How to properly pinch petunia for abundant flowering? Petunia growing and care pinching How to pinch petunia

How to properly pinch petunia for abundant flowering? Petunia growing and care pinching How to pinch petunia

To pinch petunia correctly, you should use only clean tools. This avoids injury to the sprouts. Repeated manipulation is allowed after a month. This is possible provided that strong side branches appear. Pinching is done at the tops of the plant. In order for large buds to form on new stepsons, it is necessary suitable fertilizers. It is necessary to water the crop well and remove dried flowers in a timely manner.

Why is pinching necessary?

Pinching the top of a plant shoot with your fingernails is called pinching. This procedure leads to the fact that the part of the stem that remains becomes woody. Becomes fat. The leaves become saturated with color. The sinuses of the kidneys enlarge.

This is done to obtain new resistant shoots and give the plant beautiful view. Tweezing should be done during the growing season.

It is advisable to adhere to the rules for pinching petunias. This will make it bushy. The flower will produce abundant buds for a long time.

Basic Rules

First of all, it is imperative to monitor the growth of seedlings from the moment they are planted. Pinching flower seedlings is not necessary; it is done on young shoots after 6 or 7 leaves appear. When the shoots become a little stronger, cut off the top. Two paired sheets are left in front of it - this will be the new point. New stems will branch and grow on it.

This period is considered the best for pinching. You can't miss it. Otherwise, the petunia will begin to stretch upward, and the shoots from the sides will not be branched. Round shape the bush will be lost.

When planting in open ground The flower must first be rooted and only then pinched. In addition, before this you need to let the seedlings get a little stronger and adapt.

It is necessary to avoid crowding, plant the sprouts sparingly, leaving space between them. Otherwise the bushes will be small.

If planting is done in a greenhouse, the top is separated after picking. It requires watering and adding fertilizer to the soil. Several times a week. Spray with water twice a day. Pinching is repeated after a month. These processes will improve flowering. At the same time, the shoots are shortened on the sides to improve their shape.

Ampelous petunia

To pinch petunia correctly at home, you should stock up on tools for this manipulation. You will need scissors or pruning shears and a container into which the removed cuttings will be sent. Finally, you will need a strong seedling with five large leaves at the top.

Pinching the ampelous petunia is done twice. The first time you need to do this is after landing in open ground. The plant is given some time so that it can get stronger. After the planted shoots begin to grow and elongate, a second pinching is performed. Count out from 3 to 5 full sheets. Everything on top is cut off. This does not prevent the further growth of the flower. It slows down just a little and gives off side shoots. Flowers appear in the form of large buds.

What to do with the remaining cuttings?

The remaining cuttings should not be thrown away. You can use the cutting method and get new flowers.

Important and necessary:

  • Put away lower leaves so that the cutting does not rot.
  • Place the container in which the petunia is planted in water.
  • Wait for growth to accelerate.
  • Plant in open ground (ground).

Welcome to the site tips for gardeners. Petunia is especially loved by flower growers for its ability for a long time maintain a decorative appearance. After all, the plant begins to bloom in mid-spring and continues to delight the eye until the first frost.

Flowers are easy to care for, but need shaping. And today we’ll talk about how to properly pinch petunia.

What is pinching

The basis for obtaining a healthy bush is proper cultivation and mandatory formation. That is why pinching petunias can be called one of the most important agrotechnical procedures.

What is pinching? This is the removal of a growth point young plant at a certain stage of development. The procedure enhances the branching of the stems, and, accordingly, in the future the flower will have many more buds.

Pinching petunias: what is it for?

Do I need to pinch petunias? This necessary procedure, if you want to get a decorative flowering bush.

If you let the flower grow on its own without interfering with this process, you will end up with an elongated plant. In addition, a stem that is too long simply bends under its own weight, and the flower falls to the ground.

After removing the main growing point of the plant, several new stems appear at once at the cut site. In addition, it stimulates the growth of side shoots. The first results of pinching appear within a couple of weeks in the form of beautiful buds.

Of course not everyone petunia variety needs shaping. On simple varieties, pinching is absolutely necessary. But if your petunias are grown from selective seeds, then you can skip this stage of growing.

The fact is that breeders initially set themselves the goal of creating varieties capable of acquiring the necessary splendor without human intervention.

