How to properly water tomatoes after planting and during ripening? How often and correctly to water tomatoes in a greenhouse, types of organization of watering tomatoes First watering after planting tomatoes in a greenhouse

How to properly water tomatoes after planting and during ripening?  How often and correctly to water tomatoes in a greenhouse, types of organization of watering tomatoes First watering after planting tomatoes in a greenhouse
How to properly water tomatoes after planting and during ripening? How often and correctly to water tomatoes in a greenhouse, types of organization of watering tomatoes First watering after planting tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomatoes are the most commonly grown crop in open ground and in greenhouses. Growing this vegetable crop- a fairly simple task, because almost all varieties and hybrids of tomatoes are undemanding to care, grow on almost any type of soil, and their yield is almost always high.

But it should be remembered that when improper care tomatoes may lose their positive traits, slow down growth, their productivity deteriorates, and this vegetable crop may be attacked by pathogenic organisms.

It is worth talking separately about the regime of watering tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse and in open ground, because an excessive amount of water and high humidity are just as destructive for them as a lack of moisture. The basic rules for watering this vegetable plant will be outlined below.

Basic description of tomatoes

Tomatoes are an annual vegetable crop from the nightshade family; they can be grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse, or in garden beds. Also recently, planting and growing these vegetables hydroponically has become very popular.


It is important to properly prepare the area where the vegetable grower will plant tomatoes. This vegetable crop requires fertile and loose soil, into which fertilizers containing basic mineral elements (including phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen) have been applied in advance. The soil should not be acidic; neutral or slightly alkaline is best. If the site has only acidic soil, in the fall, in addition to organic fertilizers, it is necessary to add lime or dolomite flour before digging.

In open ground, for normal cultivation of this crop, the air temperature must be at least 21-23⸰С, and in greenhouse conditions – 25-30⸰С.

Important! Since tomatoes are heat-loving plants, at low temperatures they can slow down development, the fruits will not ripen well. In addition, in such conditions, during rainy weather, plants may be susceptible to fungal diseases.

When growing them, you should follow the rules of crop rotation. The best predecessors for tomatoes: onions, beets, carrots, cucumbers, turnips, greens, cauliflower and various green manures.

You cannot plant this vegetable after potatoes, peas, physalis, eggplant, peppers and zucchini. Also, you should not grow tomatoes in the same place every season.

Crop rotation table

Good neighbors for this vegetable crop will be melon plants(watermelons, melons), corn, radishes, herbs, garlic, basil. And if you plant marigolds, nasturtiums and calendula between the rows, their aroma will repel insect pests from the tomato bushes.

Preparing soil and seedlings

In the greenhouse, you should first disinfect the soil by spilling it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

In most regions of our country, tomatoes are grown by seedlings in order to get the harvest earlier; besides, the summer in many regions is short, so the fruits may not have time to ripen in such conditions.

Seeds for seedlings are planted 45-60 days before transferring to permanent place. To make them germinate faster, you can soak the seed in a solution boric acid. When planting, they should be buried 1-1.5 cm. Before the seedlings appear, the containers with planted tomatoes are covered plastic film for faster germination.

Important! The distance in the beds between the bushes of this vegetable crop is about 0.4 m (for early varieties) and 0.5 m for later ones.

When transplanting, seedlings need to be buried down to the cotyledon foliage; in this case, they will form additional roots, thanks to which more nutrients will flow to the above-ground part.

Caring for adult plants includes regular watering, loosening tree trunk circles with simultaneous removal weed, adding a layer of mulch, as well as regular fertilizing at all stages of tomato growth and development. Organic matter and solutions containing the necessary mineral elements are used as fertilizers. You can also use folk recipes to accelerate growth and good fruiting. They usually include cow dung, bird droppings, yeast or iodine.

Bird droppings

How to water tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse and in open ground

It is a mistaken belief that in any conditions tomatoes can be watered almost every day and in large quantities. If in open ground excess water can evaporate on a hot day and such watering will cause less harm to tomatoes, then in greenhouse conditions excess moisture and elevated temperature may cause the development of fungal diseases or various types rotten.

What humidity regime should be maintained in closed ground and how often to water tomatoes in a greenhouse so as not to harm them? IN summer period Humidity in a greenhouse can range from 55 to 76%, but if the weather is dry and hot, this figure can drop to 35-45%.

If sunny days give way to rainy ones, the humidity in closed ground can jump sharply to 85% or higher.

And if the irrigation regime for tomatoes is violated, the humidity level may be higher. But such a microclimate is definitely harmful to tomatoes. They really need a constant presence of water in the soil, but high humidity is harmful normal development vegetative mass and fruit ripening.

