How to properly insulate the walls inside the house. How to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside - consider all options. Thermal insulation of reinforced concrete wall

How to properly insulate the walls inside the house. How to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside - consider all options. Thermal insulation of reinforced concrete wall

Hello readers of my blog!

Today we will talk about how to insulate the walls with your own hands. It would seem that this is not a tricky thing, but when you encounter this problem, you have to think about how to do it right, what preparation to do, what materials to choose. Thus, I decided that this article would be useful to someone, and I devote my efforts to this topics.

In it, I will answer a number of questions that will arise immediately before How to insulate the walls with your own hands, and some even after that. This topic is quite broad, because before work, thorough preparation is necessary, but how to do it? And this is a separate issue. You can learn about all this in great detail in the article below.

Insulation of the apartment from the inside most often becomes necessary in houses with panel walls, since they are not thick enough, they quickly cool down, the heating system cannot fully cope with its tasks, and the temperature in the rooms drops.

How to insulate a wall inside an apartment, and what methods and materials to use - this question confronts most homeowners in concrete high-rise buildings. External walls in such houses become cold especially quickly, and often, due to temperature changes, they begin to dampen and become covered with mold.

How to insulate a wall inside an apartment

Sometimes, when possible, thermal insulation of the walls is carried out from the outside, as this is a more effective way to retain heat. However, this option is very expensive due to the complexity of its implementation, and it is impossible to carry out such events on your own, without the use of special equipment, if the apartment is located above the first or second floor.

Therefore, a decision is made to insulate the walls from the inside, to the detriment of the total usable area.

But, be that as it may, a warm apartment of a slightly smaller area is better than large cold rooms. Internal work may well be carried out with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to choose the right material and have the right tools.

If autonomous heating equipment is installed in the apartment, then wall insulation will help save energy resources, which are very expensive today.

Disadvantages of internal insulation

Compared with the external thermal insulation of walls, the internal insulation of the apartment has its rather significant drawbacks:

With internal insulation, the “dew point” may be inside the insulation, which leads to dampness

Proper insulation

So that condensation does not form under the thermal insulation layer from temperature changes in the winter, and, as a result, mold spots do not appear on the walls, all technological recommendations for insulating concrete walls from the inside of the apartment must be carefully followed.

Vapor barrier for internal insulation is of particular importance

An important element in the structure of the thermal insulation "pie" is a high-quality vapor barrier. It should protect the insulation from moisture penetration, which will allow the entire structure to effectively perform its functions for a long time.

What work needs to be done to achieve the goal?

It is necessary to purchase a high quality vapor barrier film and waterproof adhesive tape for sealing seams at the joint of the sheets. For the insulation layer, you need to choose a material that has low vapor permeability.

It is desirable that this indicator be lower than the vapor permeability of the wall material. In this case, moisture evaporation will occur towards the street, and not inside the apartment. When gluing the insulation, its surface is completely smeared with glue using a comb spatula, and it is pressed very tightly against the wall surface, so that even small cavities do not remain between them.

In order to avoid the occurrence of excessively high relative humidity inside the premises, they must be equipped with additional ventilation of a natural or forced type. For example, for this, valves are installed on the window frames through which air will enter the room.

The thickness of the thermal insulation material should not be less than those parameters that were obtained during the calculations, otherwise the steam and heat balance will be violated. Before installing the insulation system, the walls must be treated with special primers.

They “cure” the wall, prevent mold colonies from forming on it, and also increase adhesion when gluing thermal insulation. Installation of insulation can only be started after the wall has completely dried. The risk of their occurrence is especially high at the junctions of walls and ceilings.

What heaters and how are they used

For the process of wall insulation from the inside, several types of heaters are applicable. Which one to choose is up to the homeowner to decide after he gets to know their characteristics and installation methods better.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is a traditional material for insulating interior work, but for concrete exterior walls, you need to choose a type of thermal insulator that has a very high density - this creates a vapor barrier, and in this case it is necessary.

The property of mineral wool to pass air, i.e. It is rather harmful to “breathe” in this situation, since condensation will form on the wall during temperature changes. To avoid this, it is necessary to choose mineral wool with a high density, comparable to expanded polystyrene.

Mineral wool for internal wall insulation should be used with extreme caution.

In addition, high-quality installation of vapor barrier is necessary.

If all these conditions are not met, the work will be done in vain, since after the appearance of fungus and the smell of dampness in the premises, the structure will have to be dismantled.

Therefore, to insulate external walls that are not insulated from the street, it is better to refuse to use mineral wool, or to use only its dense types with the creation of the necessary air gap for ventilation. Learn more about it in this video:

Video: wall insulation inside using mineral wool


Styrofoam, polystyrene foam or penoplex are more suitable for insulating external walls from inside the apartment. These materials have all the necessary properties, the main of which is low thermal conductivity.

In addition to this quality, expanded polystyrene has other important characteristics that predetermine the possibility of its use specifically for internal thermal insulation works:

Extruded polystyrene foam is an excellent insulation, but "eats" a lot of usable area

Since ordinary or extruded polystyrene foam practically does not absorb moisture, it will not allow it to enter the “dew point”, therefore, using this material, you can not use a vapor barrier.

At the joints of walls and floor slabs, cold bridges can be insulated with mounting foam. It is also possible to fix the plates on the wall surface with foam - it, expanding, will fill all the gaps between the insulation plates and the wall, making the surface airtight.

Special locking grooves and spikes available on extruded polystyrene foam plates will help to make the surface whole.

The lock tongue and groove part greatly simplifies the installation of insulation

Having installed a number of plates, they are attached to the wall with the help of special “fungus” fasteners. To do this, the mounted panels are drilled through, making a hole in the wall, and then fasteners are hammered into it.

Fastening polystyrene boards to the wall

It should be noted that the foam does not dampen the noise enough and this is one of its shortcomings. In addition, any of the types of expanded polystyrene is combustible, to one degree or another, and when ignited, it releases substances hazardous to human health.

Styrofoam boards on top can be plastered or glued with drywall

After installing the plates and "sealing" all the cracks and seams, the thermal insulation layer can be plastered or covered with drywall sheets.

polyurethane foam Polyurethane foam is a form of foaming polymer that is sprayed onto a prepared wall using special equipment. At the household level, almost everyone met him if they used polyurethane foam.

A crate made of wooden beams is pre-fixed to the wall to be insulated, which will serve as supporting guides for the sprayed material, as well as the basis for fixing decorative finishes or plasterboard sheathing.

Polyurethane foam spraying process

Polyurethane foam is good because it penetrates into all cracks and irregularities, creating a seamless sealed surface that fits snugly, without any “pockets” and voids, to the load-bearing wall, leaving no cavities for condensate to accumulate.

