How to remember the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help. How to improve your Russian grammar

How to remember the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help.  How to improve your Russian grammar
How to remember the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help. How to improve your Russian grammar


Without knowing the rules, you cannot master proper writing.

You must understand main idea rules, the essence of it.

A competent teacher will always structure a lesson in such a way that the student is not an object, but a subject of learning. He must teach the child not to receive ready-made knowledge, but to obtain it himself.

If a student comes to a discovery on his own during a lesson, then learning the rules is not difficult, because he understands what they mean we're talking about.

Studying the spelling of the letters “i”, “s” after “ts”, students easily remember the exception words using the funny phrase: “A gypsy tiptoed to a chicken.” If you add an illustration of how funny a gypsy sneaks up on a chicken, then learning this rule will not cause any difficulties.

If children can identify parts of speech, this will also simplify the process of understanding the rule.

When learning the rules regarding punctuation marks, the ability to clearly see the structure of a sentence and highlight its parts will help you.

Learn to work with sentence diagrams. In graphical form using a diagram, the rule is much easier to remember.


  • how to remember the rules

Rules are various kinds of generally accepted norms. Without rules, human life would be chaos. Rules accompany us everywhere: on the street, at a party, in in public places etc. We are taught many norms of behavior from childhood, and we take them for granted. But there are rules that we must study, without which it is impossible to obtain an education or master a profession. These include, for example, the rules of the Russian language, various laws. Memorizing a huge number of such norms will help you successfully apply them in practice.

You will need

  • - textbook
  • - collection of tasks (exercises)


Tune in to memorize the rule, determine how much time you will need for this. Learn the rules in a hurry and under the influence of any distractions (TV,).
Decide for yourself why you are memorizing - just to answer in class, or will you need it in later life.

Read the rule carefully, pronouncing each word clearly.
To successfully remember a rule, you need to understand the essence of its content. To do this, you need to determine the meaning of each word in it.
Keywords can be underlined or highlighted in color. This way, visual memory will work faster, and when you subsequently play the rule, you will remember the highlighted words.
In addition to highlighting keywords, if possible, it would be effective to present this rule graphically, for example, in the form of a diagram or table.
In order to better understand the content of the rule, you can reformulate it, if possible. For example, the rule has the following structure: “If there is..., then we do...”. Let's put it this way: “We do... when there is...”.
If a rule consists of several points, then first think about each part separately. To remember, associate the content of each item. These could be cause-and-effect relationships between them, or the use of all points in one specific situation.
Use your imagination and creative imagination and try to figuratively imagine the content of the rule. This technique is actively used by kindergarten teachers when explaining any norms to children.

Connect new knowledge with previously learned knowledge. This way you will refresh your memory of the material you have covered and, in comparison with it, you will better remember the new one. New information It's easier to remember when you already have knowledge about the topic.

After the formulation of a rule, it is usually followed by its application in practice. Check them out. Compare the phenomena that are in the sample with those mentioned in the rule.
Complete the suggested training exercises to consolidate the acquired knowledge. As you perform them, recite the wording of the rule.
Follow various types exercises, so you will remember possible nuances of this rule.
Repeat the contents of the rule even when you “automatically” use it in practice. This will allow you to confirm it correct application.

Retell the rule to someone close to you or repeat it to yourself by closing the . It is also helpful if someone reads the first part of the rule to you and you continue. Or vice versa, you are asked in what case something specific is being done, and you name this condition.

Video on the topic


When you remember the rule, try not to be distracted by extraneous matters and thoughts.

Helpful advice

It is best to remember the rules in the morning or evening.


  • How to remember correctly in 2019

Mastery of spelling rules determines a person's literacy level. This aspect greatly influences his professional image. Russian spelling norms cover such sections as roots with alternating vowels, combined and separate spelling of “not” with different parts of speech, vowels after sibilants; continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words, as well as rules spelling consoles.

