How to make a gray color scheme. How to dilute colors in water-based paint proportions. What materials should be purchased for tinting water-based emulsion. Review of colors from domestic and foreign manufacturers

How to make a gray color scheme.  How to dilute colors in water-based paint proportions.  What materials should be purchased for tinting water-based emulsion.  Review of colors from domestic and foreign manufacturers
How to make a gray color scheme. How to dilute colors in water-based paint proportions. What materials should be purchased for tinting water-based emulsion. Review of colors from domestic and foreign manufacturers

Tinting water-based paint with your own hands is not an easy process, but it is the only way to achieve the desired tone. Ready-made solutions offered on the market of paints and varnishes do not always meet the requirements set by the owner of the interior. Hand-made tinting will help you create the best color scheme and fit it organically into the interior.

Do-it-yourself paint tinting is needed for those cases when you need to paint a surface a complex color that cannot be found in a store or created on a tinting machine. A complex color contains several tones, which are best mixed in the right proportion and selected personally.

Water-based tinting is optimal for those cases where you plan to paint the room in two colors that harmonize with each other. Or if you need to choose a color to match the tone of certain accessories, furniture and other interior items. Based on this, the first rule for painting a room follows - if you need to choose a complex color or choose a tone that matches the color of the objects in the room, then it is better to mix the paints yourself and in the room you plan to paint.

You need to tint the paint with your own hands and at home because this option is much simpler than choosing paint in a store. The tinting machine, which is used to prepare the paint for sale, does not make mistakes in selecting the tone. But the caveat is that in different lighting the color looks different. It also changes the surface area on which it is applied. Therefore, on a sample in a store, the paint looks in one tone, but when applied to the walls, this tone changes.

Paint tinting rules

  • As mentioned above, you need to select the tone for coloring in the room that will be painted. This is necessary precisely because of the nature and intensity of the lighting in the room. In bright daytime colors, the paint will appear brighter or paler, depending on its color. To fully appreciate the tone and make sure that it is selected, you need to look at it both in daylight and in the light of an electric lamp.

  • When evaluating paint under electric light, it is necessary to use the lamp that will be permanently located in the room. Different densities or colors of lampshades also affect the color of all objects in the room. The same applies to lighting power.
  • On a larger surface area, colors look more saturated than on a small one. This is another reason for the difference in tone between the small probe and the surface. Light falls on the wall unevenly, so in shaded areas, in corners and under windows, the paint looks darker than in other areas, even if the wall is painted the same color. All these nuances must be taken into account when choosing a tone for the walls.
  • When mixing color with paint, you do not need to pour a lot of dye into the base. It is necessary to add gradually and drop by drop, since even one drop changes the tone, and it will be quite difficult to return the paint to its original appearance.

What materials to buy

The manufacturer of the color and its composition do not matter; this component does not affect the quality of the finished coating. Differences between different manufacturers exist only in the tones of the colors offered. Even standard red has slightly different shades from brand to brand. Domestic colors are in no way inferior to imported ones in quality and brightness of colors, but their prices are much lower.

It is best to opt for a tube with a narrow neck. This is especially true for the first tinting experience. In general, in choosing a color there is only one decisive factor - the required color. The choice of foundation needs to be taken more seriously. Buy paint suitable for the type of surface to be painted.

There are specialized paints for walls or ceilings; it is not recommended to replace them with each other. When choosing a base, it is best to give preference to imported manufacturers. The paint for tinting is bought not just white, but snow-white. Although the difference is insignificant at first glance, white paint is not completely white and contains pigments that will interfere with creating the desired tone. Most often, white paint has a yellowish tint, which cannot be removed.

When mixed with a red color, this shade will give it an orange tone, it will turn green into light green, and when adding a purple color to such paint, it will turn out to be a dirty gray color. Therefore, the paint for the base should be absolutely snow-white or as close as possible to that. Then the paint tinting colors will turn out exactly as needed.

