How to calculate a comfortable staircase online calculator. How to independently calculate stairs online. Function "Change lifting direction: LR"

How to calculate a comfortable staircase online calculator.  How to independently calculate stairs online.  Function
How to calculate a comfortable staircase online calculator. How to independently calculate stairs online. Function "Change lifting direction: LR"
During the construction of a residential building, the stairs need to be given Special attention still at the design stage. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. The lack of a house design itself, a low-skilled team of builders and other circumstances often lead to the fact that outwardly beautiful staircase It turns out to be not very convenient to use, and if there are children and elderly people in the house, it is downright dangerous. I declare this with authority as the mother of a three-year-old hyperactive baby who regularly flew from our stairs. attic apartment in the period from one and a half to two years. And all because the developer company was too lazy to be puzzled by compliance technical characteristics such important detail residential premises to established standards.

Staircase calculation program

So, the staircase in the house should first of all be comfortable. Especially if you plan to actively use it. And if you build a house without initially taking into account required area to place it, you will subsequently have to rack your brains over how to fit it into a limited space in such a way that one day you won’t count all your bones while descending from the second floor. About appearance design, its appropriateness and harmony with the interior, in some cases I will not say anything at all. Most often, if you do not initially think through the placement of the stairs and do not calculate the space required for this, you have to sacrifice something: either beauty or convenience. And sometimes both. To avoid such problems, use a staircase calculator. He will help you do everything necessary calculations online, pick up optimal parameters design, based on the available space, or, in the case of calculations at the stage of designing a house, select the dimensions of the required area to accommodate the most convenient staircase - and all this is absolutely free.

Calculation of a straight staircase on bowstrings

On this page you can calculate a straight staircase on bowstrings. A straight staircase takes up little space in width, but it requires quite a lot of space in length. It is optimally suited for placement in spacious rooms of low height and is usually installed along the wall, limited to the side by railings. To avoid loss usable area, you can place a dressing room under the stairs or arrange a small workplace(as well as a place to relax or something else - the flight of imagination is unlimited). A straight staircase consists of one row of steps - a flight and is called a single-flight staircase. Since the stairs of this type are not equipped with intermediate platforms where it would be possible to stop and rest during the ascent, it is extremely important to calculate the optimal size of the steps and their height. In this case, it is necessary to achieve such parameters in which walking up the stairs would be carried out in the rhythm of a step familiar to a person. The angle of inclination of a straight staircase is also important. The absence of platforms and turns that could detain a person in case of a fall leads to the need to try to make the stairs as flat as possible (inclination angle 30°-45°, no more).

Calculation parameters and results

The program for calculating stairs takes into account several basic parameters: Desired/current dimensions of the area that the stairs will occupy; Height of the room; The desired number of steps and their thickness; Projection of steps. Once all the values ​​have been entered, the online calculator will do the calculation. For ease of printing, it is possible to display the result in a separate window. In the calculation results you will see general drawing

To make a staircase comfortable for use, it is necessary to fulfill many requirements for its design and shape. It is also important to calculate the ladder for safety reasons, because it must withstand all the loads placed on it. Dimensions may vary depending on their location and room parameters. In this article we will provide you with information on calculating the size of stairs with all acceptable standards.

Why is it necessary to calculate the stairs?

At the house design stage, many calculations are performed, but we are only interested in those that relate to stairs. Calculation of the stairs to the second floor in an apartment or house must be done primarily for safety reasons and to save effort and money.

Performing calculations helps determine:

  • how much material is needed for construction;
  • what loads the materials must meet to give the required strength to the structure.

Regardless of whether it is a staircase to the 2nd floor, to the attic, to the basement or inspection hole in the garage, carrying out calculations will help not only do the work correctly, but also protect from injury, eliminating the possibility of structural destruction.

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor

Using, which you can find on our website, is one of the simplest methods of calculation.

You can also use the formulas from this article for calculations.