Rules spelling consoles are needed not only to regulate the correct graphic design of a word. In some cases, one or another spelling of the prefix may affect. For example, " " means to be in some place long time, and “to arrive” means to arrive somewhere. In addition, the prefix can help in “deciphering” the meaning of the word. Thus, the prefix gives meaning high degree quality or action, and it can be replaced with the words “very”, “very” (for example: pleasant, successful). In other cases, the meaning is acquired “through”, “in a different way”, as in the prefix re-, (for example: transgress, transform). The prefix pri-, in turn, can create a semantic meaning of spatial proximity (for example: coastal, ); additions, approximations, accessions (for example: attach, nail, adjoin); incomplete action (for example: open, pause), bringing an action to completion (for example: invent, prepare), performing an action in someone’s interests (for example: hide, save). The phonetic features of the language also influence consoles. The choice of consonant “s” or “z” without-/bes-, voz-/vos-, vz-/vs-, from-/is-, niz-/nis-, raz-/ras- depends on the subsequent sound. They are written with the letter “z” before vowels and voiced consonants (b, v, g, d, g, z, l, m, n, p) and with the letter “s” before voiceless consonants (k, p, s, t , f, x, c, h, w, sch). For example: irrevocable -, wound - scare, spread - open. However, it must be remembered that the prefix s- always remains the same, regardless of whether it is before a voiceless or voiced consonant (for example: do - cut, scrape - rake).Rules spelling consoles also regulate the graphic transmission of words with foreign language post-, sub-, -, dez-, counter-, trans-, post-, pan-. In these cases, the root begins with the vowel “and”, unlike spelling words with Russian prefixes, where instead of “and” there are “s” (for example: find, play along). Exceptions are the prefixes inter- and super-, after which “and” is retained (for example: super-interesting).

I think this will help:
step 1. open the textbook
step 2. read the rule
step 3. read it again
step 4. 1. Write letters. A study conducted in 2008 at Kyoto University showed that if you spend 15-20 minutes remembering and writing down your sad thoughts and minor troubles that have happened recently before you start cramming, your study efficiency will increase dramatically. The fact is that we remember everything negative a priori very well. And all the information that arrives immediately after the epistolary outpourings will be perceived by the brain as “bad” by inertia, and therefore will be reliably recorded. Not the most fun method, but it really works.
2. Take care of nature. It turns out that the tradition of domestic students to prepare for exams at their dachas is very wise. Three years ago, psychologists from the University of Michigan found that contemplating nature increases cognitive function by as much as 20%. By the way, you don’t have to go out into this very nature; you can just look at the photographs for 5-10 minutes.
3. Scream louder. Words are remembered 10% better if you shout them. It is not necessary, of course, to yell “cat!” or “go for a walk!” at the whole house. It is enough to say each word loudly and clearly several times.
4. Be more expressive. Another tip for learning difficult languages: sign all the words and phrases you learn. Literally: if you are learning the conjugation of the verb “jump” - jump. And if you need to learn a dialogue or a complex phrase, act out a skit. You'll see, everything will be remembered amazingly quickly.
5. Listen to yourself. Having learned some information, speak it into the recorder. And when you fall asleep, turn on this recording quietly - you need to sleep to it. It's amazing effective way in order to consolidate already familiar but poorly remembered things.
6. Don't sit still. Learn poems, textbooks and reports by making circles around the room. The fact is that walking activates your brain, and your ability to remember increases significantly.
7. Change your surroundings. If you need to prepare for two exams (or meetings) in one evening, do it in different rooms. The information that we remember under different circumstances is not mixed up in our heads.
8. Throw out words. A super way to learn a large amount of continuous text, for example, the words of a song or a report. Rewrite this text, leaving only the first letter of each word, and learn it, trying to remember these words. Naturally, at first you will have to look at the original, but in the end you will only need to look at the truncated version and the text will instantly come to mind. This cheat sheet is very convenient to take with you.
9. Get more sleep. The longer you sleep after you've learned something, the better you'll remember that information the next morning. Sleepless nights, on the contrary, significantly impair memory. It’s better to sleep a couple of hours before the exam than to try to learn “a couple more tickets.”
10. Play sports! A lot of research has been conducted on this topic, and everything has been confirmed: aerobic exercise improves cerebral circulation and memory. Do Fit-bo or dance before sitting down to read your books: you can even learn “Eugene Onegin” by heart. Well, or at least the first stanza.

Memos of rules and definitions

These “reminders” will help your child remember some school rules and definitions.


A bisector is a rat that runs around the corners and divides the corners in half.
The median is a monkey, it goes along the sides and divides the sides in half.
Pythagorean pants are equal in all directions.