Types of water-based paint depending on composition

It’s worth looking in a little more detail at the types of water-based paints produced in order to better understand which one to purchase for repairs. This type of paint and varnish material is divided according to the type of polymer that serves as the base.

There are 4 types of these:

  • Acrylic paint. It is presented in a large assortment on store shelves, as it is one of the most popular. It is made from acrylic resins mixed with various additives that give the paint its basic properties. If latex is used as an additive, then this paint tolerates high humidity well. Another remarkable feature is its ability to hide irregularities of the painted material up to 1 mm in size. Acrylic paints are suitable for application to concrete, wood, metal, plastic and glass. The paint dries completely in a few hours and has no smell at all.

  • Silicone based paint. It is somewhat overpriced, but is still widely used in construction. It has a significant advantage over competitors, which justifies its inflated price. This advantage lies in its vapor-permeable properties and the ability to be used on wet surfaces. Hides wall irregularities up to 2 mm in size.
  • Silicate water emulsion. It is a mixture of water emulsion and liquid glass. An interesting property of this paint is that it absorbs excess moisture and releases it back when the humidity in the room decreases. This type of paint is ideal for external work, as its coating withstands all atmospheric conditions. There is only one contraindication - it is not recommended to use it in rooms with constantly high humidity.
  • Mineral water emulsion. It differs from other types by the presence of cement or slaked lime in its composition. Ideal for coating concrete, brick or plaster. A dried layer of such paint is not afraid of bright light, moisture and chemical influences.

Paint tinting process

Step by step tinting of water-based paint looks like this:

  1. For tinting you will need small glass jars or plastic trays. It is convenient to use packaging for bulk cheeses or yoghurts for this purpose. All materials must be washed thoroughly. All containers, hands and arms must be clean.
  2. A little paint is poured into one of the small containers and its volume is recorded. Add a little color to the paint - a few drops. Record the number of drops poured into the jar.
  3. Mix the mixture well in the jar. Stir until the color becomes uniform. Start the mixture with 2-3 drops and then add one at a time so as not to spoil the prototype.
  4. When the jar has the desired tone, it is applied to a small area of ​​the surface that is planned to be painted. For a prototype, it is enough to paint a 40 by 40 cm square. The surface is left to dry for a day, and then its tone is assessed under natural and electric lighting. As a rule, the color becomes brighter on the wall than it was in the jar.
  5. If the resulting tone is satisfactory, then the entire volume of paint is tinted. When calculating proportions, 20% is subtracted from the calculated amount of color. This is done because the color in a larger area appears brighter than in a smaller square.

An example of calculating the amount of painter:

  1. In the test sample, a sea green color was obtained; for this, green and blue colors were added to the white paint.
  2. Per 100 ml added 5 drops of blue and 2 drops of green.
  3. In proportion to 1 liter of paint you need 50 drops of blue and 20 drops of green, but this calculation is not correct.
  4. The surface to be painted has a larger area than the test sample, therefore 20% is subtracted from the proportion.
  5. Correctly add 45 drops of blue and 16 drops of pink to the specified amount of paint. In this case, the tone will coincide with expectations.
  6. If the finished paint shade does not suit you, increase the amount of color or add other shades. For work to be successful, it must be treated as fun and a creative process. Then all the colors will mix easily, and the colors will turn out bright and saturated.

Rules for painting surfaces with water-based paint

Mixing colors and making water-based paint of the desired tone is only half the battle. Next, it must be properly applied to the surface. This type of paint coating is suitable for painting plaster, brick, concrete, drywall and other materials. But to apply a high-quality layer of paint that will last a long time, you need to follow some simple painting rules:

  • Water-based paint has a rather liquid consistency, so before painting the ceiling or walls, it is recommended to remove all interior items from the room or cover them with film.
  • The surface is prepared for painting. If layers of old coating peel off, they must be removed. The chalk whitewash is washed off completely.
  • If the old water-based paint on the surface does not peel off, then it is not necessary to remove it, just wipe off the dust with a damp cloth and let it dry.
  • All irregularities are carefully sealed with putty, because under a layer of paint, even shallow cracks will be noticeable.
  • If there are drips or stains on the surface, they are painted over with oil paint similar in color to the prepared water-based emulsion tone. In water-based paint, all foreign substances dissolve and then appear through it. This will greatly spoil the freshness of the renovation and the appearance of the room.
  • Also, all metal parts on the surface that fall under the painted area are treated with oil paint. It is not necessary to match the oil paint exactly to the color, but it is better to choose a tone lower than the water-based emulsion used.