Ceiling opening size

Calculation of the ceiling opening must be performed to avoid inconvenience when using the stairs. The distance from the stairs to the edge of the ceiling opening should be such that a person does not need to bend over when descending and ascending.

Ceiling openings are classified according to their design and are divided into:

The width of the flight to the 2nd floor will depend on the functionality of the staircase:

  • For safe use The span width should be at least 90-100 cm.
  • To move furniture between floors and for two people to calmly move in the opposite direction, a width of 125-150 cm is required.

Length of string or bowstring

In order to determine how long the bowstring (kosour) should be, you must use the formula

a 2 +b 2 =c 2,

where a is the length of the march; b – height of the stairs; c – string length (stringer).

When calculating a staircase in a private house, you can start by determining the number of steps; it will be convenient to use the table below. It shows the dependence of the number of steps on the height of the stairs and riser. Dividing the height of the stairs by the height of the riser, we get a number, rounding which we get the required number of steps.

The size of the riser depends on the angle of inclination of the structure. The figure below shows the optimal tilt angles for different types stairs and ramps. Optimal angle the inclination in residential premises is 24-37°, which corresponds to approximately 140-180 mm, the area is highlighted in green in the figure.

To determine the width of the step, it is more convenient to use the formula shown in the figure, the dependence of the step width (600-640 mm) and the height of the riser. There are a number of restrictions that must be adhered to when making calculations:

  • the edge of the tread should not hang down more than 50 mm;
  • The tread width should not be less than 100 mm.

The width of the steps based on the formula is: 600 - 2*160 = 280 mm.

If the width of the steps is less than the calculated one, this will lead to big problems when descending due to the fact that the leg will not fully stand on the step.

What can the parameters of the steps depend on?

The main parameter on which any straight staircase, turning or spiral, depends is the size of the room in which it is located.

When not very large area a room in which it is necessary to fit a straight single-flight staircase, you will have to change the angle of inclination of the structure to a steeper one in order to reduce the length of the string. Changing the angle of inclination directly affects all parameters of the steps, except their length; the dependence is presented in the figure.

To maintain the optimal height of the riser, it is necessary to reduce the width of the step.

Calculation of the angle of inclination of the stairs

Depending on the angle of inclination, stairs are divided into:

  • ramps - tilt angle up to 30°;
  • For residential premises - slope 30-45°;
  • 45-75° - attached, steep;
  • more than 75° - evacuation, fire.

Knowing the principles of calculating the angle of inclination of a staircase, you will be able to design and build comfortable staircase.

Features of the calculation of turning stairs

There are a number of methods. The calculation of a U-shaped staircase is practically no different from the calculation of a staircase with a 90° turn.

The most in a simple way The calculation is the method of proportions; you can find calculation options by other methods on our website. You can also use construction calculator our website for calculating U-shaped and L-shaped stairs.

Graphical method

The method is based on the proportional placement of steps at the turning point; the calculation of stairs with a turn of 90 and 180° is identical. Let's look at the example of calculating a U-shaped staircase:

  1. Draw the staircase (top view) to scale, indicating the outer steps towards the turn and the central turning pillar.
  2. Place the axis in the middle of the stairs (in the center support pillar).
  3. On both sides of the axis you need to draw an equilateral right triangle.
  4. Divide the hypotenuse of the triangle into 3 equal parts.
  5. We connect the central turning pillar with the marks on the hypotenuse with lines, as a result of which each of the sides, separated by the axis from step 2, turns out to be divided into 3 parts.

Features of calculating spiral staircases

The principle is in many ways similar to the calculations of simple marching and turning stairs, but, of course, there are points that should be paid attention to due to design features.

When making a spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands, you should know that there are certain limits in the size of spiral staircases, beyond which it is not advisable to go for reasons of safety and ease of use:

  • the depth of the step in the center line is not less than 200 mm;
  • at a distance of 150 mm from support post not less than 100 mm;
  • in the wide part at the edge no more than 400 mm;
  • staircase diameter from 1300 to 3300 mm;
  • march width from 530 to 1430 mm;
  • opening diameter from 1300 to 3300 mm.

