How to water a cactus at home in winter. Cacti: care and replanting at home. Serious mistakes gardeners make when watering cactus

How to water a cactus at home in winter.  Cacti: care and replanting at home.  Serious mistakes gardeners make when watering cactus
How to water a cactus at home in winter. Cacti: care and replanting at home. Serious mistakes gardeners make when watering cactus

Among the huge number ornamental plants, cacti occupy a special place. Cacti were brought to Europe from the countries of South, Central and North America. Plants are resistant to desert climates and lack of moisture. Therefore, many people have the impression that the cactus is an unpretentious plant. It is this erroneous point of view that leads to inaccuracies in care and death of the plant. We will tell you how to properly care for home cacti.

Choosing a pot

The best material For a cactus pot there will be plastic. When choosing a pot for a cactus, it is important geometric shape. Considering the characteristics of the plant’s root system, it is better to choose tall pots. If the height is one and a half times greater than the width of the pot, this is perfect ratio. A plastic pot prevents water evaporation, thus protecting the soil from salinization.

Selecting soil for the pot

For growing cacti, special ones are usually selected. soil mixtures. You can take a mixture that contains in equal proportions: leaf, sod land, river sand. The composition of the soil in the pot depends on the type of cacti. For cacti that have white spines, you need soil that contains lime. Old cacti need recharge in the form of peat or humus. If the composition of the soil in the pot is not correctly selected, root system the cactus may begin to rot. If this happens, you should clean the root system by removing the damaged parts.

Planting process

Having chosen a pot and soil, let's move on to planting the cactus. It is better to transplant and plant the plant in the spring. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot ( fine expanded clay, coarse sand). A third of the height, the pot is filled with the main soil mass, and the roots of the plant are lowered into it. Do not compact the soil too much. Upper layer The soil can be sprinkled with river sand or small pebbles. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not contain a large amount of moisture.

Correct lighting

In summer, the plant can be moved to a well-lit place. If you live in a city, you should cover the cactus with film - this will protect it from dust, ultraviolet radiation, and rain. If you notice “burns” on the cactus, treat it with a special mixture of magnesium sulfate. It is better to keep young plants in partial shade, if the plant begins to change color - this is the first sign of sunburn.


Watering a plant depends on many factors. Do not water cacti during rainy periods or in winter. In spring, it is better to spray the plant (especially if it begins to grow). From the end of summer it is time to prepare the plant for winter and gradually reduce watering. If your plant has a large number of thorns, it is useful to spray it regularly with water. When using fertilizer, you need to act carefully. Typically, fertilizing is used during the period of active growth. The most common is Kadatsky's feeding: 40 g of saltpeter, 25 g of potassium phosphate, 15 g of 20 percent superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate, 9 g of potassium chloride, 1 g of magnesium sulfate (based on 1 liter of water).

Winter care

In winter, plant growth stops. To get a similar result at home, you need to fence off the plant with film or glass from the rest of the room (or balcony). Should be observed temperature regime- about +10 degrees. At temperatures of +5 degrees and below, the plant may freeze.

How do cacti reproduce?

For planting, you can use cuttings or seeds. The easiest way is to use seeds. The process of propagating cacti using seeds requires careful care. Seeds are grown in greenhouses under lamps. During growth, you need to provide a very humid atmosphere - you can cover the greenhouse with glass. Sow seeds at the end of winter so as not to disrupt the wintering cycle. In the greenhouse, you need to control the lighting; the lamps should be at a height of more than 5 cm from the young plants.

Propagation by cuttings is more complex and is not available to all cactus species. The cut cuttings are planted in the ground vertically in moist soil (preferably with sand), after which they are covered with film or a glass. The cutting develops at a temperature of about +25 degrees.

Care by month

  1. March is the beginning of spraying and watering season.
  2. April - preparing plants for transplanting, removing film protection.
  3. May and June - increase in irrigation intensity. The plant can be taken out to the balcony.
  4. July - the plant should be moved to partial shade. Water once a week.
  5. August and September - protect from rain. Reducing watering, treating with pesticides.
  6. October and November - cacti should be kept outside as long as the minimum temperature is +3 degrees. As soon as it gets colder, move the plants indoors for the winter.
  7. December and January are wintering, we monitor the temperature conditions.
  8. In February, inspections are carried out for pests and seedlings.

