How to insulate a multi-storey panel house from the outside of the wall. Insulating the walls of a panel house from the outside Stages of the facade insulation process

How to insulate a multi-storey panel house from the outside of the wall.  Insulating the walls of a panel house from the outside Stages of the facade insulation process
How to insulate a multi-storey panel house from the outside of the wall. Insulating the walls of a panel house from the outside Stages of the facade insulation process

Over time, the walls of a panel house require additional insulation. Unlike brick buildings, when there is a difference in temperature, they can freeze and accumulate moisture, which leads to the destruction of the external facade of the house, the appearance of cracks, mold and other unpleasant changes. Residents may notice that the apartments are cold, despite the presence of heating. To eliminate the consequences of such changes, and to maintain the level of heat inside as much as possible, it is recommended to insulate the panel house from the outside.

Advantages of external insulation

External insulation of the house will not only avoid heat leakage through the walls, but will also protect the facade from further destruction. By using various decorative options in the exterior, the house will look new. In addition, insulating walls from the outside has the following advantages:

  • there is no need to evict residents from the house during repair work,
  • increasing the temperature inside the building by protecting walls from freezing and other adverse effects of weather conditions,
  • there is no change in the size of the interior spaces - the entire living space is preserved,
  • insulation technology strengthens the supporting structure of a panel house, the building becomes more durable and its service life increases,
  • a layer of insulation on the outside acts as additional good sound insulation of the building.

External wall insulation is most effective for panel houses - it can save up to 50% of heat.

Types of insulation

The choice of which material is best to insulate the walls from the outside is influenced by:

  • location of the panel house in a certain climatic region,
  • amount of precipitation, wind strength and speed,
  • allocated budget for insulation of a panel house,
  • other individual factors.

useful in work

The estimate and project for the work are usually drawn up by the management company or the HOA. A team of industrial climbers directly carries out the insulation process from the outside.

For panel houses, two types of insulation are mainly used:

Mineral wool

For outdoor work, it is convenient to work with mineral wool slabs, which are produced by various manufacturers. It has good performance in basic characteristics, including thermal conductivity. However, you need to ensure that the mineral wool does not get wet, otherwise it will lose its thermal insulation properties. To do this, a vapor-permeable membrane is laid under the insulation layer, which will protect it from vapors.

When finishing a ventilated facade, condensation from the walls of the house will be removed due to the air gap and the membrane does not need to be used.


It is distinguished by its lightness and simplicity when laying slabs on the wall. It also has good parameters for heat and sound insulation. For outside work, it is important to use a material that does not support spontaneous combustion. Manufacturers mark it with the G1 marking, however, the results of many tests confirm that the foam is flammable, and this name does not meet the requirements of GOST 30244-94. When purchasing insulation, be sure to ask the seller for product certificates.

It is important to know

The insulation of a panel house from the outside is limited by the thickness of the insulating material. The maximum value of the foam thickness for walls is calculated using special formulas, taking into account the average temperatures in a certain climatic region and the purpose of the building (residential, public, industrial).

Stages of the facade insulation process

Depending on the chosen insulation method, installation will vary. There are two main technologies:

  1. Wet Facade
  2. Ventilated facade

The process of insulation using the “wet” method is described below.

Preparing the wall surface

It is necessary to carefully prepare the surfaces of the facade of the house in order to insulate it efficiently. Each wall is leveled, cleaned of various deposits, voids and cracks are sealed, especially paying attention to the joints of the panels. If necessary, they put a sealant in them, coat the cracks with special mastics.
Unevenness of the wall surface is allowed within 1 - 2 cm, but no more.
After cleaning and processing the joints, the walls are left to dry. Next, they are coated with a universal primer using a roller or sprayer.

Installation of insulation

Attaching thermal insulation material to walls is possible in three options:

  • on glue,
  • for fasteners (dowels, plastic nails),
  • combining glue with fasteners.

