How to change the rubber band on a balcony door. Replacing rubber seals on PVC windows and doors. Repairing a plastic door leaf using double glazing

How to change the rubber band on a balcony door.  Replacing rubber seals on PVC windows and doors.  Repairing a plastic door leaf using double glazing
How to change the rubber band on a balcony door. Replacing rubber seals on PVC windows and doors. Repairing a plastic door leaf using double glazing

Repair of plastic balcony doors is an integral part of their use, regardless of what quality and what price category a door was purchased. Repair balcony door can be divided into 2 subsections. The first involves eliminating minor defects. The second one implies major renovation devices.

In the second option, you will probably have to seek help from a specialist who will eliminate major faults. But adjusting the balcony door can be done independently, because the process does not require any specific skills.

You need to clearly know how to adjust a plastic balcony door.

Situations requiring door repair

It is worth considering in more detail the main malfunctions that are inherent plastic door. Determining the nature of the defects depends further actions for device repair. If we talk about problems that cannot be solved on our own, then these include:

  • glass crack;
  • violation welds, either in the frame or in the sash;
  • complete or partial failure of fittings;
  • broken loops.

Some of the above situations require the hands of a specialist and the complete replacement of any element. You can also repair a plastic balcony door with your own hands.

Usually in this case it is possible the following types faults:

  1. If the door does not close well, the defect must be eliminated using adjustment, which is provided for by the specific features of the fittings.
  2. If the door does not close tightly, the problem is most often solved by adjusting the door pressure regulator.
  3. Various violations of the integrity of the seal. Usually the problem is fixed by replacement, but it is extremely simple to do.
  4. Minor damage plastic surface(scratches, chips, minor cracks).
  5. Loose handle.

Each type of problem can be fixed with your own hands. It is worth taking a closer look at how to adjust a plastic balcony door to cope with the problem that has arisen.

Adjusting fittings

Sometimes there is extreme unpleasant situation with a balcony door, either complete blocking - the door does not open, or complete unlocking - the door does not close and hangs on bottom loop

Repairing plastic doors most often involves eliminating a problem such as the door sagging under its own weight.

As a result, the device begins to open and close poorly, and the wind constantly blows. The problem is that under constant sagging the material itself is deformed, which can lead to more serious consequences. Significant inconvenience arises, leading to the fact that the device must be constantly lifted by the handle in order to close it.

When it becomes necessary to adjust a plastic balcony door, the first thing we do is look for and find the place where the leaf touches the frame. It is best to mark this area with a pencil so as not to lose sight of it in the future.

Scheme of possible adjustments of the balcony door.

Next, adjusting plastic balcony doors consists of moving the door leaf in the opposite direction from the point of contact with the frame. If the contact of these parts is observed in the lower part, then the displacement should be directed upward.

When adjusting a plastic door, you must start from the top hinge.

You need to select a suitable hex key and tighten the bolts. You should pull evenly: first a couple of turns on the top loop, then on the bottom. The procedure is repeated until the sash is in the correct position.

It is also worth noting that there are two screws on the bottom hinge. The top screw is responsible for the movement of the sash vertically, the bottom, as a rule, for movement in the horizontal plane.

One more important point is that on most doors these screws are hidden by plastic plugs. In order to carry out repairs, you must carefully remove plastic elements, and after fixing the problem, install them back.

It is this method that is used to adjust plastic balcony doors if it is necessary to normalize the door pressure density. This problem does not interfere with the operation of the device, but there is a high probability that it will leak into the room. cold air from balconies or loggias.

In general, adjusting a plastic balcony door with your own hands does not require any specific skill or ability.

Replacing the seal

If adjusting the pressure on a plastic door does not give the desired result, then most likely the problem lies in a bad seal.

Seals for windows and balcony doors.

For the first time, seals become unusable several years after the device has been in use. IN in this case it is impossible to carry out any renovation work to restore the rubber gasket. To resolve the problem, you must purchase hardware store new seal and replace it. It is also worth noting that the seal can become unusable not only due to long term operation, but also as a result of various mechanical damage.

Repair of balcony doors may not be carried out at all if you resort to simple rules operation, which will extend the life of the device.

