How to cut a hole for a sink in a countertop? How to cut a circle in metal: best methods and valuable tips How to cut a hole in ceramic tiles

How to cut a hole for a sink in a countertop?  How to cut a circle in metal: best methods and valuable tips How to cut a hole in ceramic tiles
How to cut a hole for a sink in a countertop? How to cut a circle in metal: best methods and valuable tips How to cut a hole in ceramic tiles

I think each of you made a case for your electronic crafts. And in the manufacture of the case, one nasty problem often arises - to make a hole in a shape other than a circle. For example, square, under the LED indicator.

I used to suffer for a long time, drill along the contour, then grind these teeth, swear about the fact that I had sanded off the excess or screwed up the parallelism. In general, for everything related to the machining of the material, my hands are out of my ass. And there's nothing to be done about it. But where the hands cannot work, the head must work. And I came up with a simple and effective solution.

So. It is necessary to drill a square hole in the plastic case.

Let's start by marking the hole. It is better to do this according to a paper template - you need to sharpen the corners as clearly as possible. We do it on the outer, front, side! Then the corners are drilled through with a thin drill. Here it is important to take a thinner drill. The thinner the more accurate our hole will be.

Take a ruler and a sharp scalpel. You can use a clerical knife or whatever is at hand. The main requirement is that it must be very sharp, rigid and not dangling. I do things like this with a cutter.

On the ruler from hole to hole, exactly according to the size of our hole (no more, no less, exactly the same!) We make cuts. The deeper the better, but you can without fanaticism. Because the deeper you cut, the greater the chance that the blade will break and we will cut the outer surface, and this is not the same - ugly. The holes here are ruled by the fact that the tip of the scalpel falls into them and the edge of the cut does not go further than the hole. Markup here the most important stage. It depends on him whether everything will turn out perfect the first time or if you have to trim it.

Everyone got four pieces inside. Now you need to pick them up from the center and break inside!

The cut we made will give us a weak point where the plastic will burst and break off. And the holes from the edges will not allow the crack to go further than necessary.

It took me no more than 10 minutes to dig this hole. This is with garbage collection and distraction for photographing and searching for either a scalpel or a drill.

There are times when you need to make a hole in the glass. In reality, this is not so easy to do. In this article, you will learn a couple of ways to solve this problem.

How to drill glass

If you need to make a hole in the glass, for example, to hang a mirror or insert a handle in a glass cabinet door, you can use these simple methods.

For the first method you will need:

  • the glass itself
  • drill for metal
  • drill
  • acetone
  • turpentine
  • alcohol

To drill a hole in the glass, you need to lay it on a flat surface, for this you can use a large sheet of plywood, the edges of the glass should not hang over.

The rotation speed of the drill on the drill is set to “one” or to “minimum”, depending on the configuration of the drill. It is necessary to exclude a strong beating of the drill so that the glass does not crack when drilling, a drilling machine is better in this case.

With acetone or alcohol, degrease the surface of the glass in the place where we will drill it. The drill is placed in the center of the proposed hole, the drill is turned on, when drilling, you need to drip a little on the glass, at the drilling site, turpentine. You can simply make a small circle-funnel out of plasticine and pour turpentine into it.

To prevent the glass from cracking, you need to press the drill easily, without any extra effort.

The second method will require:

  • glass
  • solder in the form of lead or tin,
  • fine wet sand
  • a stick sharpened under a cone, and the tip of the stick should have the diameter of the intended hole
  • alcohol or acetone.

The work is performed as follows: the surface of the glass is degreased in the place where the intended hole will be located. Sand is poured into the drilling site, a slide of three centimeters in height. A hole is made in the sand with a stick so that a funnel is formed, the molten solder is poured into the funnel.

Any design, whether in your home or in production, involves working with metal.

Often, during the operation of this material, the question may arise: how to cut a circle in?

It deserves attention, since the laboriousness of the process of performing work and the quality of its result directly depend on the choice of the right tool and technology.

Metal can be thin or thick and strong, so a variety of tools are used to cut it.

The choice of materials and cutting technology also depends on what diameter the circle is needed and how even it should be.

