How to make a real magic wand? How to make a magic wand: real miracles with your own hands

How to make a real magic wand?  How to make a magic wand: real miracles with your own hands
How to make a real magic wand? How to make a magic wand: real miracles with your own hands

We are not talking about the idea of ​​a children's “toy” wand, which little mummered “princesses” carry with them on all sorts of occasions. New Year's parties. We will talk about a real, real magic wand, which has the power to protect its owner from any danger emanating from all sorts of invisible entities that fill our world.

The wand can become the fulfiller of your deepest desires. However, you should not abuse the power with which you charge your wand. A magic wand, no matter how powerful it may be, is a tool in the hands of a person. Therefore, if it falls into the wrong and inept hands, it can harm even its owner!

If you still make up your mind and think that life is not life for you without a magic wand, then know that it will take you a whole year to make it. Doesn't stop this long term? Then - forward to your dream, show all your diligence and perseverance. In the process of creating a wand, you will have to teach it a lot, and also learn a lot yourself. You will study together with your wand throughout your entire life - it is during this period that your wand, endowed with your energies, will exhibit “magical” properties and will be able to cast spells.

In order to make your wand correctly (there are also not quite correct ones, we will talk about them later), you need to find YOUR tree, which will voluntarily agree (yes, yes, it will agree, you read that right!) to become your friend and helper for the rest of the year. life.

In search suitable tree, you should turn off all extraneous thoughts, focus on the task, listen to your intuition.

Please note - a tree is also a living creature! You can also talk and communicate with him. Some people have very well developed abilities with which they communicate with surrounding nature! But if you do not have such abilities, do not despair! Intuition and perseverance have not been canceled!

So, for the CORRECT magic wand, a young tree is best suited. If a powerful tree responds to your call, then ask it for a twig.
Just “ask”! In order to “hear” YOUR tree, you need to wander in the park, in the forest, or take a walk in the garden for more than one day.

You can start looking for material for a stick at any time of the year; even winter and autumn are not an obstacle to communicating with wood. Yes, the Tree is sleeping, but it continues to hear, which means it can answer you.

When approaching each tree, address it respectfully with your request, ask the tree for a twig as your faithful friend and helper.
Listen to yourself, perhaps you will be drawn like a magnet to the tree you need.
Having chosen a suitable clearing, sit down among the trees, put all your thoughts in order, start meditation - it will help you concentrate, remove all unnecessary things and enter into harmony with nature.
At pre-selection tree you can also be guided Celtic horoscope, in it you will find out which tree matches your character. But, again, I remind you that the tree must agree and voluntarily give you its branch.

By showing your imagination, you can find many more ways to unite with nature, which will be very useful to you in the future - you also need to communicate with a magic wand, mentally merge...

Some experts advise choosing sound tree species for a magic wand. Young plants have a softer core, while older plants have a harder, stronger core.
Sticks made from oak, pine, and bamboo will have interesting properties.

If your choice fell on bamboo wood, then you will simply need to go to the places where this tree grows. More the best option there will be bamboo grown with your own hands in a pot - it is already half energetically connected with you.

Do you know that even in our time, priests of Ganesh and even some Indian Yogis use magic wands with great success! They certainly will not reveal to us their centuries-old secrets and methods of making sticks!

So, you set off for a walk in the forest (park, garden). While meditating, you felt that some tree was “calling” you. Another moment and you are already standing under it. Try to start a dialogue with the tree, listen... If you have the ability to communicate with nature, it will be easier for you to establish contact with the right tree. If not, use your intuition.

Listen to your feelings carefully and don’t think about cutting off the first branch you come across. When you clearly hear the tree's response, explain to it why you need the stick. Explain that you will make a magical thing out of it that will be your friend and helper. Only after receiving consent from the tree to give you a branch, you can proceed to the next stage!

We received consent. Now you need to correctly cut off the desired branch. To do this, hit the base of the branch sharply, but not hard. Proof that you heard everything correctly and correctly understood the tree’s answer will be a branch that easily falls off.

And now begins the second important part of turning an ordinary branch into a magical tool of witchcraft.

Video on the topic: How to make a magic wand at home?!

How to make a magic wand to cast magic

It's coming very important point! The branch has been obtained, now you need to correctly make the stick itself from it.

