How to remove bubbles under linoleum. We tell you what to do if the linoleum is swollen. Swellings of significant size

How to remove bubbles under linoleum.  We tell you what to do if the linoleum is swollen.  Swellings of significant size
How to remove bubbles under linoleum. We tell you what to do if the linoleum is swollen. Swellings of significant size

Laying linoleum on the floor means ridding yourself of unnecessary hassle and save money too family budget. Enough to spend wet cleaning– and the floor looks like new. But often, due to improper installation or humidity, bubbles form under the linoleum, which not only spoil appearance floor, but the material itself becomes vulnerable. As soon as you see that the coating is swollen, you need to act.

Step #1: heat the swelling area

This method is good for those whose covering is not glued to the floor, but simply lies on it. This is the least labor-intensive process: the bubble is simply squeezed out to the joint of the linoleum sheets. But first, you need to put something hot on the place where the swelling appears, for example, a rubber heating pad or any other container. The damaged area should warm up thoroughly, after which you can easily squeeze out the hated bubble.

InMyRoom tip: If you don’t have a heating pad at hand, you can use an ordinary iron. Just don't try to smooth the surface directly - upper layer may stick to the heated appliance. In this case, it is better to lay a piece of foil on the linoleum and smooth it through: the foil, when heated, will provide good thermal conductivity.

Step #2: cut the linoleum

Sheets that are glued to the floor must be repaired differently; the first method will be useless here. The resulting bubble can only be removed by piercing or cutting the linoleum in the damaged area, and then, pressing hard, release all the air from the hole. After the bubble has disappeared, it is necessary to coat the underside of the covering in the cut areas with glue and press it to the floor. After a few minutes, you will need to properly smooth the repaired area so that future cuts will not be noticeable.

InMyRoom tip: e If the place where the swelling has formed is too large, you should not make a large cut, otherwise when gluing it will be too noticeable, and thus spoil the appearance of the coating. It is better to make two or three small cuts crosswise. The smaller they are, the better.

Step #3: pour glue under the coating

If you are lucky and the swelling has formed slightly, then you do not need to cut anything, it is better to pierce this place with a regular syringe or needle and pour it there regular glue. The liquid will displace all the air out, and then you will need to forcefully smooth this area so that the glue is evenly distributed over the surface and securely fastens the linoleum. You can even use a heavy object and place it on the surface as a weight.

InMyRoom tip: Don't overdo it with glue. It only needs to be poured in very little, otherwise it may spill onto the surface and ruin the appearance of the floor. But this is not so bad (later the excess can be removed), the main trouble is that additional unevenness may form on the coating.

Linoleum has been used as a floor covering for decades, but despite the fact that a large number of types of products with improved characteristics and properties, many defects for the most part remain the same. And the reasons why linoleum swells are also unchanged.

First of all, they are associated with violations during its installation. In this case, the floor has bubbles, waves, swelling, etc. Not only do they not look aesthetically pleasing, but their service life is also reduced, since areas with defects will naturally wear out and wear out much faster.

Causes of blisters and other defects in linoleum coating

Linoleum, unlike wooden, parquet or laminate floors, is not afraid high humidity indoors or water spilled on it. The reasons for his bloating are different, and we will consider them in detail in this article.

Errors during installation

The main ones include:

  • the base has been poorly treated with adhesive (mastic), so bubbles form in those places where the linoleum is not glued;
  • too much thick layer , Furthermore What the instructions for it recommend may also be the culprit for the appearance of defects;
  • during installation, small air cavities formed between the coating and the base of the floor; due to temperature changes in the room, linoleum expands or contracts, which is the answer to the question why linoleum swells;
  • if all the gluing work is done correctly, the problem may be in the base itself - after a few months or even weeks of operation, all the irregularities will be imprinted on the linoleum or form waves, bubbles, sagging, the floor may even “float”;
  • It is also considered a mistake to lay the material on a new screed that has not had time to dry.

Result of operation

Over time, even well-laid linoleum can swell.

Reasons for this:

  • temperature fluctuations affect the material, which contracts from the cold right up to the exit from under and expands in the heat, but not being able to “crawl” back under the baseboard, it gathers in waves, “accordion” and bubbles;
  • rearrangement of furniture in the room also has an impact on the quality of the coating, displacing it, which leads to peeling off from the base or banal stretching.

Violations of technology committed in the manufacture of linoleum initially lead to defects, and eliminating its shortcomings completely is even very high-quality styling in most cases it is impossible.

Measures to help avoid swelling of linoleum

Although linoleum is a common type of flooring, the price for square meter which is quite affordable and attractive, especially considering its high performance qualities, however, there are frequent cases of violation of its installation technology.

