How to remove a layer of concrete from the floor. Dismantling the old floor screed How to dismantle floors

How to remove a layer of concrete from the floor.  Dismantling the old floor screed How to dismantle floors
How to remove a layer of concrete from the floor. Dismantling the old floor screed How to dismantle floors

When a major overhaul begins in any room, including an apartment, all work is initially concentrated on the dismantling of the old floor covering. This also includes dismantling. The process takes a lot of time and effort. But if there is no experience in carrying out this kind of work, then it is better to immediately turn to specialists. This will provide excellent final quality.

The reasons

To carry out the dismantling of the floor screed, some good reasons are needed. Among the most basic are the existing surface defects, as well as errors made during installation work. It can even be said that it is much easier to completely remove the floor screed than to partially remove the floor screed. Eliminating deficiencies sometimes even brings more trouble and financial costs.

Another reason is the repair of communication systems, which are located under. But here everything should be done with high quality and with caution. All security measures must be observed in full.

In the work you will need to use a certain set of tools, among which the main ones are:

  • Sledgehammer.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Perforator construction.
  • Garbage bags.

Construction teams due to their experience can complete the work as quickly as possible. Moreover, they have all the necessary tools for this, including special equipment - a joint cutter, a robot for dismantling, and much more.


It is possible to immediately protect a few from the partial repair of areas in the room. Greater preference is given to the first version of the work. This is associated with lower financial costs. Not always a separate site will allow you to cope with the problem. With the passage of time of operation, it most often reappears. In addition, various additional base defects begin to appear, which alternate with each other. The floor covering may also be damaged and require replacement.

By contacting specialized companies, you can find out which type of foundation restoration is best done. If the problem is significant, then it will be more profitable to clean everything to zero, and then screed, lay communications and flooring again.

Possible Methods

There are several ways in which you can produce high-quality floors. Among them are:

When carrying out work in any way, it is very important to be careful. It is not uncommon for electrical wiring to be laid under. It must not be damaged. But this applies specifically to buildings with a large number of floors. To do this, you should be guided in the materials where the wiring can be hidden. Often this is a corrugated pipe or HDPE.


There are certain removal requirements. First of all, this concerns the correct choice of the tool for the job. In each individual case, it may be different. Everything will depend on the specific situation. To eliminate the screed, you can split it into separate elements, which are subsequently taken out. But everything is done more quickly when using a power tool.

It is very important to prepare garbage bags with a sufficient level of strength. They will have to take out all the existing garbage. It will not be superfluous to prepare the neighbors by informing them of the desire to carry out noisy work in the apartment.

In the process of dismantling, the main thing is not to overdo it. Excessive force may damage the floor slabs.

Preparatory activities

The beginning of the removal is associated with the removal of the old flooring, as well as the laid skirting boards. Here, almost never need to use a special tool to get the desired result. It is worth noting that the old coating may later be applicable in some cases. Then everything should be done very carefully so as not to damage it.

Next comes the analysis of the screed itself, which will be dismantled. Its thickness, material of manufacture, design and other points should be determined. It will be very good if you have schemes for laying communications and other equipment on hand. This will prevent damage to it during the work.

To determine the composition of the subfloor, you can cut out a fragment of the base section with a grinder and see what the screed is made of. In the work of construction teams, an ultrasonic flaw detector is used. With it, you can view everything that is hidden in the thickness of concrete or other solution.

Stages of work

After the end of the preparatory activities, you can begin. To do this, choose one of the above methods, which is more suitable in a given situation. More problems will arise with concrete and cement bases. They are characterized by a high level of strength and reliability. If there is reinforcement in the base, all sections are removed in fragments, parts.

If we have a bulk polymer floor in front of us, then we cannot do without a joint cutter. With it, you should partially cut the surface and proceed to subsequent actions.

Disassembly of the screed-leveling structure is distinguished by ease of dismantling. In this case, only the hardware is removed, and after that the sheets are removed. Perhaps they will be glued to each other. Then it will be necessary to cut them through the measured distance.

When percussion instruments are taken into work, everything should start from the far corner of the room. The direction goes to the entrance. It is best to collect all the garbage that appears gradually, as it accumulates. At the same time, preventive security measures are taken in advance. To do this, the power to the wires in the house is turned off, as well as the water through the pipes. Walls, windows, doors inside the premises must be carefully protected. Fragments should not fall on them and cause damage.


