How do I know if I am needed? The best ways to understand that a man needs you. Scorpio and Sagittarius

How do I know if I am needed?  The best ways to understand that a man needs you.  Scorpio and Sagittarius
How do I know if I am needed? The best ways to understand that a man needs you. Scorpio and Sagittarius

In this part, we will continue to consider the question of how to understand that a man needs you, based on the stage of male courtship.

Before answering this question, we need to consider the stages of male courtship. People periodically write to me objections that it seems like there are no stages. It seems like all this is nonsense and they give examples. Let's say that some girl you know, after an hour of dating, has already gone to bed with her boyfriend. And nothing. They got married later and seem to be living well.

Such examples, of course, exist, and I do not at all intend to deny their existence. Just the point. If the task is simple, then you can make a hundred rather serious mistakes and still achieve a positive result.

For example, you decide to cook noodle soup. The recipe says that you need to first throw the meat into water and cook it, and only then the noodles. (In other words, the stages of the soup preparation process are described).

But some woman decided that there are no stages (or simply does not know about them). Therefore, she first throws noodles into the water, and after some time raw meat. It is clear that the result is soggy noodles with undercooked meat, and not at all a tasty noodle soup.

But now she gives such soup to men who had been hungry for three days before, and besides that, they had not eaten anything tastier than raw wheat grains. And these men are delighted. They are ready to almost carry such a woman in their arms for such a “delicious” dish.

Based on this example, we can conclude that there are no stages (recipes and techniques for treating men) or that they are not needed. But this, of course, is not true. As soon as the task becomes even a little more complicated, i.e. You are not the only woman among men who have not seen a woman for several years, then you can’t get by with just undercooked meat and soggy noodles. You need to really be able to do something, or at least not make too many mistakes when dealing with men.

A description of the stages of courtship and their order will give you the answer to the question of how to understand that a man needs you. The description of these stages is, to some extent, a recipe for dealing with men. Of course, each stage has its own subtleties, like if we go back to the recipe analogy, subtleties when choosing meat, choosing noodles, etc. But you can read about how to choose a man, how to understand whether he is a Don Juan or actually in love with you in the book “How to make a man fall in love with you for life? or Never run after a man, let Him run after you!”.

Okay, let's get back to the stages of a man's courtship, which will help you understand whether a man needs you, whether he likes you, or whether he just decided to have fun.

Last time we finished at the pigtail pulling stage. Let's move on to the next stage.

Reducing twitching intensity for the pigtails.

All good things come to an end sooner or later (at least in the form in which they were) and at some point a man begins to reduce the intensity of “pulling his pigtails.”

I don’t even know what to write here. Well, less often a man stops pulling his pigtails and that’s it.

A man provides assistance.

Of course, it is desirable for the man to help the woman little by little in the previous stages of the courtship process. However, at this stage it is desirable for the man to perform a “feat” for your sake. If he does heroic things for you, then he really needs you.

Of course, there is no need to understand by feat something like “threw himself into an embrasure and died.” This, most likely, greatly helped (in his understanding more than in yours) the woman from some not very simple situation.

To rephrase it a little, a man falls in love with a woman whom he “saved” from someone. It doesn’t matter whether it’s real villains, some kind of intellectual challenge, or something else.

I once “saved” my future wife from “evil” landlords who wanted to kick her out of the apartment and onto the street. Other men save from mice, neighbors, financial problems, lack of connections, etc.

If at this stage a man did not “rescue” you with his help, then he is unlikely to be able to fall deeply in love with you.

There is no need for a man to provide help too early, at least not serious help. But sooner or later, in a difficult situation, you need to look at a man with a helpless look, you can cry a little and say something like “That’s it, I’m dying, and no one can help me.” If a man starts to “save” you, it means he really needs you.

Telling a man “help, or you’re not a man” is usually too much. (Although I repeat – these are subtleties, the main thing is to follow the recipe). But the average man often leaves silently after your hidden plea for help, and then thinks and does something.

Well, if I discuss subtleties, I will inevitably leave the main thing. And the main thing is this.

A man falls in love with a woman when he gives her serious help.

This is a general law. This is an axiom of life. If you ignore this law, then women who are noticeably inferior to you in appearance, intelligence, ability to communicate, etc. They will easily bypass you in the fight for good men. Read about the psychology of men in love in the book "Psychology of men in love".

Of course, it is very, very desirable that the question of help does not arise immediately, but just after passing through the initial stages. If at the very beginning of dating we are talking about serious help, then a man may ignore such a request or even leave a woman who is too problematic. And this does not mean that he did not need her. She simply began to “load” the man with problems too early.

You can also derive the opposite rule (no longer a law, but simply a sign). If a man provides you with serious help, clearly beyond the scope of professional or ordinary help (not related to family, etc.), then it may very well be that he is in love with you and so you can understand that he needs you.

This rule is no longer 100% accurate, but it works quite often.

Touching, bed.