And yet, pinching is possible on selected varieties. Since plants are initially programmed for accelerated growth, after formation they produce new shoots much faster.

How to do pinching?

How to pinch petunia? Before starting the procedure, you must familiarize yourself with the following rules:

1. You need to carefully monitor the growth of the plant. Formation can begin after the young flower has already become slightly stronger and has begun to actively grow in height.

2. The ideal period for carrying out the procedure is the time when the seedling has already formed 5....6 leaves. This best period when to pinch petunia. If you miss the moment, the plant may stretch out.

3. When the flower is ready, you just need to remove the stem above the last leaf. This can be done in two ways: by cutting it off with pruning shears or simply pinching it with your fingers.

As a result, petunia gets new point growth, which will throw out several new shoots at the same time. Since pinching is perceived by the plant as a serious intervention, it may slow down its development a little.

But petunia recovers very quickly and produces additional lateral shoots. The result of the procedure is a beautiful rounded bush.

Enough frequently asked question: “Is it possible to pinch flowering petunia?” Yes, but after the procedure, flowering will slow down slightly. Also don't forget to read Why doesn't petunia bloom?

You can pinch the petunia again in about a month, when it has already grown well. This time you can also remove the length of the side shoots to add compactness to the plant.

If the seedlings are planted in open ground, then the first formation should be carried out after planting the plant. The seedling needs to be given a few days so that it can get used to the new conditions. And only after that do the pinching.

Beginner gardeners need to remember the following rules:

  • You should not delay pinching, since delay in the formation of the bush negatively affects its development;
  • You can pinch petunia every month;
  • after pinching, the plant freezes for a short time (slow flowering is observed).

In order for the plant to bloom as long as possible, you cannot limit yourself to just pinching. Do not forget about the following subtleties of care:

1. It is necessary to remove all wilted and completely faded buds from the plant. Because if you leave them, then petunia will be forced to spend all its energy on ripening the seed pod.

2. The plant must be fed.

3. If daytime temperatures are too high, then the flower bushes should be sprayed with a spray bottle. But the procedure can only be carried out early in the morning and in the evening, when Sun rays no longer so active. Otherwise, the plant will get burned and may die.

And remember that every pinching is stress for the petunia, which it must endure. That is why after each procedure the bushes freeze slightly, but respond with increased growth of side shoots and the formation of larger buds.

You should familiarize yourself with the basic rules and methods of professional pinching so as not to damage the plant. Here are some recipes:

First rule. Correctly chosen time for the procedure. The first pinching occurs after planting the sprouts in open land. Wait some time for the plant to gain a foothold and adapt to new conditions so as not to injure it. Petunia takes root well if you follow a few subtleties. Plant seedlings not too densely so that there is room for roots to grow. Do not forget about abundant watering (2-3 times a day plus spraying). Four times a month, feed the roots and stems with leaves using a spray bottle and soil fertilizers;

Second rule. Observe the condition of the stem. The time for pruning has come if the flower begins to actively grow upward and strengthen. If this is the case, petunia can be safely processed. We count four leaves from the beginning of the aerial part and pinch off top shoot, which pulls the instance upward. Do not be afraid that flowering will slow down, this necessary measure for the formation of side shoots. In just a month you will be able to observe the lush growth and flowering of new buds. The second time we pinch the already blooming petunia, this can and even should be done. Such manipulations will help prolong the period of flowering and growth;

Third rule. The removed shoots will still be useful to you; you can use them to grow new seedlings. Everything is very simple - place our stem in water with fertilizers, and it will take root. Now we can transplant the new nightshade into the ground, having first removed all the leaves except the top ones, this is one hundred percent productivity.

Fourth rule. It is not necessary to pinch hybrid petunias; they will be bushy in any case.

Little pinching tricks for beginners

Pinching is a delicate and labor-intensive processing process. It should not be confused with pinching, pinching and circumcision. Try to pinch off the shoots; this does not require any additional tools, only observation and caution. Remove damaged or diseased parts of the nightshade in a timely manner, get rid of dry, wilted sectors. Be more tolerant of weak, skinny shoots and don't cut off their leaves too much. Knowing how to properly pinch petunia, do not overdo it with pinching, perform the procedure no more than once a month. It is easier to work with large-flowered varieties, but small-flowered specimens are less demanding. weather conditions, so the choice is yours.