Of course, it is more profitable to carry out the removal yourself. You will not have to pay for the work of teams using additional electrical equipment. But situations may arise when it is impossible to do without them.

In this case, the cost will be influenced by various factors, such as:

  • The scope of work performed.
  • Possible additional types of services.
  • The thickness of the rough screed, the need to preserve the floor covering, the type of subfloor covering.
  • The complexity of the manufacturing process.

This indicates that it is very difficult to determine the specific cost per square meter of floor space. Everything should be calculated individually. You can only give average indicators of the cost of removing the floor screed.

If the screed has a thickness of up to 40 mm, then the price will vary from 2 to 6 USD. per square meter. With a screed of 40-60 mm, you will have to invest at least 3.2 USD from your pocket, but usually no more than 7.5 USD. for 1 m 2. The greatest cost will be pouring the solution up to 80 mm. The price can reach almost 9 USD. for 1m 2. Some subtleties relate to the reinforced floor screed. Here the cost will be increased by at least half. In each case, it should be calculated individually.

A durable coating, which is an intermediate layer between a reinforced concrete slab and a finished floor covering, is called a floor screed. According to its functions, this coating should be strong enough. With the help of a screed, seams, voids and cracks are filled, the unevenness of the floor is eliminated. Self-levelling floors are also called screed.

The main thing to remember is not to overdo it and not to make a hole in the floors with a heavy tool and not damage the load-bearing walls.

Why remove the old floor and make a new one? Over time, it ceases to fulfill its functions, the concrete peels off, crumbles, becomes covered with cracks. And before starting repair work, the task arises of how to remove the old floor screed without damaging it and spending a minimum of effort. Removing an old concrete floor is usually cheaper than refurbishing it. But still, before starting to dismantle the screed, it will not be superfluous to make sure that it is impossible to repair the old cement. Work in which all old mortar is removed from the floor is necessary if:

  • The floor is already very cracked and cannot be restored (for example, due to the use of low-quality cement). In this case, removing the cement is not difficult.
  • In the event that a lowering of the floor level is required.
  • When it is necessary to repair, replace or for the first time put some communications under the floor, make a warm floor.
  • The condition of the old floor is so unsatisfactory that it is better to install a new one than to try to repair the existing one.

The ceilings of the lower rooms may not withstand if a new screed is made on top of the old one. Using jackhammers to remove old mortar is also dangerous.

Preparatory work

Scheme of the floor screed device.

In the manufacture of concrete floors in houses, various materials are often used, but mostly concrete (cement with various impurities) is used for the screed. The larger the building, the higher the grade of cement used to create the mortar. As a material, concrete is not inferior to stone in its strength, so a tool will be needed more seriously than a simple hammer. The best way to get rid of this coating is diamond cutting. Which method is better - diamond cutting or drilling - depends on the specific case.

Using jackhammers and other impact tools to remove the hardened mortar is also very effective.

The main rule is not to overdo it and not to make a hole in the floors with such a heavy tool, and also not to damage the load-bearing walls.

No matter how the floor is dismantled, it begins with preparatory work in the form of removing skirting boards and old flooring. To carry out these actions, special rules are not observed and no special tool is required. If the old coating is supposed to be used somewhere else in the future, then it should be removed carefully.

Tool and means of protection

Floor construction with self-levelling screed.

For high-quality removal, you need to choose the right tool. A screed cutter can remove a screed up to 30 cm deep, reinforcement for it, as a rule, is not a hindrance. When using the impact method, perforators, jackhammers, grinders are used. The shock method is the noisiest and most unsafe for floors.

The tools used to remove the old mortar from the floor can be divided into manual and electric. Power tools that remove hardened mortar well include a concrete hammer, a hammer drill, various tools for diamond cutting and drilling, and a joint cutter for reinforced coatings. As a rule, all these devices produce a lot of noise.

For those who are used to relying on their own strength, a crowbar, a hammer, a chisel and a sledgehammer are offered. The question arises: why do everything manually when there are electrical appliances? This is necessary in places where there is no electricity, or the work is small. This is a slow and very noisy process, but these tools can always come in handy as an aid.

Work in which the old floor is removed is unhealthy. Most often, a lot of additional cleaning is required, since the mortar and cement hide additional layers of insulation underneath: mineral wool, sand or chipboard. Workers are required to wear masks, respirators, hard hats and earmuffs.

List of required tools:

  • protective equipment: goggles, helmet, respirator, overalls;
  • durable garbage bags;
  • tool for basic work to choose from.

Stages of work

The scheme of dismantling the screed.

Dismantling the screed can be done in several ways. The easiest, fastest, most common and inexpensive way is to remove the old cement with a blow. As a rule, they use it. The power of electric jackhammers must be correctly calculated and selected depending on the thickness of the layer to be removed.

But this method is applicable only if the concrete does not contain reinforcing elements.

Drilling and cutting methods are very popular in residential and public buildings. They are applicable when the screed is being dismantled in a certain area of ​​the floor, and besides, they are the least noisy. During the operation, the desired fragment of the concrete pavement is quickly cut out. This method is also better because cutting and drilling do not give additional loads on the bearing supports. Therefore, there is less risk of unforeseen damage. An undeniable advantage is that no dust is generated during diamond cutting and drilling, since the tool is continuously cooled by water during operation. Reinforced concrete floors can be dismantled in this way in the same way as an ordinary coating.


How to remove the old floor screed? The beginning of repair is a huge test for everyone. And for those who decided on a major overhaul, especially. Many factors should be taken into account, all the pros and cons should be weighed before proceeding with the repair. In any case, you need to consult with experts in this field so that they can tell you where you can do it on your own, and where you will definitely need the services of masters.

What is a floor screed?

The coating, usually strong, located in the gap between the reinforced concrete tile and the final floor covering, is called screed. Through this coating, the floors are leveled, all cracks and cracks are filled. Between the screed and the top layer of the floor, there is usually a layer of heat-noise or waterproofing. There may also be reinforcement under the screed. These layers are not very durable, and it is not so difficult to remove them. It is worth remembering that at the time of dismantling, do not overdo it and do not damage the load-bearing walls by punching a hole in them.

The screed can be monolithic (from a cement-sand mixture) or composite (from several layers of gypsum cement or expanded clay concrete). To obtain maximum strength, a monolithic screed can be reinforced with a metal mesh. The qualitative composition of the floor screed affects its strength, load, hydro- and thermal insulation properties. Among the dismantling works to remove various structural elements, one of the most popular types is the dismantling of the floor screed.

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Dismantling or restoration?

Dismantling work can be done independently when the problem and its solution are obvious. It is not recommended to get down to business if you do not have any skills in the field of construction. It is better to invite experts.

Over time, any floor covering becomes unusable. Concrete begins to crumble, flake and crack. At this point, it is worth deciding whether to remove the old screed or whether it is suitable for restoration. Most often, dismantling is carried out. This procedure is much cheaper than restoration. There are criteria that you should pay attention to when making a decision:

  1. If necessary, lower the floor level.
  2. Very unsatisfactory condition of the floor, so much so that it would be cheaper to install a new one.
  3. Poor quality cement was used.
  4. If it is necessary to repair communications or pipes under the floor, as well as if new pipes need to be installed.
  5. Sufficiently fragile floors of the lower rooms that cannot withstand another coating.
  6. The use of jackhammers is dangerous.

In houses built before the mid-50s, the floors are wooden or mixed (wooden flooring on metal beams with reinforced concrete sections in bathrooms and bathrooms).

The dismantling of the concrete floor has its own characteristics: if you dismantled it and want to pour a new concrete screed, then this will most likely be considered unacceptable, since the mass of the solution in the aggregate will be very heavy and the load on the floors will significantly exceed the allowable one. In this case, the right decision would be to choose a screed made of lightweight materials.

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Functions and cost of floor screed

Floor screed is inherently of great importance, and its presence in any building is mandatory. Main functions:

  1. Distribution of heat throughout the floor, in case there is heating under them.
  2. Protection of floors from all kinds of deformations.
  3. Leveling the floor, eliminating various roughness and cracks.
  4. Sound and heat insulation function.
  5. It takes on the load on the supporting structures, which significantly extends the life of the latter.

Given various factors, the price can vary from low to very high. What to take into account:

  • screed height;
  • type of material used: concrete or cement;
  • work area;
  • whether there is reinforcement or not.

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Types of surface screed

There are the following types of screed:

  • multilayer screed;
  • full screed.

The more layers used, the higher the price of dismantling, since there is much more work.

When removing any type of screed, all factors should be considered. Depending on this, a tool for dismantling will be selected. It can be a concrete cutting machine or an impact tool. Or the removal of the screed will be done manually.

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Do-it-yourself screed preparation and removal

If, nevertheless, it was decided to remove the screed on your own, then first of all, all obstacles in front of it should be removed. It can be linoleum, laminate, parquet or carpet.

Various tools are used for removal. At home, you can use a sledgehammer, crowbar, hammer - it all depends on the thickness of the coating. After the preparatory work has been successfully done and all the protective layers have been removed, you can directly proceed to the removal of the screed itself.

For high-quality floor screed removal on your own, you will need to choose the right tool. There are several different ways to remove. The impact method is the noisiest and most unsafe for floors, which can cause damage to the entire house and neighbors. In addition, it will require the use of great physical strength, which can be very dangerous for health. Using a joint cutter tool, you can remove a screed up to 30 cm deep, reinforcement for it, as a rule, is not an obstacle.

The tools used to remove the old mortar from the floor can be divided into manual and electric. Dismantling the floor with the use of electrical devices significantly increases productivity. But such a dismantling of the screed will also have an increased price. Power tools that remove hardened mortar well include:

  • concrete hammer;
  • perforator;
  • various tools for diamond cutting and drilling;
  • joint cutter for reinforced coatings.

When using the impact method, perforators, jackhammers, grinders are used. As a rule, all these devices produce a lot of noise.

For those who are used to relying on their own strength, we offer:

  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • sledgehammer.

The question arises: why do everything manually when there are electrical appliances? This is necessary in those places where there is no electricity or the work is small. This is a slow and very noisy process, but these tools can always come in handy as an aid.

You will need special clothing, a helmet, a respirator and goggles, as there will be a lot of dust.

The dismantling of the concrete floor in any way is carried out by breaking the base into pieces.

For the removal and removal of cement-concrete residues, stock up on bags of durable material in advance.

One of the most common tasks that requires a major overhaul is the dismantling of the old screed. The latter is a layer, which is a kind of "roof", which is located above the bearing floor and effectively corrects all its uneven places. If such a base is in poor condition, then when installing a new floor, it should be replaced, guided by the recommendations listed below.

When should the screed be removed?

Unfortunately, over time, any flooring base becomes unusable. This thesis is true for any materials - both cement-sand mixtures, and for more innovative, related to the category of composites. Experience shows that most often the screed needs to be replaced due to its deformation, which makes further operation of the layer extremely problematic.

It is worth noting that in some situations, you can limit yourself to a less radical solution, which involves restoring the leveling layer without removing it.

As for the cases when the screed must be dismantled, they provide for the presence of any of the following factors:

  • very deplorable condition of the base of the flooring, characterized by multiple cracks, potholes, chips and significant elevation changes;
  • installation of a warm floor and / or restoration of utilities located in the thickness of the leveling layer;
  • the impossibility of fully placing a new screed on top of the old one (as a rule, this trouble is characteristic of buildings equipped with wooden or combined floors).

In addition, the dismantling of the existing base is necessary in situations that require lowering the floor level. In particular, this is necessary for the qualitative connection of dissimilar materials and to nullify differences in height between adjacent rooms.

Determining the cost of work

There are several main criteria, the consideration of which allows you to calculate the price of dismantling the floor screed.

These are:

  • the thickness of the removed base;
  • number of layers;
  • screed material;
  • the total area of ​​the dismantled leveling layer;
  • the presence of a reinforced base or its absence.

It is also worth adding that in situations where it is necessary to draw up an estimate, it is rational to use data from the following regulatory bases as a guideline:

  • Collection GESN-11 Floors;
  • Rates FER-11 Floors;
  • Collection TER-11 Floors.

The first base is the State elemental estimated norms, and the other two are the Federal and Territorial unit rates, respectively. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the transition index - from the federal prices of 2000 to the current ones.

Preparatory activities

Before proceeding with the procedure for removing the old screed, you need to solve several problems, each of which is important in its own way.

First of all, this is the dismantling of decorative floor materials, such as:

  • linoleum;
  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • tile;
  • plinth.

All listed trim elements must be removed before dismantling begins. Operations with tiles are the most difficult: being planted on cement, they can be removed only with a leveling layer, which implies significant damage to them.

Another important action, which requires preparation for dismantling the screed, is to determine the location of utilities - for example, heating pipes laid in the thickness of the leveling layer. It is strongly not recommended to ignore this advice - in order to avoid deformation of the latter, and sometimes more serious damage to them. Special attention should be paid to the search for hidden wiring, not forgetting to de-energize the place of dismantling in advance.

Used inventory

When choosing a tool, the use of which allows you to professionally solve the problem considered in this material, first of all, you need to take into account the features of the existing screed.

Practice shows that most often in such cases they use:

  • jackhammers;
  • perforators;
  • angle grinders ("grinders");
  • concrete cutters.

If the performer considers it justified to carry out dismantling manually, then it is reasonable for him to acquire the following tools:

  • sledgehammer;
  • chisel;
  • an ordinary hammer (suitable only in cases where the room being repaired does not have a large area).

As for the ease of removing the screed, the easiest way to get rid of its dry variety: in most of these situations, only hand tools are enough. But in the case of a semi-dry leveling base, this option cannot be called preferable - due to the fact that its composition suggests the presence of durable cement grade M500, and sometimes a strong reinforcing mesh. It is also reasonable to carry out the dismantling of a “wet” screed using a power tool - a solution that is characterized by maximum performance.

impact method

The technique under consideration involves breaking off fragments of the screed with their subsequent removal. To perform such work, the performer needs a percussion power tool, which can be replaced with a simple sledgehammer or crowbar - provided that the solution of the problem does not require high performance. It should also be noted that the described method is only suitable in cases where the concrete surface is not reinforced with reinforcing elements.

In order for the performance of work with a jackhammer or other impact electric tools to comply with all safety standards, It is advisable for the performer to use the following personal protective equipment:

  • respirator;
  • jumpsuit made of dense material;
  • anti-noise inserts ("ear plugs");
  • anti-vibration gloves;
  • glasses.

In addition, the equipment used must be checked in advance for operability - in order to avoid failures in the process of operation and other unpleasant consequences.

When performing shock dismantling of the old screed, you need to follow the simple sequence of actions presented below:

  • the tool must be securely fixed in the hands, while choosing the most stable position;
  • it is rational to start removing the leveling layer from the far corner of the room;
  • the speed of the equipment used must be increased gradually;
  • it is desirable to break off as small fragments as possible from the screed, moving slowly;
  • broken off pieces of the old base of the flooring are recommended to be removed immediately using construction waste bags or other suitable products.

Do not forget that the percussion instrument must be held only by those areas that are carefully insulated. This precautionary measure helps to avoid electric shock to the performer, who accidentally got into hidden wiring with a jackhammer chisel.

Another point that needs to be taken into account in such a situation is the inevitable heating of the power tool used. In order to avoid the failure of expensive equipment, it needs to be given a “breather”, the duration of which is sufficient to cool the equipment. The recommended duration of such breaks is about 5 minutes, after every 10 minutes of tool operation.

Removal by slicing

This method is most relevant in situations requiring the dismantling of a reinforced screed - a leveling layer reinforced with metal inclusions. In the same way, experts advise getting rid of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the floor covering, when other areas need to be left untouched. A joint cutter, an electrical appliance “armed” with a rotating diamond-coated disc, is best handled with such tasks. This tool cuts both rebar and concrete to a depth limited by the radius of its cutting disc.

If there is no joint cutter, then at home it can be replaced by an ordinary grinder - provided it is equipped with a diamond-coated disc. This is due to the fact that a standard circle designed for metal is powerless against concrete.

To remove the old screed using the described method, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • the dismantled layer is cut into small fragments;
  • the resulting pieces are picked out with a crowbar, chisel or other suitable tool;
  • all removed fragments of the screed are packed in bags for construction waste.

The main advantage of the presented method of dismantling is the relatively low noise. In addition, it allows you to work more accurately, and therefore does not involve the formation of too much dirt and dust.

But this technique also has its drawbacks:

  • high complexity of using a joint cutter, requiring two people to perform work;
  • the need for a three-phase power supply system capable of providing power up to 14 kW;
  • decent cost of equipment - both purchase and rental.

It also makes sense to note that such tools need constant cooling, which requires a full water supply.

