formation of scars.
  4. Diesel fuel. Used against gadflies and horse flies. True, only to protect livestock. It is not recommended to treat human skin with diesel fuel. Validity period is about 2-3 hours. Apply the product to the udder, neck, areas behind the ears and croup.
  5. Herbal infusions. The safest of folk remedies. And for both humans and animals. Options herbal infusions against horse flies and gadflies very much. The most popular ones are made from laurel, tansy, mint, lemon and wormwood. Apply similar means It’s simple – just apply them to clothing, human or animal skin using a spray bottle.

Certainly, folk ways There is more fight against horseflies and gadflies. We talked about the most popular ones. Try using one of them.

However, keep in mind that folk remedies are ineffective if there are a lot of insects. They will not help either with a large number of livestock. Therefore, it is best to use them in combination with chemicals or special traps. By the way, we’ll talk about the latter further.

Gadflies and horse flies do not like the smell of pine needles. Therefore, when going outdoors, treat your clothes with pine oil. If you need to protect livestock, then spruce branches can simply be spread around the area where the animals are.

Mechanical methods

Today you can find various other large biting insects on sale. Of course, you can’t take them with you fishing or for a walk in the park, but you can and should use such products at dachas and farms.

  1. The simplest and cheapest option is adhesive tape . It is hung in agricultural buildings, livestock pens, door jambs, summer kitchens etc. The disadvantages of such a trap are its low efficiency and the impossibility of using on outdoors, pastures, etc. In addition, you need to regularly change the tape to a new one.
  2. A more effective remedy for horseflies and gadflies - baited trap . There are many models that differ in design and size. Although the principle of their action is similar - to lure horse flies, gadflies or other flying insects and prevent them from getting out of there. As for the bait, visual decoys, attractants and heat sources are most often used in such traps. They all imitate a living creature. Advantages: environmentally safe for people and animals, and also very effective and durable when used correctly. Disadvantages: The trap must be cleaned and disinfected periodically.
  3. Trap package. Another device for catching horseflies and gadflies. Usually hung under open air, in the sun. The fact is that the smell of the filler (attractant) intensifies when heated, attracting a large number of insects. Once inside the bag, the flying bloodsuckers can no longer get out. Moreover, a thousand individuals can fit here. The advantages of such a trap are safety and ease of use. There is no need to clean or process anything - the bag with the gadflies and horseflies that got into it can be thrown away or burned.
  4. Illuminated trap. All insects fly towards the light. Gadflies and horse flies are no exception. Therefore, today traps with ultraviolet illumination are being actively created and used. True, their cost is much higher than that of the options described above.

Many traps for horseflies and gadflies are made independently with your own hands. There is nothing complicated. If you want to know how to make them, then all detailed information you can find . At the same time, we note that insect traps made at home are often even more effective than store-bought ones.

I'm going into nature, don't forget about the most simple remedies personal protection against horseflies and gadflies. These are clothes that cover the entire body well (long sleeves, pants with elastic at the bottom, gloves, a hat, etc.). Remember also that these bloodsuckers are attracted to dark color. Therefore, try to avoid it when choosing things.

Insecticidal lamps

You can protect yourself from horseflies and gadflies using insecticidal lamps. These devices work on the following principle: light attracts insects, and an electrical discharge kills them. Such lamps are used on farms, in residential complexes, shops, offices, warehouse areas, personal plots and other places. The range of the device is 100-150 square meters. meters.

The average cost of such lamps varies from 2 to 6 thousand rubles. In principle, these are inexpensive, considering how effective they are in controlling flying insects.

Prevention and common mistakes: what else is important to know about the fight against gadflies and horseflies?

Trying to protect pastures, their country houses or adjoining plots from horse flies and gadflies, many people make a number of mistakes due to which they fail to for a long time get rid of flying bloodsuckers. The most common of them:

  1. Only mechanical traps are used. This is not enough. Especially if there is a lot of vileness. For greater effectiveness, repellents should also be used.
  2. When fighting horse flies, pools and other water containers located in the open air are not drained. After all, in such artificial reservoirs these flies lay eggs and larvae easily develop in them, which leads to repeated reproduction of insects.
  3. Excessive vegetation in which the egg-laying of horse flies remains is not removed. In addition, gadflies can also hide in its shadow. Therefore, regular mowing can significantly reduce the number of blood-sucking pests on the site.
  4. Manure heaps are not processed special drugs against insects. As a result, their smell attracts all kinds of living creatures, including horseflies and gadflies.