Russian language

Cases: Ivan Gave Birth to a Girl, Ordered to Drag the Diaper!
We don’t confuse putting on and putting on: Putting on clothes, putting on Nadezhda.
To memorize voiceless consonants (very useful thing at phonetic analysis words): STYOPKA, DO YOU WANT A CHECK? Fi! (STPKHCHSHSHCTsF)

Ramrod, prim and blinkers, seam, gooseberries and gluttons,
chocolate, highway, driver - that's the whole set.

In a children's fairy tale, Kolobok could roll on the grass
no boots, no boots, no socks and no stockings.

Six hectares of oranges, apples, pears and tangerines,
There are five beds of eggplants; there are no tomatoes to collect.

People are respected by Turkmen, Tatars, Uzbeks,
among Tajiks and Armenians, among Mongols and Gypsies,
among the Yakuts and Tungus, among the Bashkirs and Belarusians,
among the Kyrgyz and Georgians, among the Buryats and Ossetians

Unstressed vowels at the root of a word
If a vowel letter is in doubt, immediately put it under stress!
In the city of Bordeaux, on Bordovoy Street, the sunset is crimson and crimson.
There is wind on the veranda. On the Toys Showcase.
The troll was walking along the sidewalk, and the cat ate the egg.

The letter Y after T in the root of the word
The gypsy stood on tiptoes and pointed at the chicken.
The gypsy on tiptoe stole the chicken and said “Tsyts!”

To correctly determine the initial form of a verb: do not change the form, do not lose -SY.
Questions that are answered by adverbs: where, when, where, from, how, why and why.

Hyphen in indefinite pronouns
This, something, either, or – don’t forget the dash.
Either, something, something, then, yet - don’t forget
Write with a hyphen as a preposition with the word from. (from behind, from under)
Something, or, then, or - don’t forget the dash,
But you should write down the particles separately.
Either, something, that, or another needs to be tightened with a dash!

N and NN in adjectives
Onn, enn - write two N; an, yang, in - write N one!
Adjectives with the suffix -YAN-: exceptions: look at the window to remember which adjectives contain double N: in the window glass glass, wooden frame and tin latches and handles.

Sibilant adverbs - exceptions
I can't bear to get married.

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words
It’s both terrible and dangerous to write the letter T in vain!
Everyone knows how charming it is to write the letter T appropriately!
Interesting: not wonderful, not wonderful,
And it’s terrible and dangerous to write the letter T in vain.
Chuvilin feels that they sympathize with him.
What a wonderful day it is today,
The sun is shining festively in the sky,
Illuminates the area and surroundings,
And with its warmth it invigorates the heart,
But the cow lies in the pasture,
Brown eyes look sad,
Because her shepherd is harsh
"Hello!" I didn't say today.

Socks and stockings
Short socks - a long word: socks,
Long stockings - short word: stocking.

Punctuation sequence
In order to remember correct order marks at the end of a question-exclamation sentence (?!), use the alphabetical principle. So: interrogative - exclamatory, since the letter P is in the alphabet before the letter C, then at the end of the interrogative-exclamatory sentence you must first put “?”, and then “!”.

Conjugation of verbs
Drive, hold, look and see,
Breathe, hear, hate,
And depend, and twist, and offend, and endure -
You will remember, friends,
They cannot be conjugated with E.
To the second conjugation
We will take it without a doubt
All verbs that are in -it,
Excluding shaving, laying.
And also: look, offend,
hear, see, hate,
drive, breathe, hold, endure,
And depend and twist.
Hear, see, hate,
And depend, and offend,
Drive, hold, endure, turn,
And also breathe, look!

Emphasis on words
We ate cakes for a long time - the shorts didn’t fit!
The bell rings, the bell rings,
So that you can remember correctly.
Calls and says.
Thekla is red, like a beet!
Baba Thekla is in the garden, she has beets in her garden!
The emphasis is on the word sorrel: they cut down the spruce, picked the sorrel.
Don't say catalogue, just catalogue. What about cottage cheese? You can have cottage cheese, or you can have cottage cheese!
The Phenomenon calls on Wednesdays, having accepted a yearly agreement.
He gave the esOrt experts the application for the airport.
Emphasis on the word scarves:
Like our Martha has striped scarves!
I took flour and took cottage cheese and baked a crumbly pie.

Double consonants
Number of S in the word art: 1/2. In first place - one, in second - two.
A fraudster stole one N from a worker!

