How and what to clean the refrigerator inside and out. Why might there be an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator? Disconnecting the refrigerator from electricity

How and what to clean the refrigerator inside and out. Why might there be an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator? Disconnecting the refrigerator from electricity

The refrigerator is a must-have and indispensable household appliances. It stores foods and prepared dishes that are “dear to our stomach,” which, unfortunately, sometimes become sources of unpleasant odors inside refrigerated and freezers. Dealing with this problem is not difficult if you know how to properly clean a refrigerator.

The smell appears not only from spoiled food: it is often present even in a new refrigerator and depends on the quality of the materials from which the device itself is made

Algorithm of actions


If every time you open the refrigerator door you feel a persistent “aroma,” then cosmetic wiping of the shelves and walls is not enough. The refrigerator must be washed thoroughly and without haste. To do this, start with defrosting (this is usually done 1-2 times a year as planned). To learn how to properly defrost your particular refrigerator model, read its operating instructions or find and watch a video on the Internet.

All food in the refrigerator must be removed and inspected; spoiled food must be thrown away.

First, you need to disconnect the unit from the power supply and completely empty the refrigerator and freezer (if it is inside) chambers. To preserve stocks of frozen food, the contents of the freezer need to be provided with reliable thermal insulation - put in a large basin and wrapped in newspapers, towels (separately) and covered with a thick blanket. This way they will maintain their temperature for 3-4 hours.

Remove all removable parts: shelves, trays, drawers, grids. Leave the chamber doors open and allow frost and ice deposits to melt at room temperature.

If the ice is frozen in a thick layer, do not forget to place a large dry cloth under the refrigerator door that will absorb water and constantly wring it out

The process of natural defrosting of the refrigerator can be speeded up a little by placing a pan with hot water or blow inner space hairdryer But haste is not always appropriate, and is often also dangerous, for example, if you try to pick out ice in the freezer with a knife.

the washing up

Allow the refrigerator to defrost, and use this time to wash the removed shelves and racks.

Removable parts should be allowed to warm up to room temperature. If you immediately put them in hot water, the plastic and glass may crack due to the temperature contrast.

It is more convenient to wash shelves and other removable elements in a large basin warm water with added dish detergent

Place all washed parts on a large towel to drain water, and be sure to dry them before putting them back in place. While the main compartment is defrosting, start cleaning the refrigerator from the door.

It is important to scrub the door well hard to reach places fastening removable trays

With regular maintenance, it is enough to wash the refrigerator simply with water or a weak solution of soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). In particularly dirty areas, you can add a little dishwashing detergent. It is better to first wet dry streaks or stains well, let them soak, and then wipe them off with a soft sponge.

In the same way, you need to wash the refrigerator when it is completely defrosted. Be sure to remove any remaining cleaning agents and soaps from all surfaces with a damp cloth soaked in clean water.


After you finish cleaning the refrigerator, you need to give it time to dry completely or thoroughly wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth.

After washing and drying the refrigerator compartments, put back all the removed shelves and grids, wiping them dry

If there is water left on the walls or shelves, it will freeze and turn into an ice crust. Before plugging in the refrigerator, do not forget to wipe all seals around the perimeter of the door, paying special attention to Special attention folds. After returning everything to its place and closing the door, wash the outside with soapy water and wipe with a dry cloth.

The standard scheme of defrosting and washing the refrigerator is not always sufficient to eliminate ingrained odors. Therefore, we will now consider how to clean the refrigerator so that there is no smell.

We have already mentioned a soda solution, which is considered universal and very effective in combating odors in the refrigerator. As an alternative, it is recommended to use:

  • fresh lemon or lemon juice. All internal surfaces are rubbed with half a cut lemon or a juice solution in a concentration of 2-3 tbsp. l. for 250 ml of water;
  • table or natural vinegar in a 1:1 ratio with water;
  • hydrogen peroxide. It is usually used after using soap solutions;
  • ammonia, diluted with water (1 tbsp per 250 ml).

