How to calculate the required number of tiles. Online calculation of bathroom tiles. How to correctly calculate the number of facing tiles for walls

How to calculate the required number of tiles.  Online calculation of bathroom tiles.  How to correctly calculate the number of facing tiles for walls
How to calculate the required number of tiles. Online calculation of bathroom tiles. How to correctly calculate the number of facing tiles for walls

Tiles are usually sold in square meters. To order floor tiles, it is enough to know the footage of the room: if you have a kitchen area of ​​10 sq. meters, then you will need to order 10 m of tiles + margin for trimming and fighting (usually around 10 percent).

However, sometimes you want to imagine exactly how many tiles will go to each meter. If you just want to imagine this number in order to visualize the picture (how much will it take per meter: 4, 10 or 20 tiles), then it is very easy to do. If you need to calculate the exact number of tiles in pieces that you will need to buy in order to lay out a square meter in your room, then this is a bit more complicated. (These two values ​​may be slightly different, yes)

Let's start easy: how many tiles per square meter(any meter, completely abstract)

Calculate the area of ​​a tile

First you need to calculate the area of ​​​​one tile in square meters. For this, her length(in meters) multiply by width(in meters). It is better to multiply in meters, and not in centimeters, so as not to get confused with the conversion of square centimeters to square meters)

For example, let's take a 20x20 cm tile. Since there are 100 centimeters in one meter, 20 cm is 0.2 meters (20/100 = 0.2). We multiply the length by the width 0.2m x 0.2m = 0.04 sq.m. Thus, a 20x20 cm tile has an area of ​​0.04 sq.m.

If the tile is 30 cm by 60 cm, the calculation gives 0.3 m x 0.6 m = 0.18 m2. For a 12.5 cm x 120 cm tile, the area will be 0.125 m x 1.2 m = 0.15 m2.

Counting the number of tiles

Knowing the area of ​​​​one tile, it is enough to divide 1 square meter by this area to get the number of tiles. For a 20x20 cm tile, the calculations will be as follows: 1m2 / 0.04m2 = 25. Thus, there will be exactly 25 20x20 cm tiles in a meter.

For a 30x60 cm tile, the results will be 1 / 0.18 \u003d 5.555 (5). Approximately five and a half tiles.

Number of tiles per meter for popular sizes (with slight rounding)

Tiles 10x10 cm - 100 tiles per square meter
Tiles 15x15 cm - 44.44 tiles per square meter
Tiles 20x20 cm - 25 tiles per square meter
Tiles 20x50 cm - 10 tiles per square meter
Tiles 25x50 cm - 8 tiles per square meter
Tile 25x55 cm - 7.27 tiles per square meter
Tile 30x30 cm - 11.11 tiles per square meter
Tile 30x56 cm - 5.95 tiles per square meter
Tile 30x60 cm - 5.55 tiles per square meter
Tiles 33x33 cm - 9 tiles per square meter
Tile 40x40 cm - 6.25 tiles per square meter
Tile 45x45 cm - 4.93 tiles per square meter
Tiles 50x50 cm - 4 tiles per square meter
Tile 60x60 cm - 2.77 tiles per square meter

It is important to understand that this value is indicative, calculated. In reality, a different number of tiles may go per meter. Let's see why.

Let's say our room has dimensions of a meter by a meter (that is, the most square meter of the area), and the tiles have dimensions of 30x60 cm. According to preliminary calculations, we needed 5 and a half tiles, right? In reality, we may need 7 tiles

Why is this happening? Because the calculations consider the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material as a whole, as if we poured it or laid it in tiny pieces. If desired, of course, scraps from tiles 4, 5 and 6 can be used to cover the area of ​​the seventh tile. This is quite enough, as the calculations show. But the length of the remaining pieces is less than necessary (they are 20 cm each), so all this will look doubtful.

Bad news, we will most likely need eight tiles. We want the tile to look nice, small pieces not very aesthetically pleasing, so let's align it in the center.

