How does the full moon affect a person? How does the full moon affect a person?

How does the full moon affect a person?  How does the full moon affect a person?
How does the full moon affect a person? How does the full moon affect a person?

The Earth's satellite, the Moon, directs sunlight to our planet, acting as a kind of mirror. Depending on its position relative to the Sun, 4 phases are distinguished. Being in each of them, the Moon has different effects on living organisms, including humans. The greatest changes can be observed during the period of growth and decline. Knowing the peculiarities of the influence of the Moon on a person, you can prepare in advance for unfavorable periods and plan things in accordance with your well-being.

The Moon, revolving around the Earth, reflects the light of the Sun from different sides, transmitting it to our planet. At the energy level, there are several types of transmission. The degree of distance of the Moon from the Sun, that is, its phase, will have its own influence on different areas human life.

There are 4 phases of the moon:

  • new moon;
  • first quarter;
  • full moon;
  • last quarter.

A distinction is also made between the waxing phase (the period from the new moon to the full moon) and the waning phase (after the full moon). Dramatic changes in behavior, well-being, and mood can be observed twice a month - during growth and decline.

There are many theories and speculations about the influence of the Moon on humans. Today maybe wellness, tomorrow it changes without apparent reason. This leads to thoughts about whether the phase can influence a person in this way, and if so, how to use knowledge about this to benefit.

The influence of the growing phase on a person

During the growing phase, a person becomes more emotional, reacting vividly to almost any life situations. This period is characterized by the accumulation of energy, and this is suitable for planning. During the waxing of the moon favorable time for starting new businesses, making decisions, negotiating.

Children are especially active from new moon to full moon; at this time they learn information better and get good grades at school. Children with problem behavior, on the contrary, direct their energy in a negative direction, committing dirty tricks, spoiling relationships with peers and quarreling with parents.

Elderly people in the growing phase are more likely to experience exacerbation of diseases, sleep poorly, and have difficulty with weather changes. It is at this time that you can see long queues to see doctors.

Impact of the waning moon

On the waning Moon, a person becomes less receptive and inhibited. Sensitivity and emotionality decreases. This is a favorable time to complete the work you have started.

During the waning of the Moon, you need to waste energy, and do it wisely. It's better not to start something new, but to close old projects at work and solve accumulated everyday problems.

The influence of the Moon on a woman is especially noticeable. This manifests itself in reducing attention to one’s appearance and others, and turning it towards internal conflicts. During a recession, a woman can become a provocateur of a quarrel or separation.

Children are less active at this time, melancholic, try to spend more time at home, do not want to make contact. Parents can use this quiet period for educational purposes. During the waning moon, a child analyzes his behavior more, thinks, evaluates.

Elderly people on the waning moon begin to suffer more from headaches. During this period, there is a high risk of the appearance of various phobias and manias. When there are mental problems, an old man may begin to behave aggressively, suspiciously, and there is also a high probability of obsessive thoughts and delusions.

How your health changes during the new moon

During the new moon, human energy resources are at a minimum level. This manifests itself as weakness, a feeling of lack of strength, and a need for rest. Some people during this period may suffer from obsessive thoughts and fears.

Men are more susceptible to changes during the new moon, and the full moon has a greater influence on the weaker sex. Women may experience deterioration in health in case of high physical activity. During the new moon period, it is recommended to spend less energy on hard work, and allocate more time for rest.

The new moon will be a good time for healing the body. Women and men can cleanse their bodies and start eating right. This is also a favorable time for weight loss easy help diets.

What to Expect on a Full Moon

The influence of the full moon on a person is manifested in increased emotionality and physical activity. At the same time, sensitivity and receptivity increases. Many people are suffering from bad sleep, insomnia, daytime sleepiness.

During the full moon, chronic diseases worsen, so it is recommended to pay more attention to health. It is recommended to avoid during the full moon stressful situations, consume more vitamins, normalize work and rest patterns.

What else happens to a person during a full moon:

  • irritability increases;
  • attention decreases;
  • restlessness prevails, but it gives way to temporary apathy.

During the new moon, women are more guided by emotions; the full moon has little effect on men. The full moon also affects the behavior of infants and older children. They become whiny, sleep and eat poorly, and behave restlessly. The birth of a child on a full moon can be accompanied by poor health of the woman, which is why it is important to psychologically prepare for the upcoming difficulties.