Let's look at the example of calculating a spiral staircase for a room 2700 mm high with a flight width of 1000 mm.

  1. It is necessary to calculate the diameter of the future staircase and, accordingly, the diameter of the ceiling opening. The main thing when calculating the double width of the march is not to forget to add the diameter of the central support column; with such a width of the march it should be at least 200 mm. As a result, we get: D=1000+1000+200=2200 mm. This size falls within the parameters described earlier.
  2. Let us determine the radius of the rise, which is equal to the sum of half the width of the march and the radius of the support. Rn=500+100=600 mm. We take half the width of the march due to the fact that in the middle of the span the most optimal width tread, which is 200 mm.
  3. Knowing the rise radius Rn=600 mm and the tread width 200 mm, we determine the number of steps per turn of the staircase using the formula: L=2πr/200=2*3.14*600/200=18.84. Having rounded the resulting number, we find out that one turn consists of 19 steps.
  4. To calculate the height of the step, it is necessary to determine the distance between the turns of the staircase. Let's consider an example of the use of a ladder by people whose height is no more than 180 cm. In this case, the distance between turns should be at least 200 cm. Thus, we determine that the height of the steps is 2000/19 = 105 mm.
  5. The number of steps for our room with a height of 2700 mm is 2700/105 = 26 pcs.
2000/160=13 pcs

steps, and, accordingly, the entire staircase:


This option will be more economical, due to the fact that the entire staircase will require 9 fewer steps.

Which of the proposed options to use is up to you. The difference is that a spiral staircase is steeper than a straight staircase, and using lower steps makes the climb easier.

How to calculate an attic staircase in a house

An attic folding ladder is calculated in the same way as a simple extension ladder, based on the fact that the angle of inclination is 65°. To determine the length of the stairs you need to use the formula.

When calculating according to bearing capacity The staircase elements are divided into statically definable beams - cantilever or single-span, and are calculated using the appropriate formulas. Since stairs are subject to dynamic loads, the rigidity load-bearing elements are presented increased requirements: their deflection should not exceed 1/400 of the span. Loads acting on flights of stairs and landings must be collected by adding the dead weight of the structures and temporary loads: in residential buildings- 300 kg/m².

When lifting, a person expends approximately twice as much energy as when moving horizontally (Fig. 2). Practice has established: a staircase is comfortable and safe if twice the height of the riser, added to the width of the step (tread), is equal to the average human step. The length of a person's stride on a plane is approximately 600–640 mm. Based on this, the tread and rise are determined by the formula: 2a+b = 600…640 mm.

Fig.2. Calculation of the height and width of ordinary steps

As an alternative, you can use another, easier to remember, formula: a+b = 450 ± 20 mm, where a is the height of the step (riser), b is the width of the step (tread).

The width of the tread should ensure that the foot rests with the full foot, that is, it should be no less than 200 and no more than 320 mm. The optimal height of the riser is 150, and the width of the tread is 300 mm. If the tread width increases too much, you will certainly lose your step, and if the tread width decreases too much, descending will be difficult. When designing winder steps, it must be taken into account that the minimum width of the steps at the narrow end should be at least 100 mm, and the overhang of the tread over the bottom step should be no more than 50 mm. Also, the overhang of the upper step over the lower one is done when other methods fail to increase the width of the tread; in this case, the amount of overhang should not exceed 30 mm for wooden and 50 mm for reinforced concrete steps.

