How to cover an ugly wall. How to cover ugly walls. Decorating dried trees

How to cover an ugly wall. How to cover ugly walls. Decorating dried trees

There is a bookcase, not bothering anyone, and suddenly - a rearrangement! The cabinet is moving, preparing to move to a new place, and there - priests! Some of the wallpaper has fallen off, some has torn, and over the years of standing it has also become dusty and dirty. Or another thriller plot: a switch, a short circuit - a black mark on the wall. Scary?

There are situations when troubles happen with walls. Where there is a flood and drips, where are children’s palms, there are cat’s claws, here is a hole. And it would be okay if there were wallpaper of the same color in stock, but no, you won’t find it in the store. What to do?

People with the means and opportunities solve the problem radically: strip the wall, prepare it, cover it with new wallpaper or paint it. And then you look - and there is a reason to renovate the entire room, and then the apartment. But what if there is no such opportunity yet, either because of time (after all, it’s not possible to buy a loaf of bread in a store), or because of funds?

A wall in almost any condition can be masked. To begin with, you can return the cabinet to its place and not suffer, and decorate the switch/socket along the contour. The hole is closed high up with a picture, decorated with a beautiful baguette, a shelf, a photograph, the hole at the bottom is a sticker, a drawing. What kind of deeds do people go to just to decorate their walls, what materials do they not use. But such measures are also suitable in our case. We are not shy, we experiment, and then we simply say that this is how it was intended.

If creativity is not an issue, you can call a herd of five to ten neighbor kids, give out a flat surface, paint and not interfere. The young Picassos will paint the wall so much that all that remains is to frame everything in wooden slats, outlining the joint masterpiece with a homemade frame. True, for some it will be quite bold.

Lovers of extravagance (and at the same time, owners of fabric cuts) decorate the wall with drapery made of fabric or curtains. Or hang fabric roller blinds. Curtains hanging to the floor look great on the windows. On the walls the visual effect is no less successful. They can be hung on baguettes or simply fixed with nails, gathered in folds or pulled over a frame. And if you take a walk, the room can even be turned into a fabulous oriental tent from the inside.

Plant lovers are not left on the sidelines either. If the wall is sufficiently illuminated, then densely growing vines are sent along it vines, ivy. They will cover up the flaws in the walls and draw attention to themselves.

In any case, the problem of the wall is not a problem for lovers of comfort and coziness. There will always be a way out.

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Home in a person's life- this is a special place in which he should feel like in paradise: relax, gain strength, love, hide from external problems. Everything in it should please the eye, thereby creating a good mood. However, there are little things that can ruin the whole interior. These include sockets, pet bowls and other items.

Editorial "So simple!" will tell you about little tricks with which you can easily hide ugly objects in your home.

Creative ideas for the home

  • If you have a pet in your house, set aside a separate drawer for its bowls. Very interesting idea!

  • You can also hide your pet’s toilet in the nightstand. And it’s not an eyesore for you, and the animal feels calm.

  • If you are are you planning a renovation? or building a new house, then be sure to take into account the idea drawers on the steps of the stairs. Very functional!

  • Use fake diamond to hide trash cans or watering systems.

  • To avoid cluttering the walls with large shelves, stack books on invisible stands. Very convenient and always arouses interest among guests.

  • Do it in one of drawers a small charging station for your gadgets.

  • Use self-adhesive tape to decorate household appliances.

  • Decorate old refrigerator wallpaper, which can be easily removed if desired.

  • If you think that the router does not fit into the interior, hide it in beautiful box or a book cover.
  • Make it out of a picture small locker. You can store jewelry and other small items in it.

  • Great idea to hide the wires.

  • Seeing off computer desk can be hidden with a curtain.

  • Decorate dangling wires with various decorative clips.

  • With just a little creativity you can hide a container of paper towels.

  • Hide the alarm remote control with the opening picture.

  • You can create more coziness if you place the TV in a frame.

  • An original solution to hide your TV and add variety to the interior of your home.

  • With the help of such simple ideas You can make your home more comfortable and remove irritating objects from view. You won't spend a lot of money and time, but you'll definitely cheer yourself up.

    In any garden there are such objects that they nullify the impression of a personal plot. And all because they do not correspond general style and compositions that are unfinished, neglected or sloppy. These can be monotonous massive fences, old foundations and buildings, compost heaps, sheds and more. Depending on the object being considered, the method of solving the problem is chosen, although in general the tactics are the same: decorate or hide.