The video shows in detail the method of attaching foam plastic using dowels for thermal insulation.

For example, polystyrene foam is fixed using a combined method from the first floor to the upper ones. A starting strip is installed at the bottom, from which the insulation begins to be glued. In this case, the glue is carefully applied to the walls with a spatula, filling the existing unevenness. Then the foam sheets are pressed tightly onto the treated surface. The evenness of the rows of insulation is checked with a level. It is possible to correct minor errors before the adhesive base sets. Now you need to wait 2 - 3 days for the glue to dry completely and for the insulation to adhere well to the walls. Next, the foam plastic is additionally secured with dowels - 4 - 5 pieces per sheet. Holes for fasteners are made with a hammer drill.

The second and subsequent rows of foam sheets are laid in a checkerboard pattern so that the joints of adjacent layers do not coincide. All seams between the insulation and the cracks from the fasteners are filled with special polyurethane foam, intended specifically for the installation of foam plastic, in order to minimize the likelihood of heat leaks. This foam is produced in cylinders and is best applied with a special gun. The excess and remaining foam is cut off after drying.

Pinning the grid

Polystyrene foam is a fairly fragile material, so it is reinforced to give strength and rigidity to the insulation elements. To do this, a special stable mesh is installed on the outside of the foam sheets. It is convenient to cut it into separate pieces of the same size and overlap it in small fragments. A layer of a special adhesive solution for facade work is evenly applied to the insulated surfaces, and the mesh is pressed into it. Then another adhesive layer is applied for leveling. After installing the mesh over the entire house, wait for the glue to dry in order to treat the surfaces with sandpaper to remove smudges of the solution and unevenness during the fastening process.
The reinforcement provides mechanical stability for the final decorative coating of a panel house.


After insulation, external facades are usually decorated with decorative plaster. For the best adhesion of materials, the general layer of thermal insulation is primed again.
In addition, the technology of suspended ventilated facades is often used for residential apartment buildings. The thermal insulation layer has already been completed - all that remains is to install the outer cladding with a ventilation gap.

Today we offer a wide selection of materials for exterior finishing in the curtain façade system:

  • metal products (corrugated sheeting, siding, facade cassettes),
  • aluminum composite panels,
  • slabs made of porcelain stoneware, natural or artificial stone.

Each of them can be selected according to its external structure, color scheme and other characteristics.
Ventilated facade technology not only protects the walls of the building, but also allows you to implement a variety of design ideas and solutions.
To attach a ventilated facade, an additional frame will be required.

The process of insulating panel houses can be carried out during their reconstruction or major repairs. If your choice falls on the “wet” facade technology, it is advisable to plan work in the summer or at temperatures above 5°C. When using ventilated facades, installation can be done year-round.

In order for living in a house to be as comfortable as possible, it should be warm and cozy. Most often, high-quality insulated walls help retain the heat that comes from heating devices. Lack of insulation leads to increased heat losses and increased heating costs. We’ll talk further about how to insulate walls in a panel house.

Wall insulation in a panel house: advantages and disadvantages

There are two main types of wall insulation:

  • internal;
  • external

The choice of one option or another depends on the individual capabilities of the room, its area, the type of building in which the work is carried out and the number of floors. By insulating the walls inside your home, you will receive the following benefits:

  • weather and climatic conditions do not affect the insulation process in any way;
  • reduction of heat losses in the room;
  • ease and speed of work, since there is no need to create various kinds of structural elements for wall insulation.

Despite this, internal wall insulation has the following disadvantages:

  • a slight reduction in the usable area of ​​the rooms, especially important for small apartments;
  • internal insulation negatively affects the overall microclimate of the room, since in the winter season condensation forms behind the wall, which, passing through the surface of the insulation, accumulates on the wall and leads to the formation of mold and mildew on it.

In order to avoid the appearance of the last drawback, you should build a so-called pie during the process of laying the insulation. It contains materials with various types of vapor permeability, while this factor is reduced closer to the outer wall.