A certain level of humidity is very important

This vegetable is equally harmful a large number of moisture in the soil and its lack. The root system is unable to absorb excess moisture and begins to rot. If there is a lack of water, the leaves become dehydrated, which leads to overheating of the above-ground part and to the death of the bush.

Important! The norm for soil moisture in closed ground is 90%, and air humidity is 50%.

How often should tomatoes be watered in a greenhouse to provide the plants with the necessary microclimate? Correct mode Watering is achieved by strictly following the following rules:

  • depending on the humidity and temperature in the greenhouse, this vegetable crop is watered every 3-4 days;
  • add half a bucket of liquid under each plant;
  • Watering is carried out strictly at the base of the bush. There should be no drops of moisture left on the foliage, otherwise burns will appear on the leaves when exposed to sunlight;
  • The best time to carry out this procedure is morning or evening, otherwise, under the influence of sunlight, most of the moisture will evaporate, increasing air humidity.

Important! Water for irrigation should not be cold - this is harmful to the root system. The most suitable temperature is 22-24⸰С.

You can water the plants in the greenhouse using watering cans or a hose. In this case, the water flows directly to the base of the bushes without getting on the foliage. When watering from a watering can, you can immediately see how much moisture has reached the plant, and you can always pour warm, settled water into this device. But with the help of a hose, watering is done from a lake, river or other body of water, and the water temperature will be lower than necessary.

Drip irrigation is organized in large greenhouses, since it is difficult to water a large number of plants manually in such rooms. pros drip irrigation undeniable:

  • You can supply moisture directly to the root system, preventing its evaporation. At the same time, the humidity in the room does not increase;
  • water does not reach the above-ground part of the tomatoes, including the buds during the flowering period;
  • watering is carried out at a convenient time for the summer resident;
  • washing out and salting of the soil is prevented.

Drip irrigation

You can purchase in specialized stores necessary equipment in order to install a drip irrigation system in your greenhouse.

Which type of irrigation to install in the greenhouse depends on the desire and capabilities of the vegetable grower.

It is easier to water tomatoes in open ground, since there is high air humidity only in rainy weather, and on sunny days the optimal level of moisture in the air is usually established, and the amount of water in the soil can be adjusted by watering.

The amount of water consumed by tomato bushes varies and depends on the stage of plant development:

  • After planting the seedlings in a permanent place, they are watered abundantly (up to 5 liters for each plant) and left for further acclimatization. For 1-1.5 weeks, seedlings of these vegetables do not need moisture;
  • during the period between planting and flowering, these vegetable plants water once every 3-4 days, the water norm for each bush is 2.5 liters;
  • during the flowering period (from mid-June to mid-July, depending on the ripening time of the variety), half a bucket of water is added to each bush, but watering is carried out once every 7 days;
  • During the period when fruits appear (from mid-July to early August), water them once every 3 days; you need to ensure that upper layer the soil was wet all the time;
  • As soon as the first reddening fruits appear, watering is again reduced. It is enough to add water under the plants once every 7-9 days, but in small quantities.

What are the dangers of violating the watering regime?

Violation of the watering regime for tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouses sometimes leads to irreversible consequences:

  • plants are affected by fungal or putrefactive diseases due to too much watering and stagnation of moisture in the soil. As a result, the roots begin to rot, the bushes do not receive sufficient nutrition, weaken and may die;
  • Lack of moisture can lead to wilting of tomatoes, poor absorption of calcium, and as a result, the bushes are affected by blossom end rot. As a result, you can lose part of the harvest, and sometimes the entire plant dies;
  • With daily watering, when not enough moisture is added, the tomatoes' immunity decreases and they can be affected by pathogens.

Therefore, when growing tomatoes, you should definitely adhere to the watering regime in order to prevent deterioration of the plants’ condition and to grow a good harvest.

Excess moisture when growing greenhouse tomatoes is main enemy harvest, because of this the crop begins to hurt. Let's look at how to water tomatoes in a greenhouse: the time of the procedure and the rules for maintaining the norm.

Fundamental Rules

It is better to water tomatoes in a greenhouse (both polycarbonate and film or glass). evening hours, after sunset. The absence of sunlight protects the plant from burns and prevents strong evaporation (due to this, the water completely goes into the ground and does not evaporate).

Water is applied at the root, avoiding dripping on the foliage and stems. The consumption rate per bush is up to 4-5 liters.


  • You can water at any time when the weather is warm (but not hot) and dry;
  • on cool and rainy days, the procedure is carried out before lunch, because... during the remaining half of the day the room will have time to ventilate;
  • You cannot postpone the event until late in the evening, because... in a greenhouse closed at night, the water that has not had time to be absorbed will begin to evaporate, increasing the humidity;
  • Once after irrigation, open the windows to provide ventilation.


If water stagnates in the soil, root system cannot cope with its absorption and begins to rot. But deficiency also causes dehydration, and leaves often suffer from this. As a result, tomato bushes from exposure high temperatures overheat, dry out and die.

Water the plantings 1-2 times a week, taking into account the condition of the soil and environmental humidity indicators.

Humidity standards

Tomatoes, like cucumbers, are demanding in terms of humidity, but for the full development of the above-ground vegetative part, dry air in a greenhouse is more suitable for them.

Optimal conditions: 70-80% for soil and 45-60% for air.

Water temperature

You can't water tomatoes cold water. Due to sudden changes in temperature, plants experience stress and, as a result, weaken. The optimal indicator should be at 23-24°.

Watering methods

Exist various ways watering tomatoes in a greenhouse, each option has its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at them.


The easiest way is to use a garden watering can. The stream is directed strictly to the roots of the plants.

Disadvantages of watering with a hose:

  • inability to regulate temperature, resulting in a risk of overcooling tomatoes;
  • lack of control over the volume of liquid that each tomato bush received, resulting in the risk of excess moisture.

The water is settled in large barrels. It is replenished periodically - it must have time to warm up.

If the container is located in a greenhouse, it should be covered with a lid on top. Otherwise, water will evaporate from it, creating increased importance in the greenhouse. And this is detrimental to tomatoes.


In large greenhouses, it is better to organize drip irrigation for tomatoes - this will reduce the time for care.

This method has a number of advantages:

  • the flow of water is directed directly to the root system of the bush, it does not have time to evaporate and does not affect the increase in humidity in the greenhouse;
  • the possibility of drops getting on the foliage, stem and inflorescences is excluded;
  • You can water at any convenient time;
  • the soil is not washed away;
  • Additionally, it is used for fertilizing with liquid fertilizers.

To organize a drip feed, a system is installed that will supply water to the roots using the flow of water through tubes.

Such equipment is commercially available, but you can also organize it yourself.

  • Construction from plastic bottles. They are dug in next to the tomato bush with the neck up (water is poured into it), holes are first made in the sides - through them the liquid flows to the roots.
  • The second option is to bury a tube in the soil and place the bottle on it upside down. The bottom is cut off and water is poured in, which will gradually penetrate to the roots.


Such a system is often in demand in industrial production, where tomatoes are grown on a large scale. But this does not exclude the possibility of using automatic watering on a single farm.

Automatic water supply is adjusted according to specified parameters, supports correct temperature and frequency, creating ideal conditions for growing vegetables.

Watering a tomato industrial greenhouses and on farm plots it is carried out using the drip method. At the same time, fertigation can be carried out - application in liquid form mineral fertilizers and pesticides.

Watering based on the growing season

The need for water at different stages of the growing season is different for tomatoes.

  • When planting seedlings in a greenhouse, it should be watered generously once (0.5-1 liters per hole). This will speed up the rooting process of young seedlings, which takes 7-10 days. Additional watering for sprouts is not required at this stage.
  • 7 days after planting, active growth begins, but the weak root system is not able to fully absorb all the water from the soil. Therefore, the seedlings should be watered 2 times a week. Consumption standard: 2 liters per bush.
  • When tomatoes bloom, the amount of water is increased to 5 liters, while the frequency is reduced to 1 time per week.
  • At the stage of fruit formation, it is necessary to provide the vegetable crop with enough moisture. The regularity of watering procedures is increased to 2 times a week, but the volume of liquid is controlled so as not to cause waterlogging.
  • As soon as the vegetables begin to ripen, reduce watering to once a week and use less liquid, because... an excess leads to cracking of tomatoes.

Signs of improper watering

Signs improper watering can be detected by the external condition of tomato bushes.

Since plants are able to absorb nutrients only in dissolved form, the presence of moisture is a prerequisite for growing. Watering is especially important in greenhouses, where plants cannot get moisture from natural sources: rain, dew, fog.

After using soil water, the only source of replenishment is irrigation. Here it is very important to know the rules and regulations in order to ensure that the plants required quantity moisture and create a favorable climate in the greenhouse.

Protective structures not only allow you to maintain optimal temperature for growth, but also help retain moisture in the greenhouse. If you do not ventilate, the moisture after watering will begin to evaporate and the air humidity in the greenhouse will increase. A humid environment is not good for tomatoes, so ventilation must be provided. The soil, on the contrary, should be moist, but not wet.

Optimal soil and air humidity

Tomatoes have a very unique attitude towards humidity. They prefer low air humidity (45-50%) and sufficient high level soil moisture (85-90%).

Why follow the rules for watering tomatoes in a greenhouse?

Tomato plants react equally poorly to both lack and excess moisture.

In case of insufficient watering:

  • nutrients are poorly absorbed;
  • the root system develops poorly and the growth of the vegetative mass slows down;
  • The fruits gain weight poorly and are prone to shedding.

About the lack of moisture on initial stage plants signal by curling their leaves in a boat.

In case of overwatering:

  • the risk of developing diseases increases;
  • air exchange processes and mineral nutrition deteriorate;
  • The fruits crack and rot.

How to properly water tomatoes in a greenhouse?

How often to water

Tomatoes prefer watering infrequently, but abundantly, wetting the soil throughout the depth of the root system.

Attention! Based climatic conditions, watering plants should be done no more than 1-2 times a week.

Frequent, minor watering moistens only the top part of the soil, without saturating the roots with moisture, but creating dampness in the greenhouse. Excessive moisture causes soil temperatures to drop and creates favorable conditions for the development of diseases.

What time of day

The best time for watering in sunny weather is in the evening, 2-3 hours before sunset. This time will allow the water to soak into the soil and the plants to dry out. Overnight, the moisture will be evenly distributed in the soil and will begin to be absorbed by the root system, and air humidity will normalize.

On cloudy days, watering can be done at any time, but you need to pay attention to the air temperature. If it is low in the morning, then it is better to wait for the temperature to rise during the day.

How many

Water consumption directly depends on the following factors:

  • plant age;
  • growth phases;
  • type of bush;
  • environmental conditions.

For one plant it ranges from 0.5 liters after planting seedlings, to 5-10 liters during the period of vegetative mass growth and mass fruit set.

Watering frequency

The frequency is directly dependent on solar activity. The more sunny days, the more often watering is required. But you need to make it abundantly, so that the frequency is no more than 2 times a week.

Watering in the heat

In hot, sunny weather, the soil dries out faster, and the frequency increases to 2 times a week. When the soil is moist, plants cool themselves by quickly evaporating moisture from their leaves. This allows them to easily tolerate heat over 30°C. Watering should not be done under scorching sunlight. The dew drops formed on the leaves, like lenses, refract Sun rays, and the tissues get burned, and late blight spores provide fertile soil for germination.

In rainy weather

It creates increased air humidity, so especially at this time, the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. During this period, it is necessary to loosen the soil and ventilate the greenhouse more often.

When to stop watering tomatoes in a greenhouse?

If the formation of the main number of fruits has ended or a decision has been made to pinch the growing point in order to direct the plant’s forces to ripening, watering the plants can be stopped. For early varieties, this period begins already in August. Late varieties continue to develop intensively and require adequate watering.

If weather in the fall they worsen, the air temperature decreases and daylight hours are shortened, the plants’ need for water decreases, and watering is reduced. During the period of ripening of the last fruits, watering is completely stopped.

The author of the video explains how to water tomatoes correctly and how much water is required.

What water to use

  1. Warm water.

Sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed, so it is better to water warm water. IN hot weather it is heated in the sun and can reach 23−25ºС, that is, be close to the ambient temperature.

  1. Cold water.

In cloudy weather, use water heated to 18-22ºС. Lower temperature water helps slow down metabolic processes and the development of diseases.

Advice! Use settled water or rainwater, which has less hardness.

Irrigation technology

  1. Manual watering.

Used in small greenhouses and when growing seedlings. Small seedlings can even be watered with a pipette or syringe, so as not to wet the plant and not bend it to the ground. The grown seedlings are watered from a ladle or mug, but also under the root. Mature plants are difficult to water in this way.

The use of a hose is very common and makes the work much easier. This method also has disadvantages:

  • it is difficult to avoid water getting on the plants;
  • the pressure of water erodes the soil at the roots;
  • it is difficult to determine the water consumption for a plant.

If you use watering from a hose, it is better to do it in pre-prepared grooves. For two-row plantings, three depressions are made, formed by the sides of the earth (one between the rows, the others along the edges). The hose is placed in the groove and slowly filled with water, which is gradually absorbed and moisturizes the soil.