    Solution #1. We reconstruct the old foundation. You can destroy the remains of the old foundation, or you can erect some necessary building, for example, arrange a flower garden, gazebo, circular benches or anything else that matches the style of the garden.

    Solution No. 2. We do not cut down dead trees on the site. Sometimes dead trees are attributes of style. In addition, they are quite easy to decorate, turning them into real decorations. personal plot: hang beautiful feeders on them, paint them, place hanging flowerpots with beautiful flowers or wind chimes. You can turn old trees into furniture elements, insert lamps into them, or cover them with morning glory, virgin grapes, and clematis. If such options do not suit you, then there is only one way out - uproot.

    Solution #3. We declare a battle against trash! There is no place for disorder on the site. Areas with all kinds of rubbish should be cleared. Sort everything more or less valuable into suitable places, and throw away the rest without regret.

    Solution #4. There are no small things on the site. Mask hatches, gas boxes and other small objects and paint them in the desired color. You can put beautiful containers with flowers on the hatches or cover them with pebbles and mosaics.

    Solution #5. Turn buildings into design objects. Solid and practical, but ugly buildings that already exist on the site should not be destroyed. They should be decorated, and there are many options. It is possible to decorate buildings with inserts from various materials, beautifully paint or paint using stencils. Brightly colored false windows made from picture frames will look original. You can attach a pot of bright flowers to each of them. You can really make an exhibition from the wall: attach hooks to it, and then hang on them, for example, old fishing equipment or antique items peasant life. The facade of the building can be decorated with wicker elements, decorative wooden nets, bright coasters for hot dishes. If it is impossible to decorate an object due to poor “quality,” then try laying it with a woodpile, leaving niches here and there for flowers, an old mug, a bright watering can or some other decorative things.

    Solution #6. Masking plinths and corners. Plinths and corners various buildings usually masked by vegetation: large decorative deciduous perennials or using vertical gardening.

    Solution #7. Huge fence possibilities. An ugly fence can always be disguised by planting plants. Climbing perennials are considered the best option here. Linden or spruce trees planted parallel to each other or a hedge will also look good. A curious newfangled solution is the construction of a multi-layer fence. This means that the main fence is duplicated by another purely decorative and lower hedge, for example, a wattle fence, and even lower vegetation is planted as a third layer. The main thing is that all layers are visible at the same time and create a single impression. The effect of this approach to design will be amazing.

    There are others interesting options. You can attach pergolas, seats, flower beds or beautiful corners recreation. Of course, it is better to replace an old rickety picket fence or “handmade” chain-link mesh. It is not profitable to restore this wealth.

    Solution #8. Disguise of outbuildings. Any unsightly structures - sheds, woodsheds, wells, outbuildings and other buildings are successfully camouflaged. Hide low buildings behind a curtain of tall annuals or perennials. You can also use a garden screen, although this option is, of course, somewhat unusual. It is much more interesting to transform an “unsightly” object by surrounding it with a garden labyrinth. The labyrinth itself can be made from any construction material, for example from natural stone or brick, or used to create it hedge.

    Ruin the view garden plot old foundations, massive monotonous fences, old buildings, sheds, compost heaps, places with all kinds of rubbish - and this is only a small part of the possible “unsightly” objects. But it doesn’t always make sense to get rid of all this, purely for practical reasons; economic objects are always needed. And if these are not frankly old, dilapidated structures, then they are successfully camouflaged. And yet - it doesn’t happen beautiful view outside the site. And he often gets in the way because he fits into general form garden After all, a site is difficult to separate from its surroundings; we cannot see selectively. Garden camouflage has two tactics: hide or decorate.

    Garden camouflage: playing hide and seek Of course, places with all kinds of rubbish definitely need to be cleared. Do not block them with anything or plant tall plants. There is no place for disorder on the site, and besides, such rubble interferes with changes on the site. Sort everything into appropriate places, and throw away what you haven’t used for 2 years without regret! The exception is metal. It can be used to reinforce the base of paths and platforms.

    Garden camouflage: playing hide and seek Disguising an ugly appearance outside the perimeter of the site

    The “ugly look” has different variations. Firstly, the “natural” situation itself outside the perimeter of the site may not be very impressive: an empty field or an ugly ravine, a valley with weeds, a washed out road, a drying tree, etc. But this is not the worst option, you can also see neighbor's shed or toilet, "warehouse" building materials, or high voltage pole.