For example, when insulating a panel house using mineral wool, it is imperative to install waterproofing in front of the insulation. Thus, the condensation that forms in the wall will gradually be removed through the concrete surface and will not enter the room. In addition, the room should be provided with a high-quality ventilation system.

Insulation for thermal insulation of internal walls should have the following characteristics:

  • long service life;
  • high level of fire safety and resistance to ignition;
  • environmental safety is especially important in internal insulation, since the use of low-quality insulation materials negatively affects the health of people living in the house;
  • resistance to rodents;
  • maintaining shape;
  • low level of heat losses.

If you have the opportunity to carry out external insulation, we recommend that you give preference to it. For its implementation, materials with high quality properties are used. Most often, they are used in a slab or matte version. Among the advantages of external insulation we note:

  1. Preventing damage to the walls of the house by precipitation, low temperature and other external factors. Therefore, the building remains thermally stable both in winter and summer. The service life of the building increases significantly.
  2. There are no cold bridges between the joints of the walls. Accordingly, it reduces the risk of condensation, which leads to the formation of mold and mildew on the walls.
  3. In addition to protective functions, the choice of external insulation allows you to obtain high-quality soundproof buildings. Ensuring that the race point is moved outside the house improves the house's resistance to wetness and condensation. At the same time, it is possible to preserve the finishing of the facade for a longer time than without the use of insulation.
  4. It is possible to save usable space in the room, especially important for small one-room apartments.
  5. For external insulation, there are more options for insulation for installation on the facade of a building than for internal insulation. In addition, the insulation will not emit substances harmful to human health inside the house.

However, external insulation must be accompanied by protection of the insulation from external factors. To do this, ventilated facades are installed on the facade surface or the insulation is finished using the wet type.

How to insulate a wall in a panel house: choosing insulation

Mineral wool is most often used to insulate walls in panel houses. To make it, slag or basalt stone is pressed and thermally treated. Due to the fibrous structure, warm air is retained inside the wool, thereby preventing heat loss. There are rolled and slab versions of mineral wool. Because of its non-toxicity and safety, mineral wool is used for both internal and external insulation.

The material is characterized by low thermal conductivity, good vapor permeability, long service life, and fire safety. The only drawback of this insulation is its instability to moisture, therefore, during its installation, maximum waterproofing of the insulation should be ensured.

Installing mineral wool indoors reduces its usable area, so if possible, it is recommended to use insulation outside.

Insulating the walls outside a panel house with glass wool has its advantages. This material is highly resistant to fire and low temperatures. In addition, it has excellent resistance to moisture, rodents, mold and mildew. However, during the installation of this material, special care should be taken, since the smallest particles of glass can get on the mucous membranes of the body and cause allergies and irritation. Therefore, when working with this material, you should wear protective clothing and a respirator.

Glass wool has excellent soundproofing characteristics; in addition, it is resistant to shrinkage and is inexpensive compared to other types of insulation.

Among the advantages of cellulose-based insulation, we note:

  • versatility of use;
  • environmental safety;
  • high thermal insulation performance;
  • breathability.

However, this insulation itself is unstable to moisture, fungus and mold. Therefore, it is treated with special compounds that help get rid of these shortcomings.

Polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene is one of the most economical insulation options. This insulation is characterized by moisture resistance, good sound and heat insulation characteristics, light weight and ease of installation. Expanded polystyrene is resistant to bacteria, fungi and mold. A small volume of insulation has high thermal conductivity. Expanded polystyrene is most often used for insulation in the form of slabs. If you follow the technology for its installation, this type of insulation will serve you for a very long time.

The use of extruded polystyrene foam, which is essentially the same polystyrene foam, but has a liquid form, is characterized by higher strength and longer service life. Special equipment is used to blow polystyrene foam. The resulting coating is seamless, durable and has good performance characteristics.