Replacing the seal of PVC balcony doors is carried out in several step-by-step stages:

  1. Purchasing a seal that will be extremely similar to the one you already have. To do this, you should go to a hardware store with a small sample of a rubber gasket, and then the seller will help you choose a suitable analogue.
  2. Using any available tools, you need to remove the rubber gasket from the groove. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the plastic.
  3. Now you need to insert a new seal into the groove. It is necessary to distribute it evenly over the entire plane to prevent tension or the formation of folds.
  4. Sometimes, at the corners, the seal is cut at an angle of 45 degrees and secured with a special glue, but this depends on the rigidity of the seal itself.

Repair of the plastic door to replace the insulation has been completed.

After finishing the work, it is necessary to check: if the door to the balcony no longer lets in cold air, then the procedure was performed correctly.

Troubleshooting minor problems

How to repair a plastic door if other minor faults arise? Everything is very simple. If you have problems with the handle, you just need to tighten it. To do this, you need to rotate the plastic cap 90°, and then tighten only two bolts. As a result, the handle will stop wobbling and will begin to function efficiently again. But you have to be careful: if you tighten the bolts too tightly, it will become extremely difficult to turn the handle. To do this, you need to adjust the clamping force of the bolts.

The balcony door is often subject to problems such as the formation of various scratches, etc.

To eliminate deep defects, you need to use a special substance that is sold in any hardware store - Cosmofen liquid plastic. They treat the surface. If the surface is laminated, then it is worth purchasing a special pencil that eliminates almost all visual defects.

Such art must be washed with baby soap and small scratches wiped with solvent.

Though do-it-yourself repair allows you to eliminate only some malfunctions, it is worth knowing how to adjust the balcony door. This will help ensure a comfortable microclimate indoors and eliminate some cash costs for calling a specialist.

Knowing how to adjust a balcony door will make life a little easier.

Balcony blocks made of PVC this moment They have practically no competitors, they are durable and reliable, but, unfortunately, not eternal. Sooner or later even the most expensive and quality designs Needs repairs. Let's look at in what cases you need to call a specialist, and when you can actually do the repair of plastic balcony doors yourself.

In most cases, repairs to plastic balcony doors can be done by yourself.

Before How If you grab a tool and try to repair a plastic balcony door yourself, you must first figure out whether there is any point in repairing it at all and how realistic it is to do it specifically in your case. Let's start with radical breakdowns, fortunately there are not many of them.

  • The glass unit is broken - it’s clear that broken glass You won’t be able to seal it, you just need to change it. Theoretically, you can remove the glazing beads, measure the dimensions of the broken double-glazed window and order a similar one. But we do not advise you to do this, similar designs are made with certain tolerances and only a professional can take into account these tolerances, so call a specialist;

It is better to call a specialist to measure the broken glass and install a new one.

  • Broken fittings are a weak point for anyone plastic construction is the abundance of hinged and locking fittings. So, if the loops are torn out “with meat” or metal strips those responsible for the ventilation mode are broken, it is also worth calling a specialist. Each manufacturer has its own hardware characteristics and it is not a fact that you will be able to buy the same mechanism;

The selection and complete replacement of fittings on plastic doors should be entrusted to a specialist.

  • The profile is cracked - it is useless to cover up a serious crack in the profile with any sealants, only complete replacement sections, and new part can only be done in the factory.

If a radical malfunction is detected, it is necessary to completely change the section.

By the way, if you are thinking about completely replacing the balcony block, then in order not to make a mistake again, it is advisable to know everything weak spots plastic structures. Detailed information by choosing the doors themselves, as well as window glass, double glazed windows, accessories and other mechanisms, with photos and videos you can find.

What problems can you really fix yourself and how to do it

Fortunately, radical breakdowns are quite rare, suppose you are lucky and the options described above have passed you by, but in any case, before you repair a plastic balcony door, you need to understand which unit is broken and we will start with one of the most common questions - how to repair a plastic balcony door the door when it is dislodged.

Door offset

The main problem is that the offset door design can occur in several planes at once. In particular, at the same time there may be a sagging of the sash horizontally, when the sash constantly clings to the bottom of the tray. And poor vertical clamping of plastic doors, when, for example, the door is pressed at the top, but there is a gap at the bottom.

All these faults can be eliminated by adjusting the fittings, but first you need to apply reference marks around the perimeter of the door. This is not difficult to do - take a simple pencil and trace the perimeter of the doors, as in the photo below.