    1. Close unwanted views
    Need to be positioned tall trees and shrubs, and also so that, if possible, from different significant points plot, as well as from the windows of your house, such “beauty” was not visible. It is worth noting that if you are masking an unsightly view outside the perimeter and using trees and shrubs for this, you should strive to harmonious composition. In other words, use those views outside the site and which are visible from the site. This will completely mask the unwanted appearance. For example, if there is a birch tree nearby, the best thing is to plant several birch trees on the border of the site, then together they will form a natural, pleasing to the eye and reasonable composition. Note, not pine trees, but birch trees. If you use something atypical, then the eye will involuntarily be drawn to the object that is covered by these plants that are atypical for this area.


    2. Create a distraction
    Sometimes it happens that an unwanted view cannot be completely covered due to its location or if it is too large. Then there is only one way out: distract, do not allow the gaze to concentrate on this view or object. To do this, you need to make your site emphatically decorative, with at least a few catchy, sometimes even whimsical elements and. In a word, this is exactly the case when some “overkill”, even “kitsch”, is good. Let's say, a completely mirrored flower bed, a support for plants in the form of a huge floor lamp, or a fence for a flower garden made of colored concrete columns. As a result, the eye will be drawn to unusual, catchy elements, and, most likely, all unwanted views will simply be suppressed by them.

    Decorating the fence

    1. Plant some plants
    It is best to combine perennials, especially flowering ones and those with decorative foliage, with climbing plants. For the fence the best option- climbing perennials. All you need to do is attach supports for them to the fence. In addition, the fence can be camouflaged with a hedge planted parallel to it; spruce or linden are perfect.

    Garden disguise: playing hide and seek 2. Artistically paint the fence
    The fence can be painted a new color, stenciled, and inserts or overlays can be made from any interesting materials.

    3. Install a multi-layer fence in some places
    This means that the fence is, as it were, duplicated by some other, lower and purely decorative hedge, for example, a wattle fence, and the third layer can be planted with an even lower hedge. The principle is such that all three hedges are visible at the same time and give the impression of a single hedge. At the same time, the volume characteristic of multi-layering will appear, the effect is amazing.

    Garden camouflage: playing hide and seek 4. Zone the fence
    Not only the garden, but also the fence has zoning! For example, paint different parts of the fence in different colors or even “stripes”. Or you can make inserts - gabions, or even bicycle or cart wheels.

    5. Make overlays for the fence
    The fence can be decorated by hanging numerous shelves on it (on which containers with flowers can be placed) or by directly hanging pots of bright flowers. In addition, you can strengthen mirrors on the fence, hang empty picture frames, small decorative birdhouses, flat plywood figurines, decorative overhead elements (bells, forged rosettes, grilles). You can combine several items together to create “modules” for the fence, for example, connecting together a bright plywood circle, a picture frame and a flower pot, or a frame and a birdhouse, etc.

    6. “Attach” various “additions” to the fence
    You can “attach” gazebos, beautiful themed corners or flower beds to the fence.

    Garden camouflage: playing hide and seek Decorating outbuildings

    If you are just starting construction, consider all practical points in advance. In fact, the garage should be located separately, and best of all, at the entrance to the site, and the summer kitchen should be located not far from the house. The same can be said about garden shower. Of course, in these cases it is advisable to locate these buildings separately. You can design a structure with an unusual shape or with original location roofs. And if, for example, your small barn or cellar is “built” into a slope, this is a great opportunity to stylize it “like a grotto”!

    If there are already buildings, they are solid and it is impossible to somehow combine them, decorate them!

    1. Cover them with vertical gardening or hide them behind a curtain of green plants, a hedge, a pergola or trellis.

    Garden Disguise: Playing Hide and Seek 2. Design each of your buildings as small house- with a porch, windows, hanging flower pots. Also, set up a small “mini-estate” near the house. Not a utility block - a toy!

    3. Repaint or paint. You can completely cover your shed in patterns or paint all or one wall a different color. It will act as a background or screen for the exposure you have created. For example, one wall can be painted a very dark color, and then tall buildings will look especially advantageous against its background. bright flowers, planted around the perimeter of the barn.

    Garden disguise: playing hide and seek 4. Set up a wall - an exhibition. Any of the walls outbuilding, as a rule, make the one that you would like to hide light and arrange an exhibition of household items, a “hobby” exhibition, an exhibition of teapots, mugs or fishing lures - here everyone can choose their own idea. And many old unnecessary things can very well bring concrete benefits, adding a touch of originality to the design of your garden.