After drying and pressing wood shavings, an insulation called fiberboard is formed. To connect the shavings together, a binder is used, in the form of Portland cement or magnesium salt. The material has the form of plates, on the top of which there is a protective film. It is with its help that it is possible to prevent the impact of moisture, fungus and mold on the insulation. When humidity increases, the material deteriorates, so after its installation, it is recommended to plaster the surface. The material is easy to install and process. The base, after its installation, becomes strong and rigid.

Insulation materials based on cork materials are used to insulate the walls of a panel house from the inside. This insulation option is the most environmentally friendly of all the above materials. Cork insulation has high strength, low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability. The insulation is in the form of panels that are light in weight, resistant to mechanical damage and shrinkage. The material is functional and has a long service life. After installation indoors, further finishing is not necessary, since the slabs themselves have an attractive appearance. In addition, cork insulation is resistant to various types of biological organisms. However, its only drawback is its too high cost, which is fully compensated by the advantages of the material.

To create a thermal insulation barrier that is highly resistant to moisture, insulation in the form of polyurethane foam is used. To apply this material, special equipment and formwork installation are required. Since the material polymerizes very quickly, in order to create a flat surface, formwork should be constructed from wooden boards.

After applying foamed polyurethane, its waterproofing and vapor-permeable layer should be ensured. For these purposes, most often the insulation is covered with a layer of polyethylene. Since the material has low strength, for further wall finishing, you should install plasterboard walls, so this insulation option will not only reduce the usable area, but will also require additional costs for installing plasterboard or plywood walls.

Before you start insulating the walls in a panel house, you should perform the following steps:

  • choose the insulation method, type of material and its shape;
  • purchase materials and additional tools, if necessary;
  • insulation of external walls is carried out only at above-zero temperatures, preferably in summer;
  • the walls should not be wet; use a cannon to dry them additionally;
  • All decoration should be removed from the walls, for internal walls - wallpaper, paint, decorative finishing materials, for external walls - the facade should also be well cleaned and dried;
  • to clean the walls, use a vacuum cleaner and a broom;
  • before installing the insulation, apply an antiseptic composition to the surface of the walls;
  • Next, you should apply a deep penetration primer to the wall, which will ensure high adhesion of the insulation to the wall.

Make sure that the wall is as dry as possible after applying the antiseptic before applying the primer. Plaster is used to further level the walls. Only after it has dried does the process of installing insulation on the panel walls begin.

To additionally seal all seams, use silicone-based sealant. The technology for installing insulation depends on what type of insulation was purchased previously. Slab or roll options are most often fixed to the wall using special fasteners with large heads. To install foam insulation options presented in liquid form, compressor equipment is used.

Heating in the wall of a panel house: insulation using polystyrene foam

After preparing the surface, leveling it and covering it with a primer, installation of insulation follows. At the preparatory stage, make sure that the seams at the joints of the walls are airtight. If there is any crumbling finishing, it should be removed.

To install foam plastic on the external wall of a panel house, you should prepare several spatulas for applying glue. It is most reliable to install insulation using a combined method, that is, using glue and dowels.

You should start work from the bottom of the wall, gradually moving to the top. Install the starting strip on the lower part of the facade. It is best to use a spatula or comb to apply the glue.

Try to completely cover the wall with glue, even in uneven areas and seams. Otherwise, through cold bridges, the level of heat loss in the house will increase. After treating the surface with glue, the foam board is applied to the wall and pressed. After several days, work continues. In order to further secure the foam, special fasteners or nails made of plastic are used. If there are small gaps, use foam to fill them. To remove uneven surfaces from the wall after insulation, use a plastic float.

For additional reinforcement of the foam, use a mesh. First, it is used to cover the corners, then the rest of the wall. Glue is used to fix the mesh on the surface, and after it dries, the walls are leveled with plaster or special mixtures and the finishing is done.

