How to open a Metacom intercom without a key using a special code? How to open an intercom without a key (all models)? Metacom opening code

How to open a Metacom intercom without a key using a special code?  How to open an intercom without a key (all models)?  Metacom opening code
How to open a Metacom intercom without a key using a special code? How to open an intercom without a key (all models)? Metacom opening code

User manual.


The digital intercom is specially designed for multi-apartment residential buildings. The intercom consists of two main blocks - a digital panel and a processor with a power supply.

Main features of this model:

Digital panel without mechanical switches. This solution provides a high degree of protection against the most common problems such as contact oxidation, sticking and button blocking.

Two-wire circuit for connecting subscriber devices (handsets) (hereinafter referred to as AU). Number of AU - up to 255.

The processor has a built-in controller that allows you to open the door using the TOUCH MEMORY and TOUCH CYFRAL keys. Memory capacity – 508 keys

The front door can be opened without using a key, as each apartment has a separate 4-digit code for opening the door.

The ability to programmatically change a large number of different system parameters allows you to configure the intercom in accordance with the wishes of specific users.

Intercom installation.

Network connection.

After checking all connections, you can begin connecting the power supply. After the power is turned on, a dot appears on the right indicator of the panel and a 25-second countdown begins. After the countdown ends, the intercom is ready for use. After each subsequent connection to the network, the countdown must be turned on again.

When you turn it on for the first time (and during subsequent ones to cancel programming errors, if any), you should simultaneously press closer to the end of the countdown + <Ключ>and hold until rapidly changing numbers appear on the display.

Checking the correct voltage between the contacts.

100 mV less than K1 - K3

6 V, when talking 4-5 V

Deviations within 20% are allowed.

Indication of errors and defects.

The messages below indicate problems.

If one of the infrared rays of the panel “fails,” then the intercom program ignores the failure and continues to work. The display indicates this with an “E” sign on the left indicator.

If more than one beam fails, the display will show “Err” and the keypad will turn off. According to the program, in the event of serious problems with the panel, the intercom will silently turn the lock on and off every 45 seconds (after several tens of minutes have passed after the fault is detected).

The message “E-2” indicates a short circuit in the line or a malfunction of the on-hook unit.

The message “E-0”, which appears after connecting to the network, indicates a failure in the microprocessor’s RAM. If this symbol appears, the intercom must be replaced.

Adjusting the sound.

In total, the intercom has 3 adjustments:

Microphone signal boost

Speaker boost

Linear balance

When delivered, the intercom is already adjusted, but, nevertheless, additional adjustment may be required.

In order to correctly establish the balance, an AC should be selected that is located approximately in the middle of the line length. Then, when making adjustments, you need to find and set the minimum excitation point as follows:

Adjust the level so that conversations can be heard.

By adjusting the balance knob to one side, find the position at which the device is excited. Then find the same position by rotating the balance knob in the other direction.

Set the balance control in the middle position relative to the two points found.

Smoothly increase the level.

Repeat steps 2 - 4 until the best balance control position is found. At the maximum audio level position for both talk lines, the balance cannot be adjusted due to excitation.

This sets the sound level. However, it should be remembered that if the gain is set too high on individual talk lines, excitation may occur due to acoustic feedback. It is recommended to set the optimal level as follows. Set the “bottom-up” gain to the lowest possible level, which ensures acceptable audibility from the AU. Set the top-to-bottom gain to the maximum possible, and then turn the reward control downward.

Intercom operation.

Connecting apartments.

When dialing an apartment number, each touch is accompanied by a sound signal and the appearance of a number on the display. Each subsequent digit of the apartment number should be pressed with a pause of no more than 3 seconds.

If a number greater than 999 is entered, it is canceled and the next digit is determined as the first digit of the new number.

If the pause between presses is more than 3 seconds, the intercom detects the completion of dialing and establishes a connection with the selected apartment.

If you made a typing error, press and repeat the set.