Video lessons

All cacti prefer watering with soft water that does not contain chlorine. The water must be clean, i.e. do not contain any impurities or salts. Ideally you would use rainwater or melted water, but you need to have patience to collect it, so you can use water that has been standing for at least a day or boiled, you can also use water filtered using household water filters. The water temperature for irrigation should always be equal to room temperature or slightly higher.

Regarding the method of watering cacti - from above or through a tray, sometimes there is a lot of controversy among cactus growers. Apparently, this is due to the fact that in cacti the main part of the roots that absorb water is located in the lower part of the root system. Undoubtedly, each method has its advantages:

Watering from above is convenient and familiar; you can see how much water is consumed; the entire earthen ball is wetted with water, but after a while, with this method of watering, nutrients are washed out from the upper layers of the soil. In order not to wet the cactus stem, it is convenient to make a watering bowl from the usual plastic bottle: take a segment flexible tube(for example, from a dropper) or a juice tube, using a drill or awl, make a hole of a suitable diameter in the lid and insert the tube.

Watering through a tray is convenient because the soil in the pot is not washed away, the soil nutrients are washed out much longer than when watering from above, however, with this method of watering, it is difficult to know how much water the plant needs, i.e. This method is more suitable for an experienced cactus grower. For some reason, the question of watering method can be very exciting for cactus owners, although in fact it is not fundamentally important, rather a matter of taste and experience.

How to water cacti

  • When watering, water should not be allowed to fall on the stem of the cactus; pour it onto the soil from the edges of the pot;
  • water should not stagnate in the pot; for this, each cactus must be provided good drainage, and when watering from a tray, after a while (after the roots absorb the water), the remaining water is drained;
  • any cactus can tolerate a certain amount of time in completely dry soil, even during the period of growth and flowering, but excess water can be detrimental to it;
  • the amount and frequency of watering directly depend on the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air; the lower the temperature and the higher the air humidity, the slower the evaporation of water from the substrate occurs, the less often you need to water. In addition, temperature affects the intensity of water absorption from the soil by roots. Cold water is practically not absorbed by the roots. But please note if for us cold water- this is 18-19 ° C, then for cacti it is still warm, and cold is from 12 and below. The cooler the ambient temperature, the less moisture the cactus requires. When there are hot, dry days in the summer, cacti are watered every day; on a cool and especially rainy day, it is better not to water the cactus;
  • The time for watering cacti is morning or evening; it is believed that cacti should be watered in the evening in the summer, and in the morning at other times of the year, but this again is not of fundamental importance.

When to water cacti more or less

Almost all cacti prefer a cold (or at least cool) wintering, but not every owner can provide this and then the cacti overwinter at normal room temperature, which can be 18-25°C. With such a warm winter, cacti are watered less often than in summer (at the same temperature), the soil should have time to dry well.

Water more Water less
  • Cacti belonging to moisture-loving genera (for example, rhipsalis, zigocacti)
  • Cacti during growth period
  • Cacti with a well-developed large root system
  • Cacti growing in a porous container, such as a clay pot
  • Cacti growing in loose soil with a large proportion of sand and brick chips
  • Cacti located in a room with high temperature
  • Cacti in a dry room, especially with central heating
  • Dry-loving cacti (all desert cacti, such as mammillaria)
  • Cacti during dormancy
  • Cacti with weak or damaged roots
  • Cacti growing in non-porous, such as plastic containers
  • Cacti growing in denser clay soil
  • Cacti located in a room with low temperature
  • When the indoor humidity is low, for example when the cactus is standing near open window on a rainy day

For most cacti, flowering is not associated with the growth period, i.e. and in winter, during the dormant period, cacti can bloom. Since watering is sharply reduced during the dormant period, the question often arises of how to water blooming in winter cacti. In this case, watering should be a little more or more often than if the plants were not blooming, but you definitely need to water much less often than in spring and summer.

Very often, when watering with hard water containing a lot of lime, plaque forms on the cactus stem at the base. light brown, which over time turn into cortical growths and are not removed. Most often this happens in cacti that do not have spines or have small, sparse spines. This phenomenon is often mistaken for a disease, but these are deposits of salts from the water that eat into the tissue of the cactus. Therefore, it is recommended to water cacti with boiled or filtered water.

