How to cook beets? Advice from experienced housewives. How to cook beets correctly: useful tips

How to cook beets? Advice from experienced housewives. How to cook beets correctly: useful tips
1. Wash the beets and cut them in half, place them in a microwave-safe bowl, pour in a third of a glass of cold water.
2. Set the power to 800 W, cook small pieces for 5 minutes, large pieces for 7-8 minutes.
3. Check for doneness with a fork, if necessary make it a little softer, return to the microwave for another 1 minute.

In a pressure cooker - 10 minutes

Place the beets in a pressure cooker, add water and set to “Cooking” mode. In a pressure cooker, beets will cook in 10 minutes, and very large ones in 15. After the end of cooking, it will take another 10 minutes for the pressure to subside and the pressure cooker to be opened without effort and safely.

Important information about cooking beets

- It is correct to place beets in boiling unsalted water, - because beets are sweet. In addition, salt “tans” the vegetable during cooking, making it hard. It is better to salt the prepared dish - then the salty taste will be organic.

When cooking, you need to make sure that the water completely covers the beets, and if necessary, add boiling water, and after cooking, you can put them in ice water for cooling.

If you do not use a bag to cook beets, to preserve the color, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar to the water, a tablespoon lemon juice or a teaspoon of sugar.

To get rid of the strong beetroot smell, place a crust of black bread in the pan in which the beets are cooked.

Young beet leaves (tops) are edible: you need to cook the tops for 5 minutes after the water boils. The tops should be used in soups and vegetable side dishes.

- You should choose beets like this:: the beets should be medium in size, the color of the vegetable should be dark red. If you can determine the thickness of the skin in a store, know that it should be thin.

Boiled beets can be keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, after which the beets will begin to lose their taste properties and begin to dry out. Boiled beets should not be stored for more than 3 days.

Only at first glance, the process of cooking vegetables may seem like a very simple process. It is a mistaken opinion that among the many culinary subtleties and secrets, cooking vegetables is as easy as shelling pears, and this does not require special knowledge, and it is the peculiar duty of every housewife to cope with this.

But in reality everything may not be so simple. You need to know, for example, some of the subtleties of how to cook beets for a salad and at the same time make them very tasty, and ideally combine with vegetables in a vinaigrette, give a rich color to beetroot or borscht, so that you feel both light elasticity and a little “crunch” , well, all the vitamins remained intact and intact. Therefore, now we will talk about the intricacies or, more simply, about how to cook beets correctly.

Subtlety first: Root vegetables should always be placed in cold water, not boiling water, in order to retain all the vitamins present in them. The water should barely cover the vegetables, and its level must be monitored periodically, adding cold water from time to time, because the vegetables must be completely submerged in water at all times. If you are simultaneously cooking several types of root vegetables, it is very important that they are all approximately the same size and weight, in which case, as a result of cooking, they will turn out to the same degree of readiness. However, do not cut off the ponytails. If possible, choose root vegetables that are not damaged, and before cooking beets for salad, rinse them thoroughly with water to remove any contaminants.

Subtlety two: The beets are cooked under a lid over fairly low heat, avoiding boiling. As for the duration of cooking itself, there are no clear recommendations. The duration of cooking depends entirely on the size of the root vegetable itself, as well as on the desired degree of its hardness. The cooking process, on average, lasts 40-60 minutes. True, there is and , but to this process rush is unacceptable.

Subtlety three: The readiness of beets can be checked in a very traditional and in a known way– it is pierced with a knife or toothpick. If the beets glide easily across the surface of the knife, this means that they are quite ready. But you shouldn’t do this literally every 5 minutes, otherwise the beets will be completely worn out, juice will leak out of its cavity, which will lead to a loss of brightness. There is no need to salt the water; besides the fact that it is virtually useless, it can also affect the taste of the vegetable.

Subtlety four: In order for the color of the beets to be preserved, you can sweeten or slightly acidify the boiled water: add a couple of tablespoons of table vinegar or lemon juice, or sugar per three liters of water, but this does not include vegetables.

Subtlety five: As for the material of the utensils used, there seem to be no special rules here, but it is important to realize that the decoction from the vegetables will be very rich and coloring. Still, it is not recommended to cook beets in metal containers. There are some requirements for the volume and size of the dishes used. The good one is the one that has less unused, sort of useless, capacity. The ideal option is when there is a distance of several centimeters from the surface of the lid to the liquid. You can get rid of the smell, which is always present during the cooking of beets, by placing a crust of bread in the pan.

And finally, the sixth subtlety: In order for the beets to be easily and well cleaned, after cooking they need to be rinsed or cooled by immersing them in cold water for 8-10 minutes. This vegetable should always be cooked separately from the rest, and so that the color retains its brightness, and at the same time other, one might say, nearby ingredients, for example, salad, are not stained, it is advisable to grease the slices of chopped beets with any olive or vegetable oil.

Boiled beets are considered classic version preparation of root vegetables. In this case, there are several subtleties. Depending on the cooking method and duration, the vegetable may have different taste and vitamin composition. Let's look at options for cooking beets in a saucepan.

Beet cooking time

  • Buryak belongs to the category of root vegetables that need to be boiled for a long time to fully cooked. This option is comparable to cooking meat. Depending on the size of the beets, they can cook from half an hour to 2 hours.
  • If the weight of the beets does not exceed 50 grams, the duration will be 30 minutes. Root crop weighing up to 100 g. Prepares in about 45 minutes. Beet weighing up to 200 grams. cooks for about 1 hour 15 minutes. Beets weighing 300 g. or more will take at least 1.5 hours to cook.
  • The duration of cooking the root vegetable can be explained by the fact that the container is initially filled with non-hot water. This significantly delays the process of preparing beets.
  • The duration is influenced by the low starch content and high concentration of fiber in the root vegetable. It is also worth giving preference to young fruits.
  • how to quickly cook beets in the microwave

    How to cook beets quickly

    Method number 1. Whole cooking

  • Before you get started, fill the container with cool water and place the beets inside. Wait 10 minutes.
  • After time has passed, clean the vegetable with a coarse brush. Place the washed beet into the pan. Pour in required amount boiling water As soon as the composition boils, reduce the power of the burner to the middle.
  • Pour 40 ml into the pan. sunflower oil. If you are cooking a medium-sized vegetable, turn off the heat after half an hour and drain all the water. Pour ice water over the root vegetable and begin peeling the skin immediately.
  • For fast way When cooking beets in a saucepan, it is important to use filtered water. Use purified liquid in both cases. The soft structure of the water allows you to significantly reduce the procedure for boiling vegetables.
  • Method number 2. Cooking in cubes

  • This cooking method will come in handy if you are going to prepare a salad with beets. After boiling, the vegetable can be easily chopped into cubes or strips.
  • Wash the raw beets thoroughly and remove the skins. Chop into pieces square shape or slices. At the same time, boil water in a saucepan. Add a small amount of citric acid to the liquid.
  • Send the beetle inside. Wait for the liquid to boil. Reduce burner to medium low fire. Cover the pan with a lid with a steam vent. Cook the vegetable until done.
  • This cooking option will take about half an hour. The saucepan should be of medium size, 2-3 liters in volume.
  • How to cook large beets

  • To quickly prepare large-sized beet, it is not at all necessary to barbarically chop it into several parts. Otherwise, such a cooking process will lead to loss beneficial properties root vegetable
  • As in the first option, playing with temperature changes will not help due to the impressive size of the beets. In most cases, the core of the root vegetable still remains raw after the procedure. Still exists effective way cooking beets.
  • At the beginning of the manipulation, it is recommended to place the prepared root vegetable in a pan of water and mix 80 ml. sunflower oil. This method is used due to the fact that the boiling point of the plant composition is much higher than water.
  • As a result of mixing liquid with oil, the boiling point increases. The beets will simmer in the liquid, which will significantly shorten the process of preparing a large beet.
  • how to pickle beets

    Cooking beets in a bag

  • To quickly boil beet in a bag, it is important to follow simple rules. A thoroughly washed root vegetable during the cooking process will not leave a residue on the container that is difficult to wash off.
  • This method will eliminate the smell when the beets are boiled. In addition, the original color of the beet will be preserved. To proceed directly to the manipulation, you need to place the prepared vegetable in a bag. Release all the air and seal tightly.
  • Place the product in a saucepan with water. Keep in mind that the liquid should cover the root crop by several centimeters. Turn up the burner to maximum. As soon as the mixture boils, reduce the heat to low. Cover the container with a lid. Simmer the beet for about an hour.
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that this method of preparation may not be entirely healthy. When heated, polyethylene releases harmful substances. Therefore, health may be harmed. This is not a proven fact, it's up to you to decide.
  • To maintain the attractive shade of beetroot, it is important not to allow the liquid to boil too much. Be sure to add to water citric acid or table vinegar.
  • Please note that regardless of any method of boiling beets, it is prohibited to add salt to the water. The natural mineral significantly slows down the process of preparing the root vegetable. In addition, due to salt, beets become tough and lose their taste.
  • The benefits of boiled beets

    The undoubted advantage of the root crop is that during heat treatment the beet practically does not lose useful qualities. The main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly using the methods described above.

    Beets contain concentrated nicotinic acid, iodine, fiber, iron, manganese, zinc, cesium and amino acids. Regular consumption of root vegetables has a positive effect on a person’s overall health.

    It's easy to boil beets in a saucepan. Choose the most suitable way. Don't forget to stick practical recommendations. Include beetroot in your daily diet. As a result, you can always maintain your health at the proper level.

    Before cooking beets, you need to prepare them for this process.

    Immediately before cooking, beets should be washed thoroughly under cold water. running water, cut off the roots. Do not peel the beets, thanks to which the beets will retain their color and valuable microelements.

    How to cook beets?

    Place the beets in a saucepan and pour cold water. It is advisable to take a larger pan, since it will take a long time to cook and the water will boil away. You need to pour enough water so that it covers the entire beet, and there is still about 7-10 cm of water above it.

    In general, beets are cooked for about 2 hours, depending on the size: small root vegetables - 1 hour, medium ones - 1.5 hours, large ones - 2 hours. But it is better to use small beets. We start counting the time from the moment the water boils. Cook over low heat. We don't salt the water. Cook under the lid - this reduces processing time and reduces loss of vitamins. To make sure that the beets are already cooked, you need to stick a fork or knife into them. If it comes in softly, it means the beets are ready.

    How to peel beets?

    After cooking, drain the water from the beets, cool and peel them, and in order for them to be cleaned easily and quickly, the beets should be left in cold water. After 10 minutes, you can drain the water and clean the boiled beets. After such a procedure with cold water, the beet skin simply “flies off” right in your hands, sometimes you don’t even need a knife.

    Application of boiled beets:

    Boiled beets are served warm or cold. In salads or as an independent dish.

    Bon appetit!

    What are the benefits of boiled beets?

    Boiled beets retain all the beneficial (healing) properties of raw beets.

    At heat treatment Only three vitamins are destroyed - these are

    vitamin C ( ascorbic acid),
    vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
    and B9 (folic acid).
    Rest useful material, vitamins and minerals are preserved.

    In addition, boiled beets contain less nitrates than raw ones, since it has been established that heat treatment reduces the amount of nitrates by 50-80%. Interestingly, the largest part of the nitrates goes into the broth in the first 15-20 minutes.

    Fiber is destroyed during heat treatment of root vegetables. As a result, it becomes possible to use the beneficial properties of beets for people with gastrointestinal diseases, in cases where it is necessary to observe mechanical sparing of the digestive organs, including diseases of the pancreas, and pancreatitis.

    I would like to remind you that raw beets are contraindicated in dietary nutrition for pancreatitis, as well as for gastritis and ulcers gastrointestinal tract. The presence of coarse fiber in raw beets injures weakened mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Some beneficial substances contained in beets are better absorbed in boiled beets.