Jigsaw application

If there is a need for a perfectly even circle, you can use an electric one to cut it.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  • First, the thickness of the metal is determined and the appropriate saw blade for the electric jigsaw is selected.
  • Before cutting a circle in metal with a jigsaw, the outline of the circle to be cut is outlined on the working plane.
  • With the help of a drill and a drill (with a diameter of eight to ten millimeters), a hole is cut out from which work will begin.
  • A jigsaw saw blade is placed in the resulting slot and cutting continues as planned.

Cutting with this tool does not take much time and effort. Moreover, using a jigsaw, you can get a circle with perfect edges. But this tool is used only for working with metal of minimum or medium thickness (for example, 2 - 3 mm).

The use of grinders

The grinder is used in working with metal of small thickness. You can form a round hole with this tool by following these step-by-step tips:

  • Before cutting a circle in metal with a grinder, marking is carried out so that its contours are clearly visible.
  • Along the entire length of the intended drawing, short segments are cut through the angle grinder disk, which will eventually connect.
  • The figure will look more like a polyhedron than a circle. Therefore, after cutting is completed, the product is processed and cleaned until the edges are sufficiently even and smooth. For processing, you can also use the grinder. If the circle is wide, you can grind the contours with a large disk.

When processing a cut circle with a grinder, you should be careful that the disk is inside the hole and, at the same time, is located in the same plane with the work sheet.

Cutting a circle in thick metal

In order to outline the exact contours of the figure that will be cut out of metal, you should use a ruler, a marking compass and a marker.

First, with the help, the required width of the compass slot is set so that it corresponds to the required diameter of the circle.

Then the center point of the circle is determined on the metal plane.

Contours are drawn from it with the help of a compass.

So that during the robots they are clearly visible, they should be drawn with a marker.

Cutting torch application

A circle in metal of medium thickness can be cut with a gas cutter. The work takes place in several stages:

  • The contour of the circle is outlined.
  • The tool burner ignites.
  • Burning flame is adjustable.
  • Gently and slowly, the torch is carried out according to the drawn drawing.

With this method, you can cut a hole in the metal, which has about four or five millimeters.

Welding Machine Application

If there is no gas cutter in your home arsenal, you can use a welding machine.

It must be adjusted to the highest current level.

Then a burning arc is substituted for the contour and held on it until a hole is formed.

Then you just need to slowly lead it along the drawing until you get an even circle.

But the most important thing is to correctly adjust the power of the tool.

For example, if metal is used with a thickness of about four millimeters, a device operating at a power of about 150 amperes is needed. If the metal is thicker, the power of the tool will be greater.

To speed up the process, it is better to use thin electrodes. However, they burn out quickly and need to be replaced. Because of this, there will be a need for frequent heating of the metal, since it will have time to cool down during the replacement of the electrode.

How to cut an even circle from metal with a cutter is shown in the video:

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It happens that you need to change the tiles in the kitchen or bathroom and the question arises, what to do with sockets. How to cut a hole for an outlet in a tile, shield or concrete wall. For these purposes, you can invite a specialist, or you can try to do everything yourself.

With a perforator, the cutting process will take a minimum amount of time, and the hole itself will turn out to be even and neat. To work with the use of the nozzle, you will need the following tools:

  • perforator;
  • drill 8 mm;
  • crown for socket boxes;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer.

Before you start drilling, it will not be superfluous to cover all visible things and furniture with a film or damp cloth. This will protect them from settling building dust. Also, don't forget about your safety. Goggles and a respirator will protect your eyes and respiratory tract.

Before you cut a hole, you should mark the places on the tile or wall where the electrical outlet will be installed. According to the rules, it should be located at a distance of 30 cm from the floor. The crown is applied to the contour on the wall. The puncher is switched to the blow-drilling mode. At the time of work, do not press the tool hard, this can damage it. It happens that the crown does not cope with cutting the hole or it simply does not exist. In this case, holes are drilled around the entire perimeter to the depth of the future socket box. The remaining piece of concrete is knocked out with a hammer and chisel.

How to cut a hole for an outlet with a drill and a drill

Using an impact drill and a pobedite drill will take a little longer to cut a hole than with a hammer drill. This method is applicable to both tiles and concrete walls. You can make a hole of any shape. In addition to the already voiced tools, you will need a plastic cup for the socket, a long chisel, a hammer and wire cutters.

  1. The glass is applied to the wall or tile and circled around the perimeter. So mark the location of the outlet.
  2. Up to 20 holes are drilled around the mark in increments of 2 mm.
  3. If the work was done in a concrete wall, then all the insides are removed with a hammer and a chisel to the depth of the glass. In the case of tiles, the remnants are removed with wire cutters, and irregularities are eliminated with emery.

How to cut a tile for a socket

When installing a socket in a kitchen or bathroom, you should know how to cut the socket into the ceramic tile and keep it intact. The increased strength and hardness of the tile makes the process quite difficult. Lack of experience and knowledge can lead to a split of the product, which will then be impossible to use. The hole for the socket in the tile is cut out in the following ways:

  • cutting scissors;
  • grinder;
  • drill and drill;
  • electric or manual jigsaw.

The choice of one or another tool depends on its availability, as well as personal preferences. Whichever method is chosen, preparatory work is carried out first. Marking is applied to the outside. The glazed surface is quite slippery and so that the tool does not move out, the place of work is pasted over with masking tape. Moistening the tile surface will help reduce dust and speed up the drilling process. To do this, the tile is placed in water for about an hour.

Drill + crown

The complete set of a drill should include a nozzle-crown. With its help, you can make a hole in concrete, brick, artificial and natural stone, tiles. Nozzles differ from each other in cutting edges

Crowns for concrete are equipped with special cutting elements. The diameter of the nozzle should be 68-70 mm, this is the size of the socket. For tiles, diamond-coated, carbide or victorious crowns are used. Carbide-tungsten, universal crowns drill holes in both concrete and ceramic tiles. You can cut holes for sockets in a wall panel with a nozzle the same as for wood, with teeth at the end.

The process of cutting a socket hole is the same, regardless of the type of nozzle. The drill is switched to drilling mode, the crown is applied to the mark on the wall or tile, and a hole is drilled by gentle pressure. At the time of drilling, the diamond edge heats up quickly, so it is recommended to periodically moisten it in water.


Using a "ballerina" as a tool for cutting a hole in a tile for an outlet requires certain skills. Before drilling, measure the diameter of the socket and divide by two. It is to the size of the resulting radius that the cutting edge of the tool is retracted from the center.

Nozzle-"ballerina" for cutting holes
  1. Using a drill, a hole is made in the center of the contour.
  2. The nozzle is installed on a drill and the required diameter is adjusted.
  3. The center nozzle of the nozzle is inserted into the central recess, the drill is turned on at low speeds.
  4. Gradually, the cutting edges will deepen, drilling a rosette hole.
  5. Having reached the middle of the thickness of the tile, you should turn it over and continue drilling on the other side until a circle falls out.

The “ballerina” nozzle is used only on horizontal surfaces, because. the drill should be located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the wall.

Hacksaw + diamond string

The process of cutting with a diamond wire may differ depending on how the rosette will be placed on the tile. If at the junction of two plates, then they are applied to each other by side faces. The glass of the socket box is installed in such a way that the tile seam passes through its center, and is outlined along the contour. Each half is sawn with a hacksaw and a string.

Before cutting a hole for a socket in a solid tile, a hole is drilled into which a string is threaded. Further cutting is performed in the manner described above.


The grinder is applicable for cutting holes for sockets when there was no other tool at hand. To do this, you need a disc coated with diamond grit.

  1. On two tiles, half of the socket box is circled along the contour.
  2. With the help of a grinder, parallel sections are cut from the edge of the tile to the edges of the circle in 5 mm increments.
  3. The resulting strips are broken out with wire cutters or pliers.

The hole turns out to be crooked and unaesthetic, but then all the irregularities will be closed with a cashier.

For a hole in the center of a solid tile, a grinder is passed along a predetermined contour. They move away from themselves, making guide lines, gradually deepening. With the help of a grinder, it is convenient to make square holes.

The described methods will certainly come in handy for those who decide to test their abilities and drill holes for sockets on their own. By observing all the stages of the process and safety precautions, you can achieve good results and save a lot on calling the master.