    5. Make inlay on the wall of the outbuilding. Lay out one (or more) walls of the shed, summer kitchen, workshop, etc. mosaic from colored batts ceramic tiles and dishes. You can make an abstraction, or you can lay out some kind of drawing or ornament.

    Garden disguise: playing hide and seek 6. Design the wall of the building as a “collection”. Decorate the wall (it’s better if there is only one in this case) with some items of the same type: rattan napkins, plates, or even. Decoupage on outdoors possible when using several different materials than indoors. For example, either boat varnish or colorless glaze.

    7. Make false “windows” on the wall of the building. Make them from picture frames, paint them brightly and attach a pot with a bright flower to each of these windows.

    Garden camouflage: playing hide and seek 8. Use overhead elements on the walls of buildings. As in the case of a fence, you can hang various decorations on the wall, for example, a garden panel, wicker elements, and even beautiful coasters for a hot one, or even a door taken from another building, but decorated in an antique style. You can also attach beautiful driftwood to the wall. You can also hang your old blinds on the wall if the style suits.

    9. Decorate with…..firewood. For example, best decoration for a woodshed - the firewood itself. Simply completely cover one or three of its walls with woodpiles of firewood, leaving “niches-windows” in the firewood.

    Garden disguise: playing hide and seek 11. Use for decoration old wall tinted branches of trees or shrubs. You will need long branches without knots, painted with multi-colored acrylic paints. In order to secure this decor to the wall, you will need two ropes stretched on nails parallel to the wall - at the top and bottom. Painted branches are placed vertically under these ropes; if necessary, the rope is additionally secured with nails in the right places.

    12. Arrange a three-dimensional “still life”. This method differs from a wall "exhibit" in that it is three-dimensional. For example, you can use a wall to hang some items, place a table next to it with some kind of composition, bouquets of dry plants, and even a mini-bench. You will be able to not only decorate a boring building in an unusual way, but also create a nice relaxation area.

    Garden disguise: playing hide and seek 13. Surround the object with a garden maze. There was a building - and there is no building. Now it's hidden in garden maze. The labyrinth can be made from any structural material, in particular from brick or natural stone, from perforated metal panels, you can use ready-made screens made of reeds, which will need to be installed on the frame; you can also plant a low hedge in the form of a labyrinth. And in the center of the maze is an object that needs to be hidden. The labyrinth is suitable for those buildings that are no longer subject to any decoration.

    Decorating dried trees

    Dry trees are sometimes attributes of style, and in many cases they can be decorated, turning them into a real decoration of the site.

    1. Paint them.

    2. Hang beautiful bird feeders, hanging flowerpots, wind chimes, and many small decorative birdhouses.

    Garden disguise: playing hide and seek 3. Engage vertical gardening- cover them with clematis, virgin grapes or morning glory.

    4. Insert garden lamps into them.

    5. Turn them into furniture pieces.

    Well, if such options do not fit into your garden, then, of course, they need to be uprooted.

    Each of us dreams of a beautiful and convenient estate for living, working and relaxing. To do this, it is necessary to place many buildings on the site for various purposes from the house and outbuildings to gazebos and a swimming pool, carry out the necessary communications taking into account their further maintenance and repair, arrange a garden, vegetable garden, flower beds and lawns. At the same time, along with landscaping the site, it is necessary to solve the problem of decorating unsightly and technical objects, such as hatches, garbage tanks, septic tanks, maintenance buildings, etc. Often a beautiful view from a window is spoiled by objects in the field of view. industrial building, pipes, power lines or neighbors' sheds. Fortunately, there are many techniques available that can help hide flaws and highlight the advantages of your site.

    First, let's discuss ways to create vertical screens to enclose unsightly objects. The most common way is to plant a hedge of fast-growing plants. tall plants. As you know, hedges can be free-growing and trimmed, evergreen and deciduous.

    A hedge is what you need!

    The most budget-friendly option is to plant a hedge of shrubs, which will eventually reach a height of 2.5-4 m and will not require much labor for care and pruning. Shrub seedlings are relatively inexpensive, and they can also be grown in large quantities from seeds or independently. However, it is worth remembering that the taller the bush, the large area it occupies (height to width ratio approximately 1:1 or 1:2/3). When planning a free-growing hedge 2-3 m high, place the center of the bush no closer than 1-1.5 m from the border of the site or the object being decorated (for example, a barn), and you can leave 0.6-1 m between the bushes in the hedge. It is not necessary to plant one species, try a combination of flowering and decorative deciduous shrubs.

    Very unpretentious, frost-resistant species are suitable for such a hedge:

    • hawthorns (Crataegus monogyna) and b. spiny (C. Laevigata);
    • white dogwood (Cornus alba) and its variety ‘Sibirica variegata’;
    • shoot grass (Cornus stolonifera);
    • Canadian serviceberry (Amelanchier сanadensis);
    • vesicular carp (Physocarpus opulifolius) and its varieties "Aurea" and "Diabolo";
    • mountain ash (Sorbaria sorbifolia);
    • leather mackerel (Cotinus coggygria) and the purple-leaved variety "Royal Purple";
    • common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) and its many varieties;
    • black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) and its variety "Variegata" with white-variegated foliage;
    • red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) and its variety "Plumosa Aurea" with golden carved foliage and clusters of red elegant berries.

    If there is not enough space for a free hedge, you can cut it with special scissors or a hedge trimmer (there are models with a gasoline and electric engine), maintaining a width of 60 cm to 1-1.2 m. The following are also very suitable for trimmed hedges:

    • common privet (Ligustrum vulgare),
    • brilliant cotoneaster (Cotoneaster lucidus),
    • white snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus), etc.

    Evergreen hedge - a solution to the problem all year round

    It is clear that with the onset of winter, a deciduous hedge does not provide good privacy, so it is worth investing in and planting evergreens. Evergreen seedlings are a little more expensive, but they look beautiful and provide protection throughout the year. Here, too, the choice of plants is quite wide, and you can choose species with a wide crown for a formed hedge, or you can immediately plant varieties with a narrow crown, which will maintain a compact shape without labor-intensive pruning.

    Of the evergreen shrubs for tall hedges, we can recommend:

    • rock juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) varieties "Blue Arrow", "Skyrocket", "Blue Haven" - 6 to 8 m high with a columnar crown, bluish or blue-green needles. These plants are very resistant to unfavorable conditions, undemanding to soil fertility and moisture, drought- and frost-resistant;
    • Virginia juniper (Juniperus virginiana) - unpretentious, frost-resistant for free-growing and trimmed hedges up to 10 m high, withstands salinity;
    • common juniper "Hibernica" (Juniperus communis "Hibernica") and Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis), varieties "Keteleeri" and "Spartan" - reach 5-6 m, unpretentious, frost-resistant;

    • Western thuja (Thuja occidentalis): varieties - "Columna", "Smaragd", "Brabant" - for hedges up to 5-10 m high, crown diameter up to 1.5 m in sunny and semi-shaded places, undemanding to soil, but likes moderate hydration;

    • yew (Taxus baccata): varieties with a narrow crown Taxus b. "Fastigiata", "Fastigiata Aurea" for hedges up to 7-10 m high, for shady places and moist fertile soils.

    Trees for the perimeter of the site

    Even higher screens along the perimeter of the site can be created from decorative trees with a narrow columnar shape: for example, Norway maple (Acer plat. "Columnare") and silver maple (Acer saccharinum "Fastigiatum"), white acacia or Robinia pseudoacacia (Robinia ps. "Pyramidalis "), especially for areas in arid zones with poor soils, the pedunculate oak "Fastigiata" (Quercus robur "Fastigiata") is a tree 15-20 m high, up to 3-4 m wide for sunny or semi-shaded areas with fertile soils. Everyone's favorite white-trunked silver birch also has a variety with a pyramidal crown (Betula pendula "Fastigiata"). In large areas, to decorate unsightly objects, you can also use black poplar (Populus nigra "Italica") and Simon's poplar (P. simonii), linden, willows, silver and ash maples, plane trees or honey locust. Trees planted along the perimeter of the site will create a reliable screen and additional wind protection.

    Trellis with climbing plants - quickly and efficiently!