Air humidity

It is known that all cacti tolerate dry air well and are therefore considered hardy plants, but in nature most of them are refreshed by dew or fog in the morning and evening. Cacti are very responsive to daily spraying at their natural hours, but in order not to harm the plants, you need to spray only with a very fine dust-like sprayer, so that no streams of water go down the cactus trunk.

The water temperature for spraying should be slightly above room temperature, i.e. warm (30-40°C). On sunny days, spraying is carried out only when the sun's rays are already or have not yet hit the plant. With the onset of rainy autumn days, it is better to stop spraying, but in winter you can spray cacti at the end of a sunny day. Read more about. Cacti with leaves (rhipsalis, epiphyllum, etc.) can not only be sprayed, but also given a shower to wash off the dust and prevent the appearance of spider mites.

Cacti are quite popular plants that delight their owners not only with their beauty original look, but also with beautiful bright flowering. There are about 3000 varieties of cacti. This plant is mostly dark green in color. They have the shape of a ball or cylinder, with a ribbed surface, with large and small spines. The height of domestic cacti is usually from 10 to 60 cm. Cactus flowers can be white, light lilac, orange, pink, cream, yellow. Let's look at how often to water cacti at home.

1. How often to water cacti

In the irrigation process, the regime plays an important role. It is necessary to take into account periods of active growth and dormancy that coincide with the seasons:

  1. In winter, there is no need to water frequently; cacti, being in a state of sleep, cannot absorb moisture in large quantities. Water lingering in the ground will lead to rotting of the root system. Moreover, if the room is cold (8-10°C), then it is better to refrain from watering again. Once a month is sufficient average temperature air.
  2. In summer the situation is somewhat different. Land in flower pot It dries quickly, so full watering is enough for cacti once a week. Spraying can be done 2 times a week warm water(30-50°C). In this case, the sprayer must be finely dispersed; large drops that fall on the stem can cause the succulent to die.
  3. IN hot weather Water in the evening, in cool weather - in the morning.

2. Watering cacti through a tray

The convenience of this method lies in the fact that during watering the soil in the pot is not washed away. At the same time, useful components can remain in the soil for a very long time. This method might suit experienced gardeners who know for sure required amount moisture for the cactus, because it is very difficult to find out on your own. For some reason, cactus owners are very sensitive to the choice of watering method, but this is not so serious problem. It all depends on the experience of the cactus grower and his personal preferences.

3. Watering cacti from above

A good method of watering, the uniqueness of which lies in the fact that the water consumption during the process is clearly visible. In this case, the entire earthen clod is wetted. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the leaching of useful components from the upper part of the soil, which cannot be said about the first method.

To protect the plant stem from water, you need to make a special device from a plastic bottle. It will play the role of a kind of sprinkler. To do this, you need to drill a small hole in the bottle cap and place two drink straws. A tube from an unnecessary IV may be suitable. Using this device it is convenient to water a cactus or other indoor plants.

4. Water quality when watering cacti

The water needed for irrigation must be at least settled for several days or filtered. It’s even better if you have the ability to collect rain or melt water. Distilled water is also suitable, but the method of its production is quite expensive, and you are unlikely to want to use it as a source of moisture for irrigation if it is available.

5. Watering cacti during transplantation

The first watering (if it is not winter) should be done after three days, this is necessary so that the roots damaged during transplantation do not rot. We do the first watering of cacti hot water, but moderately, not until water flows out of the drainage, and only after another five days we water it more thoroughly. The cactus needs time to “smell” the water and put out absorbent roots.

This is during a normal transplant, when the cactus is healthy. If during transplantation many roots were removed or signs of fungal infections were found on them, then the first watering should be postponed for at least 7 - 10 days. During this time, the thorn can be sprayed with hot water a couple of times. Cacti transplanted in winter are not watered at all, but are kept warm for 3-5 days, then sent back to winter. When kept on a regular, warm windowsill, even in winter the cactus will have to be watered a little so that it does not become too depleted. When replanting in spring and summer, do not place the cactus immediately in the sun and heat, for example on a sunny loggia, where the temperature can rise to 40 degrees. This will lead to severe burns and slow down the survival rate; young, small cacti may simply die in such conditions. So it’s better to keep it in the shade until the first watering and the cactus begins to grow. It is not difficult to determine that the cactus has taken root; it will become noticeably thicker, sagging and folds will disappear, and the top of the head will acquire a brighter color.