The next stage is when a man begins to open his arms, kiss a woman or invite her to have sex with him.

What can you say about this stage?

Firstly, as I already said, it is undesirable to go through it before completing the previous stages. (If, of course, the goal is a long-term relationship) I repeat that it all depends on the complexity of the task. If the task is simple, in the sense that some men are not very difficult to bring down the aisle and marry them, then serious mistakes can easily pass. If the task is not very simple, then violating the man’s cooking recipe is a gross mistake.

Second, the rate at which the stages progress may vary significantly between individuals and under different circumstances.

Sometimes everything happens quite quickly, but this does not mean that there are no stages of courtship.

The speed of passing the stages depends on:

- the age of the man and woman (usually the older, the faster);

— their characters (introverts are usually slower);

- intensity of communication (here it is clear that the more intensively they communicate, the faster it is possible);

In other words, completely normal sex may take a couple of weeks, and sometimes even six months is not enough for the relationship to mature. See for yourself what stage of the relationship you are in. If it's time, then it's time. If it's early, it's early.

This is probably a little off topic, but I'll touch on it a little. Some women have the belief that sex can keep a man. This is true to some extent. A young man, especially one who does not know how to care for women and is not very valuable on the bride market (i.e. not very handsome, rich, etc.) can be kept for some time. But even in this case, this is a rather weak method.

If a man is not very young, knows how to care for women, and is valued on the market for brides and grooms, then this is not a way at all. And about how to keep a man, read the article on our website “Sunny Hands” “How to keep a man. Or the initiative is punishable."


I will loosely call the next stage the “honeymoon”. Why conditional? Because for us, the honeymoon is the next stage after passing through the stage of sex, and not at all in its original meaning, when it came to the month following the wedding.

This is the month when a man is in some kind of euphoria. Everything is fine. He likes the woman. He likes sex (read about what men prefer in sex and other secrets in the book "The most intimate men's secrets and secrets"). Under the feeling of this euphoria, he usually does not even notice any shortcomings (in his opinion, of course, shortcomings) in his chosen one.

Obviously, such euphoria will not last forever. For some men it lasts only a week, for others a year, but sooner or later it ends. (The period again depends on the compatibility of characters, density of communication, life circumstances).

Growing mutual discontent.

The next stage of a man’s falling in love will be an increase in mutual dissatisfaction between the man and the woman. The euphoria from relationships subsides, but the ability to live together is not yet there. But the appearance of such dissatisfaction does not mean that he does not need you.

This is where conflicts come to the fore, arising 80% from women’s misunderstanding of the psychology of men, and men’s misunderstanding of the psychology of women. (The rest of the conflicts are due to the dissimilarity of characters, values, etc.). To understand the psychology of men, read articles on our website “Sunny Hands” in the “Psychology of Men” section

Many women do not know how to go through this stage of falling in love with a man and therefore cannot bring him to the altar. What advice can I give here? I repeat once again that a period of dissatisfaction with your chosen one does not mean that he does not need you.

Firstly, be prepared for the fact that a man’s love will definitely manifest itself in the form of dissatisfaction with your actions. This can manifest itself openly in the form of scandals and quarrels, or hidden in the form of irritation, withdrawal from communication, distancing, etc.

This stage is completely natural and there is no escape from it. In fairy tales they usually don’t get to it, but that doesn’t make it go away.

Secondly, try to study the basics of male psychology by then.

The two most common mistakes are violating a man’s inner space and trying too harshly to instill in him the correct habits of behavior in the home. These mistakes will definitely lead to sharp conflicts, even breaking off relationships.

An example of the first mistake is an attempt to call at work, demand communication only after a breakup, just a small amount of space (which a man needs an order of magnitude more). I wrote about this in detail in books.

The second mistake is the requirement to change a man’s habits around the house, which may include asking him to wash dishes in a special way (for example, to wipe them, to arrange dishes in a certain way, etc.), to arrange clothes, shoes, etc. in a special way. cut fruit in a special way, wash yourself, quit smoking, etc.

All of this, of course, can be redone (or almost all of it), but not in a few months. I will not talk about this in detail, since this would not be enough for a whole article.

There are quite a lot of women who cannot get past this stage and therefore remain single.

They are disappointed in a man and think that it will be different with another. But after some time the other man also begins to express dissatisfaction or runs away. Then one may become disappointed in men in principle and say that: “All men...” This is wrong. Men are simple and learning to treat us is no more difficult than learning to drive a car.

Why am I telling you all these stages? Why all this information, which at first glance is difficult to apply in practice?

Without a diagnosis, treatment is impossible. Without understanding where you are “stuck” in a relationship with a man, it may be unclear what to do next. It happens that a woman is chronically stuck in some phase. From a chronic lack of understanding that there has been a man in love nearby for several years who needs you like air, to a chronic inability to go through the phase of discontent. If you understand where you are stuck, it can be much easier to move forward.