    It is very simple and very quick (during the first season) to hide ugly buildings by arranging a screen or trellis entwined with climbing plants (vines). It is useful to know that vines are perennial and annual (not overwintering in our climate), clinging with tendrils, wrapping around supports and grasping with suckers, decorative foliage and beautifully flowering. The range of species and varieties is very wide and depends only on your wishes and specific task. Trellis can be made from wooden slats, forging, or simply tighten the cables at some distance from each other. Within a few months, a beautiful screen will be created by fast-growing annual plants: purple morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea and blue (I.coerulea), spiny moonflower (Calonyction aculeatum), pinnate quamoclitus (Quamoclit pinnata), dolichos (Dolichos) - hyacinth beans, fire red bean (Phaseolus coccineus), which in addition to beautiful flowering produces edible beans, cobaea (Cobaea) and others. These plants are sunny place at good watering and fertilizing produce canes up to 3 m or more, bloom and bear fruit profusely.

    Meanwhile, perennial vines are growing, which can be reliably closed in a couple of seasons. unsightly objects or close yourself off prying eyes. One of the most popular and unpretentious ones is rightfully considered to be those who came to us from North America girl's grapes five-leaved (Parthenocíssus quinquefolia) and clematis (Clematis) - grape-leaved (Clematis vitalba), Virginia (C. virginiana), eastern, Tangut (C. tangutica), mountain (C.montana). Pleasant aroma honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) will fill the garden; in the fall, wood-lipper (Cellastrus orbiculatus) will be covered with colorful berries. However, it is worth remembering that fast-growing vines require pruning at the end of the season, since they can grow several tens of meters, spreading onto trees, power poles and wires, roofs, grow too much and become sloppy. Their undoubted advantage is their unpretentiousness, frost resistance; after establishment, they do not require care, shelter for the winter and watering.

    In ceremonial places you can plant beautifully flowering clematis of various colors: white or dark purple, pink, blue, scarlet, with simple or double flowers that appear throughout almost the entire summer. Depending on the variety, hybrid clematis can grow up to 2-4 m if they are planted in a sufficiently lit place, regularly watered and fed.

    Sometimes it’s easier not to cover an object, but to divert attention from it. In what cases is this justified?

    Impossible to hide? You can divert attention

    Sometimes, for technical reasons, it is impossible to block some unsightly objects from view, especially if they are located outside your area. In this case, it is worth learning from nature. Our eyes are always attracted to brighter colored objects that steal all the attention. Plant a tree a little to the side or big bush with red (norway maple varieties "Royal Red", "Crimson Sentry", "Crimson King", hazel "Purpurea", mackerel "Royal Purple"), yellow black locust (white acacia) "Frisia", elm "Wredei Aurea" , black elderberry "Aurea" or common hazel "Aurea") or white-edged foliage (ash maple "Flamingo", holly maple "Drummondii"). Believe me, it’s hard to take your eyes off such a beautiful “fountain”.

    How to hide hatches and communications on the site from view?

    Often you have to deal with the need to decorate technical objects located on or underground: hatches, septic tanks and vents, drainage devices, wells, etc. In this case, it is recommended to plant nearby plants that grow horizontally (the so-called ground cover), for example, Cossack juniper (Juniperus sabina) or horizontal juniper (J.horizontalis), Dummer cotoneaster (Cotoneaster dammeri), Thunberg barberry "Green carpet" (Berberis thunbergii "Green Carpet"), periwinkle (Vínca mínor), etc. Depending on the variety, these ground cover plants are capable of covering an area of ​​one to several square meters, unpretentious and always look attractive.

    It is wrong to place a flowerpot with flowers on the hatch cover, thereby drawing attention to it even more. If the manhole is located in the middle of your lawn, try covering it with a cut-to-shape piece of artificial plastic turf, which has recently been widely used for sports fields and rooftop landscaping. Modern artificial lawns do not wear out, do not fade and will last for decades.

    The use of decorative gravel and fillings is also popular. Do not forget to first cover the well cover with non-woven material (geotextile, agrofibre) or a rubber mat if you need access to it for maintenance or repair.

    The mistake that amateurs make is that they pour a circle of pebbles exactly along the contour of the hatch, thereby drawing even more attention to the foreign spot on the lawn. It is better to give the backfill the appearance of a stream or free-form lake, and decorate the edge with large boulders and ground cover plants. Guests will have no idea what the gravel garden hides underneath. drainage system or septic tank. The entrance to the cellar can be designed in the form of a grotto, and earthen slope turn into a rock garden.

    In any case, you should approach the decoration of your site thoughtfully and with imagination so that it becomes one of a kind and brings a lot of joy to you and your guests.

    Victoria Roy
    landscape designer
    especially for the Internet portal
    garden center "Your Garden"