Alternating vowels in the root of a word
Collect, wash, bully - take a closer look:
If the name Ira is in a word, then the root letter is I.
If after the root there is A, the root will always have I.
Here's an example, remember: Did you wipe your feet? - Wipe it off!
Donkey rule IA (for roots with alternating vowels):
if the root is A, write I at the root. For example, shine.
We’ll write JAPK the only way, we can’t write JAPK without it.

Members of the sentence
Questions answered by circumstances:
Seven questions are just a miracle
Remember them simply as: where? Where? When? where? Why? For what? And How?

Due to rain, due to storm
Instead of warmth, the winds blew.
For this reason, throughout the day, throughout the day
There is talk about the weather.
What worries me is not whether to wait for warmth,
How to write these words:
Thunder thundered throughout the day,
A dam broke in the flow of the river.
Keep in mind, I won't fix it,
I'd rather take part in the investigation
About this grammatical disaster.
I'll learn later.

Words with the letter “yat” (analogous to “e”)
b(e)ly, b(e)d, b(e)d b(e)s
Ub(e)zhat according to sl(e)du in l(e)s,
L(e)shim by l(e)su he b(e)gal,
R(e)dkoy with hr(e)nom ob(e)gave
And for the b(e)day that about(e)d
Gave ob(e)t over(e)lat b(e)d.
Eat some more of these soft French rolls and drink some tea! - this phrase contains all the letters of the Russian alphabet.

To remember star classes:
One Shaved Englishman Chews Dates Like Carrots.
Remember the order of the planets solar system You can use the first letters of the words in the phrase:
We know that Yulia’s mother took pills this morning! (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).
The order of the planets of the solar system according to the first letters of the words:
The planets are not difficult for the youngest child to remember, knowing Venus and Mercury.
There lived an astrologer on the Moon, he kept count of the planets.
Mercury - one, Venus - two, sir,
Three - Earth, Four - Mars
Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus, Eight - Neptune.
Nine - the farthest is Pluto,
If you don't see it, get out.

If you try really hard, you can read right away:
Three, fourteen, fifteen, ninety-two and six.
You just have to try and remember everything as it is - three, fourteen, fifteen, ninety-two and six.
The square root of two can be remembered as follows:
1.4142135624 = I'm Tanya, I'm a fool, but I found the root of two. (Each number corresponds to the number of letters in the word.)
The formula for differentiating a product: d(UV) = U?dV + V?dU To easily remember the formula, you can replace its right side with the phrase: “Strangle it and into the water.”
An easy way to memorize the multiplication table for 9: put two hands on the table and raise the finger according to the count by which 9 is multiplied. Before the raised finger there will be tens, after one - this is the answer. For example: raise the fourth finger, before it there are three to three tens, after it there are six to six units, which means 4x9 = 36

average speed thermal movement particle v=sqrt(3kT/m) is remembered as three cats for meat, (m is the mass of a Brownian particle, v is its speed, k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is temperature, sqrt is the square root).

The red litmus indicator will clearly indicate the acid! Blue litmus indicator - the alkali is here, don’t stand there gaping!
Phenolphthalein in raspberry alkalis.
Aluminum, ferrum, chromium - their valency is three.
Sodium, potassium, silver are monovalent goodness.

The word DAMAN indicates which syllable the stress falls on in the three-syllable meters of the verse: DACTIL - 1st syllable, AMFIBRACHY - 2nd syllable, ANapest - 3rd syllable.

About the sights of St. Petersburg
The author of the design of the rostral columns, the Arrow and the Exchange is Thomas de Thomon.
Palace Square was decorated with a panorama of the Alexander Pillar - the creation of Montferrand.
The Blue Bridge is the widest, about a hundred meters. Check it out for yourself.
One of Peter’s wonderful ideas is the Kunstkamera, the first Russian museum.
Islands. There are forty-two of them, and around is the Neva River.
Architect Rastrelli. Winter Palace. The Baroque style is a wonderful crown.
Atlanteans - marble guards - guard the masterpieces of the Hermitage.
The Admiralty building is a glorious one - the construction of the architect Zakharov.
Moika is famous for its colored bridges: Yellow, Green, Red and Blue.
Vasilyevsky Island. From here, from the Harbor, the fleet sets off on a long voyage.