  1. Drip irrigation.

It's very modern and effective method soil moisture, although more expensive. Water is supplied through hoses with holes made in them, directly to each plant. In this case, the water supply is strictly dosed, watering is included in right time, water falls to the ground in drops with a certain rhythm. The plants remain dry, the soil structure is not disturbed and is moistened evenly.

  1. Through plastic bottles.

Many gardeners use a cheap and easy method of delivering water directly to the roots using plastic bottles. They are buried one at a time near each bush, in the area where the roots are located, after cutting off the bottom. Drill holes to allow moisture to gradually penetrate. Water is poured into a bottle from a hose, watering can or mug and it moistens the soil at the roots and to a sufficient depth.

  1. Auto.

Modern equipment allows not only to dose the amount of water supplied, but also to control temperature, soil and air humidity. Depending on the received parameters, the system is automatically turned on. Well tuned automatic systems minimize human participation.

Automatic activation of irrigation is used both for the drip method and for special small-droplet sprayers, to which water is supplied through hoses. They are laid on the ground or extremely low to it.

Advice! In stationary polycarbonate greenhouses, it is more advisable to use drip irrigation.

Watering in a greenhouse and tomato growth stages

On different stages Growing a tomato plant has its own requirements for watering and humidity.

When planting seeds

Tomato seeds are sown in well-moistened soil, moisture is retained until germination using film, glass and other transparent materials, which cover the growing container. Before germination, the crops are not watered, but after they appear en masse, watering begins.

The top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out, since this is where the root system of young seedlings is located. Watering during this period is carried out frequently, almost daily.

Before picking (1-2 days before), the seedlings are thoroughly watered so that the plants are saturated with moisture. Seedlings planted in moist soil begin to be watered for 4-5 days at intervals of once every 6-7 days. To improve the development of the root system, use trays with water, in which pots with drainage holes are placed, through which water flows to the roots from below.

After planting the seedlings

Before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, they are watered abundantly a day in advance so that the lump of soil around the roots is moist but does not fall apart. Immediately after planting, light watering is done and water is not used for the next 5-7 days (unless the soil dries out during extreme heat). During the engraftment period, seedlings will consume a small amount of moisture.

During flowering

Established seedlings will begin to develop intensively and will require a sufficient amount of moisture to form a vegetative mass, set and fill fruits. Watering during this period should not be frequent, but plentiful.

During fruiting

Watering of early ripening determinate fruits is practically stopped during the ripening period. In this way, they promote the friendly maturation of the formed ovaries. Varieties that ripen gradually and continue to grow and lay new fruits continue to be watered normal mode. To speed up ripening, reduce watering and pinch the top of the plant.

  • Remove containers with water from the greenhouse or cover them so that when the water evaporates, the humidity level does not increase.
  • Do not allow the soil to dry out. Subsequent heavy watering will lead to cracking of the stem and fruit.
  • If moisture does not penetrate well into the soil due to its dense structure, use preliminary loosening or piercing the soil with a fork.
    If after watering it is planned to fertilize with aqueous solutions of fertilizers, take into account the rate of water consumption taking them into account in order to prevent excess moisture.
  • If, however, excess moisture has formed in the greenhouse, actively ventilate it and loosen the soil.

In order for water to become an assistant in producing a rich harvest, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules and regulations for watering tomatoes in a greenhouse and be able to navigate the frequency of watering.

Growing tomatoes requires special care: it is necessary to follow planting rules, water correctly and feed the plants on time throughout growing season. Both excessive watering and lack of moisture in the soil are harmful to them.

It is not recommended to water tomatoes in a greenhouse in the morning and evening. In the morning, the water is not warmed up enough, and in the evening after watering, moisture condensation on the walls of the greenhouse increases - this has a detrimental effect on vegetables. Watering during the day allows moisture to be completely absorbed into the ground, and excess moisture to evaporate before nightfall. In addition, during the day you can control the ventilation process in case high humidity air.

When to water tomatoes after transplanting into a greenhouse

To obtain a high yield of tomatoes indoors, you must follow some watering rules:

  • before flowering apply per 1 sq. m – up to 4 l;
  • during flowering - up to 12 l;
  • warm settled or rain water - at least 20 degrees;
  • Avoid getting water on the leaves.

The first watering of a tomato after planting in a greenhouse is carried out no earlier than 10-12 days later. By this time, the plants have time to take root in the soil and require abundant watering for intensive growth.

Reference! Excessive soil moisture leads to plant disease with root rot. High humidity in the greenhouse provokes the appearance of late blight.