It is not necessary to wash off these compounds; it is enough to allow the refrigerator to ventilate for some time to remove the pungent odors of vinegar or ammonia.

If traces or smell of mold appear, it is recommended to use chlorine-containing bleaches diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10

Some people advise cleaning the refrigerator with toothpaste, which has a pleasant menthol aroma and effective cleaning properties.

Elimination of odors and aromatization

Chemical air fresheners and fragrances should not be used in refrigerators. They can be easily replaced with homemade remedies that absorb well unpleasant odors and significantly improve the situation.

Dried bread absorbs foreign odors and excess moisture from the refrigerator

The following can be placed in the refrigerator as absorbents that remove foreign odors:

  • a crust of dried black bread;
  • filler for cat litter from silica gel granules or zeolite;
  • several crushed tablets of activated carbon;
  • baking soda.

Place the absorbents on a saucer or pour them into any open container and place them on a free shelf.

Soda and Activated carbon It is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator constantly and replace it every 2-3 months.

Flavorings are also placed in open containers:

  • lemon cut into pieces;
  • coffee beans;
  • rosemary sprigs or bay leaves.

If washing and scenting do not give the expected result, the cause of the unpleasant odor may be a clog. drain hole. A similar situation occurs quite often in non-freezing refrigerators, where water flows down the back wall. When it stagnates in the groove, a characteristic swamp aroma appears.

In addition, a constant persistent smell can be an indicator of a malfunction in the device (for example, if liquid has flowed into some hidden compartment or under the casing). In such cases, you first need to repair the refrigerator, and only then wash it.

We hope that our advice will help you. Share your experience in the comments.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Expert in the field household and a master of culinary masterpieces (according to relatives and friends). I’m used to relying on common sense, everyday experience and women’s intuition.

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Before you withdraw various spots from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

IN dishwasher Not only plates and cups are washed well. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

Fresh Lemon Isn't Just for Tea: Clean Up Surface Contaminants acrylic bathtub, rubbing half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container with water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The habit of using sparingly automatic washing machine may lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria to dirty clothes stay on internal surfaces and actively reproduce.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

There are special traps to combat moths. IN sticky layer, with which they are covered, female pheromones are added, which attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is table salt. Sprinkle on paper thick layer salt, heat the iron to maximum and, using light pressure, run the iron over the salt bed several times.

Knowledge of how to clean the inside of a refrigerator is important information which every housewife should have. I won’t say that such a procedure can cause any difficulties, but it definitely requires some skills and a scrupulous attitude. If you don't want your refrigerator to become a hub of germs and unpleasant odors, then you should definitely learn the three main steps to keeping this unit clean.

Step 1: Regular Cleaning

To ensure that the question of how to clean a refrigerator from grease arises as rarely as possible, try not to be lazy and keep the chamber constantly clean.

To do this, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Do not place dirty dishes on shelves.
  2. Immediately throw in the trash any product whose freshness you are not sure of. Germs from spoiled vegetables can spread to still fresh food.
  3. Any even small drop of fat or other liquid should be immediately wiped off with a clean sponge.
  4. Clean the door at least once a week refrigeration chamber, because there are always hand marks on it.

Step 2. Basic rules and nuances of cleaning

We have sorted out the main points of daily maintenance of the refrigerator compartment. Now I'll move on to no less important stage- general cleaning. It is very important here correct sequence, which I will talk about below.


Regardless of the model of your unit, cleaning it consists of the same sequential steps.

  1. The first thing you need before cleaning the refrigerator from yellowness is to unplug it. The defrosting process must be carried out every few months - this important condition for any device model.

  1. Remove all food from the chamber. I would like to note that when planning a general cleaning of the refrigerator on a certain day, try not to overload it with perishable foods. All food from the chamber should be placed in a cool place.
  2. Remove all existing shelves, containers and stands. They are washed separately. Moreover, this should be done only in warm water: from high temperatures plastic surfaces they might just burst.
    Never use hard sponges, scrapers or brushes! On plastic parts they will leave scuffs and scratches.

