What is the name of the orange tree flower? What is an orange? In the perfume industry

What is the name of the orange tree flower?  What is an orange?  In the perfume industry
What is the name of the orange tree flower? What is an orange? In the perfume industry

Photo: Orange (Citrus aurantium)

Description orange

Orange (lat. - Citrus aurantium), other names - chinotto, bigaradia - is evergreen woody plant, one of the subspecies of the Citrus genus of the Rutaceae family.

The tree grows up to 2 - 10 meters. The branches have long, thin and sharp spines. The leaves of the plant are alternate, petiolate, with a leathery, shiny surface. The top of the leaf is green above, light green below. When held up to the light, containers of essential oils are visible. The leaf petioles are broad-winged, rapidly tapering towards the wingless base.

The flowers are relatively large, reaching 2–3 cm in diameter, with a fragrant scent. They grow singly or in small, axillary inflorescences of 2–4 flowers. The calyx has 4-5 teeth, drooping on the outside. The corolla consists of 4 - 8 white, narrow and oblong petals. They also contain essential oil. The flower contains many stamens fused together in a column with a capitate stigma.

The fruit (“orange”) has a berry-like shape, and is also slightly flattened. The diameter of the fruit sometimes reaches 7 cm. The peel is thick, its surface is unevenly lumpy, bright orange color, easily separates from the pulp. The peel also contains essential oils. The inner pulp is divided into 10 - 12 cloves, the taste is sour with bitterness. The seeds of the plant are light yellow in color, have a flattened wedge-shaped shape, and are covered with grooves. The dark green ovary germinates on the 3rd day of flowering. Flowering time is April - May, fruit ripening is November - January.

Distribution of the bitter orange plant

It has not been found in the wild and is unknown to science. Place of origin - southeast of the Asian continent. It grows and is bred in the Mediterranean countries, the Caucasus Mountains, as well as in Latin America (mainly Paraguay) and on certain islands of the West Indies. The normal temperature range for a plant is a temperature of +5C? up to +45C?. This makes it possible to take it to open air already in the month of May.

Composition and use of bitter orange

Orange fruits contain carbohydrates, various organic acids and glycosides, which are classified as substances with P-vitamin activity. Branches, leaves, young shoots and unripe fruits contain an essential oil called petitgrain orange oil. The smell of oil extracted from the peel of orange fruit is reminiscent of lemon oil, and its composition and properties are similar to orange oil.

The essential oil made from the flowers of the plant, called neroli oil, has a very pleasant smell. Limonene, esters linalool and geraniol and anthranilic acid methyl ester, which are part of it, give the oil a subtle aroma.

The composition of the essential oil obtained from the peel of ripened fruits, that is, orange oil, includes myrcene, camphene, limonene and other substances. To obtain essential oil from fresh flowers and unripe fruits, a steam distillation method or an enfleurage method is used, that is, extraction of essential oils using fatty oils.

All parts of the plant are used for various purposes. Thus, the crushed peel of the fruit is used to prepare a tincture, which is used to increase appetite, or as a component of other medications.

“Orange nuts”, the so-called unripe fruits of the plant, which tend to fall off spontaneously, serve as raw materials for the production of essential oil, widely used in the production of alcoholic beverages. Orange fruits are also used in medicine. And essential oils made from the leaves and flowers of the plant (neroli and petitgrain) are used in Food Industry in the production of marmalade, soft drinks, candied crusts, as well as in the perfume industry to create flower arrangements aromas, etc.

A picture that picturesquely depicts orange tree, used to create the coat of arms of the city of Lomonosov, which is a suburb of St. Petersburg. It is interesting that until 1948 the city was called Oranienbaum, in German - Oranienbaum, which translated sounds like “orange tree”.

Orange is not a familiar fruit for us, although there are synonyms for the name: Bigaradia and Chinotto. For a person who has never encountered this fruit, it can be described as a mixture of unripe tangerine and lemon, a kind of bitter orange, which in appearance and smell is very reminiscent of it. This fruit is very useful, it is actively used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases. In the homeland of the orange, it is loved and respected no less than other citrus fruits.

Description and places where orange blossom grows

Pomeranian, what is it? This is a citrus fruit, a cross between a pomelo and a tangerine. Spreading, evergreen tree, an average height of 3 m (rarely the height can reach 10 m) is a tree whose branches grow long and thin spines. The leaves are elliptical in shape, alternate in nature, petiolate, shiny and leathery, localization of essential oils is clearly visible on the surface. The leaves have an unusual color, their top is bright green, and the bottom is pastel, but also green. Orange blossoms bloom in May, less often in April; the flowers are large, about 3 cm in diameter. pleasant aroma. These very fragrant flowers can be located on the branches either singly or in inflorescences of 3-6 pieces. Even marmalade is made from the essential oil obtained from orange flowers.

And the bitter orange itself is the fruit of this tree. This fruit round shape, slightly flattened, like, and an inexperienced person can easily confuse these two citrus fruits. The similarity is not only in shape, the peel of this fruit is very uneven, hilly and thick, and is very easy to peel. The color of the fruit is bright orange and the average size about 6 cm in diameter. This is exactly what some varieties of tangerine look like. But there is a significant difference: orange has a noticeably stronger aroma, and this is due to the high content of essential oils. The fruit tastes sour and slightly bitter, like all citrus fruits; the pulp is divided into slices.

The bitter orange grows in Southeast Asia, and India is considered its homeland. Today, oranges are bred not only there, but also in the Mediterranean region and even in the Caucasus. This plant is like some species lemon trees, can be grown at home. At home, the orange will not be taller than one meter. The plant can withstand temperatures from +6⁰С to +46⁰С, so in summer the pot can be taken outside without fear. The fruit is not cultivated in Russia, but in the south of the country it is often grown at home, in pots.

Composition and medicinal properties of bitter orange

For a person who has not tried this fruit and after studying its taste, the question may quite reasonably arise: why eat bitter orange? Everything is very simple, the orange fruit is loved and respected for its benefits to the human body.

The composition of this fruit is unique in its vitamins and minerals: glycosides, organic acids, carbohydrates, essential oils (found in leaves, flowers and young shoots). The oil contains dipentene, camphene, l-linalool, limonene, geraniol, etc.

Energy value of orange per 100 g: 53 kcal, nutritional value:

  • proteins – 081 g,
  • fats – 0.31 g,
  • carbohydrates – 11.54 g.

Medicinal properties:

  • The fruit is an assistant in the fight against insomnia and nervous disorders. Helps with panic attacks, their consequence in the form of tachycardia, as well as depression and stress.
  • The fruit is effective for headaches and cerebral vascular activity
  • Very good for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, combats intestinal lethargy. Improves appetite, restores intestinal function.
  • Peel oil shows itself excellently in the fight against ARVI, is especially effective in treating coughs, and is an excellent expectorant. With a strong, expectorating cough, they will help relieve chest pain.
  • Most best antiseptic. Heals wounds and prevents bleeding. Orange juice will help cope with sore throat, laryngitis, and other throat diseases.
  • Normalizes heart function, strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Orange oil is a very effective aromatherapy product. It has a calming effect, elevates mood, relieves exhaustion, relieves stress, helps you relax and have a good rest.
  • This fruit is capable of generating vitamin D in the human body.
  • Orange is almost a panacea for all diseases; the fruit can stop the onset of old age. By consuming orange oil, youth can be extended and at the same time the symptoms of atherosclerosis can be treated or prevented.

Application of the fruit

Orange is an amazing fruit, it is ready to help in the treatment of diseases, everything in it is useful, from a leaf to a flower. That's not all amazing facts, this fruit is used in various industries and spheres of life.

Bitter orange is often added in cooking, but since this bitter orange is not edible, only the zest is used. It is dried in the sun and then used to prepare various dishes. Most often, this aromatic “seasoning” is added when preparing desserts. Orange peel is excellent when added to batters and in making creams. Moreover, in addition to the wonderful aroma, when added to a moist environment (raw dough, cream, cottage cheese, ice cream), a unique pastel yellow color appears.

The peels are used to make candied fruits, dried and sprinkled with sugar, eaten as a dessert on their own or used to decorate cakes. Thanks to the wonderful citrus smell, the zest is also used to make compotes, jellies, tinctures, add to cocktails, and even make jams and make tea. Orange oil is used to create perfumes. Made from the zest medicinal tinctures which are used in folk medicine.

In addition to desserts, the zest of the fruit works well in main dishes. Orange gives meat a refreshing citrus aroma. It reveals itself best in poultry and is excellent as a seasoning for creating sauces. The skin of the fruit is also good with fish.

Orange extract

Orange extract is used in alternative medicine. It can often be seen as part of dietary supplements. It is actively used as an aromatic and flavoring additive in the preparation of low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks. Bitter orange extract is called synephrine, which at one time replaced ephedrine, which was banned in sports nutrition.

Due to its antiseptic and anti-aging properties, synephrine is often used in cosmetic medicine. Used to create anti-aging creams, as well as nourishing and moisturizing creams. Orange extract in cosmetology is also used as a flavoring agent in shower and bath products, and in the manufacture of anti-cellulite creams and scrubs.

This component has also found application in the production of pharmaceutical products. Synephrine is used in the manufacture of capsules, pills and even medicinal powder preparations.

Is it possible to lose weight with bitter orange?

Bitter orange extract is used to combat extra pounds. Synephrine is found in a huge number of dietary supplements, and in some it is the only component. It has a fat-burning effect, and also dulls the feeling of hunger and helps speed up metabolism.

To lose weight, you don’t always need to purchase and use dietary supplements, and since you can’t buy the fruit itself in our region, there are two options. First, it's easy to buy small tree and grow oranges at home. The second method is simpler; you can simply buy dried fruit, its zest, candied fruit or essential oil. For the treatment of such a systemic disease as obesity, any components of the fetus are suitable.

Fresh fruits; when losing weight, you can eat its fresh zest or use the juice to make homemade drinks. If it is a dried fruit, you can add it to food, meat or fish when cooking.

Precautions, contraindications

Very bitter orange healthy fruit, but you shouldn’t abuse it and increase the dosage. It has no direct contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the citrus fruit or its components. However, if consumed in excess, it can cause allergic reactions and cause severe headaches.

Before using an essential oil as an antiseptic for external use, it is worth testing. To do this, place a drop of oil on the back of your forearm, rub and wait a couple of minutes. If allergic reaction will not appear, you can use the oil for its intended purpose without fear.

And during lactation, you should not use fruits or other components of the orange fruit for the treatment or prevention of diseases. You should never self-medicate; before using this or that drug as a treatment, you should always consult a doctor first.

Many people are interested in orange, what it is. The orange tree is evergreen, which can reach a height of 2-10 meters. It is included in the genus of citrus and has branches: strong, long, thin. It differs from other varieties by the presence of fairly long, sharp spines. Grows in the Himalayas. Although its cultivation is carried out by residents of the Mediterranean, Caucasian territory and Latin America. Let's talk about orange in more detail.

What is Pomeranian

Which appearance orange? What kind of tree is this? This plant crop is familiar to everyone due to its main value - its fruits. The berry-shaped fruit is orange in color and slightly flattened. The fruits are somewhat similar to tangerines or small oranges. It doesn’t take much force to remove the fetal crust. Under it there are 12 segments with seeds, on which there are yellow grooves.

They are bitter in taste and inedible, measuring 60-70 mm. The orange flower is no less popular. It is called "orange blossom". The color is used in pharmaceuticals and perfumes. Around the world, the plant is also called sour or bitter orange, Seville orange, bigaradia.

His skin contains:

  • Essential oils;
  • Glycosides;
  • Organic acids;
  • Carbohydrates.

Enough high cost has a neroliic type of orange aroma oil, which includes: camphene, myrcene, anthranilic acid methyl ester, limonene, geraniol, linalool.

Thanks to these substances, the extract has a wonderful smell and has healing qualities.

This fruit is not usually eaten raw. But its unique taste and aroma are widely used in cooking. In particular, they are used for preparing candied fruits, marmalade products, and additives to a variety of sauces and drinks. Only orange peel, which contains many essential oils, takes part in all these processes. The pulp is not used in this case. The famous Avicenna also used the fruits of this citrus. He also wrote a large number of recipes for alternative medicine that are still used today.

Orange peel

It’s not for nothing that the plant is so in demand on the planet. The Pomeranian has big amount healing qualities.

The following can be distinguished:

  • Relieving inflammation;
  • Use in the treatment of rheumatism;
  • Calms, used to treat depression;
  • Rejuvenates;
  • Improves appetite, has a positive effect on the digestive system;
  • Choleretic effect;
  • Positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Bitter orange is also an antiseptic, eliminates spasms and relaxes. Orange peel accelerates the treatment of colds and respiratory diseases. This fruit is able to eliminate the inflammatory process of the testicles in representatives of the stronger sex. The grains of the tree can be said to be an antidote to human infestation by insects and snakes.

The following recipes are used in alternative medicine::

  1. Collection for loss of sleep. You will need 10 g of valerian root, the same amount of lemon balm leaves and hops. You also need to include 10 g of orange blossoms and mix everything. 2 spoons of this mixture should be brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. Place the mixture on the stove for 5 minutes, closing the lid. The drink should be drunk in the amount of 1 mug in the evening in a warm state. You can add honey to the drink. Nuts are suitable as a snack.
  2. Soothing orange collection. To create it you need to mix 20 grams. lemon balm foliage with 10 g of St. John's wort, add 10 g of orange blossom and 5 g of rose hips. You need to take 1 spoon of the mixed composition, pour 100 ml of boiling water and put on fire for 5 minutes. Strain the drink, drink it a cup 3 times a day.
  3. Collection of herbs to normalize appetite. You need to take 10 g of orange skin, the same amount of centaury and rose hips. Take 1 spoon of this mixture and scald with 200 ml of boiling water. The water must be clean. Leave for 5 minutes. stand and strain. Drink the prepared drink warmed before meals.
  4. Vodka remedy. To prepare, you need to take 1 spoon of dry orange skin and pour 400 ml of vodka into it. Vodka must be good. The mixture must be left for 2 weeks. Strain, apply in the form of compresses or for rubbing in case of joint injuries.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Where is orange color used?

The plant, whose flowers have a delicate bright white hue, was in demand in the Middle Ages. Many peoples used them to decorate the bride's head or decorate a wedding dress.

Flowers symbolized:

  • Cleanliness;
  • Tenderness;
  • Youth.

Only in the middle of the 20th century did the fashion for oranges fade away. Calla lilies and roses began to be used instead. During the fashion for plants unique tree was relevant. He was specially put in large capacity so that you can bring it into the house in cold weather. The most popular orange is the one planted by the wife of Charles III. The most delicate aroma, which contains light aromas of jasmine and notes of honey, has also found its use in perfumery. Even today it is used to make perfume.

But not so long ago, during the Renaissance, only rich people could use this kind of perfume. This is due to the high price of these fragrant flowers. Tender orange oil has been used by chefs in their recipes since ancient times. It is also used in pharmaceuticals. It was used to treat the plague. Today in alternative medicine it is used to treat various diseases.

The smell of orange

A fairly effective anti-aging drug is neroli aroma oil. Therefore it has quite wide scope use.

Its main effects include:

  • Narrowing of pores;
  • Elimination of small wrinkles;
  • Elimination of stretch marks;
  • Removing stress spots;
  • Cellulite remedy;
  • Remedy for dermatosis and eczema.

The aroma oil can be used for any skin type. It soothes, dilates blood vessels, is an antiseptic, and eliminates various irritations. Since the concentration level of neroli aroma oil exceeds analogues, before using it it is necessary to test for sensitivity. This will help prevent the development of allergies. Also, its relaxing properties are contraindicated when there is a need for a clear head and quick reaction. Like other types of cosmetics and medicines, neroli is not suitable for everyone. It should not be applied to the skin before going out into the sun. You also need to check for allergies to constituent substances.0.00 (0 Votes)

Orange also has indoor forms, the height of which does not exceed 1 meter. Orange branches have long, thin, sharp spines. This plant has fruits - berry-shaped, spherical, sometimes slightly flattened, 6 - 7 cm in diameter. The orange peel is very thick, with an unevenly bumpy surface. Peeling the orange is easy, since the thick peel is easily separated from the pulp. The fruit consists mainly of 10 - 12 segments, bitterish-sour in taste. Orange blossoms bloom in April - May, and the fruits ripen in November - January.

Spread of bitter orange

Its homeland is Southeast Asia, but orange is cultivated in the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and even Paraguay, as well as some countries of the West Indies.

Oregano is also grown as a indoor plant. The temperature limits of bitter orange are from 5 to 45 degrees Celsius, which makes it possible to expose the plant to the air in early June.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of bitter orange lie in its chemical composition. Fruit contain carbohydrates, organic acids (in particular, malic, citric, salicylic, gallic). The leaves, branches and young stems, as well as young unripe fruits, contain essential oil. All these substances are very useful for metabolism. Various tinctures are prepared from the crushed orange peel, which are used as a means to increase appetite. The unripe fruits of the orange tree are used as raw materials for the production of essential oils and alcoholic beverages. Orange fruits are used in medicine, and neroli and petitgrain essential oils are used to make marmalade, sugar crusts, soft drinks, and are also the basis for many perfume compositions. Infusions of orange flowers are also used.

By the way, oriental medicine has long noticed the beneficial properties of bitter orange and suggested using it as an antifungal agent. The essential oils contained in bitter orange have bactericidal properties, so it is widely used as an antiemetic, antitussive, diaphoretic, expectorant, and promotes digestion. Bitter orange is good for stomach pain and stomach and intestinal disorders. In oriental medicine, orange fruits are included in contraceptive products. The fruits of the "bitter orange" fresh are not consumed, but juice is made from them. Orange oil is an excellent remedy for herbalists.

Orange is often called "bitter orange".
This effective remedy against various nervous disorders. Relieves irritability, nervous excitability, sudden states of fear. Moreover, this excellent remedy in the fight against insomnia and sleep disorders. Tea made from the flowers and leaves of this plant is one of the best gastro-sedatives and helps with nausea and vomiting. May also assist with certain forms migraines caused primarily by stressful situations.

By the way

On the coat of arms of the city of Lomonosov, which was called Oranienbaum until 1948, orange was used in the image. Oranienbaum means “orange tree”.

Orange, or "bitter orange", has more beneficial properties than a regular orange.

There are also other names for this representative of the genus Citrus of the rutaceae family - bigaradia, bitter orange. The Latin species name is Citrus Bigaradia.

Evergreen perennial fruit plant. Homeland - Eastern Himalayas. Cultivated in Mediterranean countries and the Middle East; V former USSR- in the humid subtropics Black Sea coast Caucasus (from Gagra to Batumi) and in Azerbaijan.

Trees from 2 to 10 m high. Branches and shoots with large (up to 6-10 cm long) spines. The leaves are elliptical in shape, pointed, green above, shiny, lighter below, slightly toothed, wavy. Numerous translucent containers of essential oil are noticeable on the leaves. The flowers are large, white, solitary or in inflorescences, with a strong aroma. It blooms in April-May, the fruits ripen in November-January. The orange harvest in the southern regions of Russia is harvested in October-November.

The fruit is berry-shaped, spherical, sometimes slightly flattened, with a diameter of 6-7 cm. The peel is about 1 cm thick, lumpy, bright orange or orange-red, easily separated from the pulp, with a high content of essential oil. The pulp is orange, consists of 10-12 segments, sour, slightly bitter, with a large number of seeds.

hesperidin (up to 10%); Fatty oil (18%) was found in the seeds. The flowers and leaves contain a high content of essential oils.

Eastern medicine has long used orange fruits and juice from them. Furocoumarin umbelliferone, which has strong antifungal activity, was found in the fruits. The essential oil of the fruit is also characterized by bactericidal properties. This means that bitter orange is widely used as an antiemetic, antitussive, diaphoretic, digestive, carminative, expectorant, for abdominal pain, indigestion, congestion in the chest cavity, rectal prolapse, diseases of the spleen, painful urge to stool . The seeds are recommended for loss of appetite, chest pain, colds, cough, hernia, and inflammation of the testicles. Apply crushed externally to reduce freckles. In traditional oriental medicine, orange fruits are included in contraceptives.

Orange fruits are usually not consumed fresh, but are used to produce juice, soft drinks, and marmalade. Essential oil (neroli) is extracted from the flowers for the perfume industry. This oil is the most popular among aromatherapy singers.

The peel of the fruit (orange peel) and falling unripe fruits (orange nuts) - the size of a pea or nut, hard, greenish-gray, aromatic - are also used.

The dried peel of ripe fruits is used for the production of herbal preparations (herbal preparations - medicines from plant or animal raw materials, differ from new galenic preparations in the degree of purification from ballast substances). These two products - peel and "nuts" - contain essential oils, valuable organic acids, bitter substances, in particular the glycoside hesperedin.

In medicine, orange fruits and peels are used in preparations that stimulate appetite and help improve digestion. The peel is included as an aromatic bitterness in the finished pharmaceutical tincture.

Official herbal medicine values ​​​​bitter orange much more as a medicinal raw material compared to sweet orange - it has a higher biological content active substances.

Bitter orange is an effective remedy against a variety of nervous disorders. Used to reduce irritability, with increased nervous excitability, with sudden states of fear with rapid heartbeat; with neurasthenia with impaired stomach function and loss of appetite; for sleep disorders. Tea made from the flowers and leaves of this plant is one of the best gastro-sedatives and helps with nausea and vomiting. It may also help with certain forms of migraine, especially those caused by stressful situations.