To begin with, the resulting branch must be rid of side shoots and buds, cleared of bark, given the intended shape and cleaned until smooth.

Take your branch in your hands, align the cut, cut the other end of the branch, determining the desired length for your stick;
Cut off all shoots on the branch;
Now put down the knife! In the future, when making a wand, you won’t need it anymore! All processes will need to be done manually!
Clean the workpiece from the bark using your nails and teeth. When the workpiece becomes completely white, you can stop - the bark has been successfully removed;
The cleaned stick must dry well within 10-15 days so that we can move on to the next operation. I draw your attention to the fact that the wand must be in constant contact with the owner;

The next stage is ironing. To do this, you need to take only natural tools, namely fine-grained pumice or stone. With their help, slowly and with all your heart, you should carefully process the wand. If desired, you can sharpen one end of the stick. Having sanded the stick in this way, achieve complete smoothness and level it along its entire length;
For convenience and for the purpose of constantly carrying the stick with you, make a small hole in it (again using your nails!) and thread a loop of braid into it.
Don't be afraid that soon the smooth stick will be covered small cracks- this is normal and natural process. We continue to grind and achieve completely dry sticks - then it will no longer crack, but will remain smooth forever. When such a result is achieved, know that it is yours. wand for witchcraft completely ready!

A prerequisite is the owner's constant contact with his future magic wand (from the moment of cutting)! Whether it’s in the shower, whether it’s in bed, at work, or on the street – the “candidate” stick preparation should be with you constantly and every second! Contacting the owner, she gains his energy and is born like a WAND! Staying with the owner in various life situations, she, together with him, feels the emotions experienced by the owner, which allows the wand to tune in to the owner and come into contact with him. The most interesting thing is that over time, the owner will also feel the emotions that the wand experiences - the connection is two-way. Try to pick up the wand at every opportunity, talk to it, tell it about your desires, pass your thoughts through it. Committing magical rituals, the main participant in the action should be yours Magic wand.

Do not leave your “sorceress” even for a moment for a whole year - it is during this time that the wand will be saturated with YOUR energy. The contact will be so powerful that any of your desires, any of your slipped thoughts will be known to the magic wand. She will become a formidable weapon in your hands, protection and friend. You will never want to part with her!

At the very beginning, we mentioned that there is another type of sticks that is easier to make, simpler, but such a stick will not have a long-lasting effect.

A wand will turn out half magical if you do not have contact with it every second, if the time required for its production is significantly reduced, if when processing it you used sandpaper or a nail file instead of natural stones.

Such a stick will also contain some magical properties, but it won’t last long at all.

Video on how to make a Harry Potter wand

Weren't you scared by everything you read? Aren't you afraid of being the owner of a Force of such power? Then search and create, but do not forget that you must be guided primarily by justice, objectivity and mercy. Otherwise, your own weapon in the wrong hands will be directed at you! Easing people's suffering, healing incurable diseases, getting rid of harmful entities - this is a worthy use for a magic wand!

It is quite possible to make a real magic wand with magic at home. It often takes a lot of time to make a magical attribute.

People with strong energy usually have one year. For those who are energetically weak – several years. But the manufacturing and training process can be significantly reduced to a few weeks or days.

To do this you will have to work hard and devote a huge amount of effort. And no matter how skeptics joke about this, it is quite possible to make a magic wand with magic - the main thing is to believe.

note! An important stage When making a magic wand is the choice of material and the method of making the attribute.

The easiest way to make a wish-granting wand is for children. Firstly, children have a strong clean energy. Secondly, they believe in miracles. Thirdly, they are easy to train and educate.

IN real life in adults, these qualities are dulled or completely absent, which aggravates the process of filling the wand with magic.

Children are primarily attracted to appearance products. Often kids want the same wand as Harry Potter.

At home, such a stick can be made from real wood, but another option is also possible, which will quickly and efficiently repeat all the same contours and shapes.

In addition to the material basis for full functioning, a spell and preparation are required.

How to make a magic wand with your own hands:

Material for production Manufacturing Features
Wood, wood varnish, paint, decorative ornaments It takes a long time to make a wooden stick. First you need to choose the type of wood that suits your personality. It is best if it is a young seedling.

The branch is stripped until it takes the desired shape. All defects are removed using sandpaper.

The finished product is first coated with paint, then wood varnish, and only finally decorated. Decorations can be natural stones, beads, textile ribbons, feathers

Several sheets of white paper, PVA glue, gouache, decorations It will not be possible to make a full-fledged magic wand out of paper, since paper does not carry the same energy as a plant. But external qualities There will be nothing to give up if everything is done carefully.

A stick is formed from slightly damp sheets of white paper. The paper must be tightly compressed, otherwise the product will turn out fragile.

You should first add office glue to the water to secure the result. Afterwards painting and decorating is done

Pencil, paint, decor, knife, sandpaper A chopped base is formed from a pencil using a knife. The base is processed sandpaper. The next steps are coloring and decoration.

If you have no experience working with wood, you can simply recolor the pencil and then decorate it further

Where and how to store?

The magic wand must be stored in appropriate conditions so that it does not lose its properties.

Some magicians leave the item of magic in secluded secret places that only they know about. But you can leave it magic item and at home.

You should not leave a real stick in a visible place - you need to prepare a special place for it where it will be stored. magical properties subject.

To store a real magic wand, the following storage conditions are required:

  1. Keep out of reach of other people. It is best if it is protected by a magical amulet or spell.
  2. The wand itself is placed in the casket or a special handbag.
  3. The casket must be large and reliable. It's good if it has a lock.
  4. In order for it to cast magic, you need to use it periodically magical properties, performing at least basic spells.

Many magicians, in order to fully protect their magical weapons, have special animals. Such a companion will help in maintaining the magic wand and other magical matters.

How to use it correctly?

A wand that fulfills wishes requires an appropriate attitude. It is absolutely impossible to master a magic item in 5 minutes.

Some people spend years mastering wisdom related to use. The help of more experienced magicians is often needed.

You can also learn to use a stick on your own, just follow the basic rules clearly.

How to learn how to use it correctly yourself:

  • During the casting process it is required maximum concentration of energy.
  • All forces as accurately as possible aimed at fulfilling desires.
  • The spell must be cast clearly and correctly.
  • During the process of witchcraft, you should definitely think about the result, which may work out.
  • The desire must be spoken to oneself at the moment of witchcraft. At the same time, it is specified as what is desired at the present time.
  • The attitude should only be positive not only during the spell, but also after the action.
  • It’s definitely worth thanking the “Universe”, even if the dream is too incredible and may not come true in the future.
  • After magical actions, you need to be aware of everything that happens to you. The wish will not come true on its own - a program will be sent, with the help of which the action itself will be performed.
  • It may take quite a lot of time to make a wish., so you should exercise maximum patience.
  • Positive interaction with those around you will enhance the magic.

A working magic wand should first be charged with positive energy by performing several good deeds.

Important! Don't pretend if you're in a bad mood or if it happened recently unpleasant event. It is better to postpone magical work.

It's easy to cast spells especially in clear days when not magnetic storms and natural disasters.

Useful video

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Currently, official science is slowly but surely self-destructing under the weight of its own delusional postulates, which the sobered consciousness completely refuses to continue to eat. But a holy place is never empty, so there is a hunger for information and we want to fill the space vacated by garbage with real knowledge.

As you know, the greatest secret on Earth is our past. Forget all the nonsense that they print freshly baked missions in their little books, in several volumes, and even in millions of copies. Use logic: this is not why the System invested such colossal efforts in erasing the memory of the people, so that later some bearded devil would tell the same people how it really happened. No one will just say anything, but we can still pick up grains of truth in fairy tales, myths and legends. Their creatures, of course, are constantly adapting them to the current generation, but they still don’t touch the essence, since the truth is so incredible that no one will believe in it now, but for a beautiful fairy tale will accept.

All peoples of the planet have fairy tales. The funny thing is that when studying them in detail, it turns out that fairy tales describe the same people characters in the same events, only from different observation points. I would like to elaborate on the attribute of many fairy-tale heroes, without which any fairy tale would become insipid - on a magic wand.

So, depending on the narrator’s imagination, it is described in different ways: from a branch to a golden staff. It is clear that the parameters of the wand must correspond to the character: no one will hand a fragile fairy Santa Claus’ staff and vice versa.