A level and prepared base is the key to durability

The cause of bloating may be neglect of preparation. quality basis and the use of materials for leveling it, for example, fiberboard, insulation, etc.

It is also important to let the material rest on flat surface on average 2-3 days. Ideally, linoleum should rest in the room where it will be laid, but if this is not possible, then in conditions similar to the conditions in which it will be used.

It is important to roll out the air from under it when gluing linoleum. To do this, professionals use a special rubber roller. But if the installation is done with your own hands, it is permissible to use improvised tools, for example, the so-called “iron” - a board that is used to smooth the surface from the center to the edges.

It is necessary to lay linoleum using adhesives and expelling air from under it in order to prevent the formation of blisters.

Elimination of bloating

Tools and materials for eliminating bloating

If the problem of bloating already exists, it should be eliminated.

And before that, you need to prepare the tools and materials that will be needed for this work:

  • sharp construction knife;
  • awl;
  • putty knife;
  • rubber roller or board;
  • cargo (for example, a bag of sand);
  • mastic or other adhesive composition.

Ways to eliminate bloating

There are several ways to eliminate blisters, waviness and some other defects in linoleum coating, and the choice of a specific option depends on the location of the defect, its size and features.

  1. Small swellings can be eliminated quite easily, for this you should:
    • pierce the bubble in the center with an awl;
    • squeeze out air;
    • place a weight for leveling or use an iron and a sheet of white paper to iron the area.
  2. If the swelling is of a decent size or a fold has formed on it from walking on it, proceed as follows:

    Use a construction knife to cut the bubble evenly in the center;
  • accumulated air is squeezed out;
  • a leveling weight is placed for a while;
  • a certain amount of adhesive is placed under the linoleum, the coating is pressed to the base with a weight until it dries completely;
  • If the material has stretched, resulting in a fold, it should first be cut with a knife so that the two parts are interconnected.
  1. In the case when the swelling of linoleum has big sizes, or numerous bubbles have formed on the floor:
    • it is necessary to remove all floor covering;
    • clean the base from adhesive or mastic and level it if necessary;
    • The linoleum must be turned over with its back side and it must also be cleaned of any remaining glue, then, turning it back over, let it sit;
    • Then all work is carried out as during the initial installation.
  2. When swelling occurs along the baseboards, you must:
    • take them off;
    • level the linoleum, including using a weight or ironing;
    • if the canvas is stretched, it should be cut around the perimeter, taking into account the required gap between it and the wall of 5 mm;
    • screw the baseboard.

You can clearly see the intricacies of eliminating bloating in the video in this article.


This method can be considered acceptable in rooms without much traffic, for example in the bedroom. But still, in order to avoid problems in the future, it is recommended to glue it." width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">


Due to the fact that the products on the market are different widths, which can be laid in one piece, sometimes the coating is laid without gluing to the base.

Why do we consider ourselves experts and allow ourselves to advise you something?
Because we know about linoleum, laminate, wallpaper not just from texts in catalogues. We have personally tested all of our products.

To evaluate the properties of materials, we paste wallpaper, peel it off with polish, ride on chairs on the laminate, and cover it with snow. terrace board, fill the floors with water.

As a result, we offer you only those products in which we are 100% confident. In this section we collect all our experiments, photographs and videos.

We hope that the information will be interesting and useful to you.

How to remove linoleum swelling.

We find out the reasons for swelling of linoleum.

The most common cause of swelling is that the linoleum was not glued to the base. Yes! Yes! Linoleum just needs to be glued special glue For floor coverings(eg Homakoll 228). Please note that all manufacturer warranties for the service life (from 10 to 15 years) apply only to linoleum glued to the base. No glue - no guarantees! When gluing, swelling of linoleum is simply eliminated, and wear resistance increases significantly. The cost of glue is approximately 30 rubles. per sq. meter of area, which is 5-10% of the cost of the linoleum itself.

But for many, the linoleum is not glued and lies, but you have bloated. What is the reason?

We check the correct installation of linoleum. Linoleum should not extend onto the walls. It must be cut 1 cm from the wall and covered with a plinth. Modern linoleum does not shrink. Feel free to trim. The floor covering should lie “free”.

If the installation is done correctly, then swelling of the linoleum can occur from mechanical impact (moving heavy furniture and displacing the floor covering) or from temperature impact (turning on the heated floor to a temperature of more than 28 degrees).

The reasons have been sorted out. It remains to answer the question of how to remove swelling of linoleum.