Russian is the most widespread of the Slavic languages ​​and the 6th total number carriers. Therefore, many people strive to learn Russian for work and career prospects, some need it for education, and others want to get to know Russian culture better.

In this article we will give you 10 practical advice, which will help in learning Russian and make this process interesting and exciting.

1 - Start with the simplest

The first step to learning Russian is to master its alphabet. The Cyrillic alphabet, unlike the Latin alphabet, is based on the Greek alphabet. Because of this, many letters, although similar, mean different sounds, and some are completely unique. So, for example, the Russian letter “P” is similar to the English “R”, and the Russian “N” is nothing more than the English “N”. If you spend enough time on the alphabet and basic phonetics from the very beginning, further learning of many aspects of the language will become easier and will progress much faster.

Children's fairy tales are well suited for teaching reading; a list of them can be found on Wikipedia. They are written in simple and correct language and easy to understand. This kind of reading will help you get a feel for the basics of the language and learn how to construct sentences beautifully and correctly. More complex things are best left for later.

2 – Repetition is the mother of learning

So says the old Russian proverb. Glue leaves with Russian names on pieces of furniture, appliances, dishes and everything that surrounds you in all the places where you spend a lot of time: at home, in the office, in the car. This will help you always keep new words before your eyes and, over time, remember them without resorting to boring memorization.

3 - Write everything down

You shouldn't always rely on your memory. Especially if you are in another country and everything that surrounds you is often new phenomena. Always keep a notebook handy, or mobile phone, in which you can quickly and conveniently take notes. At the end of each day, review your notes; there will certainly be something worth remembering.

4 - Always stay in touch

VKontakte is the Russian analogue of Facebook, which in many post-Soviet countries is much more popular than its older brother. Russian-speaking users are happy to make new acquaintances with foreigners, which can be very useful for language practice. Thanks to communication on social networks, you can quickly improve your knowledge spoken language, and learn someone else’s online culture. In addition, sometimes friends and acquaintances during such informal communication can much better teachers explain some phenomena and concepts.

5 – Cinema and music

For many the most in an interesting way learning another language is watching movies and listening to music. In the case of the Russian language, it will be an excellent help official channel of the Mosfilm concern, where all the old Russian films are collected. The channel has a separate playlist with films with subtitles.

Far From Moscow is an excellent platform where you can find a lot of Russian music from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. All genres and trends are represented here, and there is a lot of content that can be legally listened to and downloaded.

These resources will help not only improve your language skills themselves, but also find new topics for conversations with friends.

6 - Read in Russian

Reading develops language skills very quickly. Try to read as much Russian as possible, such as news sites and Russian-language blogs. This way you will improve your language skills and be able to delve more deeply into the Russian mentality, culture and everyday life. In the end, it’s just interesting to read how the same events are written about in different countries.

7 - Never refuse invitations

Russians sometimes seem not very friendly and cold, but this is only until you find yourself at their home. If you are invited to a party, or just for tea, then be sure that you will be treated to the best food and shared with you unusual stories. Such lively and relaxed communication is a great way to improve your speaking skills, learn new things about the culture and make friends.

8 – Visit a Russian-speaking country

Complete immersion in the language environment is the most the right way start speaking Russian quickly. In the vastness former USSR The Russian language is very widespread, it is not necessary to go directly to Russia - you can find cities in other countries where Russian is one of the main languages ​​of communication. Such a place can be found even in European Union. For example, the city of Daugavpils in Latvia: for 80% of its residents Russian is their native language, and 96% of residents speak Russian fluently. In Daugavpils, standard modern Russian without any accent is used as the main language for communication, which makes this city a very attractive place to study it.

If possible, it is better to live not in a hotel, but in a family where the main language of communication is Russian. Many language training programs provide this opportunity. This way you will never fall out of the language environment, and you will be forced to speak Russian, which will certainly bear fruit over time.

9 - Find someone to talk to

Finding an interlocutor for whom Russian is a native language is not so difficult. You can use social networks, but if you are in a Russian-speaking country, be sure to find someone to spend time with. This will not only help you make new friendships, but will also help you get involved in learning the language faster.

The main thing to remember is that if your goal is language, then you should not forget about the need to write down and remember everything new. Analyze your meetings every time, learn new words and expressions. Thus, with each subsequent “lesson” you will feel more confident, which means you will be ready for more difficult things.