And of course, the most important thing is to understand the stages of a man’s love - try not to jump over stages, but smoothly go through them one after another.

Trying to jump stages almost always ends in failure, no matter how much your partner needs you. If you are already doing well with men, then you don’t have to worry too much about these stages. However, if there is failure after failure, then try to analyze where it is not working. Often this alone can help solve the problem right away.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

How do you know if a man needs you? From a psychological point of view, there are several ways that will help determine the attitude of your other half towards you.


How to understand whether a man needs you at a distance and close? Try to take a closer look at it. After all, he may still treat you the same, and because of your desire for more, you may simply demand too much.

The first sign and, perhaps, the most important by which you can determine your importance in the life of your chosen one is how important your opinion is to him.

Take a closer look at how he treats you in everyday life. This method of checking a man’s attitude is good both at the initial stage of your relationship and after several years of living together. These can be ordinary signs of attention. Not every man will open doors for you, give you a hand when you get out of transport, or help you carry bags of groceries home.

Compliments are also an important factor that determines his attitude. Not only the words he says are important, but also the way he does it.


How often does your man give you gifts, and does he give you them at all? If you are dear to your loved one, he will never spare money for you. But he doesn’t necessarily have to buy you something new every week. Pay attention to whether he pays for you at the restaurant. When you go to the store for groceries, which of you pays for the cost?

It’s just that many women stubbornly do not want to notice this, believing that a man is a priori obliged to pay for them, because he is a representative of the stronger sex. Nothing of the kind: in many developed countries, for example, it is believed that if a man pays for you in a cafe where you had lunch together, then in this way he is simply showing disrespect. Therefore, dear girls, try to pay attention to such little things, and not just to the gift and its price.


Tenderness and affection on his part for no reason are a sure indicator that he cannot live even a moment without you.

A loving man always tries, despite everything, to be alone with his beloved more often. Her every glance, every touch and affectionate word is important to him. But this indicator can be deceptive, since over time everything becomes boring, and the husband already believes that his wife is not going anywhere. And why then waste your precious time on it? This, by the way, may be the first sign of concern for your spouse.

Your loved one is ready to do anything for you

No matter how trivial it may sound, it is worth paying attention to this quality. A loving man will never regret anything for his chosen one. This applies to money, attention, and care. But it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of the chosen one’s temperament. Since we are all different, and care can manifest itself in completely different ways.

It would not be amiss to pay attention to the character traits of a man according to his zodiac signs, since their representatives behave completely differently.


So, how do you know if an Aries man needs you? He is always decisive both in everyday life and in love. He always considers himself a conqueror. Therefore, if he likes you, then he will be the initiator of meetings. And he will try in every possible way to please him in order to win. But it is worth remembering that representatives of this sign are very proud and do not offer anything twice. This does not mean that you should immediately agree to all his proposals, but you should not go too far.

Taurus Man

Representatives of this sign are confident that a woman must be conquered through humor. If such a man likes you, he will try in every possible way to make you laugh. And if suddenly one day, in a playful way, he throws a pillow at you, you shouldn’t be offended by him. Just know that he is trying so hard to show his attention. He will also try to constantly touch you, and will look for meetings for the most ridiculous reasons.

Gemini Man

This guy is the most persistent suitor. He will constantly try to meet you. The phone will ring off the hook with his calls until you turn it off. In your baskets you will find messages from him in batches. When you meet, he will constantly chat, trying to interest you. But his persistence gradually turns into obsession, which is very annoying.

Cancer and Leo

How to understand that a Cancer man needs you? Such guys gradually enter the life of their chosen one. They often try to play the role of a mentor who is constantly trying to suggest something. These men gradually gain the trust of their chosen one.

How do you know if a Leo man needs you? It will be difficult not to notice his advances. Leo men are gallant, they always try to give the best gifts and invite the object of their adoration to the best restaurants. The Leo man will try to please not only you, but also your parents. He will always be interested in what his lady likes.

Virgo and Libra

A Virgo man usually falls in love once and for all. If he likes you, he is capable of spending hours at your entrance just to see you. He will try to find out from your friends how you feel about him and how serious it is. He will make different surprises. If he gives you a compliment, it will definitely be one that you will remember for a lifetime.

How to understand if a Libra man needs you? This guy loves himself very much and will not miss an opportunity to brag about his achievements. He will try to find a reason to ask for help, and will immediately try to demonstrate his superiority over you. If he likes you, he may start singing odes to his beloved. The only way out in this situation is to take everything into your own hands. Otherwise, the matter will not move beyond talk.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

A Scorpio man is always confident in himself. And if he decides that you are his destiny, he will not miss his chance. He may not kiss you on the first date, since you are his destiny, and, accordingly, cannot belong to anyone else. Therefore, why waste time if you still need to start a family and have children?

