How to make your own grill from a gas cylinder. Making an aerosol can with your own hands What can be made from an empty can

How to make your own grill from a gas cylinder. Making an aerosol can with your own hands What can be made from an empty can

But really, what can you make from a gas cylinder with your own hands? It has so happened since the times of the Soviet Union that many products can be fundamentally recycled and new designs can be obtained from them that will perform completely different functions. As it turns out, you can do a lot from a gas cylinder and, mind you, everything will be done with your own hands.

Stove from a cylinder

The first thing that comes to mind when looking for an answer to the question of what you can make from a gas cylinder with your own hands is a potbelly stove. Such a unit has many advantages, as well as the installation principle itself. Firstly, the thickness of the walls of the gas cylinder is 3 mm and this is quite enough to prevent a potbelly stove from burning out already in the first season of operation. Secondly, you will have to modify the gas cylinder quite a bit - the stove is made in one day with your own hands. The third advantage is the huge choice of designs: you can make a stove from one cylinder or from two, vertical or horizontal. Use your own imagination or tips from the Internet - and you can make a product out of a gas cylinder that will help you out in the cold winter.

There are also disadvantages. Or rather, these are not even shortcomings, but features that must be taken into account so that they do not turn into shortcomings. For example, before burning wood for the first time, it is necessary to remove the paint from the outside of the parts from the cylinder. Otherwise, the paint will begin to fade and fill the room with acrid smoke. It is also MANDATORY to take care of fire safety. The walls of a stove made from a gas cylinder can become red hot and this is fraught with many troubles. It may seem to you that such heating is only a plus, because it will be warm inside the room. But anything that can flare up from such strong heating will certainly flare up if it is too close to the potbelly stove. And you need to take care of the walls of the room itself: our workshop’s cinder block wall cracked vertically along its entire height after just a few evenings of use. What can be done to protect the wall: install the stove at a distance from it, protect it with a galvanized screen mounted on the wall at a short distance from it, or heat the potbelly stove in moderation. The latter, by the way, is not the best - it will be difficult to “guess” the optimal amount of firewood. And most importantly: a stove made from a gas cylinder with your own hands (or even someone else’s) will cool down very quickly. As long as the fire is burning inside, as long as firewood is being added, it will be warm. But as soon as the wood burns out, the stove instantly cools down. Insulating the walls of the room where such a potbelly stove will be used will help, as will the elimination of even minimal cracks in the area of ​​the windows, doors or gates of the room.

Feeders for animals and birds

This is another option that you can make from a gas cylinder with your own hands and still get excellent quality. Such feeders seem to be, if not eternal, then 100% durable. The gas cylinder is cut along its axis and you get two halves, each of which will become an excellent feeder for pigs, sheep or a waterer for poultry. All that remains is to weld the stand, since the lower part of each of the halves will be semicircular and, of course, will not stand on the ground. You can also cut off the top and bottom of the cylinder along the line of the backing rings and get small round feeders. They are suitable for small animals and provided that we are talking about one or two individuals. Or maybe it will be drinking bowls for chickens - it's up to you.

Here you also need to take into account some features so as not to be upset later. Since food will be poured inside such feeders, you should especially carefully clean the inside of gasoline. If the cylinder has been refilled multiple times and has not been cleaned, gasoline will accumulate inside and have a very strong odor. A strong smell plus oiliness over the entire surface - this must be removed so as not to poison poultry and animals. How to do it yourself: a set of actions helps, including washing in boiling water using various cleaning agents, burning with a blowtorch and cleaning using attachments on a drill or angle grinder.

Manual roller for compaction

And also from a gas cylinder, and also with your own hands. A roller is a rarely used thing, but if you really need it, it’s difficult to find. Compact the asphalt surface if you have to do it yourself and don’t have to rely on a roller; compacting the base for paving slabs, compacting the soil - there can be many situations. The main thing is that making a manual roller from a gas cylinder with your own hands is even easier than the previous crafts that we mentioned above. A U-shaped pipe with a diameter of about an inch, the ends of which will be attached to the center of the upper and lower parts of the cylinder by means of bearings and a handle of a shape and length convenient for your hands - that’s the whole structure. Water or sand is used as filler. Water is lighter, sand is heavier, so the choice depends on the purpose of the skating rink.

The main thing is safety. Since parts will be welded to the gas cylinder, you should take care to clean it from gasoline to prevent troubles. At the end of the article we will talk about this in more detail.

Other crafts from balloons

If you thought that a stove, a feeder and a roller are the entire list of what you can make from a gas cylinder with your own hands, then you are mistaken. There is no limit to ingenuity: various containers for storing something, a smokehouse, a grill, a feed cutter, an autoclave, a compressor and even a boiler - this is a relatively complete list of crafts. Another thing is that some of these designs are not always justified and it will be easier to purchase (purchase) a ready-made unit for safety reasons. If the master knows what he is doing with his own hands and it is so safe for use, then the issue is removed. But if you don’t have enough intelligence, then you can either kill yourself or your loved ones. We don’t want to offend anyone, but cases are different.

How to disassemble a gas cylinder

We promised above that we will teach you how to disassemble the cylinder safely and we keep our word. First of all, don’t think that everything is so simple and safe - if you act incorrectly, you can get burned in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Let's give an example from our youth. This is precisely the period when there was little experience, there was no Internet, but there was a burning desire to use the gas cylinder for other purposes. Logic dictated that we should be wary of even that insignificant amount of gasoline inside, but we didn’t want to get too dirty. Therefore, having knocked down the valve with a sledgehammer, we began to fill the container with water, shake it off and drain the liquid. After repeating this five times, we decided that there was no longer a threat. We started sawing the cylinder along the axis with a grinder and were already 90% done with the work. And only then (!) the remains of the gasoline flared up and the master was engulfed in a cloud of flame. Nothing terrible - just burnt eyebrows and hair all over the exposed body - but it’s unpleasant.

The instructions will help you disassemble the cylinder (cut it) without consequences:

  • Even if you are sure that the cylinder is empty, you must open the valve. By venting even that small amount of gas, you will once again protect yourself.
  • The valve must be removed. Here everyone tries according to their capabilities and imagination. Some knock it down with a sledgehammer, others cut it off with a grinder or a hand hacksaw, and still others twist it out. The last option is the safest, but difficult to do at home. Clamping the cylinder so that it does not rotate under the force of the key is difficult. If you use a hand saw to cut the valve at the very base of the cylinder, ONLY! No cutters or angle grinders!
  • The hole that appeared after removing the valve is small in diameter, but it is enough to pour water inside. Why is this necessary? The water will displace the remaining gas and nothing will flare up when cutting. Here there is a slight difficulty, or rather inconvenience: you need to cut the bottle with water inside and water will definitely flow out of the resulting cut. There is nothing you can do about it - this is a feature that you need to be able to adapt to. For example, the place where you will be working with your hands should be such that spilled water does not collect and you will not have to stir up the dirt with your feet. Naturally, this operation should take place outdoors and not indoors.
  • If an abundance of water cannot be avoided, then you can risk rinsing the cylinder several times, washing off the remaining gasoline. Just note: we specifically wrote the word “risk”, since we cannot give guarantees of safety. in our case, as you remember, there was almost no gasoline, but it flared up at the end of the cutting.
  • Cutting with a grinder is the fastest way. Mark the line with a marker (the pencil graphite will quickly fly off the surface due to vibration) and start cutting. Since the gas cylinder is round, it is better to place something under it on the sides so that it does not roll during operation.
  • Cleaning the internal surface is necessary even if the cylinder structure will not be used for poultry or animal feed. The smell is strong and persistent, so you need to remove it. To begin with, you can wash it with boiling water using various types of cleaning products. This will help partially, so burning follows. Blowtorch or fire – decide for yourself. Both options will help 100% and all you have to do is complete the cleaning with a metal brush. It is better to use the appropriate attachment on a drill or grinder to make things go faster.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the question “what can you make from a gas cylinder with your own hands” has many possible answers. The main thing is your safety, because you are going to work with your own hands, which means you are risking them. Any design you make from a cylinder will serve you for a long time. Reason: high quality steel, which is rare now. But we also advise you to think through everything thoroughly - is it worth doing the thing yourself if the store-bought option is more reliable. For example, we would not risk working with a homemade compressor from a cylinder or a boiler - life is more expensive.

Today we will teach you how to make an aerosol can with your own hands from available materials. This process is not as labor-intensive as it might seem at first glance.

So, the tools you will need are: a utility knife, a drill and bits, a saw and a bicycle pump. As for the actual materials for production, these are: a bicycle inner tube, rubber-based glue, an empty plastic bottle, an empty spray can and paint.

Well, shall we get started?

Step 1.

First you need to release the remaining pressure from the empty can. This will protect you from its possible explosion. This can be done by releasing all the air from it. After this, you need to saw off the tip of the can and get its base, as well as the glass ball.

Step 2.

Next, we cut off the inflation tube from the bicycle tube and glue it close to the base of the plastic bottle. And yes, don't forget to drill a small hole where you glue this tube! Rubber-based glue is excellent for these purposes.

Step 3.

Now we need to make a nozzle. To do this, we drill a hole in the bottle cap that is suitable for the tip of the can with a straw, which we received by completing the first step. Glue will also help to secure it.

Step 4.

It's time to pour the paint. To do this, you can use a homemade paper funnel. IMPORTANT! You need to mix oil paint with oil paint, and acrylic paint with acrylic paint. You should not mix oil paint with acrylic paint!

Step 5.

And now our canister needs pressure. For this we use a bicycle pump.

So, if you did everything correctly, then with the help of this simple invention you can create at least something like this:

You won’t surprise anyone with a grill or potbelly stove made from a gas cylinder, but the disadvantage of such structures is that their assembly requires welding, which not everyone has, and not everyone knows how to use it. In this instruction, I will show you how you can make a simple outdoor stove with your own hands without using welding. You will only need a tool for cutting metal (a grinder or a Dremel), as well as a drill with drill bits and more.

This stove can be used all year round; it is especially pleasant to spend spring and autumn evenings around the fire. Here you can cook or heat up barbecue, fry marshmallows and more, whatever you have the imagination for. It is quite possible that you can bake potatoes here too.
Since the stove is made of thin metal, it is quite warm near it.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- a gas cylinder (for the author, this is an empty helium cylinder that is used to fill the balloons);
- dremel;
- hacksaw;
- grinder (theoretically, the work can be done with it);
- heat-resistant paint;
- grinder with a metal brush (if you don’t want to start the balloon manually);
- a pair of bolts and nuts;
- spanners;
- metal brackets with nuts and washers for the tie;
- file;
- felt-tip pen;
- pliers and more.

Furnace manufacturing process:

Step one. Removing gas from the cylinder
It all starts with cutting a gas cylinder, which is always a very dangerous undertaking. Even if the gas in the cylinder is not flammable, this does not mean that you may not get injured. Always wear protective gloves, a mask and long sleeves when handling these items.

The first thing you will need to do is remove all the gas from the cylinder. There are lots of ways to do this. First of all, you will need to first unscrew the tap all the way and release the gas. Next, the tap will need to be completely removed. Now you can pour water into the balloon under the ovary and drain it; it is advisable to carry out this procedure several times. As a result, there should be no flammable gas left there. If you are still afraid, you can take the cylinder to a vacant lot and light a fire under it, which will burn it all out. This procedure is good because the paint burns and is easier to clean off.

Step two. Cutting the balloon
Once you are 100% sure that there is no gas in the cylinder, you can start cutting it. The complexity of this procedure will depend on the instrument used. It's probably quickest to work with a grinder, but a Dremel or other tool will also work.

Of course, you can only make such a stove if you have a cylinder like the author’s. If the cylinder is slightly different, you will have to do a little magic here. Armed with a cutting tool, we cut off the bottom of the cylinder. After this you will need a file or coarse sandpaper. Using it, you need to go over the place of the cut, removing any hangnails that could injure your hand. At this step the work is completed.

Step three. We fix the base
The previously cut part serves as the base, and it is secured using brackets with threads and nuts. To do this, corresponding holes are drilled in the base. Well, then you insert the brackets, tighten the nuts thoroughly and the installation of the base can be considered complete.

When tightening the nuts, you need to turn the stove over and see if it is level. If the stove is misaligned, the brackets can be loosened, the stove adjusted, and then finally tightened.

Step four. Grinding and drilling holes
To burn wood in the stove, there must be an air supply. The author decided not to bother with the blower and simply drilled holes in the cylinder. The author tried to drill holes evenly throughout the entire stove. They are located 4 pieces in each row. In order to drill holes evenly, it is recommended to first mark everything with a felt-tip pen.

After this you can proceed to sanding. You will need to remove all the factory paint from the cylinder, otherwise when you light the stove it will start to smoke and stink. It is better to do this work mechanically, using an angle grinder with a metal brush. If you strain, you can basically rip it off with coarse sandpaper.

Step five. The final stage. Painting the stove
If the stove is not painted, it will rust very quickly from heat and moisture, and over time it will completely burn out. For painting you will need heat-resistant paint. If this is not the case, the metal must be coated with at least a primer.

The author paints his stove both outside and inside. It is convenient to do this if the stove is hanging. The drying room must be warm. In order for the coating to be thick and look good, the stove needs to be painted several times. The author covered it with only two layers of paint, but recommends painting in three coats.

If you still have empty aerosol cans after repairs, do not rush to throw them away. From them you can make several useful crafts.

The article shows three unusual ways to use (recycle) empty aerosol cans.

Step 1: Pulley/Block/Roller

Before opening the aerosol can, make sure it is empty. It's a good idea to make a hole in the side of the cylinder before cutting it with a tool (such as an engraver with a cutting wheel) that creates sparks as it works.

When working with cutting tools and sharp working edges, do not forget about personal protective equipment (goggles and gloves).

Step 2:

Cut off the caps of two cylinders. Using a power tool is not a prerequisite, but it is faster and more convenient. I used shurik to speed up the process of deburring the lids. The edge was cleaned using a file. Don't forget to use safety glasses/visors.

Step 3:

We remove the spring, valve and plastic that held them.

Step 4:

Glue both halves of the cylinders together. I recommend using a bolt and nut as a clamp - “cheap and cheerful.”

Step 5:

After the glue has dried, drill a hole.

Step 6:

Bend the L-shaped bracket into a U (horseshoe) shape.

Step 7:

Cut the pin to the required size.

Step 8:

We use two cap nuts to secure the bent bracket to the wheel. We mount them on the ends of the studs.

To make sure that the nuts do not come loose, you can drip a little glue.

Step 9:

That's all!

Our light “duty” block is ready.

Step 10: Handle

Cut off the bottom and top of the can. Don't forget about safety precautions.

Step 11:

I glued the nut into the top of the can.

Step 12:

Then glue both halves together.

We just made a simple door handle for home use.

Step 13: Yula

For the next crafts It will also be necessary to cut off the top and bottom of the can.

Step 14:

Glue the valve into the lid of the can. Then we glue both halves together.

That's all. We have just made a simple top. It can spin for more than two minutes.

That's all) Thank you for your attention!

If you need to wrap a gift, but you don’t want to use boring bows and ribbons to decorate it, then our article is for you. Today we will tell you how to decorate a gift in an original way using a homemade flamingo.

Materials and tools:

  • pink yarn
  • pink pipe cleaners
  • scissors
  • cardboard

How to make a flamingo with your own hands

Cut out two identical circles from cardboard. Cut out the center portion of each circle to make them into rings.

Place two cardboard donuts together. Take a very long strand of yarn and start winding it into rings, passing the edge of the thread into the center hole after each turn. Wrap the cardboard rings completely.

Insert the tip of the scissors between the cardboard rings and cut the yarn in a circle along the outer edge.

Spread the rings slightly apart and tie a tight knot around the central part of the pieces of yarn. Leave long ends of the thread, they will become the legs of the flamingo.

Make a flamingo neck from a pipe cleaner cut to the required length. Insert a pipe cleaner into the pompom and bend it into the shape of a neck.

Remove the cardboard rings and straighten the pompom into a neat shape. If necessary, trim off any loose pieces of yarn.

The cute flamingo is ready, all that remains is to fix it on the packaging.

Note: Such flamingos can be used not only to decorate gifts, but also to decorate rooms, as Christmas tree decorations.

Original article in English.