Well, you can decide that the whole trouble is that we took a large tile of the wrong size (30x60 cm) for such a small footage (1 square meter). No one does this, you need to take a small tile. Okay, let's take a 10x10 cm tile. What can happen to it? It would seem, nothing. Exactly 100 pieces of such tiles are placed in a square meter (1 / 0.01 \u003d 100).

Here and no.

The fact is that a square meter is not necessarily a square room measuring a meter by a meter. It can be a narrow corridor measuring 2 meters by 50 cm. Worse, it can be a passage with exact dimensions of 57 cm by 1.76 m. Non-multiple 10 dimensions will instantly give us waste. As a result, 108 tiles will go to the area. 18 horizontal, 6 vertical.

Of course, as the footage increases, the percentage of extra tiles usually decreases. In any case, before calculating the number of tiles, decide for yourself for what purpose you need it: just for orientation or for ordering. If for an order, and you want to count the number of tiles to the nearest piece, you cannot divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tile. You need to either draw and see, or divide the length of the room by the length of the tile, the width by the width and decide how you can combine the leftovers.

See also articles

Repairing a bathroom, and indeed any room, is always a troublesome, costly, time-consuming task. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a large number of various tools, materials, select them in accordance with certain requirements. In addition, you need to take into account the design of the apartment so that the space being equipped does not fall out of the general idea, unless, of course, this was originally planned.

In order to carry out finishing work, it is necessary to calculate the exact amount of materials required. Moreover, you should buy the entire norm of products and even with a margin, since another batch of products is likely to differ in tone or texture, which is very ugly.

Under the finish in the bathroom choose tiles. It has a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, suitable for laying the floor and wall. The number of products that will be needed will depend on these parameters. So, how to calculate how many tiles you need?

Tile selection

Before calculating the required number of products, it is necessary to determine their characteristics. The bathroom differs from other rooms in an increased level of humidity, which makes the requirements for finishing materials quite high.

When purchasing a tile, you should take into account its properties, which it should have especially for flooring:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to household chemicals;
  • resistance to abrasive agents.

First step

Before you start calculating the number of bathroom tiles, it is best to carefully measure the room by recording the data obtained. This will help the usual tape measure or rangefinder, which are available in every store.

The measurement takes place in two planes: the height and width of the walls. If they have the correct shape, then it is enough to take 2-3 measurements. In the event that there are protrusions or depressions, then they should be measured separately.

In addition, you need to know the exact proportions of the door and if there are window openings. This will allow you to more accurately calculate the required material. Experts even recommend drawing up a plan of the room, where the position of the plumbing, the total area, the parameters of the wall and floor are noted. As a result, this approach will give a more complete picture of what is happening and help to make accurate calculations.

Worth remembering! If the walls in the bathroom seem even, then this is not always true. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out several control measurements in order to avoid errors in the calculations.

We determine the amount of material. Method #1

The first indicators are achieved by multiplying the length by the width and are removed from the floor area. By analogy, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tile product is calculated, and the data obtained are rounded up.

Having received two approximate numbers, we divide the floor area by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bceramics, and the resulting value is rounded up to a larger integer. Thus, we have a certain number to which we need to add 5%, i.e. multiply by 1.05, and the result is rounded up.

For clarity, it is necessary to calculate on an example, where we take the average statistical data. The initial ceiling is 2.70 m, the walls are 1.9 and 2.0 m, the door width is 0.7 m. If the conditional dimensions of the floor tiles are 35 by 35 cm, then the calculation will be as follows:

  • 1.9*2.0=3.8 m2;
  • 0.35*0.35=0.1225 m2;
  • 3.8 m2 / 0.1225 m2 = 31 pcs.;
  • 31 * 1.05 \u003d 32.55, which means you need about 33 tiles.

Method #2

The calculation of the number of ceramic products that will be laid on the floor is carried out due to the length and width. To do this, you need to divide each of these floor parameters by a similar tile value. The data obtained are multiplied, after which we round them up and add 5% again. Here is an example calculation:

  1. 1.9/0.35=5.42 pieces;
  2. 2.0/0.35=5.71 pieces;
  3. 5.42*5.71=30.96 pieces;
  4. 31*1.05=32.55, i.e. you need about 33 tiles.

