Here's how to learn how to play correctly. How to play heavy tanks in World of Tanks

Here's how to learn how to play correctly.  How to play heavy tanks in World of Tanks
Here's how to learn how to play correctly. How to play heavy tanks in World of Tanks

The tactics of playing World of Tanks will differ significantly depending on what type of tank the player chooses.

How to play tanks on LT correctly

A light tank has good speed and low penetration and armor. He should “give” light to the team, conveying the position points of enemy vehicles. On light tank there is no need to try to inflict a lot of damage; the player will receive a sufficient amount of experience if other players inflict damage on him.

How to play CT correctly

Medium tanks are fast, maneuverable, have higher penetration than light tanks, and more armor. However, the ST is not a heavy tank; there is no need to try to “press” the enemy “head-on”. It is better for a medium tank to cover the “heavies” from annoying enemy light tanks that shine for tanks and self-propelled guns. CT, if played well, can eliminate enemy anti-tank vehicles.

How to play tanks on TT correctly

The heavy tank is the main strength of the team. He has good armor and high damage. It is the TT that sets the tactics for the entire team. “Heavy” should not try to eliminate tanks or self-propelled guns; it will be better if he chooses worthy opponents, equal to him in the enemy team. Heavy tanks usually try to take the most advantageous positions for shooting on the map, or “press” the enemy in the center.

Also, the tactics of the game depend on the map on which the battle begins. Each location has its own advantages and disadvantages, good players know them and choose positions that are convenient for themselves.

On “urban” maps, heavy tanks usually drive into the city. The LTs are trying to highlight and eliminate the “art.” On maps where urban and open areas are combined, the tactics of the TT remain the same, and the LT, in addition to eliminating the “art,” exposes their artillery to the “green”. In open areas, heavy tanks “press” mountains in order to take positions advantageous for the team; the tactics of the LT remain the same. For self-propelled guns best cards– cards with open area. For PT - maps with mountains, from which it is easy to shoot, and with bushes, in which it is easy to hide.

For a successful battle, you need to focus on the enemy’s tactics. You cannot leave medium tanks to be torn to pieces by enemy heavy tanks, let enemy tanks through to your artillery, and stand in the bushes for the entire battle to no avail.

The team must be distributed throughout the location, taking into account its characteristics; it is wrong when all the equipment goes in one direction, leaving the base and self-propelled guns without protection. Even if the team “pushes” the side it went to, its base can be captured by opponents, in which case the battle is lost.

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Good day, dear readers. Like any game, World of Tanks has small

1. We use tank armor correctly.

In almost any tank, the strongest point is the front of the turret. So you try to play from it, hiding your vulnerable lower armor plate and showing only the tower to the enemy. He is unlikely to penetrate you there, but if you have a tank with a large commander’s turret, then try to rotate the turret, drive back and forth, in order to make it difficult for the enemy to aim it.

This is roughly how we tank with a tower:

2. Clinch

When playing on a tank with a strong turret, especially against various tanks and tanks with commander turrets, we enter into a clinch in order to expose, again, our strongest armor. We also try to point the gun of your tank at the enemy’s gun, so we have a chance that when the enemy fires, our gun will take damage, maybe it will crit, but we won’t receive damage. We also rotate the turret to make it difficult for the enemy to target the hatches. Many heavy tanks with strong tanks, as well as ST (for example, T-62), are ideal for clinching.

This is approximately what a clinch looks like, on an IS-7 with a very strong turret, we huddle up to the E100 and don’t let him shoot at us at the NLD or VLD, he can only see our turret.

3. Side tanking

Many heavy tanks have powerful side armor, but many do not even know how to drive around corners correctly and quickly die. Let's analyze the situation, the enemy E100 leaves like many inexperienced players, thereby exposing our roller, we shoot at the roller, and if the enemy does not have a repair kit, then it is unlikely to get off (many simply do not even download the repair). So let's use this.

Here is an example of an incorrect exit:

Here's how to properly drive a tank with strong sides, do it minimum angle and we leave from the side, thereby hiding our vulnerable NLD, which in most cases of shooting at us will result in ricochets and not penetrate.

4. Targeting vulnerable areas

No matter how strong a tank in World of Tanks is, it has its vulnerable areas. For example, even the strongest tanks of level 10 can be penetrated into the NLD or the commander’s turret.

