How to save a drowning person without risking your own life? Drowning

How to save a drowning person without risking your own life?  Drowning
How to save a drowning person without risking your own life? Drowning

Drowning is not at all difficult, even for an excellent swimmer. And this happens completely differently than in cartoons, where a drowning character funny opens his mouth and jumps on the water, calling for rescuers.

In fact, it is human nature to drown quickly and silently. This happens even on crowded beaches, where there seem to be enough eyes to keep track of everyone.

Why do people drown?

The most obvious answer is because they don’t know how to swim, pretty stupid. A person who does not know how will not go into deep water and will generally try to stay away.

It is difficult to imagine a situation where a person who does not know how to swim swam out into the middle of the river and drowned there.

Much more common:

  1. Alcohol. Intoxication with it can push you to do the most illogical actions, and even in order to sensibly calculate your strengths, difficulties begin. You can bet with your friends that you can swim across this river, or you want to freshen up a little. In any case, alcohol is the cause of 80% of drownings.
  2. Natural hazards. Even a master of sports in swimming can get into a whirlpool, but swimming out of it, as well as overcoming a strong current, is very difficult.
  3. Hit. You can hit the bottom when trying to dive, a floating snag, or someone else’s elbow that turns up at the wrong time in the crowd. It happens that the blow is so strong that a person is no longer able to swim out after receiving it.
  4. Cramps. IN cold water, with strong muscle tension it is very easy to get it, but swimming using a cramped leg is simply impossible.

Types of drowning

  1. True. It is also called wet, in which death is caused by water entering the lungs. Filling the alveoli instead of air, it leads to rupture of blood vessels and the entry of water into the blood. Happens in three stages:
    1. Elementary. With it, a person remains conscious, is able to move, hold his breath under water and try not to swallow it. After first aid is provided and after the water leaves the lungs with coughing and the stomach with vomiting, there are no consequences.
    2. Agonal. At this stage, the drowning person loses consciousness. Movements persist, but are involuntary, water enters the lungs uncontrollably, there is a pulse and breathing, but they are weak. Without providing first aid and removing water from the lungs, the victim very quickly moves to the third stage.
    3. Clinical death. There is no pulse or breathing, the pupils do not react to light. It is possible to provide assistance only in the first minutes.
  2. False, it is also asphyxial. With this type, death also occurs due to water entering the lungs, but this is already caused by a spasm. The throat gap is pinched, blocking the access of water to the lungs, and the person quickly loses consciousness, after which he begins to sink to the bottom, and water seeps inside uncontrollably. This condition occurs with a sharp impact on the water, fear, shock.
  3. Syncope, it's blue. Death occurs from cardiac arrest, and that from hypothermia and excessive effort. It is observed both in inexperienced swimmers who begin to panic and waste a lot of energy on chaotic movements, and in experienced swimmers suffering from heart failure.

How can you tell if a person is drowning?

Of course, there will be no loud screaming - in a state where you have to fight for every breath, most people cannot scream.

There will be no waving of arms or splashing - in the fight for life there is usually no time to create panic.

The signs are usually:

  1. The head is kept low above the water, the mouth is submerged and only occasionally rises convulsively to take a breath.
  2. A drowning man does not straighten his hair, does not swim away from one place, looks at one point - at this moment his gaze becomes “glassy.”
  3. Breathes with difficulty, trying to fall back or tilt his head.
  4. Paleness, with true drowning - foam around the mouth and nose.

There are other signs, such as convulsive breathing and chills, but it is simply impossible to diagnose them from a distance, that is, they will not help to understand that trouble is very close.

How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the bite activator “Hungry Fish”.
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

What to do on the water?

The biggest difficulty in helping drowning people is that a person reflexively clings to the rescuer, and if he is not experienced enough, he can drown both.

This happens unconsciously, so you should follow a few simple rules:

You should swim up from behind, so that the drowning person does not see that they are going to save him. There are three transportation methods:

Pull the drowning person onto his back, grab his armpits or head near the ears and pull him along, working with his legs.