You can control the humidity in closed ground artificially: ventilate the room, loosen the soil, spray it in hot sunny weather. To avoid the occurrence of diseases and to obtain high yields Certain rules must be followed:

  1. Tomatoes prefer dry air and wet soil. Loosening the soil immediately after watering is not recommended; it is mulched with grass, sawdust, and bark.
  2. Water as carefully as possible: avoid getting water on the stems and leaves.
  3. Do not water with cold tap water.
  4. Water every week, the rate depends on the growing season.

Watering tomato seedlings is carried out using any convenient method; organic and mineral fertilizers can be added to the water. Most often, vegetable growers use large containers to settle water. They are placed in a greenhouse and covered with a lid.

After planting the seedlings, the soil near the plant is watered abundantly. Norm for 1 sq. m - at least 4-5 liters. This volume is enough to strengthen the root system in the soil.

How often should you water tomatoes in a greenhouse?

In order not to harm the plantings, you need to add water at different stages of tomato growth in different volumes.

Advice! Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to moisten the soil abundantly at least a day before the proposed work.

Plants are watered especially intensively during the period of growth, flowering and fruit set. Excess moisture during ripening leads to cracking of tomatoes, especially in tomato varieties with thin skin. In addition to watering, it is necessary to monitor temperature conditions, humidity in the room. Tomato seedlings should not be placed too densely in a greenhouse; this also provokes the appearance of diseases.

As the top layer of soil dries, water is added taking into account the outside air temperature. In hot weather, plants need additional water. You can water more intensively when the first signs of lack of moisture appear: curling and yellowing of the leaves. The soil should be soaked to a depth of at least 20 cm.

Vegetable growers determine how many times to water seedlings, taking into account several factors: air temperature, appearance plants, soil moisture.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse in cold weather

Vegetables should be watered very carefully in cold weather. If the soil is sufficiently moist, you should not water at all.

Dry soil is moistened no more than once a week. Be sure to ventilate the greenhouse. When temperatures drop, tomatoes are most susceptible to disease. It is necessary to carry out preventive procedures during such periods: spray the plants with Previkur to avoid root rot, crush them with wood ash.

Root watering of tomatoes in a greenhouse in such weather is carried out carefully, the plants are not allowed to get wet, and the level of air humidity in the greenhouse is controlled.

How to water tomatoes in hot weather in a greenhouse

When watering in hot weather, you should take into account the fact that drops of water falling on the leaves are refracted in the sun and cause burns to plants. At this time, it is worth watering the tomatoes in the greenhouse at dusk, when the sun is no longer active.

The layer of mulch under the bushes must be adjusted; it should not be less than 5 cm. This will retain moisture for a long time.

Distinctive features of polycarbonate greenhouses are high strength and increased thermal insulation. They miss perfectly sunlight and retain heat for a long time.

Tomatoes in such greenhouses should be watered twice as often, because the room temperatures are higher than in film-coated structures. In hot weather polycarbonate structures it is necessary to ventilate more often than usual.

How to water tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse

When planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, the soil is watered generously. It is pre-defended. Preference is given to rainwater.

To avoid plant stress, drugs such as Epin and Zircon are added to the water. Some vegetable growers use potassium permanganate for disinfection. For tomato growth, a variety of growth stimulants are used; they are dissolved in water and watered on each bush.

What water to water tomatoes in a greenhouse

It is strictly contraindicated to water tomatoes with cold water, as this provokes plant disease. Warm and settled water is obtained by placing containers in the greenhouse. You can additionally heat it up to the desired levels.

The water temperature for watering tomatoes should be at least 18-20 degrees. Recommended for collection in containers rainwater. It is considered the most suitable for watering vegetables.

How to water tomatoes with iodine in a greenhouse

In small quantities, iodine is harmless to both people and plants. This feeding has a beneficial effect on the growth and formation of tomatoes.

  1. Fruit formation improves. Iodine stimulates the formation process and accelerates the growth and size of tomatoes.
  2. Significantly improves immunity. Sign of iodine deficiency in plants: lethargic and pale leaves. Timely watering with iodine will restore the appearance and reduce the likelihood of diseases.
  3. Such “tomato diseases” as brown spot, late blight and mosaic on early stages can be stopped with regular watering with iodine.

Reference! The first feeding of plants with iodine is carried out when the first two true leaves appear on the seedlings. 1 drop of iodine is diluted in 3 liters of warm, 20-22 degrees, water.

After this, tomatoes are able to withstand problems such as root rot, fungal and viral diseases.

The next iodine fertilizing is carried out during the period of tying tassels on the plants. To do this, dissolve 3 drops of iodine in 10 liters of water. Watering rate – 1 liter. for one bush.