During this period, it is good to act based on the arguments of the mind, not the heart. In love affairs there may be problems associated with increased emotionality, which means a sharp reaction to minor changes.

Each phase of the moon has both positive and negative effects on a person. This will mean something different for everyone, because you also need to take into account your state of health, personality traits and behavior. If we take into account what areas of life the phase concerns different periods, can be avoided negative influence, preparing yourself for the upcoming changes.

The moon not only actively influences our health and well-being. According to the results of recent scientific research, even the death rate of pedestrians on the roads directly depends on the phases of the moon.

The study was carried out by a group at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute led by Michael Sivak. For the analysis, local statistics of pedestrian deaths in road incidents over a ten-year period, as well as astronomical data, were taken.

Cases of death were considered in the period from 10 pm to 5 am, that is, in dark time days. So, it turned out: 22% of deaths occur during the new moon. more people than on a full moon. The question is, why?

It seems the answer is obvious: the light of the full moon illuminates the road brighter, and this significantly improves the driver’s perception of the situation on the road. At the same time, researchers believe that the scale of the Moon’s influence on human behavior is apparently much wider.

Thus, in Britain, based on police statistics, a decision was made to increase the number of police patrols on the days of the full moon.

In Austria, a decrease in occupational injuries was found during the full moon. It was even possible to completely identify inexplicable fact direct influence of the phases of the Moon on the behavior of microorganisms living in water at great depths. Meanwhile, the nature of the Moon’s influence on biological objects and social processes still unclear.

“Be especially careful during the full moon,” Swiss doctors advise heart patients. A group of cardiologists from the city of Lugano came to the conclusion that the phases of the Earth’s satellite somehow affect people’s well-being.

As observation of a group of patients showed, 30 percent of them suffered a heart attack precisely during the period when the “queen of the night” shone brightly in the sky. Statistics show that the few days following the full moon are dangerous for those who had to go to the hospital after a heart attack: it is during this period that complications are likely, and the number of deaths doubles.

There is an assumption that the phases of the moon also affect fertility. In France, a study of five million cases showed that at the end lunar month There are almost twice as many children as usual. It's better to fast in the dark

Influence lunar phases impact on our well-being and behavior is enormous,” says an employee of the Advisory Center at the Moscow Academy of State and municipal government, medical consultant Svetlana Bestuzheva.

If the Moon, by the force of its gravity, is able to set the seas and oceans in motion, then is it any wonder that it influences all life on Earth? Marine organisms, from mollusks to big fish, lay and fertilize eggs only during the full moon. And recent studies have confirmed that it is during this period that the number of violent robberies increases by one and a half times.

On the contrary, on dark moonless nights our bodies renew themselves, most actively cleansing themselves of toxins. This is the best time to break up with bad habits, start therapeutic fasting or break up with a person who is unpleasant to you: the stress on the body will be the least.

When it appears in the sky thin crescent moon, our body, as researchers have noted, is at the lowest point of vital activity. The immune system is weakened, we may experience an inexplicable feeling of fear, depression, depression. Therefore, doctors recommend carrying out strengthening treatment, drinking vitamins and getting more sleep during the waxing moon phase.

In love, the waxing Moon is a time of hopes and promises; in business life, it is a period of constructive thoughts, new projects that promise good luck. As the Moon grows, we become stronger, as if preparing for upcoming victories and achievements. Closer to the change of lunar phases, you need to be more careful, more attentive to yourself and others. On such days, people become less balanced and more conflicted. The acuity of emotional perception of the world increases.

The second phase begins on the day when the illuminated part occupies exactly half of the lunar disk. The body’s energy continues to increase: we become stronger, more active, more emotional. Vitality gradually approaching their peak.

But here it comes full moon- it’s time to move from accumulating strength to actively spending it. On this day, unspent energy may become unmanageable. Excess energy prevents many from falling asleep - it is during the full moon and the next few days that many people complain of insomnia.

In the old days they believed that these days blood flows more abundantly from wounds, and sleepwalkers walk in their sleep. Nervous disorders are worsening and the number of road accidents is increasing. People become more irritated and often make scandals, seemingly for no reason. The number of suicides is increasing. On such days, try to be calmer, do not raise your voice, and do not get irritated over trifles. Don’t fuss, put aside for a while all things that require nervous tension, and do a calm, monotonous task. Remember: all this is temporary.

But in principle, the full moon is not as scary as it is painted. This is the time of accomplishment. Things are going well the best way, romantic meetings are stormy and passionate. And for those who have nowhere to discharge their overflowing energy, it is recommended to take up physical labor, sports or creativity. If you can't sleep, write poetry! You may suddenly discover a rare talent.

On days when the moon wanes, the chances of success with surgical interventions are higher, and recovery is faster. The waning moon brings awareness of the events that have taken place and a revision of views. Dating is more of a friendly, spiritual, rather than sensual nature.

The narrower the crescent of our satellite becomes - and this happens in the days of the final, fourth phase - the more damaged the energy of our organisms is. A person loses activity, begins to get tired, everything falls out of his hands. It looks like old age is approaching. It's like you're summing up what you've experienced. You need to live this period with the feeling that the month was not in vain, and you did everything you could. Is the moon an alien ship?

The Moon is probably the most mysterious object in our sky, says Professor Rudakov. - The more information we receive about our natural satellite, the more mysteries and contradictions arise. Thus, the size, shape and orbit of Selene’s movement seem physically impossible to many researchers. Another mystery of it is the incredible curvature of the surface. It is not clear how the Moon can have such a strange structure without being destroyed.

One explanation proposed by scientists is that the lunar crust was made of a solid titanium frame. The third secret of the Moon is its numerous craters. It is widely known that these are nothing more than scars on the body of the satellite left by falling meteorites. After all, the Moon does not have an atmosphere that would protect it from cosmic “aggressors”. But the depth of these craters in this case should be orders of magnitude greater than it actually is. Roughly speaking, meteorites would have already blown the surfaces of a small satellite to smithereens. But this doesn't happen. Why? Is someone or something stopping them from doing this?

The list of mysteries of the Moon can be continued almost endlessly. Much is unclear - from its origin to the famous “lunar seas”, woven from lava that came from nowhere. Some researchers come to a fantastic guess: this huge lifeless ball orbiting the Earth is not a natural satellite. In fact, this is a controlled ship of brothers in mind, or an ancient cosmodrome, or a giant space laboratory...

Perhaps this is precisely what explains its obvious, but often inexplicable influence on our lives? What if the researchers of lunar anomalies go even further, brothers in mind perform invisible experiments on us, and that is why we sometimes fall into causeless melancholy, so that even if we hang ourselves, we become cheerful and cheerful?

However, if this is so, two questions remain unanswered: who created the Moon and for what purpose? Representatives of other space civilizations?

Or, perhaps, those who lived on Earth in prehistoric times - the Atlanteans or their even more distant ancestors? But why do these mysterious creatures need us?

The question of how the full moon affects people has worried humanity for many centuries. In former times it was believed that full moon gives strength to werewolves, vampires and other fantastic creatures.

But is this really so? What happens to us on a full moon? Let's try to understand in more detail the question of how the full moon affects a person.

The effect of the full moon on women

The moon hiding behind the clouds or shining brightly in the sky is a factor that has a huge impact on human emotions and well-being. Most of all, this luminary influences women - it is not for nothing that it is the personification of the feminine principle.

During a full moon, the moon is at a 180-degree angle with respect to the sun. Simply put, two planets are located on opposite sides relative to each other. That is why during this period women experience a kind of confrontation between soul and body. Doctors know best how the full moon affects women, because these days ladies often turn to them, complaining of being unwell.

On a full moon, ladies have problems with:

  • stomach;
  • kidneys;
  • heart;
  • vision.

If you are a creative lady, your subconscious will definitely be activated during the full moon. In addition, sexuality awakens during this period. People say that on a full moon you can easily win the heart of the person you have feelings for.

In ancient times, healers and healers taught women how to use lunar energy to maintain beauty and health. They said that swimming in a river or lake on a full moon, when the water surface reflects white apple luminaries, allows you to recharge with energy and restore spiritual harmony.

The moon gives women strength and cleanses them. But if the luminary hides behind the clouds, night swimming must be ended, because otherwise it will have a negative effect.

How does the full moon affect men?

Gentlemen are most affected by the new moon. But a lot is also known about how the full moon affects men. During the full moon, their energy and feelings reach their maximum. Representatives of the strong half of humanity during this period can do what they previously did not have the strength to do.

However, increased emotionality also has Negative consequences. Thus, during the full moon the number of accidents increases, including those involving men. These days, the effect of alcohol on the body increases, which leads to unpredictable actions.

The period of the lunar cycle is called when the luminary reaches the peak of its growth, while its influence on all living things intensifies and reaches its maximum level. At this time, plants grow especially quickly, all recovery processes increase significantly, and metabolism is activated.

How does the Full Moon affect a person?

The full moon affects a person even more strongly. During this period, his brain activity reaches its peak, continuing even at night. The full moon is fundamentally different - you are bursting with energy, you are charged with strength, you may have a desire to do the impossible. This state must be used to achieve your goals. At such moments, it is recommended to do important and necessary things. It's time to realize what you lacked enthusiasm or energy for, and everything will work out perfectly, and you may even feel like you've caught luck by the tail.

However, due to such a tide, conflicts may arise, because during the Full Moon the emotional background is heated to the limit. To avoid quarrels with loved ones, try:

  • Maintain composure until the last moment;
  • Be patient;
  • Do not give in to provocations or “injections”;
  • Steer the conversation to a neutral topic if you feel that a quarrel may break out;

Full Moon Period– the most optimal time for carrying out friendly meetings, carrying out risky business, signing any contracts and agreements. Everything will turn out as well as possible, but due to such activity of the nervous system and the entire body as a whole, a person may begin to have problems with sleep.

However, there are advantages here - astrologers offer an option that will smooth out this negative effect Earth satellite. At such moments, it's time to improve intimate life between partners. If your married life is not going well, the Full Moon is a great chance to fix everything.

Prophetic dreams

The period of peak lunar waxing affects everyone differently, so you won't necessarily experience sleep problems. But it has been recorded that on the Full Moon people can dream prophetic dreams. They are bright and memorable, and always appear in the morning. Since a person is overly active at this time, the subconscious will send unforgettable dreams to protect you from rash actions.
It is important not to push away the warnings of your consciousness - this may end unfavorably. You should always listen to the voice of reason, even when you are bursting with the desire to move mountains. Dreams during this period are divided into two categories:

  1. Warning dreams. A vivid and unforgettable dream given by the subconscious, the main task of which is to protect you from possible problem or troubles. When you have such a dream, you definitely need to analyze it and compare it with your life, because most likely you did something wrong. Consciousness strives to point out this in order to protect against an even greater mistake.
  2. Prophetic dreams. Under the influence of the Moon, the psyche can exhibit extrasensory abilities, giving you dreams that are sure to happen. They may be with other people, not those from the dream, but that they will be is for sure. There are not isolated cases when a person saw himself in a certain situation in a dream, and then a couple of days later, this happened to him in reality.

It is very important to pay attention to dreams during Full Moon periods, because they indicate not only good, but also bad. For example, a dream in which you see yourself in another city or an unfamiliar place may signify a move. If you scream in a dream, it is quite possible that in reality you will have a quarrel with your significant other, or a raised conversation with your boss/subordinates.


The influence of the Moon on the human body is especially evident at the peak of its increase. At this moment you feel a huge charge of vivacity and positivity, nervous system excited to the limit, actively using this energy you will succeed in many things. But it’s worth thinking about how to avoid causing trouble in a hurry; this is why the subconscious can send warnings through dreams. You are required to grasp the essence of the dream in time, recognize its message and make a decision based on this.

Hot-tempered people need to be extremely careful; situations in which they can lose their temper will haunt them at every step. Therefore, in order not to do anything stupid, such people should especially watch out for and especially the Full Moon. Having such information, you can easily control yourself and extinguish your ardor.

Does the moon affect a person? Some are skeptical about this, others subordinate their lives to the lunar calendar. Who is right?

Remember your school geography lessons, where you were taught that the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans directly depend on the phase of the moon. And a person, as we know, is 80% water, and this means that whether we like it or not, the phases of the moon really have a certain influence on us. It manifests itself most acutely when the Earth's satellite is in the full moon phase.

People have long noticed that during this period emotions are heightened, bursts of joy or despair can suddenly surge, and inexorable statistics show that the highest percentage of suicides occurs at this time, as well as exacerbation of various chronic diseases, especially mental ones. It is not without reason that human fantasy attributes increased activity during the time when the moon is full to all sorts of evil spirits: ghouls, ghouls, werewolves and witches.

"Blood Moon" of July 2018. NASA reported that July 27 was the longest moon eclipse over the last 100 years. According to Kyiv time, it took place at 23.21. Photo: REUTERS

Lunar mathematics

The lunar month consists of four phases: new moon, full moon, waxing and waning moon. The first lunar day marks the beginning of the new moon. The first quarter of the lunar month falls on the 7-8 lunar day, and the full moon falls on the 14th to 17th lunar day. Third quarter - 22 and 23 lunar days. The fourth quarter is the end of the lunar month.

If you decide to analyze your condition from the point of view of the lunar phases, it is better to purchase moon calendar, in which all days are clearly marked.

What to expect on a full moon?

It is unlikely that on a full moon night a vampire will knock on your window asking to be let in. Don't expect this. In addition, not everyone is “given” to feel the influence of the luminary in principle, and for those who have such good fortune, this happens in different ways. But there is still something in common.

First of all, the nervous system “suffers,” especially in people with a sensitive psyche. For many, reflexes become sharper or change, and there is a surge in both positive and negative emotions: fatal doom, desperate joy, inexplicable phobias. Even the healthiest people complain of insomnia these days.

During the 2018 lunar eclipse, there was almost 100% alignment of the center of the Moon and the center of the Earth's shadow. At the moment of the eclipse, the Moon, Earth and Sun were on the same line, while the planet was located between the Sun and the Moon and obscured its natural satellite from sunlight. Photo: IPA RAS

But not only on mental processes and emotional condition may be influenced by the moon. Numerous experiments (known since the time of Hippocrates) prove that during the full moon the metabolic rate in the body decreases sharply. body, it negatively affects the state of the blood, which is explained by the acceleration of biochemical processes. The conclusion is simple: it is better not to schedule operations on these days. Firstly, bleeding occurs more often, which is difficult to stop, and secondly, the healing process will take longer long time. But cleansing the body these days will be as effective as possible.

It is difficult for people with heart disease and hypertension to experience the full moon: stable work the heart is disrupted, and the amount of fluid in the tissues increases.

The risk of gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning also increases, which is explained by the increased activity of various viruses and microbes. In addition, experts note, medications at this time they are less effective and the risk of side effects increases.

"Bloody Moon" July 2018. Photo: IAP RAS

Moon-moon, love-love...

There's another one interesting feature full moon: at this time, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus accelerates, that is, in those few days when the moon is full, the possibility of conception increases many times over. This state of the body is reinforced by an increased attraction to the opposite sex, so be on the alert, those who are protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancy, and seize these days, those who are trying to conceive.

Is it possible to protect yourself from the full moon?

Do not rely on chance and do not be a fatalist, attributing all problems to the luminary; a lot depends on you, your behavior during this period.

It is better not to drink alcohol at this time: the psyche reacts sharply to everything, and defense mechanisms bodies are falling. Even if you are invited to an important event and you can’t help but take a sip, limit yourself to, for example, a glass of wine.

Spare your psyche and do not additionally burden it with watching horror films, crime news, and for some especially sensitive and emotional natures, even ordinary ones are enough to get stressed. Temporarily give up such dubious pleasure - take care of yourself.

The same can be said about communicating with people you don’t like: if you can’t give it up completely, try to reduce stressful communication to a minimum.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25

Good afternoon. My baby is 3 months and 2 weeks old, but our colic does not go away, he has not been sleeping for the third night, he has been screaming, I have been putting a gas tube in him for the same amount of time, air comes out along with the feces, but he has not yet pooped. We were advised to drink Riabal, I gave it to him, he vomited everything. His temperature is constant: 37, 37.1. They did an ultrasound and there is no pressure, but there is flatulence. And sometimes he poops green, and there are undigested elements of milk. Maybe it's worth feeding the baby? Tell me what to do and if I introduce picorm, what kind? Thanks in advance.

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And there is happiness in the full moon

The situation with the 13th 15th is interesting lunar days . The first of them is considered one of the most unfavorable and even life-threatening, but at the same time it is the best day of the month in order to resolve or somehow smooth out family conflicts.

And the 15th, which is said to be the most conflict-ridden and deceptive, promises a speedy recovery to all those who fell ill on this day.

Keep the situation under control and you will be able to benefit from this month's condition. It has been noticed, for example, that these days the best success is in those cases that require a “special” approach to people. When you need to ask for something, demand something - ask, demand - find the right tone and you will not be refused.