  • After treating all cracks and metal objects, it is recommended to carefully treat the surface with a primer. This will not only protect the wall from dampness and extend the life of the coating, but will also improve the adhesion of the paint to the coating. Another plus in favor of priming is that the primer reduces the ability of materials to absorb moisture, which allows paint to be applied more evenly and reduces material consumption.
  • Based on their composition, primers are divided into acrylic, alkyd; for metal and concrete. An acrylic primer is optimally suited as a base for water-based emulsion.
  • Apply the water-based emulsion to the surface using a paint roller, wide paint brush or spray gun. If the paint is applied to a thin layer of putty, then the optimal tool is a spray gun, since the roller will pull the putty and entire layers of it will be torn off from the surface. When working with a spray gun, you must protect your respiratory system with a respirator.
  • The lower temperature threshold for painting work is +5°C.
  • If painting is carried out using a roller, then it is convenient to use a special tray. It allows you to easily pick up material with a roller and remove excess material using the ribbed section.
  • Painting the walls begins in the corner farthest from the entrance to the room. The roller moves along the wall strictly vertically.
  • Water-based paint is applied in several layers. The first layer is allowed to dry for 1-4 hours, and then re-painted.

Modern interior design is full of original shades. The range of finished products does not always contain the required halftone. The color mixing table will help you get the desired result at home. The information will be useful not only when renovating an apartment. Knowledge about mixing colors is useful to a wide range of people: novice painters, auto repair workers, decorators and other creative people.

Mixing experiments: what you need to know in advance

The world around us is filled with a wide color palette, but all the colorful splendor is based on three primary colors: blue, red and yellow. It is by mixing them that the desired halftone is achieved.

To get a new shade, use base colors in different proportions. The simplest example of how to get green. The answer is extremely simple: mixing yellow dye with blue. A visual table of primary, secondary and transition colors obtained by mixing is presented below:

This table will help you understand that the question of how to get yellow is in itself incorrect. It cannot be achieved by combining other components, since yellow belongs to three basic tones. Therefore, when the need for yellow arises, they purchase a ready-made dye or extract the pigment from natural products, which is not entirely advisable.

The same initial colors, taken in different proportions, when mixed, give a new result. The larger the volume of one dye, the closer the final result after mixing will be to the original shade.

Experiments must be carried out taking into account generally known rules. If you combine chromatic colors that are close to each other on the color wheel, after mixing you get a paint with a pronounced chromatic hue, although it does not have a pure tone. The combination of dyes located in opposite directions leads to the formation of an achromatic tone, in which a gray tint predominates. The chromatic circle will help you navigate the optimal combination of colors:

Attention! Mixing dyes does not always lead to a lasting result. Some paints, when combined, provoke a chemical reaction, due to which the decorative coating subsequently cracks. There are cases when the desired background turns gray or darkens over time.

For example, if you take red cinnabar and lead white, the resulting bright pink color will darken after some time. It is advisable to take the most limited amount of original paints to obtain the desired tone. When mixing, their compatibility must be taken into account. For example, oil-based dyes are sensitive to solvents. It is better to immediately exclude materials that darken or quickly fade. A table of combinations that should not be used will prevent errors in the creative process:

Variety of shades of red

Red consists of a trio of original colors that make up the base. Therefore, even a minimal set of paints cannot do without it. However, the question of how to get a red color when mixing paints sometimes still arises. This happens because magenta is involved in printing, so creative searches for how to get red are natural. Everything is solved extremely simply: to obtain natural red, yellow is mixed with magenta in 1:1 volumes.

