How to properly wipe dust. How to quickly clean an apartment: tips for the lazy Other methods of mechanical processing of dairy products

How to properly wipe dust.  How to quickly clean an apartment: tips for the lazy Other methods of mechanical processing of dairy products
How to properly wipe dust. How to quickly clean an apartment: tips for the lazy Other methods of mechanical processing of dairy products

Dust not only pollutes the apartment and spoils the appearance, it has a negative impact on the well-being and health of humans and pets. It is home to a large number of dust mites, which can cause severe allergic reactions, asthma and various respiratory diseases.

In addition, dust carries carcinogens, bacteria, vapors and particles of household chemicals, cigarette smoke toxins and other harmful substances. But these elements enter the lungs together!

Even with regular cleaning, dust remains in many hard-to-reach places. It settles not only on smooth, hard surfaces, but also accumulates in pillows, blankets, and upholstered furniture. You can often notice that new dust quickly appears in noticeable areas, even though you have recently wiped the surface.

To ensure safety, it is important to carry out wet cleaning regularly. In this article we will look at how and what is the best way to wipe off dust so that it does not settle longer.

How to reduce dust

To get rid of dust for a long time, try to get rid of things and objects that attract it. So, leather furniture will be better than fabric upholstery. Instead of carpet, it is better to use linoleum or parquet, and instead of curtains, blinds. It is advisable to store books, souvenirs and small items behind glass, and choose a chandelier without pendants.

Don't forget that hair, soft toys and wool, and bedding attract and collect dust particles in large quantities. Therefore, regularly exhaust and wipe toys, comb cats and dogs. And comb your hair only in the bathroom.

To prevent mites from appearing in house dust, be sure to wash your bed linen every 7-10 days. Air out pillows, blankets and mattresses every six months. It is recommended to wash pillows once every two to three months, and blankets once every 6-12 months.

And for the mattress, use a special cover that can be easily machine washed every two months. For more information on how to properly care for bedding and accessories, see.

Maintain a comfortable microclimate at home, regularly ventilate the room, and use air humidifiers. Coolness is preferable to heat, since high temperatures, stuffiness and dry air create favorable conditions for the proliferation of harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

How to wipe dust correctly

To wipe dust from the hard surface of furniture, household appliances and other items, use a damp woolen cloth, as wool is highly electrified and attracts dust particles. You can take special dry microfiber wipes to prevent dust from settling on surfaces for a long time.

Moreover, they vacuum not only floors and carpets, but also furniture, curtains, and the surfaces of other objects. Use a good modern aqua filter for your vacuum cleaner. And after vacuuming, wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth.

Do not use dry cloths or special brooms! They, like a broom, only raise dirt and particles and create dust clouds in the air. In the future, the dust will simply settle on furniture, appliances, curtains, paintings and other objects. Be sure to wet the rag and broom in water.

Start cleaning from the ceiling. To do this, wrap the broom in a damp woolen rag and wipe the surface. By the way, a suspended ceiling collects less dust and is easier to clean.

Then sweep every corner and floor in the apartment with a wet broom or thoroughly vacuum it. By the way, many people are interested in what to do first, vacuuming or wiping the dust. First of all, you should vacuum and then wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

After the floor and ceiling, you should wipe the furniture and every shelf, paintings, small objects and souvenirs, doors and window sills, electrical and household appliances. Furniture and curtains can be pre-vacuumed.

Don’t forget to clean the cornices and chandeliers, armrests on chairs and sofas, and blinds from dust. At the end of the cleaning, low surfaces are wiped, including bedside tables and stools, chairs, coffee tables, and baseboards.