Before the connection is established, the intercom determines whether the apartment number is on the list of allowed ones. If an apartment is excluded from the list of permitted apartments, the “OFF” signal appears on the display and an audible signal sounds. After establishing communication with the apartment, a 30-second call signal sounds (standard setting). After this, the system waits for another 30 seconds for the handset to be picked up. When the AU handset is picked up, two-way communication is established.

By pressing The number is reset.

The duration of a conversation with an apartment is limited to 2 minutes (standard setting).

The electric lock can be turned on at any time during a conversation by pressing a button on the control unit. The lock opens for five seconds (standard setting). Opening is accompanied by a sound signal. All times listed above are subject to change. Communication with the apartment is terminated if the AU hangs up.

Using a lock code.

Residents can open the door using a code. The code can be changed by residents themselves (see instructions below).

To use a combination lock:

Dial apartment number

Touch the “Key” field. Three bars will appear on the display.

Enter four digits of your code.

After entering the correct code, the lock opens. Opening the lock is accompanied by a sound signal in the apartment (if this function has not been canceled in advance).

The intercom comes with a code table. These codes are selected by a computer in such a way that each apartment has its own code combination.

Changing the lock code by residents.

To change the code:

Dial the apartment number.

Wait for connection.

Tap the “Key” field.

While continuing to hold down the “Key” field, ask the person in the apartment to press the door open button three times. Each press will be accompanied by a sound signal.

Three bars will appear on the display - a symbol of the lock code.

Release the “Key” field and enter the old code.

If the old code was entered correctly, the intercom is ready to enter the digits of the new code. The number of the entered code digit (1) and a dash will appear on the display. Press the button with the first digit of the new code, and it will also appear on the display. After about 1 second, number 2 will appear - press the button with the second digit of the code, etc. until 4.

During this procedure, the AC tube must be removed. Do not press the door open button.


Residents can open the door using TOUCH MEMORY keys (electronic key - a tablet with an individual code). When you touch the reader with the key, this key is searched in the intercom memory and if the key is found, the door opens. Keys are recorded in the intercom memory using the MASTER KEY (see Programming Instructions).

Programming instructions.

The instructions use the following symbols:

Parameter shown on the display;

- entered parameter (single character);

- simultaneous touching of two fields;

/Sv/ - sound signal.

To store the characters shown on the display, the “Key” field is used.

If new numbers are not entered, pressing the “Key” field returns the program to its original state.

A time interval of 45 seconds is allocated for selecting a service procedure. If the procedure is not selected during this time, the intercom exits the programming procedure to its original operating state. You have 6 seconds to enter a parameter in the selected procedure. If no new data is entered within 6 seconds, the system returns to level.

It should be remembered that before operations with the apartment (changing the code, turning off the control unit), you must first dial the control room number taking into account the offset.

Access procedure.

<Ключ> [---] <240361>/Sv/ /Sv/

where is the personal code of the intercom installer, and 240361 is the general code defined by the manufacturer, which is the same for all intercoms of this model. The installer code is a number in the code table and can be changed in the appropriate procedure. After the installation and personal codes have been entered correctly, the message will appear on the display, the programming mode will be activated and the communication mode will be disabled.

Installer procedure 0 - opening the electric lock.

<0>/Opening the lock/

The procedure should be used when installing an intercom to adjust the electric lock.

Installer Procedure 1 - Main Installation Procedure.

Using this procedure, pressing the door open button on the AU can initiate top-down communication. After this, the intercom detects this unit and establishes a connection with it without a sound signal. In this case, you can start a conversation or open the lock. After the handset of the control unit is placed on the lever, the intercom again communicates with this control unit for control. The apartment number appears on the display.

The search for ACs is carried out in a certain range, for example, from the first to the last apartment on the floor. This reduces the time required by the intercom to search for a speaker and protects against interference caused by other speakers that are not in this range. Do not set the range too large (no more than 20 numbers), since when searching for an AU with the handset off-hook, all AUs with lower numbers (in the specified range) are connected to the communication line, which interferes with the normal search for the desired AU.