The most convenient staircase angles are in the range from 23 to 37°. The steeper the staircase, the less space it needs to be installed in the house, and accordingly, the higher the staircase, the more more space it is necessary to provide for it. If the angle is less than 23°, the staircase can be replaced with a ramp (a flat inclined platform); if it is more than 45°, then the staircase becomes an attached or folding one (Fig. 3). The optimal angle of rise of spiral staircases is 25–35°. The most difficult process when the flight of stairs is steeper than 40° is descending the stairs, and at angles greater than 45° the descent can only be done backwards.

rice. 3. Standard dependence of the size of steps on the steepness of the stairs

The number of steps depends on the height of the floor and the angle of inclination of the stairs. Knowing the location of the staircase in the plan and the height of the room, the number of steps can (and is easier) be determined graphically, and then, using safety formulas, determine the width of the tread.

To graphically construct a staircase on graph paper or checkered paper, you need to draw a flight of stairs to scale (Fig. 4), measuring it with the height of the floor.

rice. 4. An example of a graphical calculation of the number of steps and riser height. Height table for steps in buildings with standard floor heights

The height of the floor is the difference in the elevations of the levels of the finished floor of the lower and top floor, that is, the thickness of the floor clothing must be included in the size of the floor height. For example, gender ground floor lined ceramic tiles, and the floor of the upper floor is laid with parquet along the joists and a plywood “subfloor”. When calculating the floor height, all layers of these floor structures must be included: below - the thickness of the leveling screed, tile adhesive and tiles; at the top - the thickness of the logs, plywood and parquet. In Russia, since the existence of the USSR, floor height has been a regulated value. Typically, the standard floor height is 2.8 or 3 m, less often - 2.7 or 3.3 m, which allows you to design a room height (distance from floor to ceiling) of at least 2.4 m. This floor height allows you to easily fit staircase with step sizes that meet the requirements calculation formula safety (Fig. 4, table 2). If your floor height differs from the standard and is not a multiple of 3, then the height of the steps must be calculated (rounded) with an accuracy of one millimeter, but so that the heights of all risers are the same. It is better to distribute the calculation error resulting from the rounding of heights onto the lower frieze step, and make the remaining steps of the flight of the same height.

Steps of different heights lead to the construction of a dangerous staircase. This staircase becomes especially dangerous when descending at night. When going down the stairs, muscle memory tells us that there should be a step. The weight of the body is transferred to the leg, but there is no step under it... It is lower! And only two or three tens of millimeters, but they twisted their leg... and it’s still good if they didn’t roll head over heels.

In houses with non-standard height floor to level the height of the steps, it is allowed to lower the level of the finished floor of the upper floor landing slightly lower relative to the level of the finished floor of the rest of the floor. It is better not to make a threshold, but to make the floor of the floor area in the form of a ramp, that is, inclined. To adjust the height of the steps, you will only need a few millimeters so that the slope is unlikely to be very noticeable. Alternatively, if the landing is enclosed by walls with doors, the floors between these rooms can be made with a small threshold. This solution is well known to everyone: the level of floor areas in apartment buildings, as a rule, below the level of clean floors in apartments. We don’t break our legs here - we’re used to it.

Table 1, Figure 3 shows the dimensions of the steps for “compacted” stairs, suitable for country houses. Often, in the layouts of these houses, so little space is left for stairs that in order to make the stairs shorter, one has to sacrifice the width of the tread. So, for example, in a staircase with a riser height of 200 mm, the tread width is 250 mm. An adult cannot rest his full foot on such a tread and he has to go down the stairs sideways or backwards. Table 2, Figure 4 shows the height dimensions of the risers for standard heights floors. Calculating the width of the tread using safety formulas is not difficult. But there is another way to determine the size of the steps - graphically.

This ergonomic method is based on the fact that a person, freely taking a step of 620 mm on a horizontal plane, can with the same ease raise his leg to a height equal to only half of this value, that is, 310 mm. Therefore, if on the horizontal axis of the graph (Fig. 5) we plot a known number of parts, each equal to one step (620 mm), and on vertical axis- equal to the height of the leg rise of 310 mm, then this construction makes it possible to obtain the dimensions of the rise and width of the steps for stairs with any inclination. To do this, you need to plot the slope of your staircase on the graph (its height and length are known) and draw perpendiculars at the points of intersection with the graph grid. That's what it is optimal height and the width of the step for a given flight of stairs. Moreover, you can use this method and build a staircase specifically “for yourself”. For example, by setting the step to 600, and the lift, respectively, 300 mm, or by setting the step length to whatever you consider necessary.

rice. 5. Graphic selection method optimal sizes steps (dimensions in mm)

The creation of a staircase is preceded by the project development stage. At the design stage, the engineer:

Of course, it is better to trust any work to professionals. But if you want to save 30-40% of the cost of the stairs, then the described work can be done yourself using special software.

Online 3D calculation designer

Anyone can design a 3D model of the staircase of their dreams. There are online services for this on the Internet.

They work quite simply. The user must set the following parameters:

  • type of stairs;
  • march length;
  • width and height of the step;
  • construction material.

Additionally, you can select a tint color from the list provided and decorative design designs.

Similar programs can be found on the websites of staircase manufacturers. In this case, you can not only look at the staircase you created yourself, but also find out how much it will cost to manufacture it from a specific manufacturer.

DIY design - calculator program

Well, if you need to design a staircase from scratch, you will need a calculator program. Today there are programs that specialize in designing stairs. These include StairCon, Stair Designer, Compass/ND, Consultec Stairon.

With their help you can:

Typically, in order to get finished project, the following initial data is sufficient for the program:

  • type of stairs;
  • width and length of the opening;
  • opening height;
  • overlap thickness.

Construction calculator Zhitov

The described programs, of course, will facilitate the design task and allow you to save a considerable amount, but they themselves are not cheap.

As an alternative, you can use Zhitov’s construction calculator, which will help you calculate a wooden, metal or reinforced concrete staircase online.

The design of a single-flight staircase begins with the program requesting the following data:

  • desired step sizes;
  • dimensions of the protrusion on the steps;
  • opening dimensions;
  • minimum stringer width;
  • the position of the initial step in relation to the floor level of the 2nd floor;
  • direction of rise.

Based on this data, the program draws a drawing indicating the main dimensions of the structure and the angles of the steps in relation to the string, with markings of the main dimensions of the steps.

It should be noted that design in the program is carried out taking into account ergonomic requirements. According to which, the slope of the stairs should be 30-40, the height of the step should be no more than 25 cm, and the depth of the step should be 28-31 cm.

Well, if you want to creatively approach the process of creating a staircase for own home, then you can, armed with a calculator, pencil and paper, perform the calculation and drawing yourself.

How to calculate the stairs correctly

Screw metal

The design of a spiral staircase begins with measurements of the height of the room (H) and the size of the opening (D 1). The height of the room is measured from the finished floor level of the lower floor to the floor level of the upper floor. The size of the opening determines what diameter (D 2) the staircase can be installed.

The diameter of the stairs is taken to be slightly smaller than the opening. To make climbing the stairs comfortable and safe, the diameter is 1500-2000 mm.

Having determined the diameter, find the length of the step (D 3): D 3 = D 1 /2-d, where

d is the internal diameter. It is taken taking into account the diameter of the support post. Typically this value is 100-200 mm.

For further calculations, it is necessary to determine the angle of rotation of the stairs. If the entrance and exit from the stairs are on the same line, then the rotation of the stairs is 360 0.

At the next stage, the length of the march is determined using the formula: L = 2πR, R = D 2 /2. Since you need to determine the length of the march along the ascent line, and it retreats from the edge of the room by 2/3, the formula takes the form: L = 2*2/3πR.

Knowing the length of the march and choosing the tread depth (h 1), you can calculate the number of steps (n): n= L/ h 1. In this case, the optimal tread depth is 25-27 cm. If the calculation results in odd number, then it is rounded. As a rule, the level of the upper step coincides with the floor of the upper floor, so it is not taken into account in the calculation.

If you divide the height of the room by the number of steps, you will find out its height. The normal height of the steps is 17-18 cm. If the height is greater, then it is necessary to increase the number of steps.

To make sure that the staircase fully complies with ergonomic standards, it is necessary to calculate the depth of the tread along the line of movement and along the outer edge. To do this, you need to divide the length of the march by the number of steps. The resulting tread depth along the movement line should be 20-25 cm, and along the outer edge - 30-35 cm. The tread depth inside the march can be calculated or taken as 100-200 mm.

Based on these calculations, a drawing of a spiral staircase is constructed and calculated required amount materials.

How to correctly calculate a wooden staircase to the second floor

With a rotation of 90 0

Before starting the calculation, measure the height from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor and the dimensions of the opening in which the staircase will be installed.

And the width of the step (b) should be within 27-30 cm. You can check how comfortable the staircase is after calculations by multiplying the height of the steps by two and adding the width. The resulting value should be in the range of 600-650 mm. Using the same formula, you can calculate the width of the step using the formula: b=650-a*2

To avoid hitting the ceiling with your head while climbing the stairs, it is necessary to maintain the clearance height within the range of 1900-2000 mm. You can understand whether the designed structure meets this requirement by performing the following calculations:

  1. Subtract 70 cm from the length of the opening and divide by the width of the steps. The resulting number is the number of steps located above the opening.
  2. Multiply the value from the first point by the height of the step.
  3. Subtract the value obtained in the second paragraph from the floor height. This number will be equal to the height of the clearance.

If the number is less than normal, you can do the following:

  • increase the opening;
  • reduce the number of steps, thereby increasing their height.

If it is impossible to increase the opening, and reducing the steps will lead to the fact that the slope of the stairs and the height of the steps will not correspond to the norm, it is better to design the stairs with a turn of 90 0.

This design consists of two flights located in relation to each other at an angle of 90 0. This allows you to fit the staircase even into a room with small area and with a small opening.

Marches can be connected to each other by a platform or winder steps. The first option is much more convenient, and the calculation in this case is not much different from what has already been described. the main task– determine at what height from the floor level it is necessary to arrange an intermediate platform.

First, they calculate how many steps are needed for the upper flight, located between the platform and the second floor. To do this, the required clearance height (2000 mm) is divided by the accepted step height (15-18 cm). The resulting number is rounded to whole numbers and reduced by one (since the upper frieze step coincides with the floor level).

To find out at what height the platform will be, the height of the steps is multiplied by their number and this number is subtracted from the height of the floor.

The number of steps for the lower flight is calculated in the same way. In this case, the landing is considered a step in the calculation. The width and length of the platform are taken equal to the width of the stairs.

With a 180 0 turn and a platform - drawings

It is customary to install a two-flight staircase with a turn of 180° when the floor height is more than 3 m.

For convenience, the calculation is performed simultaneously with the construction of the drawing on graph paper. First, the staircase is drawn.

Knowing the width staircase, calculate the width of the march. To do this, subtract the gap value (100 mm) from the width of the staircase and divide the value by two.

Well, to find out what height is allocated to each flight, the height of the floor is divided by two.

Further calculation involves calculating the number of steps. To do this, again, it is enough to divide the height of the march by the height of the step.

Well, to determine what the length of the march will be and build it horizontal projection on the plan, you need to multiply the number of steps by the width.

The resulting dimensions are transferred to the plan. And then they draw a section of the staircase.

Having the drawings in hand, it will not be difficult to break down the structure in the house.

Online designer of 3D calculations, designing stairs with your own hands - calculator program, Zhitov, how to correctly calculate a screw, metal, wooden staircase to the second floor with a turn of 90, 180 and a landing - formulas, drawings


Stairs are an important and responsible attribute in every home. They must provide comfort, reliability and safety for every resident. It is desirable that the staircase structure takes up little space in its area. And in order for it to meet all standards, it must be designed correctly.