The color scheme of red is diverse, so there are many combination options:

Comment! A beautiful purple color cannot be obtained by combining violet with red. The only way to achieve a bright shade is to find red paint without yellow impurities and mix it with blue.

The variety of shades of red is demonstrated by the next circle. It is worth noting that adding white colors to any mixture leads to lightening of the tone, and black ones to darkening.

The table below will help you understand the names of shades of red:

Variations of blue

An equally rich palette of shades is obtained by mixing with blue dye, which is part of the basic triad. Therefore, its presence in any set is mandatory. However, even a set of 12 colors sometimes does not meet the needs for a true blue tone. The reason is color variations. The classic tone is called royal, and on sale it is often replaced by ultramarine, which is characterized by a bright dark shade with a slight presence of violet. Therefore, the question of how to get blue no longer seems absurd. The way out of this situation is to add white to the base color in a ratio of 3:1. Blue is obtained in the same way, only more white is used when combining.

An interesting color of blue with a moderately saturated result is obtained by combining darkish ultramarine with turquoise.

  • Equal volumes of blue and yellow dye will produce a dark blue-green tone. The introduction of white promotes some lightening, but the brightness is reduced. The reason lies in the combination of three components, and the more there are, the duller the color turns out.
  • To get a turquoise color, mix cyan blue and add a slightly smaller amount of green. This shade is also called aquamarine.
  • The color obtained from equal volumes of blue and light green is called Prussian blue. When white is introduced, the saturation decreases, but the purity of the hue does not go away.
  • Blue and red colors in a 2:1 ratio produce blue with a hint of purple. The resulting color is lightened by adding white.
  • Mixing equal parts of blue and pink magenta will give a royal blue, which is characterized by unusual brightness.
  • Blue can be darkened by mixing it with black in a 3:1 ratio.

A table with the names of shades of blue will be an assistant in mixing experiments:

Variety of green

The original green is usually presented in all sets; if the required dye is not available, there are no problems obtaining it. Pairing yellow with blue gives the desired green background. But any direction of creativity, be it painting, interior design or another option for decorating objects, requires a wide palette of green. The basic principle of all experiments is to change the proportions of the base colors; white or black dye is used to lighten or darken the background.

  • The combination of blue and yellow with a small addition of brown represents khaki. Green with a small amount of yellow forms olive.
  • Traditional light green is the result of mixing green and white. Adding yellow or blue will help regulate warmth.

    Attention! The quality of the starting components affects the saturation of the green color. The more intense the base tones, the brighter the blending result will be.

  • A yellow-green effect can be achieved by combining yellow and blue in a 2:1 ratio. The inverse proportion will result in a blue-green tone.
  • Dark green color is achieved by adding half the amount of black.
  • A warm light green background is formed from a mixture of white, blue and yellow paint in a 2:1:1 ratio.

The circle demonstrates a variety of green colors. The base dye is located in the center, followed by the additional component, and then the result of mixing. The last circle is experiments of the resulting tone with the addition of white and black dye.

The next table will become an assistant when conducting experiments.

Other shade combinations

The color kaleidoscope is not limited to combining basic dyes. For example, gray is often required. Different proportions of white and black pigment will give a wide achromatic palette.

How to get ivory color? The base color will be white, with ocher and dark brown gradually added in small portions. Ocher promotes the appearance of warm tones, increasing brown leads to a cold background.

Another table shows the many mixing options:

How to get black? By combining cyan, yellow and magenta. They are not always available, so three basic dyes will help. Combining green with red will also give some semblance of black, but it will not be pure.


Even if you haven’t found a description for any question, tables that not only provide mixing recommendations, but also clearly demonstrate the results of the experiments will help. The results of your own mixing experiments may differ slightly from those stated above, it all depends on the composition of the dye and the surface on which it is applied.

