How to keep cauliflower fresh for the winter. What is the best way to preserve cauliflower for the winter? Ways to store cauliflower fresh and frozen How long can boiled cauliflower be stored?

How to keep cauliflower fresh for the winter.  What is the best way to preserve cauliflower for the winter?  Ways to store cauliflower fresh and frozen How long can boiled cauliflower be stored?
How to keep cauliflower fresh for the winter. What is the best way to preserve cauliflower for the winter? Ways to store cauliflower fresh and frozen How long can boiled cauliflower be stored?

This year I finally bought Russian size cauliflower seeds. According to the packaging, the weight of individual inflorescences of this variety can reach up to 4 kilograms! My largest head grew to 2.5 kilograms, which is also quite good, considering that I was not particularly keen on fertilizers. The harvest has been harvested - now it remains to decide how to store it cauliflower in the cellar and in the bank.

Cauliflower compares favorably with regular white cabbage in its nutritional properties: it contains less sugar, but it is richer in vitamin C and easily digestible protein. Unfortunately, fresh cauliflower crops cannot be stored for longer than 3-5 weeks, even at zero temperatures.

Large, dense, fully formed heads with leaves, but without signs of spoilage and mechanical damage. In storage, cabbages are hung by their stems so that individual specimens do not touch each other.

Growing cauliflower

You can extend the shelf life of cauliflower using a technique such as growing.

To do this, cauliflower seedlings are planted on permanent place in such a way that by the time the first frost arrives, it has not yet reached harvesting maturity. In October - November, healthy, strong, unfrozen plants with small heads (the size of an apple or a little larger) are dug out along with a soil clod and transplanted into a greenhouse or greenhouse. You can also grow cauliflower in the basement by placing it in a box filled with damp sand or other loose substrate.

To get bleached heads High Quality, it is recommended to tie up the leaves above them.

Thus, small heads of cabbage continue to fill by moving nutrients from leaves and roots to heads. It is only important not to forget to regularly ventilate the plantings on fine autumn days, as well as periodically remove yellowed leaves and loosen the rows.

I have already written about all the nuances of this technology in the article - “”.

Freezing Cauliflower

Another reliable method Storing the cauliflower harvest means freezing it. It allows you to retain most of the nutritional and taste qualities of this wonderful vegetable and does not require much effort on your part.

To freeze cauliflower for the winter, follow these steps:

  1. Rinse firm white cabbage heads thoroughly under the tap and soak for 15-20 minutes in slightly salted water.
  2. Drain the liquid and separate the heads into individual inflorescences 3-5 centimeters long.
  3. Trim off the coarsest and toughest parts of the inflorescences.
  4. To process cauliflower, use enamel (stainless) pans and artesian (filtered) water.
  5. Blanch the cabbage for one or two minutes in boiling water (add 1 gram per 1 liter of water citric acid and 10 grams of salt), then immediately drain it in a colander and dip it in cool water.
  6. Dry the inflorescences on a towel (only for no more than an hour, so that they do not darken or wilt), place them in plastic bags.
  7. Place the bags on a tray and arrange the inflorescences on it so that they do not touch each other.
  8. Place the tray in the freezer (with the fast freezing mode turned on in advance).
  9. After 3-4 hours, remove the tray from the freezer, tie the bags tightly and return them back to the cold.

Thanks to this method, not only does it save space in the freezer, but it also prevents individual inflorescences from sticking together into an ugly lump.

Frozen cauliflower can be stored for no more than 6 months. At the same time, there is no need to defrost it before cooking, but just boil, stew or fry until cooked.

Pickling cauliflower

Vinegar has excellent preservative properties and allows you to protect home-canned food from botulism. In addition, cauliflower heads contain too little acid, so harvesting them for the winter without using any preservatives is still risky.

Prepare the cauliflower heads using steps 1-5 from the freezer recipe. Place the cabbage in a colander and immediately begin preparing the filling (for 1 liter of water, take 50 grams of salt and sugar, 1 tablespoon of 70% acetic acid):

  1. Bring water to a boil, add salt and sugar to it and filter the resulting solution.
  2. Bring the solution to a boil again and pour acetic acid into it.
  3. Place spices at the bottom of sterile liter jars - for each container 1-2 pieces of black and allspice, cloves, one Bay leaf, red pepper and cinnamon - to taste.
  4. Place the cabbage in jars with the inflorescences facing up, fill them with marinade that has cooled to 80-85 degrees, place the containers in a wide saucepan with hot water and heat at 100 degrees for 8 minutes (0.5 liter jars - 5-7 minutes, 3 liter jars - 15-20 minutes).
  5. Seal the jars tightly, place them with their necks down and wrap them until they cool completely.

Pickling cauliflower

  • prepare the inflorescences by following steps 1-5 of the freezing instructions;
  • prepare the filling: bring the water to almost a boil (up to 90-95 degrees) and add salt and citric acid to it (take 20 grams of salt and 1-2 grams of citric acid for 1 liter of water);
  • Place the cauliflower in clean jars and pour hot marinade over it;
  • sterilize the jars at a temperature of 105 degrees for 20-25 minutes (to create this temperature, salt is added to the water in which the jars are boiled at the rate of 350 grams per liter).

You can also prepare cauliflower without vinegar and even without salt by canning it in its own juice. To do this, small inflorescences are thoroughly washed in slightly salted water, sterilized jars are tightly filled with them, placed in water and boiled until the cabbage releases juice. After this, the containers are pulled out of the water, sealed and cooled with the bottoms up. Jars should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0...+1 degrees (for example, at the back wall).

Cauliflower in jars is stored in a cool, dark place no more than 1 year. However, canned food with vinegar can be safely consumed for two years.

Overripe fruit cannot be stored. It can be eaten, but its taste may differ from traditional characteristics. Overripe inflorescences can be identified by the degree of their opening and distance from each other. In other cases, cauliflower is stored for quite a long time. Heads of cabbage can even ripen if they are cut at the first stage of flowering.

The nuances of storing cauliflower at home:

  • The ideal option for storing cauliflower is the hanging method (the inflorescences in this position are not deformed or damaged, which increases the shelf life of the head of cabbage);
  • Cabbage should be stored in a dark and cool place with sufficient ventilation (due to lack of oxygen or high air humidity, the cabbage will quickly begin to deteriorate and acquire a pungent odor);
  • It is not recommended to store cauliflower heads in contact with each other (the rotting process in this case may accelerate);
  • You can store cauliflower inflorescences without leaves, after wrapping them in paper or newspaper and placing them in a dark, cool place (you can store cabbage in this way in the refrigerator);
  • In the refrigerator, cauliflower inflorescences can be stored in cling film (in this case, it is better not to use plastic bags);
  • due to sudden changes in temperature or if stored in the cold for too long, cauliflower may begin to acquire a black or dark gray tint (the taste will be bitter and it will be difficult to eat such cabbage);
  • freezing cauliflower is considered the most effective way to store it (temperature changes and repeated freezing are not allowed);
  • It is recommended to freeze cauliflower in the form of disassembled inflorescences (the inflorescences can first be blanched in slightly salted water, which will preserve their white color);
  • If you re-freeze cauliflower, when defrosted its consistency will resemble porridge;
  • disassembled cauliflower inflorescences can be sprinkled with coarse salt and placed in glass jars (the preparations should be stored in the refrigerator, and it is better to use parchment paper instead of lids);
  • in the refrigerator, cauliflower should not be placed in the coolest zones (this temperature is not suitable for storing cabbage, so it should be placed either closer to the compartment for storage, or choose another storage location);
  • Only dry inflorescences should be frozen (after washing, dry them with a towel or wait for the natural evaporation of moisture).

If cauliflower was grown independently, but for some reason was cut unripe, then such heads of cabbage can not only be preserved, but also brought to the required degree of ripening. To do this, the cabbage should not be cut, but dug up with part of the soil. Then the heads of cabbage are placed in containers and placed in a cool place. If necessary, the soil can be watered with a small amount of water.

How much and where can you store cauliflower?

Storage involves some nuances. Its inflorescences are quite delicate, they are easy to damage, which will lead to the rapid onset of the rotting process. Ideal option It is considered to hang the heads of cabbage in cool places with maximum darkness and a sufficient level of air humidity. In this form, cauliflower can be stored for months.

You can store cauliflower:

  • in the cellar (shelf life will be 2-3 months);
  • in the basement (cabbage will last 2-3 months);
  • in the refrigerator (shelf life will be up to 1 month);
  • V freezer(inflorescences can be stored for up to 1 year);
  • on the balcony (provided the balcony is sufficiently insulated, the cabbage shelf life will be up to 1 month);
  • in any dark and cool place (storage life will depend on air humidity and temperature conditions).

How to keep cauliflower fresh for the winter. What is the best way to preserve cauliflower for the winter?

How to store cauliflower - 10 popular ways

It is possible to preserve the taste and vitamins contained in cauliflower for a long time. There are many options for storing vegetables - the main thing is that before preparing for “wintering” it is clean and free of rotten spots, otherwise not a single method will bring the desired result and the product will still be spoiled. We offer 10 effective ways to preserve cauliflower.

It's popular and affordable option. True, the vegetable remains fresh no longer than 14-18 days, and after that it begins to rapidly deteriorate.

Prepare it for a long stay in the refrigerator as follows:

  • Wash the vegetable thoroughly, divide it into inflorescences and place on a clean kitchen towel;
  • When the cabbage is dry, wrap it in two layers of cling film to prevent air from getting inside;
  • Wrap in white paper. Use parchment, notebook or landscape paper, but newspaper cannot be used for these purposes;
  • Place in a plastic bag and place in the fruit and vegetable drawer.

It is important that there is no open meat and fish in the refrigerator - this will speed up the process of rotting, because microorganisms from unprocessed animal products spread by air.

It is important that the refrigerator is clean and does not contain any foreign strong odors.

Check periodically to see if any spoiled inflorescences have appeared. If found, cut them out immediately, and if they spread quickly, discard the fruit.

Used a lot different options storing vegetables in a basement or cellar. But in order for the harvest to last as long as possible, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • humidity - 80-96%;
  • temperature - from 0 to 4 °C;
  • complete absence sun rays;
  • good ventilation;
  • absence of mold and mildew in the basement. Even an unnoticeable fungus located on a wall or ceiling can ruin the entire harvest;
  • absence of rodents.

It is important to remember that to store cauliflower in a basement or cellar, the heads should not be cut off, but rather unscrewed. This will help extend the shelf life of vegetables.

You can choose any storage method in the basement or cellar.

For residents northern regions Where summer ends quickly and the crop often does not have time to grow and be saturated with juices, the ripening method is suitable. In the cellar, the vegetable will finally ripen and remain fresh.

You need to act in the following sequence:

  • For two days before the intended transplant, water the beds generously with settled tap or rain water. For one cabbage bush - a bucket of water per day;
  • Dig up the bush along with the soil and place it deep in wooden box;
  • Cover the bush with soil so that it reaches the leaves.

The vegetable will be stored for at least three months, and if you occasionally irrigate it with water, even longer.

Another method long-term storage vegetable in autumn and winter is immersion in sand. To do this, completely immerse the low-cut heads of cabbage along with the leaves in a box of clean and dry sand located in the basement or cellar, and cover with a thick blanket on top. Vegetables can be stored in sand for six months, but periodically they also need to be inspected and rotten ones removed.

The heads of cabbage along with the tops are placed in a deep wooden box, the layers are laid out with plywood. The top of the structure is covered with a large plastic film or two or three layers of fabric (for example, an old blanket or bedspread).

This is a labor-intensive method, especially if the harvest is large. Thanks to clay, the fruits do not lose their freshness, do not rot, do not dry out and do not lose their juiciness for a long time - at least six months. It is well suited for people who prefer to eat raw cauliflower in salads or just like that.

Throughout the winter it remains fresh, as if it had just been cut from the garden:

  • Dilute the clay with water in a ratio of 1:2;
  • Mix thoroughly until the mass becomes homogeneous;
  • Dip each head of cabbage into the liquid mass and hang it on outdoors;
  • When the clay is completely dry, place the petrified vegetables in the cellar;
  • If there is little space in the boxes or on the floor, hang the cabbage from the ceiling, securing it securely with twine. You can also hang petrified heads of cabbage around the cellar, putting each one in a string bag.

Get rid of clay glaze, when necessary, simply: break the petrified clay and remove the fruit. There are no traces of clay or sand left on the inflorescences.

Cabbage is stored in a dry cellar, hanging it by the stalks with twine. There is no need to shorten the stalks or remove leaves. In this case, it is important that the heads of cabbage do not touch each other and are blown with air.

To increase the freshness of the vegetable, it is taken out of the ground along with the root, and then hung by this root.

In this state, cabbage can be stored for up to six months, depending on the humidity and ventilation in the storage.

Newspaper or parchment paper is often used to preserve the freshness of fruits:

  • Dried but not washed fruits are carefully wrapped in two or three layers of paper and placed in a wooden box. Newsprint cannot be used;
  • It is necessary to constantly ensure that the paper is not wet from condensation, as this will cause the vegetables to rot. Throw away wet paper and replace it with dry paper;
  • If you choose this method, vegetables will have to be checked weekly for freshness throughout the autumn-winter period. If they appear on the inflorescences dark spots or rot, they should be immediately removed from the box so that all other fruits do not go to waste.

With help traditional way inflorescences are stored for as long as possible - a whole year, until the next harvest.

Special containers or plastic bags are used for these purposes. Prepare the vegetable as follows:

  • Wash thoroughly, if desired, divide the head of cabbage into inflorescences;
  • Dry on paper towel;
  • Place the cabbage in a container or bag, close tightly to prevent air from getting in and place in the freezer.

The lower the chamber temperature, the greater the taste and useful substances will remain in cultivation closer to winter.

It is important not to freeze a large volume at once, but to divide the fruit into several small parts and package them in bags. Subsequently, you will be able to take out as much cabbage as you need, and there will be no need to defrost and re-freeze the cabbage.

Housewives often prefer to freeze a half-cooked product:

  • To do this, the fruit is first washed, the tops are removed, and divided into inflorescences;
  • Then put them in boiling salted water and cook over low heat for 1-2 minutes; So that the product does not lose its light color, add two teaspoons of freshly squeezed water to the water. lemon juice;
  • The boiled pieces are placed in a colander and wait until the water has completely drained and the product has cooled;
  • Just as described above, semi-finished products are placed in small plastic containers or plastic bags.

The shelf life of a boiled product is shorter than that of a raw product. It is recommended to eat it within six months after harvesting.

The salting method is suitable if the cauliflower preparation is intended for preparing hot dishes. Any home conditions are suitable for this option; cabbage will not spoil even at room temperature.

For salting you will need:

  • fresh vegetables – 9-10 kg;
  • table salt - 440 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 380 ml;
  • sterilized jars and lids.

Cooking algorithm:

  • Wash the vegetables, divide into inflorescences. It is important that no soil particles or insects remain between the flowers;
  • Pour water into the pan, add salt, dissolve. If desired, add bay leaf, cloves, red, allspice or black pepper;
  • When the water boils, add the cabbage;
  • Blanch the florets over low heat for two minutes;
  • Add vinegar, bring to a boil and turn off heat;
  • Place the fruits in jars, fill with hot solution and roll up;
  • Immediately after twisting, turn the preserved product upside down and wrap it tightly with a terry towel or thick blanket;
  • When the jars have cooled, move them to a dark place - for example, a closet or pantry.

Check the products periodically - if the lid is swollen, the product is discarded and can no longer be eaten, even after heat treatment.

This original way allows you to store cauliflower for up to two months:

  • Wash the head of cabbage, divide it into inflorescences and dry it on kitchen towel;
  • Heat the oven to 60°C, place the inflorescences on a baking sheet and dry;
  • After 12-16 minutes, remove the vegetables from the baking sheet, place them in dry, clean jars or plastic containers, close the lid or roll them up.

The product prepared in this way will have an unusual taste, so if you are drying cabbage for the first time, do not prepare a lot of it.

Video: How to store cauliflower at home

What is the best way to preserve cauliflower for the winter?

Heads with a diameter of 3-5 cm are dug up along with roots and lumps of earth (it is advisable to water them abundantly in two days) and transplanted into the prepared room very closely to each other (30-40 plants per 1 m2). They are covered with earth 15 centimeters, right up to the leaves. By the way, they will serve as a source of essential nutrients. The main rule of such a

How to preserve cauliflower for the winter

Have you ever thought about how to store cauliflower correctly so that it pleases you with its freshness all winter long? Many people think that this is impossible, because it is stored in the refrigerator only for a month at best. However, I know for sure that it is quite possible to prepare fresh cauliflower for the winter, and in good conditions it will remain there until summer.


Cauliflower entered our diet quite recently and very quickly took its place of honor not only on the everyday table, but also on the holiday table. In addition to a lot of vitamins, it contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium... Unlike white cabbage, it can be consumed by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and this product should generally be constantly present in the diet of patients with atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Cauliflower should be harvested in late October or early November, until it is overripe and the diameter of its head does not exceed 12 cm. It is best to harvest vegetables in dry and clear weather, but immediately after harvesting it is necessary to protect them from sunlight: Let's say, covering it with freshly cut leaves.

The harvesting method depends on where you plan to store the vegetables. The following harvesting methods are distinguished:

  • Cutting the inflorescences if you plan to store them in the refrigerator.
  • Twisting out the heads if the cabbage will be stored in the cellar.
  • Digging up vegetables along with a lump of earth if you want to use the growing method.

Cellar storage

I’ll start my story about how to store cauliflower from the cellar. The room temperature must be maintained between 0 and 4 ºС. Also desirable good system ventilation and humidity at 90-95%.

Before storing the crop for the winter, it must be sorted, removing spoiled and loose heads. The further strategy depends on how long you plan to store the vegetables. There are 5 main ways to store cauliflower in the cellar.

  1. Upside down. Remove excess leaves from the vegetables and hang each head by the stalk from the ceiling beams. This method saves space in the cellar, but you won’t be able to store the crop this way all winter: it will hang for a maximum of a month.
  2. On shelves or in boxes. Cut off the top leaves and roots from the cabbage, place it on shelves or in drawers so that the heads do not touch each other. It is very important to limit the access of light to vegetables. To do this, each copy can be wrapped in newspaper or wrapped in plastic. If there is a lot of harvest, simply cover it with cardboard or dark film. At least once a week you need to check whether the cabbage has begun to deteriorate, and it is advisable to change the polyethylene if too much condensation has formed on it. The shelf life in this way is 2-3 months.
  3. In clay. Coat each head with a clay solution, let the harvest dry and place the resulting blanks in the cellar or basement. A clay “coat” will allow you to keep vegetables in their original condition for 3-5 months in winter.
  4. In sand. Cut the leaves off the cabbage (no need to remove the roots) and bury it in clean, damp sand. Periodically it needs to be moistened, and vegetables need to be checked, throwing out rotten specimens. The shelf life of the crop in sand is up to 6 months.
  5. Growing up. If the cauliflower heads are still too small at the time of harvesting, you can grow them in the cellar in winter. To do this correctly, a couple of days before harvesting, begin to water the crop generously, then dig up the vegetables along with large clods of soil and transplant them into a previously prepared bed in the basement. Plants need to be planted very tightly, and they should be covered with soil right up to the leaves. The top of the bed must be covered with dark film, cardboard or a sheet of plywood. If you properly organize such storage of cauliflower, you can harvest from improvised beds not only in winter, but also in spring, until summer.

Storage in the apartment

You can preserve cauliflower in winter at home: on the balcony, in the refrigerator or freezer. If there are a lot of vegetables, it is best to use a cabinet for storing them. glass loggia. You can first insulate it by upholstering it with foam plastic or other insulating material. Vegetables must be cleaned of yellowed leaves and roots, each head wrapped in newspaper or polyethylene and placed on shelves in the closet. Periodically you need to change the packaging and make sure that black spots do not appear on the fruits.

If you don’t have a balcony, cauliflower can be stored in the refrigerator - albeit for a very short time. Wrap the peeled heads in cling film or plastic bags and place in the vegetable compartment. Every 3-5 days, the packaging must be removed, since moisture will condense on it, and the vegetables must be dried and wrapped in a new wrapper. But no matter how much you change the packaging, you still won’t be able to preserve the crop in this way for longer than 3-4 weeks.

Long-term storage of this vegetable at home is only possible in the freezer. Of course, some of the vitamins are lost, but the frozen product is excellent for culinary purposes. To properly freeze cabbage, it must be cut into inflorescences, washed thoroughly and boiled in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. You can dissolve a teaspoon of citric acid in boiling water. After this, the inflorescences are dried, packaged in sealed bags or containers and placed in the freezer. You can freeze vegetables without first boiling them, but then the cabbage will change its color and taste. When frozen, these vegetables can be stored as long as needed, even until the next harvest.

And finally, another common way to store cauliflower is pickling. For 10 kg of vegetables you will need 5.5 liters of water, 400 g of salt and about 400 ml of 6% vinegar. First you need to boil water, dissolve salt in it and add vinegar. The inflorescences are separated from each other, washed, blanched in salted water for a couple of minutes, placed in sterilized jars and filled with cooled brine. You can also add black pepper and bay leaf. The blanks are covered with lids, kept for 2 weeks at room temperature, and then sent for storage in a dark and cool place.

Your brownie.

terms and rules of storage in the refrigerator, cellar, freezer, proper harvesting and preparation of crops, recipes for preparations

There are several ways to store cauliflower crops at home for a long time, but they are all based on properly harvested and quality training garden crops for storage all winter.

Proper harvesting and preparation

It should be noted that cauliflower, unlike white cabbage varieties fresh is not stored for too long and can quickly lose elasticity and reduce taste characteristics. To preserve it for as long as possible harvested, it is best to grow mid-season or late varieties:

  • “Autumn Giant” is a mid-early variety suitable for freezing and canning;
  • “Flora Blanca” is a mid-season variety, optimally suited for canning;
  • “White little head” is a mid-season variety for freezing and canning;
  • “Bora” is a high-yielding mid-season variety for cooking, freezing and canning;
  • "Cortes-F1" is one of the most productive late-ripening Dutch hybrids for canning and freezing;
  • "Amerigo-F1" - a late high-yielding hybrid for preservation and freezing;
  • “Sugrob” is a mid-early variety for long-term storage in the refrigerator;
  • "Snowball-123" is a mid-early variety for freezing.

When harvesting cauliflower, it is very important to consider the following simple recommendations:

  • Harvesting should begin at the growth stage, with a head diameter of 10-12 cm;
  • an overgrown vegetable crop loses a significant part useful qualities and reduces taste characteristics;
  • When harvesting, the heads should be carefully cut off with a knife, leaving about two to four leaves.

All cut heads cannot be left even for a short time in direct sunlight, as in this case the garden crop turns yellow and becomes unsuitable for consumption and storage. Before storing the crop, you should visual inspection heads and discard all overripe, loose, yellowed and with signs of spoilage, after which you can use different ways preserving cauliflower.

Cauliflower: harvesting for the winter (video)

Storage periods and rules

Proper storage of harvested cauliflower allows you to optimally preserve the entire precious harvest in the autumn-winter period with minimal loss of the quality and taste characteristics of the garden crop.

Type of workpieceStorage conditionsTemperatureShelf life
Fresh cut cauliflower headsIn the refrigerator, in the vegetable drawer, separate from other foodsApproximately 5-7oCNo more than a week
In the cellar, laid out in boxes, heads cleared of leaves and roots, covered with plastic wrapUp to two months
In the cellar, suspended by stalksAbout 0°C and relative humidity about 95%No more than a month
Frozen fresh or blanched floretsIn the freezer, in a separate bagDomestic freezer temperaturefrom 6 to 12 months
Canned cauliflowerIn a domestic refrigeratorApproximately 5-7oCMore than a year

Refrigerator storage methods

The refrigerator is not the most convenient way to preserve your cauliflower harvest. Such a vegetable crop takes up a large volume during storage. In addition, this method is not very durable. The heads of cauliflower should be cleaned of stalks and yellow outer leaves, then wrapped in cling film or newspaper and placed in the vegetable compartment. Such blanks should be subjected to regular inspection and the wrapper should be replaced periodically.

Features of storage in the cellar

A cellar or basement suitable for long-term storage of cauliflower must have good ventilation. In the storage room, humidity should be maintained at 85-90% at a temperature of 0+2ºС. The basic rules for storing crops in such a room are as follows:

  • cut off the stalk and a significant part of the leaves;
  • place the inflorescences in clean and dry boxes, at the bottom of which there should be a plastic film;
  • between the heads you need to leave space for air access;
  • cover the boxes with dark and opaque polyethylene, and then place them on racks or shelves;
  • it is allowed to wrap the heads in plastic cling film and place them in wooden or plastic boxes;
  • A good way is hanging storage, in which the heads are suspended by a stalk under the ceiling of the cellar at some distance from each other.

Experienced vegetable growers place the plants, dug up by the roots, into the sand with which the boxes are filled, which allows the cabbage to be preserved for a long time without losing its taste and marketability. From time to time, stored crops should be checked for signs of spoilage or rotting.

Freezer storage

Freezing cauliflower in a regular household freezer is the most convenient and easiest way to preserve the harvest of this valuable vegetable crop. For freezing, you should select the most dense heads, white or cream colored, without the presence of sprouted inner leaves, on short peduncles.

The heads selected for freezing must be divided into separate inflorescences and soaked in salted water for about an hour and a half, which will save garden culture from plant debris and small insects. Then the cabbage should be thoroughly washed in running water, dry on a towel and place in portions in plastic containers.

It is allowed to freeze inflorescences that have undergone preliminary balancing and then cool them at room temperature. This method allows you to slightly reduce the volume of harvested raw materials, which helps save usable space in the freezer.

Other storage methods

  • "Graffiti-F1" - early hybrid form with rounded flat heads of violet color;
  • “Emerald Cup” is an early ripening variety with light green dense cone-shaped heads;
  • “Rosamunda” is an early ripening variety with medium-sized heads of bright lilac color;
  • “Yarik-F1” is a mid-early hybrid form with small orange flat-round heads;
  • “Veronica-F1” is a mid-season hybrid form that forms cone-shaped inflorescences of yellow-green color;
  • “Sicily” is a medium-late ripening variety with large dark scarlet heads.

Such varieties and hybrids of cauliflower are in great demand for pickling and pickling, followed by storage in a cellar or refrigerator.

Korean pickled cauliflower

  • Peel, wash and grate carrots;
  • Peel the bell pepper and cut into strips;
  • cut hot pepper into rings;
  • chop garlic and herbs;
  • disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and boil until half cooked;
  • add a couple of tablespoons of salt, ½ cup of sugar, 200 g of vinegar and 50 ml to a liter of water vegetable oil, then bring the marinade to a boil.

Pour all the vegetables and herbs into the boiling marinade, then place in clean jars and place in a cool place. In about a day, the product will be ready for use.

Sauerkraut “daily”

  • rinse the cabbage and dry a little;
  • grate the carrots and add to the cabbage divided into inflorescences;
  • cook a brine from a liter of water, a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of sugar;
  • After the brine becomes transparent, you need to pour the mixture of cabbage and carrots placed in clean jars.

When stored in room conditions The pickled cauliflower will be ready to eat within 24 hours.

Thus, we can conclude that cauliflower heads cut in a timely manner will be able to last if the optimal temperature storage at 0-1°C, relative humidity at 95% and CO2 concentration at 4% for no more than two months. The longest storage method is freezing and canning.

Cauliflower salad for the winter: recipe (video)

It is also important to remember that cauliflower should not be stored in conditions high content ethylene, which can cause very rapid aging of the heads and a reduction in shelf life. In order to extend the time it takes for fresh cauliflower to reach the table, vegetable crop can be grown indoors, as well as using greenhouses and greenhouses.

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Let's save cauliflower for the whole winter

How to store cauliflower fresh? Is it possible to do this for a long time? Yes, there are such ways. Today I’ll tell you how to store cauliflower fresh until spring, and also frozen.

Cauliflower is the second most popular species grown in Russia. Of course, white cabbage takes first place. What does its name come from? Because it has a different color depending on the variety? Maybe. But it’s more likely that it comes from the word “bloom.” After all, she is really beautiful and looks like a flower. And what delicious dishes can be cooked from it.

But storing cauliflower sometimes causes difficulties. More precisely, difficulties are caused by ignorance of some possibilities and methods. An important point is the time of its cleaning.

When to harvest cauliflower? Or “Overripe? - Unfit!"

When harvesting cauliflower, you need to remember a few rules.

  • Firstly, they begin to harvest the heads of the crop during the growth period. When they reach a diameter of 8-12 cm, the weight will be about 300-1200g. If a vegetable overgrows, it will lose a significant part of its beneficial and taste qualities. A yellowed and crumbly plant is clearly overripe.
  • Secondly, when you harvest cauliflower, cut it carefully with a knife, leaving 2-4 leaves. If it has formed shoots, you can try to grow new inflorescences. To do this, you need to leave one or two strong shoots and remove the rest. You should care for the vegetable in the same way as during normal planting.
  • Thirdly, cut heads should never be left in direct sunlight. Otherwise, they will immediately begin to turn yellow and eventually become simply unfit for consumption. And you don’t really want to lose the harvest, do you?

One more thing about harvesting cauliflower. Early varieties ripen within 60-100 calendar days, and the first harvest can be harvested in June. Usually this procedure occurs selectively in 2-3 approaches. When the heads have already formed, but have not grown to the desired size, it is recommended to shade them with broken leaves of the same cabbage. The ripening time of medium varieties is 100-135 calendar days, and late varieties will grow for at least 5 months. In general, you can harvest fresh crops until late autumn.

“Cold” harvest or the longest fresh storage of cauliflower

How to store cauliflower if there is practically nothing to store? I mean the situation when the cold came before the cauliflower ripened. She is still so small that one tooth is enough. What to do in this case? Is everything really lost? No. There is a great way called rearing. In practice, this means transplanting cabbage into a cellar or greenhouse. And this is what it consists of.

Heads with a diameter of 3-5 cm are dug up along with roots and lumps of earth (it is advisable to water them abundantly in two days) and transplanted into the prepared room very closely to each other (30-40 plants per 1 m2). They are covered with earth 15 centimeters, right up to the leaves. By the way, they will serve as a source of essential nutrients. The main rule for storing cauliflower this way is no light. Otherwise everything will go down the drain. Therefore, the heads need to be covered, for example, with dark plastic film or a wooden shield.

Conditions for fruitful cultivation and rearing: air temperature +4-10°C, relative air humidity of at least 95%. As a result, the harvest can be obtained in 1-4 months (the variety also affects the time). By the way, this method is suitable not only for cabbage that has not had time to ripen, but also for the usual desire to provide oneself with this vegetable for almost the entire year. This is both growing and storing cauliflower.

Let's save the life of the “flower” or how else can you store cauliflower?

There are other ways to store this cabbage:

  • In the cellar at a temperature of about 0°C and a relative humidity of about 95%, you can place boxes (wooden or polymer) or boxes with cauliflower heads, cleared of leaves and roots, covered with plastic film. This way they can be stored for up to 7 weeks. But still check your cauliflower from time to time for various diseases. It’s better to check it once again and make sure it’s safe than not to check it and then throw most of it away. compost heap.
  • At the same temperature and humidity, but suspended by the stalks, you can store cauliflower for about 3 weeks.
  • Storing cauliflower in the refrigerator. To do this, place the cabbage heads (without roots and without leaves) in a plastic bag. Give each cabbage its own storage house, that is, one head - one bag. You can wrap cauliflower heads, previously cleaned of roots and leaves, in cling film. But, alas, this option will extend her life only by a week.
  • Probably the most long way storing cauliflower is freezing. Yes, it's not fresh cabbage, but reliable way eat delicious food for at least six months.

You can freeze both raw cabbage and slightly boiled cabbage. But in both one and the other freezing methods, you should wash the cabbage heads and disassemble them into smaller inflorescences. The water needs to be drained thoroughly and the inflorescences should be allowed to dry. The method for blanching (boiling) cabbage is the same as for kohlrabi. You can store cauliflower prepared in this way for 6 to 12 months in the freezer in a separate bag.

Now you know how to store cauliflower. Yes, this is not white cabbage, it is more difficult to store, but, nevertheless, there are also different ways to extend its life. Do you know any others effective ways How to store cauliflower?

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Ways to store cauliflower fresh and frozen

Recently there have been many more adherents proper nutrition and various diets. How does the diet of those who take more care of their health or want to lose weight differ? First of all, in increasing the volume of vegetables and fruits consumed, with which they try to replace sweet, flour dishes, and sometimes meat dishes. Of the variety of fresh natural products rich in healthy fiber and vitamins, cabbage, including cauliflower, occupies a special place. This article will be devoted precisely to this, very original appearance, vegetable. Below are useful tips How to properly store cabbage purchased in a supermarket or market. What to do when growing natural raw materials on your own personal plot? The basic principles of how to store cauliflower are described. hand-made, taking into account the time of harvest and other related factors.

Where, for how long and how to store cauliflower?

In specialized vegetable warehouses, the air temperature is usually kept at 0°C, and the humidity is no more than 95%. Such conditions are most favorable for storage. Cut heads with two or three leaves at the base can retain their excellent presentation for 40-50 days. At home, fresh vegetables are usually kept in the refrigerator. In this case, the shelf life in this mode will be no more than 10 days. Therefore, when harvesting volumes on hot days, it is worth thinking, first of all, about the possibility of processing raw materials. There are many recipes for homemade preparations for the winter in the form of canned salads or various “assorted dishes” in combination with carrots, onions and other vegetables.

Tips on how to store cauliflower grown in your own garden in the summer

There are some rules that must be followed when harvesting green crops:

  1. Loose and sprouted heads cannot be stored. They should be used immediately for preparing various dishes.
  2. Do not leave cut inflorescences in the open sun. The presentation and taste of the vegetable will immediately deteriorate. The heads change color to yellow and even purple.
  3. Cut cauliflower in warm summer days With high humidity then tends to germinate. Therefore, for long-term storage, leave fruits collected as late as possible and in dry weather.

A way to store cauliflower in winter

Of course, until such a time it is impossible to preserve a fresh vegetable, even observing ideal conditions. temperature conditions and humidity conditions. To enjoy dishes made from dense inflorescences, you can choose one of two options. First - buy fresh food in supermarkets, because they are practically available there all year round. Second, stock up on cauliflower by preparing it frozen. Place it in the chamber in small batches in plastic bags. Usually the question immediately arises: how to store frozen cauliflower - whole or disassembled into inflorescences? Swipe pre-treatment, cutting the head of cabbage into pieces, washing it well and blanching for 2-3 minutes. in boiling water. Once cooled, place into bags and freeze. Then enjoy your favorite healthy meals this winter!

How to preserve fresh cabbage for the winter?

We continue the series of publications about winter storage of vegetables from our garden (see the articles “How to keep apples fresh for the winter?” and “How to preserve the harvest of beets and carrots for the whole winter?”). And today we will talk about how to preserve cabbage for the winter so that it remains fresh and crispy longer.

For those who grow cabbage in their garden, its storage begins at the harvesting stage. How well it will fit in depends on compliance with certain rules. winter time. For long-term storage, the most suitable are mid-late and late-ripening varieties, that is, those that ripen in the fall. For harvesting, choose a warm and sunny day, digging up the cabbage with a shovel along with the root, without cutting it off immediately, but only clearing it of soil. Then the vegetables are laid out to dry for about a day or two under a canopy or directly in the garden bed, weather permitting. After drying, select dense heads of cabbage that are not affected by pests or rotten, remove the topmost damaged leaves and, depending on the storage method, cut off the root or leave it whole.

How to store cabbage in the winter in a cellar or basement?

To prevent cabbage from rotting and to remain fresh longer, the temperature in the storage area should be from -1 to 2 degrees with a humidity of at least 90 percent.

  1. A fairly common method is to hang the cabbage by the root, tying it with a rope or piercing it with wire, on nails or hooks driven under the ceiling, on a wall or on a specially equipped board for this purpose. The heads of cabbage should be positioned so that they do not touch.
  2. Convenient way preserving the harvest means wrapping heads of cabbage with cut stalks in paper and placing them in this form in boxes or bags.
  3. Many people simply keep cabbage in bulk in boxes. This is not difficult, but not very effective, because in this case the heads of cabbage are in contact, so they can rot. It is necessary to regularly check the condition of vegetables.
  4. A fairly modern way is to wrap the heads of cabbage in cling film. You need to peel the top leaves of the cabbage until they are white, cut off the stalk, wrap the head of cabbage several times with film, ironing each layer for a tighter fit, and put it in boxes.

Storing cauliflower, simple and affordable ways.

“Cabbage with higher education,” as some call it. Despite some whimsicality in cultivation, it is very popular among gardeners because of its taste and useful composition. But storing cauliflower, especially for a long time, is not always successful for everyone. And sometimes in winter you want to eat fresh salads or casseroles.

Some varieties are ready for harvest as early as July. And, as you know, properly harvested crops are stored better.

  • Don't let the cabbage overripe, you'll lose it. large quantity vitamins and nutrients.
  • Immediately remove cut inflorescences from sunlight. In the sun, cabbage will quickly turn yellow and you simply throw it away.
  • Cut off the inflorescences carefully, leaving a few leaves.
  • During cultivation, do not overfeed the vegetable with nitrogen fertilizers; it will begin to deteriorate faster.

Today I will share my experience of storing this tasty and healthy vegetable. Some methods will not be available to everyone, but you can choose the most suitable one.

Methods for storing cauliflower.

The first way is to store it in a suspended state, just like white cabbage. For this method, I do not cut off the inflorescences, but carefully dig the plant out of the garden bed, cut off the roots and remove the top leaves. then I tie the cabbage by the stalks with twine and arrange it so that they do not touch each other. This way, good, healthy inflorescences are stored for a month.

The second method is my favorite. Often our Siberian summer ends suddenly, without warning, and vegetables simply do not have time to grow. Therefore, we have to “grow” our beauty in the cellar. This is how it grows and is stored at the same time, and fresh for a very long time.

For this method, I lower a couple of boxes with ordinary garden soil into the cellar. I water the cabbage well 2 days before transplanting and dig it out. big lump land. I place the plants deep in boxes and cover them with a layer of soil right up to the leaves. Important condition for such storage - temperature from 0 to +4 degrees and humidity 90-95%. Well, and of course good ventilation. With this method, you can eat cauliflower all winter.

The third method allows you to keep cabbage fresh for up to 2 months. I put inflorescences with several leaves in plywood or plastic boxes; fruit boxes from the store are especially convenient. I cover the top of the cabbage with film and send it to the cellar.

The fourth method is suitable for those who do not have a cellar or basement. Cut inflorescences need to be disassembled, washed with running water and dried thoroughly. Cabbage prepared in this way can be frozen fresh or lightly boiled (no more than 5 minutes). This way it will be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months. In addition, it is very convenient to prepare.

Of course, there are other ways to store cauliflower, such as pickling and salting, but these can be classified under the “home canning” section.

How to store cauliflower for the winter at home

In Russia and Asia, cauliflower became popular not so long ago, although its beneficial properties are Western Europe knew back in the 16th century.

  • Due to the presence of methionine and choline in cabbage, this vegetable is useful for patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis and those with liver problems.
  • Cauliflower contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, PP, as well as microelements: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron...
  • Cauliflower is rich in carbohydrates.
  • Cauliflower has less cellulose than white cabbage, so it can be eaten for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When to Harvest Cauliflower

Cauliflower is harvested in several stages as it ripens in sunny, dry weather, because wet heads of cabbage cannot be harvested long-term storage and should be consumed as quickly as possible. For storage, it is better to take cabbage from a later (autumn) harvest.

The heads are cut off with 2-3 small covering leaves or twisted (dug out) along with the root. It depends on what storage method is chosen for the cabbage.

Cabbage is dried on fresh air several hours, and then transferred to a room for further storage.

Cabbage can be stored in the cellar, basement, balcony and refrigerator.

How to store cabbage in a cellar or basement

Method 1. Cut off the cabbage stalk and part of the leaves.

The boxes are lined with film and cabbage is placed there, leaving space between the forks for ventilation. The top of the boxes is also covered with light-proof film.

Cauliflower is stored in a clean, well-ventilated room with an air temperature of 0-2° and a humidity of 90-95%.

Method 2. Each head without leaves and roots is placed in thin plastic bags and stored in boxes.

Method 3. Each head of cauliflower is carefully wrapped in cling film, creating a vacuum, and stored in this form in a cool, dark place.

Method 4. Dig up the cabbage along with the root, tear off the lower leaves, and lift the rest up, loosely tying the head with a string. Then the cabbage is planted in clean sand, poured into boxes or directly onto the floor. Be sure to cover this kind of bed with an opaque film. With this storage method, the temperature should be about 4-6°C.

This method is also good for small heads that have not yet had time to ripen, since in this form they continue to grow.

Method 5. If the stalks of the cabbage are not cut, then the cabbage is hung upside down by them, but so that the heads do not touch each other.

Method 6. Heads without leaves and roots are placed one at a time in nets and hung from the ceiling.

Method 7. Clean cauliflower heads, along with one or two leaves, are wrapped in newspapers, then placed in plastic bags with several holes and stored in this form. A little later, the leaves are torn off, and the bags are periodically changed due to the condensation that collects. Of course, you need to monitor the condition of the paper.

How to store cauliflower in an apartment

If there is no basement or cellar, then cabbage can be stored on an insulated balcony, where the temperature does not drop below 0° even on frosty days. Cabbage is stored in the same way as in the basement.

How to store cauliflower in the refrigerator

Cabbage without stalks and yellow leaves Pack well in cling film and store in the vegetable compartment.

You can wrap the cabbage in paper and then put it in a plastic bag. But you need to change the bags as condensation appears in them.

But whatever storage method is chosen, you need to periodically check the safety of the crop:

  • Remove rotten and yellowed leaves from cabbage.
  • Rearrange the cabbage, removing damaged heads.
  • Change cellophane and paper due to condensation.
  • Ventilate the room.
  • Make sure that the temperature is kept within acceptable limits.

How to store cabbage in the freezer

Cauliflower can be easily frozen.

  • To do this, the washed cabbage is disassembled into inflorescences and boiled for 3-4 minutes.
  • Then the inflorescences are thrown into a colander and waited until they dry.
  • Then they are put in plastic bags or plastic containers and frozen.

You can also freeze fresh cabbage. To do this, clean cabbage, disassembled into inflorescences, is dried from moisture, placed in plastic containers and frozen.

Frozen cauliflower is used as needed.

Once defrosted, cabbage cannot be re-frozen.

“Cabbage with higher education,” as some call it. Despite some, it is very popular among gardeners because of its taste and beneficial composition. But storing cauliflower, especially for a long time, is not always successful for everyone. And sometimes in winter you want to eat fresh salads or...

Some varieties are ready for harvest as early as July. And, as you know, properly harvested crops are stored better.

  • Do not let the cabbage overripe; you will lose more vitamins and nutrients.
  • Immediately remove cut inflorescences from sunlight. In the sun, cabbage will quickly turn yellow and you simply throw it away.
  • Cut off the inflorescences carefully, leaving a few leaves.
  • During cultivation, do not overfeed the vegetable with nitrogen fertilizers; it will begin to deteriorate faster.

Today I will share my experience of storing this tasty and healthy vegetable. Some methods will not be available to everyone, but you can choose the most suitable one.

Methods for storing cauliflower.

First way- store in a suspended state, like white cabbage. For this method, I do not cut off the inflorescences, but carefully dig the plant out of the garden bed, cut off the roots and remove the top leaves. then I tie the cabbage by the stalks with twine and arrange it so that they do not touch each other. This way, good, healthy inflorescences are stored for a month.

Second way- my favourite. Often our Siberian summer ends suddenly, without warning, and vegetables simply do not have time to grow. Therefore, we have to “grow” our beauty in the cellar. This is how it grows and is stored at the same time, and fresh for a very long time.

For this method, I lower a couple of boxes with ordinary garden soil into the cellar. I water the cabbage well 2 days before transplanting and dig it up with a large lump of earth. I place the plants deep in boxes and cover them with a layer of soil right up to the leaves. An important condition for such storage is a temperature from 0 to +4 degrees and a humidity of 90-95%. Well, and of course good ventilation. With this method you can eat.

Third way allows you to keep cabbage fresh for up to 2 months. I put inflorescences with several leaves in plywood or plastic boxes; fruit boxes from the store are especially convenient. I cover the top of the cabbage with film and send it to the cellar.

Fourth method suitable for those who do not have a cellar or basement. Cut inflorescences need to be disassembled, washed with running water and dried thoroughly. Prepared this way fresh or lightly boil (no more than 5 minutes). This way it will be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months. In addition, it is very convenient to prepare.

Of course, there are other ways to store cauliflower, such as pickling and salting, but these can be classified under the “home canning” section.

Cauliflower is a tasty and healthy crop, a storehouse of iron, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins. It is grown for seasonal consumption and for storing for future use in order to please oneself with mouth-watering dishes in winter. Let's figure out how to store cauliflower in the cellar and apartment, what conditions will allow you to preserve the maximum of nutrients contained in the noble vegetable.

Varieties and their preservation

The register of breeding achievements does not divide cauliflower into those that can be stored and those that cannot. The varieties are conventionally divided into:

  • Early ripening– ripen 80-110 days after sowing.
  • Mid-season– have growing season approximately 110-140 days.
  • Late ripening– ripen for more than 150 days.

They all lie the same, they just ripen at different times. Plant on the site different varieties, and you can eat cauliflower fresh all season long.

Do you know that…

GOST R 54903-2012 “Fresh cauliflower. Specifications"prescribes storing vegetables under certain conditions for no more than 80 days. Moreover, the older GOST 7968-89 (USSR) prescribed the same conditions, but not for 80, but for 60 days. Apparently modern varieties They are still stored better.

Cauliflower stores worse than any other variety of this vegetable.

When to Harvest

When to remove cauliflower from the garden? Early and mid-ripening varieties are cut as they ripen, around July, late-ripening varieties - at the end of October/beginning of November.

Begin harvesting when the heads reach the diameter and weight appropriate for the variety. For example:

  • for the Skywalker variety, the head weight is 3500 g;
  • for “Abeni” – 2200 g;
  • The “white ball” has a mass of only 500 g.

Tip of the day

Do not let the vegetable overripe, otherwise the aroma and taste are lost, the amount of nutrients decreases, and keeping quality deteriorates.

Cauliflower is the most moisture-loving crop, and only in wet weather do its heads maintain turgor. When dry, you first need to water it generously and remove it the next day.

Cut off the heads so that 3-4 leaves remain and immediately hide them in the shade. From the sun's rays they will wither, turn yellow, and become unsuitable for food.

Tip of the day

When growing, do not overfeed vegetables with nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise the shelf life will sharply decrease. Cabbage grows for a long time, but as soon as the inflorescence appears, it quickly gains weight; during this period, feeding is no longer carried out.

Storage conditions

How to properly store cauliflower in winter? After harvesting the crop, decide where it will be located next. The only way to keep fresh for a long time is cold:

  • at temperatures from 0 to +1 °C;
  • at humidity 90-95%.

In warm conditions, a tender vegetable will soon begin to rot; if there is insufficient humidity, it will dry out.

In country houses best place there will be a basement or cellar, at home - an insulated balcony, where the constant temperature does not fall below zero.

Another option is freezing, then the heads of cabbage will definitely not spoil.

We answer the question: The cauliflower turned black during storage, is there anything I can do?

The fruit that begins to rot turns black. It can no longer be eaten, even if the damaged areas are cut off, since the microflora penetrates deep inside and infects it entirely.

Fresh storage

If you decide to store cauliflower at home in the cellar, basement or on the balcony, prepare:

  • low wooden or plastic boxes, cardboard boxes;
  • You will also need film and insulation.
  • cling film;
  • paper;
  • plastic bags;
  • or plastic containers.

Cellar or basement

  1. Hanging it upside down by the stalk. When harvesting, do not cut off the inflorescences, but dig them up along with the roots, lightly shaking off the clods of earth. Then hang the heads of cabbage on twine at a distance of 6-8 cm from each other. This way they will not deteriorate within 1-1.5 months.
  2. Bury the roots in clean sand. This great option. You just need to moisten the sand as it dries. With this method, the winter maturation period reaches 5-6 months.
  3. Placed in boxes on shelves. Cut off the top leaves and roots of the heads, arrange them so that they do not touch each other. Then cover the boxes with opaque film or cardboard. Or simply pack each head of cabbage in a plastic bag and place it on the shelves. This way they will last for 2-3 months.

The latter method is suitable for storing in an apartment on the balcony, just wrap the boxes with insulation or line them with foam plastic to prevent the crop from freezing.

Tip of the day

Whatever method you choose, check once a week for rot on the heads of cabbage.


You can store cauliflower in the refrigerator for some time. It is only important to prepare it correctly. Remove the leaves from the forks, rinse and dry. Then wrap in two layers of cling film, paper or package in plastic bags.

How long does cauliflower last in the refrigerator? On the bottom shelf - at least a month. But the possibilities of the refrigerator are not limitless; do not keep the vegetable there longer - it will begin to rot and deteriorate.

Do you know that…

Cauliflower retains moisture well, which means it hardly forms condensation. Very useful property for storage in a refrigerator.


Although breeders have identified only the “Cartier” variety for freezing, in fact, any variety can be frozen.

Vegetables are stored in the freezer the longest - until defrosted. From low temperatures They lose some of their nutrients, but remain just as aromatic and tasty.

Freshly frozen vegetables will have a different taste than usual, so it is recommended to blanch them first

How to properly freeze cauliflower:

  • It is necessary to divide the head of cabbage into inflorescences, then package them in portions, close tightly and place in the freezer.
  • You can prepare a semi-finished product. To do this, blanch the inflorescences for 2-3 minutes. in water with the addition of citric acid. Then dry it, pack it in portions into airtight containers or bags, and place it in the freezer.

In winter, you will take out frozen cabbage and throw it into boiling water without defrosting - you will not be able to distinguish it from fresh cabbage.

We answer the question: How to properly freeze cauliflower for the winter for a child?

The principle is the same as when preparing a semi-finished product. Only the approach to choosing raw materials is more picky, and you need to blanch the inflorescences twice as long. The product should also be placed in a sterilized container.

What is rearing

Eating fresh frozen cabbage in winter is pleasant and healthy, but there is another method to provide yourself with vitamins for future use. It's about about such a method as rearing - best option, if the inflorescences did not have time to ripen by the time of harvest.

  1. A couple of days before harvesting, water the small heads generously, then dig them up with roots and large lumps of earth.
  2. Transplant the heads of cabbage into a bed arranged in the basement or cellar. Plant tightly, cover with soil to the bottom leaves.
  3. Maintain the temperature within 1-2 °C. Water as the soil dries out.
  4. Ventilate the room often so that the vegetables can breathe. Remove damaged ones.

This way, the cabbage will not only last for up to six months, but will also gain weight.

Do you know that…

A garden bed in the cellar can be made from ordinary boxes filled with fertile soil.

Other storage methods


During the drying process, the inflorescences are reduced by 6-7 times, so the semi-finished product is convenient to store

Drying is another proven method for storing cauliflower in winter. But don't do too much at once; you may not find a use for this product.

  1. Divide the head of cabbage into inflorescences.
  2. Dry in the oven at 60°C for 3-5 hours.
  3. Pack according to glass jars, plastic containers.

When dried in the oven, the inflorescences remain edible for 7-10 months.

Do you know that…

Before use, just pour water over the dried semi-finished product and let it stand for a while so that it is saturated with moisture.


You can successfully salt cauliflower. For 10 kg of raw materials, take 5.5-6 liters of water, 0.4 kg of coarse salt, 400-450 ml of 6%.

  1. Bring water to a boil, dissolve, add vinegar.
  2. Separate the inflorescences, rinse, blanch in salted water for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Place the prepared vegetables in sterilized jars and fill with cooled brine.
  4. Add spices to taste, for example: black and allspice peas
  5. Cover the jars with sterilized lids, roll them up, turn the container over and cover with a warm blanket.
  6. When the preservation has cooled, put it in the cellar or pantry for storage.

Or try preparing a very tasty vegetable platter for the winter, like in this video:

Ways to save healthy vegetable, there is plenty: store in boxes, grow, freeze, make pickles or choose something else - it’s up to you. Remember that if the temperature and humidity conditions are incorrect, the inflorescences will quickly become unusable. To avoid this, listen to the advice and enjoy vitamin-rich meals until spring.

Store correctly and be healthy!

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