To adjust the door fittings, you need to apply reference marks.

Adjusting the door leaf horizontally and vertical axis usually done using special hexagon screws with a cross section of 4 mm. The technology is simple - slowly screw in or unscrew a certain screw and at the same time (using the marks) monitor which direction the door is moving.

The diagram below and the video in this article show this entire process clearly. A detailed step by step instructions You will find how to fine-tune a balcony door with your own hands.

As for the pressure, there are so-called trunnions to adjust it. At the end of the door you will find small eccentrics that can be turned at a certain angle with a key or pliers. There is a summer squeeze, winter clamp and off-season. Keep in mind - in different designs trunnions may look different.

Sagging glass unit

The double-glazed window itself is quite heavy, especially if it is multi-chamber, so quite often this structure sag. Usually the cause is negligence when assembling the doors. In this case, repairing a plastic balcony door with your own hands will not be difficult.

Repairing a balcony door begins with dismantling the glazing beads. To remove glazing beads, professionals use special spatulas; in artisanal conditions, you can take good knife and carefully prying the glazing bead out of the grooves.

Important: when dismantling beads, number them immediately, because the sizes of the planks may differ and if you mix them up, you will get serious gaps at the joints.

You can dismantle the plastic bead at home with a good knife.

To adjust glass units in PVC structures So far they haven’t come up with anything better than perimeter gaskets. Such gaskets can be easily purchased on the market and are not expensive. When purchasing, take a couple of sets of gaskets at once different thicknesses, otherwise you will have to grind them down.

Advice: do not use wooden wedges as spacers under double-glazed windows. Wood is an elastic material, but double-glazed glass is heavy. Sooner or later there will come a time when, under the weight of the double-glazed window, the thickness of the wooden wedges will change and the structure will warp again.

Double-glazed windows in PVC structures are adjusted using plastic spacers.

Such independent repairs end with the installation of glazing beads in their place. For this you will need a small wooden plank and mallet ( rubber hammer). You need to insert the bead into the groove and through wooden spacer carefully hammer it in with a mallet.

Replacing the handle

The handle on balcony doors is deservedly considered one of the most loaded components and it breaks almost most often. There can be only one repair of balcony doors here - a complete replacement of the handle.

The technology is something like this:

  • First you need to remove the decorative trim. Such linings can be completely removable, or they can be slightly raised and rotated 90º, it all depends on the model;
  • Next, unscrew the mounting screws at the top and bottom;

  • If the tetrahedral core is intact and can be pulled out freely, then it is better to leave the old one, since it is cut according to the thickness of the profile. Otherwise, you will have to measure and cut the core with a grinder or a hacksaw;
  • Now insert a new handle in place of the broken one, screw in the screws and cover them with a decorative cover.

If possible, it is better not to change the tetrahedral core.

Replacing seals

On average, a balcony seal needs replacement once every 3 to 4 years. Expensive, high-quality gaskets can last up to 5 – 7 years. Even a complete amateur can change the seal with his own hands. The main thing here is to buy a set of rubber bands of the desired configuration, because in balcony design there are several types of them.

The simplest thing is to find the edges of the old seals and cut off a few centimeters from each. Then you take your samples and buy similar ones on the market. But be careful, there are many types of such goods and it is very easy to confuse them. Rubber bands are not expensive, but another trip to the market will take up your time.

There are several types of seals for plastic doors.

When the rubber bands are purchased, you need to take out the old ones and insert new ones in their place. In some designs, it can be difficult to get to the seal in the area of ​​the hinges, here you can choose either to “push” the rubber into the groove using improvised means, or remove the doors from the hinges and freely install the seal.

Advice: don’t try to put rubber bands on glue, because in a few years they will have to be changed again and then it will be very difficult to clean the grooves. The maximum that can be done is to drop a little sealant into the groove in some places at intervals of 20–30 cm.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing seals.

A few words about minor problems

Although fixing minor problems does not take much time, for a young, inexperienced owner this can become a serious headache. In particular the old ones balcony blocks can squeak heavily due to corrosion of metal fittings or simply due to lack of lubrication.

With corrosion, the problem is eliminated using WD-40, it goes into aerosol cans, you need to inject lubricant into everything problem areas and after 30 min. there will be no rust. Next, wipe off the dirt and lubricate the mechanism with grease or plain machine oil(spindle).