10 - Find a new hobby

Do you like to cook? Ask your friends to teach you how to cook some traditional dishes. Are you into music? Learn several traditional songs and several popular modern Russian compositions. Dive deeper into Russian culture. This will make you an even more interesting conversationalist and allow you to better understand the Russian mentality. This way you can find faster mutual language with Russian-speaking people and you will be able to gain much more conversational experience.

Russian culture and the language, which is an integral part of it, are incredibly interesting and, therefore, attract many. We are confident that the tips we have given you will simplify the process of learning Russian. If you are interested in courses to learn this language, which provide a unique cultural experience and practice, be sure to check out the information on our website. Don't be afraid of difficulties and learn Russian!

Many schoolchildren are faced with a situation where they simply need to quickly learn a poem, but there is practically no time left for this. Exists effective technique, which answers the question how to quickly learn a poem at recess, even before the lesson, ensuring accelerated memorization. Let's be honest: the technique is not very simple, but if you want, you can master it.

Instructions for learning

  1. In order to quickly learn a verse, you should read it out loud 2-3 times.
  2. During the reading process, it is better to use the method of associations, mentally imagining the picture referred to in the poem. Something must remain in your head after this.
  3. The poem needs to be read one more time, but at a slower pace, trying to remember the form and tenses of the words.
  4. In order to connect another type of memory, you need to rewrite the poem on paper. In this case, it is worth saying the poem out loud. You should not skip this moment, as it will allow you to learn the verse even faster.
  5. In order to simplify the memorization process, you can break each stanza of the poem into several even smaller parts.
  6. You need to directly memorize a verse only from the sheet of paper on which it was copied. Read the first line several times, and then repeat it out loud, without looking at the sheet. Then you should read the first and second lines together, and then repeat them out loud all together. Next, you should do the same with the first, second and third lines, adding one more each time. However, it is not at all necessary to learn an entire poem in this way. A new cycle can be started with 4–8 lines.
  7. Sometimes it happens that some places in a poem cannot be memorized. Basically, this happens at the junction of so-called cycles. Therefore, you can write a cheat sheet on your hand with the word with which a cycle that is difficult to remember begins.
  8. This method of memorizing poetry is very effective and allows anyone, even without any training, to learn several pages of text in 1 hour. However, if you have a little more time left, then start memorizing the verse 2 days before it is due. First day this process you need to spend 20 minutes before bed, and in the second increase this time to 1 hour. After all, it’s no secret that at night a person comprehends what he has learned. As a result, a poem memorized in this way will bounce off like teeth.

We recommend bookmarking this page ( press Ctrl+D). Problems with memorization may occur if you do not get enough sleep. To improve your memory, try to sleep at least 7 hours a day, breathe fresh air, spend more time in nature, play sports.

How to learn a rule in 5 minutes (Russian)

School students often wonder why they are asked learn the rules of the Russian language. They spend a lot of time memorizing, but often in vain, because the level of literacy does not increase from this. This is because the rules are not learned automatically; they need to be understood and comprehended. This cheat sheet article contains recommendations for students: how to learn a rule in 5 minutes (Russian). It will talk about fast, but the right way learning the rules of the Russian language.

Why you need to learn Russian

Learning your native language comes first in the system school education any country. Our native Russian language is given more time than other subjects. This is not surprising, because you can study it throughout your life and discover new knowledge every time. Without a sufficiently extensive vocabulary and use of them in correct value It is impossible to formulate your thoughts competently and logically. And diligent study of the subject makes it possible to understand the meaning literary works different eras up to the present, as well as achieve rapid mutual understanding with interlocutors.

How to quickly and permanently learn the rules of the Russian language

1. You should definitely get ready to learn the rules. You cannot do this hastily and with devices that make noise and sounds (cassette recorder, TV, computer) turned on. You need to decide on the purpose of memorization: learn only in order to answer the teacher or knowledge of the rule will be useful throughout life.

2. The rule must be read thoughtfully, pronouncing all the words clearly. For best result Be sure to understand the meaning of what is written. Without knowledge lexical meaning With the words used in the rule, this is impossible. The main (key) words should be underlined with a pencil or highlighted with a colored marker (if this is not a library textbook!). The underlined words will help when reproducing the rule from memory, since the visual form of memory will be involved. It may help to present the rule in the form of a graphical, easy-to-understand diagram or table. This will take no more than 5 minutes.