For example, with the E100 gun, which has weak armor penetration with an armor-piercing projectile, we can easily penetrate the T110 into the commander’s turret, since it is only the main frontal armor (even though the T110 is on the side, but that’s not the point).

5. Gold shells

Since many vehicles in the game have very strong armor, we are not always able to penetrate someone, especially if we are at a lower level. However, we can always load a cumulative or sub-caliber projectile (most often they act as gold projectiles) and penetrate a given tank, but we should not always do this, only in cases where you are dragging out a battle or really cannot penetrate the tank in any way point. If you shoot gold too often, you can fly into big minuses on loans, so we’re not overzealous. We'll definitely take a couple.

As an example, the E100 tanks with its turret; if you don’t have time to aim, as often happens in tense situations, we load a gold shell and freely shoot the E100 into the cheek of the turret. We wouldn’t be able to do this with an armor-piercing shell; we would have to aim the bar under the turret or the rangefinder on the roof and hope to pray to the VBR for a hit.

6. Penetration skins

A very useful thing that shows the weak zones of tanks, where it is easiest to penetrate, as well as the location of all modules (ammunition rack, engine, etc.) and crew members. This will make it easier for beginners to shoot at weak spots, so try to always crit the ammo rack, tanks and engine first, which can have a very bad effect on the enemy tank. You can download penetration skins from our website, for example, at.

7. Study the performance characteristics of the tanks you are fighting with

Especially their armor and weapons, which will be a huge plus for you in the future. You will know reloading, armor, its strengths and weak sides, you will understand whether it is worth entering into a duel with this tank. If you spend a couple of days on this, you will get much more. As they say, know the enemy by sight.

8. Carousel and swing.

Such simple names are also found in World of tanks. A carousel is a “spin” of an enemy tank due to its speed. Extremely useful thing for ST and LT, which will allow you to safely rotate tank destroyers and many tank destroyers, with a slow rotation of the turret. But any competent TT player will not just move the tower behind you, so we knock down his track, which will reduce the chances of catching us even more, and so we spin, keeping him on the rink with shots. The main thing is not to let them press against the wall, otherwise they can easily push us away and smack us. However, we will not be able to turn all AT and TT, knowledge of their rotation of the chassis and turret will be useful. We use it wisely.

Here in the screenshot, we shot down the track of the enemy E100 and are just spinning this slow barn.

Swing. This is also a very useful element that will be useful on Soviet and Chinese STs, as well as on some others. A low silhouette and a strong tower play a big role here. In tanks there are many tall tanks with a high silhouette, for example, E100, Mouse, Goose, etc., by getting used to the side of which we will make them practically helpless. You can do the same with other tanks if you have a strong turret. When “pressing” the enemy’s tank, we make sure to drive back and forth, thereby worsening the enemy’s chance of targeting our hatches on the turret.

This is how we got used to the E100 at object 140 and simply killed it by CD, rolling back and forth.

9. Artillery

This is what you should always remember when playing any class of vehicle. If you stand and shoot outside cover for a long time, the brown ones may attack you and take you away. So, let’s not be too heroic and play carefully.

10. Correct shooting from behind a bush

Almost every map has various bushes and trees that camouflage the tank well. Trees, for example, can be felled and they will work like a bush. So, many stand in the bush, shoot from there and wonder why they lit up. That's right, drive back 15 meters from the bush and shoot (15 meters is when the bushes become opaque). At the same time, our visibility is limited, you will only be able to shoot at the red outlines, but most likely we will not be illuminated. However, don't rely on not being exposed to light when shooting at close range. Also, do not try to stand in the bushes on huge tanks (such as Mouse, Waffentrager E100, etc.), even in them you can be easily detected.

This is how bushes should be displayed for safe shooting.

11. Deer Measuring

This mod loads the full statistics of players and displays them in battle, according to different ratings (RE, WN8, WN6, LR, etc., depending on the player’s choice. It will be extremely useful for players who have already played a couple of thousand battles to learn analyze team compositions. It is also useful for assessing the enemy with whom you are skirmishing, what to expect from him, and so on. This modification is also available in.


