How to clear Internet Explorer browser history. How to clear browsing history, cache and cookies in Internet Explorer. Delete browsing history

How to clear Internet Explorer browser history.  How to clear browsing history, cache and cookies in Internet Explorer.  Delete browsing history
How to clear Internet Explorer browser history. How to clear browsing history, cache and cookies in Internet Explorer. Delete browsing history

Internet Explorer. This article will present several methods to perform this operation. Plus, I will make a small explanation for those who do not know why they should wash it. So, below you will learn how to delete history in Internet Explorer.


Before we look at the instructions, let's discuss the basics. Let's start with defining the cache and browsing history. The cache is each web browser's private storage. It contains information received from sites while pages are loading. This can be pictures, video files, audio recordings and other similar content. After a file arrives in such a storage, the browser does not have to download the element from the web server anew each time; it can access it through the cache. Thus, consumed traffic is saved and the loading speed of Internet portals increases. Another useful browser feature is saving viewed pages. Today, any modern Internet browser has this capability. This helps you find a site that was viewed today, yesterday, or even last month. Or, for example, through your browsing history you can monitor which portals other people use.


You probably already realized that the cache and browsing history are quite useful features of the Internet Explorer browser. But under certain circumstances, these two elements can cause harm to the program and the entire operating system in general. Namely, when they begin to overfill their storage. There are too many such temporary files, and the browser has to spend more time searching for the desired element. And this, in turn, increases the delay in loading web pages and program response. In this case, most files from temporary storage will never be needed again. Therefore they need to be removed. Next, you will learn how to delete history in Internet Explorer.


All examples will be produced in the new version of the program. But, as a rule, the instructions are also suitable for older browsers. in IE occurs along with deleting your browsing history.

  • Open
  • Click on the gear icon located in the right corner.
  • Find the “security” tab, where you need to select “Delete browsing history”.
  • Check the following boxes: Temporary Internet files and Log. Click "Delete".
  • You can skip the 2nd and 3rd steps if you use the hotkeys - Ctrl + Shift + Del.

Additional funds

Previously, you learned how to delete history in Internet Explorer using standard tools. But there are special programs designed to delete temporary files. They most often have advanced functionality that allows you to fine-tune the browser. Plus, they can delete history and cache in several programs at once. An example of such utilities is CCleaner. This application is freely available. has a friendly attitude for beginners. Therefore, each user can quickly understand the basic functions. Here you can view the amount of memory occupied by temporary storage. After all, if several browsers are used at once, the total cache can reach or exceed 1 gigabyte.

The option to save your website history in the Internet Explorer browser can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, this is a very useful function: I forgot to add an interesting Internet resource to my bookmarks, opened a magazine, found the address and complete order. But on the other hand, storing this data increases the risk of violating the confidentiality of personal information.

For example, another user sat down at a PC, let’s say, a very curious one, looked into the history, and already knows what sites the owner visits and what he downloads. In some cases, such an intrusion into the private settings area can cause great harm. In addition, web resources really like to “read” the list of visited sites. In this way they collect information about the visitor's preferences. This excessive interest is also not always safe and harmless, as it might seem at first glance.

But fortunately, the history of browsing web resources in Explorer can be neutralized at any time. And without a trace. The execution of this procedure is slightly different depending on the browser version. Let's take a closer look at the settings of IE8 and IE11 (the new brainchild of Microsoft).

Internet Explorer 8

For convenience, enable the display of the menu bar at the top of the browser: Tools → Panels → Favorites Bar.

1. Open the “View” section of the main menu, hover over “Browser Panels” and select “Journal”.

Advice! To quickly open the magazine, press the key combination “CTRL+SHIFT+H”.

2. After activating the setting, a vertical panel will appear on the left side of the browser window. Click on the “Journal” tab.

3. Select from the list the time period for which you want to delete the history (“today”, “2 weeks”, etc.)

4. Right-click on the date and select “Delete” from the context menu.

Advice! The contents of the magazine open by clicking with the left mouse button.

To quickly find website addresses, you can sort Internet Explorer history by certain criteria:

  • click the arrow next to “View by date”;
  • Select a sorting option from the drop-down menu (by node, by attendance, by order).

If selective deletion is not required, you can perform a quick cleanup:

1. In the main menu (horizontally located options at the top of the window), open “Tools” and click “Delete log...” (for quick access, use the combination “Ctrl+Shift+Del”).

2. In the “Deleting History...” window, check the box next to the “Journal” element and click the “Delete” button.

Advice! To completely clear IE, enable all items except the “Keep favorites data...” add-on.

Internet Explorer 11

Quick log neutralization in the latest version of Explorer is performed as follows.

Read the article on how to clear history in Internet Explorer 8 and 11.

The option to save the history of visiting sites on the Internet is a useful feature.

  • But on the other hand, the history log can be viewed by any user who has access to your computer or laptop.
  • It will be able to track which sites you visit and what you download.
  • In this way, information about your preferences can be collected. Such interest is not always harmless.
  • Therefore, your browsing history needs to be cleared from time to time. In this article we will look at how to do this in Internet Explorer.

Let's look at how to clear history in the new Internet Explorer 11 browser. So, where is this browsing history and how do you delete your browsing history? Follow these instructions:

Open your browser as usual and click on the icon "gears". A tab will open in which you need to click on "Safety". Then on the second tab, on the very first line, it will say "Delete browsing history"- click on this active link.

Now check the boxes next to the files that you need to delete, and also be sure to check the link "Magazine". Click "Delete".

If you need to quickly clear your browsing history, then click the icon "stars". Then click "Magazine", mark for what period you need to remove information, and click on "Delete".

If you have a later version of the browser, it will take a little longer to delete history. For example, to delete visits in Internet Explorer 8, do the following:

Click tab "Service" in the upper right corner of the browser. After that, select from the drop-down menu "Panels" And "Favorites Bar".

Then click on "Magazine" and select the period for which you want to remove history. Then click on "Delete".

To quickly find a site address if you want to delete it separately, sort by specific criteria:

Now you know what you need to do to completely or partially clear your browsing history in Internet Explorer 8 and 11. Watch the video on how to clear the cache to make the browser work faster.

Video: How to clear the cache in Internet Explorer?

We continue to consider the use, settings and clearing of browsing history in popular modern browsers. In this article we will talk about using the log in Internet Explorer browser. In other parts of the article, read about browsing history in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

How to open and view history in Internet Explorer

Traditionally, the first question is how to open and view the visit log.

As usual, there are several ways to do this.

1 way. You can open the history log using hotkeys: Ctrl+Shift+H .

Method 2 - through the menu. On the menu bar in the upper left corner, click .

3 way. In the browser command line, click Tools - Browser Panels - Journal .

Note. If you do not see the menu bar and command line, you should right-click at the top of the browser and check the boxes Menu bar And Command line .

1 way. On the menu bar in the upper left corner, click View - Browser Panels - Journal .

Method 2. In the browser command line, click Tools - Explorer Panels - Journal .

3 way. On the favorites panel, click Favorites, then go to the tab Magazine .

Note. If you don't see the menu bar, command line, or favorites bar, you can right-click at the top of the browser and select Menu bar , Command line or Favorites panel .

Or open the magazine using the combination hotkeys: Ctrl+Shift+H .

Any of the above methods will open the following window on the left side of the browser.

Searching and sorting history in Internet Explorer

By default, the browsing history is sorted by date (more precisely, by visiting periods: day, week, month). To view which sites have been visited today, click on today accordingly and open the list. To view the pages visited, click on the desired site.

The visit log can be sorted not only by date, but also by site (by node in Internet Explorer 8), by traffic and by order of visits.

To go to search by browsing history choose Search log (Log search in Internet Explorer 8). Here in the search field you can enter either elements of the site address or name (in both Russian and English).

Deleting the browsing history (history) in Internet Explorer, complete and partial

Note 2. As usual, I remind you that if you use private mode (InPrivat in Internet Explorer), then clear history then there will be no need.

How to restore your last session

There are also several ways to restore your last session in Internet Explorer.

1. Open a new tab and click Reopen last session . To open one of the recently closed tabs, press Reopen closed tabs and select the one you need from the list.

2. On the menu bar, click .

3. On the command line, click Service - Reopening the last browsing session .

That's all there is to it working with the browsing log (history) in the Internet Explorer browser. Good luck!

Despite the low popularity of the standard browser from Microsoft, it has a permanent audience. Users get used to the features of a particular product: appearance, functionality, settings. But to fully work with the program, you need to know all the basic tools. Therefore, let's look at how to view and clear history in Internet Explorer.

How to view history?

If there are suspicions that someone has used your computer without permission, or that a tab with important information was simply closed some time ago, the visit log comes to the rescue.

To open it you need:

Clearing history

To maintain confidentiality or simply to free up disk space, your browsing history should be cleared regularly.

Using IE

There's nothing complicated about it. Follow these steps:

Attention! When clearing passwords, all login data stored in the browser for sites will be deleted! Make sure you don't lose important information.

Using CCleaner

The simplest and most effective method, which will allow you to not only clear the history in Internet Explorer in one fell swoop, but will also be able to repeat a similar manipulation for other browsers. In addition, the application cleans Windows of system junk, which will free up hard drive memory and increase computer performance.

To do this you need:

Also in CCleaner you can clear the browsing history of other browsers. For this:

Now you know how to clear history in Internet Explorer. Be careful: once log entries are deleted, they cannot be restored.