Bathroom tile plan

Need to know! Usually managers in specialized stores prefer to use the first method to determine the exact amount of material.

We determine the number of products per wall. Method #1

Under the facing of the wall surface, we need a certain number of tiles. To do this, we calculate the perimeter of the entire room. We add the length of each wall separately, after which we add together the length with the width and multiply all this by 2. (1.9 + 2.0) * 2 = 7.6 m.

Then subtract the width of the doorway from the perimeter, and divide the resulting integer by the length of the frieze. (7.6-0.7)/0.2= 34.5 pcs. Here, the standard tile size of 200 × 400 mm is taken as the basis, and the dimensions of the frieze are 200 × 80 mm. After that, the value is multiplied by 5%, where the result is displayed in 36 tiles.

Method #2

The following method allows you to find out the exact number of products required per sq. meter. This technique is proven and suitable for laying on any surface of various sizes. First you need to calculate the total area of ​​​​the bathroom by adding the length of each wall, after which the resulting value is multiplied by the height of the bathroom.

Let's look at an example, let's say the height is 2, the length is 3, the width is 2.5. Then 3+3+2.5+2.5=11m. The next step is to multiply the perimeter by the height: 11 × 2 = 22 square meters. meters - area. From it we subtract the space occupied by the door and window opening, of course, if they are available.

Let's say we got the number 20 square meters. meters. Then we find the total area of ​​one ceramic product. Conventionally, 0.4 × 0.2 m, we get 0.08 sq. meters. Now it remains just to calculate the values. For this 20 sq. m/0.08 sq. m. = 250 pieces, while adding about 5-10% as a reserve of tiles.

It is with the above methods that you can accurately calculate the required number of tiles that will be required for a wall or floor. However, there are other techniques, known somewhat less than the examples shown. Thus, it remains only to use the knowledge gained and independently carry out all the calculations.

Video instruction


Before you start laying tiles on the floor or start doing wall decoration, you need to determine in advance the required amount of tiles. Only by thoroughly understanding how to calculate the number of tiles, and performing the appropriate calculations, you can avoid unnecessary costs and reduce waste to a minimum.

You need to buy tiles 10% more than the required volume for facing.

What should be taken into account during the calculation?

  • decide what type of tiling you choose;
  • decide on a color scheme;
  • decide whether it will be necessary to customize the tile according to the pattern;
  • decide whether the walls will be tiled only with ceramic tiles or the finish will be supplemented with various kinds of decorative elements.

There are several ways to lay tiles. You need to choose one of them and, based on the decision made, calculate the number of tiles. The floor can be tiled in one of the following ways:

  1. Standard - in this case, the edges of ceramic products are mounted along the walls.
  2. Diagonal - laying the edges is carried out at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Diagonal chess - tiles of different colors are laid with alternation.

For wall cladding, you can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Normal straight - laying of elements is carried out parallel to the floor surface.
  2. Normal with borders (you can use 1 wide border or alternate narrow with wide).
  3. Chess (tile can be laid both in the usual direction and diagonally).
  4. Diagonal.

It is very important to choose the type of laying even before you calculate the amount of tiles. Consider the fact that if ceramic tiles are laid diagonally, the consumption of finishing material will increase significantly, because. you will be forced to cut products to fit from the center of the room to the corners. If it is necessary to adjust according to the pattern, the number of tiles required for cladding will also increase. Do not forget that the joints of the first rows should be done away from the walls. This will visually hide the unevenness of the partitions.

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There are a number of general rules according to which you can determine the required number of tiles for the kitchen, bathroom and any other premises.

You will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • calculator;
  • paper;
  • pencil or pen.

Take a tape measure and measure the height and length of the surfaces that you are going to tile with ceramic tiles. Then measure the width and length of the floor. Write down the obtained values ​​in centimeters. From the dimensions of the wall with a doorway, and if the tiles will be laid in the bathroom, then from the one in which the bathtub is installed, it is necessary to subtract the dimensions of the opening and the bathtub.

Next, you will need to decide on the size of the tile plates that you will be laying. For finishing the floor, tiles are used with dimensions of 30x30, 33x33 cm, etc. Walls, as a rule, are finished with smaller tiles - 20x30, 25x33 cm, etc. Pre-calculate the result in square meters, and then count the number of tiles per piece. It is necessary to add about 10-15% to the calculated value. During the laying process, you will have to cut the tiles, some products may be accidentally damaged or turn out to be defective, so such a stock must be made.

No matter how perfect such programs are, they still allow some errors. For example, such applications do not take into account the width of the seams, and the developers themselves still recommend double-checking the results.

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An example of calculating floor tiles

To determine the number of tiles needed to finish a floor, measure the width and length of the surface, as well as the size of the tile itself. In this example, we will consider the calculation for a room with a floor of 150x170 cm, for the decoration of which ceramic tiles with dimensions of 33x33 cm will be used.

First divide the width of the floor by the side of the tile. It turns out that for laying in 1 row in width, 4.54 tiles will be needed. The resulting value must be rounded up to 5. Calculate how many such rows will be in your room. To do this, divide the length of the room by 33 cm. The result will be 5.15 rows. Round up to 6. Now multiply the 5 ceramic tiles in a row by 6 rows. You get 30 pieces, to which you need to add at least 2-3 tiles in reserve. Thus, you will need to buy 33 tiles.

If you did not calculate by the piece, but by surface area, a rather significant error would be made. The floor area in the considered room is 2.55 m². The area of ​​one used tile is 0.11 m². If you used this data, the result of the calculation would indicate the need to use 24 tiles (rounded). That is, in the end, you would not have enough material to work with. And the thing is that when performing a piece calculation, the trimming of tiles during installation is taken into account.

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An example of calculating wall tiles

As an example, we will consider a room whose walls are 270 cm high, 150 cm wide, and a 30x20 cm slab is used for cladding. Divide the height of the surface by the height of the tile. It turns out that in 1 row in height there will be 9 ceramic tiles. Divide the width of the surface by the width of the tile. It turns out 7.5, round up to 8. Now multiply 9x8. As a result, you will need to purchase 72 tiles. Add 7-10 tiles in reserve.

To calculate the number of tiles to finish a wall with a doorway, take the calculation data determined for the opposite wall and subtract from this value the number of tiles that fall on the doorway. For example, a doorway is 200 cm high and 70 cm wide. For cladding, the same 30x20 cm tile is used. Divide the height of the opening by the height of the tile. Get 6.7. In this case, it is necessary to round down, i.e. to 6. Divide the width of the opening by the width of the tile. It turns out 3.5, round up to 3. Multiply 3 by 6. As a result, to finish the partition with a doorway, you will need to take 18 fewer tiles. A similar calculation must be performed for the surface on which the bath is installed, if you do not plan to veneer the place that the container occupies.

Tile is the most suitable material for, but also quite expensive. Therefore, in order not to have to buy it in addition or throw away the excess, you need to correctly calculate the tiles for the bathroom, and for this we can use special or online calculation and layout programs.

The correct calculation of the tiles during the repair allows you to save not only the time spent on the purchase of missing materials, which, it is worth saying, may not be in the store, but also the money that will be spent on surpluses. And in order to avoid these troubles, there are several ways. A classic and accessible to everyone method of calculating the material on paper and a more modern and convenient one is laying tiles online.

But in each case there are certain nuances that need to be taken into account in order to calculate the material as accurately as possible.

The scheme of laying tiles is important in the further calculation of its quantity. Depending on the location of the seam between the tiles, several types of layouts are distinguished:

  • Standard or basic ("seam to seam").
  • Diagonal, herringbone, labyrinth, dressing, chess, run-up, carpet or modular layout, there are a lot of options.

How to properly position tiles?

From an aesthetic point of view, it is important to consider the layout method, the location of the decor and color combinations in accordance with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Finishing can visually change the proportions of the room.
In order to visually enlarge the room, light-colored tiles are used, a horizontal laying method with a transverse placement of the pattern.

Bathroom tile options

You can increase the height by vertical layout, using contrasting stripes, vertical arrangement of friezes, and in this case it is better to place the decoded elements just above eye level. Dark-colored tiles will visually reduce the room. When choosing the color of floor tiles, it is important to consider that a dark floor and a light ceiling will visually enlarge the space, and vice versa.

It is important that the tile laying system be completed with a minimum amount of trimming. This will not only facilitate installation work, but also visually make the finish correct and more beautiful.

Trimming on the walls is placed symmetrically between the corners. On the floor, the drawing is laid out in such a way that solid elements are located in the visible zone, and all trimming goes to the least visible sides or is hidden under interior items. In the matter of design, online tile layout will be invaluable help, which will help create the most accurate visual model of the future finish.

Before performing the calculation of the tiles, it is important to make the correct measurement of the room. Perform it after the walls are prepared for laying tiles. Each side is always measured separately, even if the room is of the correct shape. Round the resulting value up. The size of the doorway, windows is subtracted from the total measurement. Sometimes areas that will not be finished, for example, hidden behind the bathroom, are also taken away from the total area.

We measure the area of ​​​​walls and floors

When a room of complex configuration has protruding elements, niches or boxes, their measurements are taken separately. It is better to record all the results by drawing up a plan of the room on a scale, on which the location of plumbing, furniture and other interior details is noted. For a more accurate calculation, it is better to convert all numbers to millimeters.

Methods for calculating tiles

There is no single universal calculation scheme. In each individual case, it all depends on the features of the layout of the room, the size of the tile, and the layout of the tile in the bathroom is taken into account. And depending on this, choose the most suitable of the three calculation methods.

  • Project sketch;
  • Formula calculations;
  • Layout and calculation of tiles in the bathroom using a computer program.

Important! It is worth considering that in case of errors in the calculations, it can be problematic to buy additional tiles, because different batches of the same collection often have visible differences in shades, ornament geometry and some other technical parameters.

Sketching and piece-by-piece calculation of tiles

The most reliable results can be obtained by sketching the project on paper. For these purposes, any ordinary notebook sheet in a cage or on graph paper is suitable. The room is drawn to scale, each wall and floor separately. They mark the location of the tile, starting from its size and method of installation. Tiles of various shades, decorative elements, if used, the frieze is shaded with colored pencils for convenience. Such a project will allow not only to imagine how the room will look after finishing, but also to calculate the amount of material as accurately as possible piece by piece.

Formula calculations

In this case, the amount of material is determined based on the size of the room and the material. Let's say you need to calculate the number of tiles to cover the floor of a standard bath. To do this, you need to know the total quadrature of the bathroom, which is calculated using standard geometric formulas, for example: 1.73 × 1.73 \u003d 3.46 m2, round the resulting number up, we get an area of ​​\u200b\u200b3.5 m2. Next, you need to find out the area of ​​​​one floor tile: 0.335 × 0.335 = 0.112 m2. Next, we calculate how many whole tiles will be needed to cover the entire area: 3.5 / 0.112 = 31.2 pcs. We round the quantity to 32 and add 10% for marriage and trimming, in the case of a diagonal layout - 15%. The total is 35 or 37 tiles, respectively.

This method is used if the layout of the tiles in the bathroom is standard, and the individual elements do not differ in size. With non-standard laying methods, the number of tiles can be calculated only by drawing the project to scale. Or through special services, if the program for laying out tiles suggests the possibility of such placement of finishing elements. You can more accurately about the calculation of tiles.

for walls

wall tiles

As a rule, wall decoration is done in two shades, which are separated by a border, so first, you need to determine the height of each layer. At the same time, in the lower dark layer, it is better not to trim, that is, its height will be a multiple of the height of the tile. Depending on the size of the tile, lay out 3-4 rows. The height of the border will be different from the height of the tile used for this. The rest of the wall height is a light layer.

The dark band is calculated. The perimeter of the bathroom is multiplied by the height of the dark layer and its area is found out. The resulting number is divided by the area of ​​​​one dark tile and its quantity is determined. Add 10% for pruning, fight and marriage.

In a similar way, light tiles are calculated. The wall area for a light finish is divided by the already known area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tile and the amount of light-colored ceramics is obtained. Add 10%.

Count the curb elements. To do this, the perimeter of the room is divided by the length of the curb element. From the resulting number, subtract the part that comes to the doorway. Results are always rounded up to a multiple of a whole unit or half, since halves are also used, for example, at the corners.

For floor

Depending on the layout method and the configuration of the room, the most convenient method is chosen.

Bathroom floor tiles

By total area. They find out the total area of ​​​​the floor of the room, without subtracting the box and niche, and divide it by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tile. Thus, they will find out how many tiles will be required in order to lay a given surface. 10% is added to the resulting number, which will be spent on trimming and insurance against marriage or damage to the material. The number is rounded up. The error in this method of calculation can be quite significant.
On both sides. First, find out how many tiles will be laid along each of the walls.

To do this, the length of the wall is divided by the length of the side of one tile that corresponds to it. The same count is carried out with the other wall and side of the tile. Thus, it is determined how many tiles are laid in one row along one and the other wall. The resulting figures are multiplied among themselves, add a margin - 10% and get the total amount.

If the layout of the floor tiles in the bathroom is made diagonally, the calculation is performed in the same way, but it is recommended to add not the standard 10%, but 15% to the stock.

Online calculator

You can also use our online tile calculator, this calculator has the ability to calculate not only the quantity but the cost of the tile.

Computer programs.

Modern computer programs make counting tiles simple and convenient, provided they are used correctly.

Programs for calculating tiles in the bathroom

Services that help in calculations can be conditionally divided into two types: an online tile layout program and calculators for counting tiles. You can work in programs online or after installing them on your computer. Some of them are paid, but their functions and capabilities are significantly higher than the free versions. The tile calculation program allows the user to perform a number of actions:

  • Lay out the tiles in a 3d model and thereby create a semblance of a bathroom finish in the future;
  • Calculate the amount of finishing material and the consumption of adhesive for tiles;
  • In the programs, you can adjust trimming and choose tiles from different collections.

Simplified versions for calculating tiles - calculators. These are small programs, usually online versions, that calculate the material based on the data entered by the user for an already finished project. It should be borne in mind that it is possible to calculate bathroom tiles on a calculator only if all the finishing elements are the same size.

Calculate the amount of consumables

The tile is usually put on the glue in a seam way, which means that the repair will require the adhesive mixture itself, the grout, and the installation crosses that will regulate the thickness of the seam, as a rule, they purchase only one package with a minimum quantity of 50 pieces. The consumption of a certain tile adhesive and the amount of grout are pre-calculated.

The consumption of tile adhesive is influenced by a number of factors, among which the most significant is the evenness of the base. Also, the thickness of the adhesive base increases depending on the size of the tile, the smaller it is, the smaller the adhesive layer will hold it. For tiles, cement mixtures, dispersion adhesives or epoxy-based mixtures are used. They are applied with a notched trowel. At the same time, if its teeth are pointed, less glue is required than when working with a spatula with square teeth.
In order to find out the approximate consumption of tile adhesive, multiply half the height of the tile by the average consumption of the selected adhesive mixture and by the area of ​​the surface to be covered.
The best way to calculate is to use online calculators. They give the most accurate results based on tile, substrate, tool, working conditions and selected adhesive.

Average consumption of material on the example of Ceresit glue

Grout for joints

In order to calculate the required amount, you need to know the volume of the space to be filled, but if the thickness of the seam is known, then it becomes difficult to determine its depth. As a rule, it depends not only on the thickness of the tile, it is important to take into account the thickness of the adhesive mixture and what percentage of the grout will go under the tile. All these indicators are relative, so it will not be possible to accurately calculate the material. The amount of grout is taken based on its consumption indicated on the package and 10-15% is added.
You can also use our online grout calculator, which accurately calculates the material according to the specified parameters. The program algorithms calculate the ideal value, so it is recommended to add 10% to the result. (votes: 7 , average rating: 4,43 out of 5)

When buying materials for repairs, you always want to know their exact quantity. On the one hand, this makes it possible not to overpay for excess material, on the other hand, to continue repairs without stopping for reassembly. not an exception. An accurate calculation of tiles for a bathroom or other premises will facilitate the work and avoid additional costs.