Drill Application

Sometimes it happens that the used puncher is not able to solve all the tasks assigned to it, related to the dismantling of the old screed.

In such cases, he can be "helped" by doing the following:

  • buy a drill with a diamond tip;
  • make as many holes in the concrete as possible;
  • chip off the sections of the leveling layer, drilled on all sides, using a pike.

Special attention should be paid to the angle between the drill and the base of the floor covering to be dismantled. It should be straight to minimize the chance of damage to the cutting tool being used.

Most often, such dismantling is justified in situations where it is necessary to replace not the entire screed, but its specific section. In addition, the described method is the least noisy, and therefore optimally suited for repair work in residential buildings. The only tangible drawback of this method is the rapid heating of the perforator, which requires regular pauses to cool it down. Part of this problem can be solved by using a second tool with similar performance.

A concrete screed is a special coating that acts as an intermediate layer between a monolithic reinforced concrete slab and a finished floor covering. With its help, the floor surface is leveled and the seams of the inter-tile space are filled. The height of the screed may vary and, as a rule, varies from 3 to 5 cm. After a while, it can no longer perform its functions, as the concrete begins to crumble, flake and crack.

To solve this problem, you need to dismantle the concrete floor. And below we will consider how much it costs to dismantle the floor screed, considering the average prices on the market.

Floor screed and its main functions

The screed can be either monolithic, made of a cement-sand mixture, or composite, the basis of which is a combination of several layers of gypsum cement or expanded clay concrete. For higher reliability, the base is additionally reinforced with steel mesh.

Among the main functions that fall on the floor screed, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • floor leveling;
  • protection of the floor from negative external influences;
  • load perception on load-bearing structures;
  • basis for further laying flooring;
  • heat distribution in floors with built-in heating.

There are 3 main ways to dismantle the floor screed:

  • Drilling.

It is used in the event that it is necessary to dismantle not the entire surface, but a certain section of the floor. Moreover, drilling is not as noisy and is therefore best suited for renovations in residential buildings.

  • Hit.

The coating is removed using an electric jackhammer, grinder or perforator. But this method can only be used if there are no reinforced elements in the concrete surface.

  • Cutting.

In most cases, diamond cutting is used, with the help of which surfaces of any strength are removed. In order to perform work with a diamond tool, you will need uninterrupted water supply and power, which is necessary to reduce the concentration of dust in the room and constantly cool the equipment.

Why is it worth removing the screed?

It should be borne in mind that the dismantling of the floor screed, concrete or cement, is performed if:

  • Planned major repairs of the house or apartment.
  • A change in the level of the floor or reinforcement of the screed is required.
  • Repair or installation of pipes or cables in a concrete base.
  • There were irregularities.
  • The floor tiles need to be replaced as voids have formed underneath.
  • The characteristics deteriorated significantly and signs of breakage appeared - cracks and delaminations.
  • The cement seeps through the seams of the finish coat.

How much does floor screed removal cost?

The main factors on which the price of the service depends:

  • type of coating and its thickness;
  • the amount of work required;
  • the complexity of the task;
  • availability of additional services.

Therefore, it is possible to give an unambiguous answer how much 1 m 2 of dismantling costs only after analyzing the object, as well as studying its features.

Repairing the floor in an apartment is a complex technological process that requires technical and physical training, and therefore do-it-yourself dismantling is highly discouraged. An inexperienced worker can flood neighbors and damage plumbing pipes or stumble on electrical wiring, resulting in an accident or fire. Therefore, we recommend inviting professionals who have the necessary tools, experience and knowledge at their disposal.

The average cost of dismantling an old concrete floor is presented in the table

Removing the old flooring allows you to prepare the surface for a better and new subfloor. Also, as noted above, the cost of demolition largely depends on the area of ​​​​the room, the thickness of the floor, the material, the method of removal and the presence of a reinforced base.

Before proceeding with the dismantling of the old screed, the top coat is removed, which must be paid separately. The price depends on what needs to be removed - linoleum, plinth, laminate, parquet, tile or carpet.

The price of dismantling the screed per m 2, depending on the materials


It is worth recognizing that the implementation of high-quality dismantling of the screed with your own hands is always very problematic. The procedure itself requires not only knowledge and experience, but also the availability of special tools and devices, the purchase of which can cost a decent amount of money.