What to do to prevent dust from settling longer

  1. Do wet cleaning of your home regularly, especially in the hallway and hallway. Then the dirt will not be transferred to other rooms;
  2. Use a damp woolen cloth or special microfiber cloths with a fleecy surface to remove dust. Do not use brooms and brooms for cleaning;
  3. Do not clean the floors with a broom, but use a vacuum cleaner. As a last resort, you can soak a broom in water;
  4. First, thoroughly vacuum the floor or furniture, and then wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth;
  5. Use special aqua filters for your vacuum cleaner that effectively collect dust;
  6. Be sure to wipe off dust from every surface and clean hard-to-reach places;
  7. Remove dust from pillows and blankets, stuffed animals, curtains, woolen clothing and other textiles. Wash your bed linen regularly;
  8. Style and comb your hair only in the bathroom and remove any remaining hair. Remove hair from clothes using a special sticky roller;
  9. Brush cats and dogs regularly, remove pet hair from furniture, carpets, and floors using a special sticky roller for animals;
  10. For cleaning, you can use special products, such as polishes and antistatic agents. You can buy the composition or prepare it at home.

What is the best way to remove dust?

To prevent dust from settling longer, you can use various detergents. The easiest option is to buy ready-made Anti-Dust polishes. They effectively relieve static tension and prevent the settling of dust particles. In addition, you can treat surfaces with a natural antistatic agent.

To reduce dust settling, wipe items with the following means:

  • Lemon solution effectively removes dust and leaves no streaks. To do this, cut the lemon into slices, add seven tablespoons of vegetable oil and leave the mixture for a week. Pour a glass of boiling water into the resulting solution and strain. Then soak a rag in the mixture, wring it out, dry it and use it to wipe furniture;
  • Essential oils, especially lavender and rose, are excellent antistatic agents. Therefore, simply add a few drops of one of the oils to water and wipe hard surfaces with the solution with a wool or cotton cloth;
  • Take an antistatic agent, shampoo and water in equal quantities, mix the components and wipe off the dust with the resulting solution;
  • Prepare a solution of water and bleach in equal proportions and wipe hard surfaces with this mixture;
  • Add a teaspoon of table salt to a glass of clean running water and stir. Wait until the salt dissolves and wipe the furniture;
  • Wipe polished and decorative surfaces with glycerin solution. To do this, take one part glycerin to 10 parts water and mix the ingredients.

Use special napkins and rags for cleaning dust with a fleecy surface or woolen cloth. The pile collects and leaves dust in itself so that no dust particles will fly in the air during cleaning. And the wool is electrified and effectively attracts dust microparticles.

How to remove dust in hard-to-reach places

To clean a dusty sofa or chairs, place a damp sheet on the furniture and knock out the items. The dust will come out of the depths and settle on the sheet. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Then go through with a vacuum cleaner and steam with an iron. Do this treatment 1-2 times a year to eliminate dangerous microorganisms and bacteria.

A vacuum cleaner with a special attachment will help remove dust from books. Place a long bristle brush on the hose and vacuum the items. Then be sure to wipe down the bookshelves with a damp cloth. Place books on the surface only when it is completely dry.

Flowers and indoor plants with wide leaves are wiped with a damp sponge. Small plants are washed in a bathtub with clean water at room temperature. This not only removes dust and dirt, but also has a positive effect on the condition of plants and flowers.

Wallpaper also needs to be cleaned periodically, because dust also collects on the walls. To do this, first vacuum the surfaces and then wipe with a damp cloth.

Wash blinds directly on the window. Close the products so that they form a whole canvas. Then vacuum or wipe the surface with a damp cloth. For cleaning, you can use a special brush for blinds, which wipes several plates at once. Dirty blinds are removed and washed in soapy water.

Regular cleaning will keep your home free of dust. However, sometimes it is quite difficult to force yourself to clean the apartment. Useful tips on how to force yourself to clean can be found here.

How to rub cottage cheese through a sieve and if there is no sieve

Cottage cheese is often used to prepare various desserts and savory dishes. But, unfortunately, the consistency does not allow it to be used in the form in which it is sold. Especially when it comes to homemade cottage cheese or store-bought cottage cheese in briquettes. Here we will offer several ways to grind cottage cheese using various devices.

How to quickly rub cottage cheese through a sieve

Many recipes with step-by-step photos contain a stage where the cottage cheese is ground. Don't underestimate him. If you grind the cottage cheese first, then the dishes made from it will turn out tastier, fluffier and more tender. And the easiest way to make pureed cottage cheese is to use a sieve. There is only one secret - if the sieve is metal, it is better to do this with a silicone spatula, if it is made of another material, you can take a metal spoon. In short, the material of the spoon or spatula should be different from the material from which the sieve is made.