This material is moisture resistant and has a very low thermal conductivity. When deciding to use polyurethane foam, you can safely refuse hydro and vapor barrier.

Installation of polyurethane foam is carried out quickly enough, but without special equipment it will not work to produce it on your own, so you will have to invite specialists.

Insulation with polyurethane foam is very effective, but only specialists can carry it out

In addition to the above positive qualities of this material, the following can be mentioned:

Video: wall insulation from the inside with polyurethane foam spraying

Cork Another material for insulation, the installation of which can be done independently, is cork.

Cork is an excellent natural material for thermal insulation.

Such a thermal insulator is made in the form of plates or rolls from the bark of a special kind of oak - cork. Therefore, it is an environmentally friendly safe insulation, which is very important for interior decoration.

Using high quality material, you can solve three problems at once - this is noise and sound insulation, as well as decorative wall decoration.

An important condition for the installation of cork coating is the evenness of the wall, therefore, before proceeding with its gluing, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. This process is carried out as follows:

Leveling walls with plaster

Special glue for working with cork

The positive qualities of the material, in addition to its environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity and good noise absorption, include:

Cork is not only an excellent thermal insulator. It will give the room a special decorative effect.

Penofol in essence is a rolled foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm, on one side of which a foil coating is applied, which contributes to the reflection of heat into the interior.

Penofol - polyethylene foam with foil coating

Before its installation, the surface is prepared in the same way as for a cork coating. Penofol can be fixed to even walls using construction double-sided tape.

Under any circumstances, the material is placed with the foil side into the room. This creates a kind of thermos for effective heat retention. Penofol strips are stacked end-to-end.

Between themselves, they are glued together with a special adhesive tape, which also has a foil reflective surface, since the entire coating must be airtight.

The crate is installed on top of the penofol, laid with the foil side inside the room

Cladding of an insulated wall with clapboard

Despite its small thickness, penofol is an excellent heat and sound insulator. It is used as a separate insulation, but it can also be used in combination with other materials. It attracts with the simplicity and speed of laying on walls, floors or ceilings, as well as with a long service life.

Video: insulation of internal walls with foil material

When choosing a material for insulating a dwelling from the inside, you must first examine all the surfaces of the walls on which thermal insulation will be installed.

If the wall is dry and there are no mold spots on it, then you can start preparing the surface and purchase insulation material. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such work on an unprepared basis.

Not only that, such insulation will not give the desired effect - you can thoroughly spoil the apartment atmosphere, make it damp, unhealthy, since spores of many types of mold or fungus are extremely dangerous for people's health, especially for those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases or predisposition to allergic reactions.

In general, any of the methods for warming an apartment from the inside presented in the publication will not require any complex additional equipment, and this technological process can be carried out independently.

How to insulate a house

If you want to insulate the house, then any specialist will tell you that it is better to do it outside. However, in some cases it becomes necessary to insulate the walls from the inside, for example, if the facade is already finished or the external insulation is not enough.

Therefore, below I will tell you how to insulate the house from the inside so that this event is effective and does not lead to mold and destruction of the walls.

Warming the house from the inside Features of warming the house from the inside Many people who have not previously encountered insulation are wondering if it is possible to place insulation on internal walls at all?

Of course, this is quite acceptable, and if the procedure is performed correctly, the house will become much more comfortable and economical in terms of heating. It is not difficult to calculate what savings from such an event, since more than 30% of the heat will be retained in the room, which simply leaves without insulation out.

However, it should be borne in mind that this technology has many disadvantages: after the installation of the insulation, the walls of the building will no longer be heated, as a result of which there is a possibility of cracks; condensation occurs under the insulation; the usable area of ​​​​the premises decreases; it is not possible to insulate the ceiling, resulting in a cold bridge.

Therefore, this method should be resorted to only in cases where it is really impossible to implement other insulation options. If, despite these disadvantages, you still decide to carry out insulation from the inside, you must strictly adhere to the technology, which we will discuss below, especially when it comes to wall insulation.

If you insulate an extension, for example, a veranda, you can increase the living space of the house.

The only thing is that before you insulate the extension, you need to eliminate the gaps in the windows and doors. Mineral wool is an environmentally friendly and fireproof heat insulator

Insulation technology Materials

So, if you take up this work on your own, then the first question that will arise in front of you is the better to insulate the walls inside. The most common are the following materials: mineral mats - are an environmentally friendly fireproof material with vapor permeability. The cost of mineral wool is 1500-5000 rubles per cubic meter, depending on the brand and manufacturer; 1000-3000 per cubic meter

True, expanded polystyrene is more fire hazardous and does not "breathe", unlike mineral wool, however, with good ventilation, this drawback does not matter. In a wooden house, it is better, of course, to use mineral wool.

If the house is brick, you can also insulate it with foam plastic. Vapor barrier film In addition to the insulation, you will also need other materials: wooden slats with a section of about 20x20 mm; wooden beams or a profile for installing drywall; adjustable brackets; vapor barrier film. It makes sense to insulate a house not only if if you live in it in the winter. If you insulate the garden house from the inside, then in the summer it will become cooler and more comfortable for relaxation. This is especially true of the thermal insulation of the roof, which is heated during the day under the sun.

Floor insulation It is necessary to perform insulation from the inside of the house in a complex way, because

That is, in addition to the walls, the floor and ceiling should also be thermally insulated. Therefore, first of all, I will tell you how to carry out this procedure with the floor. with a section of approximately 15x15 mm; then the base is laid on the bars.

To do this, you can use thin boards, moreover, they do not have to be fixed to the bars; then the resulting shields should be covered with a waterproofing film, which must be laid directly on top of the log.

At the joints of the canvases, it is necessary to provide an overlap of about 10 cm; Laying the insulation between the lags, after that, the insulation is laid on the film, which should fit snugly against the lags, leaving no gaps.

I must say that not only polystyrene or glass wool can be used as insulation, but also bulk materials, for example, expanded clay, ecowool or even sawdust; a waterproofing film is laid on top of the insulation.

It also needs to be laid with an overlap, moreover, it is desirable to glue the joints with adhesive tape; after that, you can lay boards on top of a log or other rough material. To insulate a wooden floor, you can also use natural material - reeds.

To perform insulation with reeds with your own hands, you need to stock up on them with the onset of the first frost. Dry the stems well before use. If the floor is concrete, you can make a dry screed with your own hands.

To do this, you must perform the following steps: first of all, a waterproofing film is laid; then beacons are installed to level the surface of the dry screed.