    We have already talked about the dangers of boiled beets - if consumed in moderation, it whets the appetite and sharply raises blood sugar levels (if consumed without oil or separately from high-protein foods and other unsweetened vegetables).

    Boiled beets for pancreatitis

    Is it possible to eat boiled beets with pancreatitis? - Can.
    Beets in dietary food for pancreatitis MUST BE boiled, stewed or steamed, in the form of purees and steam puddings, steam cutlets and casseroles. Dishes containing raw root vegetables and raw beets are contraindicated for pancreatitis.

    Read more in the article: ""

    How to cook beets

    I have prepared a photo recipe for you that will tell you and show you how to cook beets correctly and quickly.

    1. Choose beets. The most useful beets small size, with thin skin, brightly colored.
    2. Place the water on the stove and bring to a boil.
    3. Beets should be washed thoroughly under running water. It is convenient to use a brush for this.
    4. We do not peel the beets (we do not cut off the skin), we do not remove the root, the “tops” should also be left 1-2 cm. All this will allow you to preserve the beneficial substances and color of the root crop as much as possible.
    5. Place the beets in boiling water. There is no need to add vinegar, citric acid (they are sometimes added to preserve the brightness of the color), because... this will disrupt the dietary properties. There is also no need to add salt. Cook for 30-40 minutes.
    6. Remove the beets using a slotted spoon.
    7. Cool the beets with running cold water. Due to the sharp temperature change, the beets quickly “reach” readiness.
    8. You can create an even greater “temperature shock” for the root crop. Place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. (This step can be skipped if step 7 has been completed sufficiently).
    9. After shock temperatures, beets are easy to clean.
    10. Grind the beets using a blender, meat grinder or grater, depending on the required recipe.
    11. Combine the ingredients and bring the dish to readiness. Bon appetit! The recipe for this dish, the one in the photo, will soon be brought to your attention :)

    This page has a video recipe that will also show and tell you how to cook beets quickly - see below >>

    How long to cook beets

    If you want to cook beets traditional way, then the table will help you, which indicates the cooking time depending on the method you choose:

    What is beets cooked in?

    How long to cook beets (min)








    Double boiler

    Pressure cooker

    Oven 220 degrees C

    Note to the table. The table below shows the cooking time for beets depending on their size. However, one more fact should be taken into account. Old beets take longer to cook. Young beets cook faster. The table shows average values.

    Experienced chefs know how to cook beets quickly.

    How to cook beets:

    Take medium-sized beets. beets are usually cooked for 1-1.5 hours.


    Now you know that boiled beets are no less useful than raw ones. If you carefully read this post, then the question of how to cook beets not only correctly, but also quickly will no longer arise. Now you know that the cooking time for beets depends on their size and the cooking method.

    Beetroot recipes


    Nutritional value, calorie content and chemical composition(vitamins, minerals):

    Indicator nameContent nutrients in 100 grams of product
    Calorie content, kcal42
    Proteins, g1.5
    Fats, g0.1
    Carbohydrates, g8.8
    Boron, µg280
    Beta-carotene, mg0.01
    Vanadium, mcg70
    Vitamin A, mcg2
    Vitamin B1 (thiamine), mg0.02
    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), mg0.04
    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic), mg0.1
    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), mg0.07
    Vitamin B9 (folic), mcg13
    Vitamin C, mg10
    Vitamin E (TE), mg0.1
    Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent), mg0.4
    Iron, mg1.4
    Iodine, mcg7
    Potassium, mg288
    Calcium, mg37
    Cobalt, µg2
    Magnesium, mg22
    Manganese, mg0.66
    Copper, µg140
    Molybdenum, mcg10
    Sodium, mg46
    Dietary fiber, g2.5
    Sulfur, mg7
    Phosphorus, mg43
    Fluorine, mcg20
    Chlorine, mg43
    Chromium, µg20
    Zinc, mg0.425