At first glance, tinting water-based paint yourself does not seem like a difficult process. But, in order to choose the required shade, you need to take into account some subtleties. There are ready-made paints and varnishes on sale, which do not always meet the main goal - harmony with the interior. Self-tinting will help the dye blend organically into the existing environment. To do this, you need to choose the right color for water-based paint. But why isn't this easy to do?

Subtleties of choice

There is a wide range of colors on the market, suitable for many types of dyes. Dyes for paints and varnishes can be used independently. Some of the pigmenting compositions are universal, because they are used not only for paint, but also for plaster and putty mixture.

When choosing a color, you must remember that in a jar or bottle the color looks brighter than after drying.

The range of pigmenting substances presented on the construction market is large. They are classified according to their purpose:

  • liquid color and pigment paste, used for primers, various impregnations, as well as varnishes applied to wood and other lumber;
  • concentrates of liquid consistency intended for emulsions and dispersed paints made on a water basis;
  • pastes are used for oil, alkyd enamels and most of the various whitewash mixtures.
  • universal coloring pastes for polyurethane, nitrocellulose, epoxy enamels;
  • color with a metallic sheen or mother-of-pearl - this class has a wide range of different compositions, which can be selected for any option suitable for most modern paints and varnishes.

Mixing proportions

As you can see, pigmenting additives have different purposes and are presented in the form of colorants or pastes. The composition of the color does not contain binders; instead, dispersing resins are used to increase solubility and reduce the viscosity of the paste. Base paints are mixed with pigment substances in the following proportions:

  • for water-based ones - no more than 20%;
  • for oil - 1.5 or 2%;
  • for other compositions no more than 5%.

This amount is enough to optimally impart saturation without harm to the treated coating. There are two types of pigments: organic and inorganic.

The first option has a rich and bright shade. But the prepared compositions on such a basis are characterized by insignificant light resistance and a low level of resistance to alkalis, which are released from mineral plaster. These include: soot, manganese, ocher, as well as umber and lapis lazuli.

The second option has high light resistance, but the choice of color collections is limited - these are lutein, rhodopsin and carotene.

If tinting pastes and other pigments have a high percentage of saturation, then this will limit their addition and mixing with water-based paint. Do not forget that a high concentration of pigmenting substance reduces the properties of the coloring material itself.

The color of the water-based paint is combined with the paintwork material itself immediately before application to the required surface, so that the pigment does not settle to the bottom. The finished product is used both inside and outside the building. Concrete, wood, brick, and putty surfaces can be painted.

Benefits of use

The main positive quality of tinting is the fact that using it you can achieve the desired shade. In finished form, the color range is limited and it is difficult to find a suitable option. Other advantages include:

  • affordable price;
  • use independently without the involvement of specialists;
  • there is no need to use special equipment;
  • does not lose its original color when exposed to direct UV rays;
  • mixes well with water-based paint.

After application to various coatings, the base is smooth.

Features of coloring

The most popular type is the color of water-based paint. This is explained by the widespread use of this type of dye when performing repairs both in a city apartment and a country house.

The shades that can be made for water-based paint are very diverse. This helps to use them in the right combination and achieve absolutely any shade. The following types of paints can be pigmented with specialized types of colors:

  • latex;
  • adhesive;
  • water-dispersed.

If there is a package on the counter of a hardware store that says “pigment for acrylic,” you can be sure that it will be suitable for all of the above categories of paints and varnishes.

It is important to remember that the color of water-based paint has an average consumption of 20% of the volume of the base substance.

Preparation of the dye

To give water-based paints the desired shade, you should follow some tips:

  • accurately calculate the required amount of tinting agent for a given volume of paint;
  • when buying a color, you should be guided by the catalog provided by the manufacturer to see what shade the final result will be;
  • if you plan to create a complex tint collection, you need to use special tables that show the final result of mixing paint with different shades;
  • when using an unfamiliar pigment, you do not need to mix the entire volume of paintwork at once, you first need to try it in a small container (the dishes should preferably be white);
  • if the shade of the already dried paint is not satisfactory, you will have to change the proportion of the dye;
  • after a suitable shade has been selected, you can knead the entire bucket;
  • it is necessary to mix the pigment with the base material very carefully, because the final result of the painting work depends on this;
  • To obtain the optimal consistency, you can stir the substance with a drill with variable speed control and an attachment for mixing plaster;
  • set the speed to a minimum so that the paint does not fly in different directions;
  • if it still splashes, you should switch the adjustment to “reverse” mode;
  • immediately before applying the paint to the surface, mix it thoroughly again.