6. Feeding cacti

There is no consensus on fertilizing cacti. These unique plants require special feeding. Thus, the mandatory nutritional components include:

Nitrogen. For ordinary plants chemical element necessary for growth. Desert flowers grow slowly. If the soil is highly enriched with nitrogen, this will negatively affect the plant: the stems will become watery and loose, the skin will burst, scars and wounds will form, and the cactus babies will not be able to fully develop. You should not use a lot of this organic element as a top dressing, but you should not completely eliminate it, so that nitrogen starvation does not occur. The exception is fast-growing, epiphytic cacti.

Potassium. Vital necessary element regulates growth, forms a dense skin, stimulates ripening and flowering. Its deficiency can give the succulent a bronze tint.

Calcium. Indispensable construction material for spines, hairs and bristles. With its deficiency, the root system becomes weak, the spines become soft, and the plant itself becomes fragile.

Phosphorus stimulates root growth, affects seed viability and fruit ripening. Organic fertilizers flower growers rarely use it. Liquid solutions that are easier to dose are suitable for feeding. It is important to maintain the concentration - 1 g of salts per 1 liter of water.

6.1. Articles for gardeners and gardeners

Fertilize the soil 2 times a month from March to September; during the rest of the period, the cacti are not fed. If the weather is rainy for a long time in the summer, then the amount of fertilizing should be reduced. Metabolism slows down and the plant no longer requires as many nutrients. When transplanting, fertilize the soil no earlier than after 20 days.

The cactus does not like frequent rearrangements. Do not turn its other side towards the light (put a mark on the pot so as not to make a mistake), for more even growth - you absolutely cannot do this during budding and the beginning of flowering!

At proper care behind a cactus, it will definitely bloom and will decorate the interior of any home with its appearance. This succulent is blooming beautiful buds, but the gardener will have to try hard to enjoy this amazing spectacle.


I recently got a small cactus. They gave it to me while it was blooming, but now the flowers have already fallen. I didn’t have such “thorns” before; I prefer plants with leaves. Tell me, how often should a cactus be watered and how to do it correctly?

Many novice gardeners believe that cacti are the most unpretentious plants, because they almost do not need watering. In general, of course, they are right, but about watering this is not entirely true. Although the homeland of most cacti is the desert, where there is very little rainfall, they cannot exist without water. What can we say about flowering varieties this prickly beauty - they definitely need moisture.

Correct and, most importantly, timely watering is the key good condition plants. Knowing how often to water cacti, you can not only grow large and beautiful flower, but also wait for the peduncle to appear.

Watering frequency

The moisture needs of cacti are determined by many factors, including:

  • species affiliation;
  • conditions of detention;
  • season.

Today there are a lot of varieties. Among them there are varieties that can do very well without water. for a long time, because they accumulate water reserves (for example, plants native to Africa). But at the same time, there are cacti for which prolonged drought is simply destructive (tropical and forest species). Therefore, it is important to consider the origin of a particular species.

As for the conditions of maintenance, everything is quite simple - the lower the temperature, the less often the watering should be.

And, of course, it is necessary to take into account general recommendations regarding the frequency of watering cacti depending on the time of year. In winter, the length of daylight hours decreases significantly, which affects the growth rate of flowers. In this regard, the watering schedule for most types of cacti looks like this:

  • from November to March - provided the flower is kept cool and dark room A single watering for a month is enough, or even without it at all;
  • April-May - gradually bringing the cacti out of winter dormancy, periodically moisten the air above them and water them twice a month;
  • from June to August - if the cacti are kept in the sun and hot weather, water at least once every 5 days, but if the summer is rainy and cool - once a week is enough;
  • September-October - reduce watering to once a month.

To ensure that water quickly penetrates to the roots and does not stagnate in the pot, drainage should be placed at the bottom of the flowerpot, and the correct one should be used (a mixture of peat, sand and universal soil).

How are cacti watered?

Most gardeners water cacti directly into the pot. This can be done, but it must be taken into account that water should not get on the cactus itself.

To water in this way, it is better to use a watering can.