As beacons, special aluminum profiles are used, which are laid on lumps of cement. To install beacons, you must use a level so that they are located in the same horizontal plane;

Alignment of expanded clay along the beacons around the perimeter of the room, a damper tape is laid, which prevents floor squeaks and other unpleasant moments; after that, expanded clay is poured into the space between the beacons and leveled with a rule or just a board along the beacons; sheets of plywood, chipboard or drywall are laid on top of the expanded clay, on which it is subsequently placed finishing flooring. In the photo - laying plasterboard sheets on top of expanded clay

Another floor insulation technology is to pour the screed directly onto the mineral mats. This is done as follows: the base is waterproofed with a film; then mineral mats are laid; then waterproofing is laid on top of the mats; beacons are mounted on top of the waterproofing and a screed is poured.

At the same time, it is desirable to use fiber for reinforcement, and not a metal mesh, so as not to damage the waterproofing film.

On our portal you can find more detailed information on how to install beacons and fill the screed. Scheme of internal wall insulation Wall insulation When performing insulation inside the house, special attention must be paid to the thermal insulation of the walls, since the effectiveness of this event largely depends on them.

The process of wall insulation is as follows: first of all, it is necessary to fix the rails with a section of 20x20 mm on the wall. Most often, the slats are placed horizontally in increments of a meter and a half. To fasten the rails, you can use dowel-nails; then a film is stretched over the rails.

I note that it must be precisely stretched so that a ventilation gap forms between the wall and the insulation. The latter is necessary to remove condensate, which will certainly form in the winter. To fix the film, you can use a construction stapler; then vertical racks should be attached to the horizontal rails, between which the insulation will be located. The most difficult thing at this stage is to correctly install the racks so that they are located strictly vertically and in the same plane.

How smooth the walls will turn out depends on this. The step of the racks is the width of the insulation. Moreover, the latter should go in tightly so that it does not need to be additionally fixed;

Laying insulation between the racks after mounting the frame, it is necessary to fill the space between the racks with insulation from the floor to the ceiling itself; after filling the frame with insulation, another layer of vapor barrier film should be fixed on it; If you are insulating a country wooden house, you can sheathe the walls with clapboard.

If you want to stick wallpaper or use other finishing materials, you should use drywall.

If the house is built from CBB, aerated concrete or other material that does not hold ordinary dowel-nails, you should use special butterfly dowels or chemical fasteners. That, in fact, is all the nuances of wall insulation. However, the insulation of the house has not yet been completed.

Insulation of the attic from the inside Insulation of the attic Finally, I will tell you how to properly insulate the attic. This procedure resembles floor insulation, however, there are some nuances. It must be said that ceiling insulation can be implemented both from the inside with your own hands and from the attic.

From the inside, the work is carried out as follows: you need to start work by attaching the vapor barrier film to the floor beams and the attic flooring; then, a heater is placed in the space between the beams and fixed with slats; from below, another layer of vapor barrier is attached to the beams using a construction stapler; at the end of the work, the ceiling is hemmed with drywall or other material. The attic is insulated according to the same principle.

I must say that it is very difficult to insulate the ceiling from the inside alone with your own hands. Therefore, to perform this operation, it is better to call an assistant. Insulation of the attic from the outside

Attic insulation from the outside is carried out in the same way as floor insulation. In particular, bulk heat-insulating materials, which are mentioned above, can be used. A heat insulator can also be placed between the floor beams if the house is two-story.

This will provide sound insulation. Here, in fact, are all the main nuances regarding the insulation of the house from the inside.

Finally, I note that in order to achieve the maximum effect from insulation, you need to pay attention to windows and doors. If they are poorly sealed, a large amount of heat will escape through the cracks, which can be seen if you look at the house through a thermal imager.

Warming the house from the inside, although it contains a number of disadvantages, nevertheless, allows you to make housing much more comfortable and economical.

Moreover, if you do the work yourself, which, as we found out, is completely simple, then this will not entail large financial costs. The only thing, as mentioned above, is to adhere to the technology and perform thermal insulation carefully, without leaving cold bridges.

For more information, see the video in this article. If some points are not completely clear to you or you encounter difficulties in the process of home insulation, leave questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you. September 7, 2016. If you want to express gratitude, add clarification or objection, ask something from author - add a comment or say thank you!

Warming from the inside

Both builders and manufacturers of insulation materials argue about whether it is possible to insulate houses from the inside, but everyone agrees that in most cases, insulating walls from the inside will not be the best solution - if possible, it is better to do external thermal insulation at home.

However, if there is no choice, you should carefully study the features and rules for choosing and installing insulation so that the internal thermal insulation is effective, safe and durable. How to insulate the walls of the house from the inside and how to do it?

Features of wall insulation indoors

Indoors, walls can be insulated only in cases where it is impossible to change the facade of the building or there is no access to the outer surface of the wall. It is recommended to avoid wall insulation from the inside of the house because it has a number of significant drawbacks:

The dew point moves inward.

The wall begins to freeze through its entire thickness, cold meets warm air at the junction of the wall and the insulation, and condensation forms on its surface. This has many negative consequences: a fungus can develop on a wet wall, the effectiveness of the heat-insulating material decreases, it lags behind the wall, collapses; in addition, the decorative finish is spoiled.

A frozen wall loses its heat storage properties. It becomes difficult to control the air temperature in the room - it starts to warm up faster due to the operation of heaters or direct sunlight through the window and cools down faster when airing.

The most dangerous consequence of internal thermal insulation is condensate inside the room, which leads to accelerated destruction of walls and damage to finishing materials.

This can be partially avoided by accurately calculating the required thickness of the insulation layer and choosing the right material. Thus, warming the house from the inside is expensive and unsafe, but sometimes inevitable.

How to avoid condensation

If you still had to deal with internal thermal insulation, then before you figure out how to insulate the house from the inside, you need to understand whether negative consequences can be avoided. The dryness of the walls inside the house can be ensured by protecting the place where the dew point is formed from moisture.

For this you need:

Use a quality multi-layer waterproofing membrane. Polyethylene film will not work.

In addition, it must be laid correctly - overlapping, with sealing of the joints. Choose a heater with a minimum vapor permeability. If the material from which the walls of the house are made has this indicator higher, then the moisture formed between the insulation and the surface of the wall will not condense, but will come out.

Mount the heater close to the wall. To do this, glue must be applied to it in an even continuous layer, and not with beacons.

Provide forced ventilation of the room, as well as install windows with air exchange valves. Accurately calculate the thickness of the insulation layer.

It is impossible to focus on average parameters, since it is possible to properly insulate walls only taking into account all the characteristics of a particular material, premises and climatic features of the region. Treat the wall to be insulated with antifungal and antibacterial agents.

You can use a special antiseptic primer. You can start work only after the surface of the wall is completely saturated and dry.

When insulating an apartment from the inside, it is very important to get rid of all possible cold bridges. They are formed at the joints of the insulation boards and in those places where the wall is connected to the ceilings and internal partitions.