Pass one hand under the drowning person's armpit, take him by the chin, fixing it above the water, and pull him along, working with his legs and free hand.

Turn the drowning person on his back, pass his hand under his armpit, take him by the forearm of his other hand and pull him along with you.

If a drowning person tries to grab the rescuer, you need to hold your breath and dive under the water, waiting until your grip loosens. There is no point in trying to free yourself from the grips by unclenching them - panic gives additional strength, and the struggle will take additional time.

If the drowning person has already gone down, you should take into account the strength and direction of the current, and dive. Having fumbled, you should grab the drowning person more tightly and push off strongly from the bottom in order to be on the surface in one movement.

What to do on land?

In this aspect, cartoons are somewhat more true to the truth.

Indeed, the victim will need artificial respiration, but first of all he needs to lay him down, remove vomit, silt and sand from his mouth, and listen to the pulse and breathing:

  1. If they are fully present and the person is conscious, you should lay him down so that his head is lower than his feet, remove his wet clothes, wrap him in a warm blanket and offer him a warm drink. Afterwards, be sure to call an ambulance - even if the victim looks good and feels the same, it doesn’t mean anything.
  2. If they are available, but the person is unconscious, you should bring him to consciousness with the help ammonia and perform already familiar actions - a blanket, a warm drink, calling a doctor.

If there is no breathing or pulse, you need to proceed to emergency rescue measures:

Removing water

First of all, you need to get rid of the water in your lungs. To do this, the drowning person is thrown over the knee to create a hanging position, and pressure is applied between the shoulder blades, while holding the head. If this does not have an effect, you need to stick two fingers into the victim’s mouth and press on the root of the tongue.

For an unprepared person, the simplest method is “mouth to mouth”. To do this, lay the victim on his back, throw his head back and begin to blow air into his mouth, while pinching his nose.

12-14 blows should be made per minute until the reflex starts and works on its own. If water that has not come out before comes out, the victim’s head will need to be turned to the side and his shoulder raised on the opposite side.

When doing this, you should place your palms on bottom part chest one on top of the other and rhythmically press on it with a frequency of 50-70 presses per minute.

If one person is providing assistance, there should be one breath for every 5 pushes. When the victim begins to breathe, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Rules for rescuing a drowning person on water

IN summer time The only salvation from the heat is water. Children especially love to swim, but often forget about water safety. Therefore, each of us is obliged to know the basic rules for rescuing a drowning person on water, so that, if necessary, we can use them and save lives.

Let's look at the main rules for rescuing a drowning person on water, and we will also determine our actions to save a drowning person or a just drowned person on the water, actions in cases where a person has choked on water or his leg has cramped.

What to do if you start to drown

1. If you feel that your strength is leaving you and you are starting to drown, do not panic, calm down!
If you panic, you will not be able to loudly call for help, as you will choke on water even more.
2. Take off excess clothes and shoes.

3. Use one of the methods of staying on the water:

Method 1 - supine pose:

    roll over onto your back, spread your arms wide, relax, take a few deep breaths.

Method 2 - horizontal pose

    Lying on your stomach, take in lungs full of air, hold it and exhale slowly.

Method 3 - "float"

    take a deep breath and immerse your face in the water, hug your knees with your hands, press them to your chest and exhale slowly under water.

4. When you have more or less calmed down, call for help!
5. If you hurt yourself during a dive and lose coordination, exhale a little: air bubbles will show you the way up.
6. If you are pushed or fall into a deep place, and you do not know how to swim, push off from the bottom, jump and take in air. Then stay on the water using the above methods.

How to save a drowning person on the water

When relaxing on the sea, lake, river, if it is necessary to provide assistance to a drowning person, we must clearly control our actions and know how best to save a drowning person on the water.

We will list the basic rules, actions, methods of saving a drowning person on the water and answer questions about how to save a drowning person on the water.

How to save a drowning person on the water:

1. Attract the attention of others by loudly shouting “The man is drowning!”

3. Throw a lifebuoy, rubber tube or inflatable mattress, a long rope with a knot at the end, if such a means is available nearby.

4. Take off your clothes and shoes and swim to the drowning person.

5. If, when talking to a drowning person, you hear an adequate answer, offer him your shoulder as a support and help him swim to the shore.

6. If a drowning person is in a panic, do not let him grab your arm or neck, turn him with his back to you.

7. If he grabs you and drags you into the water, use force.

8. If you are unable to free yourself from the grip, take a deep breath and dive under the water, pulling the person being rescued with you. He will definitely let you go.

9. Grab the person by the head, arm and swim to the shore. Make sure his head is always above the water.

10. On shore it is necessary to provide first aid and eliminate oxygen deficiency.

How to rescue a drowned person on the water

If you see a drowned person without moving, remember that paralysis of the respiratory center occurs 4-6 minutes after filling with water, and cardiac activity can persist for up to 15 minutes.

Therefore, do not miss the chance to save a person, but we must remember how to quickly save a drowned person on the water.

How to save a person who has just drowned on the water:

1. Attract the attention of others by loudly shouting “The man has drowned!”

2. Ask people to call rescuers and an ambulance.

3. Take off your clothes and shoes and swim to it.

4. If the person is upright in the water or lying on his stomach, swim up to him from behind, put your hand under his chin and turn him over onto his back so that his face is above the water.

5. If a person is lying on his back in the water, swim from the head side.

6. When a person dives to the bottom, look around and remember the landmarks on the shore so that the current does not carry you away from the dive site, then dive and begin to look for the drowned person underwater.

7. Don’t give up trying to find and save a person; this can be done if the drowned person was in the water for no more than 6 minutes.

8. If you find a drowned person, grab him by the hair or hand and, pushing off from the bottom, float to the surface.

9. If a drowned person is not breathing, give him several breaths “from mouth to mouth” right in the water and, grabbing his chin with your hand, quickly swim to the shore.

10. Grab the person by the head, arm, hair and swim, towing him to the shore.

11. On shore it is necessary to provide first aid, eliminate oxygen deficiency, and apply resuscitation measures.

What to do if a person chokes on water

If you swallow water:

    try to turn your back to the wave without panic;

    press your arms bent at the elbows to the lower part of your chest and take several sharp exhalations while simultaneously pressing on your chest with your hands;

    clear the water from your nose and perform several swallowing movements;

    Having regained your breathing, swim to the shore on your stomach;

    if necessary, call people for help.

If another person chokes:

    If a person is slightly choking on water, tap them between their shoulder blades to help them clear their throat.

What to do if your leg cramps in the water

1. Don’t panic, call for help, try to relax and get out of the water if possible.

2. If the anterior thigh muscle cramps:

    Underwater, grab the shin or foot of your flattened leg with both hands, bend your knee forcefully, and then straighten your leg with your hands;

    Do this exercise several times underwater while holding your breath.

3. If the calf muscle or back of the thigh is cramped:

    take a deep breath, relax and freely plunge face down into the water;

    Take hold of the foot of your flattened leg underwater with both hands and forcefully pull it towards you, having first straightened your leg.

    do this exercise several times underwater while holding your breath;

    If the spasms continue, pinch the muscle with your fingers until it hurts.

4. If your toes are cramped:

take a breath, relax and plunge into the water face down;
grab it tightly thumb legs and straighten it sharply;
repeat the exercise if necessary.
5. There are so-called traditional methods:

    if your leg muscles are cramped, pinch the middle of your lower lip;

    prick the cramped muscle with a safety pin or something sharp, but remember that this is painful and there is a risk of infection.

6. As a last resort, you can rub the muscle with your hands and knead it until it becomes softer and the leg can be straightened.
7. After the cramps stop, do not swim immediately, lie on your back for a while, massaging your leg with your hands, then slowly swim to the shore, and it is best to use a different swimming style. It's better to swim to shore on your back.

Always remember the rules for rescuing a drowning person on water
and if necessary, use them!

Today I want to continue the topic summer holiday, but with a bias about water.

Of course, I would like the essence of the article to be as easy as its beginning, but, unfortunately, it will not work out that way. After all, the sun is getting hotter and hotter. The water in the sea and other bodies of water is warming up. The number of picnics is increasing. The temperature in the body of many people rises, and sanity often fades into the background. The result is drowning. Moreover, as statistics and news reports show, people, despite all the warnings and others preventive measures, everyone also continues to drown. The reason in most cases is heat, alcohol, water - convulsion, loss of consciousness...

Our mind can replace the ellipsis in the previous paragraph with “drowned man,” but I want to replace them with “saved person,” who next time will be more conscious about the issue of his own safety on the water.

Let's look, dear readers, at how we can help in a situation when a person begins to drown and needs the help of another person. Moreover, after pulling a person out of the water, it is also necessary to provide him with first aid. So…

Help for a drowning person. What to do?

If you see a drowning person, no matter how trivial it may sound, you must:

1. Pull a person out of the water;
2. Call an ambulance;
3. Provide him with pre-medical care.

These 3 points, if performed correctly and quickly, are actually the key to a successful completion of the situation. Delays are not acceptable!

1. We pull a drowning person out of the water

A drowning person in most cases panics, does not hear words, and does not understand what is happening. He grabs onto everything he can and thereby becomes dangerous for the person who wants to save him.

If the person is conscious

To pull a person out of the water, if he is conscious, throw him a floating object - an inflatable ball, board, rope, etc. so that he can grab onto it and calm down. This way you can easily pull it out.

If the person is unconscious or exhausted:

1. While still on the shore, get as close to the drowning person as possible. Be sure to take off your shoes, excess clothes (or at least heavy ones), and empty your pockets. Jump into the water and approach the drowning man.

2. If the person has already gone under water, dive after him and try to see him or feel him.

3. Once you find the person, turn him over onto his back. If the drowning person starts to grab onto you, quickly get rid of his grip:

- if a drowning person grabs you by the neck or torso, then grab him by the lower back with one hand, and with the other hand push his head away, resting on his chin;
- if you grab the hand, then twist it and pull it out of the hands of the drowning person.

If such methods do not help get rid of the grip, then take air into your lungs and dive, the drowning person will change the grip, and you can free yourself from it at that time.

Try to act calmly and do not show cruelty to the drowning person.

4. Transport the drowning person to shore. There are several methods for this:

- being from behind, clasp your chin with your palms on both sides and row your feet towards the shore;
- stick yours in left hand under the armpit of the drowning man's left hand, at the same time, grab his wrist with your left hand right hand, row with your feet and one hand;
- take the victim’s hair with your hand and place his head on your forearm, row with your feet and one hand.

2. First aid for a drowning person (First aid)

When you have pulled the victim ashore, urgently call an ambulance and begin immediately providing him with first aid.

1. Get down on one knee next to the injured person. Place him on your knee, belly down, and open his mouth. At the same time, press with your hands on his back so that the water he swallowed flows out of him. The victim may experience and - this is normal.

If a person is semi-conscious and begins to vomit, do not allow them to lie on their back, otherwise they may choke on the vomit. If necessary, help remove vomit, mud, or other substances that are interfering with normal breathing from his mouth.

2. Lay the victim on his back and remove any excess clothing. Place something under his head to raise it a little. To do this, you can use his own clothes, rolled into a roller, or your knees.

3. If a person does not breathe for 1-2 minutes, it can be fatal.

Signs of cardiac arrest are: absence of pulse, breathing, dilated pupils.

If these signs are present, immediately begin to take resuscitation measures - do “mouth to mouth” and.

Take a deep breath into your lungs, pinch the victim's nose, bring your mouth close to the victim's mouth and exhale. It is necessary to make 1 exhalation every 4 seconds (15 exhalations per minute).