Panel houses have never been famous for their warmth due to thin walls - both external and ceilings, so apartment owners insulate the outside of a panel house at the slightest opportunity. Thermal insulation of concrete panels helps not only to make an apartment warmer in winter, but also to keep it cool in summer, so insulation of panel houses can be considered a universal means of ensuring comfort in housing. You can carry out the work yourself if your apartment is not higher than the second floor - otherwise you will have to turn to industrial climbers or high-rise builders for help.

How can you insulate panel walls from the outside?

Thermal insulation of the external surface of the walls of a panel house is a much more reliable measure than insulation from the inside, and there are reasons for this:

  1. The dew point shifts towards the insulation, not the wall, and condensation does not linger in the concrete of the panel, which, in turn, does not cause mold. Also in winter, condensation does not freeze and does not destroy the wall material from the inside;
  2. Laying insulation on the internal surfaces of walls reduces the usable area of ​​the room;
  3. A layer of internal thermal insulation prevents full heating of the walls from heating devices, which leads to the appearance of microcracks and mold, especially in corner rooms, which are affected by wind and temperature loads;
  4. The condensation that will appear as a result on the walls of the apartment is a direct path to the destruction of concrete and the appearance of fungal diseases of the building materials of the panel;
  5. It is impossible to insulate the floors adjacent to the walls from the inside, but they are the perfect place where “cold bridges” appear;

Thus, it is necessary and strongly recommended to insulate the walls of a panel house only from the outside: internal insulation is an extreme measure. Insulation of walls from the outside consists of the following working stages:

Preparation of building materials for insulation

First we choose insulation. Requested materials are listed below. Demand is determined by the characteristics and cost of insulation:

  1. Extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam is the cheapest material (its price allows you to purchase sheets in any quantities), lightweight and retains heat well. The disadvantages that everyone knows about do not stop consumers from using polystyrene foam: fire hazards and fragility of the material. Both drawbacks can be eliminated in one way - by protecting the insulation by plastering. Recommendations for use: outside walls should be insulated with foam plastic with a density of ≥ 18 kg/m 3 ;
  2. Mineral wool is a material more durable than EPS, absolutely environmentally friendly, and non-flammable. Disadvantages: the price of this thermal insulation is higher, and when working with it it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - gloves, goggles, a respirator, since the contact of mineral wool microparticles on the skin or in the respiratory tract causes irritation. The recommended density of mineral wool is ≥ 85 kg/m 3, the thickness of the roll (plate, mat) is ≥ 100 mm.

In addition, facade insulation will require the use of the following materials:

  1. Construction adhesive for attaching insulation materials – dry or ready-mixed. For each type of insulation, it is recommended to use the appropriate adhesive, but there are also universal adhesives on sale;
  2. Insulation for sealing seams between panels is polyurethane foam, less often liquid polyurethane foam;
  3. Umbrella plastic dowels for fastening foam and mineral wool;
  4. Primer liquids for pre-treatment of walls;
  5. Reinforcing fiberglass or metal fine mesh;
  6. Perforated corner - galvanized metal or aluminum;
  7. Decorative plaster for finishing;
  8. Finishing paint.

The volume and quantity of building materials is calculated based on the insulated wall area plus a margin of 10-15%.

Preparatory work for walls

  1. First, it is necessary to remove all old coating from the walls - whitewash, paint, plaster, ceramic tiles, and other materials;
  2. The surface is cleaned of remaining dirt and dust; if cleaned with water, the surface is dried;
  3. Interpanel seams are insulated. If the seam is too thin or shallow, it is better to widen it so that it does not increase itself during operation under the already applied layer of insulation;
  4. The seams are also cleaned of dirt and moistened, after which they are filled with construction foam or filled with concrete putty;
  5. After the putty or foam has hardened, the protruding material is cut off or knocked down.