How to wipe cottage cheese without a sieve

If you don't have a sieve at hand, you can use a blender. Kitchen appliances will loosen it as well as a sieve. Using our step-by-step instructions, you will understand how to properly wipe the cottage cheese, and what it should look like after this procedure.

Combine baking soda and water in a bowl. It should be a thick paste. Rub the resulting mixture onto silver items using a toothbrush or sponge. Then rinse with water and wipe dry.

How to clean silver with toothpaste

What do you need

  • Toothpaste;
  • soft toothbrush or sponge;
  • soft fabric.

How to do

Apply either with a sponge or directly onto the products. Polish for a few minutes. You can add a little water. Then rinse off the paste and wipe the silver.

How to clean silver with salt

What do you need

  • Aluminum pan (required);
  • water;
  • 1–2 tablespoons salt;
  • soft fabric.

How to do

Fill a small aluminum pan about a third or more full with water. Boil the liquid and dissolve the salt in it. If the contamination is strong, you can take more salt.

Dip the product into the solution for a few seconds. Increase the time slightly if necessary, but do not boil the silver for more than 2 minutes. Rinse the cleaned items and wipe with a cloth.

How to clean silver with baking soda and foil

What do you need

  • Pan (or other container for the second method);
  • 2–3 liters of water;
  • 1 glass of soda;
  • soft fabric.

How to do

There are two options.

1st method

Fill the pan with water. Place on high heat and add crumpled foil. When the liquid boils, add baking soda little by little.

Place the silverware in the pan so that it touches the foil. Depending on the contamination, cleaning will take from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes. Dry the renewed items with a cloth.

2nd method

Line a heatproof container with foil. Pour in boiling water and dissolve the soda.

Place the silver and keep it inside until the dirt comes off. If necessary, turn the products over so that they touch the foil on different sides. Then wipe them with a cloth.

How to clean silver with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

What do you need

  • A bowl;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of ammonia;
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • soft fabric.

How to do

Dissolve ammonia and peroxide in a bowl of water. Dip silver into the resulting mixture for 15 minutes. After this, rinse the items and wipe dry.
  • Sapphire, emerald and aquamarine - high density. They won't be harmed by cleaning, no matter which method you choose.
  • Opal, malachite, turquoise and moonstone are not as dense; abrasive substances can scratch their surface. Therefore, choose mild cleansers or baths.
  • Ruby, topaz and garnet should not be cleaned in hot water: high temperatures may cause them to change color.
  • Give items containing amber, pearls, coral or ivory to specialists for cleaning. These materials are very sensitive to acids, alkalis and any solvents.

How to clean blackened silver

When cleaning such products, act carefully and delicately so as not to damage the unique top layer. A soap and soda solution will help you: soak the silver in it for 20–30 minutes.

Here's another effective way. Peel a few potatoes, put them in a container with water and add yours there. After 3-4 hours, remove the silver and rinse with water. If the plaque is not completely removed, erase it with a rubber eraser.

What to do to prevent silver from tarnishing

To make your silver shine brighter, follow simple but effective recommendations:

  • Store products in a dark, dry place. Moreover, it is better that they do not touch each other.
  • Remove rings and bracelets before wet cleaning, taking a bath or shower, and applying cosmetics.
  • Wipe wet silver as quickly as possible.

Tell us in the comments about your experience of cleaning silver at home.

You can endlessly fight dust in your home. Small mineral particles, fabric fibers and skin flakes constantly float in the air and settle on various surfaces. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of them. However, if you adopt the secrets of professional cleaners, you can significantly reduce the amount of dust in your apartment and, without much effort, constantly keep the room clean.

Even in an empty, perfectly cleaned apartment, approximately 12 thousand dust particles per square centimeter settle in two weeks. They tell you how to quickly get rid of dust and make the cleaning process more efficient Helpstar home service experts.

Do wet cleaning regularly

Good old-fashioned wet cleaning is a proven and effective way to combat dirt. By wiping the surface, we remove static electricity, and as a result, much less dust settles on the floor and shelves. Thanks to regular wet cleaning, the overall content of small particles in the air is reduced, and dust mites and bacteria are killed. This is especially true during periods of exacerbation of respiratory diseases, when viruses literally fly in the air. Regular dust removal helps maintain immunity and significantly speeds up the healing process. Therefore, make it a rule to dust and wash the floor at least once a week. Soon this will become a simple and useful habit.

Use the right equipment

Before starting any fight, you need to properly arm yourself. Home service specialists use napkins and mops (mop attachments) made from special materials. So, to remove dust, it is best to use microfiber cloths; its fibers, like a brush, collect all the small particles from the surface. Rags made from other materials only remove part of the dirt, and the remaining dust and dirt are only spread over the surface. Professional cleaners also use a plume broom; it can significantly speed up the cleaning process because it instantly collects dust - its particles are attracted to the pile due to the resulting static electricity. In addition, this is an excellent tool for cleaning hard-to-reach places and decorative small items - he waved the plume - and all the figurines are clean, there is no need to remove and wipe each of them separately. We also recommend periodically treating the facades and horizontal surfaces of furniture with a polish with an antistatic effect, then much less dust will settle on them.

Act according to a well-thought-out plan

Professional cleaners clean dust in a wide variety of apartments every day. They always operate according to certain regulations that save time. Specialists are able to clean a room of dirt very quickly and efficiently, because they always move according to the same pattern. The main rule is that you need to clean from top to bottom so that the dust that you shake off from the top shelves does not settle on already cleaned surfaces. To avoid missing anything, walk in a circle in each room - from door to door or from window to window. It is necessary to wipe window sills, shelves, furniture surfaces, appliances, paintings, sconces and various interior decorations - vases, table lamps and figurines. It is better to place souvenirs that you cannot part with in cabinets and admire them through glass - small trinkets collect a lot of dust and complicate the cleaning process. This solution will save you a lot of time.

When all surfaces are dust-free, you need to vacuum the floor and then wash it. Try to move from the remote corners of the apartment to the entrance to it - this way you will not bring dust and dirt into already cleaned rooms. Wet cleaning is completed in the hallway - this way the floors in other rooms will have time to dry before you return there.

Don't forget about hard-to-reach places

Cleaners pay special attention to the upper surfaces of cabinets, which are so inconvenient to wipe. Meanwhile, this is where a huge amount of dust accumulates. To speed up the process, you can lay newspaper or large-format paper on them. During cleaning, the sheets are quickly removed from the cabinets along with all the accumulated dust. The main thing is to do it carefully. In the kitchen, instead of paper, you can use film; it will also protect the surface of the cabinet from the formation of plaque from a mixture of dust and grease. Don't forget about chandeliers - lamps literally attract dust. Moreover, the more complex their shape, the faster they become dirty. It is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth once every two to three weeks. But it’s much faster to do this with a plume broom. When dry, it will quickly remove dust, and if you wet the fibers and go over the chandelier again, you will get a complete wet cleaning.

Wash your home textiles more often

The amount of dust in the house, oddly enough, depends on how often the bed linen is changed. Home textiles are the main source of dust in every apartment, and they need to be cleaned regularly. If you don't take care of it for a long time, bedspreads, upholstered furniture, and bed linen harbor dust mites, which can cause allergies. Bed linen should be washed at least once a week.

Do not forget also about the permanent upholstery of upholstered furniture; it must be vacuumed regularly. You can also cover the sofa or chair with a damp sheet and beat it thoroughly - this way all the accumulated dust will settle on the fabric and will not get into the air.

A separate conversation about carpets. If you don’t want them to become a haven for dust mites and intestinal pathogens, you will have to thoroughly vacuum them once a week and treat them with a special disinfectant. To effectively fight for the cleanliness of carpets and your own health, it is important to clearly know.

All other textiles - bedspreads, rugs, removable furniture covers - should be cleaned approximately once a month. At the same time, it is not necessary to take dirty clothes to the dry cleaner yourself; some home services, including Helpstar, offer delivery services. The courier will pick up everything you need and bring it back in perfectly clean condition.