Eliminate these mistakes and you can significantly reduce the number of these bloodsuckers. At the same time, one should not forget about preventive measures ah, which are aimed at attracting the attention of gadflies and horse flies as little as possible. In more detail, you need to:

  1. Maintain cleanliness of the area where animals are kept and walked. Remove manure in a timely manner, change bedding and water, clean barns, and wash drinking utensils.
  2. Clean livestock hair regularly.
  3. Avoid the spread of dense and tall vegetation. Mowing the grass and regular mowing is a guarantee that there will be fewer gadflies and horse flies in the area.
  4. Minimize the number of water containers near the animals (insects love humidity). If you don’t have livestock, but there are a lot of gadflies and horse flies at your summer cottage, then you should sacrifice a decorative pool and tightly close all barrels of water for irrigation.


Fighting horse flies and gadflies - urgent problem for many residents rural areas, farmers and livestock breeders. At the same time, it is possible to cope with these dangerous and unpleasant insects only with integrated approach, which includes compliance with preventive measures, the use of traps, insecticidal lamps, chemicals and even the use of folk remedies to repel these flying bloodsuckers.

If you are a fisherman, hunter, traveler, or just like to spend time outdoors, then always think through your protection options in advance. Choose clothes that gadflies and horseflies cannot bite through, and treat exposed areas of the body with special products.

Horseflies are insects that cause some inconvenience to both humans and livestock. Their females bite very painfully and then begin to suck the blood. They stay mainly near rivers and lakes, where their larvae develop. Fighting these bloodsuckers is quite difficult, but still possible. And today we will talk about how to choose an effective remedy for horseflies.

Remedies for horseflies may include chemicals, homemade traps, and homemade solutions.

Protection for humans

Quite often, a concentration of horseflies can be observed near pastures; for this reason, first of all, you should avoid those places where livestock is regularly grazed. If you do happen to be there, then in such situations it is advisable to use simple personal protective equipment. These include:

  • suit made of thick cotton fabric with long sleeves and full legs;
  • a headdress with a mesh that will protect your face, neck and ears;
  • gloves.

When working on a pasture in the summer, it is advisable to treat exposed areas of the body with an “OFF” or “DEET” aerosol. Remedies for horseflies for people can also include a special mosquito repellent cream, but just remember that the effect of it is noticeably weaker and you will have to renew the layer of the drug quite often. If none of the above remedies are available, then as a last resort, you can use the cheapest cologne with cloves as a protection against horse flies - clove powder must be added to the bottle and left for a week in a warm place. The finished product will last you all summer.

Horseflies, as a rule, do not bite people, but if this does happen, the affected area should be thoroughly rinsed with water and treated with medical alcohol.

Important! Horseflies are attracted to moving objects, so to avoid being bitten, it is advisable to stand still, do not wave your arms or run!


Such devices are non-toxic and at the same time show the greatest effectiveness near a large number of livestock. You can buy a ready-made trap or make it yourself.

  • Trap for large insects - this device is quite large in size and is ideal for insects such as horseflies. Bloodsuckers, attracted by a large object, fall into its metal compartment and soon die.
  • Sticky paper – this type of trap is also called a fly trap. A layer of special glue is applied to the paper web, which is capable of holding both small flies and rather large horseflies.

    Advice! You can attach a small piece of this adhesive trap to your headdress. This way, the horseflies that circle around your head will stop bothering you!

  • Light trap - this device works on the following principle: light attracts flying insects, which, after contact with the lamp, die from an electrical discharge.

In order to make a trap for horseflies with your own hands, you will need a stool or chair and a medium-sized ball, preferably dark in color. We hang the stool from the ceiling in the barn and attach a ball from below so that it can rotate freely around its own axis. Wrap the legs and bottom surface of the stool seat with double-sided adhesive tape. Now all that remains is to attract insects. To do this, you should spin the ball from time to time. Horseflies will fly to a dark moving object and will certainly stick to the tape. All you have to do is collect dead specimens or periodically change the sticky trap. Such a device can be installed directly on the site, constructing it from boards and a canvas cone.


Among the ready-made chemicals for protection against horseflies, you can choose products based on such active ingredients as:

  • organophosphates;
  • organochlorine;
  • pyrethroids.

They all work equally well, but it is important to remember that insects can develop resistance over time. For this reason, it is advisable not to use one drug for a long time, but to change them periodically.

Important! If you decide to change a chemical, then before purchasing it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its composition, since the main role is not played by the name trademark, namely the active substance. Otherwise, you risk purchasing the same insecticide, but under a different name!

Animal protection

Since it is not always possible to get rid of all horseflies using a trap alone, especially when there is a large concentration of them, it is therefore sometimes possible to treat the animals themselves with a chemical preparation. The insecticide should be poured into a sprayer and distributed evenly over the animal’s body. It happens that horses and cows get scared of the spray bottle; in such cases, the drug can be applied to their body using a sponge. Do not forget to wear rubber gloves when working with the product and avoid any contact of the insecticide with the skin.

On a note! Expert opinions regarding the use of chemicals directly on animals are mixed, since due to short contact with insects they may not bring the expected result. There are, of course, more effective chemical insecticides - based on DEET, but it should be borne in mind that they can dissolve plastic, so they can cause serious harm to animals!

In order to make life easier for livestock and horses without the use of hazardous substances, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  • the places in which they are located must always be clean - periodically remove manure, clean channels for drinking water and replace the old flooring with a new one;
  • do not pour drinking water for animals into buckets and basins, it is better to take care of the availability of good drainage systems– this way you can avoid stagnation of water;
  • if there is a pond or swimming pool near places where animals are constantly located, then during the period of active movement of horse flies, try to cover them with film;
  • periodically mow tall grass - this way insects will be deprived of cool, damp places for breeding;
  • try to ensure that the animals are constantly under shady shelters - most often they suffer from insect attacks on the street, so on a hot day they will be more comfortable in a closed stable or barn;
  • If possible, put nets on the ears of horses and cows, protect their faces with masks, you can also hang special tapes that repel bloodsuckers directly on the body;
  • carry out castration exclusively in winter period– at this time there are practically no horseflies and they will not irritate the animals’ already painful wounds.

Territory defense

How to get rid of horse flies on the site? To treat the area, it is allowed to use any chemical from the list above. Before applying insecticide, all animals should be removed from the barn. Cattle may need to spend some time outdoors after treatment. In short, read the instructions.

The drug is sprayed into the barn, treating all surfaces: walls, rafters, floor, ceiling and cornices. When using the sprayer, make sure that the drug comes out under low pressure. In this case, be extremely careful and try to ensure that the product does not get into drinking water and food. In addition to the barn, it is also advisable to treat the surrounding area, and the more square meters you spray, the longer the effect will last.

To combat horseflies, you can also use folk remedies. The most common is a solution liquid soap. To prepare it, dilute a couple of glasses of liquid soap in 9 liters of water. The prepared preparation is sprayed onto horseflies and after a while they die.

The second product is used to spray the area. For this you will need mint mouthwash, lemon soap and lemon ammonia. The components must be mixed in approximately equal proportions and the area treated.

Aerosols against gadflies and horseflies Folk remedies against gadflies and horseflies Lemon-mint cocktail to protect the area from pests

For humans, the bite of horse flies and gadflies is characterized by severe pain, as well as a local reaction at the site of injury. These insects cause a lot of inconvenience, especially to those people who summer time are often forced to be near pastures. Fishing enthusiasts or people simply living near bodies of water also face the need to apply protective measures. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should be able to choose an effective remedy for gadflies and horse flies for humans.


The remedy for gadflies and horseflies is a kind of analogue of drugs against mosquitoes, midges and other blood-sucking pests. The only difference is in the concentration of the active substance. All preparations based on the substance DEET have proven themselves well. Almost all popular products contain it. When choosing what to smear against gadflies, you need to pay attention to the content of this substance.

On a note!

All creams and aerosols containing less than 20% DEET are ineffective and will not provide complete protection against gadflies and horse flies.


Aerosols against gadflies and horseflies

A chemical repellent, the main task of which is to protect against gadflies and horse flies in nature. Available in aerosol form in a 125 ml can. Be sure to shake the product before use. Applied to human clothing and skin. Ensures the repellence of gadflies and horse flies within 2-3 hours after treatment. Do not use more than 2 times a day. Price from 150 rubles.

The whole family uses products from the Picnic line. They help perfectly and provide a comfortable rest in nature. 2 cans are enough for the whole summer and we always remain without bites. I really like the wide spectrum of action of the drug, as it provides protection against mosquitoes, midges and ticks.

Olga, Ivanovo


Repellent against fleas, midges, cockroaches, horseflies, mosquitoes, gadflies, mosquitoes and midges. The active ingredient is DEET. The series also includes aerosols and spirals. The average cost for 100 ml of spray is from 90 rubles.

How to protect yourself from gadflies and horse flies:

  1. Shake the can.
  2. Direct the stream onto exposed areas of the body and clothing.
  3. Protection is provided for at least 4 hours.

On a note!

During processing, it should be taken into account that the substance remains on clothing much longer and can last up to 20 days after application.


A popular remedy for gadflies and horseflies helps immediately after application. Protects against flying blood-sucking insects and ticks. The active component is diethyltoluamide at a content of 30%. A clear advantage is the ability to purchase the product at any mall, a specialty store or on the Internet. Price from 250 rubles.

I like the entire line of OFF drugs. Saved me from mosquitoes at the dacha every year. Most often they bought creams. But this summer they faced a more serious problem. Gadflies appeared in large numbers and severely bit animals and people. There was nothing else at home, so I tried OFF. The result was amazing, but it only lasted no more than an hour.

Oksana, Voronezh

Folk remedies

If you don't have it at hand finished product, and there is no way to get to the store, folk remedies for gadflies and horse flies will always come to the rescue. Their main principle is to repel insects specific odors. The active ingredients in most cases are similar to those with which a person can protect himself from mosquitoes and midges. The only difference is the concentration and duration of action.

Folk remedies for gadflies and horseflies


An old proven remedy for gadflies and horse flies. It is inexpensive and has a very specific and rich aroma. If you use an oil solution, it is ensured long action. The substance is very difficult to wash off from human skin. It can only be removed by thoroughly rinsing it off in hot water or by visiting a bathhouse.

The product must be applied to exposed skin. If you stay outside for a long time, update protective layer necessary every 2-3 hours.

Tar has more than once come to the rescue when attacked by mosquitoes and midges. It turned out to be ineffective against gadflies and horse flies. But friends suggested that it can be mixed with the drug DEET, then the effect will last for a very long time. This mixture lasts for a long time and you don’t have to worry about getting bitten.

Andrey, Sevastopol

Vishnevsky ointment

This product perfectly protects the hands from horsefly and gadfly bites. The drug is based on birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. The substance is very greasy, so protect clothing during use.

On a note!

The smell of this ointment is very unpleasant even for humans, so insects also try not to get close to it. To use, you need to prepare a gauze bracelet according to the size of your hand. After this, generously spread the gauze with liniment.

To protect the territory

If bloodsuckers also infest your home, then you can treat the area with the prepared solution. You will need lemon ammonia, mint mouthwash, and lemon-scented soap. Mix the ingredients to form a liquid substance and treat the area.

I admit that lemon and mint could scare off gadflies or horseflies, but the concentration of the product should be prohibitive. Otherwise, there is virtually no effectiveness. Or use in combination with special anti-mosquito coils. But just a lemon-mint cocktail turned out to be ineffective.

Alina, Vladivostok

Lemon-mint cocktail to protect the area from pests

Site protection

Scare away the gadfly and horsefly from summer cottage Some crops may. They are planted between beds with ordinary plants or along the perimeter. For these purposes you can use:

  • Dalmatian chamomile;
  • tomatoes;
  • cloves;
  • basil;
  • bird cherry;
  • anise

When considering the question of what repels horseflies and gadflies, one should also indicate pine aromas. Infusions are made from spruce needles or simply laid out around the area. Also, before going to the habitats of gadflies and horseflies, you should carefully consider your clothing. It should be as dense as possible, as far as the temperature regime of the area allows. Some experts suggest wearing sweaters and pants made of thick fabric so that the thickness of the material exceeds the length of the bloodsucker’s proboscis.

On a note!

Additional protection will be provided by the absence of black color in clothes, since it is this color that attracts insects.

Thus, it is very difficult to fight gadflies or horse flies. They are resistant to many poisons and can withstand even unpleasant odors. Therefore, in order to count on full protection, you should approach the issue only in a comprehensive manner. Simultaneous use of chemicals and correct form clothing will significantly increase the chances of remaining without bites.

Effective remedies for gadfly and horsefly bites: folk remedies, medicines

Gadflies and horseflies are insects that exist by sucking the blood of people and animals. In the warm season, almost all living organisms are susceptible to bites from these pests. Today we will look at pharmacy and folk remedies for gadfly bites.

Symptoms and danger of a bite

An insect bite is accompanied by painful sensations, after which the skin thickens and turns red. After this, the blood may ooze for a long time and not clot, and the person feels a burning and itching sensation. Usually the symptoms persist for several days, but sometimes allergies occur in the form of a rash, local swelling, and fever. We will tell you how to deal with such symptoms below.

What not to do?

It is necessary to use an effective remedy for horsefly and gadfly bites, but it is important not to scratch the affected area so as not to cause wounds and dermatitis.

Read also: what to do if you are bitten by a tick?

Traditional methods

There are numerous folk remedies for horsefly bites that can be used in the absence of pharmaceutical drugs. The first thing to do is wash the affected area with soap and water to minimize contamination by dangerous bacteria. Next, you need to relieve the swelling by applying ice or something cold.

  1. Plantain juice. Rub one leaf of the plant to extract some juice and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  2. Dandelion juice. Use this remedy from gadfly bites by analogy with plantain.
  3. Onion. Grind the onion to a pulp and apply it to the body.
  4. Saline solution. When nothing is at hand, a remedy for horsefly and gadfly bites can be made from ordinary salt and water: one spoon per glass of water. Moisten a cotton swab or gauze and apply to the skin.
  5. Lotions with vodka.
  6. Soda. Dilute a spoonful of baking soda in water and add a little salt. Apply the remedy for horsefly bites as a wet bandage.

Pharmacy drugs

You can buy special remedies for gadfly bites at the pharmacy. These can be drugs for internal use, parenteral administration, lotions and local therapy.

  1. Antihistamines. These include Claritin, Loratadine, Suprastin, Cetrin and Tavegil. Designed to combat severe swelling and allergic reactions.
  2. Glucocorticoid ointments. These anti-inflammatory drugs include Kremgen, Prednisolone and Sinaflan ointment, Triderm, Trimistin. Suitable for the treatment of allergic swelling and bumps after a horsefly bite with lotions.
  3. Dimexide. Compresses with this remedy for horsefly bites cannot be used for allergic reactions. The main indication is local swelling and infiltration. Dimexide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 4. Additionally, Heparin or Hydrocortisone can be added.
  4. Operation. For serious complications pharmaceutical products Gadfly bites do not help and you have to resort to surgery. This happens when the wound suppurates, painful bumps appear and larvae are deposited in the skin. For pain relief, the specialist makes an incision in the skin and removes the affected tissue, after which a bandage with ointment is applied to the wound.

Typically, the listed healing agents are required by children and people with weak immunity, allergies and certain diseases. In other cases, therapy is not required, since the human immune defense itself copes with the consequences of the bite.

How to treat a gadfly bite: medications and folk remedies

The gadfly is a large fly. People call it horsefly. Actually it's various insects. The horsefly feeds on blood, but for the gadfly, those nutrients, which are stored at the larval stage, so the gadfly does not live long. It is very easy to recognize a gadfly. While on vacation, horseflies and gadflies constantly buzz overhead, creating sharp circular movements.

What does a gadfly bite look like?

You can recognize that a gadfly has bitten you by the following signs:

  1. Two small holes are visible on the skin. During a bite, a person feels severe, sharp pain.
  2. The bleeding from the wound does not stop for some time.
  3. The skin around the bite instantly becomes red and itches unbearably. This occurs because the insect injects toxic substances under the skin.
  4. Swelling forms around the bitten area and increases in size.

After a bite, the wound can fester, giving the victim a certain pain sensation at the slightest touch. If timely medical assistance is not provided, the situation worsens and the abscess grows.

When the fly pierces the skin, it releases toxic substances that penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body. This reaction may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Temperature rise above 38 degrees.
  • Arises headache which can last for a long time.
  • The patient experiences attacks of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

In addition to such signs, the strongest allergic reaction.

Allergic reaction

How to recognize that a patient has developed an allergy to a gadfly bite. IN medical practice There are cases of death after a bloodsucker bite. This happens due to extensive allergies and failure to provide timely qualified assistance.

Allergic reaction to a gadfly sting

An allergy looks like this:

  1. The swelling spreads to healthy areas of the skin.
  2. Not only the lesion, but also the skin throughout the body can itch.
  3. The pain does not go away even after a long time.
  4. Vertical position the patient is very difficult, with severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
  5. The patient is indifferent to his surroundings.
  6. The motor system is paralyzed. It is difficult for a person to move; every movement causes sharp pain throughout the body and rapid fatigue. Spontaneous release of urine and feces is possible.

You may be interested in: Remedy for horseflies - choosing the best to protect humans and livestock

Treatment of an insect bite

Most often, bites occur in nature, and even minimal antiseptic is not at hand. It is still worth providing first aid. For this, herbs that grow right under your feet are suitable.

The most effective means are:

  • Plantain. Fresh leaves must be picked and washed with water to remove dust. Next, prepare a paste from them and apply to the wound. Useful material will relieve itching and prevent swelling from spreading. After the product has dried, the procedure is repeated.
  • Dandelion. No less effective against a gadfly bite. Also wash the dandelion leaves with water, chop them and apply them to the bite, press down with a cloth bandage or bandage. This natural antiseptic will prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process and also minimize the spread of infection inside the body.
  • Baking soda will help. Prepare an alkaline solution: take 1 tsp per 250 ml of water. soda, stir. Apply applications to the damaged area.
  • If you have dry ice on hand, then apply it to the hearth for about 10 minutes with short breaks.

In addition to the listed folk remedies and herbs, you can use sour cream, kefir, tomato, and potatoes.

Before you begin self-medication, you need to follow some rules. First, wash the bite with soap and water. This will eliminate bacteria that are present on the surface of the skin. Next you need to eliminate the toxic liquid from upper layers skin with lung help pressing. Thus, part of the toxic substance will not penetrate into the body. This will reduce the degree of intoxication. Then use the means at hand.

Important! In case of a bite by a blood-sucking insect and after providing first aid, try to get the patient to the doctor as quickly as possible so that complications do not arise.

  1. After detecting a wound, even if the patient does not have an allergy, it is necessary to use antihistamines. This helps reduce swelling and itching. Of these products you may need: Suprastin, Tavegil, Cetrin, Loratadine, etc.
  2. In addition, the wound can be treated with hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine solution.
  3. To reduce pain, use painkillers: Nimesulide, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. In addition, they will have an antipyretic effect.
  4. To make the wound heal faster and prevent suppuration, use: Bepanten, Fenistil and other wound-healing creams, gels and ointments.

If this treatment does not help, and the wound begins to fester, symptoms of severe allergies appear, you should contact an infectious disease specialist. The doctor will examine the bitten area and prescribe more effective treatment.

The presence of a wound on the skin for a long time, as well as its failure to heal, occurs due to the presence of a gadfly larva under the skin. Its presence is determined visually by the doctor. In order to eliminate it, it is necessary to interrupt the flow of oxygen under the skin. To do this, apply a tight bandage to the surface, before this the skin is generously lubricated with any greasy cream.

Important! Limited air access will force the fly larva to crawl to the surface, after which it is carefully pulled out using tweezers. After extraction little worm a rather noticeable hole forms on the skin that needs to be treated antiseptics.

All manipulations can be done at home, but under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to introduce additional infection into the wound.


Prevention of gadfly bites

To prevent gadfly bites, follow these recommendations:

  1. When outdoors, use repellents that will ward off annoying insects.
  2. Do not leave your car or tent open, as flies will get into the space and may bite you at night.
  3. Keep a close eye on children, as the gadfly's bite is especially dangerous for them.
  4. When packing for vacation, take with you the essentials (first aid kit) to provide first aid.
  5. Wear light-colored clothing. Colored and dark things attract insects.
  6. Mosquitoes do not like odorous herbs such as wormwood and tansy. You can place several branches near you and your children.