Fastening thermal insulation materials to walls

  1. To use the construction adhesive mixture more economically, it is preferable to buy it dry rather than ready-made. Preparing this glue is simple - mix it with water in the proportion specified in the instructions and stir with a construction mixer;
  2. Apply the adhesive mixture to polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam with a notched trowel. It is assumed that you have leveled the very uneven surface of the walls in advance with plaster. If not, apply glue to the insulation board in lumps to evenly distribute the composition under the pressure that will appear when gluing the sheets to the wall;
  3. Gluing slabs or sheets of foam plastic should begin from the corner of the wall and from the bottom up;
  4. In practice, gluing slabs and insulating the walls of a panel house from the outside is done by pressing the sheet against the wall; each sheet must be controlled using a building level;
  5. The second sheet needs to be glued on the opposite side of the wall, and a cord must be pulled between the sheets, along which all other sheets of insulation will be aligned. To make it easier to maintain vertical and horizontal rows, you can install perforated beacon corners on the wall. They are mounted on alabaster or plaster. This is how the first row of thermal insulation of a residential panel house is installed;
  6. The fastening pattern for the second and subsequent rows is the same, only the rows need to be shifted relative to each other to prevent the formation of “cold bridges” on long seams;
  7. If you are insulating a corner room from the outside, then it is also necessary to ensure that the slabs or sheets are tied along the edge of the corner, as shown in the figure below;
  8. Then all the slabs are additionally reinforced with umbrella dowels - five pieces per sheet or slab (one in the center, the rest at the edges). Holes the depth of the dowel length are simultaneously drilled in the insulation board and in the wall, the hardware is inserted and expansion pins are driven into it until the dowel head is buried 1-2 mm into the insulation. In addition to the indicated fastening scheme, dowels must be placed at the corners between the joints of the thermal insulation slabs;
  9. The slopes of window openings are also insulated with polystyrene foam, only it is first cut to size with an ordinary knife or steel string.

Preparatory work before reinforcement

Before the panel house is completely insulated from the outside, the surface of the thermal insulation is reinforced with fiberglass mesh. To do this, perform the following operations:

  1. The insulated surface is leveled by plastering and floated. In this case, all dowel heads must be covered with mortar;
  2. A perforated corner (aluminum or metal) is attached to the outer corners of the insulated surface and window slopes. It can be attached to glue, which is used to glue thermal insulation boards, but in order not to wait long, it is better to take alabaster or plaster;
  3. The gaps between the sheets of thermal insulation are sealed with scraps of polystyrene foam for the solution, or with polyurethane foam;
  4. If all this work was carried out on top of a layer of plaster, the damaged surfaces are plastered again. The result should be a smooth, seamless surface onto which the fiberglass bonding plaster will be applied.

How to reinforce an insulation surface

The surface of the thermal insulation layer on the wall is reinforced as follows:

  1. First, the reinforced mesh is attached to the window slopes - mesh sections of the required size are cut, and you need to add 10-15 cm for the overlap of the mesh on the insulated corner of the wall;
  2. An adhesive solution 3-5 mm thick is applied to the slope, the mesh is pressed onto it, leveling and healing movements are made on the surface of the mesh with a spatula, as a result of which the mesh should be completely pressed into the glue. Make sure that the surface is smooth - without seams or sagging mortar;
  3. After the first layer of adhesive solution has dried, another layer is applied, which also needs to be carefully leveled with a spatula with a wide blade (300-800 mm);
  4. After reinforcing the slopes, all walls with insulation are reinforced in the same way. The surface must be smooth so that the finishing layer of plaster can be applied without problems.


Before painting the insulated and reinforced surface, it is treated with deep penetration primers:

  1. Before use, shake the primer or mix it with a mixer in a separate container. Then it is poured into a tray designed for use with a paint roller;
  2. The roller is dipped 1/3 into the pallet and rolled out along the inclined surface of the pallet, and then the wall is primed with it. Primer drips should be avoided.
  3. The primer is applied in at least two layers.


