How is the dismantling of steel structures. Dismantling of metal structures, dismantling works Requirements for disassembly of rubberized metal structures

How is the dismantling of steel structures.  Dismantling of metal structures, dismantling works Requirements for disassembly of rubberized metal structures
How is the dismantling of steel structures. Dismantling of metal structures, dismantling works Requirements for disassembly of rubberized metal structures
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Great attention is paid to the quality of work on the installation of metal structures, since the degree of safety of the facility during operation depends on them. However, the dismantling of technological, temporary or obsolete warranty period metal structures. As a rule, dismantling is carried out by the same organizations that once installed the building or equipment. This is quite justified, since it is much easier for specialists who carried out the assembly to dismantle these metal structures.

If earlier the need to dismantle large metal structures did not arise often, today the vast majority industrial buildings, lifting mechanisms and obsolete technological equipment needs to be replaced. There are three main methods of dismantling:

  • Equipment is cut for scrap metal. As a rule, this has worked out its time chemical equipment or rusted structures of workshops and hangars;
  • The equipment is cut to make room for the installation of a more modern one, but a significant part of the metal structures is planned to be reused in non-critical areas;
  • The equipment is dismantled for subsequent installation and use on new place.

Regardless of the purpose of dismantling, metal structures should be dealt with in a carefully designed plan. The most time-consuming and costly is the dismantling of equipment to move it to a new location. With this method, cutters are practically not used, and the assembly team tries to dismantle all easily removable elements in order with minimal damage, carefully numbering and packing them. Then, with the help of various lifting mechanisms, large-sized elements are disassembled.

The only elements that are cut off with this dismantling method are various stairs and non-removable protection elements, since they are cheaper to weld in a new place. Most often, in this mode, various crane equipment, process tanks and various auxiliary structures.

If the customer wishes to save part of the metal structures as a material for further use, he must, together with a representative installation organization make a list of the leftover material. During dismantling, disassembly can be carried out in many ways, so employees, if possible, will cut the metal to the specified dimensions.

At complete dismantling building or process equipment for the purpose of scrapping it, the main task is to ensure the safety of workers and maximum speed performance of work. Despite the seeming simplicity of dismantling buildings and large-sized technological equipment, this work can only be performed by specialists, since it is impossible to predict how multi-ton equipment that has served its time will behave during dismantling.

Dismantling work is a complex and responsible operation that requires highly qualified employees of all levels from the contractor. "To break is not to build" - says the well-known folk wisdom. But how to "break" so as not to harm the people around, to keep intact nearby buildings, structures, equipment; ensure the safety of people participating in the demolition work. All these issues must be taken into account by those who plan to carry out dismantling works of any complexity.

One of the most difficult and demanding high level professionalism of the types of dismantling - is the dismantling of metal structures. Today, metal structures surround us everywhere: trade and industrial premises, kiosks, stopping points, canopies, gates, chimneys and other more complex structures made of metal frame. The reasons for the production of dismantling works can be varied. This is the transfer of production facilities and the structures themselves from a metal frame to a new place: to another district, city, region, etc.; and a change in the direction of the company, making room for new equipment or new facilities.

When dismantling metal structures, the organization carrying out the dismantling must know the scheme for distributing loads on the metal structure, which will determine the order of dismantling individual elements metal structures. Without this, the dismantling of a single beam, truss or connection can cause the collapse of the entire structure. For the safe dismantling of metal frames of buildings and structures, it is possible to erect temporary supports and ties. Depending on the complexity and weight of the dismantled metal structure appropriate rigging devices and lifting mechanisms. The personnel carrying out the dismantling of any structures from a metal frame must be familiar with the dismantling project, which will help to avoid accidents during the work. The dismantling site must be marked with a special tape in accordance with safety regulations.

Without fail, the method of carrying out dismantling operations must be agreed with the customer. If the dismantling of old, exhausted and no longer suitable metal structures is carried out, then as a method of dismantling, scrapping of metal structures using appropriate equipment can be chosen: excavators, bulldozers, cranes. This method will significantly reduce the time - and hence the funds required for the dismantling of metal structures. However, its use is not always acceptable, since with this method of organizing dismantling work, there is a high risk of destruction or damage to nearby standing buildings or equipment. And even more so, it is not suitable if it is necessary to carefully dismantle metal structures, maintain their bearing capacity and subsequently mount them on a new site.

For such an operation, a phased method of dismantling structures from a metal frame can be chosen, in which most of the elements of such a frame remain intact and their use in the future is possible. Special attention when dismantling metal structures within the city, care should be taken to ensure that no strangers enter the territory of the dismantling site. To do this, the entire area of ​​dismantling work must be fenced in accordance with safety standards, and the work itself must be coordinated with the relevant city administration authorities. Perhaps, for the safe conduct of such work, they will have to be carried out at night.