Read also: Horsefly and gadfly: differences between similar insects


A gadfly bite is very dangerous for humans and should not be ignored. The symptoms are scary, as are the consequences. If you do not have the means at hand to help the patient, do not waste time and immediately take the patient to the nearest medical center.

What to do if you are bitten by mosquitoes, gadflies and horse flies

Allergic reactions due to bites of blood-sucking insects are a fairly common occurrence in the summer. People who already have allergies are most susceptible to them. Another risk group is children. The smaller the child, the higher the risk of allergies.

Mosquito bite

When faced with a mosquito bite, it is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to scratch the bite site, so you need to quickly get rid of the itching. There are many simple home remedies to help with this.

Add a little baking soda to one tablespoon boiled water, the consistency is thick semolina porridge. The medicine is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin and covered with a damp cloth. The soda should be changed every three hours. In adults, the itching subsides after five to ten minutes, in children – after a quarter of an hour, as their body reacts more sharply to the lesion. A damp bandage or clean cloth can be dipped in baking soda and placed on the bite site. Itching and fever are relieved. This method works well even for small children.

Quickly eliminates itching and redness at the bite site ammonia. They wipe the affected area every fifteen minutes. An hour later o mosquito bite you can forget.

Relieves itching and is suitable for everyone, a medicine made from milk and water. Two tablespoons of milk are mixed with two tablespoons of water and the tampon is soaked in the mixture. They wipe the bite once every five minutes for a quarter of an hour. After this, the itching subsides. You can lubricate the affected area with lemon juice. The therapeutic effect will not be long in coming.

A gadfly bite is not just severe pain and itching at the site of the bite, but often an allergic reaction. With multiple bites, there may be an increase in body temperature, general weakness and poor health. Single bites most often do not cause general reactions.

Treatment for a gadfly bite

Immediately wash the bite area with soap and water. warm water. If you have hydrogen peroxide, then drop a few drops on the wound, then lubricate it with a solution of brilliant green or Fukortsin.

If a gadfly has bitten a child and the pain does not go away within half an hour, you can give him a weak painkiller such as Nurofen for children, Panadol or Efferalgan in a minimal dosage.

Folk remedies for bites:

Tear fresh plantain leaves, rinse, crush, apply the pulp to the itchy bite, and apply a loose bandage on top.

Dandelion juice and stem. Processed in a similar way to plantain leaf;

Regular bow- a paste is made and applied to the bite site. It is permissible to simply soak a paper napkin in onion juice and apply it to the wound.

How not to attract the attention of gadflies and horse flies

Gadflies are attracted to colorful and bright colors, so use solid, soft colors in your clothes. Gadflies love sunlight very much; it is best to rest in shady places.

Chamomile is a very simple means of repelling gadflies and horse flies. It is enough to set fire to a few stems of the plant, smell the smoke, and you are guaranteed protection. Tansy will also help protect you. Place a few branches in the tent and sleep peacefully.

Horsefly bite

One of the main manifestations of a horsefly bite is swelling due to components of the horsefly saliva that become trapped under the skin during the bite. The degree of development of edema depends on the specific type of insect and the immune activity of the body. Horseflies rarely bite humans. But, if this happens, then you definitely need to navigate possible options first aid:

Pressing the bite site with a hard object. This will reduce the rate of spread of the allergic components of the insect's saliva and reduce pain;

Cooling the affected area. Pursues the same goals as pressing;

Wash the bitten area with cool water and toilet or laundry soap. You can apply a compress - a damp cloth or gauze napkin is generously rubbed with soap and applied to the bite site.

Treating the skin with any antiseptic solution (alcohol, brilliant green, iodine, fucorcin, peroxide, dekasan, chlorhexidine). As with a gadfly bite, sometimes you have to make do with what is at hand: plantain or dandelion pulp, or onion applied to the site of the horsefly bite.

A compress of concentrated saline solution. It is enough to dilute a spoonful of salt in a glass of water and place such a compress on the bitten area.

Vodka lotions - with dissolving salt in vodka.

Baking soda solution. Dilute a large spoon of soda in plain or boiled water. You can also add a spoon of salt. The resulting solution is applied as a wet, dry dressing.

Arkhangelsk Center for Medical Prevention

(Based on an article by Lyudmila Koretskaya, infectious disease doctor,