How to properly install wooden windows. We install plastic windows in a wooden house. Instructions for installing plastic windows with your own hands. Mounting plate technology

How to properly install wooden windows.  We install plastic windows in a wooden house.  Instructions for installing plastic windows with your own hands.  Mounting plate technology
How to properly install wooden windows. We install plastic windows in a wooden house. Instructions for installing plastic windows with your own hands. Mounting plate technology

Many people return to forgotten wooden windows. Wood processing technology has been so improved that installing wooden windows simply and easily. They are in no way inferior to plastic ones, and even have a number of advantages:

You can choose any style satisfy every consumer. Using varnish, the window can be given any texture and color.

In wooden, as well as plastic, you can insert double-glazed windows. They do not transmit sound, have low thermal conductivity and frost resistance.

The main advantage is environmental friendliness; they are easy to repair, so they can last for many decades.

Features of installing windows in a wooden house

Wooden structures undergo shrinkage, and their dimensions change. This especially happens in the first year after construction. Therefore, it is better to wait until the house settles and then proceed with the installation of the frame window opening.

To prevent the frame from warping when the house deforms, a special frame made of timber is used. This can compensate for the shrinkage of the walls of the building.

After which you can insert the window into the opening, securing it to the wall with staples and screws. All cracks must be sealed with foam.

The last stage is installing the drain. Its size should be 3 cm larger on both sides, then the excess will bend under the ebb. External part The low tide is screwed on with self-tapping screws, and the inner one is secured with foam.

It is important to install the window sill correctly. First, it is cut out to the required size, but you need to remember that it will run under the frame and protrude 5 cm from the outside. Align it so that it fits snugly against the frame. Before the final installation, foam the area and quickly and carefully insert the window sill. You can check using a bowl of water. Finally, seal the entire space under the window sill with foam.

How to install a window frame

The casing box, also called the casing, is made before starting work - a wooden frame made of thick boards. It is made from a window sill, side risers and a top. The dimensions are selected according to the opening, leaving small gaps for the insulation.

You need to make protrusions on the sides of the casing. The ends of the opening are also strengthened. The pigtail is made in two versions:

  • U-shaped– the board is laid, secured to lower crown self-tapping screws. Tenons are cut out on the side of the wall, where the side parts of the frame with grooves are attached. The entire structure is treated with an antiseptic, and insulation is placed between the tenons and grooves, then secured with a stapler. Then the top is installed - a board about 50 mm, secured with self-tapping screws.
  • T-shaped differs from the previous one in that not a tenon, but a groove is cut out at the end of the opening. A groove is made on the sides of the frame and glued to it wooden block, this results in a T-shaped profile. In this case, the shrinkage of the wall occurs evenly.

Preparing the opening for installation

If this is not a new building, but you need to replace an old window with a new one, then the first thing you need to do is get rid of the unnecessary frame. It is not difficult. Then clean all slopes from plaster. You also need to remove the old window sill. Wooden inserts remain in the opening into which self-tapping screws are screwed. Next, take measurements of the opening; it must be slightly larger than the window itself.

Tip: For accurate measurements, use a laser tape measure or construction thread.

It can be attached with anchors right through to the wall, which allows you to open the window in any direction without increasing the load on the frame. When choosing a frame, it is important that the inner glass does not sweat. The width should be from 12 to 22 cm.

All cracks must be blown out with foam from a gun. To ensure that the foam is distributed evenly and there is no pressure on the frame, you need to blow it out in several stages.

How to install wooden windows in a wooden house

There are three ways to install it yourself:

  • on the pads;
  • on dowels;
  • or anchors.

Support blocks are used for ideal openings. But this rarely happens. More often, windows are installed on dowels. If the opening in the house is slightly curved or the walls are not very strong. In old houses, the openings are completely crooked, so it is better to fasten them with anchors.

When choosing a method, you need to examine and measure the opening.

Tip: no need to level the opening cement screed, it's a thankless job. No screed will save you from uneven shrinkage of the house.

Step-by-step instruction

If you stick to technology and have the right tools, you can install windows yourself without much effort.

  1. Preparing the window opening.
  2. Secure the window in this opening.
  3. Waterproofing throughout the entire perimeter.
  4. Secure all mechanisms and adjust fittings.
  5. Finishing.
  6. Let's look at each stage in more detail.
  7. Preparation.

First you need to take measurements. Due to the deformation of the wooden house, the opening should be 20-25 mm larger in width and about 60 mm in height.

The frame itself is checked diagonally, the difference should not exceed 10 mm. Attach a strip soaked in antiseptic at the bottom; its height is no more than 50 mm. You need to check horizontally outer wall, you can install a window frame on it.

Installation of accessories

Window sashes are inserted at the bottom and sides. It is imperative to check the serviceability of all mechanisms in different positions: When the window is open, closed, also tilted position. If necessary, tighten all fasteners.

Waterproofing and finishing

All gaps between the frame and the opening are blown in, but not much; it should be remembered that the foam expands when it hardens. You also need to blow out the gaps from the street; if necessary, use silicone putty around the entire perimeter. After removing all protective films, Job is done.

What to do if the windows fog up

You can often hear complaints that windows fog up, especially in winter. Condensation forms on them because there is air between the glasses. With old wooden windows, fogging worsens their condition and leads to destruction of the frame. After all, water that gets on a tree does not have the opportunity to evaporate, which causes damage to the structure. And varnish or paint cannot completely protect the frame.

Eat different reasons this action:

When the windows “cry” on the side of the room, this means that the humidity in the house is increased. This especially happens in the kitchen when cooking food or boiling water.

If the windows sweat from the outside (from the street), it means there is no sealing.

When the joints on the frame fog up, it means that the frame that separates the outer and inner glass has greater thermal conductivity. The glass in the room cools and condensation accumulates.

Exist different ways to combat this problem:

  1. In case of internal fogging, it is enough to ventilate the room often, which will reduce the humidity; the windows will remain dry.
  2. If this problem occurs inside the frame, the most the best way is replacing windows. But if this is not possible, you can vacuum the space between the glasses, or provide ventilation.
  3. The only way to get rid of sweating joints on the frame is to replace them with new ones or seal the frames.
  4. There are also folk remedies combat this problem. You can rub the glass with alcohol, liquid soap, or put cotton wool between the glasses, but this is not always beneficial.

The tips listed above will help when replacing windows. After all, this work is not difficult, but you need to be careful and show ingenuity.

Plastic windows can be installed in any kind of structure: stone, concrete, wood. But installation in a wooden structure requires more attention, since wood is prone to shrinkage due to drying out. Wood that dries turns into a strong press that can deform the window block. As a result, the window structure ceases to function correctly and may become askew. Let's look at how to avoid this situation and install windows without errors. Let's dwell on the specifics window design made of polyvinyl chloride, its strengths and weaknesses.

Advantages of PVC windows

PVC windows are window structures made of polyvinyl chloride. This material-chemical synthetics based on petroleum ethylene and chlorine. This polymer is resistant to various influences and serves for a long time. Window structures made from the specified material are resistant to:

  • sun rays;
  • high humidity;
  • exposure to insects;
  • exposure to organisms invisible to the eye.

PVC for window structures, rigid and durable material. The strength of the polymer is several times greater than the strength of wooden structures and can withstand changes of one hundred degrees - from fifty degrees below zero to fifty degrees above zero.

Polyvinyl chloride consists of the following components:

  • stabilizers;
  • modifiers;
  • dyes;
  • fillers;
  • lubricants

The material lasts a very long time, manufacturers give a twenty-year guarantee, but it is still impossible to verify whether this is true. The service life of the first ones has not yet passed installed windows. Statements that even after fifty years the windows will not lose their properties are possibly real. But window seals fail much faster. As practice shows, they need to be changed every eight to ten years. In general, the service life of the seal depends on the temperature of each specific area.

Among the advantages of plastic structures are the following:

  • high quality material and resistance to various types of influences;
  • tightness of the structure - while staying in the room, a person is reliably protected from noise, dust, gases and harmful substances;
  • high sound insulation ability - windows can significantly dampen extraneous sounds;
  • reliable thermal protection - complete protection from drafts and reliable heat retention;
  • efficiency - saving heat resources;
  • attractiveness of designs - you can use not only standard windows, but also implement design ideas in life.

Basic properties of window structures made of polyvinyl chloride

Supporters and opponents of plastic windows argue about the safety of these structures for health. Those who claim that structures are unsafe for human health argue that this is due to the presence of lead in the raw material. But lead in windows is completely safe, and most manufacturers have replaced this material with others. The fact that PVC window structures are quite economical and environmentally friendly is confirmed by certificates:

  • thanks to the windows from PVC heat stored indoors and this saves resources and money;
  • Plastic structures save wood resources and thereby prevent deforestation.

In some countries, the government pays money to residents who install plastic structures for their personal contribution and concern for saving natural resources.

Opponents of plastic structures argue that over time, plastic becomes unsightly, as it turns yellow and fades. But nowadays the technologies for the production of plastic windows have improved and the color is not lost under the influence of natural forces.

In the event of a fire indoors, window structures of this type will “hold” the fire, since the plastic structure has high thermal insulation abilities.

Types of plastic windows

The construction segment offers a huge variety of plastic windows. They differ in many ways: shape, size, number of sashes, options for opening them, types of double-glazed windows, types of profiles. Currently, manufacturers offer windows with various types of decoration and varying degrees of transparency.

Based on the number of sashes, windows are divided into single, double and triple sashes. The chosen option depends on the location, size of the structures and individual characteristics dwellings. For a small window it will be convenient to have one sash. For typical apartments, it is recommended to install windows with a pair of sashes.

Regarding opening windows, the following options are distinguished:

  • a blind design is the most ill-conceived window regarding its functional tasks;
  • rotating elements;
  • folding elements;
  • combined elements.

Its operational capabilities depend on the characteristics of the profile. PVC itself has low thermal conductivity, but chambers with air inside the structure help retain heat several times better. The thermal conductivity of the window and the air temperature in the home depend on the number of chambers. There are from three to seven cameras.

Three-chamber windows are installed in rooms that do not require heating: outbuildings, sheds.

As for six and seven chamber windows, they do not perform their functions better than four or five chamber windows, so there is no point in overpaying for the design.

As for marking profiles with letters, there are types: A, B and C. Type “A” is used in homes. “B” and “C” are recommended for use in factory or warehouse premises.

The glazing of the structure itself can be done using two, three or four sheets of glass. They are fixed on required distance one from the other and form chambers.

Double-glazed windows can be one, two or three-chamber. This point can be confusing when buying a window. It is necessary to clarify which cameras are meant in the frames or double-glazed windows themselves.

Plastic structures for wooden houses

With the installation of plastic windows in wooden walls you will have to study the theory of the issue to do everything correctly. Some people think that in old buildings wooden type It is impossible to install plastic windows. But in fact, no, this can be done in any type of premises. You can install windows yourself, provided you have minimal knowledge construction fundamentals. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of wood as a material and take into account the fact that the wooden frame of a house can also sag.

After you have selected windows for a wooden house, you need to familiarize yourself with the “jam” technology. This technique is aimed at preventing deformation of window structures, regardless of the selected material.

Statistics show that a wooden house shrinks up to thirty-five centimeters. Depending on the foundation of the structure, twelve months after the construction of the house it settles in any case; this is a natural process. The maximum error will be provided that the house is built from rounded timber, the minimum - from laminated veneer lumber. Regular timber can sag by thirty to forty centimeters. This is taken into account as a factor that can deform window structures. Deformation may manifest itself in the impossibility or difficulty in opening and closing the window.

Builders advise not to install plastic structures in new houses until it shrinks. But as experience shows, old buildings can also cause windows to become deformed. But what to do, is it impossible to install plastic metal structures in wooden houses? In fact, experienced builders We have developed an installation technology that will allow you to use PVC windows to their full potential.

Installation instructions for plastic windows

For successful implementation installation work it is important to plan and implement competent preparatory work, they consist of the following actions:

  • it is necessary to dismantle the old window structure;
  • clean the recesses from construction waste and dust;
  • correctly measure the window opening, write down the calculations;
  • If the window opening does not match the dimensions of the new window frame, it should be adjusted to the dimensions using special solutions for working with wooden surfaces.

At the preparatory stage, a decision is made on the shape of the window, the number of sashes, in what color scheme it will be in how many packages.

When all decisions have been made, double-glazed windows are ordered according to the requirements.

The pigtail is the next stage in installing a metal-plastic structure.

Finally install the window structure in wooden structure You can after preparing the joint. This is a structure made of wooden beams aimed at supporting weight load-bearing walls and preventing the window from deforming. The required timber size is ten by fifteen centimeters. Using a chisel, connecting grooves are made on these bars, about five centimeters wide. Cuts are made longitudinally using a chainsaw. All manipulations are controlled by the building level.

Plastic structures are inserted into the prepared pigtail system and secured with fasteners. The installation procedure is as follows:

  • with the help of fasteners the pigtail system is fastened into a single frame;
  • a small distance is left below using a wooden wedge;
  • a window frame is inserted into the system of the manufactured frame and secured with fastening structures;
  • pre-removed window sashes are installed;
  • all gaps must be filled with foam;
  • the wooden wedge placed previously is removed.

A pigtail specially installed in a wall made of wooden material, performs several important tasks:

  • does not allow the wooden structure to move vertically;
  • does not prevent the log from shrinking vertically;
  • strengthens the wall at the window opening.

Experienced builders insist on installing a frame even when installing plastic windows in an old wooden house. They argue that this measure is simply necessary. A structure made of wood constantly changes its size to one degree or another - it swells during rain, and dries out during heat.

Tool for installing plastic structures

Most important process- This is the process of installing plastic structures in their intended place. To do this, it is advisable to prepare in advance all the tools that will be needed during the installation of the structure:

  • drill for woodworking;
  • screwdriver;
  • fastenings: anchor bolts and plates;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • spray bottle with water.

Naturally, during work you will need other tools. Ideally, such work should be carried out with a partner who can supply the tool and hold the structure when necessary.

Installation plastic elements- a complex type of construction activity. If you are installing plastic windows yourself, take into account all the recommendations of specialists.

Calculation of plastic windows

Correctly calculating the dimensions is not easy; it is a very difficult process that is best entrusted to a professional from a window workshop. Recently appeared online calculator plastic structures, allowing you to find out the exact cost. It is very comfortable. The sites offer various filters:

  • you can choose the layout of the future window structure;
  • decide on the configuration;
  • in the configuration, a choice is made by type, profiles, types of double-glazed windows;
  • after that, just click on the button and the plastic structures will be calculated.

The cost of window structures is affected by the number of sashes, the choice of additional fittings, additional functions of the double-glazed window, and profile color.

To imagine how plastic metal structures are installed in wooden houses in practice, watch the video. In fact, you can install windows on our own, for this you need to take into account the specifics and features this method and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Common plastic structures are actively beginning to give way to wooden counterparts. The installation of wooden windows is gaining popularity, since wood compares favorably with plastic structures due to its environmental friendliness and ability to “breathe”. You can install wooden windows in your house yourself, following the right technology. The installation technique is almost identical to the installation of PVC structures, with the exception of some nuances, which we will discuss below.

Installation work front

To produce it yourself quality installation wooden windows, it is necessary to divide the work into small stages, thanks to which independent housework will turn into success. So:

  • we clean the window opening and take accurate measurements;
  • install the window in the opening;
  • fix the installed structure;
  • create isolation;
  • adjusting and customizing fittings;
  • We are engaged in finishing slopes.
Schematic diagram wooden window installation

The technology of work will be the same regardless of where the installation takes place: be it windows in a frame house or an apartment. When intending to install windows in a house, it is advisable to complete the main stages of construction in order to avoid additional pollution. By the way, installing wooden windows will be inexpensive. One installation will cost approximately 3 thousand rubles, excluding the cost of consumables.

Preparing the window opening

To begin with, the window opening is cleared of remnants of previous plaster and other technical residues. In the case of brickwork in which voids have formed due to destroyed material, it is recommended to eliminate them.

First you need to carefully and thoroughly prepare the window opening

Principle preparatory stage is to adjust to required sizes, which must be carried out with special care, avoiding noticeable errors. All surfaces are cleaned of elements of previous plaster and other residues. Installation of wooden windows in accordance with GOST requires the presence of a gap of a fixed width around the perimeter of the frame, which, upon completion of the alignment of the entire structure inside the openings, is filled with polyurethane foam.

Installation of a wooden window according to GOST requires the presence of gaps between the frame and the opening

It is not recommended to leave excessively large gaps along the edge areas, giving preference to a width of 10 to 15 mm, so that later the voids can be well foamed. A gap of 40-50 mm is left along the bottom of the window structure. This nuance is necessary for high-quality alignment of windows inside openings. Always remember that before installing windows into openings, the geometry and dimensions are first checked. This step allows us to achieve proper work, excluding possible distortions and disproportion of parts.

Sometimes craftsmen violate technological points by making wall lintels incorrectly, since the window opening is used as formwork with a window walled up inside. Such actions lead to additional financial costs equal to the price of a new structure, because the window frame is placed very tightly between the edges.

If you neglect technological principles installation, the structure will soon require replacement

In extreme cases it may be necessary complete dismantling wooden windows. Do not forget the GOST recommendations regarding gaps, then the work is guaranteed to be crowned with success.

End-to-end methodology

When installing wooden windows, the through installation method is often used, which involves the use of dowels. The method is characterized by low cost and relative simplicity, allowing you to install the window yourself. Upon completion of the installation work, the fixed box will be completely motionless inside the window opening and will be reliably protected from the influence of factors external environment.

Through installation of wooden window blocks is simple and inexpensive

The occurrence of accidental distortions is excluded, various kinds displacements and deformations of the structure during installation work. The use of dowels provides strength of fixation, which cannot be achieved with anchor bolts. Since the dowels are presented in the form of a hollow sleeve, it is impossible for the screws to penetrate deep into the wall. Perhaps these are the main advantages of the end-to-end installation system, which make it very popular among installers and customers.

It is worth mentioning the minor advantages. Firstly, installing windows using the end-to-end method will delight you with minimal financial costs. Secondly, it will not require special tools, allowing you to get by with a set of existing ones. During the work, you only need to make holes using a drill, secure the dowels and finally attach decorative plastic plugs over the screws.

Holes for dowels are made using a drill

Using the through method, when installing windows you need to pay attention the right choice places where the holes for the dowels will be located. The four-stage cross-section of window profiles allows you to drill holes at an exclusively uniform level. It should be borne in mind that experts strongly do not recommend making holes in different places.

Mounting blocks for window installation

Do-it-yourself installation of wooden windows involves the use of mounting blocks, which makes the process inexpensive and quick to complete. Mainly used pads whose thickness is 50 mm. They are a block of wood impregnated with an antiseptic, which is installed on a waterproofing layer. The arrangement is made exclusively horizontal, running parallel to the upper edge of the window structure. To ensure correct installation actions, you must first release window box from frames and other components.

To install windows on blocks, you need a perfectly level opening.

The structure is installed inside the mounting block using laser or simple level, carefully checking the levels on each side. It is advisable to make the top and side gaps the same, leaving 10-20 mm each. The number of pads can be determined using graphic image With possible options placement.

Mount using plates

The plates can be made yourself, although many window manufacturers include them in the package. A simple technique is designed to make the fixation and fastening especially strong. The method is very simple to implement: the plates are screwed with self-tapping screws to the window frame on both sides, placing two of them on the top and two on the bottom.

The plates ensure reliable fixation of the window

If the window exceeds 1.5 meters in height, two additional plates are attached to the center of the product. As the wedging of the body inside the opening is completed, the plates protruding from both sides are secured along the edge of the openings with screws and dowels. Before foaming the seams of a wooden window, the protruding wedges can be pulled out. But it should be borne in mind that subsequently it will be necessary to carry out an additional check to ensure the correct horizontal position of the housing.

There is another simple way to install wooden windows yourself, which is highly reliable and durable, which we will consider further. When installing wooden windows with double-glazed windows or glass, they must be removed, which is very easy to do: carefully separate the glazing beads and carefully pull out the glass.

Installation of the frame with self-tapping screws is carried out without glass - it is installed last

Further along the sides and top inner surface the frame is marked with places for holes followed by drilling. Before you start drilling, be sure to insert the frame into place and carefully level it using a level. Then screw in the screws, taking into account that they can be moved without effort, since the body still needs to be adjusted vertically and horizontally. Finally, a double-glazed window is installed and the structure is cleaned of dirt.

We insulate wooden windows

The correct technology for installing wooden windows ensures minimum indicators thermal conductivity and excellent insulation, protecting the room from humidity and air masses. It is important to take into account that a high degree of the listed characteristics is achieved by the increased cost of the window, since in order to create a high-quality thermal insulation system it is necessary to run it along the entire perimeter of the body. In this case, preference should be given to polyurethane foam for installation, which is easy to buy in most specialized stores.

Thermal insulation of the installed wooden window block is performed using foam

When filling the space with foam, it is necessary to monitor the thickness of the applied layer, which should not extend too far along the edge when expanding. Excess foam will only stain the space and lead to banal overspending. It is also necessary to control the humidity, since water ingress is unacceptable to ensure adhesion and reliability of work.

Even a new recruit will be able to install wooden windows independently and with high quality. The main thing is to follow the basic rules and move step by step, without missing important details.

Every reader of the site knows that no matter what material the windows are made of, they help keep the house warm and emphasize the individuality of any home. Therefore, the installation process should be treated with special attention. After all, even the most expensive and energy-efficient window design loses all its advantages if it is installed incorrectly. In this article, our experts tell you how to properly install windows in wooden house, frame and stone.

Wooden, stone and frame houses And country houses have a number design features. Since they affect window installation technology, any developer should be aware of them.

From our article you will learn:

  • Where does the preparation for installing a window structure begin?
  • What stages of work precede the installation process;
  • What features should you be aware of in order to install windows in wooden, frame and stone houses;
  • How to install a wooden window with your own hands - how its installation differs from the installation of a plastic window;
  • How are installation joints protected?
  • How to control the installation process.

Preliminary preparation

Despite its apparent simplicity, installing windows at home is a process that requires a serious and responsible approach. After all, the quality of installation directly affects the level of comfort in the home. Here's where the process begins:

Anton Karyavkin Head of the technical center of REHAU, Moscow.

First of all, you need to carefully prepare: read the instructions and existing installation standards, and acquire the appropriate tools.

Kit professional installer has about a hundred different “tools of labor”. It is not necessary to have them all, but without the basic kit it will not be possible to install a translucent structure. It includes: a hammer drill, a screwdriver, a foam gun, a chisel, a hammer and screwdrivers.

When choosing tools, you should also take into account that window installation involves a wide range of additional work.

These include:

  • Plastering slopes in stone buildings;
  • Construction of seams and thermal insulation;
  • Installation of window sill and additional components.

The main thing to remember is that the installation technology directly depends on the material of the building walls.

Anatoly Gavrysh Supervisor design bureau"Window Factory" company

The type of house significantly influences the window installation procedure. In houses where there is significant shrinkage (most often in wooden houses), a casing floating box with compensation gaps is used. In other types of houses, window installation has the same patterns.

Installing wooden windows in a frame house with your own hands.

We install wooden windows with our own hands

Developers believe that between PVC installation There is a big difference between a wooden window and a wooden window, but experts disagree.

Anatoly Gavrysh:

There is practically no difference between installing a plastic and wooden window. The slight difference lies only in different fastening elements.

Do-it-yourself installation of a wooden window should be done more carefully. And in each case an individual approach is required.

Alexander KorpachevHead of the installation department of the company "Business-M"

Even windows in the same house can have their own characteristics. Therefore, in your work it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of GOSTs, namely:

  • Assembly window seams- with vapor-permeable self-expanding tapes;
  • Technical specifications, GOST R 52749-2007;
  • Assembly seams of units and junctions of window blocks to wall openings;
  • Are common technical specifications, GOST 30971-2002;
  • Window blocks are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) profiles. GOST 30674-99.

IN general outline installation consists of the following steps:

  • Preparation of the opening;
  • Window preparation;
  • Installation;
  • Finishing work;
  • Finishing.

Anatoly Gavrysh

I would like to dispel illusions about the ease of installation of both plastic and . To carry it out yourself, you definitely need certain skills and special equipment, since correct installation is of decisive importance in how high quality and how long new window structures will last.

In detail, the installation of both plastic and wooden windows is done as follows:

1. Window openings are cleaned of dust and dirt.

2. The windows are installed in the opening and wedged with small plastic or wooden corners strictly according to the level.

Corners are necessary to form a gap (margin) between the frame and the opening. Along the perimeter - between the window and the opening, it is recommended to lay a technological gap for foaming 20 mm wide. At the bottom of the window - under the window sill, it is recommended to leave a margin of 35 mm.

3. The structure is fixed.

Fixation is carried out using dowels or special mounting toothed plates. If the window is fastened through with self-tapping screws, then before doing this, holes for the anchors are marked and drilled in the opening. The number of attachment points depends on the size of the window and on average ranges from 40 to 70 cm. From the corners of the frame it is necessary to make a distance of 12 -15 cm.

4. The seams between the window structure and the opening are foamed.

To save foam, if the gap exceeds 40 mm, it can be filled with insulation - polystyrene foam, etc.

5. The foam is covered with steam and waterproofing tapes.

The vapor barrier is glued along the entire perimeter of the window structure from the inside (from the room side), and waterproofing film- from the outside, from the street side. After foaming, the protective strip is removed from the tape and the foamed seam is closed.

6. Additional elements - flashings and platbands - are installed in their place on the outside (if the installation takes place in wooden houses).

7. The fittings are adjusted.

Features of installing windows in a wooden, frame and stone house

Anton Karyavkin

Installing windows in buildings made of rounded timber is the most difficult. This is due to a design change wooden houses from manufacturer to manufacturer.

If developers, when installing windows in a wooden house, use different breeds wood, it is almost impossible to predict the behavior of the material - every time you have to study everything from scratch. The deformation of logs in such buildings can be quite large: from 8 to 15 cm. The house shrinks, so not a single window in such conditions can remain operational for a long time.

Correct windows in a wooden house.

Here's what we can do to protect the structure from possible deformations caused by shrinkage of the walls, using the old carpentry method:

Anton Karyavkin

The most responsible developers begin to cut an opening in timber walls only a year or even two after the construction of the house. During this time, it is possible to track all deformations, taking into account the characteristics of the material and climatic features region.

After the opening is cut, a rough frame, also known as a “frame” or “casing”, is inserted into it, into which the window structure can then be laid.

Alexander Korpachev

In all wooden houses, when installing windows, it is necessary to use a casing or frame - a wooden box that levels the load on the frame.

Between the upper part of the window opening and the frame, a technological margin of 30 to 70 mm is usually left. After installation, the stock is filled with insulation and covered with platbands on both sides.

Anton Karyavkin

The box is made from wooden blocks 50-80 mm thick.

Despite the fact that the box absorbs the deformations of the logs quite effectively, the installation joints in this type of building still remain movable. Here it is important to choose the right mounting foam - it should not collapse when the walls shrink. Such correct foam can be found on the market, but it is relatively expensive. Therefore, experts often replace it with other materials, mainly of plant origin (tow). Of course, the tape and coating materials necessary to protect the installation seams must also have a high class of deformation resistance.

Glued laminated timber shrinks significantly less than solid logs. Eventually laminated veneer lumber deforms less than a regular log.

But it is still difficult to install windows in a wooden house with your own hands.

How to install a window in a frame house

Wooden windows can also be installed in a frame house, but plastic windows are most often used. Control of the installation of any windows at all stages should be checked using a level or plumb line, and the horizontal and vertical deviation should not exceed 1.5 mm per meter.

Anton Karyavkin

The process of installing windows in a frame house is much simpler than in a wooden one. You will still have to deal with deformations of the window opening, but they are no longer so significant.

It is better to use anchor plates as fasteners. Installation with construction screws is not recommended: they secure the frame, and deformation of the wood, in turn, can cause damage to the windows.

How to install a window in a frame house

It is important to remember that when installing a plastic window in a framed room, it is necessary to wrap it into the window opening. This is necessary in order to connect the window vapor barrier circuit with the room vapor barrier circuit.

Brick different types, concrete, aerated concrete blocks These are standard building materials. The technique in stone houses has been worked out for years. Fastening is carried out using dowels and construction screws; the use of anchor plates is also allowed.

Anton Karyavkin

In some cases, installation technology may be influenced design solutions, requiring to take into account linear dimensions structures and wind load in the region.

Protection of installation joints and stages of control of installation work

Regardless of the wall material, it is necessary to provide protection polyurethane foam from ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric moisture. Otherwise, it will become loose and lose its properties over time. To protect it, special insulating tapes and sealants. The latter are good because they allow you to close any cracks and irregularities, unlike mounting tape, requiring ideal flat surface no dust.

Despite the fact that the window market has long belonged to manufacturers of PVC structures, their wooden predecessors are still in demand. This is because during operation, plastic products discovered their shortcomings, which consumers are now aware of.

For environmentally connoisseurs pure materials Natural origin and a comfortable microclimate in the home, wooden windows are irreplaceable. Yes, their cost is higher, but if the issue is pressing, it’s better not to skimp. And you can save on professional installation. Installing wooden windows is not that difficult, so if you have minimal skills, you can do it yourself.

Plastic windows are a popular product that has temporarily pushed out of the market wooden crafts. But the demand for the latter has not subsided. This is due to some characteristics of wood and PVC. If the final choice of material for the window profile has not yet been made, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.

PVC Tree
Safety When burned, releases toxic substances Environmentally friendly material
Appearance The new window looks perfect, over time the profile gets dirty and turns yellow, redecorating impossible Looks expensive and aesthetically pleasing, the profile can be painted repeatedly
Price Production is on stream, so the cost is lower Made exclusively to order, the price tag is accordingly higher
Difficulty of installation Frame-only design - installation is quick and easy The window frame is mounted in a box installed in the opening - a longer and more painstaking process.

The exception is wooden Euro-windows, their design and installation are similar to PVC

Tightness Excellent insulation from street noise, does not allow air to pass through, for this reason frequent ventilation is necessary The material “breathes”, ensures air circulation, thanks to this there is an optimal microclimate in the room
Functionality Rotary and tilt-and-turn mechanisms of the sashes, there is a micro-ventilation function Modern models are equipped with fittings similar to plastic; old-style products can only be opened by turning
Life time With proper care and regular maintenance fittings and seals – service life of at least 20 years Depending on the type of wood and the characteristics of caring for the product - from 20 to 70 years

According to technical and operational characteristics wood and plastic are almost equivalent. Those for whom the safety and health of family members are more important than the amount spent will definitely choose a tree. Anyone who supports this group of people and decides to install wooden windows needs to study the installation stages in detail and pay attention to the features of the process.

Installing a wooden window: step-by-step guide

Only a person with professional skills can independently make high-quality window frames from wood, so it is better to order the window from specialists. The structure will be assembled according to custom sizes. For an additional fee, they will measure the window opening and deliver it to your apartment or house.

Wooden windows come in different types. Most often, Russian or carpentry and Euro windows are used; there are also Scandinavian ones, but they are difficult to find on the domestic market.

Carefully inspect the finished window upon receipt; after an unsuccessful installation attempt due to a frame defect, the manufacturer will most likely not accept the claim.

When receiving a finished window, you need to check the correctness of its geometry and compliance with the dimensions of the opening; to do this, you need to make a few simple measurements: diagonals (they must be equal), width and height at several points of the frame and frame. And also inspect the product for defects, wood chips, and uneven coating. Check the functionality of the sashes.

You should also take care of the configuration of the window. It is necessary to have a street drainage system - most often it is made of galvanized steel coated with paint. The window sill can be purchased wooden or plastic, stylized as wood. For home with thin walls, you can order carpentry equal in width to the wall, then you won’t need internal slopes. IN brick house or for Euro-windows, upgrading the slopes is a prerequisite; they can be plastered or installed with a 10 mm sandwich plate, 4 mm plastic sheet, or plasterboard.

Installation tools:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Fastening elements (self-tapping screws with dowels, blocks or bay window connectors);
  • Hammer;
  • Jigsaw or small saw;
  • Level;
  • Foam gun;
  • Roulette;
  • For slopes - spatula, brush, masking tape, mounting blade.

For insulation, polyurethane foam is sufficient, but many additionally use polystyrene foam, penoplex, mineral wool or other materials that prevent the penetration of cold and moisture into the room.

Measuring the opening

The easiest way to calculate the length and width of a future window is if the opening is empty. In this case, all its features are visible, namely the shape, the presence or absence of a quarter.

First you need to determine the useful width and height of the window opening using a plumb line. If there is a skew, then it is better to make a smaller window, but install it level.

The opening without a quarter is measured in width and height, from the obtained values ​​20-25 mm are subtracted from the sides and top, and 50-60 mm from the bottom - these are the gaps for the polyurethane foam.

For an opening with a quarter, you need to measure the width and height from the street side and add 20 mm to the size on each side - this is the size of the frame. You also need to check that the future window has the necessary gaps between the frame and the wall on the inside. Tight contact should not be allowed, even if the opening is perfectly level - the pressure of the wall during seasonal deformation can damage the frames.

It is also necessary to remove the dimensions of the drainage system, window sill and slopes. If you plan to install a carpentry window, and the house is wooden or panel, then the box should occupy the entire width of the wall. In a brick house, it is not advisable to make a large distance between the frames - optimally 20 cm; the remaining width of the wall will need to be trimmed with slopes, and a wide window sill installed below.

If the window opening is occupied by old glazing, and you live without a window for at least 7-15 days (that’s how long they make wooden frames) is not possible, it is better to invite specialists to remove correct measurements, taking into account all the features of the opening. It’s difficult to do without their experience.

Preparing the opening for installation

Removal of old glazing must be done carefully so as not to damage the opening. If you plan to dispose of the old window, you can use a saw and clear the opening in parts. Before dismantling, it is necessary to remove the sashes, remove the glass and frame and frame fastenings.

Attention should be paid to the integrity and reliability of the opening. Anything that does not hold well must either be fixed or removed. Fill the voids with any insulation. Remove all debris and dust.

Window installation

The first step is to correctly place the frame or box inside the opening, level it and install it on the bars laid below. Next, the window needs to be fixed.

Three types of fastenings are suitable for installing wooden windows. Which one to choose is determined by the type of window and opening. In any case, each of them ensures reliable fixation of the product.

When the window is securely fixed, you can begin filling the installation seam. To do this, you need to squeeze out a continuous strip of foam of uniform thickness.

Polyurethane foam expands several times, so do not fill the seam completely. At best, this is an irrational consumption of material, at worst, frame deformation.

The drying time of the foam is indicated on the foam. The next stages can only be started after this period has passed.

The installation of a wooden window by the hands of professionals using bay window plates is presented in the video. They will show and tell you how to install a window in the opening, fix the frame and fill the installation seam with foam.

Installation of drainage, window sill and slopes

A drain is attached to the outside of the window; it must completely cover the lower slope and protect the installation seam from moisture, so accuracy is important when adjusting the size. To fix the ebb on euro-windows there is a special groove. TO carpentry, it is attached directly to the frame with self-tapping screws. The gap formed below foams.

The length of the window sill should be slightly larger than the opening - its edges are walled into the wall. It is necessary that the width
the window sill board allowed it to be placed a few millimeters under the frame and protruded above the wall by several centimeters (according to GOST - to the middle of the heating radiator). The space between the window sill and the lower slope is filled with foam. To prevent the surface from leaking from the pressure of excess foam, heavy objects are temporarily placed on the windowsill.

Slopes can be improved by plastering and subsequent painting. If the seam is large, pieces of insulation are placed on the wall, which will reduce the duration of the work and material consumption. This method is suitable for finishing

internal and external slopes.

If wood trim is appropriate in the room, then the slope can be made from this material. The main thing is to lay insulation under it and treat the wood with a protective compound.

Most often, slopes made of plastic are used - they themselves serve as insulation. It is better to install them yourself on guide profiles. A sandwich panel or a sheet of homogeneous PVC is fixed with a turn outward, the cavity between the wall and
the slope is filled with foam. To prevent the panel from moving under the pressure of the foam, it is secured to the wall with masking tape. For an aesthetic, finished look, decorative corners are installed on the slope.

Drywall slopes are fixed in the same way. But in order to put their appearance in order, a complex of puttying and painting work will be required.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to clean the window from dust and seal all joints. It is not recommended to remove construction debris until they have dried, as dirt will settle on the sticky seams and they will darken.

To make a new window opening long time retained its attractiveness and functionality, it is important to properly care for the structure and eliminate defects in a timely manner.

  • Inspect the product annually for damage and promptly repair it;
  • Clean from dust and lubricate twice a year rubber seals and metal parts of fittings with technical oil;
  • Change seals at least once every 5 years;
  • Apply no more than 2 - 3 layers of paint. For subsequent coating, the surface must be cleaned down to the wood;
  • Do not allow moisture to accumulate on the windowsill. The reason for its appearance may be flower pots, thick curtains and blinds.

If the window is set to all building regulations and provided quality care, it will last for several decades. There is nothing complicated in installation, the main thing is not to deviate from the rules and use the recommendations of specialists.