The consumption of tiles for laying on the floor or walls can depend on many factors. Therefore, before calculating the tiles in the bathroom, it is advisable to properly prepare.

What you need to know in advance

  • what configuration will be the laying material;
  • how many colors you want to use;
  • whether decor will be used (borders, drawings that require precise fitting);
  • how the installation will be done.

Each of them can significantly affect the number of tiles needed for repairs. For example, laying out diagonally or increase consumption - you have to cut a lot.

And the choice of monochromatic tiles in the catalog and direct installation, on the contrary, will be more economical.

After you find the answers to these questions, you can start calculating the tiles for the bathroom or any other room.

Counting Options

Tile Quantity Calculator

floor tile calculator

Bathroom tile calculator

Simply set all the necessary parameters and the system will give you the final amount of material. This option is convenient when using complex patterns and styling methods.

To produce tiles by hand, experts offer two options. Let's look at them in more detail.

Area calculation

If you want to know how many tiles you need in this way, you will have to perform the following measurements:

  • measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base under the tile;
  • measure areas where laying will not be carried out (doors, window openings);
  • measure the area of ​​one unit of material.

When all the parameters are found, it remains to perform simple calculations. Namely, divide by the area of ​​​​a unit of material, and, if necessary, round the number up. It is necessary to add 10–15% to the received amount of ceramics in order to compensate for the cost of trimming and rejection.

When the calculation is carried out for walls, it will be necessary to first subtract the area of ​​​​doors and window openings from the total area, if any, and then divide the result by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone unit of coverage.

Piece calculation

This method takes a slightly different approach to computing. And it is easier to explain it with a specific example. Let's say we need to make a calculation for a bathroom with a floor length and width of 3 and 2 m, respectively. The size of the selected ceramics is 30×30 cm.

We divide the width of the floor by the corresponding value of the tile: 3 / 0.3 \u003d 10. This means that 10 pieces will lie in width. We do the same with the length: 2/0.3=6.7. Round up to seven. So, for one row in length you will need 7 pieces. And now we multiply these numbers: 10 * 7 \u003d 70. It is this number of tiles that will need to be used for the floor of this room.

Such a calculation will provide higher accuracy, and is guaranteed to save you from a shortage of material. But, when using it, it is worth considering one detail. If the required fragment for trimming is no more than 50% of the size of the whole tile, then two of them will be obtained from one piece. Accordingly, the total number will decrease slightly.

In numbers it will look like this:

  • we take a floor with dimensions of 2.5 m by 1 m and a 30 × 30 tile;
  • we count the number of tiles along the length - we get 8 whole and 10 cm for trimming;
  • count in width - 3 whole and 10 cm trim;
  • multiply integers - 8 * 3 \u003d 24 pieces;
  • count the number of cut fragments:
    • there are 8 of them in length, 4 in width (3 rows of whole + 1 - of cut ones);
    • sum up - 8+4=12 pieces;

Since the size of one fragment is less than half of one tile, two such pieces can be made from it. And, therefore, the amount of tiles for their manufacture will be 2 times less. That is 12 pcs. divide by 2 and get 6 tiles per undercut. We add them to those that will fit whole: 24 + 6 = 30 pcs. And do not forget about 10% to compensate for the marriage.

Those who want to save money and not buy material with a vengeance, such a clarification will come in handy. But it is advisable to do it only with a direct laying option.

In other cases, the probability of error is very high.

The principles for performing the calculation are quite universal and are suitable for any surfaces, rooms and. And how to calculate the tile in your case - choose for yourself. We hope that our information will help you with this.