Place your palms on top of each other on the victim's chest, between his nipples. In pauses between exhalations (during artificial respiration), do 4 rhythmic presses. Press on the chest quite firmly so that the sternum moves down by about 4-5 cm, but no more, so as not to aggravate the situation and further harm the person.

If the injured person is elderly, then the pressure should be gentle. If the victim is a child, apply pressure not with your palm, but with your fingers.

Perform artificial respiration and chest compressions until the person comes to his senses. Don't give up and don't give up. There have been cases when a person came to his senses even after an hour of such measures.

It is most convenient for two people to resuscitate, so that one does artificial respiration, and the other.

4. After breathing has been restored, until the ambulance arrives, place the person on his side so that he is lying steadily, cover him and keep him warm.

If the ambulance cannot arrive, but there is a car, complete all the above points in the car while driving to the nearest medical institution.

May the Lord protect us all, dear readers, from such situations.

Help for a drowning person - video

At the first signals from the victim, you need to rush to his aid, but first assess your safety.

Relaxing near a pond if safety rules are not followed can result in drowning. This often occurs due to alcohol intoxication, damage to the spinal cord when diving in an unknown place, or due to reflex cardiac arrest. The first thing to do in case of drowning is to get the victim out and call an ambulance. But by the time the brigade gets there, biological death may occur. Therefore, in order to prevent a tragic outcome, you need to know how first aid for drowning is provided at the pre-medical stage.

Difficulties in providing emergency care are that they highlight different kinds drowning. Before indicating the sequence of assistance, it is necessary to analyze the causes and mechanisms of development different types drowning.

There are 3 types:

True drowning

The true is divided into drowning in fresh water and in sea ​​water. It develops when water enters the lungs, most often while swimming. When removing the victim, he often foams at the mouth. The most common type.

Asphyxial drowning occurs when ice or chlorinated water enters the trachea, which causes a reflex spasm of the vocal cords - laryngospasm. This is how people who swim poorly or are intoxicated usually drown.

Syncopal drowning is when, when falling from a height, in contact with cold water reflex cardiac and respiratory arrest occurs. Clinical death occurs with all its signs.

We can say that this is the most favorable type of drowning, since there is no damage to the lungs from water. In cold water period clinical death may increase to 10-15 minutes. And children can spend about half an hour in clinical death.

Sudden exposure of the body to ice water when falling from a height can cause reflex cardiac arrest.

Help for true drowning

This is the most common type of drowning. Victims of drowning can include people who cannot swim or are intoxicated, as well as professional swimmers. Appearance the victim after he is removed from the water has specific characteristics:

  • blue skin of the face and neck;
  • swollen veins in the neck;
  • foam Pink colour from the nose and mouth.

While in the water, for some reason, a person begins to drown. Maximum possible time he tries not to breathe, which leads to blackout due to oxygen starvation of the brain. After this, the water in large quantities fills the lungs and stomach.

Regardless of whether fresh water or salty, it has a damaging effect on the lungs, destroying them. In case of true drowning, excess fluid enters the bloodstream, an overflow of the circulatory system is formed, which the heart may not be able to cope with and will stop, if this has not already happened at the time it is removed from the water.

Important! Only someone with lifeguard skills, a good swimmer and good physical fitness can help a drowning person. developed person. An untrained and poor swimmer may drown along with the victim. Therefore, before jumping into the water you need to weigh your strength. If you are unsure of them, then it would be more reasonable to call someone for help.

First health care In case of drowning, it begins with removing the patient to shore. If the victim is conscious, then you need to be careful, since a person in panic can harm the rescuer. If the victim is unconscious, then when transporting him to the shore, you need to make sure that he does not go under water.

First medical aid for drowning begins with removing the patient to shore.

Important! As soon as it becomes known that someone has drowned or is drowning, an ambulance should be called immediately. It must be taken into account that bodies of water are usually located far from the city and emergency stations.

After delivering the victim to shore, you need to immediately begin providing pre-hospital emergency care. The main thing in rescuing a drowning person is to quickly navigate the situation, since every minute counts.

If the victim shows signs of life, it is necessary to urgently remove water from the respiratory tract.

If the victim is unconscious, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be started immediately.

The easiest way to remove water from the stomach is to hang the victim over the knee and use your fingers to press on the root of his tongue.

If vomiting of water mixed with food and coughing occur, then you need to continue actions until the water has completely drained from the stomach and lungs.

Even if you succeed in inducing a gag reflex, you need to be prepared that the person’s heart will stop.
The absence of pulsation indicates cardiac arrest. To start it, you need to perform an indirect cardiac massage.
· arms straightened at the elbows with palms in the middle of the sternum;
· We perform compressions at a frequency of 100 per minute, pressing to a depth of 4-5 cm.
It is possible to perform artificial respiration on a drowned person, but if there are no means of protection, it is not recommended, since during compressions water from the lungs and stomach will drain from the mouth.
We resuscitate the patient either until a pulse appears or before the ambulance arrives.
After breathing and heartbeat have resumed, the victim should be placed on his side,
The victim must not be left unattended.
Repeated cardiac arrest or development of pulmonary edema is possible.
If the heart stops again, cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be started again.
Signs of incipient edema are:
· wheezing when breathing, similar to bubbling water;
appearance of pink foam;
· breathing problems.
If there are signs of pulmonary edema, then it is necessary to sit the victim in a semi-sitting position.
Apply tourniquets to the upper third of the thigh.
Apply something hot to your feet.

After everything possible has been done, you need to wait for the ambulance. It is highly undesirable to take a patient to a medical facility on your own without an accompaniment. V Racha.

Help with asphyxial and syncope drowning

Asphyxial drowning is characterized by laryngospasm, as a result of which a person cannot take a breath. Due to hypoxia, he loses consciousness and may experience cardiac arrest. With syncopal drowning, reflex asystole develops, that is, cardiac arrest.

The victim has a characteristic appearance:

  • pale skin color;
  • dry foam at the mouth, which is easily removed;
  • lack of breathing and heartbeat.

Pre-hospital emergency care for these types includes the following algorithm of actions:

There is no need to empty the lungs of water, since there is none there.

If you spot a drowning person, you should immediately call an emergency team.
Bring the victim ashore.
IN winter time There is no need to waste time transporting the patient to a warm place; resuscitation should begin right on the shore.
Let's release chest from clothes, if any.
Begin resuscitation of the patient: cardiac massage and artificial respiration in a ratio of 30:2.
If there is no result, the victim must be resuscitated within 40 minutes.
After vascular pulsation appears, you need to take the person to a warm place, change him and give him a warm drink.

Important! Drowning in winter most often develops as asphyxial or syncope.

Cold water leads to a sharp inhibition of all metabolic processes in the body, so clinical death can occur long time do not turn into biological.

This means that in winter a drowned person, even after half an hour in the water, has a chance to return to life if first aid is provided correctly.

First aid for drowning in children

Parents should know a clear algorithm for urgent actions.

In children, drowning occurs more often in a swimming pool than in open water.

Helping a drowning child step by step:

At the first sign of drowning, remove the child from the water.
Call an ambulance.
If the child is unconscious, begin CPR.
Small children need to perform it at a frequency of 100-120 per minute.
In children under 8 years of age, 15 compressions are followed by 2 artificial breaths.
In older children the usual ratio is 30:2.
Indirect cardiac massage is performed by pressing the sternum by 2-3 cm.
In adult children it is performed as usual with both hands, and in infants with two fingers.
Artificial respiration is performed using mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose techniques.
You need to resuscitate the child for at least 40 minutes, especially after removing him from cold water.
The child's body is able to survive up to 1 hour of clinical death in ice water without disturbances in the central nervous system.
After breathing and pulse resume, you need to lay the child on his side and warm him up.

How to provide first aid to an injured child is well shown in the video in this article.

Skills in providing emergency assistance in case of drowning are a guarantee of saving a person from death.

A drowning man does not behave as shown in films - he does not wave his arms and does not shout: “Help!” American rescuer Francesco Pia spoke about this. He introduced the concept of “instinctive reaction of a drowning man.” The following signs indicate it:

  • His mouth goes under the water and then appears on the surface, but he cannot breathe and call for help. That is, they drown, as a rule, silently.
  • The drowning man does not wave - his arms are extended to the sides. He does this instinctively, trying to push off from the water and float up.
  • He cannot make meaningful movements: grab the circle or extend his hand to those who have arrived to help.
  • While the instinctive reaction of a drowning person manifests itself, the person remains vertical in the water. It can stay on the surface from 20 to 60 seconds. And then it will completely go under water.

Those who scream, call for help, and wave their arms also need help. But this is a completely different stage - panic in the water. It may precede the instinctive reaction of a drowning person and usually does not last long. But in this case, the drowning person can still help his rescuers. For example, extend your hand to them or grab a circle.

It happens that the main sign that a person is drowning is that he does not look like a drowning person. It seems as if he is just floating on the water and looking at you. Ask if he is okay. And if he doesn't respond, you have less than 30 seconds to get him out.

Mario Vittone, lifeguard

There are other signs that a person urgently needs help:

  • Head thrown back, mouth open.
  • Closed or glassy eyes that do not focus on anything.
  • Trying to roll over onto your back.
  • Movements reminiscent of climbing a rope ladder.

If you find a person with the instinctive reaction of a drowning person, you cannot hesitate. For such cases, Francesco Pia developed a technique called Pia Carry. You need to swim up to the victim from behind and from below, clasp the waist with one hand, push the head and shoulders of the drowning person above the water, and row to the shore with the other hand.

How not to drown yourself

The body is lighter than water, so they usually drown when they panic. Try experimenting.

Dive into the water at a shallow depth and tuck your legs. You will feel the water pushing you up. Remember this feeling.

Roll over onto your back and relax. The head can be completely submerged in water. The main thing is that your nose and mouth remain on the surface.

Calmness is the key to the fact that even if you don’t know how to swim well, you can stay on the water for quite a long time.

If you still panic:

  • Do not raise your hands up or hit the water with them. Move them in the thickest water: in this case it is easier to keep your head on the surface.
  • Move your feet as if you were walking down the street.
  • At the first opportunity, dial into your lungs maximum amount air. The body will immediately become lighter. And try to relax.

Things to remember when going into the water

1. Never drunk. Especially lying on mattresses or inflatable rings.

2. Remember that during the hottest hours (from 12.00 to 16.00) in the water you can get sunstroke and lose consciousness. Don't take risks.

3. Do not swim alone, especially in unfamiliar waters. Let there always be someone nearby who will follow you and, if necessary, provide assistance.

4. If you have swum far and are tired, rest. Roll over onto your back, relax, rest in a “star” shape. After you regain your breathing, slowly move towards the shore.

5. If you are carried away by the current, do not resist: wait until it weakens and slowly move towards the shore.

Very dangerous (rip current). They arise off the coast and lead directly to the open sea or ocean. Such currents can carry several hundred meters from the shore. The best tactic is to swim parallel to the shore rather than against the current. Usually the rips are several meters wide, so getting out of them is not difficult. Save energy.

6. If your muscles are cramped, act vigorously:

  • Hip cramps can be relieved by bending your knee and pressing your heel toward your buttock.
  • Your abdominal muscles will relax as you draw your legs toward your stomach.
  • The cramped calf muscle will be helped by moving forward: remove your leg from the water and pull your foot towards you with your hands.
  • The hand cramp will go away if you sharply squeeze and unclench your fingers several times.

Calmness and awareness are the main helpers in extreme situations on the water. Always remember this.