How to properly treat onions with potassium permanganate before planting. Why is it necessary to treat onions with potassium permanganate? Use of wood ash

How to properly treat onions with potassium permanganate before planting.  Why is it necessary to treat onions with potassium permanganate?  Use of wood ash
How to properly treat onions with potassium permanganate before planting. Why is it necessary to treat onions with potassium permanganate? Use of wood ash

Growing onions Previously, it did not cause any trouble for gardeners. It was enough to sort through the seedlings and after planting, they forgot about the bed until harvesting.

But climate change and the spread of numerous diseases have made their own adjustments to the planting of seedlings. Processing onions before planting is a multi-stage and labor-intensive process that affects the crop's resistance to diseases and the formation of the root crop.

For planting, use seedlings, which are obtained from nigella seeds. Determine quality by eye planting material difficult, especially if the seeds are small in size.

Pre-sowing treatment makes it possible to improve the characteristics of the root crop and obtain more high yield. Affects preparatory stage for vegetation and head formation.

By carrying out pre-planting preparation, gardeners achieve the following goals:

  • reduce the time for greenery to appear and for seedlings to take root;
  • disinfect planting material, destroying all harmful organisms on it;
  • increase the plant’s immunity to various diseases and pests;
  • prevent rotting of root crops;
  • reduce shooting;
  • increase resistance to various disasters.

Treating the seed and soil in the garden bed before planting will help achieve the expected result.

Various methods are used to prepare the bulb:

  • treatment in antiseptic solutions: potassium permanganate, salt, nitrate;
  • hardening;
  • drying;
  • treatment with growth stimulants.

It is necessary to process the seedlings at the scheduled time, on a day favorable for planting.

How and with what should I treat the seedlings before planting?

Sevok is purchased at the market or in a specialized store, and many grow nigella on their own. In both cases, the best and healthiest bulbs are sorted before planting.


When choosing seedlings, the climatic and agrotechnical characteristics of the site are taken into account. Choose better variety, which prefer moderate humidity and average temperature.

If the variety is capricious and reacts to temperature changes or rain, then get high yield will not work. Store planting material in a cardboard box or canvas bag at a temperature of +12 - +18 degrees. At high humidity And high temperature The seedlings begin to actively germinate.

Properly stored sets have a distinct onion smell. If there is a smell of mold or rot, the planting material is disposed of. The husk on healthy bulbs dries out and acquires a characteristic rustling sound.

The first sign of the spread of fungus and mold is the appearance of moisture on the head, dark spots. Damaged heads need to be sorted so as not to infect healthy ones.

To the touch, healthy seedlings are hard and smooth, without visible mechanical damage.

Three to four weeks before planting, all seedlings are sorted by size:

  • multi-cavity - turnip from 10 to 15 mm;
  • medium-sized - from 15 to 20 mm;
  • multi-cavity - from 20 to 40 mm.

High yields are achieved by small and medium caliber seedings. Large bulbs take longer to germinate and produce lower yields. They are planted to obtain feathers. Sorting will help to obtain uniform shoots and will make it possible to separate dry and rotten seedlings.

Warming up

To prevent arrows, the bulbs are heated in the spring. If the sets were stored at home at a temperature of +18 degrees, then additional heating will not be needed. But sets purchased in a store or market must be warmed up.

Warming is carried out three to four days before planting. To do this, the sets are moved and laid out in a wide cardboard box or a box that is placed near a heat source: radiator, oil heater.

Warming up temperature +35 - +40 degrees. To avoid over-drying, the top of the set is covered with a cotton cloth. The set takes from 10 hours to several days to warm up.

Planting material that has been stored at home can be simply exposed to the sun for several hours or covered with a warm cloth.


The hardening procedure increases plant resistance to disease and reduces bolting. Hardened heads are harder and store better.

Hardening is carried out in early spring. IN middle lane Russia at the end of March, for southern regions at the end of February.

For hardening, dry and sorted onions with whole peel are placed in a box and placed in the cellar or in the upper part of the refrigerator. The temperature range from 0 to +8 degrees is suitable for the procedure. It is better if large temperature changes are not expected during hardening. Keep the bulbs in a cold place for 10 days. The box is then transferred to a warm place.

Express hardening provides effective results. When, after soaking, the heads are rinsed before planting ice water. Then they dry, warm up in the sun and sit down.