Repair of plastic balcony doors with deep scratches You can also do it yourself. For these purposes, there is a product called “Cosmofen”, popularly known as liquid plastic.

You need to wash and degrease the scratched area, then apply Cosmofen and, after waiting until it hardens, clean the area with fine sandpaper. To add shine, you can polish the cleaned area with a polishing wheel attached to a drill or grinder. But you need to polish carefully, the plastic may burn.

"Cosmofen" excellent remedy to combat scratches on plastic structures.


Of course, it is not always possible to repair plastic balcony doors home handyman, but we can assure you that the cases we talked about have been tested in practice and are guaranteed to work.

Most minor problems can be fixed by yourself.

A metal-plastic balcony door is a fairly reliable thing, but it is also subject to wear and tear over time. The most popular problems are sagging under its own weight, drying out sealing gum, breakage of handles and fittings.

Failures that you should not try to fix yourself include:

  • Cracks in glass - such work requires replacement of the double-glazed window;
  • Violation of the integrity of the seams of the door frame or leaf;
  • “Torn out” loops;
  • Hardware breakdowns.

Everything else can and should be repaired yourself, so as not to waste money on the work of craftsmen.

Door adjustment

The most common malfunction of metal-plastic balcony doors is sagging. If the door catches on the frame when closing and you have to lift it by the handle, you need to adjust the hinges. Otherwise, the fittings are subject to severe wear and tear, and subsequently they will be destroyed and replaced.

The door adjustment is carried out in this way: take a simple pencil and mark with it the places where the door clings to the frame. When such places are identified, the sash needs to be moved in the opposite direction. That is, if the door clings to the frame with the lower right corner, then when adjusting the hinges it will need to be pulled up and to the left. Work must begin from the top loop. As a rule, the top bolt on the hinge is responsible for the vertical movement of the sash, and the bottom one is responsible for the horizontal movement. These are usually 2, 3, or two and a half hex screws.

In most fitting systems adjusting bolts hidden behind decorative plastic caps. To gain access to the adjustment, they must be carefully removed.

The second option for adjusting the door is to shift the center of mass. This is done by moving the glass unit in the desired direction. Carefully remove the beads that hold the glass unit in the door and move it to the side so as to eliminate the sagging of the sash. To keep the glass unit in this position, place plastic spacers, and then install the glazing beads in place.

When removing glazing beads, be sure to remember their location or mark where they were removed from. Under no circumstances should you confuse the top bead with the bottom or the left with the right - their sizes may differ by several millimeters. Installing a larger bead instead of a smaller one may result in the formation of cracks.

Eliminating drafts

Another type of repair of plastic doors on the balcony that you can do yourself is eliminating drafts. If the door leaf is level, but it still blows from the balcony, you need to change the rubber seal around the perimeter of the door and frame.

This is done this way:

  • We buy a seal similar to the one we are going to change;
  • Using any available means, remove the old one;
  • We insert a new seal in its place, rolling it out evenly;
  • We cut the sealing strip at the corners and, for reliability, secure it with rubber glue.

The rubber seal in the door dries out very quickly. So that it does not need to be changed too often, it needs to be processed every six months special compounds silicone based. You can purchase one from the same company that installed your doors.

When installing the seal, do not tighten it under any circumstances!

You can also eliminate smaller misunderstandings yourself:

  1. To secure the handle more tightly, turn the protective cap at its base and tighten the mounting screws with a screwdriver or screwdriver;
  2. To mask scratches on the surface of the profile, use a composition such as “Cosmofen”, on top of which you need to treat with liquid plastic;
  3. To remove scratches on laminated doors, use a special scratch pencil.

If door knob or the lock is broken - they need to be changed, not repaired.

By the way, about castles

If your balcony door has a lock (what if?) that does not behave as you would like, you can also fix it yourself. In particular, you can fix problems such as a jammed lock or a broken core.

If the lock sticks:

  1. Remove the plastic lock trim and handle;
  2. Unscrew the fastening bolts of the lock and the core (located at the end of the door);
  3. Remove the lock and disassemble it;
  4. Lubricate the moving parts with machine oil;
  5. Assemble the castle;
  6. Reinstall it and the handle by performing the steps in reverse order.

If there is a problem with the core, everything is much simpler. Repairing it, even if possible, is definitely not cost-effective. Therefore, the “secret” of the lock simply needs to be replaced.

This can be done without even removing the handle or removing the lock from the door leaf:

  1. Open the door and unscrew the core mounting bolt. It is located immediately under the crossbar ( retractable part) castle;
  2. Push the core out door leaf;
  3. Install a new secret in its place;
  4. Screw the mounting bolt into place.

These simple manipulations will allow you to return your metal-plastic balcony door to its former functionality and reliability. Remember that in case of more serious damage, it is highly not recommended to undertake the repair of plastic balcony doors yourself. If something goes wrong, you can only make things worse. Your unsuccessful attempt can either significantly increase the cost of repair work or lead to the need to replace the broken door.

Today, doors and window structures made of plastic are often found in homes. It is convenient, practical and aesthetically pleasing. In this regard, many decide to install plastic structures. Like any other, they need full care. More often, over the course of operation, some problems are observed from which not a single item in the house is insured.

Attention! The problem concerns doors sagging under their own weight, cracking or flattening of the seal. All this requires an immediate solution to the problem in order to ensure subsequent full operation. You can replace the rubber seal with your own hands, eliminating the need to contact specialists.

Variety of seals from various materials For self-installation on doors or windows

When is replacement required?

Replacement rubber seals on plastic doors - not a difficult task, but decide how necessary it is. The sealing material is responsible for the tightness of the window or door leaf. It is easy to determine that the rubber band has failed. Pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The presence of condensation on windows or doors, which was not the case before. This is due to the failure of the rubber band and the inability to fully close the door or window.
  2. The elastic band is worn out. The reason is long-term and intensive use, as well as the lack of proper maintenance of the structure.
  3. Freezing of a window or door structure and the appearance of ice on the inside of the structure.
  4. The appearance of drafts in the room due to depressurization of the door or window design.

If you notice any of these manifestations, the elastic band needs to be promptly replaced. If you ignore replacing the material, operation will bring discomfort.

Repairing rubber material by replacing it

Which seal should I choose?

Before you begin your renovation, choose the material for your windows or doors. Select several various types rubber bands that differ in appearance and characteristics. Among the popular ones, five options stand out. The first one is rubber. Rubber and sulfur are used to make it. This is a popular variety due to its affordable cost and ease of repair.

Another possible rubber is EPDM. It is produced from various polymer compounds. This material lasts about 20 years and is resistant to atmospheric phenomena. Distinctive feature becomes resistant to low temperatures. Even under their influence, the material does not crack.

Third possible appearance rubber bands - silicone. This material has an impressive service life of up to 40 years. The elastic band has a universal area of ​​operation, so it is equally often used for both industrial and industrial applications. residential buildings. Among the advantages are high environmental friendliness, resistance to oxygen, temperature changes and ozone.

In fourth place we can highlight TPE elastic band. The material for it was thermoplastic elastomers. In other words, this is an improved look with high operational parameters. Today this sealant for windows and doors occupies a leading position.

Appearance old material requiring replacement, and new

If you are planning to save money, take a closer look at PVC elastic. This a budget option, which has modest performance characteristics. Its use is permitted in warm rooms, since in the rest it will not make any sense. The service life of such material reaches 3 years and is unlikely to exceed this period even with careful care.

How to extend service life?

Many people do not know how to properly care for the seal on a door or window to extend its life and eliminate the need for replacement. The material itself is of high quality and durable, but despite this it fails, that is, wears out. To prevent or delay this, special lubricants are used. With their help, they protect the element from negative influence external factors.

There are many different lubricants for rubber bands of windows and doors, which differ in cost and effectiveness. Glycerin becomes available in price range. It is a liquid that has no color. You can find it in any pharmacy at a low cost. It is used as a lubricant for windows and doors and PVC. It will cover the seals with a thin, colorless layer of film that reliably protects against a number of factors. The only drawback is low waterproofing properties.

You can also use Vaseline. This lubricant is called universal, but it is only suitable for rubber seals. It covers them with a transparent layer, protecting them from negative factors and moisture. This property is responsible for hydrophobicity. The disadvantage of Vaseline for windows and doors is the small operating temperature range. Protection is possible at temperatures from -25 to +28 degrees. If temperature changes exceed these readings, the protection will not last long. The solution would be to buy another product.

Installing new rubber sealing material

WD-40 lubricant is becoming popular. It reliably protects seals for windows and doors, as well as housings of various types of equipment. The main material is mineral oil. It provides high protection against moisture. A distinctive feature is the comfort of use due to the fact that the product is sold in the form of a spray.

Also take a closer look at silicone lubricants. Their advantage is an impressive temperature range, ranging from -50 to +230 degrees. Silicone lubricants for rubber bands of windows and doors reliably protect them from various influences and extend service life.

Last possible variant- professional set. This is a special complex that has everything you need to care for window and door fittings. Of course, the cost of the set is not cheap, positive quality materials can increase the service life of rubber bands and eliminate the need for their quick replacement.

Repair of sealing material

How to replace the seal yourself?

Attention! Don’t worry that you won’t be able to install the seal yourself. The repair is not difficult, so installation of the material for both windows and doors can be easily done by hand.

There is nothing difficult about installing a seal on a window or door with your own hands, so you can do the repairs yourself. The installation principle is as follows:

  1. Select a suitable sealing tape and special glue for her. You will also need scissors for repairs.
  2. Getting rid of the old tape. To do this, lightly press on it to pull it out of the grooves.
  3. The next repair step is cleaning the surface of the door or window structure. Dirt, dust and traces of old glue should be removed.
  4. Degrease the surface of the door. You can use White Spirit, alcohol, or solvent for this installation step.
  5. Next, lubricate the grooves of the window frame or door with glue.
  6. At the end of the installation, the new seal is pressed into the grooves so that the tape is in a free state.
  7. Excess material is cut off, and the joints are coated with glue.

If this is your first time encountering such a door installation or repair, practice. A common problem becomes the pressing of material into the grooves of a door or window. You may have to do this setup a few times to get the hang of it.

Do-it-yourself installation of sealing material

Now you know how to repair doors or windows, which is based on installing a seal. The result will be a tightness of the window or door surface, which leads to increased performance characteristics. Therefore, installing a sealant of the selected material becomes necessary type renovation for those who want to take care of their own comfort. Remember that anyone can do the installation themselves, and there is no need to call a professional.

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Plastic balcony doors are subject to intense load, especially if there is or workplace. The balcony door may experience deforming load due to the formation of condensation or temperature changes. Then it stops functioning normally and the question arises: how to repair the plastic door leading to the balcony with your own hands?

In this article we will answer these questions by briefly describing the malfunctions and how to fix them, which you can do yourself.

Causes of failure of PVC doors and windows

The PVC profile, which is used in the manufacture of balcony doors and windows, must initially cope with such loads. But time, careless handling or increased load on fasteners can lead to door breakage or loose fit to the door frame. These defects not only create inconvenience in use, but also tend to further aggravate the situation, up to the failure of fastening elements or door locking.

To prevent this from happening, it is sometimes necessary to carry out preventive work. In the event of an obvious breakdown, make repairs.

It should be noted that not every repair of balcony doors and windows can be done with your own hands. Large surface defects, frame destruction, damage to the integrity of the glass unit, deformation cannot be repaired. door frame due to exposure high temperatures. In these cases, it is necessary to contact the company that installed the doors or specialists working in this profile.

Minor repairs to plastic doors and windows, which can be done with your own hands, may include the following operations:

  • handle repair;
  • seal;
  • minor surface defects;
  • clamps;
  • glass unit replacement;
  • door position adjustment.

Tools for repair

Before you begin repairing a door from PVC profile It is necessary to prepare the tools that may be needed during the work process.

No specialized equipment is required for minor repairs of balcony doors and windows.

In most cases, it is found in every home.

  • screwdriver with replaceable bits (screwdriver set);
  • screwdriver-drill (cordless);
  • set of metal drills ∅1-10 mm;
  • building level;
  • construction plumb line;
  • set of hex keys;
  • pliers;
  • metal saw;
  • a mallet with a white rubber hammer;
  • white rubber spatula;
  • plastic or wooden spatulas for removing cash.