How to calculate a staircase: the basics

The most common material for manufacturing staircase design- this is a tree. It is considered the “warmest” and most pliable material, which should be worked with very carefully. The most common types of wood are beech, oak, ash, birch, larch and pine.

To make calculations for any type of stairs, you must first determine three sizes. First, you need to determine the level of the finished floor and then measure the height of the structure along the wall from it. Secondly, its length should be measured, starting from the wall and ending with the expected completion of the span. And thirdly, you need to find the length of the flight of stairs using the Pythagorean theorem. In this case, the lengths of the legs are the found dimensions of the height and length of the staircase; in this case, you need to find the hypotenuse of the resulting right triangle, i.e. march length.

To make it comfortable to walk on the stairs, the depth of the steps should be about 30 cm, and the height should be about 16 cm.

Knowing the dimensions of the steps, you need to divide the length of the flight of stairs by these dimensions, and you will get their number.

For convenience, you need a width of at least 80-90 cm. If it is intended for household purposes, i.e. leads to the basement, then it is better to make it about 120 cm. If the structure is directed towards attic room, then it can be made narrower, about 70-80 cm.

Should be 40-45°. The most comfortable is the staircase design, which is inclined at an angle of 45 °. But due to the fact that it takes up a lot of space, it is rarely used in construction. You can also choose sharp corner an inclination of 30-36 °, especially since such a design will take up no more than two meters on the floor. It will be convenient to climb up this installation, but you can only go down backwards due to the steepness of the inclined descent.

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Calculation of stairs


  • selected low-knot wood for bowstring.

Let's take a closer look at how to make the calculation correctly. Any staircase structure consists of flights and landings. It is important that the width of the platforms is not less than the width of the march. Marches consist of steps and load-bearing beams, which are called bowstrings or stringers. They are made from thick and wide boards, the cross-section of which is 80-100x200-250 mm, or are made from two narrower boards.

The steps consist of treads and risers, the width of which must be correctly calculated. The steepness of the stairs, as well as the ease of walking along them, is determined by the ratio of their sizes. It is necessary that the person’s foot fully stands on the tread, i.e. this is on average about 30 cm, and the average step length was 60-70 cm, which means that the height of the riser is 14-16 cm. In this case, the following formula for calculation applies: the sum of two risers plus the width of the tread is equal to the length of the average step of a person.

Considering the tread thickness is 3 cm, it turns out that one step takes up 30 cm horizontally and 15-18 cm vertically. The obtained figures are necessary to calculate the stairs for the house correctly. Let's give an example: if the height between the first and second floors is 3 meters, and one step measures 30 cm by 15-18 cm, then you get 17-20 risers. In this case, the last step is the floor on the second floor. Next, you need to divide the lifting height of the staircase structure by an integer in this range. It is better if it is even, and you get the exact height of the step, consisting of the thickness of the tread and the width of the riser. Let's say you need to make 18 steps, then the height of the step will be equal to 300:18 = 16.7 cm. This design should be divided into two flights of stairs

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and be sure to do it with a twist.

How to make a turn correctly

The staircase structure can be turned in three ways. One of them is for a spiral staircase, which is one big turn. It is very compact and takes up little space, but has a fairly large steepness. Since in one 360° revolution the staircase must rise at least two meters, the flight must have from 13 to 15 steps. Due to the design, the width of the tread should be small, so the steps of the spiral staircase are narrow and high. It is best installed either in the attic or in a utility room. Marching stairs need to be rotated 90° or 180° using platforms, or you can use special steps in the form of a trapezoid. Horizontal arranged if the space allows. This staircase consists of straight elements and has a classic look. You can make a window on the site itself, which will add elegance and additional lighting during the day. If this is not possible, then the rotation of the staircase structure must be done directly by steps. In this case, in a certain place, maybe not in the middle, you should start installing treads in the form of a trapezoid, which set the rotation of the staircase by 15 ° or 30 ° for each step. As a result, they rotate it to the desired angle.