  1. When cleaning the inside of the refrigerator, pay special attention to every ridge, corner or small details . At this stage, the housewife is faced with the question of what cleaning products to use in the process. I will discuss this point in more detail in the next section.
  2. Don’t forget to thoroughly rinse the outer walls of the refrigerator as well., saving it from water splashes or fingerprints. How to get rid of larger stains - more on that below.

The average duration of the procedure for cleaning a refrigerator with your own hands (provided that it is not completely neglected) is just under an hour. This is quite enough to get rid of accumulated dirt and remove unpleasant odors.

What to wash with

I, like many housewives, do not like store-bought household chemicals which is full of aggressive harmful substances. That is why I prefer simple, but time-tested folk remedies.

In this section I will tell you how and with what to clean mold in the refrigerator (or other heavy pollution), without resorting to harmful chemicals.

  1. Hot soapy solution. Laundry soap does an excellent job of cleaning rubber seals in the refrigerator.
    All you need is:
    • Grate a small piece of soap on a medium grater;
    • Dissolve the resulting shavings completely in hot water;
    • without waiting for the solution to cool, use it to wipe all the folds and corners of the seals;
    • rinse them clean water;
    • Wipe the seals dry with a cloth.

  1. Baking soda is another folk remedy that has proven itself in cleaning.
    The problem with it is how to wash it old refrigerator, becomes easily solvable:
    • dilute a small amount of soda with water to the consistency of kefir;
    • dip a piece of gauze into the resulting slurry;
    • Apply the cloth to the dried and aged stain and let it soak for about half an hour;
    • lightly rub the contaminated area, then rinse it with clean water;
    • Wipe the treated area with a dry cloth.
  1. Did you know that apple cider is not only delicious drink, but also excellent remedy for washing away old stains?
    The instructions for using it are simple:
    • dilute a glass of cider in a liter warm water;
    • soak a sponge in the resulting liquid;
    • wash all surfaces in the refrigerator;
    • Rinse everything with clean water and wipe them dry.

  1. Thanks to its mild abrasive properties, toothpaste perfectly cleans surfaces without leaving abrasions or scratches on them.
    This folk remedy should be used correctly as follows:
    • apply a small amount of paste to the sponge;
    • treat all surfaces in the refrigerator;
    • thoroughly rinse the remaining paste with sufficient water;
    • Wipe the treated areas dry.

Getting rid of the smell

Removing grease stains is not the only thing important when cleaning your refrigerator. Equally important is understanding how to clean the refrigerator from the smell that accumulates during food storage. My little sign will help you figure this out.

Tool at hand Mode of application
Ammonia Ammonia is able to remove any bad smell.

For this it is enough:

  • moisten a gauze cloth in alcohol;
  • wipe all shelves and surfaces in the chamber with it;
  • Leave the refrigerator door open for several hours (or better yet, overnight) so that all odors disappear.
Vinegar If you are worried about how to clean the smell of rotten meat from your refrigerator, then you should not would be better suited table vinegar 9%

You can apply it as follows:

  • dilute vinegar with warm water in equal proportions;
  • With the resulting solution, rinse all surfaces of the refrigerator;
  • Use a clean cloth to remove any remaining solution and wipe everything dry.
Coffee grounds Wipe the refrigerator shelves with the remaining coffee grounds, then gently and delicately remove the residue with a damp cloth. Coffee grounds not only get rid of unpleasant odors, but can also clean old stains.
Lemon juice Simply wash the refrigerator with a cloth soaked in water to which the juice of one lemon has previously been added.

Step 3: Clean the outside

Having polished the inside of the refrigerator, housewives are still faced with the question of how to clean the outside of the refrigerator. In fact, things are much simpler here, because in in this case There is no need to get rid of odors or completely dried stains.

You can wash the outer part of the refrigerator walls with a regular soap solution, which should then be carefully removed and the surface wiped kitchen towel or a dry cloth.

It is much more difficult to remove stickers from the refrigerator.