But there are more advantages to watering cacti in a tray, when water comes to them from below, through the drainage holes. Firstly, this way the soil in the pot is not washed away and there is no risk of getting the root collar wet, and secondly, moisture reaches the roots faster, since they are closer to the bottom of the pot.

Thus, when caring for your cacti and watering them, you need to take into account not only their type, but also the time of year, as well as the conditions under which they are kept.

Features of watering cacti - video

Cacti are beautiful and evergreens, appearance which makes almost any person amazed and rejoice at the diversity of their forms, marvelous colors and splendor of many specimens.

Most cacti come with a lot of baggage. healing properties and qualities, and for the inhabitants of desert oases, these plants, or rather, their trunks, more than once served as reservoirs for water in the form of syrup to quench the thirst of travelers.

Features of growing cacti

It is not difficult to grow a cactus on your own windowsill at home, since cacti, in principle, are unpretentious plants. But certain rules for growing cacti, individual characteristics each type must be known and observed, thereby ensuring proper care for your magnificent pets.

At home, the growth period of cacti begins at spring period.

From spring to autumn, cacti need watering, preferably in the morning and not hard water.

IN summer period cacti need to be fed once a week using phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

In winter, cacti need to create conditions for rest during the dormant period - by putting the plants in a cool, but dry room.

In the spring, when the cactus shows activity, it is necessary to accustom it to sun rays until flower buds appear on it, which subsequently should not be watered, but only sprayed with lukewarm water.

Cacti at home: varieties of exotic plants

Echinopsis (echinopsis)– this type of cacti belongs to the genus of plants that have a roundish shape and very much resemble a curled up prickly hedgehog. Specimens of these home cacti are popular and loved by gardeners. They are unpretentious and reproduce using shoots (puppies), which can easily be separated from the plant stem. They bloom with careful and proper care.

Cerius– this type of cacti can reach large sizes. Has multi-colored spines. This cactus is similar to its hedgehog relative, but has not just one cone on the trunk, but several. Propagated by seeds or cuttings, practically does not bloom at home.

Opuntia robusta– has an original flat body, similar to flat cakes. Reaching impressive sizes, this magnificent representative of the cactus family can cause harm to humans with the elongated bristles on its trunk. Therefore, you need to handle this cactus very carefully. This species propagates by cuttings, planting flat cakes for rooting in fertilized places.

Mammillaria- a type of cactus adapted to dry and hot climates. Has pale - green color, soft spines and in appearance resembles a beautiful and fluffy ball that has no ribs. Blooms at home with cute bell-shaped flowers.

Phyllocactus- a common group of cacti among gardeners. This is a leaf-shaped cactus that does not have leaves. With proper care, a cactus with elongated wide stems blooms with luxurious flowers at home.

Cacti at home - growing and propagation

The first thing you need to do is choose the right pot for planting the cactus. Based on the characteristics of the cactus root system, you need to choose a high pot for planting. It is better even if its height is much greater than the width of the pot.

A plastic pot is an ideal container for planting a cactus. Since a pot made of plastic will not allow water to evaporate, and thereby prevent the possibility of soil salinization.

Soil and soil

For cacti, it is more advisable to select certain soil mixtures that contain turf leaf soil, river sand. The composition of the soil must be selected individually for each type of cactus. For young cacti with white spines, soil with an admixture of lime is recommended; older specimens need peat soil but only.

Properly selected soil is a guarantee that the root system will not rot or mold. But if this suddenly happens, it is important to clean the rhizome in time and remove all rotten parts from it.

And so, having decided on the pot and soil, you need to move on to planting the cactus. It is better to do this process in the spring. At the very bottom of the pot you need to lay a drainage layer consisting of coarse sand or small expanded clay. Next, the pot must be filled into three parts with basic soil, and the roots of the cactus should be lowered into it. Surface layer it is necessary to cover it with river sand or small pebbles; the soil should not retain a large amount of moisture.

Lighting and temperature

It is also important to remember about lighting. In summer, the cactus must be moved to an even more illuminated place.

In cities and places with a lot of dust, these plants need to be covered with film, thereby protecting the cacti from ultraviolet radiation and rain. If burns suddenly appear on the plants, then the cacti must be sprayed with a mixture of magnesium sulfate. It is recommended to keep young cacti in the shade, since if the specimen has changed color, this is a sign of a burn.