Soaking in warm water

Soaking onions in warm water is done immediately before planting. Warm water is additionally antiseptic and helps against bolting. But soaking is effective only if pre-trimmed. If you plan to plant a large volume of onions, then soaking them in plain water without trimming is not effective.

Trimming is done immediately before soaking. The very top of the set is cut off by 0.5–1 mm. It is important not to overdo it or remove too much of the onion. Excessive pruning will cause the turnip to rot.

For better forcing of roots and feathers, the heads should be treated before planting by soaking in one of the following types of solutions:

  1. In plain water at a temperature of +40-+50 degrees. The sets are soaked for 10–15 minutes, right in the net. To ensure that the bulbs are completely immersed in the liquid, place on top of the mesh heavy object. During heat treatment various microorganisms die, the bulb wakes up.
  2. In a solution of saltpeter. Done hot bath with water (temperature +40 - +50 degrees). Bath capacity 70 l. Add 1 teaspoon of saltpeter to the hot liquid. The solution is mixed, a mesh with the seeds is placed in it for 15–20 minutes. Nitrate disinfects planting material and accelerates the forcing of roots and greenery.
  3. In a solution of potassium permanganate. Take several crystals of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of cold water. The solution should have a weak consistency. The set is lowered into the container for 10–15 minutes. The method is used by gardeners if it is not possible to heat the water.
  4. In a chemical solution. Take the drug Epin-Extra and dilute it in the ratio of 1 ampoule per 5 l warm water. The heads should be stained for 10–15 minutes. The drug accelerates the forcing of roots and disinfects the head.

After soaking, the bulbs are removed from the solution and ventilated in sunny, open place. If soaking was carried out in salt or nitrate, then before airing the heads are rinsed with clean warm water.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Treatment of onions from diseases and pests is carried out 1 day before planting. If treatment is carried out on the day of planting, then no additional soaking is used.

Using potassium permanganate

To disinfect seedlings, three types of potassium permanganate solution are used:

The weak consistency of potassium permanganate is not very effective in inhibiting microorganisms, but it does not affect the material. Most gardeners prefer to use a medium-consistency solution; it effectively destroys fungi and mold and the holding time will not harm the seedlings.

A concentrated solution is used if the seedlings are infected with powdery mildew or onion flies. After a concentrated solution, the bulb turns dark.

The soil in the beds is additionally treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. But you should only water alkaline soil, potassium permanganate will spoil acidic soil.

Treatment with salt

To prepare the solution use the following recipe:

A less concentrated solution (2 spoons per 10 liters of water) is poured into the bed before planting the onions. After disinfecting the heads in a saline solution, the bulbs are washed in warm water.

Important: You should not often use saline solution to disinfect the soil. Fertile layer the earth will deteriorate and will need to be replaced.

Using copper sulfate

Disinfecting onions with copper sulfate is one of the most effective, but dangerous methods. Copper sulfate refers to toxic substances, and work is carried out in protective clothing.

To disinfect the bulbs, use the following recipe: 30 g of copper sulfate is diluted in 10 liters of water. The onion is soaked in the solution for 1.5–2 hours. Then the planting material is taken out and washed in plain water. Before planting, the onions are ventilated and dried.

Treatment with a special antiseptic

As disinfectant The chemical solution Fitosporin-M is used, which is sold in every specialized store.

To prepare a solution for treatment you will need 10 liters of water and 38 g of Fitospirin. The head of the set is placed in the solution for 20–30 minutes, then planted. No additional rinsing is required.

Immediately after the preparatory treatment, the onions are planted in the soil, the temperature of which should be at least 15 degrees.

There is an opinion that growing onions is very simple: without a bush and a leaf plate, it is not able to respond to external stimuli. The main thing here is watering, sun, and periodic weed removal. And the harvest cannot be a win-win, since the crop will still produce green shoots.

But an experienced gardener knows that under the most minimum costs strength and finances, the harvest can be significantly improved. Even the same green shoots will not sprout early, preserving as much as possible longer freshness young green onion - leek. And besides, with good greenery, you can preserve elastic bulbs suitable for food.

Features of cultivation

Onion - quite unpretentious plant, the cultivation of which is not difficult. As they say, “stuck it in the ground and forgot.” Many people believe that when growing onions, the main thing is to water and pull out the weed. But with such an attitude towards the crop being grown, its yield may disappear altogether or become a surprise. And it is the onion that takes the leading position in such cases.