But even here you can easily cope by using several proven methods.

  1. A regular sponge and hot water will help you get rid of paper labels. Before you wash the stickers from the refrigerator, wet them thoroughly and let them soak in moisture. After some time, you can begin to rub the paper with the rough side of the sponge, remembering to periodically wet it in hot water.

  1. Labels on polymer based should be carefully pryed off with a kitchen or stationery knife. Then slowly and carefully pull the sticker diagonally, tearing it off the surface. Residues can be removed using hot water, nail polish remover or other special products.
  2. Another wonderful way to get rid of an annoying sticker is to warm it up with a hairdryer. After heating the label with a stream of hot air, rub it thoroughly with the rough side of the sponge.

Don't despair if everything doesn't work out the first time. A little patience and effort - the price of a perfectly clean door.

Bottom line

The refrigerator is one of the most popular and frequently used appliances in the home. That is why it is so important to monitor its cleanliness and properly clean this unit. Today I looked at the basic nuances of cleaning the refrigerator, additional interesting information you can get from the video in this article.

If you still have questions about the features of cleaning the refrigerator compartment, ask them all in the comments, I will be happy to answer each one.

Housekeeping requires many skills and knowledge, among them knowing how to clean a refrigerator. This is not a complicated procedure, but it must be done regularly, otherwise the refrigerator will turn into a concentration of unpleasant odors and harmful bacteria.

Regular cleaning

First, let's say that you need to keep the refrigerator clean every day, and for this:

  • do not place dirty dishes on the shelves;
  • Wipe up any spills of grease and liquids;
  • Immediately and ruthlessly throw away any food you doubt.

If you are young and do not yet have the proper experience, but you want to know how to properly clean a refrigerator, then take a closer look at how your mother or grandmother does it. Many housewives periodically take out the shelves and wipe them if they see heavy contamination. You should wash the outside of the door at least once every 5-7 days, since we often handle it and leave marks.

The new device must be washed and ventilated before use. This will help get rid of stagnant odors and factory dust.

Mine slowly

Everything is clear with daily and weekly cleaning, but how to clean the refrigerator when it’s time for general cleaning? In this case, it is important to correctly follow the sequence of actions.

  1. First of all, unplug the refrigerator to allow it to defrost. The defrosting process is carried out every few months and is necessary for any model.
  2. After this, open the doors and take out all the food. Here it must be said that if you plan to wash the refrigerator in the coming days, then you do not need to fill it to capacity with food, buying for future use. The products must be placed in a more or less cool place so that they do not have time to deteriorate during the time you wash and clean the shelves. In general, it would be correct to place some products in a container that does not conduct heat well.
  3. Remove all shelves, stands and containers. They will need to be washed separately and dried thoroughly.
  4. The next step is to wash the inside of the refrigerator. Here the question arises: how to clean the refrigerator, what product to choose so that it is safe for health and effectively removes stuck food residues, as well as other dirt. A solution of baking soda in warm water is best.
  5. When you wash the inside, pay attention to every corner, every recess, sealing parts, door, so that there is no food left for the growth of bacteria anywhere.
  6. Be sure to clean all exterior surfaces to remove fingerprints, accidental splashes, and dust. It will be correct if you vacuum the back wall, the space under the refrigerator and on top of it or clean it with a long-handled brush.
  7. On final stage You will need to wipe everything with a sponge and clean water and then dry with a soft cloth. Inspect everything and check if you managed to wash off the dirt well. If there are traces of any foreign odor, you can wipe the shelves with a slice of lemon and ventilate the cooling unit for a few additional hours.

As you can see, these seven points contain the basic recommendations on how to clean a refrigerator. On average, the procedure takes about an hour, but it all depends on the size of your refrigerator and how badly it was neglected.

You can return shelves and products to their place only after complete defrosting, however, we will not count the time for waiting for defrosting, since there is different models refrigerators and different ways defrosting.

What tools can be used

Let's look a little more closely at the products that help us wash plastic, glass and metal parts. For example, how to clean a refrigerator if something is strongly stuck to it or there is an unpleasant smell?

It is better not to use abrasive products. Also, you should not use cleaning gels or other liquids inside that have a strong odor or are filled with fragrances. If the contamination is severe, it is best to simply soak it thoroughly and then rub the area with a soft sponge.

Add a little vinegar to the warm water you use to wash to remove the smell from the appliance. The vinegar will also help disinfect and clean everything. This method will be quite effective in washing a new device. In general, the question of how to properly clean a refrigerator is largely related to three questions: how to eliminate an unpleasant odor, return the whiteness to the shelves and kill harmful microbes.

The best remedy, as already mentioned, is soda dissolved in water. Pour one large spoon into a liter of warm water and mix well. Powders cannot be used because they are difficult to wash off and can get on food. It is also not recommended to use bleach or other caustic substances as they may adversely affect plastic and rubber parts.

Video: washing the refrigerator using soda

Household appliances require regular maintenance. However, almost more than others, it requires cleaning and correct operation namely the refrigerator. It stores food that emits a variety of aromas. All these odors are absorbed by the surfaces inside the unit. Over time, an unpleasant “background” is created from a mixture of aromas, which is not always pleasant. This means that sooner or later you will have to decide what to use to clean the inside of the refrigerator. Maintenance of equipment is performed regularly, and not as needed.

For cleaning, special chemical compositions. Dishwashing detergent will do. You can also use substances that you almost always have in the house: vinegar, lemon, soda, ammonia. There are many recipes based on these ingredients.

Some of the popular solutions:

  1. A solution is prepared based on vinegar essence. The substance must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. For example, it is enough to take 100 ml of vinegar and the same amount of clean liquid. If you are deciding how to wash the inside of the refrigerator, you should know that a solution of this consistency is enough to remove extraneous odors from prepared food, as well as avoid the appearance of a persistent smell of essence. Treat all surfaces with the resulting liquid using a dishwashing sponge or rags.
  2. Soda solution. It is prepared on the basis of baking soda (2 tbsp.) and clean water(0.5 l). You need to stir the specified amount of soda in warm water. How to properly clean a refrigerator using this product? It is necessary to moisten a rag in the prepared liquid and wipe the unit from the inside.
  3. A solution based on ammonia. To prepare the product you need to prepare 30 ml ammonia. The substance is diluted in water. To obtain a solution with the desired properties, it is recommended to take 300 ml of liquid. When deciding how to clean the refrigerator after defrosting, you can use this recipe. This product removes odors, disinfects, and removes dirt well.
  4. Solution based lemon juice. You will need 2 tbsp. l. juice and 0.5 liters of water. The product mixes well. The rags are moistened in it and you can begin treating the surfaces of the unit. When deciding what is the best way to wash the inside of the refrigerator and remove the smell, you can use this particular product, as it will provide pleasant aroma. However, after washing the walls and shelves, the aroma will soon disappear. To prolong the effect of the product, you can put 1-2 saucers with lemon zest in the refrigerator.

Advice: It is better to use products that will not only help wash the shelves and walls of the chamber, but also disinfect all surfaces, for example, this is well suited for this purpose baking soda, ammonia.

Sequence of actions for cleaning inside and outside

From time to time it is necessary to thoroughly clean all chambers, in addition to this, you should also take care of the outside of the unit. To do all the work as efficiently as possible and in a short time, you need to know how to properly clean a refrigerator. Instructions:

Commissioning a new refrigerator: washing, connecting

Before connecting the unit to the network, you need to give it time to stand at rest. This is more important in winter. When the refrigerator is brought in from the cold, it should sit for several hours. In summer 1 hour is enough. Then you need to decide what to use to clean your new refrigerator before using it for the first time. To do this, use special chemicals or home remedies. The use of abrasive compounds is prohibited. Considering that there is no odor inside the new unit, there is no need to use odor eliminators.

How can you clean a new refrigerator in this case before turning it on? A soda solution is perfect for these purposes. Should be processed detergent all cameras. Removable elements ( side racks, containers, shelves) are also treated with a solution before installation. After finishing washing, wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth. After making sure that the refrigerator is completely dry, you can connect it to the network and load food.

Walls refrigeration technology They absorb odors quite quickly, and as they operate, dirt accumulates in corners, containers and on surfaces. To avoid such troubles, you need to regularly follow simple rules:

Thus, regular maintenance of the refrigerator will ensure its trouble-free operation. It is much easier and faster to remove dirt immediately than to scrub it off shelves and other surfaces after some time. Odors are absorbed into the walls quite quickly, which means that you should not leave them smelling strongly. ready meals in the public domain. Good odor control cling film, container, package. Wet cleaning can be done with a solution based on lemon juice or ammonia, as well as soda.


Housekeeping requires knowledge of many skills that will help to clean kitchen appliances from pollution. It is especially important to properly clean the refrigerator inside and out. This manipulation is carried out constantly, because if washing is irregular, a lot of microorganisms and unpleasant odors will accumulate inside the device. And since it stores food that the whole family eats, it is important to know the nuances and tips for cleaning. How to get rid of pungent aroma and dirt?

Carrying out daily cleaning is not difficult, but how to carry out a general cleaning of the inside of the device? In this case, it is worth following an action algorithm that will remove dirt and odor.

Rules on how to properly clean a refrigerator:

  1. First of all, turn off the power to the device so that it has time to defrost a little before washing. Usually the process is carried out once every 2–4 months - this is done for any model of kitchen appliances.
  2. Open the door and remove all the food. Because spring-cleaning lasts a long time, the products are put away in a cool place or in a special container. If you start cleaning in advance, it is advisable not to buy perishable products.
  3. We remove all the shelves from the cells, metal elements and plastic stands. They are washed and dried separately from the main container. And besides, with them it will be problematic to thoroughly wash every corner of the device.
  4. To avoid odor, wash the most contaminated areas first, washing out hard-to-reach places. To clean your refrigerator, you should choose a safe and effective remedy. Usually these are chemical products and folk recipes. They remove dried dirt, wash yellowed plastic, and remove stains from food debris.

Attention! Folk recipes not only help to wash the base of the chamber and freezer, but also to carry out disinfection - as a result, harmful microorganisms will die, which means you can use the refrigerator without fear for food.

  1. To wash inner part, pay attention to all recesses and corners. The door is washed rubber seals, since there may also be bacteria underneath them.
  2. The last stage is wiping the parts with a wet cloth and then with a dry cloth.

You can plug the device into a power outlet only after it has completely dried!

The outside of the refrigerator is wiped with a cloth with foam, and then wiped dry. The back part should be brushed to prevent dust from accumulating in the mechanism. Folk remedies are usually not used for outdoor cleaning.

To remove odors, wash only after defrosting.

What is the best way to clean a refrigerator so that it does not stink and does not accumulate difficult-to-remove contaminants? It is better to use folk remedies that carefully clean the cameras from dirt. It is not recommended to use abrasive compounds, as their particles scratch the surface.

General cleaning of the refrigerator - video:

If the internal contaminants are strong, they are soaked in advance, and then wiped off with improvised compounds, and not with chemicals.

Methods for cleaning a refrigerator from dirt, yellowness and grease

It is necessary to wash the refrigerator with folk remedies in stages - this will remove dirt, yellowness and pungent aroma.


How to make a solution:

  1. Mix vinegar and water in equal proportions. For example, you can take 100 ml of warm water and the same amount of essence. It is not worth diluting the solution with more vinegar, since then the parts will smell unpleasant.
  2. Mix the liquids in a small container.
  3. We take a soft cloth or sponge, dip it in the solution and begin to clean the refrigerator. First, grease stains are removed, and then the entire chamber is wiped. Even if there are clean areas in the device, they should also be treated to remove the odor and also disinfect the plastic.
  4. Let the chamber dry - for this purpose the doors remain open.