According to many, cacti are not only adapted to hot climates, but also generally love the sun and warmth, but this is not entirely true. It all depends on this or that type of cactus, on the time of year, but in both cases the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees, otherwise the plant will stop growing and get sick.

Caring for a cactus in winter

These plants do not need to be watered in winter. You just need to provide the cacti with cool conditions for better flowering. You also need to provide the cacti with the necessary lighting using lamps. daylight.


Cacti reproduce at home:

By cuttings, and the plants do not need to be placed in water, they take root very well. It is preferable in the spring, since at this time the cactus does not receive much stress from the cutting process.

What needs to be done - using sharp knife it is necessary to cut the stalk. Completely free the lower end from all excess and, using the same knife, slightly sharpen the handle. After these procedures, the cutting must be left alone to dry and fully adapt.

Then the cutting needs to take root in soil specially selected for this purpose. Rooting is a long process that requires patience from the grower, during which there is no need to water the plant abundantly in order to avoid the appearance of rot on the root system.

The process of reproduction with the help of children is quite easy. Because the kids take root well and grow quickly. Cactus babies weaned from the mother plant can be immediately planted in the soil. But with such reproduction (by children), every year the plant will weaken and begin to degenerate.


Some especially young cacti often bloom. The first flowers of cacti appear in the third year of life. And then three years cacti may begin to bloom annually.

For better flowering, it is recommended to grow cacti in pots that are too small for the plant. In addition, it is necessary to remember that cacti produce flowers only on newly appeared shoots of the plant. In connection with this, it is necessary to create all the conditions for the plant to good growth in the spring.

Cacti at home - watering and fertilizing

For some reason, many people believe that cacti need to be watered no more than once a month. Such an attitude towards a plant can lead, if not to its death, to real stress, that’s for sure!

During the growing season, the soil needs to be moistened and its moisture content monitored using a special indicator or simply visualized this process.

Cacti love soft water, preferably chlorinated, without any impurities. It is best to use rain water, melt water or filtered water for watering. room temperature.

To properly irrigate cacti, it is necessary to use two watering methods - from above and through a tray. Moreover, each method has its own importance and has its own advantages, and possibly disadvantages.

Watering the cactus from above is easy and convenient; all the nuances of irrigation are visible. True, with constant such watering from above, nutrients are washed out of the soil, which has a bad effect on the life of plants.

Watering a cactus through a tray is simple - the soil and necessary substances are not washed out, but it is difficult to understand how much water the plant needs.

When watering cacti, it is important to know:

When watering, water should not fall on the trunk of the plant.

The cactus must have good soil drainage - the water should not stagnate.

Excess water can cause irreparable harm to the cactus.

The roots of the cactus do not absorb low temperature water at all. Therefore, it is necessary to water the plant with water at least 12 degrees.

IN summer season cacti need to be watered in the evening, and at other times of the year it is better to use morning irrigation.

Top dressing

In order for your beloved beauty to bloom, the cactus must be fed with special fertilizers and nutrients. It is necessary to fertilize cacti starting from growing season and so on until September, until the plant begins to rest and enters a dormant state. It is more advisable to use potassium fertilizers with calcium and phosphorus for fertilization.

Cactus at home: why does it die?

There are several main reasons for the possible death of cacti:

Bad mode.

Incorrect care of the plant.

Infection of a plant through pests.

Various diseases.

Inept arrangement of a cactus for wintering.

Mold can also cause irreparable damage to cacti, which is why the bottom of the pots and trays must be cleaned and washed regularly.

Cacti, or rather the stomata located on the stem of the plant (through which cacti breathe), need constant spraying with water, as it easily washes away dust from existing specimens and allows them to breathe.

Also, very often cacti are affected by mites and mealybug. On cacti, mites can live in large colonies and infect and pierce plant stems. You can fight scale insects that accumulate on cacti using special means, the most important thing is to recognize the threat in time.

The root system of cacti must be protected from rot - choose the right soil for your pet and provide it with appropriate watering.

If you follow all the rules for caring for these plants, you can create a unique collection of luxurious cacti at home that will give you a good mood and please the eye. And don’t forget to wake up your pets in the spring with warmth, spraying, but not abundant watering.