TO consumables, which may be required when repairing PVC profile products include:

  • PVC adhesive Cosmofen Plus-S white;
  • adhesive-sealant Cosmofen 345;
  • COSMOFEN RM putty for restoration of hard PVC products;
  • rubber seals - in case they are damaged and need to be replaced;
  • door handles and latches - in case of breakage;
  • plastic gaskets.

New seals, handles and gaskets must be from the same manufacturer that are installed on your doors!

In case of repairing dents, cracks and chips on the surface of a balcony door, you may need sanding paper to sand the surfaces with a grit of P-1000 or P-1200 according to ISO or M20 according to GOST (designations of different manufacturing countries may have their own grit designation).

Adjusting doors and windows

Most common problem– loose closing of doors and windows due to sagging under their own weight or loosening of the hinge fastening elements.

To eliminate the distortion with your own hands, first determine the verticality of the door leaf relative to the door frame using a plumb line. Use a plastic marker (water-soluble) to mark the places where the door hooks onto the frame.

After this, remove from the top door hinge a decorative plug and using hex keys to adjust the position of the door.

It should be remembered that the top screw at the end regulates the movement of the door in the vertical plane, and the screw located on the side in the horizontal plane.

If adjusting the top hinge fails to skew the door leaf, perform the same operation with the bottom hinge.

After the adjustment is completed, the decorative overlays on the hinges are installed in place.

Replacing a door handle

The most common and at the same time easily removable reason.

To remove a broken handle, you need to place the broken handle in a horizontal position - parallel to the floor, press out and turn the decorative plug at the base of the handle 90°. Unscrew the exposed bolts and remove the broken handle. Pull out the square rod on which the handle was attached. Install a new handle with a square rod and secure it unscrewed during dismantling old pen bolts. Turn the decorative plug at the base of the handle to initial position, closing the heads of the screws.

Replacing the seal

A defect in the rubber seal usually occurs as a result of mechanical damage from hard or sharp objects.

To replace it with your own hands, first dismantle the old seal. This is done mechanically using a flathead screwdriver or chisel. The grooves under the old seal must be completely clear of glue residue and dust. Before installing a new seal, the surface of the groove is wiped with Galosh gasoline or 96% denatured alcohol to degrease.

The new seal must be from the same manufacturer as the door, and the width and height of the profile must match the old seal.

After the grease-free groove has dried, we begin installing a new seal, pressing it in with our fingers. When installing, do not tighten the seal. Installation is done from bottom to top. Upon completion of installation, the excess length of the seal is cut off sharp knife, and the ends of the sealing tape are additionally fixed with glue.

You can close the door only after waiting completely dry glue.

Replacement of glass unit

If a double-glazed window on a balcony door is broken, you must first order a new one from the manufacturer that installed the doors. A measurer must come to you and take the dimensions of the glass unit to be replaced. Taking measurements yourself is strongly not recommended.

Without being a specialist in installing PVC profile products, you are unlikely to be able to take into account the required technological tolerances and accurately measure the thickness of the glass unit using the measuring tools at hand.

After new double glazing delivered to you, you need to dismantle the broken one. To do this, using plastic or wooden spatulas and a mallet, remove the casing that holds the glass unit in the door frame. The old (broken) glass unit is removed. The grooves in which it was installed are thoroughly cleaned of dust and glass fragments, and degreased with gasoline or alcohol. After drying, we install a new double-glazed window and secure it with the removed casing.

When replacing glass with your own hands, be sure to comply with the following conditions:

  • All work with glass must be carried out wearing cotton work gloves.
  • When dismantling and installing cashing, do not use excessive force. If you cannot withdraw cash and dismantle it yourself broken glass unit- It’s better to invite a master.
  • Do not use metal tool in contact with glass and plastic. The plastic may be scratched or damaged. Glass may break if it comes into contact with metal.

Repairing scratches and dents

By using rubber spatula Apply COSMOFEN RM putty to shallow dents or scratches. After complete drying within the period indicated on the putty packaging, we process sanding paper and coated with matte or glossy varnish - depending on the material from which the doors are made.

Instead of a conclusion

We briefly reviewed the most common faults PVC balcony doors and windows and how to fix them yourself. Not all damage to balcony doors can be repaired. on our own. Sometimes required special tool, which not everyone has at home. Sometimes - replacement of elements of a plastic structure, which cannot be eliminated by any adhesives.

In any case, anyone can do some repair work, and we wish you success.