<1>/Pressing the AU button/ /Zv/ [Apartment number, if the corresponding AU is found]

Using this procedure, you can set the highest and lowest search levels (boundaries)

bottom line - ;

upper limit - ;

or [previous border] <Новая граница> <Ключ>

In order for the intercom to accept values, the upper limit must be greater than the lower limit.

Numeric boundary values ​​are NOT saved when the power is turned off. When the power is turned on, they are set: lower - offset + 1, upper - offset + 254.

To exit the procedure, click , after which the program will return to level .

Installer Procedure 2 - Setting the intercom parameters.

This procedure is used to set the intercom parameters.

The level has 9 sublevels. The first 8 are used to enter time parameters, 9 are used to enter configuration flags, in turn also has 6 sublevels.

Time parameters:


Meaning according to mind

AU call time while on-hook

waiting time after calling

negotiation time

lock opening time

time of calling Ау with the handset lifted

first call tone

second call tone

time of one tone

Setting time parameters:

<2> [_] <Номер параметра> <Ключ>[Parameter set value] [New parameter value]<Ключ> [_] <Другой номер параметра>or<Ключ - для выхода>

After entering a new parameter, it is compared with the maximum allowable value for this parameter. The maximum values ​​are shown in the table. An attempt to enter large values ​​is ignored.

The tone frequency is determined by the formula

F = 333333 / (256 - parameter value).

For the sounding time of one tone per second, the parameter value is 150.

Configuration flags:

permission for a special procedure (opening a lock during a short circuit in the communication line);

permission for a special procedure through Err (opening the lock in case of panel malfunctions);

permission for residents to pass by code;

display resolution E (if one beam of the keyboard fails);

permission to confirm the code (call back to the apartment when passing through the code);

permission to call the AU with the handset lifted;

Configuration rules:

<2> [_] <9> <Ключ> [_]<Номер параметра от 1 до 6> <Ключ>[-1-] if enabled or [-0-] if disabled<1 или 0> <Ключ> [_] <Другой номер параметра от 1 до 6>or<Ключ - для выхода>

All parameters set by this procedure are saved in memory and are not erased when the power is turned off.

Installer Procedure 3 - Utility.

This procedure checks for AC programming errors.

You must enter apartment numbers (up to 15 numbers). After entering the last number, the intercom will return to normal operating condition. However, starting from this moment and for 45 minutes, the intercom can be called from these units by pressing the door open button. At the same time, the intercom establishes a connection with the unit with the number specified in the list and the handset is lifted.


Connection diagram.

The panel, lock, contactor and button are connected using a 12-core wire. The length of the wire should not exceed 30m. Contact R2 must be connected with two wires to avoid voltage loss at the lock.

This type of protection from strangers is installed in multi-storey buildings. Sooner or later, apartment residents ask the question: “How to open the Metacom intercom without a key?” But since this type is well protected from burglary, it will be difficult to open the doors. But probably.

Features of Metacom

To open any intercom, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The calling panel includes:

  • controller;
  • key reading system;
  • subscriber intercom;
  • and a panel with numbers.

Metacom keys are distinguished by their reliability. It is simply impossible to open a lock from this company with another device. Each key includes a chip with a code that does not change.

The price for Metacom is not bad, and the intercom itself is easy to use.

The shockproof case protects the device from hacking. Exposure to weather conditions and temperature changes will not damage the Metacom intercom.


Now many are looking for an answer to the question of how to open an intercom without a key. Fortunately, such a method exists. And there are several of them, since different combinations are suitable for a certain model. Although there are also algorithms that can be used for all Metacom intercoms.

There are three types of menu:

  1. Custom: “65535” - HF - “1234” - HF - HF.
  2. Service: “65535” - KV - “1234” - KV.
  3. System: “65535” - KV - “1234” - KV - “9”.

Method 1

What to do:

  1. Call button (KV).
  2. No. of the first apartment in the entrance.
  3. The message “cod” will appear.
  4. "5702".

Method 2

What to do:

  1. "65535"
  2. "1234".
  3. "8".

Method 3

What to do:

  1. "1234".
  2. "6".
  3. "4568".

Method 4

(for Metakom MK-20 M/T)

What to do:

  1. "27".
  2. "5702".

Method 5

What to do:

  1. "1".
  2. "4526".
  3. Present the new key and register it.


It is not always possible to log in using a universal code. Therefore, the only solution is to program and register a new code.

What to do:

  1. To remember the new apartment: “65536” - C - apartment no. - “7”.
  2. To remove the old code from this apartment: “65535” - C - “1234” - C - C - apartment no. - KV - “70111”.
  3. Removing Master keys: “65535” - C - “1234” - C - “97111”.
  4. Identifier record: "65535" - С - "1234" - С - "99".
  5. Removing the old identifier: “65535” - C - “1234” - C - “990111”.

Important! Nowadays the most popular solution to situations with closed doors is a universal key. All possible firmware that is used to open intercoms is immediately added to it.


The video below shows several ways to open a Metacom intercom.

“Metakom” is a well-known domestic brand of intercoms, standing on the same level as “Visit”, but by 2015 it began to lose its relevance in the market, having existed on it since 1996.

There are probably many reasons for this: from the deliberate complication of software schemes to outdated functionality. Nevertheless, this brand still exists on the market and has its users, and therefore the codes from this system have not yet disappeared from the minds of people (and the Internet, even more so). Mostly these intercom systems work with contact keys.

Codes and everything about them

As you know, situations can occur when the key to the intercom is broken, and you need to go inside the house. To open the device without a key, codes and the intercom service menu come to the rescue. Specifically, the Metakom brand has the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Combination is entered 65535, call;
  2. Recruiting number 1234 and another call is made, after enter the number 9(for some brands you do not need to enter nine);
  1. Press the call key on the calling panel;
  2. Enter the serial number of the first apartment;
  3. Call, and after “Cod” appears, enter the code 5702 (sometimes 1234, 4568, etc.).
  4. To remove keys from memory, use a combination of commands 65535, Call, 1234, Call, 990111.
  5. To open the door the order may work "Call - 27 - Call - 5702."

However, instead of selecting codes and adapting to a specific calling system, it is better to use a universal master key. It could be a duplicate created on an emulator, or an outdated method of assigning an empty cell code to a key.

By the way, this “hacker” method is a little more common on Metacom intercoms than among all the others.

Why? Because no preventive or corrective work was carried out in this area. Apparently, the level of competence and responsibility for its products is not as high as stated on the developer’s official website.

Opening the Cyfral intercom

It was no coincidence that I started with this brand: there is a model in my entrance Cyfral CCD-2094(according to some sources, this is one of the most common models in Russia, and also outdated). You can open such a door without a key using one of two methods:

1 - Click: 0000 , after which “COD” should appear. This is a code request to access the service menu. One of these should do: 123456 , 123400 , 456999 . We press the call button and wait for a reaction. If the inscription “F0” lights up - Hurray, you succeeded in entering! Now enter the code 601 and Digital is open!

2 - This option can only work if there are apartments at the entrance with numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, etc. For example, I’ll take number 200. What do we do? Press the button: “B” - then apartment number: 200. Then again “B” and code: 7272. That is, it turns out like this:


If the door does not open, try these other options:

В-200-В-7273 В-200-В-2323

Video instruction:

For model CCD-2094M the code may work 07054 . There were also cases when it was possible to open the intercom by pressing the “B” + 41 and “B” + 1410 buttons.
In the case when you need to open “Digital CCD-2094.1M” (you can recognize it by the screen where the dot is blinking or lit) - you need to enter the following code: “Call” +0000. This will take you to the service menu and the “ON” sign will light up. Press button 2 to activate the “quick entry” mode.
If the word “OFF” lights up, it means the mode does not work and hacking Cyfral will not succeed because the master was “searched”.

If necessary, on the CCD-2094M model you can try programming your own key for the Digital intercom. You need to press the call button and hold it until the device goes into service mode. Then click on the five (5) and your apartment number. Let's look at the screen. The inscription “TOUCH” should appear - it indicates that you can apply the “tablet” of the key. After you do this, the key will be recognized and open the lock.

Audio intercoms Vizit (Visit)

As it turned out, “Visit” intercoms are the most resistant in terms of access codes or hacking. The most common models are BVD-313 and BVD-311. Modern ones - BVD-343 and BVD-344 are rare. By the way, they already have additional protection from unauthorized control by particularly zealous residents.
During installation, in most cases, the standard settings are usually not left, and to select the code for the Visit intercom after this will take a lot of time. If you’re lucky and the installers cheated by leaving the default settings, then in order to open Vizit without a key, try the following codes:

Old models - *#4230, or 12#345 New models - *#423, or 67#890

An example of how the code works on the old model:

The following options are also sometimes rolled out:

#196 #999-1-1-5555-“Star”-#999-2-1-1-“Star”-#5555

You can try to hack the Visit intercom by entering the service menu using code #999, after which two beeps should follow. Now you need to enter the device's master code. We hope that the installer is lazy and enter 1234. Didn’t work? Then try: 12345, 0000, 9999, 11639, 3535, 6767. If you are lucky, one short beep will follow and you will be taken to the service menu. To open the Vizit intercom door without a key, you need to dial the numbers:


An example of an autopsy on video:

By the way, if your Vizit intercom does not have “#” and “*” buttons, then do not be alarmed, instead of them there are, respectively, buttons “C” - this is an “asterisk”, and “B” or “K” is a “hash” .

To program your key, you need to press the “3” button in the service menu and attach it to the device. After this, the keychain will be added to the database. The main thing is not to press the number “4” - this will erase all the keys from memory. To exit the mode, press the “*” (asterisk) button, and then “#”.

How to open an intercom with a Metacom code

In order to open the Metakom intercom without a key fob, you can try entering the following options:

65535 - "B" - 1234 - "B" - 8 1234 - "B" - 6 - "B" - 4568

Also, there is information that the following codes may work:

"B" - 1 - "B" - 5702 "B" - 6 - "B" - 4568 "B" - 5 - "B" - 4253 "B" - 1234567 "B" - 1803

Video instruction:

It didn’t work, then we try to enter the service mode. To do this, you need to find out the number of the first apartment in the entrance. After that, press the “Call” button and hold it until “COD” appears. Now press the numbers - 5702 and... the door will open.

I have repeatedly come across information on the Metacom MK-20TM model on the Internet. According to the information provided, it does not have any protection against hacking the intercom. Therefore, if you poke a clean, unprogrammed key into it, it will go into engineering mode and automatically unlock the door.

How to open the Eltis intercom

Today, there are only a few models of Eltis contactless audio intercoms in Russia. Their device is simple, as is the firmware. That’s why hacking into Eltis is a common practice among young hooligans. To open the door, try entering the code:

Call - 1234-2-1-3-3-123

If the attempt fails, try these keys:

100 - Call - 7272 100 - Call - 7273 100 - Call - 2323

Also, as an option, you can try Digital codes.

Opening Barrier II, 2M and 4

These are very old intercom models. And that is why they are often still found in old nine-story buildings and five-story Stalin buildings. You won't find anything like this in new buildings 100%. In the “Barrier 2” and “Barrier 2M” models, to enter the entrance you need to press the buttons “1” and “3” or “1” and “0”. Sometimes you can open the door simply by moving a magnet in the area where the keys are placed. For the Barrier 4 model there are no universal keys or codes at all.

Other brands of intercoms:

Rainmann and Raikmann intercom codes

Despite some similarity in names, Rainmann and Raikmann intercoms are completely different devices. Raikmann devices are resistant to hacking and cannot be opened without a key using a code. But the Rainmann CD-2000 and AO-3000 models are found.
In order to open the 2000th model, you need to click on the “key”, then enter the code “987654”. After this, the intercom will beep and you need to enter the numbers “123456”. If the engineering menu is available, the “P” icon will appear on the screen. Now, to unlock and open the door, you need to press the number 8.
It’s better not to reap anything else - you can cut everything off and get the hell out of the residents.
Another life hack that users have noticed is the reaction of the touch keyboard to hypothermia. If you roll a snowball, apply it and hold it for 15-20 minutes, then there is a chance to open the door.


Setting up intercoms of this brand is very, very similar to the already familiar Digital, with the only exception that when installing the device, it is necessary to change the master password and therefore it is believed that it will not be possible to open it. Although there may be a hacking option through the engineering menu. To do this, you need to dial the Factorial intercom code. In most cases the following are used:

000000 123456

Another option is to press the “5” button and hold it for 5-6 seconds, then type this:

180180 + "Call" + 4 + "Call" key.

Laskomex (Laskomex)

To open the door on Laskomex AO-3000 VTM, try entering the keys:
1 + "Key" + 8976
66 + "Key" + 1989
Didn't come? This means the code was changed during installation.
To enter the service menu, you need to click on the key 5 times, after which a password entry field will appear. The default is: 1234. Most often, it is changed upon installation, but there is still a chance. Code P8 is responsible for opening the door “Laskomex AO-3000VTM”.


A rare guest in our high-rise buildings. It is extremely rare.
To open the Domogard intercom door, make one long press on “C”. After it makes a sound, quickly enter the code:

669900 + “Call” + number of the last apartment in the entrance plus 1

After this, the following message will appear on the screen: “F-”. We're inside the service menu! Then you can use one of the following options:

080 - Open door 333 - Remember new key 071 - Disable door lock


These are not entrance intercoms, but individual ones, used most often in private homes or where there is a concierge. There are no universal codes for it.


Another rare model. There is only one hacking option:

"Call" + 00000 + "Call" + "Call"

The last two calls must be pressed quickly and the entrance intercom will open.


There is very little useful information on Forward intercoms on the Internet. There are only three known universal keys that we managed to unearth:

123*2427101 K+1234 2427101

In order to program your door key for “Forward”, you can try entering “77395201”+”*”+0+”*”. After that, apply the key tablet and press “#” twice. If the code “77395201” did not work, try this one: “5755660″.


There is no information on master codes for the Condor intercom.


There is very little information about how to open a KS intercom. The only code I could find:

"K" + "377" + pause + "698" + "K"

There is also information that sometimes the code works:

"K"+0000 "K"+9999

"K"+ 0000 + pause + 98 "K"+ 0903 + pause + 98 + pause + "K"

Unfortunately, they don't always work either.
Video: opening the intercom “KS”:


There is information on the Internet that it will not be possible to open the Techcom door so easily. In some cases, the following may work. You will definitely need a key for such an intercom. Press and hold three buttons “1”, “6” and “0”. After that, we release them one by one. We start with “0”, then “6” and “1”. A signal will sound. Here we enter the default pass - “4321”. If the password is correct, click on “Call”, then on “3” and again “Call”. We bring the key and the door will open. I haven’t tested this method myself, but I can’t vouch for it.


There is very little information on Impul-DS intercom models. Possible options:

"1234"+"C" "B"+"99911"+"B"

The first option almost never works, because... The code will definitely be changed when installing the device.

Golden eagle

The entrance intercom Berkut LS 2001 is the only model of this manufacturer on the market so far. It is a simple device based on an oscillating circuit, which is assembled with a resistor and capacitor. Universal codes

"key" + 123456 + "key" + 5150С "key" + 123456 + "key" + 206С "key" + 123456 + "key" + 6140С "key" + 123456 + "key" + 2589С

You can also try making your own master code. To do this, type the command: “key” + 23456 + “key” + “ХХХХ” the “F” icon will appear. Now click on “9” and “key”. Next, you can enter your 4 digits.


These devices have not been produced for a long time. Unfortunately, there is no information at all on how to open Leader-M.


At the time of writing, there is only one known master code for the Keyman intercom:


In some cases, input without the last eight is rolled. Video guide:


To open the Marshal intercom, you need to enter a number equal to the number of the last apartment in the entrance +1, and after that - “K” + “5555”. That is:

"Number+1" + "K" + "5555"

It works every other time.

Coral Intercom Service

The devices are extremely rare. There are only two known master keys for Coral Service:

123 + "beep" + "1234"


Kamsan (KamSan)

There is no universal master code for KamSan intercoms, namely the KS-2002 model. There is no information on their programming. What is known is that it will automatically go into programming mode if you attach an empty blank key to it.


In the entrances you can find two models of this manufacturer - COMMAXCDV-50A and COMMAX CDV-50AM. Their device is very complex and practically no one has been able to crack its security. The only code I could find was this:

"K"+"S" + "K"+"S" + "K"+"S" + "K" + "K"

Kocom (Intercoms Kak or Kokom)

There is no information on models from this manufacturer.


At the time of writing, there are no keys to open the Belsplat intercom.

Pierres (Pierce)

In the entrances there are models “Pirrs 1000 Micro”, “Modern” and “Lux”. Factory master code for all three types:

"12345678" "K"+"1234"

Also for the Pier 1000 Micro model the key may work:

"8310649" + "entrance number"

There is evidence that these models of audio intercoms allow you to enter your own code. This is done like this:
Enter the master code “12345678”. If it has not been changed, a beep will sound. Press the door open button, and without releasing it, press the number “5” on the keypad. The confirmation signal for entering the settings should sound again. Release the door open button. Now you need to enter your code - 987, for example. The main thing is that there should be no more than 8 digits. Moreover, the sequence of the first two digits should not coincide with the master code or the apartment number in the entrance. After finishing entering the code, click first on the “star” and twice on the “hash”. After this, the intercom can be opened with the code: "987"+"*".


In real life you can find only one intercom model - “Secret-999”. There are no codes for it. It is not hackable.


In fact, the Arcades intercom is a slightly modified KS model, which I already reviewed above. Accordingly, codes from KC should also be suitable for it.


There is no information on codes for the SmartEL brand intercom.


The default key is “951”, but there is almost no chance that it has not been changed. Hacking Kron audio intercoms is impossible, since nothing can be done without an individual master key.


There are no universal codes for these devices. The only thing you can do is try to enter the system menu and put your code. But to do this, you first need to learn the procedure for programming a new key, which is very labor-intensive. Well, then you will need to press and hold the “B” button until the inscription “SYS” appears. After this you need to enter a password. The default is "1234". If it doesn't fit, then you're out of luck. Did you come up? Great! Program the key according to the instructions and use it!

Attention! If you tried to use the code specified in the article for your intercom and it did not work, there is no need to write angry comments. I make no guarantees. What works in one entrance is not at all a guarantee that it will work in another. In addition, installers have recently become smarter and, having had enough of problems from young hackers, began to change passwords and master codes.

One of the devices most familiar to the average resident of apartment buildings is Metacom.

These identification locking devices offer a high degree of prevention of unauthorized access, are durable, and offer multi-level access (both with a key and using a personalized Metacom intercom opening code linked to the apartment).

Like other devices, there is a so-called factory, universal code for a particular Metacom intercom.

It depends on the model and firmware of the device and in some cases it can help you get into the entrance if the key is lost and the personalized combination is completely forgotten.

Features of Metakom intercoms

The Metacom company produces two main classes of devices, if you don’t go into details.

One of them is equipped with a display; its hacking is multivariate and highly dependent on the firmware.

The second class is displayless. A Metacom intercom model of this class will require you to enter data blindly, focusing only on sound signals.

Without exception, all Metakom products are designed for harsh operating conditions.

They operate at temperatures from -40 to +75, remain operational during icing, and provide for the installation of any magnetic lock, providing only effective control.

The number of available addressing (number of subscribers) can vary from 1 to 999, while everyone can receive personalized codes from the Metacom entrance.

Installation companies are required to indicate it in the service contract. Another feature of the devices of this company: the apartment code for the Metacom keyless intercom can be changed through the personal service menu.

Methods for opening a Metacom intercom without keys

The method provided by the manufacturer to unlock the door is to use the metacom access code specified for a specific subscriber.

This is a normal normal operation. If you can’t do it, you can try one of the combinations based on using the factory settings.

Pressing the “B” button to begin operations to open the Metacom intercom without a key

However, it is always worth remembering: all of the listed methods will not work if the engineer installing the device on the door has programmed and changed the universal standard metacom code.

All sets of numbers are entered using the call button - then simply B.

Codes on display

The method for opening a Metakom intercom has the largest number of options and sets of numbers when it comes to a model equipped with a display. These locking devices belong to the most modern class and are available in many modifications and firmware.

To hack a Metacom intercom, you should:

  1. press B and the subscriber number from which addressing begins at the entrance;
  2. After pressing B again, the display will show Cod after a short pause.

For other firmware the following combinations of actions are available:

  • dial 65535-В-1234-В-8;
  • use 1234-В-6-В-4568.

Here 1234 is the standard firmware password for the Metacom intercom, used in a huge number of models. If programming of a specific intercom by Metacom was carried out by an installing engineer, the combinations will not work.

For MK-20 M/T models there are additional, proprietary unlocking combinations. To open such a unique Metacom intercom without a key, you can try the following button combinations:

  1. press B-27-B-5702;
  2. use B-1-B-4526.

The last combination is intended not only to unlock the magnetic lock, but also to enter a new contact key into the registration database. If it is available (a universal standardized key for the Metakom intercom is also suitable) - after entering, the tablet must be leaned against the corresponding pad on the device. Both of the above sets of actions work not only on MK-20 M/T models, but also on a large number of versions of intercoms without a display.

Changing program settings

All types of access to regulatory functions are performed using a single password, also called a master code.

This is the already familiar factory combination 1234. You can try it, but if the installation was carried out by a responsible technician, this password will be changed.

You can find out the new master code from the company that equipped the door with a locking device and issued apartment keys for the installed Metacom intercom.

However, it often happens that the encoding simply has not changed.

The intercom has three types of regulation services:

  • official;
  • systemic;
  • custom.

In the first and second, changes are made to the single universal Metacom code, apartment bindings and other specific operations. The most interesting is the last of the listed services.

With its help, you can change almost everything that relates to a specific subscriber.

  1. To change the registration of electronic keys, enter the combination 65535-В-1234-В-В-apartment number. After this, a new tablet is applied to the contact pad and B-7 is pressed. This allows you to register a new tablet in the device’s memory, for example, to use one key for several entrances.
  2. Erasing data about all electronic keys associated with the subscriber - you need to press 655-В-1234-В-В-apartment number-В-7-0-111. This may be necessary since a limited amount of memory is allocated for each subscriber and sometimes it is necessary to clear it of old accounts.
  3. Installing a new individual unlock code requires that the homeowner agrees with this operation. To set the combination, press 65535-В-1234-В-В-apartment number-В-0-password-В.

Using the system maintenance menu, you can feel like an engineer programming the device and change the master password of the intercom.

To do this you will need to know its old value. To install a new one, dial 65535-В-1234-В-9-3 on the panel. After this, you need to dial a new set of numbers and press the enter key to confirm.

There are methods for resetting, erasing a specific key from memory, changing addressing, and other rarely used operations.

Once again, it is worth noting: in the given character-alphabetic sets, 1234 is the factory master password, which the installing engineer is recommended to change without fail.


In order not to be nervous and not to search for information on how to open a Metacom intercom at your own entrance, you just need to have some accuracy.

It is good form, if your contact key is lost, to order. It can later be linked to a specific apartment by changing the settings of the locking device.

The company that installed the intercom knows how to open a specific Metacom entrance. Therefore, in a critical situation, you can try to find out the master passwords and get specific hacking data simply by calling.

However, the best tactic is to be careful about your own keys, do not lose them and know the individual emergency unlock code for the apartment.

Video: How to open Metacom. Metakom intercom. Metacom code