Another integral part of the game. When playing on heavy tanks, on ST, you can always accelerate well and ram more light tank enemy. But you need to do this wisely, try to fly into the stern or sides of the enemy with your ram in order to inflict as much damage as possible. Also, do not try to ram enemies that are larger than you in mass, if this is vitally necessary.

Using the E100 as an example, with a mass of 130 tons, even after accelerating from a couple of meters, we shoot 110, which always weighs 2 times less. If you accelerate down the mountain, you can fly at 1000+. But it’s better without fanaticism, only if necessary and confident.

13. Maps

Many players simply do not know the maps and go as a “herd” in one direction. If you re-read the forums and consider each tactic separately, you will increase your effectiveness in battle. So knowing the maps is no less important than knowing where to break through. Be sure to study the location of the art so that you know where they can attack you.

14. Blindshots

They're shooting blindly. Try in those moments when a standstill occurs to leave the bushes where enemy tanks usually stand. So, for example, on the Malinovka map you can leave from the lower respawn along the edges of the stones, where enemy tanks are usually hiding and simply remove their HP without being exposed, which will always be useful in battle. The main thing is not to blindshot too much; a couple of projectiles at predictable positions will be enough.

An example of a fake blindshot, but in a random game in 90% of cases there is someone standing and waiting for the light to appear

One of the most important components of a good game, when playing with a calculator you are unlikely to become a bender. Don’t chase a good picture, try to keep the FPS at least 30-40, less than that you will be extremely uncomfortable playing. Lower the settings, use it (in a modpack) and just keep an eye on the clutter of your computer/laptop, update the drivers, clean it on time and you will play well. Personally, the author rides on a laptop with 40 fps, because he’s studying, but nothing, it seems to play well.

16. Know your tank

Always, if you don’t know what your tank is, what tactics to use on it, what modules and perks to install, always read the forum or watch reviews from water makers (you can find a guide for almost any tank). By knowing your tank, its strengths and weaknesses, you will increase the effectiveness of playing it.

17. Platoon

In tanks, you can create a platoon of two or three people and play together in battle, which will increase your chance of winning if played correctly. However, try to play with more experienced players or friends first to learn tactics, etc. In a platoon you will play coherently and you can hope that your platoon mates will help you in difficult times, which will not be the case in a solo random game.

18. Useful mods

IN this moment A huge number of modifications are produced for the game, from tank skins to hangar clocks. I would like to touch on the topic of useful mods. Try to install the most necessary things, because if you install everything in a row you can simply specifically reduce the FPS, install only what can help you, all the pretty things are of no use to you. Many useful mods are provided in, install wisely, or better yet, watch the video to understand what each mod is.

Before you conquer the peaks, understand that neither watching YouTube videos nor detailed guides will make you an experienced player. Only thousands of battles, tireless training and daily practice teach you to win. However, with the help of five useful tips you will learn how to drive a tank well.

Find your class

World of Tanks has over 350 models of combat vehicles and eight nations. The equipment is divided into five classes:

  • Heavy - damage and strong armor;
  • Average - average indicators;
  • Lightweight - speed and visibility;
  • Self-propelled guns - damage from a long distance;
  • Tank destroyer - stealth and armor penetration.

Study the performance characteristics of tanks

How to learn to play World of Tanks if you don’t know the pros and cons of your own tank? Explore specifications every tank that is encountered during battles. Find out the weaknesses of your enemies: the location of ammunition, modules and crew - and inflict critical damage.

Master the game mechanics

To learn how to play World of Tank well, it is important to study the mechanics of the game. The information is on the surface and available to everyone: types of shells, crew perks, operation of modules and equipment. Some of the information is invisible, but understanding it greatly increases the player’s skill. We are talking about reduced armor, normalization and penetration chances. If you master the laws of World of Tanks physics, the level of the game will increase several times!

Remember the card

Watch and read guides to find out how to play World of Tanks on each map correctly. Explore the area and remember strategic points. Find workarounds too.


Use mods and customize the game for yourself. Among thousands of mods you will find modifications that will help you aim correctly or find out penetration zones on the fly!

How to play World of Tanks? This question is asked by any novice player, from the Belarusian company WG, and who has launched it on his computer. To begin with, it is advisable to understand what this toy is.

