What is the abbreviation for the name Vitaly? The name Vitaly – meaning, fate and character. Name and character

What is the abbreviation for the name Vitaly?  The name Vitaly – meaning, fate and character.  Name and character
What is the abbreviation for the name Vitaly? The name Vitaly – meaning, fate and character. Name and character

The most popular version of the name's meaning is the Roman version. According to this version, the name Vitaly comes from the Roman nickname Vitalis. Its meaning, and therefore The meaning of the name Vitaly is “vital” or “full of life”.

Many popular names today come from Roman nicknames. These are, for example, names such as Victor (Victorinus), Camille (Camillus), Maxim (Maximus), Albina (Albinus), Claudia (Claudius), Emilia (Aemilius) and many others.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a child

Little Vitalik is a shy, affectionate and slightly timid child. He is an obedient and well-mannered boy, and his ability to fit into almost any team is characteristic even in adulthood. Vitalik also has a special connection with his mother, who becomes his true friend. Vitalik is rarely the leader of the company, but if circumstances put him in a leadership position, then he copes with it successfully. It can also be noted that Vitaly is a devoted friend and you can rely on him.

Vitaly is an average student, but if he gets interested in something, his success will surprise everyone. He is more inclined to the exact sciences, as he does not have sufficient sensitivity. The boy grows up athletic and achieves certain success in sports. Usually his successes end with interest in this hobby, and not with reaching the growth limit. Has a passion for various martial arts and other “male” sports.

The boy named Vitaly is in fairly good health. He has good immunity and rarely gets sick. Passion for sports makes his health even better. It is also worth noting his balanced nervous system, which allows him to withstand increased nervous stress. Vitaly's weak point is usually the digestive system and he often has to follow a diet.

Short name Vitaly

Vitalik, Vitalka, Vitas, Vitasya, Vitales, Vitakha.

Diminutive pet names

Vitalya, Vitalyushka, Vitalechka, Vitalenka, Vitaska.

Children's middle names

Vitalievich and Vitalievna. There is also a colloquial form of the male patronymic - Vitalich.

Name Vitaly for international passport- VITALII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Vitaly into other languages

in Belarusian - Vital
in Spanish - Vital
in Italian - Vitale
in Latin - Vitalis
in German - Vitalis
in Polish - Vitalis
in Portuguese - Vitálio
in Romanian - Vitalie
in Serbian - Vitalije
in Ukrainian - Vitaliy
in French - Vital

Church name Vitaly(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Vitaly. Of course, this does not mean that Vitaly cannot choose a different baptismal name for himself.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

The adult Vitaly is characterized by all the same features as in childhood. He is kind, flexible and friendly. Many people consider Vitaly to be soft, but this is not entirely true. It’s just that there aren’t as many fundamental things for him as there are for many others. One can also say about Vitaly that he is often a follower, although this absolutely suits him. Many people look at this and think that Vitaly does not have leadership qualities. This is not true at all. As soon as fate puts Vitaly in the place of leader, he will successfully cope with this.

Vitaly's professions are usually related to the exact sciences. He may be an engineer or a builder, but this will definitely be a “male” profession. He achieves some success in any of his endeavors, but when he reaches an average level he stops. For Vitaly, job success is not a measure of success. It is just a means of making money, but nothing more.

Starting a family changes Vitaly very much. He exhibits passion and temperament that were completely invisible. He is ready to do anything to win his chosen one. In his life together, he is a diligent family man and a wonderful owner of the house. He wants a certain passion from his wife, and if he doesn’t get it, he can look for it on the side. He loves his children very much, and is especially warm towards his daughters.

The secret of the name Vitaly

The secret of Vitaly may be his many positive traits. He is a rather phlegmatic person and many of his strengths rarely appear unless particularly necessary. Vitaly may be erudite, brave or an excellent speaker, but he has no desire to demonstrate it. Vitaly believes that he does not have to prove anything to anyone.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- Tiger.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Sapphire.

Meaning and origin: life (lat.).

Energy and Karma:

In terms of its energy, the name Vitaly is very favorable for a normal life; it has enough optimism, gentleness, mobility, but at the same time it carries with it a certain stamp of detachment from reality.

Sometimes this inclines Vitaly to daydreaming, which he will most likely carefully hide from others. There are reasons for this: the fact is that Vitalik’s pride is often infringed, which is especially clearly visible in adolescence. To a large extent, this is due to the rather strange property of the estate - despite its relative rarity, it still manages to remain not too noticeable. To the point that sometimes Vitaly begins to be confused with other people!

Secrets of communication:

If, in a conversation with Vitaly, it suddenly begins to seem to you that he is dissatisfied with something and is ready to show aggression, then do not rush to answer him in the same way. Most likely, his dissatisfaction is just a mask behind which hides a rather soft person, and what you take for aggressiveness is nothing more than a readiness for self-defense. Try to talk to him like a human being, and the tension will disappear.

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo.
  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Name colors: blue, red.
  • Talisman stone: noble black opal.

Meaning of the name Vitaly option 2

The name Vitaly comes from the Latin word “vitalis” - vital.

This affectionate and obedient boy can easily be called a “mama’s boy”: he never leaves his mother’s side. Most often he is the youngest in the family and has an older brother, of whom he is a little afraid.

He is a diligent boy who knows how to adapt to his surroundings. Shy; if he becomes friends with a girl, then so that they don’t know about it at home. When visiting, he feels more confident in the company of children and will willingly take on the role of the good Gulliver. And it seems that he is really interested in them.

Shows interest in music, plays chess, and, if possible, will play cards with pleasure, although he is not a gambler. He often gets a purebred dog and takes it to exhibitions. Purposeful, stubborn.

Vitaly has a flexible mind, he is a little cunning, but this cunning is such that it does not arouse the enmity of others. If Vitaly has a car, then it will be the center of the universe for him. He drives the car beautifully, with inspiration, and takes pleasure in disassembling and reassembling it. He has the ability to do engineering and design work, to do science, but in a technical and not a humanitarian direction. Could be a physics or geometry teacher. Well versed in business.

He chooses a woman as his wife who would be both his mother and his faithful friend. Love, passionate confessions, female beauty, charm and intelligence do not occupy the main place in Vitaly’s value system. He is even with his wife, in public he does not show her signs of marital affection, he behaves too dryly, although in fact he is temperamental. Faithful in marriage, afraid of losing his wife's love, reacts with great anxiety to the slightest changes in his sexual potency.

“Autumn” Vitaly is the most amorous.

The origin of the name Vitaly has Latin roots and means “life.” In some countries it may sound like “Vitalis”, but it is most common in the CIS countries.

The meaning of the name Vitaly in a man’s life is quite large, since the nickname directly affects a person’s character traits. In this case, the boy so named is endowed with:

  • reliability,
  • phlegmatic temperament,
  • a positive outlook on the world.

In childhood The owner of the name Vitaly is a rather shy and timid, but at the same time affectionate child.

  • He is obedient and easy to train, which will have a good effect on relationships with people in the future.
  • The boy, as a rule, has a strong connection with his mother and treats her not only as a parent, but also as a friend. Over time, this does not go away and warm relationships last a lifetime.
  • As for communication with others, a person named Vitaly knows how to find an approach to anyone.
  • He can be an excellent listener and a devoted friend, so you can safely rely on him.
  • In companies, he strives to become a leader, and such a role suits him well.

As an adult The character remains virtually unchanged.

  • The bearer of the name Vitaly remains kind, sociable and able to compromise.
  • Some may consider him soft-hearted, but in reality he simply does not see the point in conflicts, since he has few principles and things that he is ready to argue about.
  • Most often, the name Vitaly gives a person a phlegmatic temperament, so such a person does not show his strengths unnecessarily.

Love and family

If anything can change the owner of the name Vitaly, it is the creation of a family.

The right woman helps him discover new character traits in himself that previously seemed invisible.

  • For example, determination, passion, willingness to go to great lengths for the sake of the chosen one. However, during adolescence and young adulthood, it may be difficult for him to enter into long-term relationships due to shyness and fear of rejection.
  • The name Vitaly is characteristic of amorous people who can quickly switch from one girl to another. But, having found the ideal woman for himself, Vitaly quickly turns into a diligent family man who will be proud of his wife.
  • He is ready to be a hospitable master of the house and fully provide for a woman if she gives him children. He will love one or more children very much and will do everything for their well-being. He will treat his daughters especially warmly and will protect them in any situation.

For marriage, he chooses a fragile and tender girl who is ready to obey him in everything. He likes to be an authority figure for her. A woman's appearance is very important to him.

The ideal match for him would be:

  • slim,
  • well-groomed,
  • kind girl,
  • which will not give reasons for jealousy.

The wife should consider that a person named Vitaly should be surrounded with warmth and care, otherwise he will look for all this on the side.

  • Your home should always be clean, comfortable, and most importantly, calm.
  • Vitaly loves silence and a pleasant atmosphere, but conflicts drive him crazy.
  • He will not tolerate a woman who regularly starts scandals, even if the complaints are well founded. Such a marriage could easily end in divorce.

Career and hobbies

What the name Vitaly means for a person’s career is quite simple to say. As a rule, such a nickname endows a person with a love of money, but not of work.

We can say for sure that the profession will not become the meaning of life for him, but only a way to earn money.

Vitaly Georgievich Atyushov (Russian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)

It can become:

  • engineer,
  • builder,
  • manager and any other specialist.

It all depends on which area seems more profitable for him. There may be some problems with moving up the career ladder, since the owner of the name Vitaly may lack determination.

It is difficult to say whether this will mean complete failure or whether it will somehow be possible to stay afloat.

It all depends on the motivation and goals that the man currently faces.

By the way, the name Vitaly is typical for people who do not have any special hobbies. A hobby may be fishing or hunting, but neither interest will be of great importance in life. Perhaps a man will want to devote himself to his family or close people, but not to his hobby.


Although the characteristics of the name Vitaly are not good in everything, such a man’s health is excellent.

  • He is physically strong and mentally balanced, so he can safely play sports or lead an active life. However, he will become interested in this only if his parents teach him this from childhood. It is advisable to send the boy to one or more sports clubs, otherwise at a young age he may become lazy and passive.
  • A person named Vitaly should eat properly, as there is a risk of kidney problems. The disease lurks in adulthood, and although before that it may seem that everything is fine with health, then the disease will suddenly strike.
  • It is also recommended to give up bad habits, especially alcohol consumption, as this will damage other organs. You should not hope that such weaknesses will pass without consequences.

Vitaly is recommended to pay attention to his health in order to keep himself in good shape. Don't be lazy - regular exercise or long walks will help you maintain good health until old age.

When naming a newborn Vitaly, the meaning of the name is often not taken into account. Especially many boys, so named, were born in the nineties of the last century. What caused the surge in popularity of this ancient Roman name is a mystery.

About the meaning

The name comes from the Roman Vitalis. The literal meaning is “full of life.” However, the meaning of a name is influenced not only by its meaning, but also by history. The Roman nobility used this word as a common part of speech. That is, like, for example, the Slavic word “yar” was the name and designation of a high steep cliff, usually on river banks.

There is a legend according to which the descendants of the Etruscans were the first to use the word vitalis as a name, giving it some mystical meaning. Whether this is true or not, whether the mystery of the name Vitaly is connected with one of the most mystified, ancient and mysterious peoples of Europe, or whether slaves and other oppressed classes in Rome attributed its use to them, is not known for sure. The word itself is much older than the Roman Empire, and could well have been present in the Etruscan language.

Of course, in ancient Rome they did not call aristocrats that way. Moreover, the secret of the name Vitaly, namely its origin and popularity, lies in the poor, forced, oppressed layers of society. Slaves often named their children this way. The meaning was this - the child, named, in fact, by the ordinary colloquial word vitalis, will be filled with vital forces that will allow him to easily endure all the hardships of fate and get the best from life.

Are there patron saints?

The name gained particular popularity during the formation of Christianity. Religion, which gave the poorest inhabitants of both Rome itself and the entire empire hope and strength to live, could not be better combined with the name Vitalis.

In Orthodoxy, the male name Vitaly has four patrons. Accordingly, the name day of the person so named appears in the calendar four times:

  • February 7, patron - martyr Vitaly the Roman;
  • May 5, patron - Rev. Vitaly of Alexandria;
  • May 11, patron - martyr Vitaly of Kerkyra;
  • August 5, patron - Hieromartyr Vitaly.

Name days should be celebrated on the date closest to the birth of a person, indicated in the Saints.

There is only one Catholic patron of the name Vitaly - the holy martyr Vitaly of Milan (Milan). Name days are celebrated on April 28.

What goes with a name in astrology?

From the perspective of astrology, we need to name the boy born under the influence of the constellation Aquarius - Vitaly. The meaning of the name maximally reflects the essence of the influence that the constellation Aquarius has on a person.

The planet that patronizes Vitali is Mercury. This is what explains the attraction of men with this name to women born under the auspices of Gemini, as well as the success of the Vitalievs:

  • in administrative work;
  • in practicing any art;
  • performing the duties of a producer or managing business departments;
  • in trade and financial enterprises.

However, Mercury did not give Vitaly the opportunity to be lazy. Everything that the owners of this name achieve goes to them as a reward for hard and meticulous work.

Sapphire patronizes everyone who bears the name Vitaly. The meaning of the name is surprisingly combined with its plant symbols - poplar and violet. Indeed, the will to live of these plants is incredibly high. The vitality and fertility of poplar even often becomes a problem in city squares.

The animal that embodies the character of the name Vitaly is the tiger. That is, people so named are stately, not prone to fussiness, but capable of lightning-fast throws. Like a tiger, a person with this name is able to survive independently in absolutely any conditions. For example, a tiger, in the absence of antelopes or roe deer, will not migrate anywhere in search of food, it will begin to fish.

A person named Vitaly will do the same thing - he will find a non-standard solution to any life problem, without depriving himself of his usual comfort.

What traits does such a person have?

The main characteristic of the name Vitaly is love of life. These people are able to find good and useful things for themselves and their loved ones in any situation, even when the combination of circumstances does not imply anything positive. People with this name are able to change the entire world around them “to suit themselves,” but they do not see it too broadly. That is, men so named prefer not to leave the territory they have explored, not to leave their comfort zone, just like the tiger, their animal symbol, does.

However, the description of the name Vitaly does not consist only of listing positive qualities. Many of the traits inherent in those bearing this name may turn out to be exaggerated and develop into quite negative qualities.

Most often, Vitaly suffers from his own:

  • suspiciousness;
  • suspicion;
  • pettiness;
  • stubbornness;
  • greed.

These qualities, which can ruin the life of both the bearer of the name and his loved ones, are nothing more than exaggerated:

  • observation;
  • a penchant for analyzing people's behavior;
  • pedantry;
  • the ability to achieve desired goals;
  • thrift, thriftiness and homeliness.

However, the “fate” of the name Vitaly is adaptation and survival. People so named are capable of changing any of their character traits as soon as they notice harm from it.

What's in love?

The man, who was named Vitaly, justifies the meaning of the name in love. He is pedantic and attentive, inflamed with passion, such a person is able to study the object of desire at a distance for a long time.

For the Vitalievs, everything is important, every little thing. Men with this name pay special attention to:

  • the manner of dressing, the presence of style integrity in the image and the lady’s preferred color palette;
  • following classic correspondences, such as “shoes-bag-accessories”, “nails-lipstick”;
  • ability to use cosmetics and fragrances, depending on the time of day;
  • hair hygiene and hairstyle;
  • addition proportionality;
  • behavior at the table.

These men look at a woman as a whole, but at the same time evaluate every detail.

How to please Vitaly?

In order to attract such a man, it is enough to remember how the name Vitaly is translated. A lover of life will never be attracted to a languid beauty with under-eyes reciting sonnets about death. Of course, you can attract attention using such an image, but you can’t keep it.

The first thing you should think about is your clothing style. You don’t have to turn into a prim Englishwoman, styles come in different forms. You need to choose the one in which the man himself dresses, outside of work, of course. And having already decided on the style, select the hairstyle and other details of the image.

You need to use accessories and stick to the color scheme that goes with the name. The symbolic colors of all Vitalii are red, blue and purple, as well as their shades.

These men will easily forgive a woman for missing teeth in her mouth; they will simply write a note in their organizer about the need to find their beloved an inexpensive and reliable prosthetist. But they will never build a relationship with a woman who slurps at the table, does not observe the basic points of etiquette and does not have a natural inner core, the so-called “breed”.

If a lady does not understand why she should use different scents in the morning and evening, then she will not be able to win the heart of a man named Vitaly, even if all horoscopes speak of complete compatibility.

About compatibility

The compatibility of the names Vitaly and Antonina will be ideal. They are related in origin and complement each other in meaning, like two sides of one coin.

No less successful will be the relationship between a man and a woman with the following names:

  • Catherine;
  • Tamara;
  • Zinaida;
  • Clara;
  • Victoria;
  • Lydia;
  • Veronica;
  • Maria;
  • Nellie;
  • Bella;
  • Hope;
  • Svetlana;
  • Pauline;
  • Galina.

As for relationships with women named Victoria and Veronica, they will not be easy. Bearers of such names are prone to power and suppression of a man’s personality. However, taking into account the main features of the Vitalievs, they will extract maximum benefit from these qualities of their companions, for example, they will place women in leadership positions in their own company or with someone they know.

Who will be very difficult with?

Relationships between men named Vitaly and women with the following names do not work out:

  • Tatiana;
  • Angelica;
  • Anastasia;
  • Karina;
  • Mayan;
  • Margarita.

No Vitaly will be easy next to a woman with the psychological type “mother”. These men rather prefer the “daughter” type, they like to “play creating Galatea.”

About fate

The fate of the men named by this name depends only on themselves. Nothing is impossible for the Vitalievs. However, the biggest problem of those who are called that is the narrowness of their horizons and interests.

Having settled within the framework of any life path, they continue to move only within it. For example, if a man with that name ends up in a language university by chance, then all his life he will do what he started. In the case of the example under consideration - translations or those related to a foreign language. Even if he has neither a natural inclination nor interest in this activity. That is, a man with this name will be completely calm, without any discomfort or any mental suffering, to build a career in an unloved profession all his life, working hard. And paradoxically, meticulous work will yield results.

But at the same time, Vitaly will not forget his favorite thing, for which he has talent and inclination. He will devote his free time to him and will also achieve success.

Vitaly are the real masters of their destiny. They are extremely attentive, distinguished by their ease of adaptation to environmental conditions, an ineradicable thirst for life and thoroughness in everything they do.

What's forgotten?

During the Roman Empire, there was another name - Vitaly. That is, initially Vitaly was not “single”, like most Latin names, he had a couple, just like Evgeniy, Anton, Victor and many others.

However, the name Vitali fell out of use centuries ago, which had no effect on the male form. Many believe that the female version of the name Vitaly was simply transformed in speech. The name Vitalina is given as an example. But although they have a common root, their similar sound means different names. Vitalia is a thing of the past, like, for example, the male name Julius.

However, if you want to name a girl that way, it can be done. Orthodox Vitaly will celebrate her name day together with men, since there are no such patron saints within this branch of Christianity.

The meaning of the name is very good. The girl will have a worthy and interesting fate and prosperity in her chosen area of ​​life. The famous researcher of this issue, Boris Khigir, wrote in his book “Names and Fates” about how rare names influence their bearers, including the influence of the name Vitaly on women.

What does a person with this name need to overcome?

Vitaly is ambitious, but not too much. These people live by the saying about pie in the sky and tit in the hand. Vitaly will not strive to earn more money than he needs.

However, if more money is needed, for example, for a trip somewhere with a child or just for a wedding, then Vitaly easily finds a way to earn it. This trait is inherent in men with this name in every area of ​​life, but only in the matter of earning money. But in this example, the peculiarity of the people so named is most noticeable.

They should be constantly pushed by showing new goals. Only then will Vitaly breathe and move forward to something more. Without pushes, these people will not change what is familiar and reliable for anything, and their ambition will find outlet in hobbies or fantasies.

The Latin male name Vitaly can only be found in Slavic countries. The meaning of the name Vitaly reveals this person as a calm and quite self-confident nature. Everything about this person is balanced. Talya is not subject to emotional outbursts and rarely gets involved in conflicts.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a boy gives him such qualities as gentleness of character, obedience and diligence. Talya is very attached to his mother. Moreover, this can be seen in adulthood. If Vitya has other brothers or sisters, then they get along well with each other throughout their lives.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a child makes him a dreamer and a romantic. But Vitya tries not to show this side of his nature to anyone. He especially zealously keeps all his dreams and fantasies inside himself precisely in adolescence.

A full interpretation of the name reveals Vitya’s personality from different sides. This man is not always soft and conflict-free. A certain harshness and rudeness may appear in behavior if Talya feels the need to assert herself.


Such men are quite amorous, which means that they are capable of experiencing deep feelings and strong passion. In relationships with women, Vitya prefers to feel a certain freedom and independence. Tends to build relationships on the father-daughter principle.

Talya doesn't like it when his partner dominates. These men take leadership functions in relationships into their own hands. It is this inner strength that attracts a variety of women to him like a magnet.

A failed relationship cannot break Talya. On the contrary, they only encourage new conquests. Her slim figure and well-groomed body play a huge role in a woman for Tali. In addition, such men always pay attention to their beloved’s clothes and her perfume.

Due to increased disgust, he changes sexual partners quite rarely. Throughout the novel he tries to maintain relationships at the same soul-stirring level. In bed he always thinks about the woman’s pleasure. Her emotional state is of great importance to Vitya.


Relationships with a spouse are in many ways similar to relationships with a mistress. He will take as his wife that representative of the fair sex who will become, first of all, a devoted friend. This fact means that Tal must trust his wife almost as much as he trusts his mother.

A faithful family man. Marriage is of serious importance to Vitya. He tends to value his wife’s feelings. The marriage will be happy with Antonina, Ekaterina, Tamara, Maria and Nadezhda. You should not build marital relationships with Margarita, Anastasia, Zoya and Victoria.

Business and career

Talya is a hardworking worker, which means she can be successful in almost any field. Moreover, his dedication in the workplace does not depend in any way on the type of activity. Achieving high professional success can only be prevented by a lack of assertiveness and a frequent inability to concentrate.

The efforts that Talya puts into achieving her goal are also of considerable importance. If he pursues his dream hard and works regularly, his career will be successful.

Origin of the name Vitaly

The mystery of the name allows you to learn more about the personality of its bearer. History confirms the connection of this dialect with the holy martyr who lived in 164 on the territory of Rome, whose name was Vitaly. This man, his six brothers and his mother suffered for Jesus Christ.

The origin of the name Vitaly is Latin. Etymology - "vital". This is exactly how the word “vitalis” is translated from Latin. There is no doubt where this adverb came from.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

The pros and cons of character are very diverse. By temperament, Tal is sanguine. Has an easily excitable psyche. He often becomes gloomy, without any apparent reason. Volitional qualities are quite weak.

Diligence helps Vita study well and comprehend various fairly complex sciences. But in studies, Tali’s own desire is of great importance. Only by showing a strong, unbending will will he be able to become a highly qualified specialist and receive a decent education.

In an unusual environment, he gets used to it quite quickly, which is of great importance in life. Mental abilities are quite high. You could even say that Tali has a flexible mind. Can be very stubborn, depending on surrounding circumstances. Not deprived of such a character trait as cunning. He uses cunning to achieve his goals.

The characteristics of the name Vitaly allow us to speak of this man as a real favorite of fortune. It is luck that helps Tala rise to unprecedented heights. Vitya successfully uses his luck in various areas of life.

Vitaly especially seriously needs to monitor the health of his kidneys, as well as other organs of the excretory system. A well-balanced diet and regular medical examinations are also of great importance. Only by paying close attention to her body can Talya avoid serious health problems.

Vitya's friends can always rely on him. This person is happy to help near and dear people, regardless of the time of day. Tala likes to spend time in fun companies. Among friends he maintains his independence. He defends his interests with dignity. His own rightness is of serious importance to him.

The mystery of the name

  • Sapphire stone.
  • Name days are February 7, as well as May 5 and 11.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aquarius and Cancer.

Famous people

  • Vitaliy Klitschko is a professional heavyweight boxer, Ukrainian politician, People's Deputy of Ukraine of the seventh convocation, and also a Candidate of Sciences in the field of physical education and sports. Leader of the Ukrainian political party called "UDAR".
  • Vitaly Solomin is a theater and film actor, winner of the Moscow Prize, respected People's Artist of the RSFSR, member of the Union of Theater Workers, as well as the Union of Cinematographers of Russia. He starred in films called “Sink or Lost” (2003), “Winter Cherry 3” (1993) and many others.
  • Vitaly Fetisov – director. He directed the films “I Believe in Rainbows” (1986) and “Seven Days of Hope” (1989).

Different languages

The translation of the name Vitaly from Latin is “vital.” How the adverb is translated, as well as how it is written in different languages, is given below:

  • In Chinese – Weitǎlì (Weitali)
  • In Japanese - Ikiru
  • In French – Vitali and Vitalie
  • In English - Vitaliy
  • In Ukrainian – Vitaliy

Name forms

  • Full name: Vitaly.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Vitalya, Vitalik, Vita, Vityunya, Vityusha, Vityana, Tal, Vitya, Vitakha, Vitasya, Vityukha, Vitasha and Vitulya.
  • Declension of the name - Vitaly - Vitaly - Vitaly.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Vitaly.