The dismantling of the so-called "prefabricated" buildings from a metal frame is no less in demand. Even at the design stage, the possibility of their assembly and disassembly and subsequent assembly at a new location is laid in such buildings. Therefore, the metal structures of such buildings, as a rule, are interconnected using detachable connections. It is understood that this should greatly facilitate the dismantling of such metal structures. However, in most cases, there is such a problem as rusted or “bitten” bolts that cannot be disassembled with standard tools. But this problem can also be solved by cutting out the rusted bolt with gas burner. An experienced installer will carry out such an operation without damaging the metal structure itself. After properly carried out dismantling work, elements of prefabricated structures from a metal frame can be transported to a new location and mounted there.

In this way, dismantling works are a complex engineering challenge. And high-quality, fast, efficient and, most importantly, safe implementation of such work requires a high level of professionalism from the contractor at all stages of work: from drawing up a work project to the implementation of its individual goals and objectives in practice. Therefore, when choosing an organization to carry out such work, contact serious companies whose professionalism will ensure your peace of mind and well-being.

Dismantling of metal structures requires special care and extreme caution. In most cases, dismantling works are carried out on non-standard objects, in cramped conditions or at high altitudes. At the same time, many metal structures are suitable for recycling or can be effectively disposed of, so they must be disassembled element by element with maximum preservation of the integrity of the parts. After any type of dismantling of metal structures, it is necessary to organize the removal of construction debris.

Features of dismantling of metal structures

Dismantling of metal structures should be carried out taking into account the physical condition of the structure, the features of its structural elements, bearing capacity and purpose of dismantling. In most cases, when dismantling metal structures, a combined approach is used - the demolition of the structure, followed by careful manual dismantling of metal elements.

Lightweight metal structures are often reused. Therefore, disassembly similar structures must be carried out in accordance technical documentation in strict order. After disassembly, small elements of the metal structure are packed in boxes, and large parts are packed in a protective film.

The choice of the type of dismantling of metal structures

When choosing the type of dismantling of metal structures, the masters compare various options to select the most optimal solution. Not infrequently, a design of smaller dimensions expends more effort on dismantling than a heavier and larger one. This happens as a result of the fact that the cost of metal of a more compact design can be much higher, so it must be dismantled manually.

Types of dismantling of metal structures:

  • Structural breakdown. With this type of dismantling, the metal structure cannot be reused, and the scrap metal is sent for recycling. Dismantling is carried out quickly.
  • Step-by-step analysis of a metal structure. In the process of dismantling structural elements retain their original integrity, allowing them to be reused. Disassembly is done manually or using equipment. For loading and removal of parts of a metal structure, it is used special equipment. Such dismantling is more expensive and takes more time.

The type of dismantling is selected at the stage of preparation and determination of the sequence of work performed. The peculiarity of the dismantling of metal structures lies in the almost complete waste-free production. After dismantling or demolition of an object, the condition of all structural units and their suitability for further use are assessed. As a result, structural parts are reused or recycled.

Scrap metal cutting. Dismantling metal pipes, hangars, factory equipment, etc.

Dismantling of metal structures for assembly at a new location, packaging of metal structure elements. Rigging work.

We dismantled various metal structures: hangars, factory floors, metal pipes, advertising structures. Each design requires individual approach. Dismantling is a responsible task. It is necessary not only to carefully disassemble the structure, not to destroy or damage nearby structures, but also to prepare structural elements for convenient transportation. All demolition work must be properly planned. Bearing structures, the main frame is dismantled at the very end. First, the casing and parts attached to the supporting structures are dismantled. That is, it is necessary to dismantle everything that can be carefully dismantled, leaving only load-bearing frame. Then you can dismantle the entire supporting structure, or remove it in parts from top to bottom. Sometimes lifting equipment may be required. Each case of dismantling work must be planned individually. It is not known how firmly the dismantled structure holds. Fasteners on metal structures may “loose” during operation. Therefore, each removed part of the metal structure must be additionally insured.

Dismantling of metal structures and cutting into parts for convenient transportation and delivery of scrap metal.

Dismantling of metal structures may be requested by various reasons. For example, the re-profiling of production. Or moving production. It is often necessary to make partial dismantling metal structures for redevelopment of premises. In this case, it is important to correctly develop the procedure for the process of dismantling the metal structure so as not to damage load-bearing elements metal structures or replace them if necessary. We will undertake to carry out the most technologically complex dismantling. There are times when it is necessary to make a partial dismantling of metal structures. That is, for the reconstruction of the structure. Sometimes dismantling must be carried out at a height. In this case, you will need an aerial platform, or a tour. Or the dismantling of metal structures will be performed by industrial climbers.

Dismantling of metal structures price per ton.

Dismantling (demolition) of metal structures - from 1500 rubles. for 1 ton.

Cutting metal structures into parts - from 1500 rubles. for 1 ton.

Cleaning and garbage disposal - from 1500 rubles per 1 ton.

Prices for special equipment.

Manipulator - 10,000 rubles. for a shift.

Aerial platform - 10000 rub. for a shift.

Truck crane - from 15000 rubles. for a shift.

Purchase of scrap metal - 3000 rubles. - 7000 rub. per ton.

What is the cost of dismantling a metal structure.

Initially, the cost of cutting a metal structure during dismantling is 1500 rubles. per ton. Then, various factors must be taken into account.
1. The height of the metal structure. Or the height of the dismantled metal structure. The higher the dismantled metal structure is located, the more difficult it is to carry out dismantling work.
2. Finding nearby foreign objects. For example, there may be buildings, a roadway, parked cars, etc. very close to a metal structure being dismantled, which makes dismantling work difficult.
3. Inaccessibility. Sometimes access to the dismantled metal structure is very difficult. For example, we dismantled pipes in the factory workshop, which were located under the ceiling of the workshop in narrow niche. And lifting equipment could not be placed anywhere. It was necessary to build structures on the ceiling of the workshop for hanging them and lowering the dismantled metal.
4. Use of special equipment. Truck cranes, aerial platforms, manipulators, etc.
5. Recycling and removal of construction debris.

Dismantling of prefabricated metal structures.

The dismantling of hangars, warehouses and other prefabricated metal structures is carried out mainly for assembly at a new location. When carrying out the dismantling of metal structures of this type, it is necessary to dismantle the metal structure manually so as not to damage the attachment points. In the process of disassembly, the parts of the metal structure are carefully packed. When assembling at a new location, you can produce anti-corrosion treatment metal structures, i.e. primed and painted all parts.

Often when dismantling metal structures, it is necessary to “dump” the metal structure into Right place without damaging other structures and structures. In this case, the participation of special equipment is necessary. Cranes, manipulators. Sometimes in urban conditions it is necessary to dismantle an advertising metal structure from the roof of a building. In this case, a crane is needed. The metal structure is removed in large sections with a crane and cut into small pieces for transportation on the ground. But it happens that around the house from which the metal structure is being dismantled, it is impossible to place a crane. Then the cutting of metal structures has to be done on the roof in compliance with all fire safety measures and lowering small parts of the metal structure to the ground for subsequent transportation. It is more dangerous and more difficult to dismantle a metal structure without special equipment.

We carried out complex dismantling of metal structures, which other companies did not undertake.

Dismantling of metal structures should be carried out in stages. It is necessary to think over and develop the stages of dismantling the metal structure. Dismantling of metal structures is a type of activity heightened danger. To evaluate the dismantling of metal structures, it is necessary to see the object. For a preliminary estimate of the cost of dismantling a metal structure, you can send a photo of the object. Very often, the dismantling of metal structures for one reason or another more difficult to install the same metal structure. The dismantling of the foundation of metal structures is often associated with earthworks requires special equipment. Many works on the dismantling of metal structures in the city require permits. Sometimes the dismantling of a metal structure must be done carefully with the preservation of all elements of the metal structure, for example, for the subsequent installation of this metal structure in another place. If at the same time the metal structure has a large height, in such cases, dismantling work is performed industrial climbers. Step by step, the elements of the metal structure are dismantled and lowered to the ground for packaging and transportation. Finally, the area is cleaned up. If the metal structure consists of a large amount of metal and the customer does not need the structure in the future, we cut the metal into the parts necessary in size for scrapping the metal. In this case, the cost of scrap metal is deducted from the cost of dismantling the metal structures.

Complex dismantling of metal structures.

Very often it is necessary to dismantle metal structures in combination with other works. For example, during the construction of a building or when repairing a facade within the city, it is necessary to enclose the construction area. It is required to comply with all building safety standards. The facade being repaired or under construction is closed with a metal structure or scaffolding. Outside, a construction or advertising mesh is stretched over the metal structure in order to pollute the city less construction dust. On lower floors a deaf metal structure is made from a metal frame and a profiled sheet in order to avoid construction debris falling on passers-by and cars. At the bottom, a pedestrian crossing is also made of a metal frame or a wooden frame and a profiled sheet. And the roadway is fenced concrete blocks. At the completion of the construction of the building or the repair of the facade, all these auxiliary structures must be carefully dismantled. Dismantling of metal structures is carried out using a truck crane and aerial platform. It is necessary to cut off large fragments of the metal structure and lower them crane to the ground. On the ground, cut into pieces for disposal or further use. All parts of the metal structure, concrete blocks, construction waste are removed as the structure is dismantled. Complex dismantling works of this type must be carried out at night in order not to impede urban traffic.

The mechanism for the production of dismantling work must be debugged "like a clock". Dismantling of metal structures, cleaning of the territory, loading and removal - all these works must be professionally organized.

Dismantling of the railroad tracks. In the realities of our time, the industrialization of the territory is taking place. Various factories are under construction warehouse complexes. For the normal functioning of which transport accessibility is necessary. Our company is ready to offer services for the construction of railroad tracks and turnouts. We are also ready to dismantle the railway track and turnouts. We have all necessary equipment to make installation and dismantling of sleepers, rails according to the required standards.

Demolition of buildings, interior partitions.

If it is necessary to redevelop the building, it is necessary to qualitatively and accurately dismantle partitions, walls or other structures. In this type of dismantling, as well as in others, it is important not to damage the load-bearing structural elements, to carry out dismantling work carefully and to clean up after work.

Dismantling of metal pipes.

Demolition, demolition, demolition brick pipes boiler houses.