World of Tanks is a multiplayer online game, the short meaning of which is tank battles between two teams of 15 people against each other. Having installed and launched the game, we find ourselves in the hangar, where our tanks of the initial, first, level are located and where we can make the necessary game settings, adjusting the upcoming ones as conveniently as possible tank battles according to your preferences.

The game is huge, several hundred, and is presented in the form of ““, with levels from one to ten, and divided by nation. Accordingly, starting with a small, almost unarmored under-tank that hides in the bushes and shoots from there from a cannon the size of a police pistol, you will soon progress to incredible armored monsters with ship guns. And woe to anyone who falls under their gunfire. We’ve sorted out the description of the game, it’s time to press the “Battle” button and move on to the next question.

How to learn to play World of Tanks?

This is a more complex question, unlike the first one. It would seem that you press the big bright red “Battle” button and go ahead. But it's not that simple. It immediately turns out that life on the battlefield is not so simple. You have to get used to controlling the tank, the tank spins in place, drives as you like, regardless of this, it rotates the turret and shoots.

Thanks to the realistic physics of the game, you can destroy elements of the environment, such as houses, trees, etc., cross rivers and occupy high ground. In addition, the equipment needs to be upgraded, that is, the experience gained in battles must be spent on researching more and more sinister steel monsters and their modules. You don't want to hide in the bushes with a gun forever, do you? Therefore, we open and study Tank Science, other useful things and move on.

How to play World of Tanks correctly?

After getting used to the game a little and having chopped up a couple of hundred enemy wedges, the player may have a desire to play not just somehow, but “Correctly.” This is also not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you want, join good clan, where with the help of joint training and special battle modes (companies, platoons) you will raise your skill level.

If you want, explore the features of each piece of equipment presented in the game, they are all different and differ with each of the opponents. World of Tanks combines a beautiful and simple game with a huge number of little things that allow you to play better and better as you understand them.

World of Tanks is considered a mass and popular game, working online. It is for this reason that the number of players increases every day, which means that in a short period of time many newcomers come to the game. As a rule, they do not know the gameplay, interface and game technique well, for this reason there are a lot of ridiculous mistakes. This article will talk about how users can improve their statistics and skills, which will allow them to become good players in World of Tanks.

First, you must understand what kind of tank you need to fight, that is, become more familiar with its positive and negative sides. Such information can be found in its characteristics or you can watch a special video that performs a training function. All equipment has its own special role in combat, so the player simply needs to recognize it and perform it. For example, if you chose a heavy one, then it is recommended to place it on the most important areas in accordance with the strategy, where active and prolonged firefights will take place. But in addition to heavy equipment, there must be medium and light weight tanks on the battlefield, which will serve as scouts, provide support and help break through the flank.

The developers of this game have created several variations of location locations, which differ quite greatly from each other, so it is always difficult for a beginner to figure it out at first. If you want your battle to be carried out effectively, then it is important to know well not only the chosen technique, but also the map of the area where you are. In general, the card can be mastered during the acquisition of its personal experience or on special social resources. But the most important thing is to correctly distribute tank equipment over the area where the battle is taking place. Although now on many maps certain zones are already marked in advance where this or that military equipment may be located.

And a good player will already be able to afford to buy a new phone at, because he will make good money from games and YouTube. So there is something to strive for, so why not the iPhone 6:winked:

It is worth noting that if the player does not know the exact characteristics of a particular tank vehicle, then all the tips listed above will bring absolutely no benefit. In order for everything fighting were successful, you need to learn more about the armor of tanks that may be in the arsenal of your opponents. This means that each player must clearly understand where exactly the weak spots enemy. Of course, each tank has its own combat points, but this also allows us to highlight some patterns. For example, if you decide to shoot at the frontal surface area, then remember that it will be better when the projectile hits directly at the hull, which very easily penetrates the lower armor plate.

Everything that was listed in this article will help anyone succeed in game World of Tanks. True, at the very beginning of the game everything was quite simple and clear, since the number of military equipment and cards was much smaller than now. Only the method that allows you to achieve success has remained the same and it is actually very simple. But even if you follow all the recommendations, this cannot guarantee that the result will become noticeable immediately; progress will be achieved gradually. Although the speed of obtaining results still depends on how you assimilate the information acquired in battle. After a certain period of time, if you do everything in accordance with the recommendations given, the level of skill will begin to increase, so playing will no longer be as boring as it was at first.