Reformulating it (if possible) can help in understanding the meaning of the rule.

If a rule contains several subclauses, then each of them should be considered separately. And when memorizing the content of all subparagraphs, you need to connect them. Helps you learn the rule creative thinking and fantasy, if you try to imagine a picture of what the rule says.

3. A new rule will be easier to learn if you connect it with previously studied material. Already studied information with new knowledge will be better absorbed when they are compared.

4. Rules are usually illustrated with examples, which you need to familiarize yourself with and compare these examples with the information that explains the meaning of the rule. It is advisable to perform suitable exercises to consolidate what you have learned. As you work, do not forget to repeat the rule, saying it out loud.

5. It is useful to retell the learned material to one of your relatives or to yourself (the textbook should be closed). You can try this option: someone close to you reads the beginning of the rule, but you need to finish it. Or this: answer under what conditions it will be written or said correctly.

Love for the native language is instilled in childhood, and knowledge of the basics of spelling and speaking is necessary for every person. Without knowledge of the rules of the Russian language and the ability to apply them in practice, it is impossible to fully use the language as a powerful tool for communication between people.

How to learn English in 5 minutes?

English is considered an international language, which occupies an important place in communication, commercial and industrial activities and cooperation between countries. Most of us love to travel and understand that we cannot do without knowledge of this language.

For many students it is important to learn English language quickly to pass an international exam to improve your qualifications. Today, knowledge of this language is required in almost all industries: medicine, trade, economics, etc. But not everyone has time to study a foreign language.

Is it possible to learn English in 5 minutes?

If you spend at least 5 minutes of your time throughout the whole day learning new foreign words, the results will be noticeable in the near future. The knowledge gained in such short sessions will gradually accumulate and will be beneficial in the future.

Methods for quickly mastering English

Memorizing words

There are several ways to quickly memorize foreign words:

  • To begin with, start learning English with extraordinary words, which are used in everyday communication. This will help you achieve the desired result much easier.
  • Prepare some cards. On one side write a foreign word, on the other its translation into Russian. Review the cards daily, saying the words several times and memorizing their translation. Put the learned cards aside, but don’t forget to check yourself with them periodically.
  • For words that are difficult to remember, use associative thinking. Try to match the foreign expression with associations in Russian. For example, if it is difficult for you to remember the word puddle, which means puddle, mud, pay attention to the consonance - fell, and you can immediately imagine or remember a situation where you or someone else fell into a puddle or mud. This method effectively allows you to remember words in English that are difficult for you to understand.
  • Create a notepad that you will always carry with you and write the new value into it foreign word with associations and combinations with other words or expressions.
  • Listen to foreign music or just audio recordings of spoken language.
  • Surround yourself with words that are difficult for you to remember, stick them everywhere: on the refrigerator, above the bed, on the walls so that they are always in sight.
  • Learn to speak quickly foreign language very easy.

    There are several tips that you can use to achieve good results in communicating with foreigners:

  • Read short texts using online translators, for example, news in English.
  • Watch a movie in a foreign language with Russian subtitles. This method will help you to perceive various expressions by ear, the meaning of which you will quickly begin to understand, besides, this method is also a pleasant pastime.
  • Try to communicate often with your loved ones and friends in English.
  • Translate your thoughts into a foreign language. With this method you will be able to remember new words better.
    Sing songs, read poems in English.

If you want to learn English on your own, then reading quickly and correctly will not be an easy task for you.

Foreign words are written completely differently than they are pronounced:

  • There is such a thing as transcription, used to represent sounds in English. Having studied its rules, you can learn to read foreign words correctly.
  • Read aloud. Use a dictionary in your work, learn new words and expressions, pronouncing them with the correct emphasis.
  • While reading, pay attention Special attention words with difficult pronunciation and perception of sounds.
  • Grammar

    English grammar includes many rules and exceptions that can only be remembered by studying and understanding them. If you want to learn how to write, speak, read correctly in a foreign language, then you cannot do without the basics of grammar. Having an understanding of the structure and system of this language, you can easily and quickly apply your knowledge in practice.