When we watch movies and cartoons, where with the wave of a magic wand anything appears, we immediately want one! We were taught that the whole point is in the stick, but this is a deception that was imposed by modern editors in order to divert us from the truth. In fact, there is no magic here, it’s all about the concentration of energy, your own energy. This is a grain of dangerous truth, so the object of desire was made of a stick, rather than the study and revelation of one’s own deep sleeping abilities.

Have you ever noticed that at the moment of aggression a person points his finger at the person he is angry with? He does this unconsciously, but this does not reduce the effect: the aggressor concentrates his anger on the tip of his finger and pierces the aura as if with a sword. People pronounce all curses with a poke index finger. No magic - pure physics. Now imagine how you can strengthen the message many times over if you lengthen your finger... with a stick, for example.

All things keep memories of events and their owners. First, a person works for an object, fills it with his energy, charging his battery for the future, then the object begins to work for the owner, creating a symbiosis with him. The longer the interaction, the more the item helps. There is a very important point here: the object serves only its owner and is upset in the hands of a stranger, since he does not identify it - the code is not the same, the energy is not recognizable.

An athlete will never give his equipment into the wrong hands, a master will never give his instrument to anyone, the same garbage with weapons, cards, runes, etc. It’s the same with a magic wand: over time, it gains its “experience” and gains own strength, helping its owner get things done. Now she is his working tool, amplifier and concentrator of his own energy. Here a fundamental point emerges: the stick is secondary, it is generated by man as a source of energy. That's why everyone fairy tale character your own send amplifier: from a small twig to a heavy staff.

Now about the circulation of energy. In men, the right hand receives energy, and the left gives, in women it is exactly the opposite. Thus, when a man wants to take something from space or from a person, he must take the stick in his right hand; if he releases it, then in his left. The woman is the opposite. The question arises: is it possible to counteract such attacks? Can. If your finger focuses, then you need to disperse its action - put out your palm.

In the picture, Rusich takes the curse with his right hand and immediately returns it, but now strengthened many times over.

In unskilled hands, the palm turns into a wall, and in trained hands, into a mirror. That is, you will, at a minimum, isolate yourself from the attack and, at a maximum, reflect the blow back to the attacker.

Now we know how a magic wand works, in which hand and under what circumstances to hold it, but do wizards really only wave staves, wands, scepters and similar crap in fairy tales? Or maybe wizards are not so fabulous, but lived and live in modern world and continue to fulfill their desires?

We look at the picture: the king (man), what is that in his little hands? This is a scepter and an orb!

The scepter is nothing more than a concentrator of his energy, and judging by the fact that he is in right hand- this means the king draws in energy from the outside. Let us remember that kings were strictly forbidden to receive guests without the holy trinity: crown, scepter and orb. We've dealt with the stick - it draws energy out of the guest. Why do you need a crown?

Everyone has seen the contents of a TV cable. The central wire must be protected from electrical interference by a braided mesh. In electronics this is called "Screen", a shielded cable. Best screen obtained from precious metals: silver, gold, platinum, etc.

After the capture of Rus', not a single person, regardless of class, walked without such a screen around his head.Ordinary people tied their heads with ropes and ribbons, stitched with silver or gold threads; on holidays, women wore kokoshniks.

Knights were shielded with helmets and armor from psychotronic cannons on the battlefield, and kings wore crowns.

The crown is not just a ring of gold, it has jagged energy dissectors directed towards the top.

All fortresses end with exactly the same battlements,But the researchers do not understand that the perimeter of the city and the fortress walls in the form of battlements cut through the energy of the attack, thereby significantly crippling the enemy.

Tool Magic wand(Magic Wand) - one of the oldest tools in Photoshop.

Unlike other tools that select pixels in an image based on shapes or the edges of an object, Magic wand(Magic Wand) selects pixels based on tone and color.

Many people are disappointed in Magic wand(Magic Wand) (giving it the unkind name " terrible wand") because sometimes it seems impossible to control which pixels this tool needs to select.

In this lesson, we'll look at the magical properties of the tool, how the wand actually works, and learn to recognize the situations for which this ancient, but still incredibly sought-after tool was created.

Selecting with the Magic Wand Tool

If you are using Photoshop CS2 or more early versions, you can choose Magic wand(Magic Wand) by simply clicking on it in the toolbar. IN Photoshop CS3, Adobe represents adjacent to With a magic wand(Magic Wand) tool Quick selection(Quick Selection).