There are often cases when gardeners plant a crop in order to obtain onions, but end up with leeks and vice versa. It would seem that the loss is small if you do not grow the crop on an industrial scale. But the secret is that when consciously the right approach By growing, the yield can be significantly improved even for personal needs. Otherwise, it will be completely destroyed. The same leek, which is easiest to grow, with improper care may begin to shoot arrows early, becoming tough and completely unsuitable for eating raw.

In order not to be disappointed in your expectations during harvest, we recommend that before planting you decide on the end result: you still need onions or preference is given to leeks. Based on our needs and the planned size of the harvest, we proceed to selecting seeds and preparing the soil.

Preparing for landing

It's no secret that onions can be planted both in spring and autumn. Autumn planting, unlike spring planting, is more troublesome, since it requires insulation for the winter. But she already allows in early spring get fresh leek. Well, it would seem that what could be simpler than simply planting onions in the spring: the sets, unlike other seeds, are quite large in size, allowing you to see the shortcomings, and they are sold freely in almost any store.

Besides spring planting does not involve any special hassle associated with insulation, since the spring-summer thermal period is quite enough for the crop to grow and ripen. For example, if the winter turns out to be snowy, then there is also nothing to worry about, since for winter crops snow acts as “insulation.” But if the winter is snowless or little snow, then the crop you sow will additional insulation it will just freeze.

Despite the simplicity of growing bulbous plants, we still recommend pre-sowing preparation onions before planting, which will avoid early yellowing of feathers or the appearance of soft and sluggish bulbs during the harvest. First, you need to carefully examine the seedlings for signs of rotting.

Onions that are rotten or have become slightly soft are unsuitable for sowing, since not only will they themselves not be able to produce a good harvest, but they can also lead to the development of fungal diseases, including contamination of the soil, as well as the appearance of pests (bulb fly). Secondly, it is necessary to remove, at first glance, the empty, weakly sitting onion peel, which can also cause the appearance of diseases or pests.

If the seeds are homemade, then the described measures can be completely limited. But when purchasing seeds in stores or from neighbors, it would be useful to carry out the treatment in the form of soaking in a special solution prepared independently. This will definitely help improve future harvest and avoid serious problems during the growing period.

Contaminated soil, as mentioned above, can cause the loss of any crop in a certain area for several years. To avoid such an infection, it is necessary to plan planting in the garden every year, annually changing the location of the bed for one or another plant. Onions, for example, grow well after carrots or tomatoes.

After onions, due to the characteristics of the soil, not everything can be planted. Here only turnips will produce a good harvest. Thus, pre-treated onion sets will have a beneficial effect not only on the harvest, but also on the soil, giving the opportunity for the favorable cultivation of another crop after itself.

Treatment with potassium permanganate and salt

After selecting the best, dense seeds and removing unnecessary hanging husks, you can soak the sets for three hours in an aqueous saline solution. We prepare the solution at the rate of two level tablespoons of salt (after taking a full spoon, run your finger along its edges, then you will definitely get a level spoon) per two liters of water. You can take any salt available in the house: coarse, fine, iodized. Dissolve it in warm, but boiled water. Immerse the sevo in water cooled to room temperature after the salt has completely dissolved.

This is how you need to treat any seedlings purchased from unknown stores or from hands. Although it would not be superfluous to process the “homemade” seedlings, which will ensure its rapid development and good growth. In addition, the saline solution protects the plant in the future from nematodes (roundworms that can harm both the plant and humans).

If you live in a region with a sufficient number of warm days for onion growth and the process of accelerating growth does not interest you, then you can soak the sets only in the well-known disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate. In order not to burn the ovaries of future roots, it is necessary to adhere to the following dosage: approximately 30 grams of potassium permanganate are taken per 10 liters of water. Keeping the sets in the solution for an hour or two is enough to carry out the disinfection procedure.

We also dissolve potassium permanganate in boiled but cooled water. We immerse the sets in water that has just reached room temperature. To achieve the greatest effect experienced gardeners It is recommended to make minor cross-shaped cuts on the sets, through which the solution can penetrate as deeply as possible. But the main thing here is not to overdo it with the cuts. For beginners in the field of growing, it is better not to make cuts.