Plastering with decorative plaster is a quick and simple process:

  1. The dry mixture is mixed with water and stirred according to the attached instructions;
  2. Using a narrow roller, the plaster is spread onto a spatula with a wide blade, and spread from the spatula in a thin layer, which should be even. The thickness of the plaster is determined by the size of the aggregate grains in the dry mixture. Usually this is 3-5 mm on a flat wall surface;
  3. After the initial hardening of the plaster (40-60 minutes), the layer is rubbed with a special board - a small board, to give the surface a patterned texture.

Painting the walls of a panel house

The last stage in insulating the walls of a panel house is painting the walls:

  1. Acrylic paint is thoroughly mixed and tinted in a separate container in order to cover as much of the surface as possible with one portion of painting;
  2. They work with paint in the same way as with a primer: the roller is dipped into a tray, the finishing movements of the roller along the wall should be in one direction;
  3. You need to spread the paint over the wall in a very thin layer so that there are no drips or sagging;
  4. Where the roller does not reach, touch up the paint with a narrow paint brush;

The paint is applied in two or three layers, each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.

Panel houses have always been considered not too “warm”, since their internal and external walls are quite thin. It is for this reason that insulating the walls of a panel house from the outside is a very popular service. Thermal insulation of concrete panels will allow the apartment to retain heat well in the winter cold, as well as keep the air cool in the summer. So thermal insulation of panel houses is a universal means of increasing the comfort of your home. The work can be done on your own, but this is only possible if the apartment is located on the first or second floor of the building. If the housing is located higher, it will not be possible to do without the help of specialists. This type of service is provided by high-rise builders or industrial climbers.

Insulation of panel walls from the facade side

Insulating the facade surface of the walls of a house built from panels is a much more reasonable measure than internal thermal insulation. And that's why:

Expert opinion

Konstantin Alexandrovich

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From the above, we can conclude that it is advisable to insulate the walls of a house from panels from the outside. Insulation from the inside is used only if other options cannot be implemented for some reason.

Types of insulation

The process of choosing a suitable material for wall insulation is influenced by the following indicators:

An estimate of materials and a project of planned work are most often ordered by the house management company or homeowners association. The work itself on thermal insulation of the facade is carried out by a team of professional climbers.

The following types of insulation materials are most often used for use in panel houses:


Mineral wool slabs are a very convenient material for exterior thermal insulation work on facades. It is produced under different brands, but the main characteristics of the material from different manufacturers differ insignificantly. The material has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, but care must be taken to ensure that the material does not become wet. If this happens, its ability to insulate heat will be significantly reduced. To avoid this problem, a special membrane is laid under the insulating layer, which will be responsible for steam removal.

If a ventilated facade is used to finish the building, moisture vapor will be quickly removed by an air flow penetrating into the gap between the wall itself and the insulation. In this situation, there is no need to lay a membrane layer.


The material is lightweight, the slabs are easily attached to the wall surface. The heat and noise insulation parameters are at a high level. For outdoor work, you can use only that type of insulator that is not capable of spontaneous combustion. This type of expanded polystyrene should be marked G1, which designates low-flammable materials. Unfortunately, not all types of polystyrene foam available on the market are actually flame retardant. Therefore, when purchasing material for insulation, it is necessary to clarify whether the product is certified in accordance with GOST requirements.

When insulating a panel house externally, there are restrictions on the thickness of the thermal insulation material that can be used in the work. This indicator is derived through complex calculations, which include the average temperature of the climatic region, and also take into account the type of house - industrial building, office or residential building.


A significant part of the useful heat located inside a panel house can be lost through interpanel seams. The problem can be solved by processing them. The distance between the ends of the slabs is filled with a monolithic mortar, which easily eliminates cracks and cavities in the seams, increasing the efficiency of thermal insulation of the entire structure. Mixtures suitable for processing interpanel joints in concrete houses can be sold both in a form that is completely suitable for use, and for self-preparation of solutions. These compositions may contain polystyrene foam granules in their structure, which can retain heat flow or air particles to protect against the penetration of cold air from the outside.