In the ripening phase, a solution of 5 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water is used for watering. This will speed up the process and stimulate the formation of new ovaries. It has been established that when watered with the addition of iodine, the fruits increase in size by up to 10 percent. To enhance the effect, wood ash and boric acid are added to the solution.

It is also used for prevention foliar feeding. To do this, prepare a solution of 1 liter of water, a glass of skim milk and 5 drops of iodine tincture. Tomatoes are sprayed in the morning or evening. Do not allow the solution to accumulate on the leaves to avoid burns.

Watering a tomato in a greenhouse with yeast

After planting a tomato in protected soil, experienced vegetable growers recommend natural remedy for feeding tomatoes - yeast. Using this recipe guarantees intensive plant growth.

Tomatoes after yeast gain strength, the stems become powerful and strong, the leaves become wide and intense green. The root system is strengthened, fruits are intensively formed.

The recipe is simple: 1 kg of baker's yeast is dissolved in 5 liters of water and infused for at least a day. For processing tomatoes in 10 liters. half a liter of infusion is diluted with water. Water the root of each plant. If desired, you can use it simultaneously herbal infusions, natural organic fertilizers.

Another recipe for making yeast feed:

  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar;
  • 100 g yeast;
  • 3 liters of warm water.

The prepared solution is left in a warm place to ferment for several days. Before use, dilute 1 glass of prepared mash solution in 10 liters of water. Application rate: 1 glass per bush.

Is it possible to water tomatoes with potassium permanganate in a greenhouse?

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is popularly used as a strong, affordable antiseptic. Watering a tomato with water with the addition of potassium permanganate provides:

  • disinfection;
  • the formation of ions in the soil necessary for the root system;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • acceleration of growth;
  • disease prevention.

Potassium permanganate should be used for watering and spraying very carefully, adhering to the recommended dosage so as not to burn the plants.

Drip watering of tomatoes in a greenhouse

Used for watering vegetables different methods. The most effective is drip irrigation. This method allows you to significantly save water consumption, the soil remains loose. It is quite possible to install a drip irrigation system for a greenhouse with your own hands.

Available for sale various options drip tape, where the holes for irrigation are at different distances. For each individual vegetable crop, it is necessary to choose the right suitable option. For tomatoes, it is enough to put “droppers” with 10-15 cm between the holes.

The main plastic pipe, to which drip tapes will be attached. Their number depends on the rows: for each row of plants - one watering tape. At the connection points with the main pipe, special couplings and taps are installed to regulate the irrigation regime. If the row with seedlings does not need watering, turn off the tap. The edges of the droppers at the end of the row are closed, secured with special clamps or wire.

With the help of a pump, water enters the drip irrigation system and short term provides soil moisture in in the right place, directly on the planting rows. Setting up such a system is not difficult; even a novice vegetable grower can cope with the task.

With this method of irrigation, the soil is not compacted and does not require regular loosening. The earth remains light, loose, saturated with oxygen. A new one is gaining popularity automated system watering "Signor Tomato". This unique device facilitates the work of watering and fertilizing plants. Minimizes manual labor, allows you to control the process using special timers and sensors.

This reliable and proven method has long been used by summer residents for small greenhouses. Watering through plastic bottles has a number of advantages:

  • accessibility and simplicity;
  • saving time;
  • local moisture at the root of the plant;
  • low water consumption.

Empty, clean bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters are cut to the desired height. The side without a bottom is buried next to the plant. Water is poured into the neck of the bottle, the water is gradually absorbed into the soil directly next to the tomato.

Advice! You can optionally add fertilizer to the bottle when watering.

To prevent damage to the roots of the tomato when digging in the bottle, it is recommended to install this alternative irrigation simultaneously with planting the seedlings.

To ensure that water is absorbed as slowly as possible, another method is used:

  • holes are made in the bottle cap with an awl;
  • the bottle is filled with water;
  • dug into the ground with the neck down.

The method of watering with plastic bottles is also practiced, when it is pierced evenly on all sides. It is buried so that the neck is on the surface. To moisten the soil as deeply as possible, pipes are first dug in and plastic bottles are mounted on them.

Watering tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Watering tomatoes: rules and features

When growing tomatoes in open ground, you are more likely to encounter temperature changes and cannot control the level of soil and air humidity. But this is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. In a greenhouse, with high humidity and poor ventilation, diseases instantly develop, which are quite difficult to get rid of. When growing “outdoors,” tomatoes are watered on average once a week, in the absence of rain.

Detailed information You will find information about caring for tomatoes in open ground in our material.

Watering in the greenhouse is carried out early in the morning before sunrise or late in the evening after sunset twice a week. After irrigation, the greenhouse must be ventilated so as not to create excess humidity. On average, about 4 liters of water are consumed per bush.

In greenhouses, mandatory control of air humidity (not less than 50%) and soil (not less than 90%) is required. To check compliance with these standards, take a small lump of earth at a depth of 10 cm, which should easily be molded into a lump with your hands and not crumble.

Watering a tomato is always carried out at the root. It is important to ensure that drops do not fall on the foliage - in open ground this can cause burns, and in a greenhouse the development of late blight. The water temperature should be at least 22-24 degrees Celsius.

Step-by-step watering and fertilizing of tomatoes in a greenhouse: from seedlings to harvesting

Depending on the stage of development, a tomato needs different amounts of moisture. When transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse, water each hole (4-5 l), and leave the plants for 10 days to take root. First place in each hole organic fertilizer(compost or humus with the addition wood ash).

After 7 days, the seedlings begin active growth and need regular and abundant watering. A weak root system itself is not able to obtain moisture from the soil, so before the formation of flower stalks, irrigation is carried out twice a week at the rate of 2-3 liters per bush.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse once a month is combined with the application of mineral fertilizers: 15 g of potassium, 25 g of nitrogen-containing and 40 g of phosphorus are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The consumption rate is 1 liter per bush.

When the flower stalks are already formed, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week, but the volume is increased to 5 liters of water per bush. Watering is alternated with the application of fertilizers (1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate, 0.5 liters of chicken manure and 0.5 liters of mullein per 10 liters of water) at the rate of 1.5 liters per plant.

With the beginning of fruiting, the frequency of irrigation is increased to twice a week, and to improve the taste and accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, add 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. liquid sodium humate dissolved in 10 liters of water. When the tomato turns red, watering is reduced to once every seven days, and completely stopped 20 days before harvesting.

Read about what else you can feed tomatoes to get maximum yield in our article.

Signs of under- and over-watering

Signs of lack of moisture in tomatoes:

  • Twisting the sheet plate along the center in the form of a “boat”;
  • Drying of ovaries and buds without symptoms of disease.

With a lack of watering, plants become weak and frail. There is an increased vulnerability to fungal diseases and insect-borne viruses.

Signs of excess moisture:

  • Tomatoes that have been over-watered become watery and tasteless;
  • The stem and fruit crack, which leads to further infection and disease of the plant;
  • Fungal diseases spread quickly in a greenhouse.

With high humidity and poor ventilation of the greenhouse, all types of rot occur, late blight develops quickly, the fruits deteriorate and lose their keeping quality and transportability.

Methods for watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

The most common method among summer residents is manual using a watering can or garden hose. The disadvantage is the inability to control water consumption per bush. Plants are watered with settled water from a barrel. If the water tank is installed in a greenhouse, it must be covered with polyethylene or a lid so as not to create excess humidity. The manual method is suitable for small greenhouses.

Drip or capillary irrigation method. It is used for both large and small greenhouses.

Automatic watering tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse are used when growing on an industrial scale, since this method requires significant financial costs. Automatic watering is most often combined with a drip water supply system.

Farms use pumps, dispensers, filters, automatic control microclimate in the greenhouse, and many summer residents do drip system from improvised means.

Watering tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse using the drip method is most effective when growing, because:

  • water costs are reduced, while it gets directly under the roots and can be strictly dosed depending on the needs of the plant;
  • the risk of soil salinization and leaching is reduced; a crust does not form on the soil surface.
  • hoses are laid between rows along or in the middle once and are not moved throughout the season - this prevents damage to plants;
  • watering a tomato does not require physical effort;
  • productivity increases.

Drip irrigation: how to do it yourself

Drip irrigation can be organized from empty plastic bottles, along the walls of which there are different heights make small holes. The plastic with water is not completely covered and is buried upside down so that the seeping moisture constantly flows to the roots of the plant. If necessary, unscrew the lid and add water.

Homemade system drip irrigation must be constantly checked to ensure that the holes are not clogged with soil. If this happens, the plants will die from drought.

Bottom line

After irrigation, the soil should be mulched with sawdust or grass to prevent moisture evaporation and weed growth. It is recommended to regularly loosen the soil, which improves aeration and increases productivity. If you follow the norms and timing of watering, as well as the rules for caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse, even a novice gardener will be able to harvest excellent harvest tasty and healthy fruits.