Particularly enterprising and careful gardeners manage to combine procedures. First, soak the bulbs in a saline solution for an hour and a half, after which they are immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate. But it is not recommended to keep them there for a long time (about 30 minutes), since the rudiments “burn out” due to oversaturation.

Pros and cons of soaking

Nowadays, many new ways and means have appeared to enhance plant growth and to prevent the appearance of various diseases and pests. To listen to folk remedies or not is individual solution everyone. Nevertheless, all summer residents agree that it is easier to prevent problems than to get rid of them. The advantage of the mentioned procedures can be considered their accessibility: everyone has salt with potassium permanganate, and soaking the seeds in the solution is not difficult. Expert gardeners, having tried the noted procedures in practice, note the following advantages:

  • there is a parallel development of the bulb and greens, that is, having received a good harvest of greens, you don’t have to worry that the bulb will turn out to be lethargic and unsuitable for eating;
  • seedlings disinfected in a manganese solution are less likely to get sick, having developed immunity to pests and sudden temperature changes;
  • we can say that the soil after planting treated seedlings is protected from diseases transmitted by seeds, since the process of rotting is prevented.

In addition, it was noted that if the soaking procedure is carried out incorrectly in both saline and manganese solutions, the following disadvantages of the seed are observed:

  • the sets begin to quickly deteriorate, acquiring an uncharacteristic softness;
  • signs of decay are visible at the site where the root system is formed.

Some consider the mentioned disadvantages to be a mistake in performing the soaking process, while others consider the disadvantages of this procedure. It often happens that soaking does not bring the desired results, especially if it is carried out by novice gardeners. IN in this case Don’t be upset, because experience is gained over time, and next time everything can work out much better.

To avoid troubles during soaking, you need to take into account all the subtleties, and also seek advice from those who are doing this not for the first time.

So, to prevent the sets from being spoiled, you should not keep them in the prepared solution for a long time, because they can rot. For salt, two hours is enough, and for manganese, one and a half hours is enough. Try not to overdo it with either salt or potassium permanganate, because the ovaries of the root system can “burn” without even appearing.

If you plan to carry out combined procedures, then the time spent on them should not exceed two hours. For a saline solution, it is preferable to set aside an hour and a half, and for potassium permanganate, thirty minutes is enough, since salt not only activates growth, but also has a less pronounced disinfecting effect. Remember that oversaturation of any plant with anything can be many times more destructive than its deficiency.

After completing the planned procedures, carefully wash the bulbs and plant them in pre-prepared heated soil. We perform soaking only before direct planting. Otherwise, you will not get the desired result, since by disinfecting the seedlings and leaving them for a few more days in ordinary water, you again plunge them into a “bacterial environment.” The solution for immersing the seeds must be freshly prepared, otherwise bacteria harmful to the seeds may also form in it.

Another point that should not be forgotten: Pre-treatment of seeds is recommended only before spring planting. The set, saturated with the moisture of an aqueous solution and immersed in soil well warmed by the sun, is quickly accepted and, having become stronger, begins to grow. Carry out this procedure before autumn planting This is extremely undesirable, since you are plunging the onion, saturated with moisture, into the ground, which will not be insulated every day, but, on the contrary, will freeze.

This may well lead to freezing of the seeds (planting for the winter takes place around September–October). Although for experienced gardeners, knowledgeable climatic features your region and those who know how to navigate the thermal characteristics of the soil, as well as the timing of rooting of seedlings, should not be afraid and pre-treatment seeds before autumn planting. It's about O southern regions, where the soil is autumn period retains heat for a long time. But due to winters that are not characterized by heavy snowfalls, here you will need to take care of high-quality insulation for the cold period.

To learn how to soak onions in potassium permanganate and salt, see the video below.

At first glance, it may seem to an inexperienced gardener that it could be easier than growing onion sets. Despite the fact that this vegetable crop is really not particularly difficult to care for, many people face a lot of problems on the way to obtaining good harvest Luke. So, one of them is bolting of a vegetable crop, which prevents the development of large and healthy bulbs, the other is diseases of various types that can negate all the painstaking work.

To avoid these unpleasant problems, it is necessary not only to plant onion sets in a timely manner, but also to process the planting material on the eve of planting. Properly organized disinfection is designed to protect vegetables from various diseases.

Preparing the bulbs

The most important stage in preparing onions for planting is the high-quality selection of planting material. So, soft and spoiled or, conversely, dried bulbs are not suitable for planting, since they will not be able to grow a good harvest.

Cutting off part of the husk will help speed up the germination process, but this manipulation can only be performed if the bulb has not sprouted feathers by the time of planting. Next, you should dry the seed material by placing it in a dry and warm place.

Bulb processing

Processing bulbs is the most important activity that must be approached responsibly. One of the popular and widespread methods of processing the seed material of onion sets is to immerse it in a saline solution.

Unlike the use of insecticides that leave vegetable crop toxic substances, salt cannot harm the onion in any way. On the contrary, it will disinfect planting material well.

Why is salt treatment necessary?

Treating the bulbs with a saline solution is intended to ensure accelerated development of the plant, and therefore speed up the harvesting process. In addition, with its help, the bulbs are protected from any kind of negative impacts external environment.

Such treatment will be an excellent means of preventing plants from various diseases, including pests that are so common in onion beds such as onion fly and nematode. The benefits from such a procedure are simply invaluable.

Features of the event

To process the planting material of onion sets, you can use either regular rock salt or sea salt, and the effect in both cases will be the same. To prepare the solution, you will need two liters of water (it is recommended to use purified, filtered water) and dissolve 2 tablespoons of any type of salt. In the finished solution, which should have room temperature, it is necessary to immerse the onion sets prepared for planting.

As for the time during which the bulbs should remain in the disinfectant solution, on average it is 2-3 hours. After this time, you can safely carry out planting activities, as a reward for which, with a high degree of probability, it can be said that the gardener will receive a good harvest!

Most of the vegetables grown on our plots undergo pre-planting preparation in order to protect them from and, as well as to give them additional strength for rapid germination and bountiful harvest. Onions are no exception. And in our article we will talk about what and how you can treat onions before planting.

Processing onion sets before planting

Scoop onions are planted to produce large onions in the fall. Most often it is bought in finished form in the store, although it is quite possible to grow it yourself from seeds. Be that as it may, the seed must be properly prepared for planting, otherwise germination will be low and resistance to diseases and pests will be weak.

First of all, you need to select all the diseased, small, dry and overly soft onions. The remaining seed must be dried in a warm place, scattered thin layer. This is necessary so that the onion, previously stored in a cool place, wakes up and the growth processes in it “stir.”

First, drying is carried out at a temperature of +20ºС and above for 20 days. Then the temperature is raised to +40ºС and the onions are placed in it for 8-10 hours. Such heating not only activates growth, but also prevents the onion from shooting in the future.

How else can you treat onions before planting to prevent bolting: some advise pouring the set in for a minute hot water, heated to +60ºС or place it in a cloth in a glass saucepan and heat in the microwave for 1.5 minutes.

How to treat onions before planting against pests?

To prevent pests from destroying your onion crop, it is necessary to disinfect the bulbs before planting so that they do not attract larvae, the most dangerous of which is the onion fly larva.

Our grandmothers knew how to treat onions before planting and successfully used a saline solution and a solution of potassium permanganate. Saline solution saves from nematodes, and potassium permanganate (or copper sulfate) protect against other insects, as well as fungal diseases.

Onion nematode – dangerous pest onions, leading to inhibition of growth and drying out of the rhizome. This small roundworm affects many crops, it is often found in agricultural regions and loves wet soil. The nematode settles in onion crops and, feeding on the juices of the plant, simply destroys it.

The onion fly is no less dangerous. It looks like an ordinary housefly, so we can't always identify it. She lays her eggs under a thin layer of soil in an onion bed or right between onion leaves. After a week, the caterpillars hatch from them and immediately begin to eat the bulb from the inside. Moreover, the onion fly lays eggs twice per season - in early June and in mid-late July. So the invasion of larvae always occurs in two stages.

In order to initially prevent onion plantings from being damaged by onion fly larvae, you need, in addition to soaking the sets in potassium permanganate, sprinkle them with ash or tobacco dust which they cannot tolerate.

During the growth process, as a preventative measure, you can water the beds with onions with an infusion of dandelion roots, saline solution and a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Good repellent onion fly the close location of carrots, which with their fungicides does not allow them to get close to them onion plantings. At the same time, onions prevent carrot pests from multiplying, so the neighborhood is mutually beneficial.