How to end letters to leave a good impression. Writing a letter to a friend in English

How to end letters to leave a good impression.  Writing a letter to a friend in English
How to end letters to leave a good impression. Writing a letter to a friend in English

Dear friends, today I decided to write about a painful issue - how to write letters 😉. I think many experts in various areas Every day we receive many letters with questions and requests for help.

Your humble servant is no exception :) The number of letters with questions and requests for help averages 40-50 per day and sometimes exceeds my physical ability to answer them.

A significant part of the correspondence consists of letters in which questions and descriptions of problems are not entirely correctly formulated, which is why they require additional clarifying letters, which takes extra time both the sender and the recipient.

In this post, I want to talk about how to correctly write letters with questions to specialists, so that getting the information you need takes a minimum of time and does not require unnecessary correspondence.

The main rule, in my opinion, is that in a letter it is very important to make it clear that you value the recipient’s time. Everything should be concise and clearly formulated.

1. Greeting

I believe that any letter must begin with a greeting. “Hello”, “Hello”, “Good afternoon” - writing these words is not difficult and takes seconds. I personally don't like emails that don't include a greeting. Nothing is valued so dearly or given so cheaply as politeness.

2. Calling by name

On all pages of the blog site where there is a form feedback(for example, the page “”), I always write “My name is Mikhail,” so I don’t see a problem with not addressing people by name in letters. Subconsciously, any person loves to be called by name.

And although I like “Mike” more than “Mikhail” 😉, any call by name will do 🙂.

3. Google your question first.

How many times in correspondence have I had to provide links to materials that I found by simply typing the question asked of me in a search engine! I don’t even have enough fingers and toes 😉!

Seriously, I sincerely advise you to first google the question you are interested in various options(including in English, you can translate using Google Translator) and take the time to study the materials found.

In most cases, you can easily find answers to your questions in search engines or on forums (many people come there to communicate, discuss specific problems on various topics and answer questions). Why waste another person's time when in many cases you can easily find everything you need yourself?

🔥 By the way! I'm planning to release paid course to promote English-language websites. If interested, you can apply to early list through this form to be the first to know about the release of the course and receive a special discount.

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I wish you success in increasing traffic to your sites!

Dessert for today is a video of a guy doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar with one finger. I want that too :)

What should you write about in a letter to a friend?

For many people, writing letters is a huge problem, and they cannot cope with such, in my opinion, an easy task. Whether your letter is written on paper or typed on a computer, the main thing is what you put into words. And in order for your words to make sense, you definitely need your heart to speak, because it is it that will tell you what to write about, and not abstruse books and articles with their own advice! Yes, of course, there are several letter writing rules that must be followed, but even this is not necessary. If your words are sincere, then no one will notice that you did not write according to the template.

Writing a letter to a friend is even easier, and here fewer rules and restrictions. Let's break boundaries together! Imagine that you are communicating in person with a person, and not with paper. Remember your communication live and try to simply transfer it to paper. Be as relaxed and interested in the conversation as you would be in a personal meeting. Describe everything that has happened to you since the breakup, write everything that you consider important to you. Don't be afraid of your thoughts. If you verbally shared your thoughts with a friend to whom you are writing a letter, then you should not have any difficulties with this in the letter. And then ask as many questions as you want. Don't be afraid to ask about what interests you about your friend's life. No question becomes inappropriate, because in a personal conversation you would ask them all, but only gradually, and a letter to a friend forces us to bombard the addressee with questions. Your friend will definitely answer all the questions, or at least those that he considers necessary to answer.

How should you treat letters?

A letter to a friend is something magical and living, something into which we put a piece of our soul, so we cannot treat letters with disrespect. If you write a letter just to get rid of it, then you do not respect the person to whom the message will be addressed. And when reading or responding to a friend’s letter, you must also show no less attention and respect to him. Despite the fact that many people consider words to be soulless, you can put your emotions into them if the words flow from the very soul and from the very heart. Keep all the letters you receive, because it is even more pleasant to re-read them after a while than to read them for the first time. The first time we just skim through the letter, wanting to find out as quickly as possible more information, and only after a while we can read it measuredly and with pleasure.

We write a farewell or congratulation letter...

The hardest thing is to write a farewell letter to a friend whom you may never see again or to whom you will no longer write for some reason. This letter is sure to be tragic and sad, it should reflect the sadness in your heart and express great sadness about saying goodbye. Congratulatory letters, on the contrary, should contain only the most positive emotions that you are capable of. For example, New Year's letter a friend should be festive and cheerful. It should convey a piece of your New Year's mood to your friend, so that you are on the same wavelength and enjoy the holiday equally. As you can see, writing a letter to a friend is not so difficult, the main thing is to decide on the purpose of the letter, your

Time passes, everything changes, technological progress is taking place by leaps and bounds, but one thing still remains unchanged. Like our distant ancestors, we need a constant exchange of information. And although now we can easily call the desired interlocutor, sometimes this is not possible, and then we have to write letters. And in order to leave the most good with the recipient pleasant impression, it is very important to correctly compose your written message and finish it correctly, which not everyone can do. So now we will try to figure out how to end letters to our friends, relatives or business partners.

The principle of writing letters to people you know well

Before you begin to deal with the ending of the message, it is important to write the letter itself correctly, following very simple rules. When sending a message to friends, family and friends, in fact, you don’t even have to think too much about what the sample letter you wrote should be. Here it will be enough to simply divide the message into three parts.

In turn, a message to a business partner is written completely differently. First of all, the style of the message should be strictly formal, it should not contain a single mistake, and the sample letter should be taken from official source. However, despite the fact that there is different types business correspondence and many features of each of them, you can compose rough plan any business message.

  1. The header of the official message, containing the name of the recipient company, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the recipient, under which the date of the letter and its registration number are indicated.
  2. The title of the letter and its main text, concise, but containing all the necessary information.
  3. The end of the message, which has a number of its own nuances, so how to end business letter, we'll talk later, and at the very end, the date the message was sent and the sender's signature - his last name, first name, patronymic and position.

Ending a letter to friends or family

Now it’s time to take a closer look at how exactly you need to end a message to a well-known or to a loved one, in order to leave behind the most favorable impression and make the interlocutor want to write an answer as soon as possible.

First of all, before finishing a letter to a friend, family member or to a loved one, you should carefully re-read your message. After reading the message, you will probably want to add, correct or supplement something else to make the text as complete and understandable as possible. After this, it is recommended to re-read the letter again, after which all that remains is to add a kind of “epilogue” at the end, clarifying the main idea of ​​​​your message in it, and warmly say goodbye to your interlocutor.

End of the official letter

In business correspondence, the ending of the message plays perhaps the most important role. That is why Special attention when composing it, you should pay attention to how to end a business letter in order to comply with etiquette and rules good manners. And the first thing before writing the final part of the message is to re-read the letter again, correct all the mistakes in it and format it correctly so that the text is easy to read, and important points were immediately noticeable due to their bold font.

After such preparation, you can proceed, in fact, to the end of the letter. If it consists of several sheets, at the end it is important to make a summary of the message, consisting of a couple of paragraphs, in which you will need to reflect the most important points of the message, so that it is easier for the recipient to compose his answer. If the letter is short, then there is no need for a summary part, so at the end it will be enough to simply say goodbye, respectfully addressing the interlocutor, and sign.

Friendly or business correspondence with a foreigner

Our century is considered a time that erases boundaries. And this is not without reason, because in the world of telecommunication technologies we can communicate not only with our compatriots, but also with foreigners. However, having decided to start correspondence with a person from another country, it is important, firstly, to communicate fluently in his native language, secondly, to be at least a little familiar with the mentality of a foreigner, and thirdly, to know how to end letters so that the interlocutor it was nice to read them. But no matter what country the recipient of the letter is from, no matter what the correspondence is - business or friendly, it is very important to be mutually polite in it, be sure to greet the interlocutor and politely say goodbye to him.

Final lines of the message

When approaching the end of your message, it is very important to know how to end letters with a final phrase that should convey all your respect and sympathy for your interlocutor.

So, the final line of a letter to a friend, loved one or relative may sound like this:

  • With love, (your name).
  • Have a great mood!
  • See you.
  • Waiting for an answer.
  • Give my regards to all.
  • See you soon.

But an official message should be written with respect at the end of the letter to its recipient and without any familiarity. So, when finishing writing a business message, in the final you need to write:

  • With hope for fruitful cooperation.
  • Sincerely (your full name and position in the company).
  • With respect (your full name and position in the company).
  • Thank you for responding to our proposal.
  • Please respond as quickly as possible.
  • If you are interested in additional information, please contact us.

try, write, select necessary words- and everything is useless! A potential partner or investor does not open your business letter or skims through it without even bothering to respond. Common situation? In our new article We tell you how to conduct business correspondence correctly and what to write in a letter so that it is read to the end.

Who is this article for?

Let’s note right away: we’re talking about emails. If anyone else uses snail mail, we assure you that the rules are the same. In principle, all these rules apply to regular mailings, which we have already written about. Now we're talking about specifically about business correspondence. If you:

  • an entrepreneur who communicates with people important to the business;
  • an employee who writes to a boss or future management;
  • a person who is interested in the basics of Internet etiquette and human psychology - then feel free to read it, it will be interesting.

Features of business correspondence

  • smooth, calm presentation - not to be confused with dry bureaucratic language;
  • communication is strictly to the point - to convey certain information to the addressee;
  • small volume - an A4 sheet is more than enough;
  • respect for subordination, no familiarity. In special cases, when an informal, non-working relationship develops with the addressee of a business letter, of course, this rule can be neglected. But this will no longer be a completely business letter, but a friendly one, will you agree?
  • A letter written on the company's letterhead gives special credibility. It must contain a logo and name, details and contact information, and website address.

Types of business letters

1. Information. Such letters do not require a response - you write them to tell the recipient about some information. For example, you own an online store and announce that tomorrow is the last day of discounts. Or that prices change. There are many types of information letters: they can state intentions, remind about important event, confirm delivery and receipt of goods and so on.

2. Letters of requests. How often do entrepreneurs, especially beginners, have to write them! These are appeals to investors with a request to sponsor your cool project, countless offers of cooperation, various kinds requests to find out, for example, certain information.

3. Post-letters - something that sometimes needs to be written after a meeting with the addressee. In this letter, recall the main topic of your meeting, express your attitude towards it, emphasize that you want to continue cooperation and offer your option for the time and place of the next meeting.

4. Warranty. If you have already agreed on cooperation, there may soon be a need for this type of letters. In them you guarantee that you will fulfill your obligations: you will do the work on time, pay for the service, deliver the goods on time, and so on.

5. Work letters are the same ones that any company sends and receives every day. This is correspondence with partners and clients: concluding contracts, discussions and negotiations, getting acquainted with the price list and product catalogue, reminders about meetings - routine work processes.

6. Letters of complaint - yes, it happens that way. They are usually written when one party is dissatisfied with the actions of the other. And not just actions, but responsibilities enshrined in the contract. For example, Vasya entered into an agreement with suppliers of goods, and they, such radishes, constantly delay deadlines. Or he bought a car, but it broke down.

7. Non-work letters are messages that are not directly related to your activities. These are congratulations, thanks for work and even condolences - everything happens in life.

1. Heading. Composing email headers is a science. We talked more about secret techniques in the article. In short, the headings of business letters should be as useful as possible for the addressee.

Provocations and humor are unlikely to be suitable here: we are writing to serious people, remember? If you get to know the person better, then you can try, but for now it’s better not to risk it.

  1. Introduction. Like a regular letter, a business letter begins with an introduction, or preamble. In it you say hello and tell the very essence, the meat. Save the recipient’s time: tell them right away what you need from them. “I, Vasya Pupkin, have come up with a cool startup in the field of Internet marketing (construction, beauty, industry, auto - depending on your field of activity) and I ask you to familiarize yourself with it and support it financially. The main mistake at this stage is to let your thoughts wander, mumble, and not get to the heart of the matter.
  2. The main part. Everything is simple here: you tell in detail what your idea is, present facts and arguments that can interest the addressee. If we return to Vasya and his startup, he will explain what its essence is, the benefits and benefits for humanity in general and for the addressee of the letter in particular. He will provide figures and facts, the opinion of the target audience, and the opinion of experts. We believe in Vasya, he can do it!
  3. The most important. If you ask, ask again. If you ask, ask the question clearly and specifically. If you hope for cooperation, clearly formulate your proposal again. And all this in a few lines.
  4. Conclusion. Thank you for your attention and express your hope that the recipient will answer you or take another necessary action. Use a call to action like in selling texts or .
  5. Provide your details: full name, contacts, name of the organization and its details.
  6. Attached files. This is often forgotten, but in vain. Many people find it easier to evaluate visual information than just letters and lines. Attach photographs to the letter for the most complete picture of the subject of the letter, attach Required documents to assure the addressee of your solvency and seriousness of intentions.

The most common mistakes in business letters

  1. Don't say hello. Yes, thousands of polite and well-mannered people for some reason forget to say hello, starting a letter with the words “Dear...” Of course, it’s nice to be respected, but no one has ever canceled a simple human greeting.
  2. As has already been said, to spread a thought, that is, a thought, along the tree. If you jump from one thing to another, learn to formulate your thoughts, and if you don’t have time, hire copywriters and journalists - they will definitely help.
  3. Speak with a lifeless, dry tongue. Leave all these “taking into account”, “if possible” to the officials - you don’t express yourself like that in real life, so why should your recipient? Have pity on the person, write as simply as possible!
  4. At the same time, do not slip into familiarity. There are two styles in business correspondence: personal and formal. In personal, you communicate in the first person - that is, “I, Vasya Pupkin, offer you...” In formal personal pronouns, as a rule, are replaced by the neutral-neutral “The Horns and Hoofs company offers you...” Which style is closer to you and to what extent it correlates with the field of activity of your addressee - it’s up to you. If your partner is young modern man, feel free to write in the first person. If you need to communicate with government agencies or municipal organizations, it is better not to tempt fate and communicate neutrally. They will answer you - they must! - but you can make a negative impression. Be relevant.
  5. Be unfounded. You can say a hundred times what an advantageous offer you have and cool idea, but what's the point without proof? Business people used to operating with facts, they don’t believe beautiful words and pictures. Numbers, facts, specifics - these are your main weapons.
  6. Don't yak, but forge. Imagine that you yourself receive a business letter from Vasya Pupkin. You open it, start reading, and there... nothing but praise for Vasya and his product. I’m happy for Vasya, you might think, but what does that matter to me? But if Vasya tells you how he can help you, what benefits he will bring and how quickly the investment will pay off, then things will become interesting.
  7. Errors, typos, sloppy design (different fonts, lack of spaces) - no comments.
  8. Excessive use of slang. Even if you and your recipient work in the same field with special professional slang, use specific expressions carefully. It is better to insert them into the text to a minimum, decipher abbreviations, explain the meaning of some words. What if your interlocutor is 60?
  9. Irrelevance. We still hope for Vasya. Vasya is smart, he will not send offers about his startup in the auto business to beauty salon owners. How many times does Pet and Kohl make such a mistake? How to create a database of addresses for sending commercial offers is well written in the article.

How not to and how to. Real example

And here he is - the most main question, which the collective mind will now answer. Editor Pavel Molyanov recently held a competition among subscribers of his group on VKontakte.


Sample essays for grades 5-7

Hello, Kostya! Hello my friend! How is your life? Is it moving little by little? Everything is fine with me. I want to tell you a story that happened to me quite recently - last month.

Over the weekend, the whole family: dad, mom, sister and I went on vacation out of town, into the forest. Dad prepared meat for the barbecue at home, grabbed a tent and fishing gear, and mom took out warm clothes, because it was already early autumn - what we call Indian summer.

It was wonderful, warm and surprisingly quiet in the forest. We cooked barbecue, I went fishing with my dad to a small forest river, and my mother and my sister Natasha picked mushrooms - autumn honey mushrooms. And in the evening we sat around the fire and sang our favorite songs. And then we went to bed: dad and I were in the tent, and mom and my little sister were in the car.

This is how wonderful I spent my weekend last month. How do you, Kostya, relax with your family? Do you go out into nature?

Goodbye my friend! Write me more often.

Essay on the topic Letter to a friend

A letter to a friend

Hello, my dear friend, Anton! I received your letter of congratulations. Thank you very much, I was very pleased to receive a letter from you on my birthday! It's a pity that you left our hometown, and now we can't see each other. I really want to see you and am waiting for you to come visit us.

We devoted one day to a trip to the water park. Upon arrival there, we went on more children's slides. Having enjoyed them, we decided to try more extreme ones. This is an indescribable feeling when it takes your breath away and you rush down a high hill at high speed. I really liked it and next year I definitely want to go to this water park again to feel that adrenaline and a lot of positive emotions again. We were very tired during the whole day at the water park and when we arrived home, we immediately went to rest.

The next day we went on a boat excursion along other cities. This excursion was unforgettable and also gave us a lot of pleasure and positive emotions. I really didn’t want to go home, although we already missed our friends and relatives. I love the sea, relaxing in Crimea.

When I arrived home, I felt a little sad and wanted to go back. Next year I would like to go to Crimea again and go to those cities where we did not have time to visit.

This is how I spent the rest of the summer. I will be waiting for a response letter from you with a story about how you were in the new city, who you met and made friends with. Hope to meet you soon!

Your friend Igor.

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An essay on the topic Russian village depicted by I.A. Bunina Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a talented writer of the 20th century, most of whose life was spent in a rural environment. Many of his works were associated with middle lane Russia, [&hellip] Essay on the topic: My attitude towards Pechorin In the novel “A Hero of Our Time,” Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov shows the society of the mid-nineteenth century using the example of one person. This man is Pechorin. He is the main [&hellip] Essay on the topic The Image of Russia in prose by I.A. Bunina Regardless of genius or, conversely, limitations, people remain children of their time, subjecting their consciousness to its influence. The work of I.A. Bunin is a vivid example of this. Writer, poet, [&hellip]

Essay on the topic "Letter to a friend"

Hello, Anechka!

I miss you very much! You know, I spend the whole day reading literature that was assigned at school for the summer. Only in the evening I go out for a walk. We have very hot. Mom says that you can get heatstroke if you stay in the yard until five o'clock in the evening. The school doctor also told us this. Are you taking care of yourself? How are you doing? How do you spend your summer?

Two days ago I returned from kindergarten health camp. I brought with me so many emotions, joy and inspiration! There I went to a modeling class, and the teacher and I learned how to make an airplane out of cardboard. This is not just paper cut along the contour. This is the most real model Li-2 aircraft! I gave this model to my grandfather, he loves it very much military equipment. And I’ll make myself another Li-2!

We didn't get bored for a day at camp! Various events were held there, there were discos every day. We swam in the pool and went to the beach. All the guys from my squad are very good, we exchanged phone numbers with many of them - we will walk together in the city and communicate! I'm also tanned. Overall, I really liked it.

Grandma and mom say hello to you too, Anechka. They ask how your parents and newly born brother are doing. We don't know what you named the baby. Tell us more about him!

I’m also interested to know how you ended the school year! You didn't write about this in your last letter. Are you all right? I graduated with “excellent” marks, and for such merits at school they gave me an encyclopedia. Very interesting book! There are so many topics collected here, I can’t tear myself away from it when I sit down to read. I’ll definitely let you read it, you’ll like it!

Write to me as soon as you receive the letter! I'm sad to sit at home, and all my friends have gone to the sea with their parents, to the village with their grandparents or to children's camps. I feel lonely. I'm waiting for your answer!

Essay on the topic: My letter to a friend

Dear friend, sir Best wishes I am writing to you. I received your letter, for which I thank you very much.

I still spend my holidays in the village, visiting my grandparents. I really like it here, so I will stay here until the end of the summer. I made a lot of friends here. We have fun with them: we play football, go swimming in the river, and go to the forest to pick berries. The guys are kind and lively.

I'm helping my grandmother. She has a small farm: chickens, rabbits and goats.

My grandfather and I went fishing a couple of times. We got up very early, when it was just beginning to get light, when the grass was still heavy morning dew. Perch, crucian carp and roach are caught here. My grandfather is an experienced fisherman, so we never returned without a catch.

The cat Vaska is always the first to greet us from fishing. Oh, he's a fish eater too! But Druzhok, the dog, doesn’t eat fish, but accompanies us on fishing trips. Stays with us until the end. Well, just the third angler!

The weather is real summer. There are many sunny days, the gardens are ripening good harvest. And what nature is here! You go out onto the porch of your house in the morning, and you are greeted by a green sea of ​​trees, bushes, all kinds of colors of flowers, and the singing of birds. Here - it's not in the city. Here the whole day is rich in new discoveries, new research.

I also went to the village library and read many works that were assigned to us as extracurricular reading. But to be honest, reading is a bit boring when everything around you is bustling with life. I only read before bed, and even then not every day. Sometimes you get so tired during the day that your eyes just close themselves.

The days go by very quickly. I'm going to school soon, but to be honest, I don't want to go there yet. I would really like to see you and the other guys. Let's talk.

Write - how you relax, what you do, what you know about our people. Say hi to them if you see them.

Essay on the topic: Letter to a friend

A letter to a friend

Hello, Kostya! Hello my friend!

How is your life? Is it moving little by little? Everything is fine with me. I want to tell you a story that happened to me quite recently - last month.

Over the weekend, the whole family: dad, mom, sister and I went on vacation outside the city, into the forest. Dad prepared meat for the barbecue at home, grabbed a tent and fishing gear, and mom took out warm clothes, because it was already early autumn - what we call Indian summer.

It was wonderful, warm and surprisingly quiet in the forest. We cooked barbecue, I went fishing with my dad to a small forest river, and my mother and my sister Natasha picked mushrooms - autumn honey mushrooms. And in the evening we sat around the fire and sang our favorite songs. And then we went to bed: dad and I were in the tent, and mom and my little sister were in the car.

This is how wonderful I spent my weekend last month. How do you, Kostya, relax with your family? Do you go out into nature?