IN modern linoleum fiberglass is used, which ensures the preservation of the original dimensions. To eliminate bloating, it is necessary to “unload” the linoleum and let it rest. We clear the room of furniture, remove the overlap on the walls (1 cm from the wall). Next, we remove the linoleum (this is a must), check the base, lay the linoleum and leave it without load for at least 24 hours. During this time, the linoleum will return to its original size.

If the swelling of the linoleum remains (very severe damage), then apply glue (Homakoll 228) to the place of the swelling, carefully roll it with a hard roller, and leave it under load (put something heavy on the place of the swelling) until the glue dries. We do not glue undamaged areas.

Ways to help get rid of bloating on linoleum

Failure to follow the rules for laying linoleum often leads to defects appearing on the finishing material. One of the most common is bloating. They arise in different cases, therefore, the technology for eliminating such a drawback must be chosen very carefully. How to get rid of blisters on linoleum without using too much effort? Basic methods for “correcting” finishes are worth considering.

How to eliminate bloating on “fresh” linoleum

Sometimes defects appear almost immediately after the linoleum has been laid. It's about about the case when finishing material sticks to the surface. On recently laid linoleum, swelling can be removed by placing some kind of weight at the site where it appears. Perfect option- use a sandbag. But, if after a couple of hours the bloating has not disappeared, most likely there is too much air left under the linoleum. It needs to be squeezed out. To do this, you need to take a flat board and carefully walk it from the point of swelling to the edge of the canvas.

How to deal with bloating with an iron

If the defect is very small, you can try to melt the glue with which the linoleum was previously attached. To do this, place the swelling in place of thick fabric or several sheets of paper. Then a hot iron is passed over them. It is important that the linoleum is not damaged by heat exposure. That's why this method Only suitable if material that can withstand heat has been used.

How to get rid of large bloating

The described methods will not help if the linoleum is swollen large area. In order not to shift the material, it is better to pierce it with an awl in one place and then release the air. Next, a weight is placed on the linoleum, due to which the canvas can be glued again. You can also use a “complex” method: after piercing and removing air, the linoleum is ironed and then pressed with a press.

What to do if bloating does not go away

When such work does not give the desired effect, the only way is to add glue under the material sheet. To do this, you will have to cut it with a knife so that using a syringe or construction pistol run an additional amount of adhesive. The glue must be evenly distributed under the linoleum, and then a weight must be placed over the entire area of ​​the swelling. In general, choose the best way It will definitely succeed if you assess the situation correctly.

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The casserole in the proposed recipe is prepared from mashed potatoes, pieces of fried pork and fried champignons

Linoleum is now considered one of the leaders among floor coverings. Easy to install and operate, unpretentious. It would seem that what could be simpler than laying linoleum when apartments in new buildings are being renovated? But even with such a seemingly simple coating, problems can arise. One of the most common and difficult to fix problems is swelling of linoleum and the appearance of bubbles.

The reasons for these defects can be very diverse: for example, initially incorrect laying of linoleum, and such bubbles and swelling can appear under wheelchairs, sofas and chairs. The most common reason the appearance of swelling of linoleum - attaching linoleum to the floor immediately after purchase. As you know, it is sold in rolls, twisted. To avoid further swelling, you should not attach the linoleum to the floor immediately after purchase; you need to let it rest and straighten out; this process usually takes from three to five days. If you already have bubbles and swelling, don’t worry, we’ll look into it below. effective ways removing linoleum blisters.

Method one: you find a swelling on your linoleum. You will need an awl or a thick needle to pierce the bubble, because there is air inside, which prevents the linoleum from leveling. After we have punctured the bubble, we need to slowly squeeze out the air through the puncture. After the air has been squeezed out, you can put heavy object onto a bubble to level the linoleum, but if time is running out, then we immediately begin leveling with an iron and a sheet of paper. Preferably white, do not use newspapers under any circumstances, otherwise we will read the letters on the floor. In the end, we ended up with a smooth and beautiful floor.

Tip number two: if the bubble has been lying around for a long time and a fold has appeared on it. To align using the second method, we will need: sharp knife or stationery knife for paper, a press - any flat heavy object and the last ingredient - liquid nails.

This method will take place in three stages:

The first is to take a knife and cut through the bubble, after that you need to press on it and release excess air;

The second stage is to straighten the fold with your hands, cut off a thin strip of linoleum (an extra piece of stretched linoleum, the body of the fold itself) and put the press on for several hours to straighten it;

Third stage - pump up a little liquid nails under the fold of linoleum and again place the press in place of the bubble. Leave it for several hours until the nails dry and the linoleum adheres better.

These tips will help you get rid of the hated bubbles and swellings of linoleum.