If you do not have ampelous petunias, but they are stretched out, then apparently they do not have enough light and their stems are stretched up too much. In this case, prune them (cut stems that are too long to half) and provide them with more bright light(if this is not possible, then place it under a lamp daylight in a day).

Why should you pinch petunia? This is done so that the stem does not become too elongated and does not distort the appearance of the plant. Again, due to the stem being too long, the flower in most cases falls or bends under its own weight. After removing the excess shoots, new shoots begin to appear at the cut site, on which buds grow, thus making the bush richer and brighter.

Remember: Petunia seedlings should not be allowed to outgrow, otherwise the moment of pinching will be missed.

The first clothespin dowhen it starts to grow rapidly upward. You should count 5 leaves from the bottom of the stem and pinch off the top shoot - the growth point(To when the shoots are 7 to 10 cm long.). After this procedure, flowering will slow down somewhat, but the side shoots will begin to actively grow.The earlier it is done, the more side shoots are formed.As a result, there will be many large buds on the bush.

Second clothespin produced when the shoots are more than 10-15 cm long, removing the very end of the shoot so that the already formed flower buds remain.

Further Only strongly grown shoots can be pinned to ensure uniform growth of the bush.

As a result of pinning, the petunia begins to actively produce side shoots. This makes the bush look more lush, stronger and healthier. Large quantity New branches guarantee a larger number of buds and flowers. At the same time, the quality of flowering also improves: it becomes long-lasting and abundant.

Adviсe:- Do not use the operation for seedlings in boxes and young immature sprouts, do not mix different varieties and promptly rid the soil of weeds and pests. Remember, petunias need just like everyone else. decorative types, in constant attention and care;

After pinching, the removed shoots (3-4 leaves) can be placed in a jar of water and after small roots appear, use them to grow new petunia bushes;

Throughout the season, it is necessary to remove faded flowers in a timely manner, this will contribute to the formation of new buds on the plants.

Caring for petunias does not end with pinching

To prevent the bushes from losing their decorative value, you must always monitor the flowers, removing inflorescences and dried petals along with the seed pods. They should be removed so that the plant does not waste calories on setting seeds. All this will help the rapid growth of new, very large buds. Plus, the dry parts of the plant greatly distort the beautiful appearance the whole bush.

When transplanting plants into pots, the volume of the pots should be selected depending on the variety of petunia. For example, for cascading petunia it is better to choose large pots, with 10 liters per bush. For regular petunia, smaller pots are suitable. For example, you can plant 3-4 petunia bushes in a 5-liter container. If the pot is too small for the plant, it will bloom much less.

Ampelous petunia: pinching

In order to achieve maximum flowering, pinching petunias must be done twice. It is recommended to do this for the first time after the seedlings are planted in open ground, but not immediately. Give the plant time to get stronger. Now watch: as soon as the planted shoots begin to actively grow and stretch, the moment has arrived (approximately the month of May). Count 3-5 full leaves from the bottom of the stem (this is the plant’s growth point), and everything on top needs to be plucked or cut off. Don't be alarmed if the flower's growth slows down a bit, but it will begin to send out side shoots. The result will be abundant flowering and large buds.

Do not throw away the cut stems; they can be placed in water and they will take root. Before planting, leave only a couple of leaves, and cut off the rest, as in the first case.

Don’t forget to do the second pinching of the ampelous petunia a month later.
How nice it will be to admire this flowering plant, like ampelous petunia. Pinching will form lush bushes filled with bright, beautiful flowers.




Thanks to the efforts of breeders, petunias are becoming increasingly popular. They bloom in all sorts of colors for a long time, delighting others.

Fans of decorative floriculture use petunias to decorate flower beds, balconies, and gazebos. Growing them is not particularly difficult. But still, it has its secrets and tricks. Much comes with experience, but there are rules that both professionals and amateurs must follow. In order to fully enjoy the beauty of the plant, you need to know how to pinch petunia correctly.

The essence of the method

Do not be afraid when it is necessary to carry out certain manipulations with plants. There's nothing complicated about it. So, how to pinch petunia? Using scissors or your fingers, remove the top of the stem. This leads to thickening of the remaining shoot. Many plants require this procedure, including some varieties of petunias.

Amateur gardeners often refer to pinching as pinching. Essentially, these are similar procedures. Only pinching is carried out with seedlings, and grown plants require pinching. What are the benefits of the procedure for petunia? Isn't this dangerous for the flower?

What is the benefit

In order to answer the question: “Is it necessary to pinch petunia?”, it is enough to explain what this method provides. As a result, the buds on the shortened shoots swell and the leaves acquire a more saturated tone. Over time, new stems with flowers will appear on the plant. Then the petunia will take on a lush and delightful appearance. If the procedure is not carried out, the plant will stretch upward and produce few flowers.

First pinching (pinching)

First, let's look at information about pinching. It is carried out with young seedlings that grow in separate pots.

It is important to carry out the first pinching before the end of the growing season. It is performed according to certain rules. So, the best time is considered to be the period when the seedling has developed five to six leaves. If you miss this moment, the seedlings will stretch out and the bush will not take on a spherical shape.

During pinching, the central growth bud is cut out using nail scissors. The operation requires certain skills and knowledge, so amateurs prefer not to perform it. If the grower's fingers are thin enough, you can do without scissors. The plant does not have coarse fibers, so the shoots tear off quite easily.

Here's how easy it is to pinch petunias at the seedling stage. After this, the cut of the plant should be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or wood ash. You can also treat the flower with a growth stimulator. The seedlings will slow down their growth, but there is no need to worry. The plant receives a new growth point, from which several shoots will appear at once. It will gain strength and delight you with its chic appearance.

Repeated procedure

Once the plant is planted in the ground, it can be pinched again. You need to wait until it accepts and begins to grow. This usually takes several weeks. How to pinch petunia in the garden?

To form compact bush, you need to leave four to five internodes on the central stem. The upper part of the shoot is removed with scissors. This will stop the growth of the petunia. To help her return to growth faster, you can feed her with complex mineral fertilizers. Spraying with copper or molybdenum fertilizer will also have a beneficial effect on the development of petunia. It will also protect flowers from fungal diseases. However, the procedure does not end there.

After one or two weeks, the plant will get stronger and it will be necessary to shorten its side shoots. To make the information more clear, it is worth watching the proposed video, which will replace step by step photos how to pinch petunia.

Experts advise choosing the thickened part of the shoot for shortening. Due to the fact that several branches will appear on it at once, it must be strong enough to support them. If the shoot is too thin, it will bend or break under the weight of the new stems. In this case, you need practice, which will certainly appear over time.

Flowering after pinching

After the procedure, you will have to mentally push back the moment of flowering by two weeks. However, instead of one flower, many buds will appear. And their size will be larger.

It is not enough to know how to pinch petunia. In order for the shrub to remain dense and blooming, it is necessary to promptly remove wilted flowers. To do this, they are pinched off along with the peduncle. If seeds form, they will take away some of the plant's strength. Then the flowering will not be so abundant.

Pinching and propagation

Now it’s clear how to pinch petunia for abundant flowering. However, it is worth mentioning another benefit of this procedure. So, cut stems are used as a beautiful planting material. It is enough to root the shoots. Over time, they will delight practical owners with flowering personal plots. How to do this?

To do this, you need to deepen them into a container with a mineral component called vermiculite. It contains many growth elements including potassium and magnesium. The substance is organic because it comes from earth's crust, so you don’t have to worry about its environmental friendliness. Vermiculite must be pre-moistened. The cuttings should be cleared of leaves, saving only the top couple. The stem needs to be deepened into mineral substance to these leaves. Then it is covered with a translucent cap, for example a cut plastic bottle. The moisture will not evaporate abruptly. The cuttings take root quite quickly - in seven to ten days.

In this way, at the same time as pinching, you can propagate your favorite petunias. New plants will bloom several weeks later than the mother plants. You can keep them for yourself or give them to another petunia lover.

Alternative to pinching

When it became clear how to properly pinch petunia for abundant flowering, it is difficult to imagine using this method for commercial purposes. It is unlikely that a gardener will spend a lot of time manually processing several hundred seedlings. For this purpose, preparations have long been developed that prevent the stretching of young plants. They also stimulate the development of lateral stems.

Interestingly, hybrid and elite varieties of petunia usually do not require pinching. Even as seedlings, they are treated with special substances that promote abundant growth and flowering. But if there is not enough light for the flower, or the air temperature is below normal, it can grow. In this case, you cannot do without pruning.

Pinching, especially for amateur varieties, is as important a procedure for plant development as planting seeds and picking. Frivolity in this matter is unacceptable. If everything is done correctly and in a timely manner, you can enjoy abundantly blooming petunias. They definitely won't be worse than those we see on magazine pages.

In order for the bushes to bloom profusely, you need to know how to pinch petunia correctly. If it is allowed to grow on its own, then the plant will simply begin to stretch upward, and the flowers will be small. Correctly carried out pinching will have a stimulating effect on the growth of the lateral stems of petunia and after two weeks flower ovaries will form on them.

How important is it to pinch plants?

Pinching (pinching) is cutting with scissors or breaking off the top of a plant stem with your hands. After this procedure, the remaining part of the petunia shoot thickens, the buds in the axils increase in size, and the color of the leaves improves.

It should be noted that this method can only work if the plant was pinched before the end of the growing season.

When to perform pinching

The first pinching is on a plant seedling

Pinching petunias is carried out as follows:

  • Pinching of petunia is carried out only after the plant adapts and takes root after planting in new soil. To speed up its rooting, it will be necessary to organize normal conditions for the development of the flower: seedlings should be planted sparingly, in which case their development will improve, fertilize right to the root, constantly moisten and spray the leaves with water;
  • If the seedlings are kept in a greenhouse, pinching the petunia is carried out only after picking the seedlings. Plant adaptation will occur quickly within two days. Then you can do pinching;

The final step will be to sprinkle the cut with ash or powder from activated carbon. In order for petunia to recover faster, it is necessary to spray it with a plant growth stimulating agent.

After carrying out all these actions, the seedlings stop growing quickly, however, they begin to gain strength. Externally it becomes spherical due to the appearance of lateral stems.

At what length of shoot should pinching be carried out?

The stem of the plant must be of such length that at least 4 cm of the top can be separated from it without damaging the shoot. If pruning is carried out in the thinnest place of the stem, then the shoots growing at this place will begin to break off in strong winds.

Every week you need to feed the plant, it is better to water the shoots every 2 days.

Second pinching

Pinching should be repeated 2 - 3 times, while the top is cut off, both on the central stem and on the side stems. This event is carried out only after they grow to 15 cm. But when and how to pinch petunia for the second time? To improve the shape and increase the number of flowers on petunias, shortening the shoots is carried out a month after the first pinching. In this case, there must be at least five leaves on the main stem.

In most varieties, one of the branches can begin to quickly stretch, taking food from other stems. And an ovary forms on it. In this case, urgent pinching with pruning shears is required. You need to count 4 leaves from the bottom and remove the rest of the stem. There will be a change in the growth point of the flower. It will stop growing upwards and side shoots will appear.

Attention! After pinching, flowering will begin two weeks later. In this case, several flowers will appear instead of one and their buds will be larger.

Before moving on to the next pinching, you need to wait for the bush to grow. Then you need to shorten the elongated shoots, as a result of which the flowers will grow thicker. In this case, it is recommended to make the cut closer to the base of the stem, but do not pinch the crown.

What to do after pinching

With constant pruning of shoots and active flower growth, it is necessary frequent feeding plant growth stimulating agents and mineral fertilizers. Otherwise, many thin, weak stems will grow.

So the desired result can only be achieved with regular watering and proper care.

Important! It is necessary to pick fading flowers in a timely manner, removing them along with the peduncle. Otherwise, testes will form, which will begin to take strength from the petunia.


In most cases, pinching petunias is carried out three times: during the period of growing seedlings, after planting in open ground and during the growing season. However, if the third pinching does not have of great importance, then the first two must be carried out. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

Attention! If cuttings were carried out hybrid varieties plants, then the grown specimen will be able to retain all the characteristics of the original one. When propagating by seeds, a similar result cannot be achieved.

Petunia, like many flowers, is very demanding in terms of care, so you need to provide it with suitable conditions in a timely manner and pinch it in a timely manner, as shown in the following video: