How to drain a flooded area. Draining a summer cottage with your own hands. Surface drainage of a summer cottage

How to drain a flooded area.  Draining a summer cottage with your own hands.  Surface drainage of a summer cottage
How to drain a flooded area. Draining a summer cottage with your own hands. Surface drainage of a summer cottage

You may think that the more moisture in the ground, the better the plants will develop, however, in reality this is not entirely true. Of course, there are many plants that thrive in a humid environment. These include nettle, sedge, currant, birch, weeping willow and others. But most crops do not tolerate overly moist soil. This is due to the fact that wet soil becomes very compact, as a result of which plants lose access to air, this depresses root system and gradually leads to the death of plantings. Wet soil also has a negative impact on buildings, shortening the service life of the foundation. Therefore, if you inherited a dacha with wet soil, then you should think about how to drain the area of ​​water with your own hands. This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

A summer cottage can be drained in several ways. But before choosing one of the options, it is important to consider some nuances, including the following:

  • Soil water permeability.
  • Dimensions and shape of the pit.
  • How many meters should the groundwater level be lowered?
  • How long does it take to drain the area?
  • The presence of buildings and structures on the site that is subject to drainage.
  • Direction of groundwater.

The simplest tap groundwater– organization of surface drainage. In this design, water will flow through the slopes and bottom of the pit into special ditches, and then into pits. From the latter, water will be pumped out. On fine-grained soils, drainage ditches are filled with gravel and sand.

Note! To get rid of groundwater, you don't have to use pipes. To do this, you can dig ditches and fill them with filter material, such as coarse sand and crushed stone. Backfilling is done in layers. You will also need peat, which will protect the filter materials from contamination.

If you decide to organize drainage using pipes, then you need to purchase polymer products with perforated surface. In this case, the pipes should be laid below the freezing level of the soil. Perforation is necessary to collect water.

Wellpoint filter systems are used to lower the groundwater level to a depth of 3–5 m. The peculiarity of such systems is the pipes, at the ends of which wellpoints are installed. They are connected to a vacuum manifold and pump. If you need to drain the area to a greater depth, you can install such a system in several tiers.

Wellpoint installations may also contain ejector water lifts. In this case, the ejectors are driven by a stream of water pumped by the collector. Thus, even a swampy area can be drained, lowering the water level by 20 m.

Pits and ditches as a drainage option

An option for draining the site is to install main pits and ditches. To drain a site using pits, you need to dig them at the lowest points of the site. The depth of each pit should be 80–100 cm, the width on the surface should be 2 m, and at the bottom – 0.5 m. The entire excess water will gather in these pits. The system is actually very simple but effective.

Ditches are dug with a depth and width of 40 cm. The walls in the ditches should be beveled by approximately 25⁰. Main disadvantage Such a system results in gradual crumbling of the walls, as well as clogging with small debris and germination of aquatic plants.


Note! The walls can be reinforced with boards or concrete slabs. Some craftsmen install a metal or concrete pallet at the bottom of the ditch.

In any case, you will have to clear the ditch of plants from time to time. This can be done with a regular shovel. The drainage basin is usually a ditch dug along the road. This type of drainage is not the best, but it is cheap.

The most modern and effective option drainage of the site - installation of a closed drainage system. To install it, trenches are dug in a straight line or in a “herringbone pattern”, into which pipes with special perforations are inserted to collect water. To prevent pipes from clogging, they are wrapped with geotextiles. The system also provides a water collector, which serves as a well. The collected water is then pumped out from it by sewer trucks. It can also be used to water the garden during the hot season. This system is combined with drains for drainage installed at the base of the house.

To combat excess water, moisture-loving trees are often planted on the site. These include maple, willow, and birch. They are different varieties and forms, therefore, using your imagination, you can combine business with pleasure by planting trees that drain the soil and decorating the garden.

Note! Another good option for draining the area is to plant a hedge of rose hips, bladderwrack, and hawthorn.

They don't grow well in overly wet soil. fruit trees. Therefore, when purchasing them, you should give preference to varieties that have a superficial root system. Plant them on mounds about 0.5 m high.

Note! It is also worth considering that wet soil becomes acidic, so after draining it should be limed. Thus, soil fertility will improve.

So, having drained the area, you can grow any crops on it. In addition, this way you will protect the buildings on it from premature destruction. If you have questions on this topic, then ask our expert. You can express your personal opinion on the topic or supplement the information presented by writing a comment on the article.


In the video provided, you can learn more about the intricacies of the land drainage process summer cottage:

Closely adjacent groundwater and or the location of the site in a lowland can poison the lives of its owners. First of all, excessive moisture harms plants. They are susceptible to diseases and insect attacks. The acidity of the soil also increases, and water destroys the foundation of any buildings. Let's figure out how difficult it is to drain a plot of land in a dacha, and what methods you can do it yourself.

All methods of site drainage

First, let's look at all the methods for solving the problem of excessive moisture in the area:

Dehumidification can be carried out under one of the proposed scenarios. It is best to equip a drainage system on your site. If you agree that the dacha should be shady, then you can plant trees. Fighting excess moisture with plants is also suitable for large area dachas

The most simple system consists of a drain and a receiving network. It is permissible to use an artificial reservoir or well as a water intake, from which you will take liquid for watering the garden. A pond can perform two functions - to collect excess moisture and become a decoration for the site.

Materials you will need to have:

  • tees;
  • corrugated pipes;
  • couplings;
  • plugs;
  • geotextiles;
  • corners;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • crushed stone

The amount of materials is calculated based on the size of the site and the project future system. It is important to consider the correct slope and location for the catch basin. After you have developed the project and prepared the materials, you can begin installation:

  1. Dig trenches. Their width and depth depend on the size of the pipes, usually from 30 to 70 centimeters. Compact the bottom well and place clay on it. A layer of geotextile can be laid on top.
  2. Pour sand onto the clay layer and lay the pipes at a slope of 2-3 degrees. The slope is necessary so that when snow melts or rains, the water drains quickly. It should be directed towards the water collector. Lay pipes along the entire length of the trench, connect them together using couplings, angles and tees.
  3. Then you need to make a catch basin. It must be thoroughly waterproofed. Clay and geotextiles will help you here. It would be good if you provide several compartments to periodically pump liquid out of the resulting well.
  4. The pipe system must be covered with sand, crushed stone and earth. Compact the soil thoroughly.

The proposed version of the drainage system is best built before the construction of the house. Otherwise, lay the pipes 5-10 centimeters below the depth of the foundation. The instructions in the photo can help you in constructing the drainage.

What plants can drain the area?

If you do not want to carry out large-scale construction works, then the easiest way to combat excess moisture is to plant plants with a fibrous root system. These could be trees:

  • birch;
  • maple;

Or fences made of bushes:

  • spirea;
  • hawthorn;
  • rose hip;
  • irga;
  • vesicular carp.

Plants with a taproot system are not suitable for draining the site - they simply cannot grow in waterlogged soil. Their taproot will disappear. To get rid of excess moisture Coniferous plants, such as spruce, are also suitable. Many summer residents do not use them, since spruce trees are not very decorative. Fruit trees are not recommended to be planted in excessive wet soil. If you cannot do without them, then make an artificial elevation so that the roots are not in the water. Trees will not bear fruit if the humidity is high.

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If the purchased country plot is located on a peat bog, its owners will have to carry out a number of works to improve the soil on it. The land in such places, unfortunately, is too suitable for cultivation various kinds agricultural crops cannot be counted. The soil in peatlands contains very little oxygen, which replaces methane. Also, such areas in spring and autumn turn into a real swamp due to flooding. How to drain peat land if necessary - we’ll talk about this later in the article.

Ways to improve

In some cases, the problem of swampy land can be solved very in a simple way- by adding a certain amount of soil brought from outside. But this technique, of course, can only be used when water is collected on the site due to the fact that it is located in a lowland and has relatively small sizes. In all other cases, water must be drained from the allotment.

The answer to the question of how to drain an area is in this case two technologies can become:


    with pipe laying.

The first method is considered the simplest. It will be absolutely easy to do open drainage in a wetland with your own hands. But by using pipes, you can create a more efficient drainage system.

Drainage using ditches

This method is a good answer to the question of how to drain a swamp on a peat bog. The advantage of this method, among other things, is that when using it, owners will not have to spend a penny on draining water from the site. For drainage in this case, along the edge of the plot on the side that is located below the others, a ditch about 50 cm wide and at least 1 m deep is dug.

If there is a slightly higher, also marshy neighboring area nearby, a trench should be made on the border with it. This will block access to water from someone else's plot.

Subsequently, during the implementation of various types of channels on the site, it will be necessary to fill with all kinds of construction and garden waste. These could be, for example, stones, broken brick, weeds, etc.

Advantages of using pipes

Open way drainage of water through ditches is simple and inexpensive. However, this technique is used only in areas that are not very wet. In all other cases, it is advisable to equip the plots with full-fledged drainage systems using perforated pipes.

The answer to the question of how to drain a swamp in a garden, this technology in most cases is simply ideal. The advantages of such outlet networks, among other things, include:

    more uniform and rapid regulation of water balance in the soil;

    possibility of covering absolutely the entire area of ​​the site.

When using this method, the hoses pass underground. Thanks to this, it does not decrease effective area plot. Beds when growing garden crops in such an area it will be possible to do it even right above the pipes.

How to set up a closed system

In this case, ditches are also first dug on the site to drain water. In this case, the main trench is located around the perimeter of the plot. Next, ditches are dug across the area of ​​the site.

When using this drainage method, a waterproofing agent is placed at the bottom of dug trenches - a thick film or roofing felt. Next, pour a layer of medium-sized crushed stone or pebbles into the ditches. Lay on top perforated pipes. To prevent the holes of such drainage lines from becoming clogged in the future, they are pre-wrapped with geotextiles.

Connect pipes at the points of convergence or intersection of ditches using tees or elbow fittings. Networks must be installed above these elements inspection wells made of plastic or concrete. If there are such additions in the system, in the future it will be very easy to remove blockages that appear in the lines and clean them from accumulated sludge.

What you need to know

Of course, in order for the water to subsequently leave the area through the pipes by gravity, they must be laid at a slope. Otherwise, it will not be possible to drain the plot. Unfortunately, it is impossible to install drainage network lines at too great a slope. In this case, the pipes will subsequently silt very quickly. It is also not worth making the slope of the drainage channels very small. Otherwise, the system will subsequently work ineffectively.

In most cases, pipes when arranging garden drainage networks are laid at an angle of 0.5 to 3 cm per linear meter. There is no need to deviate from these parameters up or down.

Reception well

Thus, we found out how to drain the area using pipes. But where can you put the excess water itself? You can drain it from the site, if it is located on the outskirts, simply beyond its aisles - into some ravine, stream or pond. But if there are neighboring plots next to the wet garden, a special well will have to be installed to receive wastewater. If desired, such a container can be built in a remote area. After all, the water collected during drainage can subsequently be used to water the same beds.

Reception wells are installed at the lowest point of a suburban area using the following technology:

    a hole is dug in the ground into which the main drainage trench is inserted;

    The bottom and walls of the pit are concreted with a layer of 5-10 cm.

Of course, when pouring concrete structures of a well, holes should be provided for installing pipes.

Instead of concrete structure, when arranging a drainage system, you can also use plastic. It will be easy to purchase such a container from companies specializing in the supply of equipment for drainage systems.

Reception pond

In most cases, owners of vegetable gardens on peat bogs build, of course, a well for water drainage. But instead, if you wish, you can make an artificial pond on the site - it’s beautiful decorative pond. In this case, a pit is also first dug in the ground, but wider.

The bottom and walls of the pit for arrangement on the site of an artificial reservoir are thoroughly cleaned of roots and stones. Next, the pit is lined with durable waterproofing material- preferably thick film. Through holes in the film, they are discharged into the pond. drainage pipes. You can disguise them at the bottom, for example, beautiful stones or some aquatic plants. In summer, it will be possible to release unpretentious fish from the aquarium into this reservoir. Spectacular marsh plants are usually planted around the pond.

Main difficulty

In principle, as you might have noticed, the answer to the question of how to drain an area of ​​water with your own hands is quite simple. Most challenging task in this case, most likely, they will become physically difficult excavation. After all, there are actually a lot of ditches that will have to be dug on the site. However, in order for such a system to work as efficiently as possible, trenches on the site, of course, should first of all be in the right places.

It is best, of course, to entrust the project of arranging the drainage system of a swampy plot to a specialist. A professional will be able to take into account all the nuances of the relief of a given area. However, drainage system projects are at suburban areas, unfortunately, quite expensive. If you don’t have the money to order a pipe laying plan, you can try to develop it yourself. To find out where the best place to dig drainage trenches is, you will have to wait until the first heavy rain. By observing the flows flowing along the ground, it will be possible to quite accurately determine the optimal location of the trenches.

How to drain a swamp: using moisture-loving plants

Of course, in most cases, draining a wetland can only be done in drastic ways - by constructing ditches or laying pipes. But as additional measure In such a garden it is also worth planting plants that draw a lot of water from the ground. These could be, for example, willows, birches or maples. Such trees, since they have a significant height, are, of course, usually planted with north side put it on. Otherwise, in the future they will block the plantings, which, in turn, can easily lead to a decrease in the yield of garden and vegetable crops.

The high groundwater level in the area can also be reduced with the help of shrubs. For example, hawthorn, rosehip, bladderwort, and shadberry can take a lot of water from the soil. Such plants can be planted around the perimeter of the site to create a hedge.

Methane in soil

Of course, after drying open drainage or by laying pipes, the soil on the site will in any case become more suitable in composition for growing vegetable gardens and garden crops. But in order to further improve its quality, site owners will have to:

    sprinkle a thin layer of a mixture of clay and sand over the area;

    carefully dig up the plot using a shovel or, preferably, a motor cultivator.

Of course, a very good solution would be to scatter manure mixed with sawdust around the site before digging, in addition to clay and sand. This will not only improve the structure of the soil, but also make it more fertile and nutritious. Various types of soil application mineral fertilizers will also make it more suitable for growing garden and garden plants.

Pros of peat bogs

So, we found out how to drain a plot of water with our own hands and improve the soil on it. Such an allotment can, of course, cause a lot of trouble for its owner. However, peat bogs, in comparison with other types of soil, also have their advantages. For example, in such areas, plants usually tolerate winters much better. The soil on the peat bogs freezes slowly, thin layers. At the same time, the soil on such plots never freezes too deeply. So on such a plot after draining it, you can plant, for example, heat-loving roses, apricots, etc.

The most effective results How to drain an area with your own hands can only be achieved if you have a good street ditch, at least 1 m deep, which will guarantee a spillway. Even on flat terrain, it can significantly suppress the pressure of groundwater and reduce its level.

Before draining the area yourself, you should assess the situation. For example, if the terrain has a pronounced slope towards the street or towards the site, ditches should be dug for water drainage, which will hold the flow and at the same time direct it in the right direction. If the slope is directed towards the street, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a transverse ditch before the blind area of ​​the house, which will delay the drainage. In addition to it, a longitudinal ditch is dug to conduct water to the street ditch.

If the plot has a slope in the other direction (from the street), then a transverse ditch should be organized along the front side of the fence, a longitudinal one - to the garden. In this case, it is imperative to take into account that the beds must be laid across the slope, otherwise nutrients will be washed out of the soil.

Before draining the area by organizing drainage ditches, you need to remember that such measures only help with heavy precipitation and melting snow.

When producing (if it is level), you should provide a ditch along the fence 2-3 m long, 0.5 m wide and at least 1 m deep. Low-lying areas are filled with the resulting soil. During the season, construction waste is piled into the ditch as densely as possible, cans, broken glass and other poorly disposed waste. When the pit is filled to the bottom level fertile soil, another similar ditch is dug. The soil raised from the new ditch is used to fill the remaining part of the first ditch and to fill the lowlands. This creates a drainage system around the perimeter of the site.

It is not difficult to answer the question of how to drain an area with your own hands if it is flat and does not have sufficient drainage into a street ditch - it is difficult to do. To ensure this, it is necessary to organize a drainage system with a slope of 2-3%. It should consist of separate drainages, which are asbestos-cement or pottery pipes (diameter 10-15 cm) and a maximum length of 20 meters.

To lay pipes, a trench with a maximum depth of 1 meter is dug with a slope towards the catchment area. It is better to place crumpled clay on the bottom and, compacting it, form a tray. If pottery pipes are used, a gap of 15 mm is left between them; if asbestos-cement pipes, cuts are made on top 1 cm wide and a third of the diameter in depth, the distance between them is 10-15 cm. The pipes are filled with coarse crushed stone (20-30 cm deep). height) and soil that is removed from the trench.

Let's look at how to drain an area with your own hands if it is not possible to ensure the availability of the necessary pipes. You can use other materials, for example, bricks, from which a tray with a cross-section of 12 x 12 cm is laid, or even bundles of brushwood without leaves. The main thing here is to know basic information about how to drain a plot in your country house. After this, making a drainage system will be easy.

It should also be noted that if the area is very waterlogged, then to drain it they use a system supplemented by a well for collecting water, into which an automatic vibration pump is lowered, ensuring operation in standby mode and eliminating its frequent shutdown.

In our country there are many different climatic zones, some are warm and dry, others are cool and damp. But in each region there are territories or relatively small areas who constantly suffer from excess water. Not everyone will like constant puddles or mud in a country house or near a private house. But excess water is also a threat to the integrity of buildings.

We carry out excavation work

If rain or melt water accumulates on your site, there may be different explanations for this. Most often this happens:

  • Due to the uneven terrain. If there is a depression in the area, then water will always accumulate there; it simply will have nowhere to flow. This also happens when a dacha or private house is located at the foot of a hill. It will be quite difficult and time-consuming to drain such a swampy area.
  • If the soil does not drain water well. Clay soil becomes a barrier to moisture. After rain, water does not seep into the depths, but remains on the surface.

To get rid of water, they most often resort to rather labor-intensive methods that involve large-scale excavation work. First of all we're talking about about the arrangement of the drainage system. This method is used most often.

Drainage can be accomplished using a simple surface drainage system. It is enough to dig a trench around the entire perimeter. This method will help cope with the task if the site is located on a slope and has a relatively flat surface.

Note! If you need to get rid of groundwater, then you need to build large-scale deep drainage. Its arrangement will take you longer and require additional costs.

With this system, trenches are dug around the site into which drainage pipes are laid. The drains themselves cost money, and in addition you will need other materials. For example, to create a filter layer you need to purchase crushed stone. You also need to purchase various fittings, geotextiles, plastic inspection and drainage wells, as well as much more.

If the swampiness is caused by uneven terrain, this situation can be corrected. It is enough to hire several dump trucks and start some land. This method is especially suitable if your site is located in a lowland.

But even flat areas can also become waterlogged. In this case, the fault is the incorrect slope or its complete absence. The import of land will also help correct this situation. But here it is important to correctly level the area so that the slope is in the right direction. It is better to entrust such work to professionals with a set of the right tools and devices.

Of course, this method will require costs and physical effort from you. But there are also advantages here. Firstly, on a flat area it is easier to plan the location of all buildings and plantings. Secondly, fertile black soil can be imported. But everyone knows that the better the quality of the soil, the better vegetables, herbs and other plants will grow. This means that by bringing in black soil, you will provide yourself with a rich harvest for several years to come.

Drying with plants

Another method was invented by nature itself. There are a number of plants that help “dry” the soil around them.

It is very important to choose the right plant. The fact is that some of them have a taproot system. These plants have roots that go deep into the ground. And since the water is located close to the surface, they will not have enough air. This circumstance, combined with high humidity will quickly turn trees and shrubs into rot.

The following types of plants should be planted:

Moisture-loving trees. These include willow, birch, and maple. There is a wide variety of forms and varieties of these good for everyone famous trees. Many of them can become a real decoration of your site.

Spruce. This coniferous plant has a shallow root system. This feature allows spruce to tolerate swampy conditions quite easily. But many experts advise, in order not to risk it, to land on a small artificially created hill. Just pour a pile of soil, compact it and plant a spruce in the middle.

If the swamp is small, then you can protect yourself from water using hedge. Plant shrubs such as rosehip, hawthorn, serviceberry or spirea around the perimeter of the site. Such a fence will decorate your site and will save on the construction of a fence.

If you wish, you can land poplar or alder. Such trees are easily tolerated a large number of water. But poplar and alder do not have a very beautiful appearance.

Note! Many people are allergic to poplar fluff.

There is little hope for fruit trees. Most of them do not tolerate waterlogging well. If you still decide to plant fruit trees and shrubs and, it is better to choose varieties with a root system that is located closer to the surface. In addition, it is advisable to plant fruit trees on a small embankment.

If we are talking about shrubs, then it is best suited black currant. Of course, if there is too much water, it won’t hold up either. Experts also recommend planting some varieties of plums. The damson plum feels especially good in “wet” areas. This unpretentious plant able to survive even in the most difficult conditions. The only drawback is the fruits, which not everyone likes.

You can plant some flower plants, perennials are especially suitable for these purposes. For example, having laid out a flower garden consisting of perennial asters on the site, aquilegia, marsh iris and a number of other florals, you can slightly reduce the amount of water.

Video: how to drain the site and foundation

Watch the video about drainage system from old tires: