How to germinate a nut. How to grow walnuts from nuts? The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

How to germinate a nut.  How to grow walnuts from nuts?  The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn
How to germinate a nut. How to grow walnuts from nuts? The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Tree Walnut belongs to the nut family. In another way, this species is called Greek or royal. Walnut in wildlife found its permanent refuge in western Transcaucasia, northern India, the Tien Shan, northern China, Greece, northern India, Asia Minor and even Norway. Although the most luxurious natural hazel trees can be found in the south of Kyrgyzstan.

general information

The original origin of the walnut and Iran is considered his homeland. But opinions differ on this matter. It is also credited with Indian, Chinese and even Japanese origins.

Historical sources indicate that this culture came from Greece to Rome, and then spread to Germany, Bulgaria, Switzerland and France. And even this tree came to Ukraine from Romania and Moldova, but under the name “Voloshsky”.

Walnut is a large tree reaching 25 m in height. Its powerful trunk can reach a girth of up to 7 meters. Complex odd-pinnate leaves up to 7 cm, evenly spaced on the branches, form an extensive crown. On one tree, both male and female flowers can open, which are pollinated by the wind in May.

The globular, bony fruit of the walnut is located inside the leathery pericarp at ripening. The nutty internal component is divided by incomplete partitions, to which the edible kernel is adjacent. The weight of one fruit can reach 17 g.

thermophilic and lives up to 400 years. Its wood belongs to valuable species and is often used for production designer furniture. Its leaves are used to make textile dye. Today, the main producing countries of this valuable wood are Türkiye, China, Ukraine, Iran and the USA.

Planting and soil requirements

Walnut seedlings are usually planted in the spring, although in the southern regions they can also be planted in the fall. This tree is not particularly picky about soil, but clay soil It is better to enrich with compost or peat. Walnut is very light-loving, so for planting it you need to choose sunny places, otherwise the seedling may die. And also the nut does not like places with high level humidity. The optimal soil pH is pH 5.5 to 5.8.

Before planting walnuts, it is necessary to carefully inspect the seedlings. Diseased, dried and rotten roots and shoots must be removed, and then the roots should be dipped in a clay mixture with the following contents:

  • Water.
  • ¼ decomposed manure.
  • ¾ clay.
  • You can add growth stimulants to this consistency - Epin or Humate.

Propagating nuts by seeds is one of the most popular methods, in which it is important to choose a good fruit. Let's figure out how to grow a walnut so that the tree produces a good harvest.

Nut propagation by seeds is one of the most popular and proven methods.

Germination of seeds

How to choose and how to germinate walnuts:

  1. The nuts are collected as they fall from the tree; you can knock them down.
  2. For sowing, the gardener selects large fruits with thin shells and excellent taste. Take whole nuts that have no defects or cracks. Make sure that there are no spots or dots on the shell.
  3. You should not use store-bought fruits, as they may be old and unsuitable for growing.
  4. The pericarp is removed for faster germination. Peel the fruit carefully, without touching the inner peel.
  5. For convenience, use rubber gloves.
  6. The peeled fruits are placed in a container with water. Those that have sunk to the bottom are suitable for planting.
  7. After cleaning, the fruits are dried in the sun and placed in the shade. Do not use heating equipment to dry seeds.


If you don’t know how to plant a walnut from a seed, follow the advice of experts. Planting seeds in open ground produced in autumn or spring.

Walnut planting in the fall is carried out on a regular area, because during replanting there is a risk of damaging the roots and destroying the plant. The diameter of the hole is about 1 m. The seeds need to be deepened by 20 cm and sprinkled with soil mixed with humus.

Grow Walnut which bears fruit well, the following planting rules will help:

  1. 3 months before planting, stratification must be carried out. Prepare wet sand and place the nuts in it at a temperature not exceeding 7 °C. After a week and a half, you can see the growing seedling.
  2. Select the strongest seed from the sprouted ones.
  3. It is important to place the seeds strictly with the seam facing up. Approximately three fruits fit into the hole, which should be placed at a distance of 25 cm from each other. main feature laying out seeds is compliance geometric shapes: three nuts are laid out in a triangle, and four in a square.
  4. Fill the hole and compact the resulting mound.

Planting container

How to properly plant a walnut in a container:

  1. A deep pot with drainage is suitable for planting. The first container should have a diameter and depth of 30 cm. This will allow the root system of the tree to fit freely.
  2. Each time you transfer you need to select new pot, the diameter of which will be 8 cm larger than the previous one.
  3. The container should be placed in a room that is well lit by the sun. There should be no drafts or wind.
  4. When flowers form, provide the plant with shelter from adverse external influences.
  5. You can install the pot in greenhouse conditions. The tree does not like too dense soil; the soil should be slightly alkaline, very nutritious and loose.

Growing at home

You can plant and grow a tree at home, but this process is labor-intensive.

How to grow a nut from a fruit: the fruit should be grown in large pots, as this will protect the crop from severe frosts.

Large containers will provide the plant with the necessary beneficial components that it extracts from the soil. A nut grown this way is medium in size. You shouldn't expect a rich harvest from him. Small size and the fruits of the tree. The taste of nuts directly depends on the care of the plant.


Once you have learned how to grow a walnut from a seed, you need to take care of caring for it. Worst enemy walnut - waterlogged or too dry soil. When there is too much moisture, the roots begin to rot and gradually die.

Insufficient moisture threatens to stop the development of ovaries. On hot days, the amount of water should be increased. You may need to wrap the pot in a damp cloth to cool the roots.

In order to protect the plant from freezing, you need to bring it indoors or cover it with burlap. Using a similar method, the culture is preserved from birds. If you start growing walnuts at home, you should mulch the soil with peat in the spring, you can use manure and moss. Walnuts rarely get sick, but if spots appear on its foliage, it needs to be treated with a special liquid.

Fertilizers are left on during the growing season, when the crop needs additional feeding.

Walnuts require additional feeding during the growing season.

Transplantation is carried out in the fall. To do this, the tree is taken out of the pot and one tenth of the root system is cut off. The aboveground area also needs pruning. Replanting is necessary for the nut to reach its final size. A tree that has taken root in a tub can be given any shape.

Do not forget to mold the crown during the first years of the plant’s life along with removing some of the flowers. This will prevent abundant fruiting. In summer, thin, weak shoots should be removed.

A tree planted correctly will grow healthy and bear fruit. Now you know how to plant a walnut from a fruit.

Walnut is a heat-loving, durable tree with a very powerful and developed root system that brings useful fruits. The nut is rich in amino acids and vegetable fats, which have a beneficial effect on many human organ systems. A handful of peeled nuts a day will improve brain activity, the digestive system, strengthen the heart muscle, and enrich it with essential vitamins and microelements. Walnuts are quite easy to plant on your property at home. In this article you will learn how to select seeds, germinate them for planting, and when to plant them in the ground. More detailed instructions clearly shown in the video.

How to select seed material

At home, the most common method of planting seeds. The seed germinates within a year if selected good material. For planting, it is better to select seeds from a tree with large nuts, a variety with a thin shell. You need to select the seed as soon as the nuts begin to fall off. Suitable for sowing are undamaged kernels, nuts without visible shell defects, and fresh. If you buy nuts for sowing in a store, the probability of their germination is very low, since it is not known when they were collected. You can grow walnuts as a decorative indoor plant. In this case, the variety does not play a special role.

Attention! If you are going to plant a seedling in open ground, then before germinating the seeds, make sure that the selected variety is acclimatized and can withstand frost.

Preparation for sowing and basic rules

After carefully selecting nuts for planting, they need to be prepared. To do this, the kernels are laid out in one layer in a box-type container and covered with wet sand. The box needs to be put in a cool, dark place, maybe in the refrigerator. Storage temperature does not exceed 0-5°C. It takes about 4 months to keep the seeds in this mode. In this case, every 3-4 weeks you need to moisten the sand and ventilate the container. After this period, the nuts will ripen as seeds, ready to be planted in the ground.

Use fresh nuts for sprouting

If you collect and prepare the seeds in a timely manner, the most favorable time for planting will come - mid-spring, the second half of April. For the future seedling, you need to choose a spacious pot; you can make a specially made wooden tub. Sufficient depth for a pot up to 30 cm. This space should be enough for proper development root system.

Advice. If you have very little space at home, you can plant the seeds in 0.5 liter plastic cups. First you need to make holes in the bottom for air. Drainage may not be used.

It is better to prepare the soil mixture yourself from one part of turf, part of peat and the third component - humus. The soil should be of medium acidity and necessarily loose. Dense soil will not allow the rhizome to develop well. So, step-by-step seed planting:

  1. Fill the pot one third full with drainage.
  2. Fill in the soil mixture.
  3. Place the kernel to a depth of 7-9 cm, side down.
  4. Water the soil generously.
  5. Leave the tub or pot with the seed in a warm place with sufficient lighting. Before a sprout will sprout, can be covered with film or glass.

After about two weeks, sprouts should appear. Now proper care of the plant is necessary so that a good fruit-bearing tree grows.

Walnut sprout

In the case of germinating seeds in a glass, when the sprouts reach 10 cm, the plant must be transplanted into a larger container, for example, into a cut bottle. Planted in April, the plants reach a height of about 25 cm by autumn.

Rules for caring for walnut seedlings

If you have been gardening for a long time, then you are no stranger to timely watering and caring for plants. In this case, keeping the nut will not cause much trouble. Basic care requirements:

  • Lighting. Walnut does not like shaded places; it is a sun-loving plant.
  • Watering is regular and plentiful, but do not allow water to stagnate to avoid root rot. If there is a lack of moisture, the ovary will not form correctly.
  • Fresh air in the warm season. At a constant daytime temperature of +15°C and above, the seedling should be placed outside in a sunny place. However, you need to protect the tree from overheating. You can wrap the pot with a wet cloth. Make sure there are no drafts or gusty winds.
  • Mulching the soil at the base of the tree with peat.
  • Fertilize with complex potassium-containing fertilizer once every two weeks.
  • Protection from insect pests, especially in the warm season, when the plant is outdoors most of the time.

How to grow a nut at home ornamental plant, then the seedling is moved into a large tub. Every year in the fall, a replanting is needed with pruning of a tenth of the roots. And in order to form a tree, in the summer months it is necessary to remove young shoots, the weakest of them. To prevent excessive fruiting, remove some of the flowers.

Young walnut seedling

The walnut tree is resistant to external infections, but with insufficient feeding, watering or wrong place If the pot is placed, the plant may weaken and develop incorrectly. As a result, it becomes susceptible various diseases. Among the most famous, especially dangerous diseases: bacteriosis, brown spot, root cancer.

The seedling is ready for planting in the ground a year after sowing. Fruiting can be expected in 6-7 years. To speed up this process, it is more convenient to buy ready-made seedlings for planting on the site.

Growing walnuts: video

The walnut has long ceased to be something outlandish in middle lane Russia. At the moment, many breeding varieties have been developed that are adapted to both frost and drought. Grow on your own personal plot a beautiful and strong tree that gives good harvests Every gardener can enjoy healthy fruits. In this case, it is not necessary to buy ready-made seedlings, but you can plant the nut with seeds. When choosing the second method, you need to know how to germinate walnuts, how and when to plant them and how to care for them. All this will be discussed further.

Selection of planting material

Well, let's start answering the question “how to properly germinate a walnut?” A successful result depends primarily on the choice of seeds for planting. The main criteria to focus on are:

  • Size of nuts (you should take the largest fruits possible).
  • Size and taste of the kernel (nuts should be tasty and the kernels should completely fill the shell).
  • Shell thickness (you should choose fruits with thin shells).
  • Maturity and quality of nuts (fruits must be fully ripe, without any damage such as blackening, congenital deformations, etc.).
  • Age of seeds (nuts for planting should be taken fresh, from the current year’s harvest, since last year’s and the year before last’s fruits lose up to 50% of their germination capacity).

One more important nuance in the topic of how to germinate walnuts at home, is the method of purchasing seeds. It is worth noting right away that it is extremely undesirable to do this in stores, since there is no guarantee that they will be fresh. In general, find a quality planting material not so easy, but you can try your luck at vegetable stalls.

The ideal option is to take them directly from the tree, when they are already ripe, before germinating the walnuts. But you shouldn’t pick up fruits that have been lying on the ground for a long time.

At making the right choice seeding material, you are guaranteed to receive complete, high-quality and healthy seedlings.

Preparatory work

Sowing of seeds is carried out in autumn or spring. it is necessary to start 1-1.5 months before the planned date of planting in the ground. Before germinating a walnut for planting, it is necessary to carry out certain preparatory activities. Selected nuts are kept in a manganese solution for three days. After this, they are placed for the same time in some kind of plant growth stimulant, for example “Zircon”.

In the process of soaking nuts, the liquid must be changed daily, completely draining the old one. The fact is that a high concentration of tannins and essential substances formed from the shell can negatively affect how successfully and how quickly a walnut can be germinated.

Planting seeds

After a week water procedures planting material must be planted in a container. Before germinating walnuts, you need to prepare the soil consisting of sawdust and sand. To eliminate bacteria, the sand should be calcined and the sawdust should be steamed. The resulting mixture, to the thickness of your palm, is poured into a container and moistened. The nuts are laid “on edge” on the resulting sand-sawdust cushion. A layer of moistened soil of similar thickness is poured on top.

The container should be placed in a warm place, but not near heating appliances. To retain moisture in the soil, the container is covered with film.

Seed germination

2-3 weeks after sowing, the top layer of soil is carefully removed without touching the nuts to check their germination. If the shell flaps separate and a small white root appears, then the seeds have sprouted. For further cultivation the container is moved to sunny window, where the growing of seedlings continues until they are transplanted into open ground.

It should be borne in mind that the timing of seed germination cannot always be predicted. Fresh and high-quality planting material can germinate in just 10-12 days, while seeds purchased in a store sometimes require 1 to 6 months. The germination rate depends on the time of seed collection and storage conditions, and these indicators are often simply unknown.

For example, a seed that fell in the fall and ripened naturally without additional stimulation with growth preparations sprouts in open ground only in May. By artificial means Planted nuts germinate in containers already in the second week.

Storage of planting material

If autumn planting There are no plans to grow nuts; you can save the seeds until spring. To do this, they are buried in a container with moistened sand and left to winter storage in a dark and cool place, such as a cellar or basement.

About a month before the May planting, the nuts are transferred to a soil mixture prepared for germination, consisting of thermally treated sand and sawdust and sprinkled with a growth stimulator. The container is taken out to a bright and warm place.

Germinated seedlings can be transplanted into open ground in May or grown in a container until autumn and planted in October. If seedlings are grown in closed ground for a long time, it is necessary to transplant them into large diameter containers twice a season.

Seedlings grown in spring must be hardened off before planting in the ground. To do this, they are taken outside every day for several hours. Gradually, the time spent outside should be increased, reaching full daylight hours.


If you know how to germinate walnuts, follow the rules for further cultivation, feed and care for the seedlings in a timely manner, then planted in open ground in May, they will already grow to 15 cm by September, and their roots will increase in length to 35 cm. The first harvest with nuts planted by seeds can be obtained already in the 4-5th year after planting.

Seeds have one valuable property, namely: seedlings often surpass the mother tree in all quality indicators.

You may be wondering how to grow a walnut from a nut tree. A walnut tree can live up to 300 years, and all this time does not require any special care behind him. It produces extremely healthy fruits that are not only tasty, but also have a medicinal effect, including walnut wood, its foliage and other parts of the plant. The root system is very powerful. It penetrates deep into the soil. The tree is light- and moisture-loving. Prefers fertile soil, where groundwater is located nearby.

How to prepare seeds for planting

Planting walnuts at home is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the right fruits, that is, the nuts themselves. It is propagation through such seeds that is the main method.

Germination of the nut takes place only after a year. For the process to go well, it is necessary to choose fruits that have a thin shell and good taste. Only use whole nuts that are free from blemishes. They can be collected both from branches and from the ground when they have already fallen from the tree.

The shell must have good appearance. There should be no segments with damage, dots, stains or other defects. You cannot use fruits that you bought in a store, as they may be either spoiled, unsuitable, or too old to germinate.

It is recommended to remove the nut from the fruit. The shell is called the pericarp. It does not have to be removed, but in this case the germination process will be significantly slowed down. During cleaning, care must be taken to ensure that the inner skin is not damaged. You only need to disconnect outer part. It is recommended to use rubber gloves or other protective equipment for hands, since upon contact with the juice of the shell, the skin begins to darken.

When the nut is already completely peeled, it should be placed in a container of water. Fruits that have gradually fallen to the bottom of the container are suitable for planting, since their kernels remain intact.

Now you need to dry the seed. To do this, it is supposed to be laid out in one layer in sunny place. After a couple of days, it is recommended to remove the fruits to a place under a canopy so that they dry. You should not keep nuts that are selected for germination near heating devices. If the seed is planned to be planted in the fall, then there is no need to dry it.

Planting seeds

You need to figure out when to plant walnuts. This can be done both in autumn and spring. In the first case, it is necessary to plant the seeds immediately in a place that will be permanent for the tree, since then it will no longer be possible to replant it without damaging the root system.

The hole should be about 1 m deep and have a diameter. This is required to ensure required quantity nutritional compounds for the tree in the future. The nuts should be deepened by about 20 cm. The seed should be covered with a mixture that includes humus and soil. It is necessary to lay the seeds so that the seam is located at the top. There are 3 nuts per hole, which are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other. They must be laid out in the shape of a triangle.

Then you need to fill the hole and compact the soil. From those seeds that sprouted in the hole, only the strongest and best developed are selected. Watering should be done between May and July. On square meter 4 buckets of water are required. If the weather is rainy, then watering is not carried out. When summer comes to an end, moisturizing should be stopped altogether.

If you want to grow a nut in spring time, then it is best to carry out the planting process in May. This is especially true for many regions in Russia, where winters are very cold. If in such areas you plant a nut in autumn time, that is, there is a possibility that the seed will freeze and not germinate. In spring, nuts should be planted in May. Until this time, the seed should be kept in a cool place for stratification for 3-4 months. When planting nuts, the temperature should be approximately +4…+7ºС.

The fruits must be placed in wet sand. Before doing this, the nuts must be kept in a container of water for some time (the temperature should be room temperature). Then they need to be deepened 8 cm into the ground. After about 10 days, the first shoots will appear. By autumn they will have grown 15 cm. First, the shoots stretch upward, and only then they begin to gradually thicken. If you water abundantly, the length of the sprout will be greater, but at the same time it will be more difficult for it to endure the winter.

You need to decide where walnuts grow well. It is imperative to choose the right place for planting so that the tree is comfortable. It prefers places with good lighting. The area should be spacious, since the tree needs space for a spreading crown. Then the fruits themselves will ripen on all the branches. Before next tree you need to leave at least 5 m, because root system will be very powerful. You cannot grow walnut near a house or other buildings, as it will damage the foundation. If the soil is poor in content useful substances, then it needs to be fertilized. It is best to plant the tree on the southwest or south side, away from the building.

Tree care

All work in the garden begins in spring. If in the second half of March the temperature is not less than 4ºC, then it is recommended to trim the walnut for sanitary purposes, as well as to form a crown. If at this time due to bad weather it is still impossible to prune, then it is recommended to carry out this procedure for more later, but in any case before sap flow begins.

In spring, the tree requires a lot of moisture. If there was little snow in winter and spring was not rainy, then additional watering is required. In addition, it is necessary at this time to carry out prevention against various diseases and pests in order to grow the walnut tree strong and healthy. It is recommended to use a solution copper sulfate(3%). In addition, it is additionally necessary to whitewash the trunk with lime. In May, feeding is needed. At this time it is recommended to add ammonium nitrate. big tree approximately 6 kg of this substance is required per year, this rule refers to those trees that are already more than 3 years old. The fertilizers that are applied when planting a seedling are sufficient for this time.

If the summer is dry and hot, then it is necessary to water the tree periodically. In the period from May to July, it is necessary to water 2 times a month. After moistening the soil, you should not loosen it, since this particular plant does not like this procedure. But weeds must be removed so that they do not interfere with the tree. IN summer time walnuts can suffer from insect pests or fungal diseases, so it is very important to periodically inspect the plant so as not to miss the onset of the disease. As soon as the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to use drugs from the group of fungicides or insecticides.

In the last week of July, it is recommended to pinch out those shoots whose growth needs to be accelerated. They must have time to form before the cooling begins, otherwise winter time will die from frost. In addition, at this time it is necessary to fertilize using fertilizers that contain potassium and phosphorus. In some varieties, the fruits ripen at the end of summer. You need to be ready to harvest.

As for autumn, for almost all varieties of walnuts this is the time to harvest fruit. The season usually starts at the end of August and ends around the end of November. After harvesting, it is necessary to put the garden in order. First, the tree is pruned for sanitary purposes, then it is necessary to collect all the fallen leaves and shoots. Additionally, it is necessary to treat the tree against pests that could have settled in its bark for the winter. In addition, agents against pathogenic bacteria are used.

At the same time, the plant must be prepared for wintering. Walnut is considered a plant that loves warmth. Some varieties can grow only in places where there is no cold in winter. But there are also varieties of trees that can withstand frosts down to -30ºС. Mature tree can overwinter without additional shelter, but young plants that are no more than a year old need to be insulated. For this you need to use burlap. Mulching with manure also helps.


If we now understand how to plant a walnut, it’s time to get started...