The Sagittarius man is the one who will pursue you to the last. If you refuse him, it won't stop him. He will try to woo your friends or parents so that they will help him win your attention. When a Sagittarius falls in love, he behaves awkwardly and may start talking nonsense or doing extraordinary things. Try not to take turns over him, but simply support him. He will certainly try to take you away from others.

Capricorn and Aquarius

How to understand that a Capricorn man needs you? The guy is often scared of his feelings. Initially, he will try to make friends with you in order to get closer. He will try to get to know you better. He won't take any action to try to win you over until he realizes what he stands to lose.

How to understand that an Aquarius man needs you? He is always confident in what he does, and will not be able to be your friend for long. He will immediately let you know that he is interested in you and should be with him. But don't rush to rejoice. Representatives of this sign can disappear from your life just as abruptly as they appeared in it.

Pisces Man

This is perhaps the most romantic sign. If he likes you, then your life can turn into a fairy tale in which they will sing serenades under the balcony, dedicate poems to you and constantly conquer.

To the question How to determine whether a person needs you or is interested? given by the author Kairat Ismagulov the best answer is I WANT TO BE WITH YOU... even if you can't hear me,
If the world, split in half, returns my debts,
I want to be with you... every moment... the one you breathe,
Let me just touch your lonely hand...

Original source your heart will tell you.

Life is rarely without problems. However, some of them can be so overbearing that it is impossible to move on. Whether it's the death of a loved one or an overwhelming feeling of anxiety, it's important to know that help is available for every troubled life.

Read on to learn more about common reasons why people see psychologists. Death is an inevitable part of life, but it is no easier to deal with. A psychologist can help you find appropriate ways to cope with the death of a loved one.

Certain aspects of life are stressful, and many situations - from job interviews to relationship problems - can make you feel anxious. Stress and anxiety, if left to fester, can lead to social isolation, depression and a host of other problems.

Answer from Alexandra Danilko[guru]
definitely not needed! and don’t knock on this door, find yourself another one!

Answer from ((__cute__))[guru]
you need to listen to your heart

Answer from At autumn stops[guru]
there is this expression:
"If you want me to remember you, forget about me."

Answer from Ksenia))[guru]
It was also, believe me. It’s better to forget and not remember!
you'll find someone else who will appreciate it!

A psychologist can help you cope with stress and anxiety by finding the source or cause of your problems and appropriate ways to cope with them. Read more about stress and anxiety. Overwhelming feelings of helplessness or hopelessness are common signs of depression. Although many people believe that people can simply “snap out” of depression, this rarely happens. Depression is a common disorder where people lose interest in things, feel tired, and often have difficulty controlling their emotions.

Psychologists can help you find your source of depression - often the first step to feeling better. Being afraid of heights and spiders are common phobias, but some unusual and unfounded fears can create significant problems in your life. For example, sittophobia can lead to serious health problems.

Answer from Olka K[newbie]
Yes, it is useless to achieve this. maybe it's better to forget

Answer from M[active]
you're an interesting person. what did you do that he doesn’t call you or write to you, because in this world nothing happens just as the great magician Charles Antonio Periz said, in order for something to appear here, something must disappear somewhere.
There is no fire without smoke.
so you better think about what you did and after what all this happened. there and you will understand why???

An experienced psychologist can help you begin to overcome your fears so that you can live without polyphobia or phobia. Family and relationship issues. Relationships, whether family, personal or work-related, have their ups and downs. While relationships can be some of the best things in life, they can also be a source of stress and problems.

Working with a therapist, either individually or in a group setting, can help iron out the wrinkles that can form in even the strongest relationships. Unhealthy habits and addictions. Some unhealthy habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs, are often used to treat larger problems or to self-medicate.

Answer from ~~****~~ [guru]
so what, I’m also a shy girl. I will never write, I will not call, I will not be the first to speak... and whoever is looking for me, I am happy to talk to (but it happens - some, however, do not interest me)).. so look for a meeting and you will find out whether she is interested in you or not

Answer from Konstantin Grishin[guru]
you have to understand this yourself

While your psychologist will help you deal with these problems, they will also help you deal with problems directly related to your health, such as. Some of the most successful people achieve their goals by first visualizing them. Athletes often mentally prepare for competition with the same intensity that they physically train their body. Others use this technique to actively prepare to challenge life events.

Just like you rehearse a speech before giving it, your psychologist can help you prepare for big events so you can perform at your best, whether it's the Olympics or a job interview. A psychologist can help you improve your mental clarity by acting as an impartial set of ears. Often people find their own solutions simply by listening to themselves talk out loud in therapy.

Answer from Zhenya S.[guru]
if this question arises, there is no need

Answer from Valerija[guru]
If I were needed, he would not give me peace. Somehow he expressed his emotions.

Answer from Valeria Mikheeva[newbie]
pretend you don't care about him DON'T BE NEW

Answer from INQUISITOR TDV[guru]
Bro!! !
Feel it for yourself!

Simply addressing their problems in the open helps many people improve their mental clarity, be more able to focus, and become more task-oriented. Psychologists are trained to be excellent listeners. You are an attractive woman, you value yourself, and you think you have something to offer that special someone. Your friends tell you that you are beautiful and you will definitely find your “prince.” But it takes months or even years to meet potential candidates, and no one seems to fit your criteria.

Answer from Angelok[guru]
So if you don’t call or write anyway, isn’t that proof of your uselessness?

Answer from Dr. House[guru]
Only by personal contact.. Dialogue in private.. (without telephone and other innovations).

Answer from L S[guru]
This person will have to reach out to him himself, there is no point in humiliating himself in front of him....

Answer from Yatyana Kolesnik[guru]
Don't need it, look for someone else who can't live without you..

If you want a long-term, passionate and deep relationship, it's time to judge. Make a list of your personal shortcomings. For a beautiful and successful woman, it is more important to think about the advantages of her personality. But now test your soul strength and maintain the less glamorous aspects of your character, behavior and habits. If you need feedback, ask your ex-partner and good friend.

This helps because you understand how potential candidates see you. Once you find them, it is highly recommended to work with them. Understand how these weaknesses have affected your past relationships and your disappointments. You might be tempted to blame only the other party, but if the person was emotionally incompetent, abusive, irresponsible, etc. You understand that you chose him. What weakness might have led you to this choice?

Answer from NIMFA[guru]
If a person is constantly interested in (i.e. talks about... or asks about) your health, your work, your interests and supports you in any situation, even in word or deed, looks with love, I hope you will understand this. And much, much more - you have to feel it.

Answer from Natalie[guru]
it's called loving an intimate phobe. Some people's emotional defenses are impenetrable. Living with a person who doesn't talk about his feelings is the same as being alone... How to find out whether you need it or not? ! No way. . Unfortunately, you are a donor for such a person and he is simply using you. This love lives only in your imagination. There are many people in the world who are ready to love you and who are able to perceive your love.

When you go to meetings with candidates, try to identify the so-called "Outside Players" quickly and effectively. We are talking about men who have traits and qualities that you cannot live with at all. In your first conversations, ask if they are related, what they work with, who they live with, and if they have children. Don't compromise what you know within yourself that you cannot swallow. A man on the other hand deserves a woman who will accept him as he is and be compatible with his lifestyle.

When you go out to meet potential partners, be feminine and mysterious, but don't play it too hard. Be mysterious as you learn when to speak and when to listen to the other person. Don't move around incessantly, as if your good looks can compensate for any lack of touch on your part. Notice that the opposite person says more than what you do to them. Dating is not about how good you are, but about getting to know the other person and finding out if they are right for you.

Answer from Bdfy bdfyjd[guru]
and you decide by eye... maybe I should also knock on doors for you? you're our snitch


Asked by: Anna (2014-11-03 02:51:48)

Hello! My boyfriend and I have been together for 1.5 years. Our relationship is good, but lately we have been quarreling very often over little things. And we have constant misunderstandings. If he looks at something in his own way, then his point of view cannot be changed - “he decided so, period,” of course, all his explanations are always 5 points, and I understand that everyone tends to have their own opinion, but in terms of relationships and love, I think opinions should coincide. I really want him to take care of me, to worry, but in this regard he is a little “cold” and shows his emotions very rarely. Some little things started to bother me. For example, we were recently in a club, but before that he told me that he was very tired, I still persuaded him to come with me, in the middle of the night he decided to leave, asked me if I would go with him, but I saw that my friend it wasn't very good and I didn't want to leave her alone. At that moment, I would really like him to stay, help me, and we would leave the club together, but he just decided to leave! When the next day I told him that I did not expect such behavior from him, he said that he warned me and was very tired, he invited me to go with him, but since I refused, he did not want to persuade me. I said that as a man, he should have waited for me and at least helped with my friend - take her home and make sure that everything was okay with both her and me. To which he replied that he was not going to babysit anyone. I just really want to see that I am the only one for him, that he is ready to do anything for me... but it turns out that because he is tired, he doesn’t even want to make sure that everything is okay with his girlfriend Fine. Last time we had a conversation about the fact that he does not pay enough attention to me, does not try to make our relationship brighter and more interesting. I understand that I shouldn’t nag him with these discussions, but I can’t keep everything to myself if it hurts me. I see that he doesn’t like all these conversations, most often all calm conversations develop into quarrels and he simply leaves, leaving me in hysterics, instead of saying, “This is all nonsense, of course I need you, and I will try harder.” "or something like that. Because I am the kind of person - I will do everything for him and I expect the same from him. I just don’t know how to achieve all this correctly? And is it even worth it? He tells me that he loves me, but his love seems strange. Please help me understand this situation, I'm a little confused and don't know what to do?

Once you have established a strong relationship, listen to your intuition. Keep an eye out for warning signs and signs, but don't jump up like a stinger because of the uncertainty you experience in the past with men. Keep in mind that the problem is not related to previous disappointments that are now poisoning your current relationship.

Know when to terminate a person and relationship if necessary. Don't waste time on impossible situations and become a martyr. If he's unavailable, unpredictable, or untrustworthy, move on. Look for the good parts of your relationship, stay humble and grateful that you have found someone who wants to be with you. Don't expect him to be perfect or live in a fantasy world of a perfect relationship.


Hello Anna.

And what YOU do you do it to show that he is your only one? What YOU have you done anything to understand his feelings? Exactly understand?

Healthy relationships are partnerships, a process of investing in something in common first, and only then a process of taking something from it. As usual, the process of feeding energy from there. But for it to be there, it must first be created and this process is mutual. There is no "should" here. No one owes anyone anything, unless it was agreed in advance and out loud, or written down on paper. Everything is done based on a mutual conscious adult desire to do this.

Sometimes we have cruel luck in love, sometimes he is so lame that two crutches cannot save him. January. You should be with a person whose rhythm is in tune with you as you drive at speed. You have no patience for weak or phlegmatic gentlemen who will divert you from the destination you have pictured. You have so much to do and you don't want to drag a slow link to your back.

February. You really need to wait until you find someone who learns to be patient with you. You want a gentleman who truly understands you - someone who won't get angry at your thirst and slight whims. You are a caring, loving and intelligent person. Always put yourself in someone else's shoes and you are ready to help at any cost. So, you should be with a person who cares about others at least as much as you do.

Think about it.

Osintseva Anastasia, psychologist, Obninsk

Hello Anna.
Anastasia is right. Think about your expectations from your partner, whether they are too high. Also study socionics and psychological types and a lot will become clear to you. Determine your type and your friend. You can do this yourself or come to me for a consultation.
This is a very serious matter. You need to figure everything out now so that you don’t make the wrong action or decision and regret it later.
It may very well be that you are needlessly worrying yourself and him. it is very possible that he loves you, but everyone loves as best they can and according to their capabilities. But compatibility is not exactly what you imagine as an ideal relationship.

We have to love you for finally showing you that it's good for you to take care of yourself from time to time. April You are a strong and independent woman. You have an incessant personality and rarely forgive the shortcomings of others. You are so sincere that sometimes you face tough conflicts. Therefore, you need someone who truly understands and appreciates your individuality. Someone who won't try to censor you.

You may also be living life at high speed. You love to communicate and are constantly surrounded by people. You have a tendency to move a hundred tasks per second that you sometimes can't handle. You need someone who has the same energy as you.

Tangemann Olga Borisovna, psychologist London

As soon as a girl or woman meets a man, she immediately feels the desire to please him. To attract a man’s attention, it is important to interest him, and if a woman does everything right, after some time she wants to know how much he likes her, whether she can hope for reciprocity.

A similar question often arises for the reason that guys behave more secretively; it is not so easy to find out what kind of emotions are raging in their head and heart. Despite such secrecy, you can find out whether a man has feelings; you just need to study the main signs by which you can find out.

How to decipher gestures?

Many people know that there is a certain sign language, deciphering which, you can say much more about each person than he will express in his own words. This should be used to understand how much sympathy a man has for a woman. You just need to take a close look at closed and open gestures in the communication process and you can learn a lot.

Open Gestures

As a rule, people who like each other adopt special open poses. It is enough to pay attention to this alone and you can understand what the man is experiencing. If it is fully deployed, this is without a doubt a good sign.

At the same time, you can note such gestures that confirm the presence of sympathy, such as:

  • the guy often opens his palms;
  • unbuttons the top buttons of a jacket or shirt, and also loosens the tie knot;
  • attentive listening, which is often accompanied by a slightly noticeable tilt of the head towards the woman;
  • if a conversation is taking place in a group of people, then sympathy will be expressed by his leg, slightly put forward, and also directed towards the woman he likes.

It is from such unconscious body positions and gestures that one can quickly understand who sympathizes with whom. You definitely need to know such gestures, since almost all of them accurately describe a person’s attitude towards each other.

Special closed gestures

If a man, during a conversation, generally takes closed poses, if, for example, he crosses his arms or legs, if he sits cross-legged or turns sideways, even his smile will not be able to hide the fact that communicating with this or that girl does not give him pleasure.

One of the most indicative gestures of lack of sympathy is the hands and fingers folded into a pyramid at approximately chest level. This is a direct signal, which means the communication is over.

The ideal sign of attention is to copy all the girl’s gestures. Usually this happens unconsciously, but is an undoubted proof of sympathy.

Features of a man's behavior

If there is sympathy, this factor can be very easily understood by the characteristics of behavior. As a rule, he always tries with all his might to get into the field of view of the person he likes. This is providing assistance, and you can also just exchange words.

Most girls take such behavior as simple friendly behavior, but not seriously. It’s important to understand here that a guy usually won’t look for a friend among women; that’s what guys are for. Such signs of attention should be regarded solely as a manifestation of sympathy and nothing else.