Therefore, if you are using the version CS3 and above (here I use Photoshop CS5), you need to click on the tool icon Quick selection(Quick Selection) in the toolbar by holding down the mouse button for a couple of seconds until the drop-down menu appears.

Select from menu Magic wand(Magic Wand):

Magic wand(MagicWand) is located in a group with the tool Quick selection(Quickselection) version Photoshop CS3 and higher.

Magic in a wand

Before we look at the action Magic wand(Magic Wand) on real example, let's see how the tool works and that there is no magic involved.

Here is a simple image I created, it consists of a black and white gradient divided by a red cross line down the center:

As I already said, Magic wand(Magic Wand) in Photoshop Selects pixels based on tone and color. When we click on an area of ​​the image with the tool, Photoshop determines the tone and color of the area we clicked on and selects pixels that have the same color and brightness values. It does Magic wand(Magic Wand) is indispensable for highlighting color in large areas.

For example, let's say I want to highlight a horizontal bar. All I have to do is click somewhere inside the red bar With a magic wand(Magic Wand). Photoshop will see that I clicked on an area of ​​red and will immediately select every pixel in the image that has the same shade of red, thereby highlighting the red stripe immediately after clicking on it:

One click With a magic wand(Magic Wand) is all you need to highlight the entire red stripe.

Magic Wand Tool Options


Selecting the solid-colored stripe was easy enough since there were no more pixels in the image that were the same shades of red, but let's see what happens if I click With a magic wand(Magic Wand) by gradient. I click on the gray area in the center of the gradient above the red stripe:

This time Photoshop highlighted a central range of brightness values ​​limited to pixels that have exactly the same tone and color as the central gray area I clicked on. Why is that? To find the answer, we need to look at the tool settings panel at the top of the screen. In particular, we need to pay attention to the value of the parameter Tolerance(Tolerance):

Parameter Tolerance(Tolerance) says Photoshop, how different in tone and color the pixels that form the area we have chosen to include in the selection can be. Default value Tolerance(Tolerance) set to 32 , it means that Photoshop will select any pixels of the same color as the area we clicked on and add more pixels to them 32 various shades darker and 32 brighter shades. In the case of my gradient, which includes 256 brightness levels between pure white and pure black, Photoshop selected pixels located in the range between 32 shades darker and 32 shades brighter than the gray shade I clicked on.

Let's see what happens if I increase the value Tolerance(Tolerance) and try again. I'll increase the value to 64 :

Upon Admission(Tolerance), doubled compared to the previous example, if I click With a magic wand(Magic Wand) at the same center point of the gradient, Photoshop should select an area twice as large as the previous example because it includes pixels within 64 shades darker and 64 shades brighter than the main one grey colour, which I clicked on.

So here's what we have:

This time with an increased value Tolerance(Tolerance), the selected gradient area has become twice as large.

What if I want to select only the shade of the gradient that I click on?
In this case I should set Tolerance(Tolerance) on 0 , which will give the command Photoshop do not include any other pixels in the selection, only those that I designated by clicking:

When the parameter is set Tolerance(Tolerance) on 0 , I'll click again on the same point in the center of the gradient, and this time we'll get a very thin selection line. Every pixel that has a different tone from the gray I clicked on was ignored:

Increase or decrease a value Tolerance(Tolerance) has a big impact on which pixels in the image will be highlighted With a magic wand(Magic Wand).

You can install Tolerance(Tolerance) to any value between 0 and 255.
The higher the value, the wider the range of pixels that will be highlighted. Photoshop. Tolerance(Tolerance) set to 255 will select the entire image, so you should generally choose lower values.

Adjacent pixels (Contiguous)

When we looked at the parameter settings Tolerance(Tolerance) Magic wand(Magic Wand), you may have noticed one thing. Every time I clicked on the gradient above the red bar, Photoshop highlighted a certain range of pixels, but only within the gradient I clicked on. The gradient below the red bar, identical to the gradient I clicked on, was completely ignored, even though it contains exactly the same shades of gray that should have been included in the selection.

Why weren't the pixels from the bottom gradient included?

Another reason for this is important parameter in the settings panel - Adjacent pixels(Contiguous).

When the parameter is checked Adjacent pixels(Contiguous), as it is set by default, Photoshop will select only those pixels that are included in the acceptable color and color range defined by the parameter Tolerance(Tolerance). Any pixels located within the parameter values Tolerance(Tolerance), but those separated from the area you clicked on by pixels not included in the specified range will not be selected.

In the case of my gradient, the pixels at the bottom of the gradient that were supposed to be included in the selection were ignored because they were separated from the area I clicked by a red stripe whose pixel colors were not within the limits set by the parameter Tolerance(Tolerance).

Let's see what happens if I uncheck the option Adjacent pixels(Contiguous).

I'll click on the center of the top gradient again with Magic wand(Magic Wand), and this time, with the parameter unchecked Adjacent pixels(Contiguous), pixels of the lower gradient that are within the specified parameter value Tolerance(Tolerance) will also be highlighted, even though they are still separated from the area I clicked by a red stripe:

When disabled Adjacent pixels(Contiguous), any pixels throughout the image that are within the specified limit of the parameter Tolerance(Tolerance) will be highlighted.

Extra options

Tolerance(Tolerance) and Adjacent pixels(Contiguous) – two parameters that have the greatest influence on Magic wand(Magic Wand), but there are a couple of other parameters that are of minor importance.

Once the tool Magic wand(Magic Wand) selects pixels, it selects them in a quadrilateral shape, the selections can sometimes have jagged edges, often called the "effect" ladders».

Photoshop can smooth out the edges after applying a slight blur to them, this procedure is better known as Smoothing(Anti-aliasing). We can turn the tool's anti-aliasing on and off Magic wand(Magic Wand) by checking or unchecking the option Smoothing(Anti-alias) in the settings panel.

This option is enabled by default, and in most cases you can leave it enabled.

Leave Smoothing(Anti-alias) enabled in order to Magic wand(Magic Wand) smoothed the edges of the selection.

Also by default when you click on an image With a magic wand(Magic Wand), it only looks for pixels within the layer you are working on this moment. This is usually how we want to use this tool, but if your document has many layers and you want to include all the layers in your selection, select the option Sample from all layers(Sample all layers) in the settings panel.

By default it is not checked:

Leave Sample from all layers(Sample All Layers) unchecked to limit your selection to the active layer.

Case Study

Here is an image that I opened in Photoshop.
I like this photo overall, but the sky could have looked more interesting.
I'm thinking of replacing the sky with something else:

Moving the sky means that first I have to select it. As I noted earlier, Magic wand(Magic Wand) is characterized by highlighting large areas of the same color, and since the sky is pure blue, with only slight variations in tones, Magic wand(Magic Wand) will cope with this task with ease.

With the tool active and all its parameters set to default ( Tolerance(Tolerance) 32 , Adjacent pixels(Contiguous) marked), I click somewhere at the top of the image:

Since the sky is completely blue, Magic wand(Magic wand) there were no problems with its selection after a single click. Despite this, in reality the sky transitions from a light blue hue just above the buildings to a darker hue at the top of the photo, and the meaning Tolerance(Tolerance) 32 not high enough to cover the full range of tonal values, leaving a large area of ​​light blue above the buildings out of selection:

Adding selections

My first attempt to create a sky selection was unsuccessful because the value Tolerance(Tolerance) was too low, I should have tried increasing the value Tolerance(Tolerance), but there is more easy way fix the problem. Like other tools Photoshop, Magic wand(Magic Wand) has the parameter " add to existing selection" (add to existing selections), which means I can keep the selection I made earlier and just add more sky to it.

To add a selection, hold down the key Shift and click on the area you want to add.

You will see a small plus sign ( + ) in the lower left corner of the cursor Magic wand(Magic Wand), allowing us to understand that the parameter “ add to selection" (add to selection).

In my case, holding down the key Shift, I'll click somewhere in the sky area that wasn't included in the original selection:

While holding down the key Shift, click on the area you want to add.
Thus, Photoshop will add to the existing selection new site sky.
All that was needed was two mouse clicks:

Selecting what is not needed in the first place

So, since the sky will change, I want the selection to include the image below the sky, since that's the part I want to keep. And drawing a selection using tools such as Polygonal/Polygonal Lasso(Polygonal Lasso) or Magnetic lasso(Magnetic Lasso) would take a lot of time and nerves, while Magic wand(Magic Wand) made it easy and simple.

Now this is the most popular and very accessible extraction technique using Magic wand(Magic Wand) - first we select the area that we do not want to include in the work, and then we simply invert the selection!

To invert the selection, which will select everything that was not included in the selection (in my case, everything below the sky) and deselect everything that was selected (the sky), go to the menu Selection(Select) at the top of the screen and select Inverse(Invert). Or use more quick way invert the selection - use a short command on the keyboard Shift+Ctrl+I (Win)/ Shift + Command + I (Mac):

Go to menu Selection – Invert(Select – Inverse).
With an inverted selection, the sky is no longer selected, just everything below it in the image is selected:

Next, I'll open the image that I want to replace the original sky with. I'll press Ctrl+A (Win) / Command+A (Mac) to quickly select the entire image, then Ctrl+C (Win) / Command+C (Mac) to copy it to the clipboard:

I'll switch back to my original image and click on the Background layer in the Layers panel so that when I paste the image, it will appear as a layer between the two existing layers:

Finally, I'll press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V (Win) / Command+V (Mac) to insert an image into the document.

Everyone loves blue sky, but sometimes a little cloud can make a bigger impact:

Like other Photoshop tools, success in using Magic wand(Magic Wand) depends on whether you know which ones are best to use this tool.

As we saw from the lesson, Magic wand(Magic Wand) best for highlighting large quantity pixels that have a similar tonality and color are ideal for highlighting and replacing a plain sky in a photo or for images where the subject is against a uniform background. Use the technique " highlight what you don't need in the first place» in cases where selecting an area around an object using Magic wand(Magic Wand) can be faster and easier than selecting the object itself using other tools.

That's all!

Translation: Antsyperovich Alexandra;

Let me ask you one question, do you believe in the “magic wand”? I'm asking quite seriously. Well, of course, many will answer that “no,” we are all developed, civilized people, we don’t believe in fairy tales, we have learned to look at things objectively, although we don’t understand what things are and what objectivity is. But even despite such paradoxes, it seems to us all that we know better, and this time we will not be fooled. And I don't intend to. But before I give you information to think about, I suggest you dream up a little.

Imagine that you have a certain “apparatus,” I’ll call it that, thanks to which you can create various material objects. For example, your body felt hungry, you wanted an apple, with the help of simple manipulations you set a program for the “device” and get a natural, real apple (without GMOs and any other artificial rubbish). Another option is that your pants are suddenly worn out and you need new jeans - the downloaded “jeans” program will give you the opportunity to get new pants. The third option, more fantastic and attractive, the car in which you have been driving recently no longer meets your needs, you enter the program into the “miracle device” and get a new “Mercedes-Benz”. Of course, the Mercedes company will probably cease to exist by then, because people will stop paying it money. Well, in a word, a 100% fantastic world, where everyone has a magic wand in their hands or everyone has everything.

Unreal! The entire population of the Earth is now shouting in unison with indignation. People shouldn't be given this kind of thing! Well, well, it’s unrealistic or impossible, as you say, but I dare to remind you, and who should notice, that “Primordial AllatRa Physics” quite transparently hints that the thing is quite real, moreover, it even suggests “Constructor elementary particles from Po particles! (link).

Perhaps this is some kind of clever invention? By following the link and viewing it, you tell me. Nothing is clear at all! Me too. But if we do not understand, this does not mean that the thing we are talking about is inherently impossible. Agree.

Look at the latest puzzle from the Rothschild family, this time they encrypted their traditional annual prophecies in the form of Tarot cards. What do we see on the map “The Magician” (translated into Russian as “Magician”)? It shows a 3D printer that has printed four residential buildings! By the way.

Again, fiction, deception, speculation? Or is it still ambiguous information? More likely, the latter.

What else can this say? Well, firstly, hypothetically, that someone already knows what matter consists of. And secondly, according to the fact that some technologies already exist, many have probably seen a 3-D printer in action. And if theoretically this is possible, then for practical side just time. The question is, what will a person choose, an apple or a bomb? - I won’t post it yet, this is a separate big chapter. I won’t even speculate when this very magic wand will appear in our hands. Why? Because I’m too lazy to figure it all out.

Let me clarify a little, you and I are lazy, not the Rothschilds...

PS or maybe I'm wrong?

Prepared by: Ah...