Pigmented coatings in the store

As noted, doing coloring yourself is not so difficult if you follow all the recommendations. But, there is a simpler and better method - this is a computer selection of pigment for water-based paint.

Large construction supermarkets have departments where tinting is carried out using professional equipment. A container with a base (usually white) is placed in a special machine. The program is set with the introduction of information about which shade is selected. The dispenser pours the appropriate pigment or combination of several dyes into the bucket.

The bucket with paint and additional tint components is hermetically sealed and placed on a platform that constantly vibrates. Because of this, the mixture mixes well, resulting in a homogeneous consistency.

The price of a specialized tinting process will be significantly higher than doing it yourself. But with automatic mixing, the result will exceed all expectations.

Tinting of paint is carried out in the event that the required shade is not available in the standard assortment of colors, in order to obtain several shades of the same color, in cases where paint of the previously selected color is not available in stores and a similar one is selected, as well as in cases where the color of the paint dried on the surface being painted does not correspond to the expected result.

Color composition

Based on their composition, colors are divided into organic and inorganic. A pigment of natural origin has a brighter shade than an artificial one, but is more prone to fading in the sun and fades faster.

It is better to use such colors indoors. Natural dyes include chromium oxide, red lead, soot, umber, and ocher.

Typically, manufacturing companies provide dyes with a tinting table of shades for different concentrations of pigment in the paint. As a rule, the proportions given are 1:1, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20 and 1:40. Externally, the paint tinting table looks as shown in the photo in our gallery. Such photos can be easily found on the Internet using the appropriate request.

Color release form

Colors are available in the form of powder, paste or ready-made paint. Powder color is the most inexpensive, but the downside is that it is difficult to achieve a uniform composition when working with it. You need to mix the dye very thoroughly, preferably with a mixer.

It is much easier to use a ready-made option for tinting paint than to mix the composition yourself, since you can make a mistake in the proportions and get unevenly colored areas of the surface. The disadvantage of ready-made tinted paints is that the color range is rather poor.

The tinting paste is very convenient to use; it can be added in small portions until the desired color saturation is achieved. It is not recommended to add paste in proportion to the paint of more than 20%, as this will affect the physical properties of the dye.

Colors are supplied in a variety of containers - cans, bottles, tubes, vials, bags (for powder colors). The choice of containers does not affect the quality of the product.

Sometimes the kit comes with measuring cups, which makes the job more convenient when tinting paint at home. For the convenience of dosing liquid dye, you should also give preference to bottles, especially those with measuring marks applied to them.

Computer color selection

There are RAL and NSC scales used to select the required shade. The RAL scale contains 210 colors and shades, the NSC contains 1950. To obtain the desired color, you need to check the desired shade with one of the scales until the most similar one is selected. Color is added to plasters, alkyd and nitro enamels, and water-based paints.

When using color scales, computer mixing is used, where the dosage of the necessary pigments is carried out with an accuracy of tenths of a gram.

Kneading by hand

It may be necessary to tint the paint manually in cases where the final result of the work does not look as expected. The fact is that paint changes its appearance under different lighting conditions; on a large surface it looks different than on the sample and fades when it dries.

Tinting is done as follows:

100 ml of paint is measured into a clean glass or plastic bottle. Then 3-5 drops of color are added to it, the bottle is tightly closed and the mixture is thoroughly mixed by shaking.

If the color saturation is insufficient, the process is repeated until the required shade is obtained. The experiment can be continued by adding other colors. Be sure to keep a record of what and how much was added.

Apply the resulting paint to a small board or piece of the surface to be painted. Wait for complete drying and evaluate the results. If the option is suitable, using notes, calculate the proportions for a larger container, tint the paint and get to work.

When tinting, it is best to use a mixer; this will make the process faster and the result better. The simplest option looks like an attachment to an electric drill. When mixing, it is not recommended to use plastic containers, since the mixer, accidentally catching the wall of the bucket, can split it.

Knead at low speed, avoiding splashing of the mixture, placing old newspapers under and around the container.

Mix thoroughly, since the final result will depend on this - the presence or absence of lumps of color in the mixture, as well as the uniformity of the resulting dye.

Photo of the paint tinting process

If you want to create a space with colors that perfectly match the decor, you need to buy colors. This is a concentrated pigment, a source of color. It can be added to paint, plaster or putty. The result will exceed expectations, the color will be as rich and deep, multidimensional as possible.

Main types of colors

All colors can be divided into two large groups: with organic pigments and inorganic. Which color is better to choose? Of course, you always want to use environmentally friendly materials when creating indoor design, so colors with organic pigments immediately evoke great sympathy.

However, there is a catch - colors created with their help fade faster and fade under the influence of sunlight. We need to pay attention to this.

If unnatural substances are used as a pigment, this does not mean that they are dangerous. Is it possible to get poisoned by eating a piece of wall painted with paint based on unnatural substances? Perhaps the chances are greater than when the wall is painted with paint containing a color made from natural ingredients. Sometimes it's important, sometimes it's not.

A photo of paint colors and a palette will help you make the final decision. If the base is natural, richer and brighter colors can be created by adding it in smaller quantities.

Kohler is a small jar, there is relatively little of it in it. The color palette for synthetic-based paints is a little more modest. Tinting may turn out to be too expensive at first glance. Is it really? Repairs will not need to be done after three years, for example, if you choose them. Of course that's a plus. The design will surprise, delight, delight, and give pleasant emotions for the prescribed five years, no matter what.

Different consistency

How to dilute paint colors? It all depends on its consistency. There are colors in powder, paste and liquid form. They can be designed for acrylic paint exclusively, for oil-based paint, water-based paint, or suitable for different types at the same time. You also need to pay attention to this, study the label, figure out which variety you like.

Colors in the form of a paste can be dissolved in paint faster than powdered ones. Liquids should be handled carefully as it is easy to add more or less than you should.

Powdered ones need to be mixed well - more thoroughly than others. All colors are diluted first in a small amount of paint, then added to the main volume. The paint is mixed and a preliminary test is made. It is advisable to test the color on a material similar to that which is being dyed so that its absorption capacity is taken into account.

Sometimes it is suggested to mix colors and paints using a computer, a special program, right at the point of sale. This is convenient because you can accurately select the shade - the computer determines how much color is needed. But you need to know in advance how much paint will be needed to complete the entire amount of work, so as not to confuse anything later.

Paint base and color features

Color for acrylic paint is added to acrylic paint and only to it. This is important to remember. If the manufacturer indicates that the dye is universal, then it can be added to another type of paint. It is advisable to use paint and colors from the same company - they completely match each other. This simplifies the color creation process.

The color for façade paint is characterized by greater pigment resistance to environmental factors. It should be added to the façade paint accordingly. Can it be used for interior finishing work?

If it contains harmful substances, even added to non-toxic facade paint, it will have a negative impact on health, which means the degree of toxicity must be indicated on its packaging.

Color for water-based paint is ideally soluble in water. It cannot be added to oil. This is useless, the result is unpredictable - stripes, spots may remain, the aesthetics will be lost, it will not simply blend with it.

A universal color scheme, even if not all of it is used up, will come in handy around the house, probably in the country house or for decorating another room. Therefore, sometimes they try to acquire it. On the other hand, it may turn out to be superfluous, you will want to choose a different color, you will like spending money, the result will make a good impression, it will become clear: these expenses are rational.

Photo of paint colors