To understand whether certain feelings are present, it is enough to simply look more closely at what a person does for the person he likes and does not do for others. This is precisely the surest feature that feelings and sympathy are present.

Signs of sympathy

In addition to such signs, you can take into account some other, no less accurate signals that will indicate interest and sympathy. Among them, the following points can be particularly highlighted:

  1. When he is attracted to a girl, the guy begins to behave a little reserved, even shy, he becomes timid and often lowers his eyes. If this is not noticed with other girls, you can safely draw the appropriate conclusions. If a man cannot behave as freely as with other girls, one can judge that he is in love.
  2. If, when talking with a woman, a man can be easily distracted, this will indicate that the guy is not very interested in the girl. In the opposite situation, it is simply impossible to distract the guy from the girl. he usually seizes every opportunity to exchange a few words with his interlocutor.
  3. A certain sign of sympathy can also be a little teasing, as well as a slight desire to offend in conversation. You should not be offended by such attacks, as this is a manifestation of that same sympathy. As a rule, such behavior manifests itself in young people who do not yet have much experience in communication. They don’t yet know how to show their sympathy, so they prefer to express their feelings with just such teasing.
  4. If a guy, during a conversation, asks a question about whether the girl is currently in a relationship or whether she is married, this also indicates that he sympathizes. He is not indifferent to the fate and position of a woman.
  5. If during the conversation questions arise from time to time regarding how best to care for this or that girl, this is sympathy, but most often such questions concern other girls. Don't forget about this.
  6. A lot can be learned from social networks. If a guy likes, writes, sends emoticons, shares various materials, we can safely conclude that he likes you.
  7. If a guy is in sight, you should pay attention to the looks he gives. If they have appraising eyes that look at a woman from head to toe, this will be one of the sure signs of sympathy.
  8. If, when meeting eyes directly, a guy lowers his eyes and tries to avoid direct visual contact, this will show his feelings better and more accurately than any words.

There are a couple of absolutely accurate facts that indicate that the man is quite seriously passionate. First of all, he introduces the girl or woman to his friends and parents. Also, the form of dating matters. If this is not only cinema and cafes, but shops and joint purchases with subsequent cooking, we can judge that this is not just a woman, but a future wife. These are direct signals about the presence of love and feelings. Based on these true signs, you can always determine without errors whether a guy has sympathy or likes you.

What to do if there is sympathy?

Quite often, it becomes clear that there is some sympathy, but the relationship still does not develop. Very often, the reason for such a lack of development is completely unconscious characteristic signals that the woman herself sends.

If you constantly feel very constrained, if you show strong constraint, you can push your gentleman away. You should completely relax, the body will automatically send the necessary signals, for example, it will begin to copy all the movements of the man.

You can also start showing your interest and sympathy through gestures. Among the most effective signals are movements such as:

  • You can cheer up your man a little by subtly shaking your hair. The gesture of throwing the curls over the shoulders and lightly stroking the neck looks great;
  • you should put your foot on the other and at the same time point your knees towards the man;
  • Some seductresses also use a more provocative gesture - entwining their legs.

This is a serious gesture, so you should take such a pose as competently and carefully as possible. Leg crossing is often perceived as protective, so it is worth accompanying it with seductive movements. Here it is also important not to overdo it, since too open erotic messages are regarded as a challenge to have sex.

If a woman wants to find her permanent companion in a guy, she should behave a little more modestly. Such bold behavior is more suitable for relationships that are characterized as sex without various mutual obligations. It’s important to let the guy know that getting the woman he wants isn’t so easy, it’s the perfect incentive.

Summing up

Without exception, all gestures are performed and perceived strictly and subconsciously, that is, completely unconsciously. Skills in recognizing certain signals will help build the right relationships. Both sides need to always remain sincere. Otherwise, a man or, conversely, a woman, will feel some falsity and artificiality.

It is necessary to constantly remember that sign language is not as simple as it may seem. Quite often a situation arises when the signals produced are completely misunderstood. In this matter, it is better to avoid quick conclusions, that is, you should not trust exclusively unconscious movements, as well as gestures. There is a risk of being misled by wishful thinking as reality. To avoid this, it is worth looking at gestures exclusively at the same time as studying other, no less important signals and obvious signs.

There are often cases when complete confusion occurs in the relationship between a man and a woman. Two main situations can be distinguished. In the first option, the connection is sluggish, without initiative on the part of the stronger sex. In the second, on the contrary, the meetings are bright, passionate, but rare. There are no sincere conversations and plans for the future. At first, both options may suit a woman, but then she needs to understand whether it is worth continuing the relationship.