To improve the effectiveness of insulation, it is necessary to lay the heat-insulating material with a call to the internal walls, floor and ceiling.

The choice of heat-insulating material and the technology of installation of insulation

Mineral wool

It is not recommended to choose this material, since it will not work effectively enough to insulate the wall in the apartment from the inside. However, cotton wool is the easiest to use and cheaper than other options, so it is often resorted to.

Vata exists in two versions:

If there is no other choice, it is better to use wool in the form of plates - this insulation is denser, has better thermal resistance, and does not settle over time.

The rolled type of cotton wool has a too high rate of vapor permeability, absorbs moisture well, so that the walls insulated with it will probably get wet.

However, there is also a possibility of moisture penetration under the insulation when using plates with a density of 75 kg / m3 or more. You can reduce the risk of condensation by using good vapor barrier material and properly installing thermal insulation.

Insulation from the inside with mineral wool is carried out as follows:

Scheme of wall insulation with mineral wool

Due to the characteristics of mineral wool vapor barrier, special attention must be paid when the internal insulation of the walls of the house is carried out. Polyethylene film cannot be used, a more effective vapor barrier multi-layer membrane is needed.

It can be attached to a wooden frame with a stapler, be sure to overlap; it is glued to the profile with double-sided tape.

The overlap when laying the membrane should be at least 100 mm, the joints should fall on the frame elements and be glued securely.

The vapor barrier must extend to the surfaces adjacent to the wall. Places of contact of the membrane with the surfaces should be additionally sealed. Liquid sealant is applied to a wall, pipe or other structure, then the membrane is pressed against the junction; after the sealant dries, the membrane is fixed with adhesive tape.

High-quality installation will reduce, but not completely eliminate the risk of condensation when using mineral wool. It is better to consider other, polymeric, types of insulation for walls from the inside.

Styrofoam and XPS

Expanded polystyrene, or polystyrene, is much better suited for insulating a wall in an apartment from the inside. This is facilitated by its following characteristics:

Ordinary or extruded polystyrene foam of sufficient density, even with a relatively small thickness, will provide quite effective thermal insulation of the room.

It is recommended to choose it not only because of the ease of installation, but also because it can be most effectively insulated from the inside of the apartment: it does not allow moisture to pass through, so condensation will not appear. The main thing is to correctly glue the foam plates, sealing the joints and ensuring a snug fit to the wall.

When using expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation of residential premises, it is important to take into account some of its disadvantages.

So, it practically does not protect against noise. In addition, when burned, it releases toxic compounds into the air.

Another disadvantage is the high cost of EPPS, but it is compensated by the fact that it is not necessary to lay a vapor barrier membrane, and it will definitely not be necessary to redo the thermal insulation due to the destruction of the insulation, as is the case with improper installation of stone wool.

Polystyrene insulation for walls inside the apartment should have a high density - 25–30 kg / m3. You can determine the density by marking, which looks like "PSB-S-25", where 25 means the desired parameter.

Installation of expanded polystyrene plates on the inner wall is carried out as follows:

The surface of the wall is cleaned, primed and dried. Insulation plates are glued in rows with offset joints.

It is advisable to use polyurethane adhesive, which is applied to the entire surface of the expanded polystyrene board. Additionally, the boards are fixed with special plastic dowels.

Joints are sealed with silicone sealant, large gaps are filled with mounting foam. Reinforcing glass fabric is overlapped over the insulation. On top of it, you can lay the plaster under the decorative finish.

Another option is to immediately glue drywall instead of reinforcement.

There is another installation method.

At the long ends of the PPS plates, grooves in the form of corners are selected. Two plates are joined, the seam is sealed. Then a wooden board is inserted into the groove.

The resulting structure is fixed on the wall with self-tapping screws.

This method is more convenient, since in this case it is possible to insulate the room faster and more economically. In addition, the boards can be used as a frame for attaching drywall.

Should other options be considered?

There are more modern insulation for walls from the inside - polyurethane foam, heat-insulating plaster, polyethylene foam and even ceramic-based thermal paint.

Among them, only the first material is worthy of attention; other options are actually of little use for insulating an apartment from the inside. Polyurethane foam is a regular foam, similar to mounting, which is applied to the surface to be insulated using a special sprayer.

The material is good in that it reliably adheres to any surface, penetrates into all cracks, is monolithic and vapor-tight. It hardens quickly and does not form any cold bridges.

However, polyurethane foam is quite expensive, and working with it on your own will not work.

Thus, if it is necessary to insulate the walls from the inside, it is best to use polystyrene foam.

This heat insulator has the most suitable characteristics, and it is not difficult to install it yourself. Subject to the insulation technology, it will effectively protect the house from the cold.

How to insulate a house from the inside

The process of insulating walls from the inside has its supporters and ardent opponents. In their own truth, both those and others, it all depends on the situation. But before choosing this particular type of insulation, you need to know which insulation is suitable, to study the nuances of performing insulation work.

The principle of internal insulation

To insulate the walls inside the room is to make your home comfortable and cozy for living. This type of heat saving is unconventional; insulation is usually used from the outside. But there are situations when there is no other way out.

Also, this option can be considered in an apartment building, when the insulation of internal walls is the only way to insulate the room. This process will help eliminate the formation of fungus in the room.

Cons of internal insulation

This method has its drawbacks, so it has many opponents.

Problems with internal thermal insulation of walls arise as follows:

with external thermal insulation, the walls of the building are protected from the cold, which cannot be achieved with insulation from the inside. The base is in contact with the environment, cracks may appear on it; condensation may occur.

With internal heat saving, the dew point moves behind the supporting structure and forms between the insulator and the surface.

The result may be the development of fungal formations that will be difficult to notice; a decrease in area.

Modern heat insulators have excellent characteristics, but have not yet come up with a material that would take up little space. At the moment, with insulation work, the room will become smaller by 10 cm on each side.

Before deciding on internal insulation, it is worth weighing all the shortcomings and considering the advantages, this is the only way to avoid errors and shortcomings during installation.

Thermal insulation materials

This technology allows the use of various thermal insulation materials for walls, which have pros and cons.

The most popular heat insulators:

These insulators are commercially available everywhere, and are inexpensive. We will analyze the characteristics of each type of insulators that can be used as insulation from the inside.

Penoplex and polystyrene

A productive and affordable heat insulator, which is used very often in the insulation of apartments, in high-rise buildings.

It is enough to take a plate with a thickness of 5 cm. No special tools are needed, and installation is not difficult.

But this material has disadvantages:

Ventilation must be equipped with forced ventilation - this may require additional costs.

This option of thermal insulation is suitable only for concrete, brick, foam block structures, since wood covered with this heat-insulating material loses its ability to "breathe".

Mineral wool

A very common thermal insulator. It is widely used for insulating walls from the inside of houses, apartments and industrial buildings, in addition, it is used as a filler in plasterboard partitions, as it has excellent soundproofing properties.

Mineral wool is inexpensive, has excellent vapor barrier. For an apartment or house, it is better to purchase rigid basalt wool slabs, they are easy to install. Another plus of the material is incombustibility.

But it is worth using this material with great care if the walls in the apartment become damp, the basalt wool is hygroscopic, and when wet it completely loses its insulating properties.

Therefore, before laying it on the walls, it is necessary to equip the waterproofing layer, and before finishing the lining, pull the vapor barrier.

For waterproofing works, it is better to use membranes, they have vapor permeability and will not interfere with the “breathing” of external walls.

Wood fiber boards

Foil insulation

Technological processes do not stand still, therefore, innovative developments in the field of insulation and construction are constantly appearing on the market. Such a novelty is a foil heat insulator.

The material is a layer of foamed polyester, on which a layer of thin aluminum foil is glued.

The property of this material is that heat is reflected from the foil layer and directed inside the house.

Many manufacturers produce polyester with a self-adhesive layer, so it is very convenient to work with this material, it is enough to carefully prepare the surface and stick insulation on the wall.


The material, which appeared on the market quite recently, but immediately gained popularity among the townsfolk, thanks to a lot of advantages:

But, despite the positive characteristics, the material has several significant disadvantages that prevent its widespread use:

The internal thermal insulation of the walls with the help of ecowool is carried out strictly on a wooden crate, the step of which can vary from 60 cm to 1 meter. The frame is constructed so that during spraying the material does not slip from a vertical surface.

glass wool

This heat insulator has been used in construction for a very long time. The main component of this material is fiberglass.

The use of glass wool is due to the following characteristics:

But it is worth talking about the shortcomings:

Despite the shortcomings, the material is very often used for room insulation, as it has a low cost and ease of installation.

When working with glass wool, it is necessary to use protective equipment - goggles, a mask, gloves and tight clothing, since small, sharp particles of the material cause severe itching when it comes into contact with the skin.

How to choose the right material for indoor insulation

Before you mount the wall insulation from the inside with your own hands, we choose the right insulator that meets the following requirements:

With internal insulation, the house stands even before the start of installation, they equip a good ventilation system, otherwise the microclimate in the room will become unfavorable over time.

Comparative table of thermal insulation materials:

Wall insulation technology from the inside

Experts advise using room insulation from the inside only in special cases, for example:

Ways to insulate walls from the inside:

The first method does not require careful leveling of the bearing surface.

In addition, it is very easy to fix the facing material to the frame, so if it is planned to build plasterboard walls after insulation, then the crate does not need to be mounted.

If after insulation it is planned to plaster the surface, then there is no need for a frame. In any case, the method of fastening the material directly depends on the further finishing of the walls.

Frame insulation

How to insulate the wall from the inside of the room on the frame? This thermal insulation of the walls from the inside, the process is laborious, but more reliable. Thanks to the frame, the fragile material is not subjected to mechanical stress, this is especially true if polystyrene is chosen as the heat-insulating material.

The wall does not need to be leveled, but before installation it is worth cleaning the surface of the plaster, if it has peeled off, dirt, dust and cover it with an antiseptic composition.

The frame is constructed of aluminum profiles or bars. Fastening is carried out on dowels or self-tapping screws - depending on the material from which the base is made.

The step of the racks should be equal to the width of the material, for example, if a soft insulation for walls inside the walls is chosen, then the distance is reduced by two centimeters, when using foam or polystyrene, exactly 60 cm.

If a decision is made to use wooden elements as racks, then they should be treated with impregnation, which will prevent rotting and the formation of fungus.

As soon as the frame is ready, a heat insulator is laid in the gaps, all seams between the material are sealed with mounting foam. After the foam dries, it is cut flush. After that, you can proceed to the final finish.

Thermal insulation of walls inside the premises on the frame is made by the following materials:

Any of the above materials can be mounted using lathing on the walls, except for foil insulation.

Installation of insulation on glue

This type of installation requires careful preparation of the plane of the walls before insulating.

They are cleaned of dust and dirt, degreased. Further work goes according to the following algorithm:

Do not forget that the installation of material layers is carried out with an offset. At the same time, it is imperative to waterproof the base surface and vapor barrier the insulation itself after installation.

The arrangement of insulation for glue has its limitations, since only dense pits are used for this, for example:

As soon as all the measures for the installation of the heat insulator are completed, proceed to the finish.


Usually, when installing heat-saving boards on glue, they are plastered, using a forming mesh for gypsum composition, and fiberglass for putty. These measures will prevent cracking of the finish coat.

After all plastering and puttying work is completed, and the walls have dried out, we clean the surface with a fine abrasive mesh and paint it with a water emulsion of the desired shade.

How to insulate houses from the inside

Each owner has his own, individual requirements for how his house or apartment should be. The exception to the rule is heat. Especially in the cold season, when the air temperature outside goes to minus.

With the fact that housing should be not only beautiful, but also able to maintain a comfortable temperature, even with a large minus, everyone agrees without exception.

The reason for this unanimity lies not only in the desire to avoid the need to be at home in warm clothes that hinder movement.

The main troubles following the freezing of the walls are condensate, mold and fungi that affect the health of residents.

In addition, the walls themselves suffer. If the mold fungus can be eliminated, then it is not always possible to restore the quality of the affected wall.

The way out of the situation is internal wall insulation, which protects against cold during frosts, and from condensation during periods of thaw.

Advantages and disadvantages of thermal insulation

As a rule, heating systems, poorly insulated windows, or the roof of the house are the culprits for reducing the comfortable level of indoor temperature. If the heating, windows and roofing are normal, then the problem is really in freezing walls that require additional thermal insulation.

The indisputable advantages of internal protection of walls from freezing include:

The disadvantages include:

Is it possible to insulate the walls inside the apartment?

Despite the fact that the option of internal insulation seems, at first glance, the most effective and profitable, experts recommend resorting to it only in the most extreme cases, if there is no other way out.

If the operating organization promises to carry out external insulation for years, but the residents do not have their own funds, then everything that is not recommended can be done, since it does not have a strict ban.

Wall insulation spend as , and .

If it is necessary to insulate the walls, then, as a rule, one option for insulation is chosen: either from the inside of the load-bearing wall, or from the outside.

It is also possible to insulate the wall on both sides, but this is not always necessary.: insulation options are chosen based on their climatic conditions, features of the structure, individual preferences.

Indoor insulation is mounted on the inside of the building.

The disadvantages of this option are as follows:

  • the free area of ​​the room decreases;
  • the likelihood of a dew point forming inside the wall or between the insulation and the wall.

The internal insulation of the walls of the house is good because:

  • weather conditions will not be able to affect the mode of operation;
  • if there is a building cladding, it is possible to keep it unchanged.

With internal insulation it is necessary to install a reliable vapor barrier inside the building.

Wall insulation from the outside is carried out from the outside of the building. With this option of thermal insulation, the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure is preserved, there is no need to install a vapor barrier layer. However, if the cladding of the building has already been completed, it must be dismantled.

External insulation

Pie wall elements

Before insulating the wall of the house and attic, it is necessary to properly lay the layers of the cake. Wall pie is successively stacked layers of materials, which serve to ensure a comfortable microclimate in the house.

The elements of a wooden house wall pie are:

  • wood timber frame. Most often made of bars 15x15 cm;
  • horizontal wooden crate sometimes use a metal profile;
  • insulation from mineral wool or expanded polystyrene;
  • membrane multifunctional, which performs the function of protecting against winds and at the same time is a vapor barrier. Represents a dense polyethylene film;
  • vertical crate;
  • finishing material;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • internal lining (drywall, lining).

wall pie

For all wooden wall elements quality wood must be used which should be dried naturally. In addition, materials should be chosen of high quality and durable, so that the walls perform their functions for many years.

Types of insulation - which is better?

For proper internal insulation of a wooden house, heaters, which, while maintaining thermal insulation properties, do not cause an unpleasant odor over time, are fireproof and environmentally friendly.

The most common options for internal insulation are:

  • mineral basalt wool. It is the most popular material for wall insulation. The features of this material are: good thermal insulation properties, high level of sound insulation, fire resistance, strength, high hygroscopicity, due to which it is necessary to install a strapping of vapor barrier films;
  • foam boards. Due to the fact that the material can release styrene, extruded polystyrene foam is used, which requires a fencing system. The material has good thermal insulation, has soundproof properties, however, it is rather fragile;
  • glass wool. It has greater thermal conductivity than mineral wool, but the price of the material is much lower than basalt slabs. The material crumbles a lot, so it should be laid in protective equipment: material crumbs are harmful to health. In addition, it is necessary to mount enclosing structures;
  • isoplats. Insulation, which consists of compressed linen fibers and wood board. An ideal heat-insulating material in terms of environmental friendliness, and also durable enough that it does not require the installation of enclosing systems;
  • polyurethane foam, which is installed by spraying it onto the surface, is installed using special equipment. Modern and quite expensive material.

Comparative characteristics of thermal insulation

The type of insulation should be chosen based on the characteristics of the building, climatic conditions, and the purpose of the building.

Wall gap sealing and insulation

In wooden beams, dried according to the appropriate technology, gaps are formed that must be sealed.

Means for sealing gaps are:

  • sealants and other synthetic products: resins, mastics, mounting foams. Synthetic sealants should not have an acrylic substance. Silicone seals must necessarily have a high level of frost resistance. The mixture is deeply placed in the slot, after drying, the place is leveled. Mounting foam is used in places where facing work will subsequently be carried out;
  • wood shavings mixed with wood glue. It is used at any stage of finishing, as well as during additional inspection. The prepared mixture is poured into the previously cleaned gap from dust, then, after complete drying, the place is processed by grinding. The method is advisable to apply for small gaps;
  • decorative mixtures for embedding;
  • fibrous materials- caulk (moss, wool, tow). Pre-cleaned cracks, impregnated with antiseptics and solutions that prevent the formation of mold, fungus, dampness, are clogged with caulk.


Insulation at the joints of the timber is carried out with sealants, mixtures or glue chips.. If the wall is made of logs, then the joints should only be sealed with fibrous materials.

The tree requires constant care and timely sealing of the cracks that may appear over time. Regular wood inspection will help prevent the gap from growing, which can reduce the insulating properties of the walls.

Tow patch


Sheathing preparation and installation

For the lathing of walls inside the cottages made of wood, they are made of wooden materials. A metal crate is installed in cases where the wall is covered with moisture-resistant drywall.

Lathing installation work includes a number of preparatory works in the following order:

  • apply markings for framing installation. The width of the crate is selected based on the width of the insulation minus 2-5 millimeters. The insulation should stand up against the crate;
  • corner post preparation. Necessary for making an even corner of the wall. The height of the beam 50x100 mm should be equal to the height of the room. A smaller beam 50x50 mm is fixed with self-tapping screws to the edge of a large beam, forming a right angle;
  • execution of corner posts for all corners of the room;
  • preparation of vertical boards for lathing: the boards are cut along the height of the room in an amount corresponding to the step, 2-5 cm less than the insulation board.

Installation of the crate starts from the corners: with the help of self-tapping screws, the corner posts are installed in their places, their vertical position is checked by a level. Further, from the corners to the center, the remaining boards of the crate are attached along the entire perimeter.

At the next stage, strips are installed around the wall openings.


All wooden elements of the crate must be treated with solutions against mold, fungus, moisture.

After the installation of the crate, a layer of heat-insulating material is laid.

Lathing installation

Vapor barrier and waterproofing of the wall

With internal wall insulation, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier and waterproofing layer.

Vapor barrier materials can be:

  • polypropylene films;
  • foamed polymer films;
  • foil films;
  • diffusion membranes.

The vapor barrier layer is made taking into account the specifics of its installation:

  • fasten the film to the crate with an overlap stapler, glue the joints with adhesive tape;
  • the crate on which the vapor barrier is attached should be no more than 5 cm;
  • the vapor barrier layer is laid using the continuous contour method around the entire perimeter.

Vapor barrier installation

A waterproofing layer that protects against moisture coming from outside is laid on the wall. Styling nuances:

  • the waterproofing film is attached to the crate, leaving space for ventilation;
  • a profile is attached to the film;
  • a heater is laid between the profile, and then a vapor barrier layer.

Wall waterproofing

The most popular waterproofing material is roofing felt. Vapor barrier and waterproofing must be installed to prevent condensation and keep the wall cake dry. Now let's look at ways to insulate walls from the inside.

Wall insulation from the inside in a private house with mineral wool

Before insulating the walls from the inside, it is necessary to fix the crate.

Mineral wool is a material that has good thermal insulation properties, is easy to install and durable.

Between the boards of the crate, it is necessary to lay mineral wool slabs in such a way that no gaps form.


  • mineral wool is fixed with nails and dowels (fungi);
  • lay the material from the bottom up;
  • the edges of the mineral wool are slightly crushed for a snug fit.

Mineral wool should be laid evenly: without creases and waves, if the installation is multi-layered, the joints should not overlap, and also form gaps.

After the insulation is securely fastened, a vapor barrier layer is laid on it.

Warming with mineral wool

Do-it-yourself wall insulation from the inside with polystyrene foam

The installation technique with polystyrene foam is quite simple, and if performed correctly, it can provide reliable thermal insulation in the house.

Insulation with polystyrene foam occurs in several stages:

  • if the walls are made of round logs, then they must be hewn;
  • between the slats of the crate, panels of material are laid in tension;
  • plates can be additionally fixed with foam blades;
  • eliminate possible gaps with mounting foam.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene

Insulation with polyurethane foam

Modern thermal insulation polyurethane foam is very well suited for warming a wooden house from the inside, however, it requires compliance with certain requirements.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the walls of dust and sawdust, protect the floor, windows and doors with protective materials.

  • perform the crate in steps of 60 cm with a beam of 4x4 cm or 5x5 cm;
  • spray polyurethane foam between the boards of the crate;
  • withstand up to 12 hours until the material layer dries completely;
  • align the excess material in accordance with the level of the crate.

Insulation with PPU

Thus, it is possible to carry out warming inside quite effectively. If you perform all the stages of laying the materials of the cake according to a verified technology, then you can achieve a good result: the walls will retain heat well in the room and thereby create a favorable microclimate in the room on cold days.

Useful video

Video instruction for insulating the walls of a private house:

In contact with

High heating costs and the unwillingness of the owner of the house to insulate the structure of the building from the outside, force residents to look for other solutions. One of them is the insulation of the apartment from the inside, thereby reducing the usable space. We offer a way to insulate an apartment from the inside using insulating boards with glass wool and Multipor mineral boards.

Warming the apartment from the inside - what you need to know

You will learn:

  • what factors should be taken into account when designing and implementing thermal insulation inside the dwelling;
  • how to properly install thermal insulation from the inside;
  • properties and application of insulating boards.

For apartment users, comfort and low heating bills are most important, and therefore, if there is no solution to insulate the building from the outside, the only solution is to insulate the external walls of the apartment from the inside. However, you should be aware that, according to the laws of building physics, insulation from the inside is not quite the best solution. When installing insulation on an internal wall, several important factors should be considered:

  1. In the case of wall insulation from the inside, it will not help to avoid temperature bridges.
  2. The outer wall (solid brick walls) on the cold side of the barrier is exposed to moisture, which can cause water to freeze in the cracks in the wall.
  3. Internal insulation must be carefully thought out and implemented, and installed only in the freezing parts of the wall.

How to insulate an apartment from the inside - step by step instructions

Before proceeding with the thermal insulation of the walls, you must remove all elements, such as wall-mounted radiators, that should not be under the insulation layer. For good thermal insulation and simple and quick installation, for wall insulation, it is better to use sheet glass wool or mineral wool, laid in a frame of profiles and covered with drywall sheets.

In case of internal thermal insulation, windows should also be replaced, (if they require replacement) choosing a model with better insulation parameters.

The first step is to install the wall profiles. The photo shows a finished wall for laying wall heat-insulating boards.

Use vapor barrier layers over the profiles. To avoid problems with fixing drywall in the corner, the main wall is sheathed first, after which the corner frame profile is mounted.

To avoid cooling of the corners, install the insulation perpendicular to the insulated wall.

Leave a margin of vapor barrier in the corner to connect it to the corner frame insulation.

The corner part of the wall should be insulated from 60 to 100 cm in length. In addition, the floor and ceiling must be insulated with a vapor barrier.

Tightly cover the frame of the profile and mineral wool with a vapor barrier, making overlaps on the ceiling, floor and walls. Use double-sided adhesive tape to seal the vapor barrier to the wall and floor.

To insulate a building from the inside, energy-saving mineral wool insulation with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.030 W/(mx°C) is recommended, which has more than 20% greater insulating power compared to other materials used in construction and intended for use in areas requiring a thin layer isolation.

Wall insulation with Multipor mineral boards

Multipor is a cellular insulating material made from sand, lime and water. This is an environmentally friendly material, prevents the formation of mold, its thermal conductivity is 0.045 W / (mx ° C).

Preparation and isolation of the wall surface

Before starting work, thoroughly clean the surface of the walls from the remnants of old plaster and paint. The floor should be covered with a film and fixed to the wall with electrical tape. A damper tape is laid on the film along the perimeter of the angle between the wall and the floor.

Preparation of the solution for application to the surface of the block

Prepare the solution by adding the appropriate amount of water according to the instructions, and then mix with a mixer until the consistency of thick sour cream.

The finished solution is distributed over the entire surface of the block using a notched trowel.

Fixing the block to the wall

When properly applied, the mortar should have a thickness of approximately 8-10 mm over the entire surface of the block.

Carefully press the block against the wall, moving it close to the previous block. Check with a level that the blocks are fixed evenly.

Avoid vertical and horizontal seams flush with the edge of the corner.

Insulate part of the ceiling to avoid thermal bridges

If you have the last floor, then the ceiling should also be insulated. In the event that you have a cold corner, then we warm it 60-100 cm from the corner.

Alignment and finishing of walls

These plates are easy to grind, you can easily remove any irregularities.

Install perforated corners on all slopes using crack protection mesh. Also draw a grid over the entire area of ​​the blocks.

Insulation of the apartment from the inside most often becomes necessary in houses with panel walls, since they are not thick enough, they quickly cool down, the heating system cannot fully cope with its tasks, and the temperature in the rooms drops. How to insulate a wall inside an apartment, and what methods and materials to use - this question confronts most homeowners in concrete high-rise buildings. External walls in such houses become cold especially quickly, and often, due to temperature changes, they begin to dampen and become covered with mold.

Sometimes, when there is such an opportunity, the thermal insulation of the walls is carried out from the outside, as this more efficient way keeping warm. However, this option is very expensive due to the complexity of its implementation, and it is impossible to carry out such events on your own, without the use of special equipment, if the apartment is located above the first or second floor. Therefore, a decision is made to insulate the walls from the inside, to the detriment of the total usable area. But be that as it may, a warm apartment of a slightly smaller area is better than large cold rooms. Internal work may well be carried out with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to choose the right material and have the right tools.

If autonomous heating equipment is installed in the apartment, then wall insulation will help save energy resources, which are very expensive today.

Disadvantages of internal insulation

Compared with the external thermal insulation of walls, the internal insulation of the apartment has its rather significant drawbacks:

  • An insulated wall does not accumulate or retain heat, and heat losses range from 8 to 15%.

With internal insulation, the “dew point” may be inside the insulation, which leads to dampness
  • The “dew point” for internal thermal insulation is between the insulation and the wall, sometimes inside the insulation layer. This leads to the formation of condensation and the appearance of mold colonies. .
  • An improperly insulated wall from the inside will freeze all the time, and this inevitably causes irreversible destructive processes in the thickness of the material over time.

Proper insulation

So that condensation does not form under the thermal insulation layer from temperature changes in the winter, and, as a result, mold spots do not appear on the walls, all technological recommendations for insulating concrete walls from the inside of the apartment must be carefully followed.

An important element in the structure of the thermal insulation "pie" is a high-quality vapor barrier. It should protect the insulation from moisture penetration, which will allow the entire structure to effectively perform its functions for a long time.

What work needs to be done to achieve the goal?

  • It is necessary to purchase a high quality vapor barrier film and waterproof tape to seal the seams on the connection of its sheets.
  • For the insulation layer, you need to choose a material that has low vapor permeability. It is desirable that this indicator be lower than the vapor permeability of the wall material. In this case, moisture evaporation will occur towards the street, and not inside the apartment.
  • When gluing the insulation, its surface is completely smeared with glue using spatula-comb, and it is pressed very tightly against the surface of the wall, so that even small cavities do not remain between them.
  • In order to avoid the occurrence of excessively high relative humidity inside the premises, they must be equipped with additional ventilation of a natural or forced type. For example, for this, valves are installed on the window frames, through which air will enter the room.

  • Next, you need to accurately calculate the required thickness of the insulation. It will depend on the average daily temperature in the region in winter. The thickness of the thermal insulation material should not be less than those parameters that were obtained during the calculations, otherwise the steam-thermal balance will be violated.
  • Before installing the insulation system, the walls must be treated with special primers. They will "treat" the wall, will not allow mold colonies to form on it, and will also increase adhesion when gluing thermal insulation.
  • Installation of insulation can only be started after the wall has completely dried.
  • It is impossible to allow the formation of "cold bridges", which can nullify the entire insulation process. The risk of their occurrence is especially high at the junctions of walls and ceilings.

What heaters and how are they used

Cork is an excellent natural material for thermal insulation.

Such a thermal insulator is made in the form of plates or rolls from the bark of a special variety of oak - cork. Therefore, it is an environmentally friendly safe insulation, which is very important for interior decoration.

Using high quality material, you can solve three problems at once - these are noise and sound insulation, as well as decorative wall decoration.

An important condition for the installation of cork coating is the evenness of the wall, therefore, before proceeding with its gluing, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. This process is carried out as follows:

  • The old coating is completely peeled off the wall.
  • Then the entire surface is treated, which will protect the wall from damage by fungus or mold.

  • The next step is to level the surface.
  • You can ennoble the walls with drywall, but in this case, the sheet must be completely smeared with waterproof glue or mounting foam, so that there are no voids under it. Drywall is firmly pressed against the wall and additionally fixed with anchors or plastic "fungi".
  • Cork material can be glued onto a dried wall. To do this, use a special glue designed for such purposes.

The positive qualities of the material, in addition to its environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity and good noise absorption include:

  • Ease of installation of cork wall covering while maintaining accuracy in work.
  • Aesthetically attractive respectable look.
  • Always warm and pleasant to the touch surface of the material.
  • A variety of release forms, textured patterns and shades.

Cork is not only an excellent thermal insulator. It will give the room a special decorative effect.
  • Cork insulation does not have a large thickness, therefore it does not make the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room smaller - this quality compares favorably with other thermal insulation materials.


Penofol, in essence, is a rolled polyethylene foam with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm, on one side of which it is applied, which contributes to the reflection of heat into the room.

Penofol - foamed polyethylene with a foil coating
  • Before its installation, the surface is prepared in the same way as for a cork coating.
  • Penofol can be fixed to even walls with the help of construction double-sided tape. Under any circumstances, the material is placed with the foil side into the room. This creates a kind of thermos for efficient heat retention.
  • stripes penofol are laid end to end. Between themselves, they are glued with a special adhesive tape, which also has a foil-coated reflective surface, since the entire coating must be airtight.

  • On top of the penofol fixed to the wall, a crate of slats, bars or galvanized metal profiles is installed. This frame with a tanet base for mounting lining or wall cladding with plasterboard sheets. The plasterboard surface can subsequently be covered with plaster, wallpapered, or carefully puttied and sanded, and then painted.
  • When installing drywall or lining, it is very important to leave a gap at the top and bottom of the structure, which will serve as a vent for air circulation so that moisture does not accumulate.

Despite its small thickness, penofol is an excellent heat and sound insulator. It is used as a separate insulation, but it can also be used in combination with other materials. It attracts with the simplicity and speed of laying on walls, floors or ceilings, as well as with a long service life.

Video: insulation of internal walls with foil material

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

When choosing a material for insulating a dwelling from the inside, you must first examine all the surfaces of the walls on which thermal insulation will be installed. If the wall is dry and there are no mold spots on it, then you can start preparing the surface and purchase insulation material. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such work on an unprepared basis. Not only will such insulation not give the desired effect - you can thoroughly spoil the apartment atmosphere, make it damp, unhealthy, since spores of many types of mold or fungus are extremely dangerous for people's health, especially for those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases or a predisposition to allergic reactions. .

In general, any of the apartment methods presented in the publication from the inside will not require any complex additional equipment, and this technological process can be carried out independently.

Each owner has his own, individual requirements for how his house or apartment should be. The exception to the rule is heat. Especially in the cold season, when the air temperature outside goes to minus.

With the fact that housing should not only be beautiful, but also capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature even with a big minus, everyone agrees without exception.

The reason for this unanimity lies not only in the desire to avoid the need to be at home in warm clothes that hinder movement.

The main troubles following the freezing of the walls are condensate, mold and fungi that affect the health of residents.

In addition, the walls themselves suffer. If mold and fungus can be eliminated, then restore the quality of the affected wall succeeds not always.

The way out of the situation is internal wall insulation, protection from the cold during frost, and from condensate during periods of thaw.

Advantages and disadvantages of thermal insulation

Usually the culprit decrease in comfortable temperature level indoors are heating systems, poorly insulated windows, or the roof of the house. If the heating, windows and roofing are normal, then the problem is really in freezing walls that require additional thermal insulation.

The indisputable advantages of internal protection of walls from freezing include:

  • the ability to insulate any room;
  • performance of work at any time of the year;
  • the ability to carry out all the work independently (significant savings);
  • increasing the sound insulation of the home.

The disadvantages include:

  • mandatory requirements for providing vapor barrier;
  • the need to use heaters with excessive thickness;
  • consequences in the form of internal drafts;
  • the need to create additional ventilation due to increased humidity;

Is it possible to insulate the walls inside the apartment?

Despite the fact that the option of internal insulation seems, at first glance, the most effective and profitable, experts recommend resorting to it only in the most extreme cases if there is no other way out.

If the operating organization promises to carry out external insulation for years, but the residents do not have their own funds, then everything that is not recommended can be done, since is not strictly prohibited.