How to teach noisy neighbors a lesson? Real revenge on neighbors below Why do neighbors above roll metal balls on the floor

How to teach noisy neighbors a lesson? Real revenge on neighbors below Why do neighbors above roll metal balls on the floor

The problem is actually this...
My family and I went on vacation for 10 days, 1000 km away. We live on the 9th floor, below us lives a stupid family, headed by a man over 50, his hysterical wife, daughter and grandson. We’ve had conflicts with them since the renovation, everything was wrong for them, although they didn’t make noise at prohibited times and on weekends, we don’t make noise at home, we don’t play music loudly, drunk guests don’t make rows, our children are still small.
In general, the day before yesterday at ten in the evening, when we had already packed all our things so that we could go home early in the morning, we put the children to bed and my husband called on the phone. This crazy neighbor is screaming that we are drowning him, why don’t we go to the intercom and open the doors, he is screaming like crazy that he will call the Ministry of Emergency Situations to break down the doors. I don’t even know how he got my husband’s number, apparently he was running around all the neighbors, I don’t even know who has it. My husband and I are in a panic, it will take us at least 10-11 hours to get there, we haven’t slept, where are we on the road (((We called my parents, they live in a neighboring city 200 km away. They were already asleep, dad ran to the parking lot, grabbed the keys to our apartment and went to save our neighbor from the flood. We arrived at about 12 o’clock. I couldn’t find a place for myself during this time, I thought they had turned on the heating and there was boiling water leaking from a broken pipe in my apartment, the new renovation of the khan and all that, I would also have to repair the neighbors (( (((
Mom calls, everything is dry in the apartment, the neighbor does not open the door. My husband calls him, says go and see that we are not drowning you, and he tells him, I’m already asleep, I have to go to work tomorrow. My husband is shocked, he says to his parents who the hell knows where they came from, go look or show your flood, and he tells me I don’t care where they came from, next time I’ll immediately call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and let them break down the doors. And turned off the phone. Dad went to him, called and rattled, his wife screamed from behind the door that he would call the police. Dad threatened to bang on them all night, but mom locked the doors and hid the keys from him, she didn’t want a scandal for the whole house, so they stayed overnight with us.
My husband and I are shocked, it’s so uncomfortable in front of our parents, they also have to go to work in the morning, we spent 400 hryvnia on gasoline, a lot of nerves. We didn’t sleep well all night, and in the end we were tormented all the way home, we took turns driving, we got there at night, and my husband immediately rushed off to duty early in the morning.
We haven’t seen this idiot yet, I’m at home with the children, my husband will only come tomorrow. The anger doesn't let me go all day. Here's how to kill him beautifully and with impunity for us. Of course, no one will spoil his car and shit under the door; his husband will of course attack him when they meet, but only in words. But I really want to play a trick on him, but I don’t know how to do it in a more interesting way..... Please tell me!!!
Sorry for so much writing, but my emotions cannot be expressed in a nutshell

Have a quiet time of day everyone!
I would like to add one more method of dealing with the unruly neighbors below.
The method is great. Humane and refined. For the connoisseur.
The method is simple and does not require large expenses.
To implement it you will need:
1. A soccer ball tube (the one with the tail), or an inflatable ball
(which is dense and large in size) or a rubber glove, in general, anything that can be inflated.
2. A piece of durable and flexible rubber tube. The length of the rubber tube should be selected depending on the distance of the object (the neighbor’s apartment below). The main thing is to correctly calculate the length so as not to flood yourself. I bought a tube that looked like an IV at a car parts store.
3. A piece of metal tube for a strong connection between the rubber tube and the camera, or a rubber band with many layers of electrical tape and adhesive tape to prevent air from escaping and to hold tightly.
4. Volleyball pump.
That's all.
Now assembling the device:
1. Firmly connect the camera and the rubber tube through the adapter (hack work is unacceptable, you can
harm neighbors on the 1st floor).
2. Connect the other end of the tube to the pump.
1. Inflate the chamber with a pump (checking how many pumping times it takes for the chamber to inflate to 10-15cm
in diameter.
2. Deflate the chamber by disconnecting the pump from the tube
The device is ready for use.
1. Flush the camera into the toilet, having first secured your end of the tube well,
so as not to run for a new camera, etc.
I put a rubber glove on my hand and helped the device get into the pipe with my hand, periodically flushing the water so that the device stood up evenly and so that the outlets of the toilets are different.
2. When the camera descends into the depths of the sewer below the drain level of the neighbor’s apartment,
by 50-70 centimeters, pump it up with a pump (estimated number of pumps).
3. Flush the toilet (you can go small and big).
4. Go to the site to smoke and watch as the neighbors below take your poop out into the street in a bucket (because there is nowhere else to go).
5. Repeat the manipulation as many times as necessary to increase the effect.
After use, deflate the device, pull it back out, wash it and store it for future use.
The device was manufactured and tested personally.
The effect is enhanced if the case occurs after 20:00 (the plumber on duty is already
you'll find hell, but everyone on the floors above came from work...
The neighbor caught poop all over the apartment + almost got punched in the face by the neighbor downstairs for a specific leak. The neighbors below received money for repairs from the neighbor who flooded them.
The length of the tube should be selected according to the formula:
Ceiling height multiplied by the number of floors to the neighbor + 50-70 cm + length of the tail
will remain in your apartment and in your hands.
Be sure to secure the tube to your side so you don't have to catch poop.
to the neighbor on the first floor (if you miss it, she will get stuck on the 1st floor).
Monitor the plumber's visits to your neighbors,
When he arrives, deflate the camera (without pulling it out); when he leaves, swearing that he was called in in vain, inflate it again.
I did this 4 times a night, the effect is simply great.
They start listening to music with a subwoofer at night and screaming songs from the balcony, I calm them down with poop.
Use it, it really helps.
With respect and good night wishes, and at any time of the day.

May be poisoned for a long time, if not forever. Is it possible to take revenge on neighbors for all the troubles?

What do bad neighbors mean? These are the ones who organize showdowns and brawls at night, shout obscene words and sing drunken songs when it is half past twelve in the morning; who climb into your mailbox, are rude, dirty the landing and generally play all sorts of nasty tricks on you.

Do you accept this meekly? And in vain. Undoubtedly, we must respond to such neighbors in their own coin. No, revenge does not mean at all that you need to buy a pump-action shotgun from suspicious citizens and, waiting for your bastard neighbor, shoot him in the stomach shouting: - Come on, you bastard, get it for everything!

All this will end in prison, the tears of your wife and the crying of children stretching out their thin little hands to you with exclamations: - Dad, dad, don't go!

No, you can do everything differently...

But as?

1. If the neighbors start making noise, turn on the stereo with recordings of the group “Tender Bull”. And put the speakers against the neighbor's wall. You can also practice singing karaoke, but you need to repeat the same song over and over again, preferably out of tune and louder. For example, the old folk song “Marusya got poisoned.” Remember?

It's evening.
Everyone is from the factory and on the way.
Marusya poisoned her.
I'll take you to the hospital...

2. It's time to start finishing work. For example, spandard wooden panels, of course, to the neighbor’s wall. Or make plugs for attaching shelves, hanging pictures, and so on. For these works you will need a drill. After five hours of working with a drill, the neighbors, no matter how much they scream, will start to get a headache from this drilling sound.

3. If your neighbors fall asleep after yelling, it’s time to wake them up. Better at five in the morning or even earlier. To do this, go out onto the site and ring the neighbor’s doorbell. Again. And further. And hide. After the neighbors open the door and see no one, you need to wait fifteen minutes and repeat the operation. And do this until nine in the morning. Of course, you won't get enough sleep either. However, you will receive deep moral satisfaction.

4. Do you know any cats? If not, you will have to make such acquaintances. And when you start having male cats as your friends, pour valerian on your neighbor’s door and rug (if you have one). And invite your friends. Undoubtedly, the scratching at the neighbor's door and the wonderful cat concert will remain in the neighbors' ears for a long time...

A gift, for example

5. Or you can throw a “gift” under the neighbor’s door. For example, an envelope with excrement. Our own. When, for example, you went to the toilet after pea soup with croutons and garlic. Or a large portion of herring with onions. There is no doubt that the neighbors will most likely not fail to open this envelope. And you will again receive the deepest moral satisfaction.

6. You can spray the area near the neighbor's door, the rug and the door itself with blood. And scatter tufts of wool near the designated door. All this can be obtained at the market. And then call the police. From a pay phone. They say that a murder happened, nothing else. Let the neighbors be nervous.

7. Or you can also buy silicate glue, mix soot and ash into it and cover your neighbors’ door peephole with this substance. And then call them at night and early in the morning.

8. A great way to take revenge on your neighbors is to use raw eggs. But first you need to break them up, stir until smooth and put it into a syringe. And one fine night, pour this mass from a syringe into the cracks between the door leaf and the opening, between the opening and the wall, and into other various cracks and corners. There will be such a stench from rotten eggs that you won’t be able to breathe. And you can’t wash all the cracks and corners. And the stench from rotten eggs lasts for a long time...

9. You can also advertise in newspapers that:

  • such and such an apartment (neighbor's) is rented out cheaply;
  • in these apartments (neighbor's apartment) a depraved and extremely vicious individual gives bodily caress to men and women for only five hundred per hour;
  • that the private enterprise “Neighbors” (instead of “Neighbours” you must, of course, insert their last name) accepts from the population waste paper, old clothes and rags, bottles, aluminum cans and buttons from trouser flies.

There are many other things you can come up with to take revenge on your neighbors and ruin their lives. You can contact with me any time!

When purchasing housing in an apartment building, we pay attention to many points: cost, layout, number of rooms and condition of the apartment. These criteria determine the choice.

But when buying a home, many people overlook one important point - soundproofing the room. You are lucky if you live next to peaceful people, but it also happens the other way around: the neighbors upstairs are stomping around like elephants, preventing you from resting, you can constantly hear squeals, someone knocking on something. This can completely ruin your life.

You can try to negotiate and ask to make less noise, but as practice shows, this is not always effective.

What methods can be used in the fight against people who do not consider the comfort of others? What to do if the upstairs neighbors are annoying, loud music is heard until late, children are running and making noise, parents are arguing, constantly dropping things, moving furniture that creaks, depriving you of the opportunity to rest peacefully? Who should I contact for help? You will find answers to these questions below.

What time can you make noise?

Many had to live next door to harmful and conflict-ridden people. Such people, at the slightest noise from your apartment, immediately appear on the threshold, make trouble, threaten with the police and various troubles. But why do you need to conflict once again? In order not to become like a brawler, let's figure out what the law says in such cases.

The norms and rules of conduct for residents of an apartment building are prescribed in the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.”

  • From a legal point of view, you can file claims against your neighbors regarding noise in the following cases:
  • if neighbors play music loudly, shout, stomp and otherwise create a lot of noise between 11 p.m. and 7 p.m.;
  • when the noise coming from the apartment in the period from 7 to 23 hours exceeds 30 dB;

in cases where neighbors carry out renovation work that creates a lot of noise on weekends or between 7 pm and 7 pm during the work week.

Clarification of relations with neighbors should begin only if they violate the rules of behavior prescribed by law.

What to do if the upstairs neighbors are constantly making noise

If the sound insulation in your apartment leaves much to be desired, and the neighbors above are constantly screaming, making noise, making repairs or dropping something, listening to music loudly, and their child is rolling cars on the floor, running, jumping, and everyone is stomping like elephants, survive It's difficult in such an environment. What to do in this case and where to go?

Use the consultation:

  • You should not immediately run with a complaint to the local police officer or begin “military actions” in relation to the neighbors above. Remember that quarrels and scandals happen in your family, you also make repairs and bring guests to the house, and your children are not ideal. Therefore, try to solve the problem peacefully.

Start with a conversation. In a calm voice, without accusations or insults, express your complaints to your neighbors. Show understanding for their renovation problems, noisy children, and love of music. But at the same time, remind that others should not suffer from their increased activity. Perhaps the residents above don’t even realize that you can hear everything, and don’t realize how bad the sound insulation is in the house.

If your neighbors are normal people, they will treat you with understanding and try to be quieter. In this case, the problem will be forgotten and you will be able to live in peace again.

Where to complain about upstairs neighbors

  • There are several ways to deal with your neighbors legally. You can try to solve the problem like this:

However, there are often cases when police officers are reluctant to accept such statements from residents, and sometimes ignore complaints. If the local police officer is inactive, write a complaint to the prosecutor's office against this officer.

  • Trial. Since the standards of behavior of residents are regulated by law, it is possible to take revenge on noisy neighbors in this way. If the court rules in your favor, the violators will pay a fine.

However, in order to go to court or the police, evidence is needed that the neighbors are actually violating the rules of conduct prescribed by law. Is the noise coming from their apartment so loud that it warrants legal action?

Take advantage of the consultation: The neighbors are annoying: how to evict antisocial tenants of the house

  • Please note that the permissible noise level is up to 40 dB during the day and up to 30 dB in the evenings. These indicators are determined by a special device. You can insist that an independent examination be carried out, in which case the noise indicators will be recorded in the document. This way, you will receive irrefutable evidence that your neighbors are disturbing the peace.
  • The only case when it will be difficult to understand the law is if unattended children are noisy in the apartment, jumping, screaming, rolling cars on the floor and stomping terribly. Only conversations, requests to calm the child and limit his activity will help here. As a last resort, you can contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities with a complaint that children are being left unattended.

But what to do if even the threat of a legal fine and other troubles does not stop rowdy and noisy residents? How to protect your peace?

If it didn’t work out according to the law, persuasion doesn’t work, and at the top they are still drilling, moving, dropping, shouting and stomping, and even the music is blaring, it’s time for a “guerrilla war.”

Human imagination is sometimes amazing. There are many ways to harm a neighbor, but you should not resort to such actions as self-harm, damage to other people’s property, and the like. This could work against you and it is quite possible that you will need the help of a lawyer. Let's look at safe and effective ways you can take revenge on your neighbors for making noise.

How to harm your upstairs neighbors

Method 1

  • To teach your neighbors a lesson, you can use a simple method - block the front door. This can be done provided that the door opens towards the staircase.
  • Take the board and place it so that one end rests against the doorknob of the harmful neighbor, and the other against the floor, step or railing, depending on where the entrance to the apartment is located.
  • Now it is impossible to get out of the apartment on your own, and the neighbors will have to wait until other residents come to their aid and remove the board. If they want, of course.

Method 2

  • If the neighbors are really fed up, you can decide to do any nasty thing. Including damage to the lock on the front door.
  • Lubricate several needles with glue and insert them into the keyhole. As a result, someone who “doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let them into the house” won’t let the owners themselves in either. In this case, it is impossible to repair the lock; it will need to be replaced.

Method 3

  • If you are haunted by the constantly screaming TV in your neighbor’s apartment, and he ignores your requests, you can cut the antenna cable, or better yet, cut out a piece. It will take time for the intruder to eliminate the trouble, but you will be able to enjoy the silence for at least a short time.
  • The telephone cable can be damaged in the same way. A small thing, but unpleasant.

Tabloid: A netizen has found the perfect way to teach noisy upstairs neighbors a lesson!

Method 4

This method is only suitable for those who are well versed in electricity and can do everything that needs to be done without the risk of injury.

If your neighbors’ music is too loud and the noise does not subside after 11 p.m., you can “do magic” in the electrical panel and deprive the apartment of electricity. This is easy to do by cutting out part of the wire so that it is difficult to connect the scraps.

How to teach alcoholic neighbors a lesson

What to do with alcoholic neighbors who constantly get into drunken brawls, and the police already know their address by heart? There is one way!

  • Come up with a reliable reason (it’s your birthday, you received a bonus or a new position, the reason “drink to my health” will also work) and treat your neighbors to vodka laced with a laxative. Of course, they will not be cured of alcoholism, but at least for a while they will have no time for fighting and dancing!

How to annoy: sounds for upstairs neighbors

Method 1

The enemy must be beaten with his own weapon - this is a well-known truth. Try to annoy your neighbor with his own noise!

  • To do this, make an audio recording of the noise coming from your neighbors. Collect a larger “collection”, and then, using a special program, a large selection of which can be found on the Internet, edit the “track”. If you don't know how to do this, you can play the same recording in repeat mode.
  • Then install the speakers closer to the ceiling (if neighbors upstairs are bothering you), or to the shared wall (this is for those who live “through the wall”) and turn on the recording at full power! It’s better for you to leave home during this time so as not to go crazy in such an environment.

Method 2

Do your upstairs neighbors love music and you also have to be a music lover, since the equipment screams almost in the ultrasonic range? Maybe they even purchased a percussion instrument? To all your requests to make it quieter and reminders that this is not a nightclub, there is no reaction?

Use the consultation: Neighborhood disputes: marking the boundaries of the site

  • Strike back and give them a concert performed by you! Let them listen to the exquisite composition that you will perform on the radiators! The sound will be especially loud if you use metal objects, even if you knock with a spoon.
  • It is possible that your downstairs neighbors will “pop in” and hear the “concert.” Apologize and honestly explain the reasons for your behavior, complain about uncontrollable music lovers. Who knows, maybe in your downstairs neighbor you will find a like-minded person who will agree to play the batteries “four hands”?

Method 3

You can take revenge on your neighbors using a pot of water placed on a cabinet or shelf under the ceiling. It must be installed so that the edges are pressed tightly against the ceiling.

Place headphones on the pan and connect them to a music center or computer. And turn on the music at full blast. It turns out to be an improvised vibrating column, while your apartment will be quiet, which cannot be said about the neighbors above.

Method 4

You can not only take revenge, but also survive your neighbors with the help of ultrasound. There are devices designed to repel rodents and insects with ultrasound. The sound of this device resembles the squeak of a mosquito.

If you are well versed in technology, then by “conjuring” the device, you can ensure that the unbearable squeak will be picked up by the human ear. It is extremely difficult to exist in such an atmosphere.

Why do the upstairs neighbors roll metal balls on the floor?

How to ruin the life of your neighbors upstairs

Method 1

  • You can use the method code-named “Shame on rowdies.” Print out leaflets with a detailed description of the life of citizens N living in apartment no. The leaflet can be decorated with cartoons, pictures and slogans like “We ask for silence!”
  • Post these flyers in the hallway, near the elevator or mailboxes, and finally, stick them on the offender’s front door or windshield of his car, if he has one!

Method 2

  • If you are completely fed up, try this method: distribute advertisements for the sale of an apartment, car or cottage in newspapers, on relevant websites and on social networks. Whose? Of course, the neighbor's! And don’t forget to include your phone number, both home and mobile. If you know your work phone number, you can add that too.
  • The main thing is that the terms of sale should be very profitable for the buyer, simply fabulous! In this case, there will be no end to the calls and your neighbors will be tortured to explain that they are not selling anything. Or maybe they will give up and move out, selling the apartment to one of those who want to buy it?

Method 3

Order a bunch of goods from online stores to your neighbors’ addresses, sign them up for catalogs and other promotional products. Talking to managers of online stores and filing refusals is a troublesome task that takes a lot of effort.

Use the consultation: Rules for carrying out noisy renovation work in apartment buildings

Method 4

  • If your neighbors have a metal or wooden door covered with dermantine, you can use the following method: shake a raw chicken egg in a bowl, and then collect it in a syringe. Make a cut in the upholstery in an inconspicuous place and pour the mixture there. The smell of rotten eggs is terrible and to get rid of it, neighbors will have to not only remove the upholstery, but also wash the door.
  • Instead of eggs, you can use iodine, vinegar and chlorine bleach, mixing them in equal parts.

Method 5

  • If your neighbors are superstitious and believe in omens, throw objects that could pass for attributes of magical rituals at their front door. This could be soil, bird feathers, wool, salt, leftover candles, needles, etc.

How to deal with upstairs neighbors if they constantly flood

Are your upstairs neighbors constantly flooding you, and complaining seems useless? You can contact a lawyer and sue, but what to do when this is not possible?

Without legal assistance, of course, it will be difficult, but you can try. Under the place where water drips from the ceiling, fill your own floor! At first glance, this looks stupid, because the water will get to the lower neighbors. But when they come to you to find out what’s wrong, complain to them about the upstairs ones, show them the stains on the ceiling. In this case, you won’t be the only one complaining about people who flood things.

How to teach noisy upstairs neighbors a lesson

These little dirty tricks do not require serious preparation or any additional knowledge, but they are great on the nerves. So, what else can you do to annoy your harmful neighbors:

  • Call a landline phone (preferably at night) and remain silent on the phone. Those who are familiar with a computer can install an auto-dialer program, which can be found on the Internet, and calls will be made in the next apartment without your participation.
  • Burn the doorbell button for your noxious neighbors. This act may seem stupid, but war is war!
  • Use spray paint and decorate your neighbor's metal door with a three-letter message (meaning "home," "peace," or "noise," of course).
  • Buy a GSM jammer. This device will deprive neighbors of the ability to use the telephone and the Internet. You can even anonymously warn them that this will always happen if they don’t start respecting others.
  • This method is only for those who are not squeamish; it can be called “shit on the door.” The offender's door can be smeared with feces (dog, cat or human). You can deliver the “weapon of revenge” in a bag (or better yet, two), and use rubber gloves.
  • If funds allow, buy a speaker system and let your upstairs neighbors enjoy hard rock! Just install the speakers closer to the ceiling.

The following tips will help you emerge victorious from the “neighborhood war” and force noisy residents to consider the comfort of those around them.

How to take revenge on a neighbor who has a car

  • place a cobblestone or brick on the hood of the car (this will serve as a warning);
  • sprinkle more grain on the car and the surrounding birds will flock to the treat (and they will not only peck at the hood and roof, but will also “decorate” the surface with their waste);
  • Douse your car with valerian - and all the cats in the area will “pop in for a visit” (traces from dirty paws and claws are guaranteed).

Never break car windows, puncture tires, or throw water-filled balloons onto the roof of a car. If you get caught, you will have a hard time without the help of a competent lawyer.

How to calm down your upstairs neighbors

If noisy neighbors ignore requests to be quieter, and you decide to start “military action,” adhere to the following rules:

  • first use “gentle” methods, perhaps the hint will be understood immediately;
  • if you decide to harm your neighbor, act carefully and don’t get caught;
  • having committed one or another action aimed at taking revenge on a neighbor, accompany it with a note explaining the reasons;
  • do not try to influence problem residents by assault;
  • Do not create life-threatening situations for people or pets.

No matter how problematic the neighbors may be, try to come to an agreement first. Try to avoid war until the last moment, and if conversations are useless, it is better to act through law enforcement agencies.

Use the consultation: How to attach an attic or vestibule to an apartment