If there are any drops of water left on the plastic, they can be removed with a dry cloth. Containers and grates are washed separately with a vinegar solution, then dried and installed in their original places.


The most famous and common product that removes dirt and eliminates odors:

  1. We take 2 tablespoons of this bulk substance, and then mix them with half a liter of clean water.
  2. Stir the powder thoroughly until the grains that have settled to the bottom are completely dissolved. To do this faster, it is recommended to take warm water.
  3. We wet the rags in the liquid and begin wiping. Door and back wall are wiped last.
  4. The final step is to wipe the unit with a dry cloth.

7 steps and the refrigerator is perfectly clean - video:

Baking soda does not leave a pungent aroma or streaks, so it can be used frequently to remove yellowness from parts.


I wash the refrigerator with alcohol 1-2 times a month - with more frequent use of the product, it can damage plastic parts.

  1. Mix 30 ml of ammonia with 300 ml of water.
  2. Mix the solution and saturate the sponge with it.
  3. We wipe the inside of the refrigerator.

This product disinfects the surface, removes yellowness, as well as stains of various origins.

Attention! Before using the refrigerator for the first time, it is treated with this product.

Lemon juice or citric acid

The solution is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of juice or powdered acid and mix with water (0.5 l).
  2. Mix the product well. The water is taken warm.
  3. We wet a rag in the solution and start wiping. The rag is wrung out firmly so as not to accumulate moisture on the parts.
  4. Wipe the camera thoroughly with a dry cloth so that it remains completely dry.

Leave the refrigerator open to allow the smell to evaporate. To prolong the disinfection effect, you can place a cup of lemon zest on the shelf. In this case, you will need to wash the device less often, especially if it will always be in a “tidy” condition.

To eliminate the smell and also wash the glue from the sticker, you can use this method.

How to remove unpleasant odors from rotten meat and other foods

An effective method for getting rid of odors in the refrigerator - video:

You can also use non-aggressive modern means, for example, dishwashing detergent. It will be able to clean dirt and also give the parts of the unit a pleasant aroma. To quickly remove unpleasant odors, as well as clean up various types of dirt, you need to place a rag soaked in dish soap on the place where the product has spoiled. After 15 minutes, wipe the treated area with it.

How to wipe a refrigerator to get rid of an unpleasant odor:


To get rid of the unpleasant aroma, it is recommended to use any soap that you have on hand.

  1. We take any soap (it is better to use laundry soap, since it does not contain fragrances or fragrances) and foam it in warm water.
  2. Apply foam to the inside of the refrigerator and wait 15–20 minutes.
  3. Then wipe it with a damp cloth until complete removal foam (it’s especially good to wash a new refrigerator with foam).

If the parts of the unit are too dirty, you can grate the soap and then add a little water to it to make a thick paste. This product is good for treating hard-to-reach places, as well as rubber seals. 30 minutes after application, the slurry is completely removed and the chamber is wiped dry.


Old stains and strong unpleasant odors can be removed with toothpaste.

  1. We take a paste without dyes or flavors, and then apply it to a sponge.
  2. Lightly distribute the product over its surface and begin processing the parts. In this case, it is worth taking out in advance all the drawers and shelves that interfere with the processing of the camera.
  3. After 15 minutes, the paste is removed with a damp cloth.
  4. Drawers and grates should be washed separately.

The paste perfectly removes any odor the first time, so if you need to quickly remove an unpleasant odor, you can use this product.


Apple cider will help effectively cope with the unpleasant aroma of rotten meat or other odors, as well as carefully remove glue from stickers.

  1. Take a glass of cider and dilute it in a liter of water.
  2. Mix the solution thoroughly and wet the sponge in it.
  3. We wipe the drawers, shelves and door of the unit with the product.
  4. Wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a damp cloth to remove any remaining cider.

Important! It is prohibited to wash the parts of the refrigerator and its components with hot water, as this can significantly damage their surface. Also, before washing, you should use the know frost function, which will help defrost the refrigerator before cleaning it.