If the joint distance is large, it can be filled with insulating fiber of a soft texture. Mineral wool, which has proven itself well in external work, can serve as such.

List of her most important qualities:

Fragments of mineral wool fibers are highly volatile and contain formaldehyde components. The combination of these factors does not allow the use of such material for insulating the seams of a panel house everywhere. Stone wool is the best option for such work. This insulation does not pose a risk to human health and has a stronger fiber structure.

Stages of arranging the insulation of an apartment building made of panels

High-quality installation of insulation material is the key to its long service life. Installation quality indicators may depend on many circumstances. One important factor is the type of material to which the insulation will be attached. Most often, special glue for construction or specialized dowel fastenings are used. There are also combined mounting options. The insulation process takes more than one day, because you need to wait for a particular material to completely dry before proceeding to the next stage of insulation.

ADVICE! The best time to install wall insulation is the summer months and the beginning of autumn, that is, it is better to complete all work before the rainy season. The number of people who want to improve the thermal insulation characteristics of their apartments is only increasing from year to year. It is for these reasons that it is better to resolve this important issue in advance. In organizations with extensive experience in such work, all days are scheduled at least several months in advance.

Laying insulation

The surface to be insulated must be coated with an adhesive composition, which is applied either with a special spatula with teeth, or laid out in flat cakes. If you press the insulation board on it, the solution is distributed evenly in the space between the wall and the insulation. The rows are laid out in the direction from top to bottom according to the principle of brick laying. Each slab is leveled to the horizon. Vertical alignment is carried out using beacons or by pulling between opposite fragments of a vertical thread.

To increase the reliability of the connection of foam plastic slabs to the wall, the insulation is fixed not only with glue, but also with special dowels. For each insulator plate, 5 fasteners are sufficient. The tops of the fasteners should be slightly pressed into the insulation surface. When insulating an apartment located on the corner of a building, they also insulate the joint between the slabs. To eliminate the appearance of inconsistencies and the formation of cracks, alternate rows in the corner zone.

If gaps do form between the foam plates, they are covered with scraps of insulating material and fixed with an adhesive solution. The existing corners are closed with a perforated corner, aluminum or metal. Attach it to a solution of glue, alabaster or plaster. The thermally insulated surface can only be rubbed and covered with a layer of plaster. It should be as smooth as possible, since fiberglass reinforcing mesh will also be laid on top.

Installation of reinforcing mesh

A layer of glue 0.5 centimeters thick must be applied to the insulating material. It will absorb the reinforcing mesh while simultaneously fixing it. The mesh is needed to hold the plaster layer, so installation is carried out with maximum attention and concentration. It is better to fasten a large and solid piece of material at once, leaving space for window openings. The adhesive layer is applied again on top. It must be completely dry before you begin leveling it.


The process of thermal insulation of the wall of a panel house from the outside is completed by priming and plastering the surface. The primer layer is applied twice; it is convenient to do this with a roller. Once the primer has dried, you can apply the first thin coat of plaster. After an hour it dries, then it is rubbed down and the surface is given a certain texture using a special textured roller. After this, the main stage of work is considered completed. All that remains is to paint the insulated surface in the desired color. The paint is acrylic based. If the installation technology is performed flawlessly, the external insulation will last at least 10 years.

Thermal insulation of a facade is a labor-intensive and expensive process. But it has a number of undeniable advantages, which are much more important than the time and financial costs. This is the creation of comfort and warmth in your own home.


All methods of insulation are good in their own way. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations for the use and installation of a particular insulator. If you do not consider yourself a specialist in this field, then it is better to use the services of construction organizations to carry out such work. Such companies have all the necessary licenses, have practical knowledge, and employ high-level specialists. They will be able to quickly and efficiently complete all work with a guarantee.

Video about insulating the external wall of an apartment in a panel house