    Let's look at a few basic rules in English grammar:

  • Constructing a proposal. Unlike the Russian language, in English there is a certain order of sentence construction that must be followed, otherwise the meaning of the phrase may lose its meaning. At first English sentences there is always a Subject, then a Predicate, and then an Object and Circumstances (what? where? when?). Between the article and the word there is a Definition, for example, the black table - a black table.
  • Present indefinite tense ( The Present Indefinite Tense). This tense is formed by the basic form of the verb, for example, I swim - I swim, with the exception of the 3rd person singular where the ending -(e)s is added to the verb, for example, he swims - he swims. The interrogative form of a sentence is formed using the auxiliary verb do for the first person and does for the third person singular and is determined before the subject. Question word is placed before auxiliary verb, for example, what do you like to cook? What do you like to cook? Negative form of sentence is formed using the negative particle not, which is placed before the verb in the main form, for example, she does not like to cook - she does not like to cook.
  • Learning English quickly, spending a minimum of your time on it, is not a difficult task at all. If you use all the above rules and tips, you will be able to put your knowledge into practice in the near future. Remember, to achieve the desired result, you need to stick to a specific plan and study this language every day.

    How to learn the rules in 5 minutes

    Repeat them several times! And comprehend them!

    First just read it once
    Then understand this rule
    Read it again
    Then write an exercise for this rule
    Check if it's correct
    And then try to tell this rule without a book or an auxiliary thing

    I can't teach correctly

    just turn on the sound recording and fall asleep. I've seen such methods.

    We haven't seen any of these.

    just learn it, then write it and everything is ready, just tell it correctly

    thank you you helped me

    Thanks for helping me learn the rule!

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    And there are spring bells in the air,
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    Suddenly she jumped to the side with a stupid leap,
    She looks down at the ground sideways:

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    There they turn yellow under the gray bench

    Last year's wet shavings.
    The crow has all these toys,

    And the crow is so happy,
    It’s like spring, and it’s easy to breathe.

    How to quickly learn geometry?

    • Geometry textbook
    • Methodical manuals
    • Encyclopedias
    • Notebooks
    • Drawing supplies
    • One day it becomes clear that you have thoroughly neglected geometry. As a rule, awareness of this occurs at the moment when it needs to be solved very quickly, in connection with upcoming tests or exams. Of course, you won’t be able to learn everything in a couple of days, but in order to do this as quickly as possible, you will need to read the following:

      Remember the moment in time when you abandoned geometry. This will help you decide which topic to start studying the unlearned material from again. Review all the important definitions and theorems that you remember before you stopped studying the subject. This will be exactly the base from which you will build when dealing with subsequent material. As a rule, any figure can be described in different ways, for example, a circle can be represented as an equidistant set of points from some center or infinite number polygons, external corners forming its border. All this can be gleaned from previous, even incomprehensible, definitions.

      To understand how to quickly learn geometry, you also need to understand that almost all three-dimensional figures are formed by rotating flat figures, for example, a ball by rotating a circle, a cone by rotating a triangle, a cylinder by rotating a rectangle. Accordingly, some of the properties of flat figures also apply to similar stereometric ones. To describe any figure, use axioms, that is, statements that do not require proof. And based on the properties of the figure described by them, which do not need provability, it will be much easier to deal with the proofs of theorems.

      Any theorem contains only two parts: the conditions of the theorem and the conclusion. As a rule, the condition describes what needs to be proven, and the conclusion is actually the proof itself. The conclusion is based on the use of axioms or other previously proven theorems. That is why, without understanding the proof of the previous theorems, an insurmountable misunderstanding of the proof of the current one arises. That is why the sequence of study is very important in geometry.

      Also, for a better understanding of how to learn geometry, it is very important to be able to use drawing geometric shapes. This not only helps in proving simple theorems without mathematical calculations, but also activates visual memory. The geometry of the topics is interesting, which allows you to graphically depict the evidence. However, it should be taken into account that when drawing it is necessary to observe all proportions and relationships, otherwise you can get even more confused.

      Take a closer look at the teacher’s actions, how and in what form he talks new material. From this we can understand the best ways studying the subject, since teachers, as a rule, choose the most visual and rational ways of conveying information. Using the same technique, you can greatly facilitate your assimilation of the material being studied. From their methods, you will notice that the problems solved in geometry are, as a rule, typical. By applying solutions of one type or another, it is quite possible to solve more global problems piecemeal.