Signs that a man is not serious

  1. The relationship has existed for quite a long time, but the man is in no hurry to introduce the woman to his loved ones. The same applies to walking together in public places.
  2. The companion also does not want to recognize the friends and relatives of his companion. Meetings take place only when the man wants it.
  3. If planned dates are canceled at the last minute. A man is often dissatisfied with your outfits or behavior, and compliments sound insincere and false.
  4. When talking, your chosen one is not particularly eager to open up, uses rude expressions and obscenities. It is worth considering that some men simply do not know how to talk differently.
  5. Analyze how much attention your partner pays to you. If meetings take place according to his “need,” such a signal serves as the main indicator of frivolity of intentions. In this case, it is worth noting that the chosen one uses you only as a sexual partner.

Indicator of need for a woman

  1. Pay attention to the little things in the dialogues, how the man listens to you and agrees with some statements. Your date appreciates you when he does what the woman asked him to do, even if he doesn't agree.
  2. When a man truly needs a woman, he never tires of saying how amazing, radiant and cheerful she is. The chosen one herself will feel how she blossoms with a man. Such compliments cannot be insincere.
  3. See how your partner notices minor changes in you. A man who appreciates a woman will always open the door for you, offer his hand and, when the opportunity arises, notice your beauty.
  4. If a man gives gifts, this indicator is important. When he spoils a woman infrequently, this situation should also be taken into account, because you must imagine the value of the gift. If you live together, your partner spends money on you on shopping trips for clothes and groceries.
  5. A man needs you if he constantly needs your look, voice, tenderness. The chosen one devotes a lot of time, attention, and care to you. Often a man gives affection in the first period of a relationship, then he calms down a little. Such actions do not mean that the partner is losing interest in his companion.
  6. A man does everything for his companion not in words, but in deeds. Sometimes it is worth accepting the complexity of a situation with temporary financial difficulties. Such factors should not affect the relationship if you are not with a man because of money. In other cases, in difficult moments, a woman should support and become an inspiration for her chosen one. It’s unlikely that a man will admit this, just know.

Showing affection: nonverbal signs

  1. Often a woman cannot understand whether a man likes her or not. Such situations are more common in a work environment or during constant communication in a company, regardless of activity. First of all, pay attention to non-verbal signals addressed to you by a man.
  2. When communicating with a person you like, his pupils will dilate with mutual sympathy. Try to look your chosen one in the eyes for as long as possible, they will tell you if he is interested in you. Also, have a dialogue in private; frequent correction of your appearance and slight nervousness will show that the man is not indifferent to you.
  3. Keep yourself in control and don’t get lost when communicating with your future companion; your feelings shouldn’t give you away. Because of them, you will not catch non-verbal signs of sympathy from a man. Thanks to such signs, a woman will know in advance about his intentions before active actions on the part of her partner.

Signs of sympathy for a married man

  1. If a situation has developed in your life and you like a married man, you should pay special attention to the signs that your chosen one may be hiding his sympathy for you. The course of his actions is determined by the fact that the potential partner is not sure whether he wants to destroy the existing family.
  2. If you had a heart-to-heart conversation and the sympathy turned out to be mutual, do not put pressure on the man. Try to wait and solve all pressing problems together. He should see you as support, and not another headache and burden. Don't confuse common signs of cooling in a relationship. In this situation, things are a little different.
  3. If such a man needs you, consider the facts when he starts writing to you, calling you, making appointments at the first opportunity. When the chosen one has deep sympathy for you, believe me, the passion will not fade away for a long time. Your partner will try in every possible way to see and communicate with you.
  4. Don't go crazy, you must understand that frequent meetings and calls will arouse suspicion in his wife. Be prepared for the fact that your affair will most likely be exposed. To minimize risks, try to communicate by mail.
  5. If a married man in love does not hesitate to appear with you in public places, such a move indicates the seriousness of his intentions. He continues to give the woman gifts and flowers and pays a lot of attention. These actions show that your partner is doing everything he can to win you over.

Long distance relationship

  1. It happens that many reasons can separate lovers at a considerable distance. Every day after talking on the phone with her companion, the girl involuntarily doubts whether the man needs her remotely.
  2. First of all, draw certain conclusions and decide whether it makes sense to expect a real relationship. If the meeting was accidental (for example, a holiday romance), the likelihood of continuation is low. Since you live in different cities with your own rhythm and way of life, take a break, try to forget, don’t torment yourself with hopes.
  3. If you are separated by certain circumstances (business trip, service, study, etc.), then it makes sense to nourish and maintain the relationship. To understand whether a man needs a woman, you should pay attention to behavior after separation.
  4. When a lover really appreciates a girl, he will not call and write less often, and will also share his thoughts and experiences. He will find any way to contact you, at least for a minute, instead of empty promises and excuses, supposedly certain circumstances do not allow talking often.

Pay attention to whether eloquent words match actions. A man can speak beautifully endlessly, and appropriate actions must reinforce everything said. New relationships are always different from previous ones, but there are a number of signs that signal that the partner is not serious about the woman.

Video: 10 signs that your boyfriend doesn't need you